Blair has established a proven track record of achieving standout results, in any market conditions. Extensive product knowledge plus high-end negotiation skills mean Blair is an excellent choice if you are thinking of buying or selling. In excess of $500M sales in Greater Ponsonby Top 5% Bayleys Agents Nationwide 2010-2022 Blair Haddow 021 544 bayleys.co.nz/blair-haddowblair.haddow@bayleys.co.nz555
Blair has established a proven track record of achieving standout results, in any market conditions. Extensive product knowledge plus high-end negotiation skills mean Blair is an excellent choice if you are thinking of buying or selling. In excess of $500M sales in Greater Ponsonby Top 5% Bayleys Agents Nationwide 2010-2022 Blair Haddow 021 544

R esidential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Westmere 3A Hope Street Sold $5,850,000 Freemans Bay 3 Ryle Street Sold $3,275,000 Ponsonby 11 John Street Sold $1,925,000 Ponsonby 60 Ardmore Road Sold $4,350,000 Ponsonby 74 Vermont Street Sold $4,250,000 Ponsonby 31 Kelmarna Avenue For Sale by Negotiation Herne Bay 10 Lawrence Street Auction 2pm, Wed 7th Sept 22 (unless sold prior) Freemans Bay 5 England Street Asking Price $2,225,000

4 PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January) Editor/Publisher: MARTIN LEACH M: 021 771 147 martinleach@xtra.co.nz or martin@ponsonbynews.co.nz Distribution Manager: JAY PLATT M: 021 771 146 jayplatt@xtra.co.nz or jay@ponsonbynews.co.nz Ad Sales & Contributing editor: ANDREA KAHUKIWA M: 021 689 688 andrea@ponsonbynews.co.nz Advertising Sales: JO BARRETT M: 021 324 510 joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz Advertising Sales/Ad Designer: MELISSA PAYNTER M: 027 938 4111 melissapaynter@me.com Operations Manager: GWYNNE DAVENPORT M: 021 150 4095 gwynne@ponsonbynews.co.nz Contributing Music Editor: FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT M: 021 134 4101 finn.huia@gmail.com Graphic Designer: ARNA MARTIN M: 021 354 984 arna@cocodesign.co.nz Annual Subscriptions: Within New Zealand $49. By cheque or credit card in NZ$. Please note: we do not hold back issues of Ponsonby News. Our archive is all online as pdfs. Please visit www.ponsonbynews.co.nz The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechaal, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the prior permission, in writing, of the copyright owner. Colour transparencies and manuscripts submitted are sent at the owner’s risk; neither the publisher nor its agents accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the publisher can accept no liability for any inaccuracies that may occur. PONSONBY NEWS is published monthly, excluding January by: ALCHEMY MEDIA LIMITED, P.O. BOX 47-282 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144, T: 09 378 8553, PONSONBYwww.ponsonbynews.co.nzNEWSisprinted on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. 006 LETTERS & EMAILS 007 FROM THE EDITOR 008 DAVID HARTNELL: ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW 010 RICHARD NORTHEY: WAITEMATĀ LOCAL BOARD CHAIR 014 THE LOCAL REAL ESTATE MARKET 022 COVER STORY: GOT MERLOT? WHERE’S YOUR SOHOMO? 024 ROSS THORBY: AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 WAYS 027 MIKE LEE: STANDING AGAIN FOR COUNCIL 028 CHLÖE SWARBRICK: MP AUCKLAND CENTRAL 030 MELISSA LEE: NATIONAL LIST MP 034 HELEN WHITE: LABOUR LIST MP 036 VOTING IN SEPTEMBER LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 041 LIVING, THINKING + BEING 046 EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY 048 FACES AT GREY LYNN FARMERS MARKET 056 HELENE RAVLICH: LOCAL FASHION & BEAUTY 061 FUTURE GENERATION 064 PONSONBY PROFESSIONALS 065 HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS 072 ARTS & CULTURE 080 THE PONSONBY PINK PAGES 082 PONSONBY PARK Cover & back cover Photography: Carolyn Haslett MONTHTHISINSIDE Spring and summer always mean a refresh when it comes to dressing your bed, and George Street Linen have a beautiful collection of soft colours arriving for the warmer months - P69

Auckland showroom , 299 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, sales @ ligne.nz, 64 9 393 5636

The Unitary Plan was created in 2010 to give effect to the Auckland Plan, the 30-year vision of Auckland which envisages another million people here. Growth was sensibly planned around and integrated with the infrastructure that would be required, from schools and roads, to pipes and parks. That Unitary Plan was completed in 2016 and the last of the appeals on it was only just recently settled. Until 18 August it provided for some 900,000 dwellings to be developed. Now in 2022 it appears New Zealand is in a ‘housing crisis’. In response, the government put in place the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) in 2020, requiring further intensification of at least 6 storeys within walkable distances of the city centre and transport hubs. At the end of 2021 the government then passed the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act, enabling yet further intensification according to new ‘medium density residential standards (MDRS) which allow up to three dwellings of three stories on any site (without the need to consult neighbours).
Puneet Dhall, Freemans Bay
Last month I wrote about ZooDoos leaving the Auckland Zoo. I quoted the manager, Peter Jan, this is the correction: “Over 30 years, ZooDoos have recycled tonnes of waste, saving Auckland Zoo and Auckland ratepayers millions of dollars in tip fees. We bring in aged bark and coffee grounds to make our compost with 35% from manure of zoo herbivores.” Apologises Peter for getting the percentage wrong.
I had intended to run for the Waitematā Local Board this year. I want to see greater accountability of our elected officials and bureaucrats. I have lived and worked in the Ponsonby and Westmere area for 15 years.
I am standing with ‘Communities & Residents’ in the upcoming local elections, and I suggest people seriously consider depriving City Vision of the monopoly it has exercised since the board’s inception.
Allan Matson, Auckland Central ERROR CORRECTION
Try as I might to impress upon Waitematā Local Board the need to protect SCAs, the board has deliberately refused to mention the words ‘special character areas’ in any of its submissions to or appearances before council’s planning committee on the matter, even though some 2.7 million dwellings are now enabled. After decades trying to protect the heritage and character of the Waitematā Local Board area, I am exasperated that City Vision do not appear to care much for heritage and character, to the point of having to take sides on the matter.
I hope that his passing was peaceful.
John Elliott’s family, Cait, sons Troy, Matt, Finn, and Theo, and sister Sally in Queensland, would like to extend our thanks to the Ponsonby News readers and community members who have marked John’s passing with lovely messages of condolence that have brought us much solace at this time. Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement. It takes a village indeed and Ponsonby’s unique character makes it a special place to live and work. May the Ponsonby News continue to tell the stories of the suburb and its people for years to come in recognition of its founding principles –unashamedly local and parochial. Cait McLennan Whyte, Herne Bay.
He was a most fabulous gentleman. A great loss for Ponsonby and will be missed. It was a beautiful funeral service and wonderful to find out more about all John achieved over the years. Thank you for sharing John’s story. What a lovely celebration of his life.
As a long term Ponsonby-ite I well remember my first Ponsonby News and always anticipated it’s arrival. Sending deepest condolences and kindest thoughts from SorryCroatia.for your loss, and that I can’t pay my respects. John was a fine man. Opinions expressed in Ponsonby News are not always the opinion of Alchemy Media Limited & Ponsonby News.
PS: A message from John in the Bardo – get informed and get out to vote!
At this stage my citizenship process requires one final element to be completed. Unfortunately I have NOT been able to have this done in time for the close of candidate nominations. And so alas I will not be able to offer my services to the people of Waitematā this year. But please be assured I’m not going anywhere. I have always been actively involved in our community and will remain engaged as a good (almost and soon-to-become) citizen on local issues, standing shoulder to shoulder with you on things that matter to you.
This letter is about the so-called ‘special character areas’ (SCAs), those native timber cottages, villas and bungalows that remain from Auckland’s first century of post-treaty settlement. Many people love to live in them, and some value their sustainability, while others see them as barriers to affordable housing, or as symbols of colonial oppression. I appreciate them for their intrinsic value as part of our built heritage.
On 18 August, among a raft of other plan changes, council notified Plan Change 78. It will, amongst other things, remove protection from a quarter of the last 21,000 so-called ‘special character’ houses with any protection. If people value them, then they should engage in council’s short 6-week ‘consultation’ period and make a submission by 29 September.
The one basis on which such intensification might not occur is where there are ‘qualifying matters’, things which either government or council identify as reasons not to intensify in particular places. Council identified ‘special character areas’ as a ‘qualifying matter’. Then, rather than setting out to assess the unprotected ‘special character’ houses it knew from six years earlier to exist, it set about making up a methodology to justify reducing the currently protected areas.
Gael Baldock, Westmere
I have only just seen your reporting on the recent passing of John Elliott. I am very sorry to learn of this and extend to you and the rest of the staff at Ponsonby News my sincere and deep sympathy on his death. He was a real character and a person who was a great identity in Ponsonby for so many years. I well remember his visits here at the office when he would be delivering one publication or another of local news or items and would always stop for a chat and a catch-up. He was a great friend of Ponsonby and will be sorely missed.
Matt O’Rourke 021 375 m.orourke@barfoot.co.nz909 Ryan Harding 021 621 r.harding@barfoot.co.nz580 “Appropriate advice based on current market values meant I sold my house in a market that was
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 7
tandoor-inspired snacks restaurant and bar
Wine and fashion are intrinsically linked and SOHO is a local business known for its less conventional and quirky marketing campaigns. As Rachael Carter tells us, “We take our wine very seriously, but know the importance of not taking ourselves too seriously! This is our fun and fashionable way of bringing merlot back.”
Helene Ravlich brings her local fashion and beauty tips in Hello Spring! With winter beating its retreat and spring and summer soon on their way, it’s time to get excited about fresh fashion and beauty as we head into the warmer months.
Thanks guys you were the best!” Claire - Pt Chev MATT & RYAN N 1 IN GREY LYNN * *Grey Lynn branch - year ending March 2022 TRIED & TRUSTED IN TRYING TIMES work their magic
this year. Finally, don’t forget to have your say in the local elections. Please see page 36 where we encourage everyone to do their research and check out who’s running and whether their values are similar to yours. We say please vote, Vote, VOTE! (MARTIN LEACH) PN
We learned last month that restaurant entrepreneurs Sid and Chand Sahrawat are returning to Ponsonby with a new establishment. The award-winning pair are preparing to difficult. once again plans a new later
to open KOL,
We are excited to have our friends at SOHO Wines on our front and back cover together with a 2-page spread in this month’s issue.
It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing last month of our dear friend Barkley Manor founder - Krista Strong. Krista had been fighting cancer for two years before she left us. Goodbye Krista – you are a legend who will never be forgotten. Our photo includes the February 2019 front cover of the Barkley Manor founder with team and friends. We asked two local real estate office managers about the state of the housing market. Looking ahead, locals appear to be feeling more confident after gaining a better grasp of economic fundamentals, with strong employment prospects and safety in the knowledge that residential property is a stable and proven long-term investment.

Surfing and being in the ocean are some of the key things I have found helps me unwind. Also a good walk on the beach or sometimes even just grabbing the putter and doing some putting practice helps me chill out. Tell us something very few people know about you.
Back in 1998 I went to Spain and ran with the bulls in Pamplona and after surviving the first run I did it again the next day. It was an extremely awesome, scary, and life changing experience. (DAVID HARTNELL, MNZM) PN
Complete the sentence: I will die happy if... I don’t see it coming. Who do you think is the most annoying celebrity today?
What job would you do other than your own and why? I would own my own company, not sure what industry yet (probably surfing or fishing industry) but still connecting with people every day and supplying great service. How would you like to be remembered? Just a genuine guy who had time for people and enjoyed life. What do you love most about your age? That I made it to 51 so far and I am still learning. If your life was an ice cream, what would it be called? Rum and raisin. How do you chill out?
Which TV series would you never miss and why? Magnum PI – just love the character Tom Selleck had to play. He always had his two good friends, one being a helicopter pilot (always good to have) and the other could get anything, anytime, anywhere. Where would your dream holiday internationally be? I would love to go back to Spain. What’s on your bucket list? To go and watch all the five major golf tournaments. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Still working in the industry that I love but might be slowing down slightly with a little more time to spend on fishing and surfing with my children (more of a work-life balance).
Luke Crockford has been in real estate in the Ponsonby/Grey Lynn area for many years. He has connections with the local community, especially the Richmond Road School where he recently presented them with a $5,000 cheque.
Kardashians – all of them.
Tell us what your job is. To connect people with property, whether buying or selling, and helping them have a stress-free process while doing it. What area do you live in and what's the best thing about it? I live on the border of Grey Lynn and Westmere and have been living in the area for 25 years. Over time I have gotten to know everyone by face every time I pop into the dairy or go to one of the bars. I love the community feel with cafes, restaurants and parks. It is just a very cool place to live. What do you like the most about Ponsonby? I love the diversification of food and people. How have you survived the pandemic and has it changed your life? Yes, I survived it but it definitely gave me a new insight and a newfound respect for teachers and daycare centres that deal with children day in day out. The first part of the lockdown was incredibly hard having two children ourselves, and trying to work from home was just next level. What was your childhood like? My childhood with great; I am the eldest of four boys. I was born in Australia and moved to New Zealand when I was 10. In Australia I had all the boy dreams of the beach life - fishing, surfing - which I still carry on today but include my family on my missions.

SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 902/10 Middleton Rd, Remuera 201/431 Parnell Rd, Parnell 1004/9 Princes St, Auckland 603/9 Princes St, Auckland Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Browns Real Estate Ltd (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ. NZSOTHEBYSREALTY.COM Together they bring a proven skill set in successfully transacting luxury apartments, showcasing that luxury is an experience, not a price point. JASON GADDES +64 21 994 jason.gaddes@nzsir.com921 KERRYN PETERS +64 21 280 kerryn.peters@nzsir.com0577 JAMES KELLY +64 21 855 james.kelly@nzsir.com987 Your Property, Your Team

This financial year will, as a result of prudent Waitematā Local Board and governing body decisions, see us retain our range and quality of council services, progress the Ponsonby Park project and the restoration and upgrade of the Leys Institute. The governing body also agreed with the three to one majority of our residents, as demonstrated both through an independent randomised survey and also by the content of their submissions on the budget, who supported a targeted rate to enable council to fulfil its climate emergency commitments and take more action to combat climate change. This targeted rate will reinforce our board’s own extensive and diverse work supporting and promoting low carbon lifestyles.
The council has just concluded the first stage of its consultation on potential changes to the council’s unitary plan, particularly the strengthening of its housing intensification provisions, which are now required of all metropolitan councils by legislation passed jointly by the National and Labour parties.
I agree that it is a high priority to act effectively to respond to the housing crisis and climate change by providing more affordable housing close to community facilities and infrastructure, particularly in our city centre and inner suburbs. However, we need also to protect the buildings and homes that make up our proud heritage and constitute the best of our special urban character, history, identity, inspiration and quality of family life in the city and our inner suburbs.
Work is continuing on an impressive artwork and entrance way under Mayoral Drive that will improve the experience of people entering Myers Park from Aotea Square. The restoration of the heritage cottage in the park is nearing completion and will be opened soon. The heritage toilets in Symonds Street by Grafton Bridge have finally been renovated and reopened but we are urging the provision of better-quality public toilets in central Karangahape Road.
My friend John Elliott died recently. He was very principled, energetic and committed to what he believed in, including his beloved Ponsonby and the Ponsonby News that he began. I will miss him and his sage advice a great deal.
Covid and its after effects has, both directly and indirectly, been the major cause of increased stress, alienation, crime, unwanted night-time noise, intimidation, and anti-social behaviour throughout Auckland, but particularly occurring in our inner-city town centres and business districts. Both the reality and the perceptions of public safety have clearly been harmed significantly.
I have been pleased that the council staff, Eke Panuku, Business Association members, residents and local MPs and councillors have joined local board members in working together to find ways to restore safety, address homelessness and reduce anti-social behaviour in these trying times, and to encourage and welcome students, visitors, artists, workers, and other people back to these areas.
In Ponsonby, Victoria Street, Fort Street, Karangahape Road, Parnell, Newmarket and in the Wynyard Quarter, people are regularly staying or coming in the middle of nights to commit crimes and create intolerable noise and other antisocial behaviour. Police had been over-stretched from their other responsibilities but are now able to and are taking more consistent action on these issues. It is great that they are reestablishing an inner-city hub, but the board still believes an actual police station or kiosk that the public can access is needed.
We are working regularly with these bodies to enhance the resurgence of the central city which is now well underway. Matariki, Elemental, Restaurant Month, the International Film Festival, the Writers’ Festival and other activities and events are also helping the inner city and city fringe businesses recover and attract people back.
Councillors, particularly local Councillor Pippa Coom, carefully considered the passionate and well-informed submissions of our local residents and made valuable changes in response. These changes proposals are now out for formal public responses and we encourage our community members to do so before an independent panel makes final decisions.
We carefully considered the views of the over one thousand local Waitematā residents who expressed their views in their submissions on these issues and we made a detailed and balanced submission in support.
The Grey Lynn library and the community centre will operate as they do now for at least the next ten years and in future the board will talk with the community about a possible new combined library and community centre, updating and maintaining the existing ones, or providing a new library and new community centre.
The daylighting of the Bayfield stream and the creation of a better path and bridge linking Cox’s Bay Reserve to Jervois Road was very well celebrated on 30 June. We will shortly reopen an exciting flying fox in Grey Lynn Park. Work is progressing well on designs for much improved facilities in Basque Park and Heard Park which have been discussed at board workshops and will be formally supported by the board this September. (RICHARD NORTHEY) PN I can always be contacted on 021 534 546, E: richard.northey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Each office is independently owned and operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ. BRITOMART +64 9 352 2502 REMUERA +64 9 353 1220 WAIHEKE +64 9 372 NZSOTHEBYSREALTY.COM5115 Put your property in the best company. Listing exclusively with New Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty gives you the opportunity to have your property featured in Property Style, our showcase lifestyle and property magazine* at our cost. Each issue features high profile influential New Zealanders, compelling lifestyle content, and the very best nationwide properties. Put your property in the best company. Contact us to list with New Zealand’s premier real estate company and achieve exceptional results. * Terms and conditions apply.

HONOUR MITCHELL I have lived in the Ponsonby area all of my life. I write the column ‘Teen Picks’ which explores everything on offer in the greater Ponsonby area.
HELENE RAVLICH A freelance writer and copywriter for almost 20 years, I have written for publications all over the world and couldn’t imagine myself in any other job.
SOFIA ROGER WILLIAMS A vegan for over a year and vegetarian for over seven years with a passion for writing. I am a local student reviewing some of Ponsonby’s best vegan eats.
ROSS THORBY I have had a wanderlust for travel ever since I was old enough to own a passport. Since I discovered cruising, I have become unstoppable.
LUCY KENNEDY I am a young local writer who loves to read! Each month you will find my reviews of new books for people who love to read as much as I do.
For the last 53 years I’ve been a freelance entertainment journalist and author. I’ve lived in the Grey Lynn area for nearly three decades; I have met and interviewed some amazing people.
Kia ora, I’m privileged to serve as your local councillor for Waitematā and Gulf delivering on transport choice, climate action, smart urban design, effective governance, and the restoration of the Hauraki Gulf. Please get in touch at pippacoom@gmail.com @pippacoom Postal voting for the Auckland Council election is from 16 Sept - 8 Oct. Check that you’re enrolled to vote at vote.nz
CONNOR CRAWFORD I am a working artist and photographer with a colourful and rhythmic perspective. I enjoy shooting the front covers of Ponsonby News.
PHIL PARKER Journalist and published author, I have had a career involving both wine writing and hosting boutique wine tours in the Auckland region.
KEN RING My yearly NZ Weather Almanacs began in 1999. During the tragic 2011 Christchurch earthquakes, my work created international interest. I currently live in Ponsonby.
PIPPA COOM I am Councillor for Waitemat a and Gulf Ward on Auckland Council. Formerly, Chair Waitemat a Local Board.

Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services John Wills 021 333 053 | john.wills@bayleys.co.nz BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE LTD, PONSONBY, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008 Ponsonby 15 Ardmore Road bayleys.co.nz/1671866 Ponsonby 82 Lincoln Street bayleys.co.nz/1671883

Bernadette Morrison Following the extraordinary performance of New Zealand’s residential assets which saw some $500 billion added to values during the first 18 months of the pandemic, some semblance of a slowdown was inevitable.
For sellers, the fundamental reasons to make a move persist and there appears to be a better understanding of market dynamics. We’ve seen good, immediate results from advertised price adjustments for those properties which have spent more time on the market.
A cooling of competition amongst buyers has given way to a more measured pace of market activity. When mortgage lending rates began their slow and steady creep upward from record low levels, we saw buyers pause for thought. Now wholesale interest rates have eased back and banks have reduced their fixed offerings, we’re seeing rising enquiry from buyers with confidence in their financial capabilities.
Bernadette Morrison
Ponsonby News asked Bayleys Ponsonby and Barfoot & Thompson Ponsonby, two local real estate companies to tell us their thoughts.
In the days of the most heightened demand and strong competition between buyers, many were missing out. Fastforward 10 months, and while there’s still a little hesitancy, there is also pent-up demand from purchasers and this is contributing to growth in open home attendance and enquiry for new listings.

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 15
It’s widely accepted that, if you can, you should buy and sell in the same market. Interest rates came down recently; what affect does this have?
(CHRIS BATCHELOR, Barfoot & Thompson, Ponsonby)
Having enjoyed the spoils of fixing our mortgage rates at historically low levels, homeowners are in a good position to manage the Reserve Bank’s inflation controls and those with equity are increasingly looking to leverage current market conditions. Upscale, turn-key properties with high-quality renovations and good vehicle parking are commanding the highest premiums.
Transactions are down, but we all appreciate that good real estate always sells in any market. Many locals tell us that over the lockdowns they looked at their homes potential asking themselves - do we renovate or sell up?
This depends on the property. People are being very cautious around do-ups with the cost of renovating and delays with building supplies, saying that some key developers in the area are very experienced and know what they’re doing. They back themselves (as do we) to be able to create dream properties for clientele in the area. The benchmark and standard of these renovations are increasing yearly, and we are seeing some stunning well-thought-out homes being developed. The demand, no matter what the market, seems consistent in this section of the market.
Anything else you’d like to tell us? Here at Barfoot & Thompson Ponsonby, we are incredibly optimistic about spring and the busy run-up until Christmas. We have signed some excellent new properties that will be coming to the market shortly with opportunities at both ends of the market. We feel the market is levelled, and vendors and purchases are both comfortable with where it currently lies and ready to move on with their property needs. As always, we are here to help should you have any questions.
It is fundamentally true that good real estate sells in any market, and our patch continues to largely side-step depressive market factors thanks to location, scarcity of highvalue homes and the determination of qualified buyers. Looking ahead, our locals appear to be feeling more confident after gaining a better grasp on economic fundamentals, with strong employment prospects and safety in the knowledge that residential property is a stable and proven long-term investment. (BERNADETTE MORRISON, Bayleys, Ponsonby) Chris Batchelor
Buying and selling in the same market is always a great idea. Yes, interest rates have come down slightly and depending on who you asked, they believe they will stabilise over the next 6 to 12 months and potentially even fall again towards the end of next year. It is a guessing game, though! It is always best to stick within your means and serviceability and ensure you get sound advice when entering into a new property purchase.
Chris Batchelor
The local market has had some challenges over the past six months, with stock levels and subsequent transactions down. Over the past two to three weeks we have seen a substantial lift in property sales and off-market deals happening in the area. The Greater Ponsonby area seems to have lifted, and the Wynyard Quarter office is also going extremely well.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the spectrum on Blair Haddow’s books is a charming postcard-like early-1900s threebedroom/two-lounge converted bungalow at 5 England Street in Freemans Bay. With an asking price of $2.225million, the immaculately redesigned home has polished native wooden floors, an impressive entertainer’s kitchen, and oodles of street and backyard appeal - with a white picket fence out front, and a large lush tropical garden reminiscent of a Balinese setting below an expansive deck area.
The trend outlined by realestate.co.nz is certainly being evidenced through leading Bayleys Ponsonby salesperson Blair Haddow who specialises in the Ponsonby, Herne Bay, St Mary’s Bay, Westmere, Freemans Bay, and Grey Lynn areas, and currently has four homes for sale in those locales.
Latest figures out from property advertising website realestate.co.nz show that the number of residential properties on the market for sale is at an elevated level – up 82.9 percent year-on-year in Auckland. realestate.co.nz spokesperson Vanessa Williams said: “Throughout 2021, we saw record-low housing stock month after month, which would have created challenges for buyers, and increased urgency in the market, but for the last few months, New Zealand has experienced housing stock levels not seen since 2019.
10 Lawrence Street, Herne Bay
The homes Blair Haddow is selling range from a pair of ‘entry level’ period styled homes, through to a high-end premium residence. The quartet of desirable Auckland western cityfringe properties are coming onto the market just as Blair has returned from Bayleys ‘Top Achievers’ incentive trip to Hawaii - where the agency’s best performing salespeople were hosted in recognition of their outstanding sales results over the 2021/2022 financial year.
The jewel in the crown of Blair Haddow’s current listings is a substantial and prestigious five-bedroom family abode spread over two levels at 10 Lawrence Street in Herne Bay – delivering multiple living options and a large open plan entertaining area surrounded on three sides by decks and patios. The kitchen is a domestic chef’s dream with high quality European appliances and an abundance of pantry space.
And rounding out Blair Haddow’s portfolio is a beautifully renovated two-bedroom/one-bathroom villa with open plan kitchen/living room/dining room at 31 Kelmarna Avenue in PricedPonsonby.forsale by negotiation, the modernised clean-lined residence features a chic décor complete with a private deck area leading down to a boutique private garden. The home’s master-bedroom delivers an elegant and serene space containing his and hers wardrobes, while the spa-like designer bathroom has marbled tiled walls, and a pair of double head rain showers.
“Although housing stock is rising and buyers are choosing more carefully, the fact remains that plenty of Kiwis are in the market, ready to purchase a home. So, although sellers may need to adjust their sales strategy to meet the changing market, in most cases, if you market your property well, buyers will be ready and waiting to make an offer.”
Four of the home’s bedrooms are located on the upper floor. With a sizeable study and multiple bathrooms the spacious grand residence has a double garage with internal linking staircase, and goes up for auction through Bayleys Ponsonby on September 7.
Plenty of homes for buyers to choose from in Auckland’s western city fringe says market data – and a top local agent.
5 England Street, Freemans Bay
“This has created a stable and less urgent environment for buyers — giving them time to think about their purchase, their offer, and arranging the necessary inspections.

Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services All the Experts, All over Greater Ponsonby We have the knowledge, experience and proven track record to ensure you get the best result in any market. Contact us today. 09 375 8650 | ponsonby@bayleys.co.nz 305 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE LTD, PONSONBY, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008

Preventing any oral disease is key to good oral health:
“We look forward to your visit and enjoy your experience at the re·dental clinic.”
RE-DENTAL, 1 Jervois Road, T: 09 600 1739, www.re-dental.co.nz
“Good oral health plays a vital role in your general health and well-being,” says Dr Elizabeth Kim at Re-Dental based on the corner of Ponsonby and Jervois Roads.
4. Have regular visits for an oral health assessment at your dentist - recommended at least 6-12 monthly. Regular professional monitoring and cleaning are critical for prevention, which is the most effective and inexpensive way to look after your oral health.
We will listen to your concerns, show the photos and X-rays and talk you through the treatment plan so you understand what's happening before, during and at the end of the Eachtreatment.patient is treated with respect and provided oral health care on a level that we would provide our closest family members. We strive to create a beautiful and healthy smile by conserving natural teeth with biomimetic dentistry prioritising the health of your teeth and gum. We will restore and protect the teeth with modern, advanced and scientific evidencebased treatments, and we will help your mouth stay healthy for a long time. What tips do you give to your patients to help them develop better dental hygiene?
“This is why I have decided to start a new journey to open a dental clinic after several years of working at multiple private practices since graduating Otago University. I wanted to create a soothing environment that will make you feel like you are on a treat rather than at the dentist, hence you will enjoy looking after your oral health.
1. Brush your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes with fluoride toothpaste. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if bristles are splayed or worn.
“I enjoy performing cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate people's smiles. I have changed hundreds of smiles over the past eight years, which I find most rewarding as it helps people not only to achieve a beautiful smile but also boosts their confidence and helps overcome dental anxiety, all of which brings about a healthy lifestyle.”
How do you get patients to trust you and your recommendations?
2. Cleaning between teeth with dental floss or interdental brushes is a vital part of daily oral care and will help improve gum health.
Taking care of your oral health is an investment in your overall health in different dimensions of wellness - physically and emotionally. Oral health influences how we react through facial expressions, speech, and smiles and these factors directly impact the emotional dimension of wellness, as oral health connects to how we express and feel about ourselves.
3. Maintain good general health, healthy habits, good diet and exercise.

re· fresh re· vive re· yourjoicesmile. Cosmetic and General Dentist 1 Jervois Road 09 600 1739 Experience dentistry differently at re· dental clinic. Our beautiful, modern and soothing environment and compassionate team strive to bring you quality care and make your visit with us the most pleasant and enjoyable experience possible. We want you to feel relaxed while you are here and freshen up a new smile when you leave. Dr. Elizabeth Kim BDS (Otago) * Results may vary. All treatments carry risks and benefits.

Mike Lee was the chairman of the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) before the the Super City was created. A recognised environmentalist and a champion of local democracy he helped add 1776 hectares of regional parkland across the isthmus. His track record of fairness, kindness and consensus is legendary. Honest and reliable, Mike Lee’s common sense is a breath of fresh air. Tick.
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 21
Alan Matson is the long time champion of Auckland's built heritage. For over 20 years he has fought to protect significant buildings that quivered beneath the wrecking ball. Like me, he is a lefty and has joined forces with Communities and Residents because only a coalition of common sense will save us now. Tick.
Even though I've voted Labour/Green all my life, I can no longer stand by and watch my town torn apart by Coom and City Vision's misguided urbanism. Together they have systematically brought our city to a standstill, cut down our local forest, attacked our street trees, ruined Queen Street and forced small businesses to the brink.
For the Local Waitematā Board I'm voting for Sarah Trotman, Alan Matson, Greg Moyle, Genevieve Sage, Chris Severne, Len Ward of Communities and Residents (C&R) and independent Gael Baldock. Sarah Trotman is a bright spark. The only local board member that bothered to really listen to the public, investigated the issues, heard both sides and then made her own decision.
In this market you need trust, experience, positivity, and problem-solving skills. With a proven track record over 25 years, we know how to deliver results in all markets. Do it once and do it right with Kym and Tricia.
The current local board and council have both wilfully ignored the community over relocating the Erebus memorial, protecting trees on Owairaka and ending chemical street spraying - all the while raw sewage still flows into the Waitematā Harbour every time it rains! We need a change and a fresh perspective on all the issues.
Trotman stood with the community to save the Western Springs Forest. She supported Parnell people to relocate the Erebus memorial and helped to protect Owairaka. A lone voice, she called out the injustice of block voting by City Vision and resigned, rather than stay in that toxic environment. Tick.
Kym Aikin 021 596 kym.aikin@bayleys.co.nz222
I'm voting for Mike Lee to replace Pippa Coom in the local body elections. It's that simple.
Greg Moyle has been a long time advocate for the Western Bay/Waitematā ward supporting local businesses and encouraging sensible improvements that enhance our local shopping villages rather than destroy them. Open minded and compassionate his community service has won him many friends across a broad political spectrum. Tick.
RESIDENTIAL Lafferty 021 611 tricia.lafferty@bayleys.co.nz205
Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services100%SUCCESSRATE NEWSLOCAL
Genevieve Sage, Len Ward and Chris Severne are all newbies, but I am optimistic under Mike Lee's captaincy this new crew can turn the boat around and navigate the perils that divide us to find a way through to calmer waters. Common sense is the missing element in our political system. Global ideology swamps clear thinking and greenwashing goes unopposed. If we are to curb Auckland Council's insane policy of 'creating congestion' with humps, bumps, hit sticks, and raised tables we must vote for people who are not brainwashed by the bureaucracy; people strong enough to challenge fake and flawed consultation by the CCOs (Council Controlled Organisations); people who will not be driven by predetermined edicts from central government; people who will listen and represent the voice of the public. Vote for a change, because it matters. Vote for a coalition of common sense. (LISA PRAGER) PN

NEWSLOCAL HaslettCarolynPhotography:
Discussing wine, enjoying wine with family and friends, discovering new food pairings is all part of what makes the wine experience so social and the name SOHO very much represents this.
Not only is your name distinctive, SOHO is known for its less conventional and quirky marketing campaigns. Where do these come from? They come from the mind of an insomniac! I had a real desire to break from tradition and show wine in a different light. Our marketing is contemporary, stylish, a little risqué.
Dad purchased a second vineyard at 74 Onetangi Road where we will start building in early 2023. We are creating a SOHO cellar door, restaurant and accommodation. The look and vibe will be “vintage industrial New York” where simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (perfect imperfection). We are currently on the look-out for a restaurant partner…
For all the red wine drinkers out there that haven’t tried our “Revolver” Merlot Blend, you don’t know what you are missing. It is sumptuous, decadent and smooth, a bit like a SOHO Wine Rep. Not many wines get a 19/20 rating by Raymond Chan. Family-owned vineyards are very important to you. Can you tell us about your late father John Carter’s vineyard on Waiheke where the “Revolver” Merlot is grown?
Why the quest to bring back Merlot and with a Merlot Moustache? Wine and fashion are intrinsically linked. The SOHO ethos is about life’s influences and inspirations. We take our wine very seriously but know the importance of not taking ourselves too seriously! This is our fun and fashionable way of bringing Merlot back. I loved the GOT MILK campaign with David Beckham etc. created by Goodby Silverstein, so this is our Kiwiana version.
Dad’s main Waiheke Vineyard is in the sheltered Onetangi Valley (above the golf course). Some of the vines are now 20 years old so we are seeing unprecedented depth and richness in the wines combined with one of the greatest Waiheke vintages in the last 15 years. Our awarded Westwood Rosé is also made from our handpicked Waiheke Merlot grapes.
Pre-Christmas we will be releasing our first Waiheke Methode Bubbles called MARA. SOHO is getting a new home on Waiheke. Tell us about this project.
SOHO has a new in-house Winemaker. Our new winemaker is the highly respected and super talented Pete Turner pictured below. When Pete is not at the winery he can be found in our Herne Bay Office or in the

Even though you describe yourselves as “boutique” we are intrigued to learn that you are in 15 export markets. Yes, we are extremely lucky to partner with some of the world’s best wine distributors. Key for me in business has been dealing with likeminded partners and people. Our vision has always been to be served in the best bars, restaurants and hotels in the world. Our latest international SOHO listing is at the exclusive COMO Laucala Resort in Fiji. Our Fijian agent, Victoria Wines, is headed by the fabulous Kate Vusoniwailala; what’s that Beyonce song? [Girls] Run the World! www.sohowineco.com
If you are a fan of Azabu, Jervois Steak House, Monsoon Poon, NSP, and White & Wongs jump on our Instagram @sohowineco for your chance to win!
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 23 trade educating SOHO hospo clients. Pete is a self-confessed slightly obsessive compulsive (seems to be a pre-requisite at SOHO) whose approach to wine has always been about the experience and the now. Can you explain your three collections of wine? White Label – predominantly our retail wine at the slightly more accessible end. Pink Label – aimed at bars, restaurants and fine wine retail. *We donate 50c per bottle and have so far donated $87,000 to our 3 amazing charities.
– served in bars & restaurants. We have amazing support from our hospitality partners and throughout the month of Sept we are giving away five x $200 restaurants vouchers.
All five restaurants proudly supply our Revolver Merlot.

As New Zealanders, we were known for our wanderlust and this confinement has been difficult for many of us. Never before has our national flightless bird symbol been so appropriate. The more adventurous of us are now stepping over the threshold to rediscover Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa. For those less adventurous - maybe a tentative trip to Australia or Fiji. Once again becoming familiar with queues, security guards, immigration officers, bag searches and (horrors) the possibility of a more invasive body search. The longest journey of a thousand miles always begins with the first step and we have to start somewhere.
All through the pandemic, the trust that runs the gardens, has been continuing to work, and in May this year opened their latest opus, the ancient gardens of Egypt.
So Egypt is not quite your thing? You can walk around the corner and visit gardens inspired by the Taj Mahal, maybe the Char Bagh - the “Paradise Garden,” its flowers laid out in front of the open pavilion like a beautiful Persian rug, or maybe the Japanese garden of quiet contemplation, then finish with the Italian Renaissance Gardens where, any moment, Romeo and Juliet may expound their undying love from the balcony, or perhaps wander an English flower garden before exploring the castle ruins. All of this is within a 90 minute drive and not an immigration officer with rubber gloves in sight.
"This scene is oh so familiar, of my many trips to the land of the Pharaoh, and yet - it’s not.”
characters - also in dirty white galabeyas. This scene is oh so familiar, of my many trips to the land of the Pharaoh and yet - it’s not.
Begun in the early 60s in the city's rubbish dump, they now exhibit twenty eight gardens covering their evolution throughout mankind. And more are planned.
I have discovered that we don’t need to leave home to discover the delights of the world or my beloved Egypt. It is in fact, already on our very own doorstep. This is not a garden in paradise, but in the Waikato, not a twenty four hour flight away, but a short trip down the newly opened Waikato Car-lotta,expressway.the wonder van, had been sadly neglected over the past few months and it was time for a trip around the North Island to blow off the cobwebs, charge up the icebox and further deplete the lagging supply of duty free gin - with the first stop being the Hamilton Gardens.
It has been two and a half years since we were plunged into this pandemic. But now we are finally able to emerge from the safety of our cocoon, cautiously peering around the opening doors of our internment to tentatively step across the threshold to rediscover everything that used to be so familiar. Slowly Roscoe - just baby steps first.
Any minute I am expecting a pesky peasant in a dirty white galabeya to jump out from behind a column and try to sell me an “original” fake ushabti figurine, or offer to guide me to some ancient tomb just off the beaten track, behind some dodgy looking building, occupied by equally dodgy looking
On this 55 hectare site bordering the Waikato River, you can visit just about every type of garden you can imagine. It’s a tourist attraction that, pre-covid, drew one million visitors a year, and yet a lot of Aucklanders have never heard of Hamilton Gardens, let alone visited them. If they did they would return again and again.
The first of the cruise ships have begun to return and before we know it we will be welcoming international students and foreign workers and life will begin again - until the next time. So here I am - sitting beside a long colonnaded sandstone and block wall surrounding a sanctuary. Brightly painted columns cast shadows over a shallow reflective pool reflecting the image of a distant blue sky while the mirrored surface is occasionally disturbed by fish flitting about the lotus and papyrus plants just beneath the surface.
Don’t leave home until you’ve seen it. (ROSS THORBY) PN
At the end of the colonnade sits a temple decorated in the images of a long forgotten Pharaoh and his Queen, making offerings to an also long forgotten God; the colours painted on the hieroglyphs and carvings so bright and colourful, that they could have been painted last week. The flagstones - hot beneath my sandalled feet help create a microclimate that protects the enclosure from beyond the walls; the air here is calm and the atmosphere reflective and tranquil.

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 25 NEWSLOCAL PONSY KIDS PRESCHOOL – THE FUN NEVER STOPS! Tamariki get to experience so many different things while at Ponsy Kids Preschool. A t P o n s y K i d s C o m m n i t y P r e s c h o o l , c h i l d r e n a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s a r e a t t h e h e a r t o f e v e r y t h i n g w e d o . . . S e s s i o n s a v a i l a b l e f o r t a m a r i k i a g e d 2 - 5 y r s ! e m a i l a d m i n @ p o n s y k i d s o r g n z o r p h o n e u s o n 3 7 6 0 8 9 6 20 Ponsonby Terrace www.ponsykids.org.nz Along with art and crafts, storytime, building blocks and carpentry, the sandpit, climbing boxes and water play, we have extra interactive programming happening throughout the year. One of our regular experiences is Snow Day – real snow is trucked in for the children to play in! Other events include Music Man Antonio, who comes to sing and play instruments every Thursday, and Coach Kylie, who comes every Friday to teach different sports. We also had some scientists visit to do some experiments with us recently! We love to celebrate everything that makes Aotearoa special by creating activities for events like the Commonwealth Games, Matariki and the Chinese New Year. Surprise visits from superheroes are also par for the course… PONSONBY COMMUNITY CENTRE, 20 Ponsonby Terrace, T: 09 378 1752, www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz

The Ponsonby People’s Union was established in early 1972 at an old shop in the Western Park buildings (since demolished) at 15 Ponsonby Road, says spokesperson Roger Fowler.
The Union ran a food co-op, which soon became very popular, slashing the cost of fruit and veges and some locally sourced grocery items. They offered advice and advocacy on tenancy and civil rights issues (like a CAB), and free bus services for visitors to Paremoremo Prison each Saturday, and Waikeria Prison each month.
LEYS INSTITUTE LITTLE LIBRARY, 14 Jervois Road, T: 09 377 0209, www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz
After the fun that was had at Tales by Twilight in July, we here at Leys Library have decided to do it all again. On Friday 9th September at 6pm pop on your pyjamas or onesie and join us for a little Leys special after-dark storytime. There will be stories, music, dancing, bubbles, plus milk and cookies to close the evening. We look forward to seeing you all for a cosy night. We have a few more sessions of Wriggle and Rhyme this term before we break for the October school holidays. Join us on Wednesdays at 10am or 11am at the Ponsonby Baptist Church Hall (corner of Seymour Street and Jervois Road) for a half-hour session of songs, rhymes, bubbles, and fun. The last session of the term will be on Wednesday 28 September, but we will be back on Wednesday 19 October.
The Ponsonby People's Union mobilised the community in support of tenant’s rights, such as halting evictions and fixing substandard housing. They worked closely alongside other organisations such as the Polynesian Panthers, ACORD and Ngā Tamatoa to defend civil liberties and against harassment and the Dawn Raids etc. They published 22 editions of the ‘Ponsonby People's Union Community Information Service’ free newspaper. They also ran a child care programme, and many local campaigns for the community. Members of the Food Co-op supported these activities.
The Ponsonby People's Union closed in 1979 with the pending demolition of the block and the trend to gentrification of the area and the migration of families to South Auckland. However, we have some new people joining the team at Leys, so hopefully closing at odd times will become a distant memory. If you are lucky enough to meet our new team members on your next library visit, remember to say ‘Kia ora’ and welcome them to the best suburb in Auckland.
Tēnā koutou Ponsonby. We are sorry we have been closed or only able to offer an ‘at-thedoor’ library service several times in the last few months.
At Parnell Library on Friday 9 September, we are celebrating the Mooncake Festival. The wonderful team at Parnell are hosting a mooncake-making workshop for adults (children 12 and over also welcome to attend). (CHLOË – Community Library Manager)
To book your place phone 09 377 0209, email parnelllibrary@aklc.govt.nz, or message us on Hours:Facebook/ParnellLibrary.Monday–Friday9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-4pm.
Over at Grey Lynn Library this September they have a very special guest. The gorgeous doggo Maggie. Maggie is a qualified outreach therapy pet and all-round good girl. She will be at Grey Lynn Library 3:30-4:30pm on Tuesday 6 and 20 September to listen to children read aloud and help them build some confidence in literacy by providing them with some snuggly judgment free support and comfort.

If this applied to the Rome of Cicero’s time, it’s even more apt for the Auckland of today. Strange times we live in. Most readers will know by now, I’ve been asked to stand again for council. I agreed because Auckland is being so badly mismanaged and the people of Waitematā & Gulf at least deserve a fair election.
The next evening, back across town, we attended a Freemans Bay Residents Association meeting to discuss the government’s NPS on Urban Development. Especially its impacts on our unique historic and much-beloved wooden suburbs, currently protected as ‘Special Character’. These are being targeted for intensification in an attempt to make up for the government’s failure to deliver on promises to solve the housing crisis. However if anyone thinks first home buyers, let alone the street homeless are going to be moving into a condo in St Mary’s Bay anytime soon they’ll be sadly disillusioned. Instead of wrecking our heritage suburbs the government should emulate what the first Labour government so brilliantly achieved, (incidentally led by two local MPs Michael Joseph Savage PM and John A Lee); a government programme to actually build new homes in any number of available sites, including in central Auckland. Instead this government is trying to make up for its failure to build for the future by unthinkingly robbing us of our past. And not just ours, the heritage of future generations of Aucklanders. However I can report Freemans Bay will fight – as will St Marys Bay, Western Bays (Ponsonby) Grey Lynn, Parnell and the multiple residents’ groups represented in the ‘Character Coalition’. Submissions on the council Plan Change 78 opened on 18 August and close on 29 September. The local board and council should be with the community in this battle but instead of being part of the solution, sadly, as the common theme of my various meetings revealed, they are all too often part of the problem. (MIKE LEE) PN www.mikelee.co.nz
The first, the AGM of the RMTU, the union representing train staff.
The issue of concern, apart from AT management’s anti-worker attitude, was, quite surprisingly given the amount of public money that has gone into rail in recent years, the emergence of a clear antirail agenda within AT. AT’s decision to permanently end the direct Queen Street-to-Queen Street (Onehunga) rail services, under the pretext of temporary CRL work, is one example. Another, the premature termination of rail services to Pukekohe (though these we are told will be resumed once the line is electrified in two years?). These fit into a pattern of AT decisions, most taken without public consultation, going back several years. They include the cancellation of planned services to rapidly developing Huapai/Kumeu; eviction of the ‘Northern Explorer, the Auckland-Wellington train, from Britomart; the overturning of long agreed plans to extend rail to Auckland Airport and its replacement with a bizarre $14.8bn light rail-in-a-tunnel scheme (which could yet cost $29bn!). Consistent with this pattern, counter-intuitively, given that rail is the most climate friendly transport mode (‘steel wheels on steel rails are 85-99% more efficient than rubber tyres on asphalt’) there is no mention of rail in the council’s 10-year $574m ‘Climate Action Targeted Rate’ spending which is focussed mainly on extra bus services. We then went to a meeting at Surrey Crescent where we found small business owners and church people in despair at AT’s plans to construct a roundabout and remove their vital parking. I came away thinking how unfeeling these council/AT people are; and given Auckland Council is virtually broke, how is it that AT has endless amounts of money to keep imposing these expensive, disruptive road works? Then on to Parnell for the traditional local body election meeting. In the past this was for candidates for the Waitematā Local Board and Waitematā & Gulf ward. Unfortunately since Auckland Council gerrymandered the ward boundary against the wishes of 88% of public submissions in 2018, Parnell is now in the Orakei ward but bizarrely still in the Waitematā Local Board Area. The burning issue for Parnell residents is the Erebus Memorial at Dove Myer Robinson Park and the way the government, Auckland Council and the City Vision dominated local board went about imposing it against the wishes of the community. I have to say that while the polite Parnell folk were clearly struggling to control their anger at the City Vision incumbents, we came away with the clear impression that the board’s over-riding of public concerns will have consequences at the ballot box.
In the two days before this ‘Ponsonby News’ deadline I attended a number of meetings with my campaign organiser Puneet Dhall, which on the face of it couldn’t be more different but which I found had a common theme.

As always, there’s a lot more that’s been happening this month which I invite you to reach out and chat about if you’d like! I submitted to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board to support their community ambitions in repurposing space currently used for a greyhound race track (and the harm that comes with it), which if successful, would phase out the practice in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. The campaign to save the St James rolls on with serious focus on locking in a strategy and government funding. Ongoing work with Max and the family behind iconic foodtruck
A healthy environment is crucial to our collective wellbeing.
Funded by Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Chlöe Swarbrick, Green MP for Auckland Central, 76 Karangahape Rd, Auckland. move by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to pay them what they’re worth, ensure safe working conditions and functional Onequipment.Friday19
August, career firefighters across Aotearoa New Zealand walked off their job for a very carefully selected hour, for the first time ever. It wasn’t something done lightly and even in the thick of it, I was talking to long-serving truly public servants whose anger and upset was palpable – they didn’t want to have to do this for their basic needs as essential workers to be recognised. With our Workplace Relations Spokesperson, Jan Logie, raising these issues in the House, I’ve initiated work through the Cross-Party Group on Mental Health, hoping to progress extension of ACC coverage to front-line workers with repeated exposure to trauma.
In the recent Parliamentary Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee report on the Civil Aviation Bill, you’ll find a Green Party differing view co-authored by Hon. Eugenie Sage and myself regarding exactly these concerns which we have and will continue to take to the transport minister. I’ve also raised these concerns with the mayor and addressed them with the environment minister. In a climate crisis, let alone a housing crisis, where more of us are becoming more comfortable with the idea of living in closer proximity to each other near the city centre, the loud uber-convenience of a handful of people at the expense of everyone else’s quiet enjoyment has never felt quite such bad taste. It’s past time to fix the rules so we’re not having to so frequently, quickly, and reactively scramble together to defend our shared peace.
Chlöe Swarbrick MP for Auckland Central
28 PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January) NEWSLOCAL CHLÖE SWARBRICK, T: 09 378 4810, E: chloe.swarbrick@parliament.govt.nz www.greens.org.nz/chloe_swarbrick CHLÖE SWARBRICK: Auckland Central MP
Talking of collective action, it’s been a privilege these past few months getting to know our local Pitt Street firefighters and the fight they’ve had to raise in absence of any meaningful Kia ora Ponsonby!
Get in touch about any local issues or if you need support. I’m here to help and would love to hear from you. 09 378 4810 chloe.swarbrick@parliament.govt.nz
Let’s talk about our community.
The White Lady has exposed an opportunity to turn ad hoc compliance and complaints into a blueprint for more vibrancy downtown. I joined Ngāti Pāoa, Waiheke locals, Massey University researchers and the Department of Conservation at a hugely concerning (and very rare) mass stranding of dolphins on Whakanewha Bay, Waiheke – with more to come on why this happened and how we prevent it in the future.
We’re talking clean water, beaches and streams; thriving trees and lush canopy; fresh air and clear skies. These are things we can take for granted, or as Joni Mitchell put it in 1970, “You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone”.
Jan Logie and Chlöe Swarbrick holding up a firefighter’s protest shirt in Parliament that reads: Support Us So We Can Protect You!
I’m grateful to have joined Quiet Sky Waitematā in their recent and ongoing organising to protect our residential skies from buzzing with all the more regular, exorbitantly polluting and excessively disruptive private helicopter flights. This is an issue I’ve become deeply familiar with by virtue of their proliferation on the Hauraki Islands, where unfortunately unlike with the sliver of public consultation in mainland Auckland, consents for new pads are not notified.

MPLee@parliament.govt.nz Broadcasting
I’m writing this column having returned from a visit to South Korea. I’ve been humming through an energised week of meetings, workshops, forums and engagements, big and small across Seoul. From meeting with cabinet ministers and senior parliamentarians, locally and internationally, to visiting global business and talking constantly about New Zealand, the entire time I have been looking at the big picture of the future of our economic and societal outlook in the aftermath of one of the hardest experiences the current global community has faced. I’ve been to Samsung Town seeing the latest in digital innovation and thinking how we can bring these new technologies on shore to benefit New Zealand. I’ve been to celebrations of Korean identity and culture as part of the annual Gwangbokjeol
Melissa Lee National List MP based in Auckland
& Media| Digital Economy and Communications | Ethnic Communities E: mplee@parliament.govt.nz
Authorised by Melissa Lee, Parliament Buildings,
Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Melissa Lee, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. If you require any assistance I and my office are always happy and ready to provide advice and support
As we head into the final quarter of the year with flash flooding, storms and wild weather hitting Auckland, we can also take stock on the issues affecting our city and New Zealand. In earlier columns I’ve talked about the cost of living crisis, the serious crime hurting our communities and the harm New Zealand is experiencing because of a lack of investment into a positive future for our country. This month, I want to talk about aspiration, and how New Zealand and our city can move forward. We have so much creativity and imagination across New Zealand. Grey Lynn is a hotbed of media, broadcasting, gastronome, and entertainment talent. Sandringham is a culinary delight and a cultural experience every New Zealander and visitor to our great country must try at least once (a Ourweek)!central city, despite all the road closures and the impact of the last two years, shows a beautiful resiliency in business prowess that will weather the impacts of five years of underinvestment under Labour. Western Springs, Meola Creek and Ōwairaka, Mount Albert remain shining jewels in our central city’s environmental landscape thanks to the many volunteers who help with the cleaning planting and beautification of our city.
Wellington NEWSLOCAL
commemorations that this year also heralded in the recent inauguration of a new President of South Korea. The future is positive for us all both economically and in our societies if we choose to embrace it and if New Zealand chooses to be a part of a post-Covid world. Here in New Zealand, our government has decided to get caught up in not thinking about the big picture, and not looking to the best future for local New Zealanders. It has chosen to look past local communities in many ways; for instance, taking away their say over 3 Waters. It has ended the local independence and say of our District Health Boards. The really important concern though, it has stopped listening. They need to listen again to New Zealanders and, like many Kiwis regardless of our politics, I’m concerned they don’t want to, despite the country crying out to be heard. Labour think they know best when the world is now telling them there is a real risk New Zealand will soon be left behind in our international rankings and obligations. Local communities are feeling unheard in their government. Let’s hope this changes soon before we return to more strikes on our streets and crime gets even worse in our suburbs. We are now steering the course into spring, so I’m really excited for the upcoming Onam, Mid-Autumn Festival, Nepalese Teej and Chuseok celebrations happening across our city in the coming weeks. These celebrations are an integral part of Auckland’s multi-ethnic values and community spirit. I hope to see you at one of these special celebrations at least. These are ways we all can come together to acknowledge the beauty in our diverse and exceptional city.
Please get in touch on 09 520 0538 or at MPLee@parliament.govt.nz to make an appointment.
Keep safe! (MELISSA LEE MP) National Member of Parliament
• melissalee.co.nz • mpmelissalee National Spokesperson for

Likewise, battery quality, A-grade cells give 1000+ chargecycle life, and that’s what you want. Many cheaper bikes save on motor and battery grade - Samsung, Panasonic, and LG cells are recommended, and make sure they’re A-grade certified.
Many cheaper ‘300W’ claims are really the cheap 250W motors, dragging extra voltage and overstressed on hills. If the motor’s light, it will lack torque and/or genuine watt capacity. Size and weight matter, so be alert. 300W genuine ‘on the tar’ output requires 340W actual power, and this represents a very substantial difference in climbing, speed, and smooth power delivery.
Okay folks, this is a column that will address how, why, where, which and when Ebikes are best for you, your commute and adventurous world. This being the first article in a series it seems appropriate that we look at what constitutes a decent bike for YOUR lifestyle.
Vital points are quality, especially of battery cells and motor. Frames these days are good but be sure to go to good antielectrolysis alloys, not aluminium. Carbon is cool but is awfully expensive with limited life, especially in MTB applications, so I say, “go good alloy.”
Next month. A Quasi-religious debate; CenterDrive Vs HubDrive. www.ebobikes.co.nz
So… really, whatever you do, go to E-biking, you'll save squoodles on commute costs, have serious fun commuting and just buzzing about the town and trails, and the planet will thank you for it.
And I advise strongly that you should pedal assist on hills as even moderate assistance reduces loads on battery, motor, and transmission dramatically. Besides, it’s fun and VERY satisfying, climbing like a pro!
Range is something everyone asks about. For Auckland, pedal assisted commuting say for Lincoln Road to the CBD and return, a 36V/10-amp hour battery is ample. Anything inside that 15km radius, gives you lots of spare capacity, but consider the battery reserve used when climbing. A lot of sales wallahs will brush over this fact, but it is important.
Okay, I admit it, I’m a FoldiE convert, and even though I’ve got over 20 bikes, from carbon racers to classic 1940s old dutchies, I live on my FoldiE. As I said in last month’s Ponsonby News, I toured Europe with it; folded it up, got on the train, got off wherever and RODE!
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 31 EBIKE LIFE; HACKS, TACKS, PACKS N’ TRACKS (Alan Dempsey, ex Mamil, unbiased FoldiE Rider) 27 College Hill 021 980 511 For Demo Appointment We say... The World’s Best FoldiE Winter Ponsonby Intro Special Once Only Villager 300W $1495 50km PAS Tested UpRated TourEr350W $1795 60kmPAS tested SuperTourEr 350W $2095 100km; PAS tested
But three things distinguish ‘a real bike’ from ‘a toy’ –geometry, wheelbase, and wheel size. All three define whether it’s going to be a skittery Raleigh 20 public menace, or the best thing since sliced bread. Avoid under 300W, avoid under 20-inch wheels, and avoid short wheelbase!
Then there is the interesting ‘standard versus folding’ debate. The standard bike (triangle or step thru) needs no introduction; they are great, and all the golden rules above apply, but Foldies are the cool peripheral city-dweller paradigm in Europe and are starting to gain traction here. Their versatility, storability, think ‘car boot, bus, train, office’, and less-is-more chutzpah makes them very cool, and good ones perform, even outperform, standard bike options.
Motor quality is vital, and IMHO anything under 300W will not match the demands of Auckland’s steep and long hills.
In summary, Auckland is hilly, so don’t scrimp on wattage. By the same token the coppers are starting to get rarkey on hooney speeding ebikers, so if you go for 500W, keep it below 35km/hour; the legal limit is 32km/hour which is a fair clip – 40km will get you ticketed.

The lawyer explained that now was the perfect time to be setting up a trust – it was early on in their careers and lives and they would be able to show a history of protection in the event that they ever needed to rely on the protection that the trust would afford them.
Tammy McLeod
She said that all people who already had trusts should be reviewing their existing trusts to make sure that they were correct in terms of the new Act. Jess and Thomas both made mental notes to let their respective parents, who both had trusts, know this.
883 3284, www.davenportslaw.co.nz
As Jess was an accountant, she already knew about the potential tax efficiencies that can come with a properly structured trust, particularly with the increase in the top personal tax rate which the government was introducing. Their new lawyer said that she would usually recommend taking tax advice but Jess was able to handle that part of it. She explained that it was always important that the lawyer and accountant worked together to get the best outcome for the client.
Thomas and Jess had been together for six years and had one young child. Thomas was a school teacher and Jess was an accountant. They owned their home, which due to the rising property market they now had quite a bit of equity in.
If Jess and Thomas did go ahead with purchasing the section, then it would be best to also put that into the trust. A trust is a perfect vehicle to hold assets that you may want to keep for future generations, and Jess and Thomas were sure that the holiday home they would eventually build on the section would become a very special place for their family that they would want to pass down to future generations.
After spending two weeks holidaying in a gorgeous little bay on the Coromandel they decided they had enjoyed it so much that they wanted to look at buying a section on which they would eventually build. Jess was also making her way up the ranks in her accounting firm and had been offered an opportunity to purchase shares in the business and become a director. The other directors in the firm all had their shares in family trusts and recommended that Jess talk to her lawyer regarding whether she should also set up a trust to purchase her shares.
She said it was a bit like taking out medical insurance when you were younger before any “pre-existing conditions” could negate the benefit of protection. She also said with the recent changes to the Trusts Act, it was a perfect opportunity to set up a structure that was well suited to the requirements of the new Act and would hold itself in good stead for the future.
DAVENPORTS LAW, 331 Rosedale Road, Level 1, Building 2, Albany, T:
Jess and Thomas spoke to a friend who explained that trusts had become quite a specialised area, especially since the new Act came in at the end of January 2021 and they really needed to talk to someone who was an expert in the area. Their current lawyer, who they had used to buy the house, was lovely but did a bit of everything, so they decided to go to the trust specialist lawyer recommended by their friend. Their first question to the lawyer was - did they actually need a trust? Her answer was definitely a yes. Becoming a director of any business brought with it an element of risk and it was all about layering up the protection. A trust was an important part of that asset protection and the lawyer recommended that not just the shares went into the trust, but also their family home. This would also wrap protection around the family home.
Jess and Thomas left the meeting feeling immensely relieved and confident that they were not only doing the right thing, but that they were dealing with a lawyer who was really knowledgeable and that they were getting exactly the kind of structure that they needed for their family and their future. 09
The other important elements the lawyer talked about was their wills and making sure that they tied in with the trust. She also said that they would need to think about their wishes for the trust after they died; she said it was called a memorandum of guidance, or letter of wishes, and it was a bit like a will for a trust. She said that she could provide examples to give them some ideas as to the kinds of things people liked to include.

Trusts are invaluable asset protection mechanisms, which allow a person to hold property and assets on behalf of another for the good of the beneficiaries.
The protection of assets that we have all worked so hard to acquire is an important consideration for most people.
However, not everyone needs a trust, so ensuring other forms of asset structuring including your will and enduring powers of attorney are up to date is important.
Contact Tammy McLeod or one of her team for more information about asset structuring.
Asset protection. Do you need a trust?

There is also a need to target problem areas like the oversized profits of supermarkets. I wasn’t even shocked when I heard that supermarkets had been earning a million dollars of additional profit per day from customers, because we’ve all been paying too much for far too long. It is now being targeted by changes which will make competition more possible.
This article was written with funding from Parliamentary Services. (HELEN WHITE) PN www.labour.org.nz/helenwhite
I was appalled to hear National suggesting tax cuts for those on incomes at the upper end. I actually thought those on the other side of the house had moved on from this tired old trickle down economic theory. It would be inflationary and wouldn’t achieve anything to improve the lives of most New Zealanders.
This is a very special school with a proud tradition of building strong women, with so many of the girls coming in from other parts of Auckland to attend. Many are from big families and they are not wealthy. They told me how the reduced tickets had made a huge difference, particularly because their parents were paying for more than one child to travel to and from school from far flung suburbs. I was really proud of this concrete government measure which is making a big difference at a time when inflation is rife. 58 million free and healthy lunches have also fed 200,000 students through Ka Ora, Ka Ako - as well as this, free period products for lower income families at a time of financial stress have been significant. Now interests rates are noticeably rising, it is incredibly important that the fiscal policies adopted are mindful of the need to support middle and lower income earners. The Labour Government has raised the minimum wage by more than a third from $15.75 in 2017 to $21.20 and we have increased the wages of nurses, police officers and teachers also.
As a former employment lawyer I appreciate exactly why the emphasis of the reserve bank was on keeping people employed when the pandemic caused fear of widespread economic turbulence. Employment allows people to stay afloat. Unemployment is at a near record low of 3.3%, against expectations when Covid-19 hit that it could rise as high as 10%.
At this time of high prices and associated struggles, it was heartening a few weeks ago to visit the Auckland Girls’ Grammar School in Freeman’s Bay. The students told me of the impact of the half price bus fares on them and their families.
New Zealand is in a strong position to support households and businesses. Exports are growing and government debt is substantially below most other nations. The short-term cost of living payments will bring in an extra $27 per week for more than two million New Zealanders.

St Columba Church rents parking to businesses during the week and allows parents to use it for school pick-up since AT’s ‘temporary design’ outside the school removed parent parking. Street parking for weekday funerals and hall activities is also needed but AT didn’t ask them.
Waitematā Local Board had a secret workshop with AT. These predominantly ‘City Vision’ members and Councillor Coom, on their website, supported Bike Auckland‘s ‘Bikeable Auckland’ strategy. WLB’s representative on GBA, Julie Sandilands, had not passed on GBA views to the board. Living in Wellington, from October 2021, she had not attended GBA meetings. A month ago, she moved to the UK. WLB has not replaced her. Cohaus (20 apartments) is a group of people with shared cycling interests who wanted an exemption from their resource consent to build without off-street parking. Maybe they were consulted because cycle lobbyist Councillor Coom’s mother lives there! 19 Surrey (35 apartments) and The Isaac (75 apartments) is where community activist Lisa Prager’s mother lives, maybe that’s why they weren’t included in Auckland Transport’s Auckland‘consultation’.Transport only sought the opinions of those who agreed with them, the ‘cycle lobbyists’, not their opposition, the ‘community advocates and activists’ who out number them. The ombudsman is investigating a lack of transparency of local government. He has been informed of this biased process, WLB’s ‘closed door’ workshop with AT and evidence of residents’ feedback responses, via the ‘Social Pinpoint’ site, not included in Auckland Transport’s redesign. (GAEL BALDOCK) PN
After being rejected by community consultation several times, Auckland Transport's latest push on the Grey Lynn Cycleway, has been done by only asking pro-cycleways stakeholders. with eight tenants, Barry Jujnovich, is the only door knocked businesses found. He told AT, “the roundabout would negatively affect businesses by taking away most of our parking. It’s not necessary and if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.”
The Surrey Crescent and Richmond Road intersection has a major design change from the traffic lights to a roundabout that narrows roads to single lanes, taking away all parking for these businesses.
(Councillor Coom’s partner was the former treasurer.)
Neither the committee nor members were consulted, West Lynn Painters and Panelbeaters owner and building owner *at.govt.nz/media/1989212/grey-lynn-and-westmere-improvements-engagement-report.pdf
Occupy Garnet Road, (548 Facebook followers) who presented two petitions with 3654 signatures against the Grey Lynn Cycleway to Waitematā Local Board, were not consulted.
"We received 232 submissions and 246 pieces of feedback through the Social Pinpoint site.”
Grey Lynn Business Association coordinator, Irene King, when contacted by AT suggested they consult with all 55 businesses at ‘Black Box Corner, as they had expressed concern about parking removal and the dangerous placement of pedestrian crossings. She also questioned the relocation of the bus stop that cost $1million when moved four years earlier.
*AT’s official feedback says, “During the consultation period, meetings were held with the following stakeholders: 8 February – Waitematā Local Board; 14 February – Grey Lynn Business Association; 22 February – Cohaus; 11 March – Bike Auckland.
Bike Auckland, (130 Facebook followers) formally known as ‘Cycle Action Auckland’ who had their rebranding paid for by Auckland Transport, now get to rubber-stamp ALL cycleways.
"On Friday 25 February, a door knock of 11 businesses was undertaken in the area around the intersection of Surrey Crescent and Richmond Road. This door knock was undertaken because the decision to install a roundabout at this location was taken subsequent to the 2018 public consultation and business owners might be unaware.

5. It’s early in the campaign and the mayoral debates have just begun - attend a debate in your area.
4. Whilst the mayor only gets one vote like all the other 20 councillors, they do get to control who chairs the 13 subcommittees and who are on each of these committees. The chair controls the agenda of these committees with an extra $40,000 salary. For example the increase in rates as a subject can exclude the option of ‘no increase’.
7. Each candidate has their pet projects and platforms. Who they are likely to bring in as deputy also influences the picture.
16. We, the ratepayers, who pay the wages of elected officials, deserve to be heard, not just in our votes at election time, but through their term in power.
19. The primary role of an elected representative is to represent the public to the council – not the other way round.
20. Vote, vote, VOTE!
6. There are 3 main ‘right leaning candidates’; Wayne Brown, Viv Beck and Craig Lord and one ‘left leaning candidate’ Efeso Collins.
GAEL BALDOCK, Community Advocate VOTE FOR YOUR EXPERIENCED C&R TEAM FOR WAITEMATĀ LOCAL BOARD LEN WARD GREG MOYLE GEN SAGE CHRIS SEVERNE ALLAN MATSON SARAH TROTMAN, AuthenticQualityONZMGovernanceCommunity Consultation Protection of Heritage & Character Common-sense Transport Solutions Guardianship of the Environment Reduced Crime Less Unnecessary Bureaucracy Keeping Local Government Local Authorised by Kit Parkinson, info@c-r.org.nz NEWSLOCAL
Some of the more import subcommittees are: Finance and Performance (how money is spent and rate increases); Strategic Procurement (awarding contracts); Environment and Climate Change (includes tree protection); Oversite Council Controlled Organisation; Appointments and Performance Review (whether councillors on the boards of CCO). This is where the mayor’s power lies.
3. These decisions affect our every day lives.
12. Councillors are supposed to represent their constituents. But some do not, and have blocked input from their community other than their supporters. Is your councillor active in your community?
17. Look at each councillor’s track record in how they have voted on the issues that are important to you. And for new candidates, how their policies fit your views. Most have social media pages. Find them on Facebook and Google search.
Auckland Grey Power’s Mayor Debate 10am Friday 23 September Mt Albert War Memorial Hall
9. Each of the 20 councillors and the mayor have voting rights at ‘the table’. The mayor has the casting vote.
14. Never let one political party or faction control the vote of a board. That means the voice of the people is unheard.
15. The councillors’ wards are determined by numbers of citizens (not voters) and the local boards are determined by a plan area. These do not align. They were made more complicated at the last election. This makes matters even more complicated for voters, unnecessarily.
2. Local government elections affect decisions made with how our rates are spent.
11. All councillor candidates have now been announced.
13. The intended interface with the people are the local boards. Are your board members active in your community?
10. None of the mayoral candidates are hedging their bets by also running for council seat. That seems to be a waste as there is some great energy amongst them that would add to ‘the table’.
1. Voting turnouts in local government elections have been very low at around 32-38%.
18. Don’t vote for a pretty face or a name drop or an ego. Vote on how their vote reflects your view.
8. Many believe there is no place for party politics in local government.

366 Great North Road Grey Lynn t:09 376 2895ASTRIDwww.roseandheather.co.nzLOWBOY6DRAWERH81 L149 D46cm shown in Whitewash / Black Walnut finish. Other colours available. Exclusively in Kauri

In August, Ponsonby U3A members attended the AGM where popular outgoing president, Philippa Tait, was farewelled and new president, Ian Smith was elected along with additions to the existing committee. Next, members were treated to the inspirational words of one Mary Delany. Writing in the late 1700s, Mary attested that an ingenious mind is never too old to learn. She quoted Ann Seward who wrote in 1792 that “the decline of life may prove to be a time of continued creativity instead of the typical one of hopeless languor which elderly people are so prone to indulge in.” Such sentiment could be the clarion call of Ponsonby U3A where the core purpose of the club is to stimulate minds, actions and interests through friendship and continuous learning.
Mary Delany was brought to life by Dr Ross Ferguson, Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, OBE, and Associate of the New Zealand Institute of Horticulture. Following his career at the Mt Albert Research Centre, Ross has a strong interest in horticultural history. Entitled ‘Mary Delany and Her Mosaicks’, his talk chronicled an enchanting story of Mary’s life and her incredible achievements. Mary Delany (17001788), best known for her letters which were posthumously published in the 19th century, was also very accomplished in preparing paper collages of flowers. She began this work at the age of 73 years. Ross illustrated his talk with beautiful slides of Mary’s exquisite work which replicated so exactly the colour and form of flowers that Joseph Banks remarked that hers was the only imitation of nature that enabled him to identify any plant accurately. So beautiful is her work, that today it is used among other things, for expensive furnishing fabrics and top of the line wallpapers.
NEXT MEETING: Friday, 9 September at 9.30am.
Mary had strong views on marriage and men in general. Born into an upper-class family she had links that were to serve her networks well, for she never married into money as was the custom of the day. At eighteen, she married a man forty years her senior, a drunkard and choleric into the bargain. When he died six years later leaving her nothing, she became singularly unimpressed by men to the point of disliking them. Not short of marriage proposals, it was not until her forties that she came across a man she almost approved of and married Producinghim.20 to 30 a month of her ‘mosaicks’, Mary’s output was prodigious. As she was to say, “I had no children to teach or play with, no house matters to torment me, no books to publish, no politics to work my brains. All this is true, but idleness never grew in my soil.”
Ponsonby U3A meets at the Herne Bay Petanque Club on the second Friday of the month. A guest speaker drawn from a diverse range of all spheres of endeavour, features each month. As well, members take turns to give a ten-minute talk about their lives or interests. At the heart of the club are the nearly thirty special interest groups that meet once a month. They include gardening, public art walks, gallery visits, dining out, armchair travel, writing, drawing, current affairs, antiques and collectibles, history, architecture to name a few. It is in these small groups that real friendships are forged.
GUEST SPEAKER: Stephanie Brown on the Graeme Dingle Foundation.
Ross Ferguson
Ponsonby U3A welcomes newcomers. If you are interested in attending, first as a visitor, please call President Ian Smith on M:021 130 2330. (CHRISTINE HART) PN
VENUE: Herne Bay Petanque Club, 19 Salisbury Street, Herne Bay. ENQUIRIES: Ian Smith, President, Ponsonby U3A. M: 021 130 2330, www.u3a.nz

Are you renovating, redecorating or building a new home? www.lahood.co.nz/promotions NEW RECYCLED FABRICS FREE CURTAIN MAKING * 20% OFF * 104 Mt. Eden Road Mt. Eden, Auckland Phone: 09 638 8463 www.lahood.co.nz CURTAINS • BLINDS • INTERIOR DESIGN • AWNINGS • ROLLER SHADES • UPHOLSTERY *Special conditions apply - lahood.co.nz/promotions. Offer finishes 30/09/22.

LAST MONTH’S 'LIGHT UP PONSONBY' Light Festival returned to bring the glow back to the heart of Ponsonby. During these long dark winter nights, we all need a little bit of twinkle to keep the spirits high. With installations designed by Angus Muir and Bobbie Gray, two Hybycozo at Western Park, and opportunities for many a sparkly selfie, there was a surprise and delight at the lighting variety at various corners, laneways, walls, trees and paths along the way.

lovers who are constantly vigilant about moths – eucalyptus oil is a natural insect repellent.
Can you feel spring in the air or in your step? With the change in seasons comes the need to put away our cosy knits and bring on all things light, breezy and flowy. Before switching over, it’s a great idea to make sure those items for storage are clean and stain free.
1. Dab the stain with a lint-free cloth soaked in ecostore Eucalyptus Wool & Delicates diluted with lukewarm water, before blotting with a towel.
If we’re recommending stain removal on cotton, linen or manmade fibres, ecostore Ultra Power Laundry Liquid is your best bet. It’s formulated with 5 plan-based enzymes that tackle your most common and tricky stains without bleach, harsh detergents or optical whiteners.
3. Handwash in lukewarm water using Eucalyptus Wool & Delicates, gently squeezing water through the garment, rather than rubbing.
Instead, you should be able to manage most everyday marks and dirt on your wool, silk and cashmere with ecostore Eucalyptus Wool & Delicates liquid. It’s perfect for lace, merino, cashmere and silk as well as black garments and baby clothes. It rinses away easily in warm or cold water, so delicate fabrics dry without residue (which attracts dirt and grime).
For those of us with asthma, allergies, or who simply prefer neutral-smelling laundry, ecostore’s Ultra Sensitive laundry range is a plant and mineral-based, pH balanced formulation made without fragrance or colour.
Eucalyptus Wool & Delicates has been formulated against AWTA approved Woolmark test methods, and its gentle, plant and mineral-based pH balanced formulation, makes it nicer for hand washing, and wearing. A bonus for cashmere
PN ECOSTORE, 1 Scotland Street, Freemans Bay, T: 09 360 8477, www.ecostore.co.nz
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 41
2. If the stain is oily and hasn’t begun to lift out, dab gently from the edge of the stain with a cloth and a small amount of white spirit - but test on an inconspicuous area first. Press gently with an absorbent cloth or towel to soak up the spirit and let it dry.
However, the Ultra Power range does contain an enzyme called protease. Brilliant for removing protein-based stains like egg and dairy (which come from animals). But because wool, cashmere and silk fibres also come from animals, we should avoid using products with protease.
Try this simple spot treatment on your knitwear and silks

We’re a team of researchers from the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland, and we are conducting a study looking at close relationship processes, including how people maintain wellbeing and balance experiences they have in relationships with other important areas. We’re looking for long-term couples to participate in a three-week survey examining people's daily experiences across life domains: work or study, relationships, sex life, and personal growth and wellbeing (such as goals, hobbies, and mental or emotional Participationhealth).involves an in-person session (1 - 2 hours) at our city campus lab, a nightly online survey for three weeks (around 10 minutes each), and a follow-up online survey eight months later (30 minutes). Couples will receive approximately $200 worth of vouchers (petrol or supermarket) for full participation. You are eligible for this study if you and your partner have been together for at least six months and are living together, if you are both working and/or studying, and if you are sexually active and do not have children. Participation is open to all sexual Fororientations.moreinformation please contact: uofacouplesstudy@gmail.com or visit www.relationships.auckland.ac.nz
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and contacting us now does not mean that you must participate at any point. This study has been approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 30/04/20 for three years (Reference Number 024248).

For Raylene, beauty therapy is about constant evolution: “Beauty is constantly changing - new technologies and research mean offering experiences to clients in new ways. Ambience Beauty Spa provides the best of these to our clientele.”
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 43
Raylene Lee’s flagship site, Ambience Beauty Spa, redefines understated luxury and provides an immersive setting where beauty therapy is delivered hand in hand with relaxation and “Ambiencerejuvenation.means the character and atmosphere of a place,” Raylene says. “Ours is serene, tranquil and luxurious. When clientele step through that door, I want them to instantly feel lighter and relaxed.”
The Seasonal Facial at this time is Pomegranate and Ginger, a mineral cocktail infusion to boost the skins defense against our harsh winter months.
“Ambience Beauty Spa facials are designed to take you on a restful journey which is both relaxing and restorative. We work with French skincare-with-science products, Sothys, utilising quality research and ingredients to treat all layers and enhance the skin’s health, feel and appearance. Along with our range of massages, facials make the perfect gift or treat.”
EPSOM’S AMBIENCE BEAUTY SPA - A KEY TO BEAUTY Beauty is an experience, and one that is good for the soul.
Ambience Beauty Spa is one of few Auckland sites providing accredited, integrated cancer care treatments. Specialist training means Raylene delivers customised skin and body beauty treatments for people living with, or having had, cancer.
T: 09 948 4244
To view the full range of treatments, to book, or to enquire about services, please visit www.ambiencebeautyspa.co.nz or @ambiencebeautyspa on social media, T: 09 948 4244 Book a Luxury One Hour Seasonal Oxygenation Facial and receive a HOUR BACK MASSAGE HAND TREATMENT
Positioned centrally at Epsom’s iconic Greenwoods Corner, Ambience Beauty Spa offers the knowledge gained from a stellar career in high end, upmarket boutiques.
Ask Raylene about Ambience Beauty Spa’s flagship treatment and she smiles warmly.
Ambience Beauty Spa also offers advanced skin diagnostics, using technology to capture the complexity of skin appearance and health, from the surface to layers below.
“I’m so pleased to be able to offer these specialist products and techniques. By customising the treatment and approach, I can respond to any sensitivities and particular needs, providing a safe, special experience to those receiving or returning from oncology care.”

Both Stephen and Mary are members of Acupuncture NZ and are ACC treatment providers. We have extensive experience with women’s health, male and female fertility, digestive and respiratory conditions, skin allergies and other dermatological issues, anxiety, stress or emotional concerns, sleep problems, and/or any musculoskeletal injuries/pain.
Since this inclusion, the profession has formed a new regulatory council, the Chinese Medical Council. The Council’s job is to help regulate Chinese medicine training and practice in New Zealand to ensure professional standards, and the safety of both patients and practitioners.
Now as the weather starts warming up, keep us in mind if you or your family have spring hay fever or sinusitis problems.
At The Health Clinic we use traditional Chinese medicine and techniques such as acupuncture, cupping, guasha, moxa and Chinese herbal medicine. As well as our on-site treatment appointments for acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, The Health Clinic offers online telehealth appointments for Chinese herbal medicine.
In the time that The Health Clinic has been open, we have had such amazing support from our patients. It is just the most rewarding job to see many great treatment results, even some of which are life changing. To see our patients smiling and relaxed after a treatment and eager to carry on thanks to the improvements they are experiencing is what we are here for. We look forward to working with all our existing clients, welcoming many new ones and supporting the local community of Grey Lynn, Ponsonby and surrounding areas.
Since opening in May 2021, The Health Clinic has made it through a pandemic, four months of lockdowns and then another six months of practice restrictions – tough on a new business but essential for our community and our clients’ safety.
reception@thehealthclinic.co.nz093600738www.thehealthclinic.co.nz 2/571 Great
Very happy to say we are still here and still loving meeting and welcoming new people and patients into our clinic every day!
Mary and Stephen @ The Health Clinic. Unit Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 360 0738, www.thehealthclinic.co.nz
2/571 Great North
Happy Spring to everyone.
We are very excited to spread the word that Chinese medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine) is now accepted as an Allied Health profession under the Ministry of Health’s Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Act. This recognises the healthcare benefits of Chinese medicine and the profession’s university degree level of training, and puts us on par with physiotherapists and chiropractors for instance.

At Caci we know that looking great is really about feeling great and we can help to make this happen, by personalising a membership with payment plan options to give you the best results.
The team at Caci Ponsonby have almost 40 years’ experience in the industry between them. Clinic owner Louise took over the clinic in 2017, also owning Caci Wynyard Quarter, St Lukes and Pt Chevalier. Bernadette, our manager, has been with Caci since 2013. She is also our treatment advisor and will be your first point of contact to help with your personalised treatment plan to get the best possible results for your skin. Bernadette brings a wealth of knowledge, is also a qualified beauty therapist loving all things skin!
At Caci we can customise a treatment plan to suit you, giving you the best possible results in a time frame and budget tailored to your needs.
At Caci Ponsonby we are family, and we aim to make our customers feel like a part of it. Ensuring high quality service and making sure our customers are informed and comfortable are just a part of the Caci experience.
Known for their expertise and as leaders in skin health and appearance technology, Caci’s reputation has spanned nationwide for the last 28 years.
Choose from: Hydradermabrasion , Microdermabrasion, LED Light Therapy , Sonophoresis Skin Infusion *T&Cs apply
We have two experienced cosmetic nurses, Kellie and Jess, who are here to help you with your advanced treatment and injectable needs. They both love working with their customers to enhance their natural beauty and increase their confidence.
Hello, we’re Caci Ponsonby, skin, laser and injectables experts 342 Ponsonby Road 09 360 3333 caci.co.nz
SPECIAL OFFER Have a free consultation and try one of our Skin Conditioning treatments for only $80!* (usually up to $130)
Monica, Courtney, and Michaela, make up our amazing team of beauty therapists who are here to take you on your skin journey, getting the results you are after. Monica shares, “My passion for skin started very early on when I experienced my own skin issues with acne and pigmentation. I gained the clear skin I wanted once I started on active skincare and regular facial treatments.”
Interested in having treatments with our team at Caci BookPonsonby?your free consultation at ponsonby@caci.co.nz or by calling 09 360 3333.
The Caci PONSONBY team: Monica, Courtney, Bernadette, Kellie & Jess
Caci Ponsonby is one of 70+ clinics in New Zealand focussing on delivering real solutions for our customers within a trusted and accessible environment.

Ponsonby’s favourite ‘something for everyone’ place, Prego, has recently upped its game.
I’d heard the rumours, so after a long drought from dining there, I visited with a group of friends to see what was newly on offer. From my time away, I had forgotten just how loved Prego is and found myself surprised by its heaving Monday night crowd. Busy as ever, stepping into the restaurant felt like stepping back into the bustling weekend swing of things. Once seated, we promptly ordered the Pomodori and Pane Ciabatta to start, Spaghetti, Rigatoni, Risotto Al Funghi and Margherita Pizza as mains and a Verde salad on the side. We all agreed that trying one thing each just wasn’t enough and shared. As we immersed ourselves in savouring our plates, we feasted in silence. WILLIAMS: VEGAN VIBE
Each of us carefully rating the dishes in order of most favourite, we reached an overall consensus that the rigatoni stood out. Reminding me of a pasta dish my mum makes, not only were the flavours beautifully on point, the dish felt like home.
Like many that have grown up in Ponsonby or surrounds, I have been going to Prego my whole life. Whether it’s been family dinners or friend’s birthdays, Prego has always been a regular haunt and a joy to visit. However I had stopped going so regularly in recent years after becoming a vegan as the options were slim, if at all. Recently though, Prego has introduced a completely plantbased menu. In retrospect, this menu probably should’ve been added a while ago… but nevertheless we can celebrate it now. Better late than never (not to be cliche).
Prego’s menu in its essence has always appealed to wide audiences, and this menu continues to do the same. World famous in central Auckland for their year after year classics that rarely - if ever - change, the introduction of their dedicated vegan menu goes to show that change IS indeed possible.
The risotto had a rich umami flavour but was by no means too intense. While in contrast, the spaghetti was simple, subtle and a tasty bite to eat. We all agreed the pizza was a good classic well done and suitable for those less inclined to branch out. I’m a sucker for finishing on a salad and this one perfectly complemented the richness of the dishes paired.
While everything was wonderful, the Pomodori was my favourite - Medley tomatoes, confit garlic, basil, extra virgin olive oil, white balsamic and grilled ciabatta. If you know me, this being my favourite is a no brainer considering my lifelong borderline vinegar addiction. Simple but effective, this dish was all about quality produce - so good that I truly believe it could convert a tomato sceptic.

Lake Chalice is featured as our ‘Winery of the Month’ through September - a perfect match with our mali degustacija, a collection of fresh flavoursome dishes that can be eaten on your own or shared. More than appetizers, these represent, in their social context, both a style of eating and a way of life, and with their versatility create a wonderful complement to the wines from Lake Chalice.
DIDA’S, 60 Jervois Road, T: 376 2813, www.didaswinelounge.co.nz local Wine Lounge, perfect for catching up with family or friends CHALICE
As we head into spring, we have wines from Lake Chalice by the glass.
The hope is that by giving them time and safe shelter, the karearea will remain in the area upon release. We look forward to seeing you at your local wine bar through September. That’s Dida’s! PN
Lake Chalice are intimate inhabiters of their land, its climate and its seasons. Under the oversight of head winemaker, Chloe Gabrielsen, they draw upon Marlborough's singular regional diversity via their unique vineyard sites. The mainstay of the portfolio is the Falcon Series with its signature flavours. Given the New Zealand falcon, the karearea, graces all of their bottles, it's no surprise that Lake Chalice are proud supporters of the Marlborough Falcon Conservation Trust. Thanks to introduced pests, persecution and electrocution by power lines, these magnificent birds are under threat and increasingly hard to spot. Lake Chalice work with the trust on the Karearea Release Programme to repopulate the region. Their most recent innovation is the introduction of a hack box in their Eyrie vineyard, where the birds can shelter and be fed before being released into the wild, and where insulated electrical transformers close to the vineyard protect the birds.

Where did you grow up? West Auckland - my family moved here from Singapore when I was two years old. I’m a Kiwi at heart but I am so lucky to be surrounded by such a diverse background - my family has Singaporean, Chinese, Indian and Portuguese heritage.
How has that affected your culinary experiences?
Food seems to feature strongly in your life.
Is that how Butter Baby started? Yes – my donuts and cinnamon rolls proved to be very popular, so the logical step was to turn it into a business. I’m enjoying being at the market. I’m looking forward to opening a store out in Westgate and I have surrounded myself with people who are keeping me focussed on my goals. Tell me about the flavours of your donuts. I sell the traditional flavours like Boston cream with chocolate glaze, and raspberry and cream. But I also have some new flavours that some of my friends requested me to make. My best seller is the pandan and sago donut which usually sells out by 10am. The contrast between the white glaze and the bright green filling surprises people. Pandan is bright green because it is extracted from pandan leaves. We also have ube, a bright purple donut, originating from the Filipino flavour made from purple yam. At the start, both these flavours were hard to sell at the start because they were so different. But now they are easily our best sellers.
What has surprised you most about being at the market? I’m normally very shy, so I was wondering how people would react to me and to the products that I had poured so much love into. I’ve been delighted to find that people are very welcoming and positive. Instead of being a scary experience, it’s been a lot of fun and I look forward to being at the markets every weekend. PN butterbaby.co.nz Richmond Road,
Yes – food is everything to me because it brings people together. I studied culinary arts at AUT and always knew that I would work with food. I believe in the importance of food culture and being hospitable to others.
Tell us about some of your food jobs. I started working as a dishwasher before I got a commis chef role that got me started. Recently, I worked for a church out in Mount Eden, focusing on giving back to people by teaching them hospitality skills, cooking for events, or in community soup kitchens. I started baking for close friends and familiesword got around and my reputation led to supplying a café.
Matilda Lee is often at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market selling her signature brioche donuts and cinny buns.
GREY LYNN FARMERS MARKET @ the Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510
I always believe that food creates a memorable experience especially when it's shared with others. A lot of our items are created in honour of specific past times and flavours that I enjoyed with my friends and family both here in Auckland and back in Singapore. What sort of experiences? I love summer, especially with outdoor activities such as picnics, beaches, and sunsets. My friends and I love just hanging out, or surfing at Muriwai. So many fond memories are shared over sandy fish and chips, fresh strawberry ice cream, or dips and fresh bread from Zekis. I always believe in good food and great people.

Our instore tastings and paid tastings are back. Our tastings are presented in an informal way; everyone’s welcome. For those wanting a little info on how to taste before you come along, here goes.
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 49
What does it remind you of?
When tasting wine the first sense to use is sight. Hold the glass up to a white background and look at the clarity - is the wine bright or dull? Look at the colour - is it the same all over or different around the edges? Swirl the wine around your glass and look at the legs or tears (this is the wine running down the glass). This shows you how viscous the wine is and gives you an idea of the alcohol level – the slower the legs come down, the more viscous. Next, smell the wine. To do this, swirl the wine around the glass. Have a good sniff (you’ll need to get your nose right into the glass). Your first impression will be the most important. Don’t think too hard or over analysis it. What do you smell?
Now it’s time to taste the wine. When you taste, you’ll sense different things in the various parts of your mouth - sweetness on the top of the tongue, acidity around the sides, bitterness on the very back of the palate, astringency and tannins around the edge of the mouth and gums. And when you taste the wine, make sure you roll it around your mouth to ensure it touches every surface - try to suck some air through the wine as you draw it into your mouth.
Tasting wine is using the senses of sight, smell and taste to consciously assess a wine’s quality. Mostly what we regard as our sense of taste is actually what we smell, with most of us capable of recognising around 10,000 different aromas.
We look forward to seeing you instore during September. You’ll find a full list of instore tastings up online here. www.glengarry.co.nz/events
The hardest bit is then translating your thoughts of the wine and what you’ve tasted into words; this takes time and practice. The important thing to remember is that you can never be wrong. The whole process is a very personal thing, and what you think of the wine, what you like and appreciate, is all that matters.
MERRYBE+DRINKEAT, E:P:WWW.GLENGARRY.CO.NZ0800733505SALES@GLENGARRY.CO.NZ Instore Tastings FridayEvery Saturday& Pop on in!

Opening hours? What can people expect to see inside the store? The local supermarket across the road closed during Covid-19 and we offer a smaller range of the groceries alongside the range of hot and cold food to eat now - hopefully providing a convenient option to our local community.
We are open from 6am until 11pm and have amazing coffee and milkshakes (my two favourite products) on offer. We really do have a little bit of everything; whether you want hot chips and a pie, a milkshake or need to pick up some tinned beans on the way home for dinner it’s likely we will stock it.
Night 'n Day has opened on the corner of Great North Road and Tuarangi Road in the heart of Grey Lynn. You may have noticed their blue and yellow branding. Please tell us a bit about the story behind the business. Some history? Night 'n Day was originally founded in Dunedin by Denise and Andrew Lane. As their number of small grocery stores expanded they moved to a franchise model. It was whilst studying at Otago university that I became aware of Night 'n Day and their great food offer. I went on my way working in the grocery industry after finishing my BSc, eventually realising that I wanted to own and operate a grocery business in particular. After much research I settled on Night 'n Day, as I thought there was nothing like it in the Auckland area, and I really liked the strong family values that they were founded on. Not to mention it’s 100% New Zealand owned and operated.
Is it a franchise business?
Yes, we are a franchise. The franchise was founded in New Zealand and is still owned by the original founders in Dunedin, Denise and Andrew Lane. Their son Matt is now the general manager of the franchise and they have been a huge support in helping me live my dream of opening a small local grocery store. Anything else you’d like to tell us? Thanks to all of our lovely customers who have come in so far. It has been awesome to get to know you and hopefully we will see many more of you over time. It has also been great to be welcomed to the area by so many other great retailers. My partner Stef and I are really grateful for all the support.
NIGHT 'N DAY, 584 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 217 3395, www.nightnday.co.nz
Dan Ford – Owner/Operator, Night'n Day
We hear being community minded is important to your business. Do you have any plans? It’s super important to me to be a hub for the community. We have started reaching out to organisations and sponsoring them where possible. We helped provide the snacks for the local school's fundraiser, gifted player of the day certificates, sports bags and drink bottles to a couple of the local sports clubs, and are keen to do more where we can. I am always open to ideas and suggestions!
What sort of feedback have you had so far? People love the clean, fresh look and feel of the store. We have a bright facade and amazing staff who are doing their best to help out our customers. Everyone seems to love the milkshakes, slushies and wedges!

Foodstore Milkbar Café Night 'n Day Grey Lynn 584 Great North Road EVERY TUESDAY IN SEPTEMBER DICEDRINKS3$57storesnationwide 7 stores Aucklandin 1 store in Grey Lynn EVERY DA IN SEPTEM 0 GRIFFINS S GE$3 E50ACH Locally owned & operatedby a great guy named Dan! AMERICAN HOT DOGS $4.90

Bombay Sapphire and Ponsonby Central have joined forces to create an immersive experience this spring. Taking shelter from the traditionally rainy season, our laneways will be draped with decorative umbrellas and at night, lights will offer a vibrant glow.
The global flavours of each venue will be paired with a delicious gin cocktail available throughout the month. Come for the sights, sounds and tastes of the Sapphire Lane this SapphireSeptember.Lane is a non-ticketed free event that runs from Saturday 1 September – 2 October at Ponsonby Central in partnership with Bombay Sapphire.
Pops of neon and colourful tones give a throwback vibe as soon as you step through the entrance. Let yourself be transported with both new and existing laneways joining in on the festivities. Being a part of this experience doesn’t stop with the visual elements. Your other senses are in for a treat too, with many bars, restaurants, and eateries of Ponsonby Central offering limited-edition Bombay Sapphire cocktails.

1 SEP - 2 OCT 2022 FREE ENTRY To the immersivelanewaysexperience DRINK & DINE Unique Gin Cocktails in our venues LIVE MUSIC IN THE LANE 10 September 1 October Taking shelter from the traditionally rainy season, our laneways will be draped with decorative umbrellas and at night, lights o er a vibrant glow. The global flavours of each venue will be paired with a delicious gin cocktail available throughout the month. Come for the sights, sounds and tastes of the Sapphire Lane this September.

It’s a funny old thing being a wine writer, but I do love doing it. And yes, the great part is that you get ‘free’ wine sent to you from PR companies and wineries. Being at the very modest end of the scale of New Zealand wine writers, I don’t get a huge amount of trade samples shipped to me. But those that are sent for review – I do my best to include in this column, or online in webzines such as Witchdoctor. I have always enjoyed writing. In fact, I believe that I communicate and think way better in print. And for over 30 years I have had a rollercoaster ride in freelance journalism as a part-time job, kicking off in the mid-1980s with feature articles for Metro, North & South, the New Zealand Listener, the Herald and many others. I did sell the odd feature story over the next 20 years, but things got leaner and meaner – and then we all got totally clobbered by the Global Financial Crisis in 2007. But in the meantime, I had left my chosen profession of physiotherapy to launch a wine tour company. So, I figured: I have qualifications in wine education, I run a wine tour business, I drink a reasonable amount of wine. Why not be a wine writer? I drink therefore I am.
‘The Luminary’ Martinborough Pinot Noir 2020 - $25 A bargain price for a classic Burgundian take on pinot noir, with a slightly funky ‘barnyardy’ nose. Light bodied but oozing smoky flavours of cherry, savoury umami soy and truffle, red berry fruits and medium tannins. Food match: pasta with truffle and mushroom sauce. Available: Countdown.
Delivers bang for buck, with juicy ripe Packham pear, lemon squash, pineapple and a hint of baking spice. Off-dry to medium style. Match with Asian foods, scallops, or slow cooked rich pork dishes. Available: widely.
Anyway, here are four fabbo wines that caught my eye (and my palate) this month.
Millton Les Trois Enfants Gisborne 2017 - $24 This biodynamic wine is a co-fermented blend of gewürztraminer, riesling and muscat. All of which would tend to make you anticipate a sweet or medium style, but no. This is a 14% alcohol, bone dry wine with a complex palate of honey, marmalade, canned peach and crème brulee. Dry and crisp with a complex palate and lengthy finish. Great match for antipasto, or as an aperitif. Available: Pt. Chev Organic Wines, Pallisermillton.co.nzEstate
Your host, Phil Parker wine writer. Affordable tours for small and large groups.
Thornbury Waipara Pinot Gris 2021 - $13
Pegasus Bay North Canterbury Prima Donna Pinot Noir 2021 - $100 Fragrant and spicy with silky tannins. Pegasus Bay’s premium pinot noir nails it again with this iconic north Canterbury wine. Cherry, poached tamarillo, dark chocolate and umami soy all play on the palate – with a soft and lengthy finish. Food match: venison or rabbit. Veg option – pasta with truffle and mushroom sauce. Available: Caros, pegasusbay.com (PHIL PARKER)
Feast or famine, flood or drought - such is the life and times of a wine writer - just four wines for review this month.
MERRYBE+DRINKEAT, 2 Auckland Wine Tour” TripAdvisor phil.parker@xtra.co.nz www.finewinetours.co.nz
This time of year is always a slow patch when we wait for the current vintage releases of this year’s white wines, so I often seek out a few interesting wines from local retailers at my own expense. Then between September and Christmas, a tsunami of sauvignon blanc, pinot gris, rosé and some aged releases start arriving with increasing regularity from producers – all keen to get their products some exposure, especially before the summer holiday season. It would be nice to say – “thanks very much, I’ll pop them in the cellar and review them next year”, but that’s not how it works. So, they are generally photographed, opened and sampled in short order. I know enough about sauvignon blanc to recognise a good one, but it’s not my favourite variety, so my next-door neighbour is very happy to accept a bottle or two with about 100ml missing for tasting purposes.

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 55 MERRYBE+DRINKEAT, We also offer our pasta dishes to takeaway, phone for details or check our website for the menu. - Gusto Italiano263 PONSONBY RD, THREE LAMPS, 09 361 1556‘TASTEwww.gustoitaliano.co.nzGUSTOMEANINGANDENJOYMENT’When you dine with us, the focus is on freshly prepared classic dishes, featuring an excellent range of pasta, seafood, meats and our pizza classics. SIDART, Level 1, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road T: 360 2122 www.sidart.co.nz DINNER 7 DAYS LUNCH WEDNESDAY TO SUNDAY MartensBabichephotography: 210 SYMONDS STREET T: 09 377 1911 www.sidatthefrenchcafe.co.nzsidatthefrenchcafe

Studded Sandal style, the Studded Heel in tan is another easy to love summer staple, while the Studded Platform is the kind of piece that you’ll invest in, and never want to take off.
If you’re on the lookout for something new that will slip effortlessly into any wardrobe, the new collection from La Tribe - ‘Before the Dawn’- is a great place to start. In keeping with the clean sophistication La Tribe has become renowned for, the collection explores a combination of newly crafted styles with archived ones that long-time fans of the brand just can’t get enough of. In gloriously neutral shades of sand, mocha and rose, the Elke Braided Sandal has been reimagined as the Thin Elke Braided Sandal, and is my pick of the bunch.
Last but by no means least, it’s the season to elevate your Birkenstock game with the brand’s HIGH SHINE collection, which is available now. An elevated trio of key styles – Arizona Big Buckle, Gizeh Big Buckle and Franca - in glossy luxe black and brown, they look absolutely gorgeous and take everyone’s summer staple to a glamorous new level.
Merchant 1948’s Wanderlust collection is another summer footwear wonderland to dive into, with the Stetson wedge and Oriel wedge sandal both coming with a sultry Mediterranean vibe that is so perfect for the warmer months. Embellished with floral embroidery and sporting a feature heel, the Restless style is my pick for a true show stopper, and essential in the lead up to party season.
Get ready to bare (your feet, at least) Time to book that long overdue pedicure because with warmer days and nights comes any excuse to pull out the sandals and slides.
This version features the hand braiding that adorned the original bestseller, reinterpreted using slimmer straps for a more streamlined look. Drawing inspiration from the flagship
With winter beating its retreat and spring and summer soon on their way, it’s time to get excited about fresh fashion and beauty as we head into the warmer months…

A Freemans Bay local, Sarita is an ayurvedic medicine practitioner and yoga therapist, as well as the founder of Ayurveda New Zealand and the Sattva Botanicals brand. She works with private clients from her Freemans Bay clinic, and also has her second Ayurvedic Panchakarma Cleanse Retreat coming up – once again at Parohe – from 24-27 November, 2022. With an autumn retreat also planned from 23-26 March, 2023, it’s definitely the perfect way to check in on your body and perhaps make some changes for the better.
Summer retreats are back When time and budget allows, I love booking into a retreat to relax and reset, and spring and summer weather can really make the whole experience that much sweeter! Earlier this year
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 57
MECCA’s TerraCycle bins are now in store
However, while we know TerraCycle is a great solution for the end-of-life product packaging that can’t be recycled via kerbside collection, this is only one solution. It’s important that we take the time to consider sustainability at all stages of a product’s life cycle, and always refer back to the conscious shopper’s five Rs - refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle - in everyday life.
I attended Ayurveda New Zealand’s first ever retreat, which was led by founder, Sarita Solvig Blankenburg, at Parohe on Kawau Island.
NZPhotographyKoabyphotoParohe,arPlatformYogaTheZealandNewAyurvedafromSarita STYLE+FASHION
All MECCA stores now have an in store TerraCycle bin that has been manufactured in Melbourne from 100 percent post-consumer waste – and it’s more than ready to take your makeup, haircare and skincare empties. The bins have been made using the empty beauty containers their customers and team members have recycled through TerraCycle, and even the signage on the bin is made from PVC-free vinyl, which means when the bins reach their end of life, the vinyl signage can be easily removed and recycled through a soft plastic recycling system.

Spring and summer always mean a refresh when it comes with what you use to dress your bed, and George Street Linen have a beautiful collection of soft colours arriving for the warmer months as well as petite floral prints from Liberty of London. There are also some linen stripes being added to the brand’s current linen collection which are the dream seasonal swap out if you favour a classic, always comfy bedding situation (I know I do!). www.georgestreetlinen.com (HELENE RAVLICH)
Skintopia is coming to the neighbourhood! In major news for beauty fanatics like myself, the Skintopia brand is bringing its flagship store to 165 Jervois Road, Herne Bay. Skintopia calls itself a “results-driven, scientifically based skin treatment salon”, and is the work of the very clever Natasha Bourke. As well as being the founder of Skintopia (which first opened in Wellington), Natasha is the CEO for Two Hundred Doors, the New Zealand distributor for Dermalogica. A woman who definitely knows a LOT about skin, she first trained as a skin therapist before completing a Bachelor of Business Studies and relocating to London where she worked for Dermalogica. Towards the end of her tenure with the company she was responsible for setting up the first Dermalogica flagship store in Kensington, London and came home to do the same here. So it’s safe to say that when she created the Skintopia formula, it was with a great deal of retail, business and hands on experience to back it up.
For those a little pressed for time, I love a 30 minute glow up at Skintopia in the form of the ProSkin 30 treatment. It involves a thorough custom cleanse and facemapping, before a completely bespoke treatment is rolled out designed around targeting your greatest concerns. You can power this up with the likes of hydrodermabrasion, a contour mask or LED, then you’re free to go on your way in well under an hour. The perfect day-before-the-weekend treat and so effective, it really does aim to deliver results that you can see almost immediately. They also offer treatment rooms for the more lengthy and advanced treatments, like my personal favourite, the OxyGlow facial. Designed to literally breathe new life into your skin, the OxyGlow facial is a 60 minute treatment that focuses on hydrating, repairing, rejuvenating, healing, calming and more – making it perfect for addressing dry post-winter skin. It delivers an incredible hydration boost that continues over the following days, and is perfect for skin with an impaired barrier or those needing intense repair.

“This photograph portrays a sensational colour and a fun aspect of our collection; we are working with brides and bridal parties always!
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 59
“This is another adventure for Pearl; we so enjoy working with all aspects of wedding parties and decided we had a lovely archive of design to develop a bridal collection that is beautiful, simple and really wearable."
Photography: Marissa Findlay Model: Mia Scantelbury Agency: Unique Models
“We are currently working on an international bridal collection, based on our love of fit, fabric, colour and design.
PEARL CULTURE, 196 Great North Road, T: 021 458 036 E: cris@pearlculture.co.nz www.pearlculture.co.nz
Yesterday while walking along Great North Road in Grey Lynn I was attracted by the gowns in the window of Pearl Boutique, which has been around for 20 years. I went in and saw Cris Roberts, the designer and founder of her label. Cris was full of smiles and excited to tell me her plans of working more closely with the world of bridal couture.

60 PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January) STYLE+FASHION @ ZEBRANO ZEBRANO, 22 Morrow Street, Newmarket - opposite Westfield, T: 09 523 2500, www.zebrano.co.nz 1. 2. 3. 1. Jason Lingard Aman Dress, $353 2. Jellicoe Crazy Dog Lady Top, $187 3. Maaike Eclectic Dress, $383 4. Obi Silhouette Drape Pant, $307 5. Deeanne Hobbs Crop Jacket Scribble, $323 6. Jason Lingard Devotion Dress, $249 4. 5. 6.

"One of the things we're looking at doing is making certain that all your teachers have the same idea around how to teach English, how to teach Māori, how to teach maths. We know that they have to have the same idea, across every single teacher in this country."
Reading, writing and maths should be taught more consistently across all schools, the government says, as it outlines the next steps in its plan to lift New Zealand's dire literacy and maths achievement levels.
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 61
At NumberWorks’nWords we pride ourselves on the delivery of our tutoring model that has been helping students around the country for over 30 years. It aligns with the national curriculum and gives our students confidence and the tools to have success back in the classroom.
NumberWorks’nWords in-centre tuition is computer-based, using bespoke English and maths tutoring software. Traditional learning methods are also incorporated into teaching practices and cater for students of all abilities regardless of where they are at in their learning journey.
Phone NumberWorks’nWords on 09 360 0816 for an initial discussion, email greylynn@numberworks.com, or visit numberworksnwords.com/nz to learn more about maths and English tuition with NUMBERWORKS’NWORDSNumberWorks’nWords.GreyLynn,316Richmond Rd, T: 09 360 0816, E: greylynn@numberworks.com, www.numberworksnwords.com/nz
According to Associate Education Minister, Jan Tinetti, she believes we need to focus on addressing equity and lifting achievement because the way things are is not working well for all learners and we are trying to make it work better.
It's no secret that New Zealand's performance in reading and maths has plunged over the past 20 years in both international and local surveys, a fact acknowledged earlier this year by the ministry, and now something is finally being done about it.

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath - 15+
Sarah Trotman stands with a team of high calibre candidates with business, legal, social, heritage, environmental protection and community service backgrounds, including Allan Matson, Greg Moyle, Gen Sage, Chris Severne and Len Ward. The team are also endorsing Auckland Independents Mike Lee for “WeCouncillor.welcome diversity of thinking, something that has been lacking over the past nine years on this Board and have selected candidates specifically based on their skill and the direct contribution they can make to challenges the central city faces. It is time to put the local back in local body politics, and this is the team who can achieve that,” said Ms Trotman.
Sylvia Plath is thought of as one of the great American novelists, which is not an easy feat for a woman to achieve. She was diagnosed with clinical depression, and unfortunately took her own life not long after the first publishing of The Bell Jar, at just 30 years old. I think that this novel's success speaks for itself. The Bell Jar has sold three million copies, was made into a film in 1979, and is a staple in literature studies classes. The deep dive into the breakdown of the human psyche has established The Bell Jar as a haunting and memorable classic American novel. (LUCY KENNEDY) PN out of 5! STANDS WITH STRONG TEAM TO BRING MUCH NEEDED CHANGE IN WAITEMATA
Businesswoman and fierce community advocate Sarah Trotman, ONZM, will re-stand in the Auckland Council local elections. Ms Trotman said “My experience of the Waitematā Local Board and how the controversial decisions around both the proposed Erebus memorial and shocking decision to fell the Western Springs Forest, against such strong community opposition, have weighed heavily on my mind. A Local Board that is driven by politics and one that blatantly fails to serve the people of Auckland, cannot continue”.
Ms Trotman pointed specifically to the disrespect community members have been shown at Board meetings, poor consultation with the community, and the poor governance of the current Chair, Richard Northey as being key issues the new Board would have to address.
“I was supposed to be having the time of my life.”
“Mr Lee’s example of service to the city we love was one I simply could not ignore. We need the calibre of thinking and accountability that someone like Mike brings,” said Ms Trotman Community Groups across the city have reacted positively to Ms Trotman’s decision to stand. Western Springs resident, Vaughan Clutterbuck said, “Sarah has always made herself available and has fought tirelessly for the people she represents”. Luke Niue, Chair of Parnell Community Committee, says “lots of candidates pledged their support during the last campaign but, when elected, voted against the wishes of the community. Sarah has integrity when others appear to put their political alliances first”.
There is an analogy in this book which is fairly famous, and that I believe is genius. Plath writes of a fig tree stretching out before her, each ripe and plump fig representing a potential future. She sits, starving, at the bottom of the tree, unable to decide which to pick, as choosing one means losing all the others. As she attempts to decide which to take, the figs begin to wrinkle and blacken, falling to her feet. This analogy speaks to the well-known fear of making the wrong choice, an irreversible one, and becoming stuck in a situation you cannot change.
www.lucykennedywriter.wixsite.com/reviews instagram @lucykennedyreviews NEWSLOCAL TROTMAN
“When you have the Ombudsman investigating Auckland Council’s failings over the “deficient” “unreasonable” and “tainted” proposed Erebus memorial; and have serious concerns about the professionalism of Chair, Richard Northey making what was described by a fellow Local Board Member as a “predetermined” decision and inappropriate expense claims; coupled with Council processes to build bridges with the community being labelled an “abject failure”. There is a huge job ahead of us and one that must not be left to those who caused the issues in the first place” said Ms Trotman.
The Waitematā Local Board spans the CBD as well as inner city suburbs from Parnell to Western Springs and faces significant decision-making responsibilities covering planning, heritage, parks, transport and economic development.
“Ms Trotman has an accomplished track-record of delivering for local business and the community. There can be no doubt about her commitment to her constituents and her determination to ensure they are represented at the table. We're delighted she joins our team of five others, who'll put the community at the heart of their decision-making,” said Communities and Residents (C&R) President, Kit Parkinson.
Drifting from place to place among the wavering concrete, Esther comments on the absurdity and complexity of 1950s society while feeling trapped, as if she is encased in a glass bell jar. She knows she should be ecstatic, but she is slipping under a dark shroud of depression. The question is: will she resurface?
I Lucy Book Review:
It is the summer of 1953, and 19-year-old Esther Greenwood is living her dream working as an intern for a high-end New York fashion magazine. Esther is gorgeous, intelligent, and achieving all that she has worked towards throughout her high school career, but she feels nothing.
Ms Trotman’s decision to re-stand was inspired by Mike Lee ending his retirement and his decision to run, after the deeply disappointing performance of Pippa Coom in the Waitematā and Gulf Ward.

Earlier this year, I wrote about my quest to learn to drive which started with sitting a theory test to obtain a Learner's Licence.
In June, I was ready to take this next step but I had been putting it off for a while due to nerves and the limited availability of testing in Auckland - seriously, most appointments are snapped up minutes after they are released, making them near impossible to secure. In the July holidays I decided enough of the delaying tactics and managed to acquire a test in Mount Maunganui, where it’s slightly easier to get a booking and where my family were planning a vacation.
Good luck to everyone out there who is still yet to sit their Restricted. I know it seems daunting, but you will be forever grateful when you pass and despite this interim licence being called ‘restricted’, I actually feel rather free.
Before sitting my test I wanted to make sure that I was fully confident. This meant I needed to do A LOT of work; the old "practice makes perfect” has never been more relevant when it comes to mastering motorised machines.
Mount Maunganui I needed to familiarise myself with the area, quickly! Everytime we went out, I was behind the wheel and despite a few minor nervous breakdowns, (mainly about the dreaded parallel park), I was feeling almost fearless - until the night before my test that is, when I developed confidence jitters. I actually went out in the dark to try a further 10 parallel parks in the street, in the desperate hope it would aid my success. After a restless sleep it was time to face the looming reality. Luckily it was pretty convenient to pop over to the vehicle testing station (VTNZ) early in the morning, so there were no traffic nightmares and unwanted tensions about being late. However, as I pulled up, the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. I still can remember the absolute terror and anxiety I felt as I set off for the long 45 minute driving test which included venturing along the Tauranga motorway and which caught me a bit by surprise! Thankfully, when it came to the parallel park, I was able to execute it perfectly, without curbing the car (phew). My test officer even told me to stop trying to fix the park because he thought it was “pretty damn good”. My nerves eased just a tad. Soon enough I was back to VTNZ for my fate to be decided. I was sick with worry, not wanting to fail, only to have to re-live this whole experience! When he told me I passed, I kid you not, tears began streaming down my face and I clutched my heart in relief. The months of built up stress left my body rapidly (mostly through my tear ducts). Whilst this was happening my mum and sister were standing watching, thinking the extreme emotion signalled an epic defeat. The examiner had to reassure them it was simply "tears of joy" while I ran to get my photo taken for my new licence, before he changed his mind!
Mum was ecstatic with the pass, not just for my sake but for hers too. She now had an extra errand runner, ready to make quick supermarket dashes, refuel the car, and her personal favourite, carry out emergency coffee runs. Though having your Restricted comes with extra responsibilities, it's worth it. I now can drive myself to school, which has become the highlight of my day!
On weekdays I would often drive my sister to school (with Mum in the car, of course) and I would jump on any opportunity to chauffeur my parents about as they completed errands around Auckland. Goodness gracious - I even became the designated driver if they wanted to indulge in a glass or two of wine. Regardless of my diligence I still had a last minute panic and booked a lesson with a driving instructor to be sure I was on track. In hindsight, this actually wasn’t necessary if you are lucky, like me, and already have two great teachers (thanks Mum and Dad). So don’t fuss if you haven’t had a lesson before your test, I could have sat the licence without extra Whentuition.wereached
Though I have to admit finding a park amidst the chaos is definitely stressful, I can get myself to early morning sports' practices, meet friends and much more, relieving my parents of the endless drop-offs/pick-ups.
This initial permit allows you to practice driving on the roads under the supervision of a fully-licensed adult. Six months down the track you are qualified to sit a practical test for a Restricted Licence, which endorses you to drive independently (without passengers).

JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 14 St Marys Bay Road, T: 09 361 6701, www.jacal.co.nz Step two: Calculate your deduction
Interestingly, your ‘home office’ doesn’t have to be a dedicated space – if you work from your dining table you can still claim home office expenses, but with the added complication of calculating the time for which it is used as a work There’sspace.areally good precedent for this, as a lawyer many years ago was working from his kitchen bench and had his claim turned down by the Inland Revenue (IR). He argued the case and won, and as a consequence you can use a kitchen bench or a dining table on the basis that the area is being used as an office.
You can potentially claim a proportion of the mortgage interest you’ve paid during the tax year, rates and some utilities – but not Theredepreciation.areacouple of ways to calculate what you can deduct. You can use the proportion of floor space you have already calculated to work out the proportion of the mortgage interest, rates and rent you can claim, then add a proportion of the phone and internet. In this method, you must keep records and be reasonable. You can claim 50 per cent back for your home phone line if you use this line for business too, while you can claim a ‘clear and reasonable’ business proportion for cell phone and internet usage.
The first step in calculating home office deductions is to work out the proportion of the property that’s used for the business, including any work, office and storage space.
A home office has long been a vital component for many small business owners, whether the business is run full-time from home, or a home office which provides a space to work from when you’re not ‘on-site’ – usually at all hours of the day and night.
Whichever method you choose, keeping records of expenses along the way is hugely valuable when the time comes to lodge your claim. As with many things in business, it’s important to do things thoroughly and well, and seek professional advice.
Work-related space / total space = work-related proportion
For example, if your home is 150sq.m, and you use 30sq.m for your business, your calculation would be: 30/150 = 0.2 (or 20%)
Here’s a quick guide to what can be claimed and how claims areClaimcalculated.taxdeductions for the costs of running a home office. The percentage you can claim is based on the percentage of your home that is used as an office.
Using the square metre rate If you prefer not to keep records of all costs and justify your internet use, IR provides a rate per square metre based on average utility costs for New Zealand households. The rate for the 2021-22 tax year is $47.85 per square metre.
Equation for the square metre rate option is: (total amount of mortgage interest, rates and rent x workrelated proportion) + (total area used for business x square metre rate for the year) For example, if your total property size is 150sq.m, you use 30sq.m or 20% for your business, and your total rent for the year is $31,200, the calculation using the 2021-22 tax year would have been: ($31,200x0.2)+(30x47.85)=$7,675.50
· For homeowners with a mortgage, a percentage of mortgage interest can be claimed too. You can include business storage space in the home as part of your home office measurement.
Disclaimer – While all care has been taken, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about.
14 St Marys Bay Road, St Marys Bay
Your annual expense to claim is the IR rate multiplied by the area (in square metres) of the home that is used for business. However, the IR square metre rate does not include interest and rates or rent costs. You can claim interest, rates and rent on top of the IR rate using the percentage of area method.
The pandemic threw home offices into the spotlight as employed people across the country had to quickly shift to working from home and many small business owners upped their hours working from within their own four walls.
Step one: Calculate your home office size
There’s been little change in what you can claim in regards to a home office, but what the past couple of years probably has done is raise awareness of claims that can be made for having a home office. It’s one of the few things you get as a small business owner that you don’t get as an employed worker.

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 65
FOR A GREENER HOME Lahood® Window Furnishings offers a range of eco-friendly fabric options for those that want to ensure a lighter carbon footprint in their home décor.
The Lahood team will advise you on this, so visit the showroom to see our range of eco friendly fabrics.
Innovative and creative approaches to design and manufacturing that help the environment are happening right across the interior design world. So, if you put a priority on this you can at least make an informed choice when updating your homes curtains and blinds. And even if you’re not, it may be something you might want to consider in the future.
Worldwide fabric manufacturers are pulling out the stops to provide you with eco-friendly window furnishings to help you create a greener home. Ultimately, even the smallest of change in our buying habits can make a difference when it comes to the environment.
Recycled polyester fabric contains dozens of plastic bottles per metre that have been recycled and prevented from entering landfill. Your home window furnishings could be recycling hundreds of PET bottles.
The design styles and colour options are wide ranging, and there is no compromise on durability and affordability. Well-known brands like Maurice Kain and James Dunlop have some beautiful fabrics that are all sustainable and will significantly reduce your carbon footprint.
Whether it’s natural fibres, sustainable blends, or fabrics made from recycled materials, there are plenty of options from local and international brands. Fabrics with a high content of wool, cotton, linen and silk meet the standard required.
Up until now, you might not have considered the environment when looking to update your window and soft furnishings.
Lahood’s showroom team and consultants will show you specific brand and product options that meet sustainable standards internationally and in New Zealand.
Visit Lahood’s stunning showroom at 104 Mt Eden Road. From inspiration to installation, Lahood® Window Furnishings have it all. Phone 0800 LAHOOD to book a design consultation. www.lahood.co.nz

If you don’t already do so, strolling along Ponsonby Road, Jervois Road, into Curran Street along the Westhaven boardwalk and into the Wynyard Quarter is always an uplifting way of spending a sunny Saturday or Sunday.
When the Spanish amble along, not only do they consider what they wear and don’t rush about as if there’s no tomorrow, they also seem to walk on the correct side of the pavement with ease. Moreover, they ‘take the air’ within their own space, and they do it all in style. In other words, they promenade.
While there are many ways of spending a sunny afternoon or early evening (spring is just around the corner) in this city, it’s hard to beat a saunter through the enchanting inner city streets of Ponsonby, Herne Bay, St Mary’s Bay and our harbour surrounds. But good as a walk, stroll, or ride is, perhaps we aren’t quite maximising the pleasure each can bring us. Can we take a leaf out of the Spanish book and learn from how they ‘stretch their legs’ in Seville, Madrid, or Barcelona?
Of course, the ‘correct side’ of the pavement in Spain is not the correct side of the pavement in this land. While we, as in most former British colonies, are still a ‘keep left’ country, we are among roughly only 30% of the global population. In comparison, twice as many of the world’s population - over 160 countries – drive/walk/cycle on the right.
While the concept of promenade has been moving from the city public spaces, from the streets and parks to shopping malls and to virtual public spaces, as many case studies of the waterfront regenerations show, “the waterfronts possess the potential to enliven the concept of promenading in urban public spaces,” says Katarína Kristiánová.
The Spanish, among other Europeans, have been enjoying this exercise for yonks, and in Auckland, with the improving city infrastructure, like the proposed transformation of Harbour Bridge Park in Westhaven, (August issue Ponsonby News) it’s becoming a much more common pastime here.
My mother, bless her bright coloured walking socks, once told me that in Wellington, way back in the WW2 yearsand I assume because of the American soldiers stationed there - a painted white line clearly divided the left and the right on the ‘crowded’ city centre sidewalks. While this may have meant romantic chance encounters were less likely - with little chance of banging into someone - there was much less vigilance needed when moving through the city streets!
But, while I’m not advocating painted white lines as then, I understand our city population is much more diverse now, and irritating as it may be when we have to dodge folk on ‘the wrong side’ of the pavement, we should remind ourselves that not everyone comes from England these days and we need to ‘share with care’.
So, when the sun comes out, ‘put on your best dress baby’, leave time at home, stop somewhere for an energising snack or a refreshing drink along the way and enjoy your space as you promenade away. And if you bump into someone you know, let’s hope it’s not literally! (WILLIAM GREIG) PN prom·en·ade promenading (present participle) to take a leisurely public walk, ride, or drive so as to meet or be seen by others: "they promenaded along the synonyms:waterfront"walk · stroll · saunter · wander · amble · stretch one's legs · take a walk/stroll · go for a walk/stroll · take the air · perambulate

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 67 ISHEARTTHEWHEREHOMEDANSKE MOBLER: FOR TIMELESS, CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE Meluka now offers a wide selection of imported, timeless Danske Mobler contemporary lounge suites and occasional chairs. Shop the full range online now www.meluka.co.nz SHOP ONLINE OR IN STORE meluka.co.nz Furniture. Simply B Y D ANSK E M ØBL E R 15%OFF ALL DRAWERS

The Buddy Collection from Halo combines clean lines and wide arms to create a casual contemporary style sofa series. With its generous proportions the Buddy is wrapped in luxurious hand finished leather with a raw edge flange, adding that extra detail. A low profile and mid height back creates a relaxed look that's perfect for lounging. The comfort of the Buddy sofa stems from its combined pocket springs and supportive foam and fibre filling, providing that true comfort. Available in 3 seater, 2 seater and armchair configuration. Fudge Colour.
REFINED LIVING, 59-61 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 930 6268, www.refinedliving.nz

Renovating garden beds ready for the new planting season is a great way to add back goodies used by previous crops.
Eradicating snails and slugs is mission critical when growing food – drop some beer in a small jar and tilt it level with the soil surface – they crawl in and drown. Or, once it’s dark, turn on your phone torch and go out and pick them off your prized vegetables – it’s your food, not theirs.
Begin now and by Christmas gardeners can be eating (early cropping) spuds, picking their first strawberries, and pulling carrots and radishes for healthy salads. Vegetables that grow even faster include lettuces, rocket, herbs such as dill and coriander, plus the stir fry staples like pak choi and bok choy.
Seedlings are planted and a layer of pea straw is mulched around them to keep the moisture in and the seedlings snug.
usedhowRemembervegetablestotaste?OrganicVeggieMixdoes. Central Landscape Supplies Avondale Open 7 days • 419 Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland 09 828 5533 • avondale@centrallandscapes.co.nz www.centrallandscapes.co.nz
For getting the vege garden started, Avondale Central Landscapes is open seven days for great growing advice, booking deliveries, or borrowing a free trailer. Road, T: 09 828 5533,
facebook: @CLSAvondale, www.centrallandscapes.co.nz/collections/organic-gardening
Rising vegetable and fruit prices can be given the heave-ho this month because it’s perfect for planting out edibles.
The beds are filled with organic certified Veggie Mix from Living Earth which is weed-free and contains organic fertilisers.
For inspiration check out the new set of raised garden beds constructed from wooden sleepers in the glasshouse at Central Landscape Supplies Avondale. Jarrod and his team are keen growers, regularly tending the beds and team members take produce home for meals.
Top up with Garden or Veggie Mix, stir in Aquaticus soil conditioner (ground mussel shell) and add a few handfuls of Morganics organic fertiliser. Through the growing season the Avondale team like to keep on top of plant nourishment by liquid feeding with Aquaticus Garden Booster.

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 71 Provencal Jug Pear Green WAS $198 NOW $99 END OF SEASON 30-50% OFF SELECTED LINES NEWMARKET 34 Morrow Street, Auckland PONSONBY 6 Jervois Road, Auckland ENDSONLINEWWW.FRENCHCOUNTRY.CO.NZ&INSTORE11THSEPTEMBER Vert HandDinnerwarepaintedgreen leaf dinnerware that takes inspiration from culinary herbs. The range combines warm shades of green on organic stoneware shapes for casual modern dining. WAS from $32 NOW from $16.50 Crosby X-Leg Side Table WAS $329 NOW $230 Solid Fringed Jungle Green Throw WAS $109 NOWSinclair$54.50Narrow Bar Cart WAS $799 NOW $559 @ FRENCH COUNTRY

72 PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January) CULTURE+ARTS @ OREXART, PONSONBY Tony Lane – Circle of Light 6 September – 1 October Studio shotNobody15/8/22paints like Tony Lane; his landscapes speak of journeys, isolation, connection, meditation, and devotion. The view carries us in stages, lifts us visually, emotionally, and always towards the light. Rendered in Italian gesso on panel, and set in hand gilded frames, the paintings merge the symbolic with the personal, the experimental with the magical. PN Email us for catalogue and list. OREXART, 221 Ponsonby Road, E: rex@orexart.co.nz www.orexart.co.nz Aureole (Into the Light), 835 x 1250mm, oil on gesso

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 73 CULTURE+ARTS Raymond Sagapolutele, Fonua, digital giclee matt print on dibond, 800x1300mm, 2022 @ BERGMAN GALLERY Benjamin Work TO’A MOTU 27 August - 17 September Raymond← Sagapolutele Aua E Te Fefe 24 September - 22 October Opening Saturday 24 September, 2pm, all welcome ↓ Instagram and Facebook @bergmangallery Tuesday – Saturday 10am - 5:30pm. 3/582 Karangahape Road (Entrance via 2 Newton Road) T: 021 024 614 www.bergmangallery.combenny@bergmangallery.com

An inconveniently timed lockdown in Auckland in August 2021 disrupted Arie Hellendoorn’s opportunity for his first solo exhibition at {Suite} Ponsonby. For the duration of the show the works were only visible through the gallery windows and online, not ideal for an artist whose high level of detail and intricate technique benefit from in person viewing. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and took the time to view the show. Therefore we are pleased to present Arie Hellendoorn's latest series of work, ‘Future Days’, a title drawn from the name of an album by 1970s German experimental progrock band CAN.
{Suite} GALLERY, 189 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 218 4399, www.suite.co.nz
This exhibition sees Hellendoorn move his subject matter away from an abstract figurative narrative to more formally constructed interiors which provide scope for his musings on a myriad of subjects such as the everyday, history, the future, time and space.
The highly patterned surfaces, intensely detailed, stippled surfaces created with a thin liquid acrylic paint and brush or painting stick are unique to Hellendoorn and have been refined over many years. Don’t miss it.

Helene Pohl started the violin at the age of 4½ (Suzuki method) later adding piano, viola, clarinet, baritone saxophone and guitar. At 17 she studied at the Musikhochschule Cologne, then joined members of the Cleveland Quartet at the Eastman School of Music and at Indiana University.
Between 1988 and 1993 Helene was first violinist of the San Francisco based Fidelio String Quartet and since 1994 she has been first violinist in the New Zealand String Quartet. In 2001 she became artistic director, with fellow quartet member Gillian Ansell, of the Adam Chamber Music Festival. Helene plays a Pietro Guarnerius violin made in Venice in 1730. Michael Joel is currently music director of St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra and has worked on the music staff of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden as duty conductor on productions of Tosca, La Bohème, La Traviata and Carmen, assisting big names like Placido Domingo. St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra is an accomplished orchestra performing a wide repertoire of music and is dedicated to providing performance opportunities for New Zealand musicians, composers and conductors. www.smco.org.nz
$30 Concessions $25 children under
to comply
Conductor: Michael Joel Soloist: Helene Pohl You can expect magnificent ‘give- it-all- you’ve-got’ playing from violinist Helen Pohl.
Covid-19 protocols in
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 75 CULTURE+ARTS Sun 18 September at 2.30pm SOLOIST Helene Pohl CONDUCTOR Michael Joel ST MATTHEW IN THE CITY Cnr of Wellesley & Hobson Street, Auckland City PROGRAMME Ritchie, J Aquarius, Suite No 2 for String Orchestra Beethoven Violin Concerto Op 61 in D Sibelius Karelia Suite Op 11 Grieg Peer Gynt Suite No 1 Op 46 BEETHOVEN’S VIOLIN @ ST MATTHEW’S CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Sunday 18 September @ 2.30pm
ST MATTHEW-IN-THE-CITY corner Wellesley & Hobson Streets, T:
TICKETS: Eventfinda or Door sales. EFTPOS or Cash. Adults 12 Student $15. NB: attendees need with any place at the time of the concert. 09 379 0625, www.smco.org.nz
Rush on the day
If you, your friends or family are missing Ponsonby, why not subscribe to New Zealand’s BEST read community magazine? An annual subscription is only $49 and can be posted anywhere in New Zealand. News + Local Politics + Fashion + Style + Celebrity + Eat, Drink + Be Merry + Travel + Living, Thinking + Being + Pets + Future Generation + Sports + Home + Real Estate + Arts + Culture HOMESICK FOR PONSONBY? Visit ponsonbynews.co.nz or email jay@ponsonbynews.co.nz for more information

Natalie Edeson feels like Ponsonby and Grey Lynn are like her second home. For the last 20+ years she has worked in the area as a hairdresser, so her face is very familiar to so many, however in the last few years things have definitely changed.
Always looking to expand, Homestead now offer a scan, retouch, digital print and artwork capture service, from old photos and posters to fine art prints. Homestead also has a pickup and delivery service for their corporate and gallery customers.
Many will know of Homestead. It has been a thriving business for well over 40 years. In 2019 Richard and Natalie Edeson took over the business to let the owner have a well deserved retirement. They previously had businesses in Ponsonby, Herne Bay and Newmarket, so to bring the city vibe out west was a brilliant decision.
After being forced to take on a new direction due to health issues, Covid-19 and the growth of her and husband’s picture framing business, Natalie has now sold her salon to become the full-time face and coowner of Homestead Picture Framers in Henderson.
There really is not much that they can’t display to make into your latest artwork and with all the knowledge the team has they are always up for a challenge to create your own bespoke frame.
The team in Henderson are friendly and helpful and offer the best advice possible with a range of quality frames, matt boards and different glass options to suit whatever you are framing.
Working with an abundance of artists in both New Zealand and overseas, as well as many of the well known galleries using Homestead, they are rated as the No.1 framer by many. They are fast and efficient, using the highest quality archival products.
Check out the website www.homesteadpictureframers.co.nz or visit them 100 Railside Ave, Henderson.
Natalie Edeson of Homestead Picture Framers
Homestead has always been renowned for reasonable prices with high standards. All of the staff are highly experienced and can frame anything from the most valuable artworks to university certificates, as well as object boxes, canvases, needleworks and sports jerseys.
If you have an idea that feels impossible to achieve, these are your go-to guys to make it a reality. They have even had to frame Dan Carter's signed underwear, so no job is too small!
Dane Taylor framing two artworks for Flox

There’s been a lot of colourful energy around the neighbourhood galleries during the wettest months of the year, from Wes Fieldhouse’s “provisional abstraction” at OREXART to Leigh Martin’s colourfields at Two Rooms. With plenty on show by established artists, it is heartening to see less profiled artists having fun with confident exhibitions at our local art centres too. At BSA Gallery (part of Browne School of Art) last month was a lively show of paintings by Andrea Robinson. Now a feisty 83, Andrea juggled raising a family with making art while studying at Elam in the mid-70s under Don Binney. Family life took her to Europe, and she felt unable to make art until she returned to New Zealand again at the age of 60. Her recent paintings are full of spontaneous, colourful gestures, sometimes dense and dirty; in other works the marks float sparse and airy. Studio One Toi Tu has been exploding with exhibitions lately with, I’ve Made Up My Mind, curated with a maximalist feel by Phillip Tse. The walls teemed with colour and texture, artworks occupying every space, watched over by a tall sculptural form. Lee-Ann Sheather’s built-up ecosystems of threaded colour, beads and fabric were especially tactile and gorgeous. In one of the adjoining galleries, A Small Conversation With Myself About Carpet, by Glen Armstrong, also used embroidery, often in combination with painted canvas surfaces. Other works were able to get a real sense of a close up relationship with patterned home furnishings through paint alone. Glen’s works have a lovely understated painterliness within the dead-pan humour of his show’s title. In the other Studio One Toi Tu galleries were exhibitions of strongly coloured, geometric paintings by Paul Darragh and Harinder Hajpal, completing the sense of a building packed with people making brilliant works in the grey of a wet Auckland winter. EVAN WOODRUFFE, Studio Art Supplies PN www.studioart.co.nz Andrea Robinson at BSA Gallery. Photo Artsdiary Paul Darragh at Studio One Toi Tu
PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 77

Free entry | All welcome Celebrate our love for all animals, great & small. Bring your pets for a blessing, or simply enjoy this special service. For the safety of animals and people, please ensure all dogs are on a leash & smaller animals protected in a cage.
78 PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January) BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS IS BACK! Sunday 2 October 12.30pmCULTURE+ARTS 212.30pmOctober, St Matthew-in-the-City, 132 Hobson Street, Auckland stmatthews.nz | mobilitydogs.co.nz
Mobility Dogs are totally reliant on community funders and volunteers, who help raise and train the dogs. The dogs have full access rights under the Dog Control Act, which means they can go into most public places, on public transport, educational and employment and entertainment Mobilityenvironments.Dogs’ wider social initiative is the Puppies in Prison Programme, where people in prison are taught how to train our dogs. Positive outcomes from this programme include learning pro-social skills, the ability to work in a team, and the reward from the absolute love and care of a dog. Come along with your animal, suitably leashed or restrained, and enjoy hearing about the work of Mobility Dogs. And bring your animal forward for a blessing from our animal loving Mediaclergy.arewelcome at the service.
After a Covid break, the much-loved blessing of the animals service returns to St Matthew-in-the-City. Timed to be near St Francis’ Day, this year it will be on Sunday 2 October at We12.30pm.arevery pleased this year to feature the wonderful work of Mobility Dogs. Mobility Dogs have been raising, training and placing assistance dogs for more than 10 years. Their primary goal is to assist people living with a physical disability by partnering them with a mobility dog to help in everyday tasks and to give them constant companionship and a sense of security. No disability or dog is the same, therefore each mobility dog partnership is unique.
For more information: Mobility Dogs – Jody Wilson 027 700 7017 St Matthew’s – Helen Jacobi 021 925 502 ST MATTHEWS-IN-THE-CITY, 132 Hobson Street, www.stmatthews.nz and www.mobilitydogs.co.nz

Patricia Piccinini, The Coup, 2012 © The Artist
“Perhaps, though, it is the artists who are the deer moving across the golden moss in this scenario, in which case maybe the world is better off under their stewardship when the old empire has dissolved away.”
OPENING DAY Saturday 27 August 11am-5pm. All welcome!
This will be a unique show, designed for all ages to enjoy, and we look forward to welcoming you. (SCOTT LAWRIE, Director)
The idea inherent in this stanza is one of liberation; that nature will move silently and with determination to fight back against rabid destruction because of rampant capitalism, corruption, and ignorance. Nature will ultimately win this battle, and the form of the show offers glimpses into this dynamic.
SCOTT LAWRIE GALLERY, Shed 10, The Steelworks, 13 Coles Avenue (off Valley Road), www.scottlawrie.com
Maxwell (George) Turner, Voyage, 2021© The Artist
Significant works from Patricia Piccinini, Andrew Rankin, Lisa Roet, Maxwell (George) Turner, Sefton Rani and Stone Maka make this exhibition powerful, but also nuanced. Andrew Paul Wood has written a magnificent essay to celebrate this show, and it may be fitting that the last word should be left to him.
But it’s the last stanza that has inspired the curation of this Altogethershow: elsewhere, vast Herds of reindeer move across Miles and miles of golden moss, Silently and very fast.
The Fall of Rome
The Fall of Rome is a group show unlike any other held at the Mount Eden gallery space. The inspiration for the title comes from a W.H. Auden poem of the same name, written just after the end of WW2 in 1947. It’s quite dystopian and deals with an imagined place where people are striking, the workers are disgruntled, a pandemic seems to be happening, and some catastrophic weather events are making everything feel a bit gloomy - ring any bells?
Each of the seven artists has responded to the brief in a different way, utilising their practices to address specific points about our relationship with nature, and how we experience it.
Saturday 27 August to 17 September, 2022

80 PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January) T: 09 256 1081 M: 021 868 610 www.aucklandcelebrant.co.nz Glenys Lindsay Experienced wedding & ceremony celebrant. Your ceremony will be special, memorable & exclusively for you.PAGESPINKPONSONBYTHE Your regular donation will help connect more school children with nature, empower people all over Auckland with sustainable living choices and develop and maintain a therapeutic garden. Join now at: www.kelmarnagardens.nz/donate BECOME A FRIEND OF KELMARNA GARDENS FOR AS LITTLE AS $5 A MONTH The Covert Theatre in Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby is NZ’s homeofimprovisedcomedy. With workshops and shows every night of the week there is something for everyone. Be sure to check out www.coverttheatre.com You can support all the good giggle’s by donation right here, www.coverttheatre.com/how-to-help Registered charity CC53421 CEREMONIES CELEBRANT Weddings, Civil Unions, Funerals - LGBTQ friendly www.facebook.com/aucklandwestcelebrations M: 027 582 3077 E: ronald.jones@xtra.co.nz

PONSONBY NEWS + September 2022 81 SUNBED megasun.co.nzSTUDIO +64 9 361 3361 54 PONSONBY ROAD, PONSONBY Contact Murray Andrews M: 021 598 992 E: mhandrews@xtra.co.nz P O Box 78 298, Grey Lynn 1245 www.emltd.co.nz ELECTRICIAN PAGESPINKPONSONBYTHE Shop Local for European WWW.EUROPEANANTIQUES.CO.NZAntiqueseuropeanantiquesnz MICHAEL OWEN SHEN® THERAPY T: 09 376 9599 Email: www.emotionalwellbeing.co.nzmowenshens@gmail.com WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN THE DIDAS WINE LOUNGE TEAM? SENIOR SOUS CHEF , KITCHEN HAND AND FRONT OF HOUSE ROLES AVAILABLE Open 5 days from 3pm – 10pm APPLY VIA EMAIL hr@glengarry.co.nz

** •
With work already well underway, it is hoped that by the end of November, the design company may be in place.
After so many years of advocacy, consultation, presentations, submissions, and plain old hard work it is exciting for our CLD group, along with the entire community to know that we are underway with a clear focus to achieve this much-needed and desired community asset.
Marina is a capable and experienced practitioner, and some of her recent project management work includes; the Te Whau Pathway the Central Auckland Library living roof the soon to be completed Winter Garden redevelopment
The Community-Led Design (CLD) group is delighted that Marina Van den Berg has been appointed as the council project manager for the development of Ponsonby Park+, the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road. This is great news! By way of introduction, here’s why the CLD group is so pleased with this appointment.
* For***ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/news/2021/02/wintergarden-complex-to-be-made-safer**ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/news/2022/05/central-library-living-roof-sets-sustainable-exampletewhaupathway.org.nz/about-the-pathwayfurtherinformationortocontacttheCLDgroup,pleasecheckoutourwebsite;
Marina’s collaborative working style is a perfect fit for a CLD project such as the Ponsonby Park development. Trust, mutual respect, and good-faith communication are at the heart of transparent working relationships and this is what Marina has brought to the table. We have every confidence that we are now in safe hands as the realisation of Ponsonby Park progresses.
Ponsonby Park, the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road - it's happening. Brilliant! (JENNIFER WARD) PN www.254ponsonbyrd.org.nz
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