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SUMMER IS ON ITS WAY. WE ASKED NICOLA WEBSTER AT COAST PONSONBY WHAT’S HOT FOR OUTDOOR LIVING FOR NEXT SEASON? "The continuing trend this year is the seamless transition from indoor to outdoor spaces, the blurring of distinctions between indoor and outdoor furnishings, and the softening of exterior design." P92


2 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


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P14: Shale Chambers & Vernon Tava present Dan Tippet with the Good Citizen Award; P28: The Ponsonby Baptist Church set up the Community of Refuge Trust in 1987.

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042 054 058 060 068 070 074 078 080


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PONSONBY NEWS+ is published monthly, excluding January by ALCHEMY MEDIA LIMITED LIM POSTAL: P.O. BOX 47-282 Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. www.ponsonbynews.co.nz T: 09 378 8553 or 09 361 3356 Editor/Publisher Associate Publisher & Ad Manager Distribution Manager Advertising Sales Operations Manager Contributing Fashion Editor Contributing Music Editor Contributing Editor Contributing Editor Proof Readers Layout Designer Designer


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4 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


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LETTERS + EMAILS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF CYCLING I wish to offer my congratulations to the oft-maligned populists within the local board and Auckland Transport for having the courage to stand up to the noisy minority in the introduction of cycle lanes to the inner west.

Views in Ponsonby News reflect the authors’ and not those of Alchemy Media.


Confusingly branded as 'elitist' by some for improving conditions for the cheapest and most efficient form of transport available, they have adopted strategies from some of the most successful cities in the world to ensure that our children will be able to cycle unsupervised through our streets. Just think about that. Children on bikes, enjoying the great outdoors, segregated from two tonne metal boxes on wheels. Who could argue with this vision? For those who yearn for yesteryear and Making New Zealand Great Again, this is recapturing the spirit of the 50s and 60s, allowing us to interact with our communities and move freely without worry. Since purchasing an electric bike, I can attest to the increased interaction and spend in my local area. From Ponsonby to Pt Chevalier, we are blessed with the great bypass of SH16 drawing all high-speed traffic away from our communities. This gives us the opportunity to reduce speeds and road widths, taking the streets back to village status; friendly places that we are proud to call our own. Parking continues to be the great challenge, but can be solved with residents' parking, and more two hour zones that enable shoppers to frequent our retailers and hospitality outlets. Short stay 15-minute parks should also be dotted throughout to encourage high turnover. And that takes us back to cycling. Every patron who arrives on two wheels frees up a parking spot for those who are less mobile or less inclined towards exercise. A network of connected cycleways enables safe, easy and free transport options for the masses - not just the elite. So embrace this positive change, and give life outside the metal box a chance. Graeme Gunthorp, delighted resident GREY LYNN'S DEADLY CYCLEWAY At the Grosvenor Street/Great North Road end of the Grey Lynn Greenways Route, cyclists travelling up Grosvenor Street are directed by AT signage into/against the oneway vehicle traffic flow. For cars travelling from Bond Street into Grosvenor Street this is a blind crest. Recently I have witnessed two very close calls of car vs cyclist and regretfully a cyclist fatality may be only weeks away. The only saving grace is that Grosvenor Street is quite steep there so few cyclists travel up it - clearly gradients are not a issue for AT designed cycleways? AT’s solution will be to close the top of Grosvenor Street to all vehicle traffic, just cyclists only. Vehicles will be redirected into the narrower and more residential Elgin Street. AT doesn’t solve problems, just shifts them. Shamefully AT’s salaries eclipse their IQs. Paul Mitchell, Grey Lynn TALKING SENSE REGARDING CYCLEWAYS At last, some other people talking sense regarding cycleways in your October issue - Karen Soich and John Elliott. It strikes me that the number of cyclists is relatively small, but their influence and ability to persuade Auckland Council and secure funding is frighteningly large. Several facts mean that Auckland is never going to be cycle city some of which are the topography, ageing population and the fact that as a country we are third on the obesity scale. I attended the Auckland Council 'consult the locals' meetings for the upgrade of Franklin Road. What a farce! It was clear from the outset that they weren't interested in what the locals wanted. Indeed, we were reminded that it was not our road and that it is a main thoroughfare for all. The fact we live there and see what happens day to day was not taken into account. At our meeting, one woman shouted at Pippa Coom to listen to


8 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

(Nielsen Media)

what we were saying.The locals were happy to leave the road as it was with renewed footpaths, gutters and roadway. A cycleway is not needed as the road is wide, leaving lots of wriggle room for bikes and cars. There is a group of cyclists who ride down Franklin Road weekdays around 8am. They are generally travelling faster than the cars. Residents of Franklin Road have to reverse their cars into a busy road where the trees obscure oncoming traffic. Visibility can be worse if a truck or van is parked nearby. The cycleway will run close to the trees. Add to that, cars reversing blind into the cycleway and you have an accident waiting to happen. This is one place where I believe a cycleway will endanger the cyclists. If there is a God, I can only pray that it's one of the cycling lobby gestapo who is first to get skittled in Franklin Road. Glynn Williams, Auckland Central NEW EVERYDAY CYCLISTS ARE LIKE BABIES They don’t come from under cabbages. There’s a pregnancy required. Safe biking conditions need to be provided before any volume of ordinary people will get on their bikes for every day trips. Getting a whole lot of people on bikes is of public benefit. People riding bikes can improve their health, increase their productivity and de-congest Auckland’s gridlocks, leaving the roads clearer for those with no choice (goods deliverers, the mobility impaired, people with poor home/work/services connections) to get around in their vehicles. Cyclists also make inroads on our shameful carbon load. The last government recognised this and funded a programme to improve cyclability in urban areas, where people are likely to get on their bikes. Typically Auckland Transport’s cycling projects are partially funded by the Government’s initial $100 million Urban Cycling Programme and other central transport funding. However, the transition to bike-friendly states can be difficult and painful. People are in cars already. They continually lobby their case by arriving in greater and greater numbers. The widened North-Western motorway is already fully loaded at peak times after billions spent on this ‘demand’. People who use public transport lobbied for their needs by overcrowding buses, and now the double-deckers are ubiquitous. People say they would get on a bike (54% of Aucklanders) if there was a network of infrastructure that could get them safely to and from their destinations. These people have little means to express their needs. So there will be some changes to people’s driving and parking life as provision is made for this latent transport need. Life may never be quite the same, but this baby is coming! Jane Admore, Grey Lynn (Venting my joy of riding a bike for everyday use and proud that others, less confident on their bikes, will soon be out and about in our community.)

PONSONBY NEWS+ is printed on paper sourced from sustainable, well managed forests and manufactured under the environmental management system ISO 14001. Our hand-delivered copies are flow wrapped in eco-friendly, degradable plastic.


FROM THE EDITOR OUR NEW GOVERNMENT REPRESENTS A RADICAL CHANGE FROM THE PAST NINE YEARS of neoliberalism towards a fairer and more equal society, including a generational change at least partly promoted by a 72-year-old - albeit one with 40 years' political experience. Little did we know when we shot our December cover back in 2014, that we were featuring the future PM of New Zealand. Every two years the Waitemata Local Board holds the Good Citizen Awards, which recognises community leaders and groups for going above and beyond for the benefit of the community and the environment - P14.

photography: John Elliott

The Auckland Council’s Environment and Community Committee received urgent submissions on the continued use of the carcinogenic poison glyphosate on Tuesday 17 October. Hana Blackmore and others called on the council to rein them in and demand that they act in good faith towards the Council’s Weed Control Policy. AT still refuses to confirm or deny that it uses glyposhate in our streets. We recommend residents phone the council and place their berms on a ‘No Spray’ register. If whole streets did this AT’s wings could be severely clipped - P18. We were sad to hear of the passing of 78-year-old Ponsonby identity, Auckland Tattoo owner, Merv O’Connor. He ran his business in our neighbourhood for 35 years and would often chat about his lifelong interest as a owner and trainer of race horses - P28. In 1987, the Ponsonby Baptist Church set up the Community of Refuge Trust and purchased its first property in Wanganui Avenue. They have been helping people for over 30 years and now have nearly 300 vulnerable people housed around Auckland - P28 Don’t miss the next Grey Lynn Park Festival which is being held on Saturday 25 November - catch up on some of the characters from the arts and music fields on what we hope will be a fine weather day. We know how healthy and environmentally friendly cycling is, but we must not lose sight of the competing interests in our neighbourhood including parking, both residential and commercial, and the needs of motorists. None of these should be over promoted to the detriment of the others.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

L to R: Joanne Barrett, Martin Leach, Jay Platt, Melissa Paynter and Gwynne Davenport Our readers will be longing for the end of the road works as will we - P36. We encourage our readers to support the 'Adopt a Tree’ campaign and urge the incoming Government to strengthen the Resource Management Act by protecting not only individual trees but valuable local groups of trees - P38. Friends and fellow foodies, the wait is almost over. A staple on many calenders across the country, is Taste, New Zealand’s greatest restaurant festival is back with its biggest lineup ever. Diary date: 16-19 November at Western Springs - P42. Summer is on its way, so we asked COAST Ponsonby owner, Nicola Webster our front cover star, to give us her best tips for easy outdoor living from their new range of products - P92. (MARTIN LEACH) F PN


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


DAVID HARTNELL’S ONE MINUTE INTERVIEW In my opinion Kae Dale is one of the best florists in Grey Lynn and possibility Auckland, she runs KAE Flowers and you’ll never be disappointed getting flowers from Kae. How long have you been a florist? Over 20 years. I love working in my shop I have nice friendly people from all different backgrounds popping in. What is the most unusual floral order you have ever had? For one wedding I was asked to make a moon-shaped bridal bouquet with hanging strings of real diamonds. It had a handle to be carried like a handbag, which was very colourful and sparkly but quite heavy, so I had to make it so it didn’t bruise bride's arm. What’s your favourite flower? I like lisianthus. They are summer flowers, and they are long-lasting in hot weather and beautiful. Violets and lily of the valley are my personal favourites. We can't often get them at the flower auction so whenever I see them, I try to get them no matter what the price! What was your childhood like? I was very naughty. My mother was often called by my primary school teacher. This was because I made boys cry (if they tried to bully other girls only). Complete the sentence: I will die happy if... I could sit on the Moon and have nice glass of dry sauvignon, or dry chilled sake and watching the Earth being happy and everyone living on it. Most annoying celebrity today? The guy who tries to eat his partner's pizza while she is eating it in the Pizza Hut advert. Which TV series would you never miss? The Walking Dead! I love zombies. The TV show has a very good understanding of each character's mind and movement in such a chaotic situation. Dream holiday? Somewhere tropical, with a nice white-sand beach. Your bucket list? Tidy up everything! You’re most treasured passion? Easy, that’s my cats. Aisle or window seat on a plane? Window seat, to watch 'Small Island' in the middle of the ocean. What job would you do other than your own and why? Volunteer for animal shelters, because I love them.

Your biggest disappointment? I didn't go to university to be a vet. What motivates you? My alarm clock. What do you think happens when we die? Spirits will all go back to the Sun. Have you ever seen a ghost? Well kind off. When my body gets stiff, I feel something on my chest or grabbing my arm when I was half asleep. Give your teenaged self some advice? Just don't worry about the future and keep going trying and doing what you want to do. Your favourite time of the day? After dinner. Tell us about your dream home? Top of the hill, with 180-degree sea view. What are you insecure about? Driving on the motorway. What is your greatest fear? Cockroaches taking over New Zealand. Who is your favourite hero of fiction and why? Japanese comic character called Lupin III. He and his team are very clever and cool thieves. What superpower do you wish you had? Healing everybody and every living thing. Which talent would you most like to have? Good computer skills. What cliché do you most hate? 'There is no other way'. What gizmo can you simply not live without? Alarm clock! What is your greatest weakness/indulgence? Drinking wine. Are you a handshake or a hug kind of person? Hug for sure!

If they were to make a movie about your life who would you like to play you? Jim Carrey for sure!

What is your comfort food? Japanese food.

What do you most dislike about your appearance? My work clothes. They need to be practical.

Your dream guest list for a dinner party and why? Jim Carrey and 100 cats!

How would you like to be remembered? As a positive and easy-going person.

Do you have a party trick? No. Just enjoying drinking and talking.

What do you love most about your age? I have enough experience to know exactly what I am doing.

Do you travel light or heavy? Heavy.

If you were an ice cream, what would it be called? Original vanilla! Something that you really disapprove of? Cruelty to any animals.

10 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

If you could change one law or policy in New Zealand, what would it be? Make a few public holidays, which would be between Queen's Birthday and Labour Weekend. Everybody needs thefor the cold, wet winter PN season! How about Matariki? (DAVID HARTNELL, MNZM) F KAE FLOWERS, 7 Garnet Road, T: 09 360 0574, www.kaeflowers.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


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12 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Good Citizen Awards Every two years the Waitemata Local Board holds the Good Citizen Awards, first initiated in 2013 by Shale Chambers with great support from former member Tricia Reade. The awards are the board’s way of recognising community leaders and groups for going above and beyond for the benefit of the community and the environment. At the third Good Citizens’ Awards ceremony held last month, we celebrated the huge contribution of volunteers and heard the amazing stories behind each of the nominations. We’re very privileged to have so many fantastic individuals and groups out there doing good. Awards were given in four categories - Children and Young People, Individual, Community Group, Special Award for Long Service to the Community - to a diverse range of recipients from across Waitemata.

Resignation from board triggers by-election Mark Davey resigned from the Waitemata Local Board on 16 October due to his increasing business commitments. Nominations for the position will open on Friday 24 November 2017 and close at noon on Friday 22 December 2017. Voting packs will be delivered from Friday 26 January 2018 and voting will close at noon on Saturday 17 February 2018. (PIPPA COOM) F PN Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board: pippa.coom@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz, www.facebook.com/waitemata

Visit the Board’s Facebook page for photos of all the recipients Facebook.com/Waitemata

254 Ponsonby Group with Rob Thomas (left) & Chair Pippa Coom (right)

Tony Skelton with Board Member Richard Northey & Chair Pippa Coom

Scott Kuegler & Paul Wacker Grey Lynn Pump Track

Naushyn Janah with Board Members Mark Davey & Adriana Christie

Makyla Curtis with Board Member Vernon Tava & Shale Chambers

Good Citizen Award recipients with members of the Waitemata Local Board

14 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



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Council intransigence over glyphosate poison On Tuesday 17 October I attended a meeting of Auckland Council’s Environment and Community Committee in the Town Hall, chaired by Councillor Penny Hulse. The continuing saga of lack of action by council to enforce the Council Weed Management Policy (thus reducing the use of the poisonous glyphosate) in place since 2013, is a disgrace, as several expert submitters told the committee. There are two parts to weed management in Auckland. Parks and Reserves use new contractor, Ventia, while Auckland Transport (AT) manages roadside berms and road edges. The Weed Management Policy calls for a progressive reduction in the use of chemical sprays. It appears from several observations and discussions I have had with Ventia staff that they may be responding to the policy dictates and reducing the use of glyphosate-based products like Roundup, but AT are certainly not. I have tried for two months to have talks with AT staff responsible for the weed control policy, without success. At the 17 October meeting, submitters told councillors of their legal obligations to protect the health and wellbeing of its citizens, and one, Alex Strever, a proud New Zealand citizen, formerly from South Africa, suggested council could be sued if they did not. There are now several precedents around the world where councils, states or countries have taken legal action, especially against Monsanto, the producer of Roundup. Roundup comprises the poisonous glyphosate and other additives that increase the toxicity of Roundup, which the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has declared "probably carcinogenic". California has banned the use of glyphosate without labelling, and Monsanto is suing them for daring to take that step. Companies making billions of dollars a year don’t give in easily. Most submitters at the council meeting were more polite than Lisa Prager, a long-time protagonist against the council. She said to chairperson Hulse “just get on the phone and say to Lester Levy ‘stop the spraying - now’.” (Levy is the chair of Auckland Transport). Prager also told the committee that “AT has us by the goolies.” Hana Blackmore of the Weed Management Advisory who has been fighting this issue for more than 20 years, spoke forcefully and knowledgeably about the need to stop chemical spraying. She emphasised that the council must ensure the policy guidelines are carried out, and deplored the fact that "nobody is doing anything about AT." She also discussed glyphosate residues in our water supply, telling the committee that glyphosate takes 120 days or more, depending on humidity and other environmental factors, to break down. On one occasion, she said, Watercare had to close one of the dams that supply domestic water to Aucklanders for three months.

ignore the world authority on cancer?' which laid out comprehensive criticism of the Environmental Protection Authority’s report (EPA) last year saying glyphosate is not carcinogenic. Scientists at Massey and Auckland Universities and the Health Ministry, are also highly critical of the authority’s review and the way it just dismissed an IARC conclusion that glyphosate "is a probable carcinogen for humans". The EPA relied on a report by a single person, former National Poisons Centre director, Wayne Temple. It has been admitted that the EPA was repeatedly lobbied by Monsanto, trying its best to discredit IARC findings and to influence the EPA. The director of Massey University’s centre for Public Health Research, Jeroen Douwes, said he could not understand what motivated the EPA to dispute IARC findings. Douwes said he was not sure if the EPA was incompetent or if it was being dictated to by other organisations. It is clearly incumbent on council to widen its investigations beyond the EPA, which at best is not telling the whole story, or at worst is deliberately engaging in obfuscation, some of it industry led. Distinguished journalist, Rod Oram, spoke to the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman, who confirmed to Oram that the Government is "talking with the EPA" about their controversial handling of the report stating glyphosate was unlikely to be carcinogenic, in contradiction to the world authority, IARC. “We don’t fully understand what they [the EPA] do," Sir Peter said. Rod Oram asked the EPA chief scientist, Jacqueline Rowarth, about glyphosate toxicity. She said it was difficult to weigh up the financial, health and environmental costs of a substance against its economic benefits. When pressed by Oram, Rowarth admitted she did not know when EPA last amended regulations on glyphosate use, nor what other reports existed beyond the questionable Temple report. Neither did Rowarth know of any data on risk assessment of glyphosate use in New Zealand, including volumes used or safe dosage. The council must urgently address this issue, bringing AT into line, and at the very least, phasing out glyphosate use in public places in Auckland. I firmly believe it should be totally banned in New Zealand. PN (JOHN ELLIOTT) F

But back to Strever. He related the historic story of Ivan Watkins Dow, from Paritutu, Taranaki, who manufactured 24D and 245T in the 1970s. Like tobacco companies before them, and Monsanto now, they denied 24D and 245T had adverse health effects. The government of the time even subsidised some of their manufacturing. And then came agent orange, made from 245T, and a huge killer during the Vietnam War. Those products were eventually banned after proof of high levels of cancer in Taranaki and large numbers of birth defects. It was that sad history which led Strever to saying councils that are negligent with citizens health could and should be sued. The councillors were urged to read the paper produced by former Green MP, Stephan Browning and Jodie Bruning ‘Why did the NZ EPA

18 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



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Jacinda and Winston - New Zealand’s brand new start "Far too many New Zealanders have come to view today’s capitalism not as their friend but as their foe. And they are not all wrong. "That is why we believe that capitalism must regain its responsible, human face. We’ve had to make a choice, whether it was either with National or Labour, for a modified status quo - or for change. In our negotiations, both National and Labour were presented with that opportunity. Working together, co-operating together for New Zealand. We choose a coalition government of New Zealand First with Labour." With those dramatic words Winston Peters, this most extraordinary man, wrote himself a permanent place in New Zealand history. So, first of all I warmly congratulate new Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her coalition Government. We know Jacinda well. Her extraordinary personal transformation as leader of the Labour Party certainly not only saved Labour from another, possibly fatal, defeat, it propelled her and Labour to, what would have seemed only a few weeks ago, a most unlikely victory. And to Winston, a long-standing St Mary’s Bay resident, our congratulations and thanks. Jacinda’s sparkling charisma which has proven to shine brightest at the highest level of politics, however, was not quite enough. Two fundamental errors cost Labour votes - especially in Auckland. The sudden announcement of a capital gains tax, as has been well discussed, was ruthlessly exploited by National. It associated the newly invigorated Labour with the losing performance of the party under Phil Goff in 2011 and David Cunliffe in 2014. The capital gains tax idea, along with the equally unpopular rolling back of superannuation, had been dumped by Andrew Little but Labour’s neoliberal old guard in the party, evidently persuaded the new leader to take it up again. Secondly the trams-to-the-airport policy was widely seen by Aucklanders as flaky - even among staunch Labour voters. These two policies served to raise fatal doubts among just too many swing voters. The trams policy too came from her old mentor Phil Goff but actually originated from the immensely powerful but widely distrusted Auckland Transport. It is supported by a small claque of Auckland Transport’s social media assets and their associates in the Greens - but not really anyone else. Everyone makes mistakes. The mark of distinction is whether one learns from them. There is every evidence that our new Prime Minister does learn from mistakes and therefore will be a stronger leader for that. The ‘captain’s call’ on capital gains was soon reversed and I am hoping common sense will also prevail over the trams-to the-airport policy.

20 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

A rail link to the airport using high-capacity, fast electric trains is what Peters has made very clear he prefers and without doubt the overwhelming majority of Aucklanders, whatever party they voted for, agree with him. Obviously the policy arrangements of the new coalition Government have not yet been made clear by the time this article goes to press. But from Peters' remarkable statement foreshadowing his party’s decision, it is clear there will be a movement away, and significant ‘change’, from the neoliberal paradigm that has determined the economic policies of both National and Labour for well over a generation. Again without knowing the details, this change also reflects well on the leadership talents of Prime Minister Ardern. Ironically the shift to the left has come from the right, ie, New Zealand First. (Please excuse my using the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ which are now just about past their use-by date as these events demonstrate.) However, in conceding such a shift, Prime Minister Ardern is actually moving Labour policy back to its core philosophy and the instinctive preferences of its constituency - as opposed to those of the Wellington-based ‘belt-way’ leadership. Such a move strengthens the party at its foundations and moves NZ Labour in the same direction as the British Labour Party under the now widely respected Jeremy Corbyn (once sneered at by the same ‘belt-way’ people). This is not only right up with international trends, but because NZ Labour is now actually in power, it actually puts Labour ahead of the curve. To commit to such a profound policy change makes the Prime Minister, too, an historical figure. That incomparable political commentator Machiavelli once observed "The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the people he has around him." [or her]. The lesson from the election campaign I hope will be that the new Prime Minister will be thinking very hard about the quality of advice she has been given by her old mentors. Peters I hope will not only be Jacinda’s deputy but also her trusted advisor. Winston Peters is an extraordinary politician who for the last few weeks has held the whole country in his thrall. Indeed it might be said a worker of political magic on the scale of the Polynesian demi-god Maui-tikitiki-a-Taranga. He is also a New Zealand patriot, a man of substance, of integrity and courage whom history has called forward in the country’s hour of need. This is an PN extraordinary story - and it has only just begun. (MIKE LEE) F


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LOCAL NEWS Ponsonby Park update The volunteer Community-led Design (CLD) group has been working with the community on behalf of the Waitemata Local Board (WLB) since mid 2015 to progress the establishment of Ponsonby Park at 254 Ponsonby Road. This work has included: • Analysis of the results of the 2014 WLB submission process for 254 Ponsonby Road. • Our first survey: asking the community what they would like for the whole of the site open space. • Analysis of the survey results.

• The chosen LandLAB design with a budget outline was presented to the WLB in April and workshopped with them in June 2017. • A second workshop with members of the WLB and council officers was held last month to work towards securing funding in the Auckland Council Long Term Plan. We continue, in conjunction with the WLB, our endeavours to realise Ponsonby Park.

• Creation of the initial design brief from the feedback. • An invitation to students and designers to submit design ideas based on the initial design brief. • Our second survey: asking the community to select their preferred components from these designs. • Finalisation of the design brief from the feedback. • An invitation to designers to submit draft concept designs based on the design brief. • Our third survey: asking the community to select their preferred design and, again, to give additional feedback.

So it was with delight that both our CLD group and Chairperson Chris Bailey, received WLB Good Citizen awards on 12 October in recognition of our work to date. We were humbled to be in the company of so many people who are doing so much great voluntary work within the Waitemata Ward. We were very pleased to be part of the celebration and to receive the two awards presented to us. We also held a planting day on site on 7 October, where we established a small garden at the base of the pylon sign, and planted out two half wine barrels. It is a small step towards what will one day be Ponsonby Park - a beautiful civic space for everyone working, living or visiting Ponsonby. (JENNIFER WARD) F PN www.254ponsonbyrd.org.nz

Garden planted under the pylon - Andy Smith working

A park in progress

...and wine barrel gardens

Keith Maddison, Bryan Bates, Jennifer Ward, Chris Bailey, Paula Wilkinson & Boopsie Maran at the Good Citizen Awards

22 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

Paula Wilkinson weeds the edges

Andy Smith, Keith Maddison (obscured) & Jen work on the garden

Keith Maddison & Bryan Bates lend a hand



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PONSONBY U3A: OCTOBER 2017 Last year Ponsonby U3A member Jan Hutton gave a most interesting talk about her upbringing in Westmere, and about the lives of her parents and grandparents in the Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Grafton areas. More recently she was selected to repeat her talk at the U3A in Action Day. This annual event provides a chance for members of Auckland’s 27 U3A groups to get to know each other and hear something of the activities of other groups. The aims of U3A are to provide its members with lifelong learning opportunities and to share knowledge and friendship. Peter Laslett, founder of the U3A UK in 1981, said that those who teach shall also learn and those who learn shall also teach. Ponsonby U3A meets on the second Friday morning of the month at the Herne Bay Petanque Club. Members hear two speakers: a U3A member on a topic close to their heart (such as the talk given by Jan Hutton) and an invited guest speaker, and also to hear about the activities of the special interest groups. The interest groups, said to be the lifeblood of U3A, offer a myriad of topics for members to follow their interests and leisure activities, and many strong friendships are formed. Last month’s U3A speaker was Hazel Hodgkin about one of her "current enthusiasms" - the history of Motuihe Island where she is a volunteer. She gave the history of the island from the time of Maori preEuropean history. The island is associated with Ngati Paoa and Ngai Tai who it is thought may have witnessed the Rangitoto eruption from there. Since 1839 when it was purchased, firstly by Alexander Fairburn and later farmed by William Brown and John Logan Campbell (who planted olive groves still present on the island) it has gone through many identities from farming to a human and animal quarantine station, then an internment camp during the First World War housing German nationals

and prisoners from Germany, Austria and Samoa; the Sunshine Children’s Health Camp; HMNZS Tamaki naval training camp; and then administered by the Auckland City Council, Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Board and DOC. Farming ceased in 2005 and the island was declared free of pests, allowing the translocation of rare endangered birds. The plan for restoration of the island is to return it as far as possible to its pre-human state. Not all the island will be planted. Heritage sites will be left, also the tops of ridges to retain views. Tracks and education and visitor facilities will be developed. Guest speaker Loren O’Sullivan described her two years in the Honduras as a volunteer caring for homeless and abandoned children as the most extraordinary two years of her life. While training as a teacher she was looking for volunteering opportunities. After seeing a video on the work of (Our Little Brothers and Sisters), NPH an organisation to help children escape poverty, abuse and homelessness in Latin America, she knew that this is how she wanted to volunteer. She chose Honduras, the most dangerous of the countries, but had been told that NPH Honduras was located in a safe rural area. It was basically a big village comprising a ranch, school, home and clinic. As well as children, they also cared for abandoned elderly people. Loren told stories of many of the 400 youngsters being cared for by NPH Honduras during her time there, from babies through to some at university. Currently NPH is supporting over 3000 children in nine countries and since its inception in 1954 has helped over 18,000 children. Speaker for the November meeting will be Charles Brooks, standing in for Michael Willison, former chief photographer, NZ Womans Weekly - 'History of Photography' PN (PHILIPPA TAIT) F NEXT MEETING:

10am, Friday 10 November at Herne Bay Petanque Club, Salisbury Street Reserve, Herne Bay.


Collene Roche, President Ponsonby U3A. T: 09 373 3277, www.u3aponsonby.org.nz

LONG-TERM LOCAL AWARDED THE VARIETY ARTISTS CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND’S PRESIDENT'S MEDALLION Long time Grey Lynn resident and Ponsonby News columnist David Hartnell MNZM, has been awarded The Variety Artists Club of New Zealand’s President's Medallion, along with Gray Bartlett MBE for their services to the club as patrons. David has been the club's patron for the past nine years.

photography: Variety Artists Club of New Zealand collection

The medal, which is one of their highest awards, acknowledges a lifetime commitment towards excellence in the entertainment world, both here in New Zealand and internationally. Over many years both these patrons have worked tirelessly for the club. The medallion was presented by iconic performer Tom Sharplin who is also the club’s president. “I’m humbled and honoured to receive such an award, and being presented from my peers makes it extra special,” says David. There has only ever been three Variety Artists Club of New Zealand President’s Medallions awarded in the club's history. The third medallion was given to the legendary entertainer Max Merritt who now lives in the US. The Variety Artists Club of New Zealand has just celebrated fifty one years and is the premier association for entertainers and performing artists in New Zealand. The club is also the oldest and most prestigious entertainment club in Australasia. Tom Sharplin, Gray Bartlett MBE and David Hartnell MNZM

24 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


Gather around
















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Who will govern New Zealand 2017 - 2020? Time of writing: 9am Thursday 19 October. Winston Peters has promised his decision this afternoon. Which way will he go? I have known Winston for 50 years, both in politics and as my lawyer for three years when he was out of Parliament. He is basically conservative, so his instincts will be towards National. Also, they have the most seats. He dislikes the Greens, although I don’t know why. He will be concerned about a new leader, Jacinda Ardern, trying to keep together three parties - NZ First, Labour and the Greens. He will be somewhat comforted that National has experienced cabinet ministers, and an experienced leader, Bill English, despite English and Peters not being close friends. But his policies in 2017 are more in line with Labour. He has bemoaned the ills of New Zealand since 14 July 1984, the date Roger Douglas became Finance Minister in the Lange government. He says we need drastic change economically and socially. That sounds to me like a rejection of the neoliberal philosophy which has underlined the National Government of John Key and then Bill English. He is not happy with National’s record on immigration, foreign ownership, the reserve bank operations and other policies. Peters will be deciding whether to join National, probably in its last term, or go with Labour, the new broom. I think he has been truly conflicted and the indecision is paining him. He is not gloating about his king-maker role, although he is still well capable of slamming the media. One commentator says it’s a government to sit out of, and Winston may agree with that. He could decide to sit on the cross benches and offer only confidence, and not even supply, but his well-known ego would probably count that out. I pick he will reluctantly go with National. Friday 20 October So I was wrong. Peters will join Labour and the Greens in a three-way coalition. It is an unusual result with the party with the most votes and seats (National) not securing government. Bill English, in a gracious concession speech, said that’s just how MMP can work, and he wished the successful parties well, but warned National will be a very strong opposition.

Little did we know when we shot our December cover back in 2014, that we were featuring the future PM of New Zealand.

The country was pretty much split down the middle, but there was a small majority for change. NZ First will get four ministers, the Greens three, but the Green ministers will be outside cabinet. As Russel Norman said this morning, it still gives the Greens a strong hand, offering confidence and supply on a case by case basis. The next three years will be a huge test for the inexperienced Jacinda Ardern. Corralling Peters and the Greens, let alone keeping discipline tight in her own team, will be a massive challenge. However, she showed enormous potential during the election campaign. It is quite remarkable how the policies of NZ First, Labour and Greens line up. Look for action on climate change, clean rivers, re-negotiations on the TTP, limiting immigration and foreign ownership, affordable housing. National will fight many of these proposals tooth and nail, so progress may well be slow. As a well-known New Zealand model once said, it may not happen overnight, but it will happen. An exciting three years lie ahead. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN

26 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



CORT community housing 30 years old In 1987, the Ponsonby Baptist Church set up a trust called the Community of Refuge Trust, which became known as CORT. They bought their first building in Wanganui Avenue and have used it ever since to house vulnerable Aucklanders. Many have been mental health patients. CORT now calls itself CORT Community Housing, and although it has grown and expanded its influence Auckland-wide, the original focus to house the elderly, young solo mothers, and the underprivileged, has continued. I met with CEO Peter Jeffries, who this year received the Australasian Award for Excellence in Social Housing in New Zealand. Jeffries’s role with CORT has grown from manager, to chairperson and later CEO. He has been innovative, resilient, adaptable, and a keen champion for vulnerable people. The Ponsonby Baptist Church has put up a display around the church walls featuring milestones of CORT’s journey over the 30 years. It comprises short snapshots of the trust’s history It displayed as large posters inside the church. The 30 Years photographic display will be available for viewing at the Baptist Church, 43 Jervois Road from Saturday 4 November to Sunday 12 November, weekdays 12noon-2pm and weekends 10am to 2pm. CORT has grown from the one house in Herne Bay to providing homes for more than 300 people on very low incomes. Its vision is clear: to be a voice for vulnerable people and to produce affordable housing for people who have to rent in a city with the most unaffordable housing in the world. Its work still rests on the founding belief that “the simple act of providing people with the dignity of adequate accommodation can produce profound changes.”

The governance of CORT is provided by the Baptist Church, and Minister, Jody Kilpatrick told me that she and her congregation are proud of CORT and its history. CORT has come a long way since that first purchase in 1987, and has 100 units under construction right now. Jeffries assured me they are being careful not to try to expand too quickly, but said their assets now total $66 million. They cannot hope to take up all the slack left as the crown sells off state houses, and seeks to remove itself from the traditional welfare assistance New Zealand became world famous for in the 1930s, but they are taking whatever slice they can handle. CORT has become part of a giant consortium of NGOs ready to grasp the opportunity. The project is unusual: a large area in a deprived region south of Auckland which the consortium will develop into a range of affordable options: from rent-to-buy or shared equity schemes to subsidised rental properties - as well as houses for sale on the open market. From 2013, CORT has been fighting for housing intensification in the city. The network champions the ideal of low-level intensification, blending two to three-storey housing into suburban streets. They have faced opposition from homeowners who are determined to preserve Auckland’s suburban past. Many would call this NIMBYism. The new unitary plan is more accommodating of intensification.

CORT frames its rental charges around 25-30% of income, and receives an agreed top up from the Government as a subsidy.

In a time of rampant individualism, selfishness and excessive affluence for the 1% at the top, combined with an increasingly difficult task for the 1% at the bottom to make ends meet, CORT has taken up the challenge of support for as many of the vulnerable as possible.

Jeffries says that the city has failed to recognise what growth, gentrification and inequality produces. CORT is trying to fulfil an increasing need, partly because the last government abdicated its responsibility for the old, the young, the sick and the underprivileged.

CORT Community Housing is a shining light right on our back door, fighting to give people a roof over their head, changing the lives of many who were falling through the cracks of our neoliberal and often uncaring society, giving them back their dignity and their sense of self worth.

That contract with our most needy was established by the first Labour Government in 1935, and remained sacrosanct until Roger Douglas followed by Ruth Richardson began dismantling it in 1985.

Ponsonby News is proud of the Ponsonby Baptist Church initiative and their continuing input. We are also pleased to congratulate Peter Jeffries for his long-term involvement and leadership. PN (JOHN ELLIOTT) F

REST IN PEACE - MERV O’CONNOR Auckland Tattoo studio owner, 78-year-old Merv O’Connor ran his tattoo business on Ponsonby Road for almost 30 years. Prior to this, he was on Richmond Road for five years. This long-time local business owner passed away in Auckland Hospital last month and will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him.

28 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


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LOCAL NEWS AUDI NEW ZEALAND INTRODUCES NEW AMBASSADOR: PONSONBY FASHION DESIGNER JULIETTE HOGAN Leading luxury - lifestyle designer Juliette Hogan is joining the Audi family as the newest brand ambassador. Audi New Zealand is delighted to have renowned New Zealand fashion designer Juliette Hogan joining its group of innovative and entrepreneurial Brand Ambassadors consisting of chef Simon Gault and Steve Dunstan of Huffer. From humble beginnings in the early 2000s, Hogan has built a brand that is recognised and followed around the world. She designs what the modern woman wants. Her clothing isn't over complicated or over styled; it conveys a contemporary simplicity with a focus on cut, cloth, craftsmanship and tailoring. Hogan’s brand presence is continuing to grow, with four stores in the North Island and over 16 stockists throughout New Zealand. The appointment of Juliette Hogan as an Audi Ambassador reinforces Audi New Zealand’s intent to build long-term partnerships with inspiring and forward-thinking New Zealand entrepreneurs. The partnership is mutually beneficial with both Audi and Juliette Hogan being able to thrive and learn from each other’s achievements. To celebrate the partnership, Hogan is driving the all new Audi SQ5 with Audi quattro all-wheel drive and virtual cockpit technology. In addition, Juliette Hogan will be presenting her Autumn/ Winter 2018 collection later this month at an exclusive venue in Auckland, created in collaboration with Audi. “I feel completely honoured and flattered to be selected as a brand ambassador for Audi,” said Hogan, Director of Juliette Hogan. “Audi produces beautiful, innovative

vehicles and I feel excited to be able to work with a progressive brand that shares a similar vision to Juliette Hogan,” she added. General Manager of Audi New Zealand Dean Sheed commented: “Audi New Zealand is honoured to appoint Juliette Hogan as a brand ambassador. We’re looking forward to PN creating unique and unforgettable experiences together for our customers.” F

AUCKLAND COUNCIL’S ZERO-WASTE LEADING THE WORLD Auckland Council has been globally recognised by the C40 Cities Awards 2017 as one of the most innovative councils in the world for climate change action. The fifth annual C40 awards acknowledge and reward innovative climate change projects by mayors of world leading cities - with Auckland Council’s ‘Auckland Waste to Resources’ programme selected as a Global Finalist in the Cities4ZeroWaste category. Auckland Council’s Waste Solutions team launched their zero-waste by 2040 ambition in 2012. It involves developing key environmental and waste management solutions, engaging with diverse communities, as well as driving the largest transformation of waste management services in the Southern Hemisphere. Mayor Phil Goff said, “It’s great that Auckland’s leadership on waste reduction has been internationally recognised. “Our ambitious plan for waste minimisation reflects the value we place on our environment and seeks to deliver cost effective services and achieve sustainable growth. “Reducing household waste is a priority. We have achieved reductions of 10% through a combination of pay-as-you-throw pricing, increased recycling capacity, inorganic collection and trialling food waste collection. “Our community recycling centres divert around 70% of waste from landfill and have created over 50 new jobs,” Mayor Goff said. Auckland Council’s General Manager for Waste Solutions Parul Sood said the complexity and scope of implementing Auckland’s zero-waste ambition is unique on a global scale. “By finding new and better ways to reduce, reuse and recycle, we’re reducing the volume of Auckland’s waste while creating economic, environmental and social benefits.

“We want to put initiatives in place that empower people to take ownership of their own waste and help build a sustainable future for Auckland.” Auckland Transport’s expanding cycling network has also been acknowledged by C40 with the City Centre Cycle Network selected to feature in the Cities100website.

“The results we’ve achieved are as a direct result of collaboration with partners and local communities.

Cities100 profiles innovative examples of how cities are using climate action to futureproof against challenges such as extreme weather, air pollution and growing populations in areas including transportation, waste and energy.

“We’re proud to be recognised for our efforts and appreciate the political leadership which has enabled us to work with the private sector and local communities.

The C40 Cities Awards winners will be announced at the Climate Summit in Chicago in early December 2017. F PN

30 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



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HELEN WHITE: REPRESENTING LABOUR FOR AUCKLAND CENTRAL Wow. A nail-bitingly close election and now a Labour Government led by Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern. It goes without saying that I think Jacinda will do an amazing job as leader and Prime Minister. She has articulated an incredibly important vision for our country that has spoken to people who seek a fairer and more decent New Zealand.

27,000 would grow to 45,000 by 2032. That figure has already been reached - 15 years ahead of the prediction. It is expected to grow by a further 30,000 people by 2027. That number will only increase.

Many of you will have encountered Jacinda personally, in her capacity as the Labour candidate and list MP in Auckland Central and you will know that she is utterly committed to building a better city. It is great for Auckland Central to have someone who understands the issues in this city in the top job.

For too long Auckland’s infrastructure issues have been put in the too-hard basket or delegated to council without giving them any ability to address them. The outgoing government spent less on new transport and upgrades in Auckland today than in 2010, despite the population growing by over 200,000.

There are wider implications for the whole country of course. Labour will make very positive change. Jacinda’s ability to engage with people about Labour’s vision, including with a new generation, in a genuine, caring and courageous way was incredibly exciting to watch take hold and bring with it this successful change of government. I have no doubt it will make her one of New Zealand's great prime ministers.

In transport that means Labour’s plan is to step in and lead this change, prioritising public transport such as light rail to Mt Roskill in four years, to the airport and West Auckland within a decade, and a line connecting the North Shore to the CBD will change the way we get around Auckland. We’ll also build a Bus Rapid Transit service connecting the airport and East Auckland, and a third main trunk rail line to serve the commuter and freight rail traffic. I think this is exciting. Each individual project will make an immense difference to Aucklanders.

While I was on the edge of my seat watching the Honorable Winston Peters make his announcement, I was not really surprised at his party’s ultimate decision. That is not to suggest it was a fait accompli but when I was campaigning I saw the synergy between Labour, the Greens and the NZ First play out in very practical ways - we often agreed. What the parties fundamentally had in common was they were all deeply concerned about the damage done by abandoning people to fend for themselves in the freemarket. The National Party had its head buried in the sand, denying there was a housing crisis for example. If NZ First had gone with National it was just not going to address the problems that it was articulating. It was and is patently clear in Auckland Central that ordinary people were and are paying a very real price for the application of a failed ideology. Our city is less people friendly and even less economically productive as a result of this approach. We all wanted government to do its job and lead. As I write this, the details of the agreements made are still coming out. That means I will be more specific in my next column but I can already indicate what sort of problems impacting on people in Auckland Central have been recognised and will be addressed. Labour has recognised an urgent need for investment in Auckland’s transport infrastructure, the need for a housing policy that builds houses, trains apprentices and redevelops Auckland’s urban environment in accordance with the highest standards of urban design. I have said repeatedly in this column that Auckland’s infrastructure mess reflected a lack of leadership, vision and investment and that is what will now need to be put right. Auckland will look very different in 10 years and it needs a big city plan. The number of people living in the CBD will continue to grow. In 2012, Auckland’s City Centre Masterplan laid out a 20-year vision for transforming the city centre. It predicted that the 2012 population of



Cumulatively, however, Labour’s plan for Auckland used to have a world -class public transport system. In 1945 Auckland’s tram network carried 100,000,000 trips (Auckland’s population was 500,000). Last year, with Auckland’s population more than three times higher, our entire public transport network carried only 82,000,000 trips. Labour’s plan will rebuild our light rail network and provide Auckland with fast and efficient public transport system. Auckland Central’s home ownership rate has fallen by 16% since 2008. The main driver of this is the lack of supply of new houses. The population of Auckland grew by more than six people for each additional house built last year. We need to build houses. The fastest way to do this is for the Government to get building. Labour’s KiwiBuild programme will build 100,000 high-quality, affordable homes over 10 years, with 50% of them in Auckland. High-quality apartments will mean more people will live in the CBD and Auckland will need to re-shape our CBD to focus more on walking and cycling and creating exciting open spaces such as Linear Park and the new square outside of Britomart. While campaigning, the importance of warm, dry, affordable and secure long-term rentals in the central city became very clear to me. Our local schools in Auckland Central received $83,000 less in operational funding in 2017 once population growth and inflation is factored in. That is recognised as not good enough. Health, mental health, education and social development need more priority than they have been given - they also need more space than I have in this column so I will address them properly in the future. PN (HELEN WHITE) F Helen White representing Labour for Auckland Central. www.labour.org.nz/helenwhite


COPY DEADLINE: Monday 20 November PUBLISHED: Friday 1 December


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32 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017












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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Retreating Christmas is looming with all its ho, ho, ho, jingle bells and three rolls of Christmas paper for $2 with snowmen and sleighs on them but I need time off − now. It’s been an interesting year - aren’t they all - and I’m keen to go on a retreat. A meditative, healing journey rather than tinsel and tradition. Ten days is the timeframe I’m leaning towards with a couple of days either side to zone into relaxation mode and then prepare for the real world again. And Santa. I imagine somewhere warm, sunny but not too hot. I loathe sweating. Not ladylike according to the nuns. The resort-retreat will be five star: football field size swimming pools with waterfalls. Healthy, delectable fresh food. Alcohol is normally a no-no at retreats but Champagne is encouraged at this haven. Privacy and space are de rigueur. My villa, stylish, airy and comfortable, is absolutely insect-free. Frangipani perfume wafts through the air. My bed (the size of a small island) looks out through palm trees on to a white-sand necklace circling an aquamarine lagoon - mercifully free of coral. Coral is overrated in my book. Those wanting coral and the psychedelic, bug-eyed, nibbly fish that inhabit it can go elsewhere. Although I am open to the occasional iridescent blue or yellow sliver darting away in terror from my white thighs floating in the cool water. They can be jewel-like, pretty. The fish - not my thighs. There are no children. I’d demand a refund, have a panic attack and swim to the mainland to get away from them. And no young adults either. No-one under 30 in fact. People under 30 tend to irritate the lifeblood out of me at resorts. They’re so.... young. Too spoilt. Too loud. Their theme song is “What About Me?” They whinge about how fat they are as they poke at their bony rib cages searching in vain for a smidgeon of fat to pinch. They squeal and splash in the pools and lagoon. Their hands are constantly busy brushing off a speck of sand, or lathering on lotions. They peer into mirrors (always on hand) panicking loudly over deep crevices around their eyes - figments of egotistical imaginations. Drinks of choice are ridiculous cocktails - designed by colour -blind alcoholics with a death wish. Neon blue cream, candied fruit and giant flowers, their stamens poking up the nose, are favourites. No understated dry martini for them. These under 30s discuss food like they could teach Marco Pierre White or Nigella a thing or three, but when dinner time comes around and the shrieking from their cream-coated blue lips becomes shriller, the tomato sauce bottle is up-ended on to their fresh lime -tossed scampi. Such sophistication. Massage is available day and night. The masseuses gentle and intuitive - no gabbling on about the increasing price of papaya at the markets. Soothing, lilting music plays, that seems to emerge straight out of the trees and flowers. Lotus and pomegranate oils are rubbed into the skin. Water sings over stones.

No matter where you are at this retreat, whenever you begin to think about wanting something, someone appears to make it happen. Yet there never seems to be anyone nearby to invade your privacy. Perfect. The retreat offers sessions with healers and shamans; yoga classes including Laughter Yoga. Hilarious and food for the soul. I swear my skin gleams with health after a giggling session with strangers. The food is exquisite and the appetite healthy after the effort of lolling around on day beds being nurtured. Chefs proffer delicate delights and will make anything you request. I ask for field mushrooms with goat’s yoghurt sauce on a homemade spelt sourdough crumpet. Forty winks and a hand-pressed mango juice later, there it was. Bliss. It’s joyful when a gentle staff member, burnished skin draped in white cloth, appears beside you at the perfect moment holding an icy Perrier water perfumed with fresh mint. A plate of hand-made slivers of yam flatbread spread with truffle pesto. I shed tears. People weep regularly here. No wonder, it’s heaven. Even though you seem to be eating every couple of hours and a bottle of Krug evaporates frighteningly fast, you lose weight. All that floating in the lagoon, idling under the waterfalls, and meditation work. You see other guests in group classes, restaurants, but magically no one ever is ever in the lagoon or swimming pools when you are. Marvellous. I don’t exactly pray to die here, but I wouldn’t mind. I certainly could live here. Easing myself up on my sun lounger, I glance around for my book and water. A woven tray is held out to me holding both - and my hat, which I had left in the pavilion. Smiling thanks I open to my page and wonder what I’ll order for dinner... First, an hour’s meditation, a swim, then grilled lobster on baby watercress with a glass or three of bubbles while I watch the moon lazing on its back. I look forward to strolling to my villa where I will retreat into sleep thinking lovingly of my family. (They could visit occasionally.) My head rests on a scented, cotton-covered pillow, surely filled with clouds. Not a whingeing under 30 or a whining mozzie to be heard. Dear Santa... PN (DEIRDRE THURSTON) F

LUCIA MATAIA: LEYS INSTITUTE LIBRARY NEWS Leys Institute Library news I hear some of you sigh with relief because the children are back at school. Our school holiday activities were lots of fun, thanks to all the parents and caregivers who came into the library for the wizardry school, science explosions, henna tattoo, dream catchers and god's eye crafting. Chloe and the team enjoyed the creative energy and mayhem. The team is now busy planning for the summer reading programme Kia Maia Te Whai: Dare to Explore. We will keep you posted. Craft at Leys Last month we launched our inaugural Craft at Leys. This regular group was initiated by one of our customers, Julie. The group is open to all people and crafting interests. Don’t be shy, come and join this friendly bunch of people for a yarn over a cup of tea. Craft at Leys is the first Monday and third Monday of the month. The next one is Monday 6 November, 10am - 11.30am. New reads Did you know the library gets new books delivered daily? You can order library items from the comfort of your home through our library website or why not pop in and

34 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

browse our new books display. If you subscribe to our monthly NextReads newsletter you can have a smorgasbord of new titles delivered straight to your inbox. Or perhaps you would like a little guidance with new books. Three titles that come highly recommended from our wide reading and enthusiastic Book Club are: The Wish Child by Catherine Chidgey, The Lying Game by Ruth Ware and Three Cities Seeking Hope in the Anthropocene by Rod Oram. And if you are interested, our Book Club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month from 10am to 11am. We preview a wide range of new titles and discuss the books we have been reading recently. It’s been a long cold winter and now the weather is finally warming up. We have some delicious salad ideas to kick off your summer eats, so check out our foodie book display and add to your salad repertoire. (LUCIA MATAIA) F PN LEYS INSTITUTE, 20 St Marys Road, T: 09 374 1315, www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz


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Cycleways, cycleways, cycleways - whether you want them or not The unrelenting rollout of cycleway after cycleway in the city fringe continues, based on a belief that if you build them, people will use them. Pippa Coom, chair of the Waitemata Local Board, has suggested that when the cycleways complex is completed, over half of Aucklanders will cycle. Over half, that’s about 699,900 more cyclists than ride bikes today. Last month Ponsonby News outlined the potential difficulties around cycle lanes on Pt Chevalier Road and Meola Road. This month we discuss the cycleways plans for West Lynn shops and Richmond Road, where residents and business people are seriously concerned. Talking to homeowners and business owners on the street, they are still unclear what is proposed even though the machinery has been working on the street for several weeks. One of the major issues raised has been the lack of coordination regarding public transport, resident parking permits and concerns by local businesses that they will lose parking outside their shops. As local Lisa Prager says, "no parking, no stopping, no shopping." I talked to Karen Soich, local West Lynn resident, who questions some of the AT cycleway plans for her street and community. Karen Soich is concerned that coordinated transport options are lacking, saying that surely public transport is the first priority. She also told us residential parking permits for the Grey Lynn/Westmere area are at least one to two years away from actually being implemented. She believes property prices will diminish if AT does not listen to residents. Many houses, former workers’ cottages, have little, or no, off-street parking, and intrusive cycleways will be a problem for young mothers with shopping and a baby, and make life difficult for the elderly and tradespeople. Auckland is not a flat city - cycling is difficult here compared to cities like Amsterdam. E-bikes may well help, but Soich maintains that E-bikes are an elitist idea for the privileged few. Soich is also concerned at the danger posed by E-bikes racing along at 30kph while mothers try to unload kids and groceries and people try to reach the road for cabs and buses. Pippa Coom has stated that council’s total investment in walking and cycling projects over the 2015-2018 period will be approximately $200 million. While that investment might only represent about 1% of total transport spending it is a huge figure to spend on primarily recreational cycleways. On the positive side, the overall precinct design for the Richmond Road project includes a much-needed roundabout at Peel Street, pedestrian crossing on Surrey Crescent making safer access for children, and cycle links connecting Great North Road and Grey Lynn Park, through Sackville Street to Coxs Bay, connecting the local community to its parks and reserves. However, the two-metre cycle paths to be constructed on both sides of Richmond Road, some between parking and pavement, and others roadside, will take a huge chunk of the Richmond Road carriageway. Auckland Transport (AT) told us they did communicate its plans with the stakeholders. In March, 7800 brochures were hand delivered and a further 2900 were posted to non resident owners. Ten school newsletters, Auckland Harbour News, internet postings and two open days were conducted. But still people say they have never been consulted. Busy lives mean citizens who are bombarded with junk mail and information overload requires repeated engagement to encourage response.

36 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

West Lynn shops Richmond Road planned design Very few people submitted. Several I spoke to swore they never got a brochure. This lack of engagement is in sharp contrast to what happened with the well-publicised Unitary Plan which saw local boards and individuals determined to have their voice heard. I checked out the consultation material sent out by AT. The questionnaire on the Route 2 proposal asked open questions which relied on active engagement with the online material before a sensible response could be made. 1. What aspects of the proposal do you like and why? 2. What aspects of the proposal would you change and why? There are eight maps on the AT website, showing the proposed cycleways and road alterations from Surrey Crescent, through the West Lynn Shops, to Parawai Crescent, and they are virtually impossible to read or interpret. Only 95 people commented on the cycle proposals through West Lynn shops. 35 were critical of proposed changes, while 41 supported the changes, 19 made suggestions for further changes, and 22 were opposed to parking loss. Adding the 35 to the 22, 60% were against the proposed changes. On the question of bus stops there were 21 submitters - six in favour of proposals, 14 against, one suggesting more changes. Soich told us that these numbers don’t provide a mandate for AT to proceed. It could do well to look at the Island Bay, Wellington, plans, where locals are threatening legal challenges. AT must recognise that people only get the message change is about to happen when the red cones arrive, followed closely by bulldozers. Few locals really understand what is planned. Surely some large scale billboard illustrative material would have been more accessible to locals who were to be affected. Posters in shop windows would be helpful too. No one questions traffic calming measures, but loss of on-street parking is a real issue for some homeowners and businesses on Richmond Road and adjoining side streets. While cars are still an important mode of transport for thousands of Aucklanders, with public transport still inadequate and resident parking permits not sorted in Grey Lynn, AT seems determined to put the cart before the horse. (JOHN ELLIOTT) F PN





The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


LOCAL NEWS DISAPPEARING URBAN CANOPY PROMPTS 'ADOPT A TREE' CAMPAIGN Auckland’s trees are in big trouble. The Tree Council says they’re being “slaughtered” and that, by 2030, if nothing is done, there will be no urban tree canopy cover left in Auckland. The ‘Adopt a Tree’ campaign is trying to mitigate this shocking trend. Organised by the Urban Tree Alliance NZ, the inaugural event intends to encourage Auckland residents to adopt their local favourite tree. Get to know it. Give it a drink when the summers are hot and make sure it has some food at least once a year. Plant flowers around the bottom to stop anyone from poisoning the tree with misguided weeding. Remind construction workers to be careful of the tree or help them to erect protections.

Urban Tree Alliance co-founder Wendy Gray says, “We want to raise the level of tree consciousness within the community. People need to be aware of the plight of our urban trees.” Fellow co-founder, Aprilanne Bonar agrees, “While we commend Mayor Phil Goff for wanting to plant one million new trees, we want to shift the focus back to preserve what we already have.” Adopt-a-Tree kicks off on Saturday 18 November at Western Park: Corner of Ponsonby Road and Hepburn Street. Karakia by Ngati Whatua at 10am and other activities such as PN forest bathing, meditation, tai chi and yoga. BYO picnic basket. F For more information contact Aprilanne on M: 021 714 021 or Wendy on M: 021 149 2267. Connect on Facebook @ Urban Tree Alliance NZ

ALLYSON HAMBLETT, FINALIST IN THE 2017 ATTITUDE AWARDS Born with cerebral palsy, which affects her speech and mobility, Allyson Hamblett was accustomed to being singled out as different. She fought hard to attend university and qualified as a librarian but struggled to be fully accepted and find work. It was around this time she realised the gender she was born with didn’t ‘fit’, and began the journey of transitioning into a woman. Allyson sits on various boards such as CCS Disability Action and OutlineNZ (a support agency for LGBTQI+). She has petitioned Parliament to make it easier for trans, intersex and gender diverse people to update their birth and citizenship certificates. In between campaigning and supporting others, Allyson also finds time to indulge her passion for art at Mapura Studios, a creative space for people living with disability and diversity. By positive example and tireless advocacy, Allyson is challenging society to celebrate difference and be more inclusive of transgender and disabled people. The Attitude 'Spirit of Attitude' Award - is given to a person with a disability who has overcome hardship to achieve their personal goals. This award celebrates those who are truly embracing life and making the utmost of whatever abilities they have. The recipient of this award will be someone who has risen to the challenges they face with a positive, ‘can-do’ spirit. The Attitude Awards are now in their 10th year, celebrating the success and achievements of Kiwis living with disability. The seven award categories recognise excellence in areas such as arts, leadership, business and making a difference in the community. The winners will be announced at a black-tie gala dinner at the Auckland

38 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

Allyson Hamblett ANZ Viaduct Events Centre on 9 November in front of over 600 guests, including celebrities and dignitaries. Go to AtttiudeLive.com/Awards to buy tickets and find PN out more information. F PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)

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The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Congratulations to Prime Minister Ardern and progressing Auckland issues Congratulations to incoming Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. It's a privilege and a huge responsibility to be in Government and to hold the role of Prime Minister. While we may have a contest of ideas on policy, I wish her all the best as she steps into this important new chapter of her life. I am gutted for Bill English, I have always believed in who he is and he has achieved great things for New Zealand. He is an extraordinary New Zealander who I consider an amazing colleague and also a great friend. I am proud of my time as Minister and I am grateful to Auckland Central and the National Party for giving me this opportunity to serve in cabinet. Some of the projects I helped to deliver included securing several billion dollars more investment in upgrading and fixing school property, including building new schools in Auckland, securing $200 million to ensure fast uncapped connections to schools with another $40 million investment in digital fluency. Other large decisions included scrapping the decile system and a decision to move to a system for schools which involved both progress and achievement. As Minister for ACC I delivered large levy cuts, passed legislation enabling greater transparency and stability for levies and delivered a set of initiatives aimed at helping our most vulnerable who may have disputes with the system. In food safety, I also progressed the Food Safety reform legislation and brought in the health star rating system for food. I am also proud of progressing legislation for recovery from natural disasters and securing funding for cellphone alerts when I held the Civil Defence portfolio. Some people have asked what does this mean for the local projects I have been committed to in Auckland Central. Many of the local priorities and projects that I campaigned on do not require new government decisions. I am confident that I will be able to to work collaboratively with a range of organisations at the community, private and local government level to progress these projects, as I have always done. Additionally, I consider myself someone who has always tried to build relationships across

the parliament and parties. As a Minister there were many times when Opposition MPs sought my assistance as the local MP. I would expect there will be situations when I would do this over the next few years. One of the advantages I now have is more time to spend on Auckland and Auckland Central issues. You can expect me to take a strong interest in the Port issues. I am in favour of moving the port to a better location if the economic and environmental case stacks up. I think it could be positive for reducing congestion, freeing up our waterfront and for economic development, if it is managed well. It is important that decisions are made on what is best for Auckland and New Zealand for the next 100 years and that includes consideration of national freight movements. I have already started progressing these local priorities. Recently, I met with the Auckland City Mission and Lifewise on the investment we put into the Housing First programme and the more than $20 million investment into the new facility for the City Mission. I am pleased that I have already been able to make progress with the community on Great Barrier Island to successfully secure additional funds for pest eradication. Thank you for all your messages of support during this time. I know some of you will be disappointed. However, I have absolute respect for the fact that the New Zealand Labour Party, New Zealand First and New Zealand's Green Party have formed a government. Whatever our political views are we live in the greatest country in the world. I look forward to continuing to work hard for the people of New Zealand in Opposition and as PN MP for Auckland Central. (NIKKI KAYE) F Authorised by Hon Nikki Kaye, MP for Auckland Central, 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay. www.nikkikaye.co.nz. If you have any issues or concerns, please contact my office on T: 09 378 2088 or send me an email on mp.aucklandcentral@parliament.govt.nz

Nikki Kaye MP for Auckland Central I regularly work on local issues and meet with constituents. Please contact my office if you would like to meet with me. Drop In Constituency Clinic: 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay – Nov 10th 3.00pm

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Nikki Kaye MP, 48C College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland.

40 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



*Conditions Apply


ULTIMATE GUIDE TO TASTE OF AUCKLAND IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ELECTROLUX Friends and fellow foodies, the wait is almost over. A staple on many calendars across the country, New Zealand’s greatest restaurant festival is back with the biggest line-up ever. As summer approaches, days of sitting in the sun with friends, sipping on a glass of cuvée and enjoying the finest that Auckland’s top restaurants have to offer are drawing closer to reality! From 16 - 19 November, the idyllic Western Springs will once again be covered in gorgeous marquees and host bright sparks of culinary inspiration for friends and foodies alike. As a festival that evolves each year along with the dining scene, foodies are given the chance to enjoy their pick of restaurant dishes including a special Icon Dish made exclusively for the festival from the exceptional line-up of some of Auckland’s best chefs. There’s plenty in store for lovers of all things delish, including more than 100 artisan stalls and opportunities to meet some of the country’s leading chefs and personalities in the Auckland food scene right now. You’re sure to find something that will have your taste buds buzzing. To make the most of the gastronomic affair, here is a guide to discover all the activities, food, drink and shopping you can expect at Western Springs. PREPARE Like a day at the races, Taste is an occasion you want to dress up for. The first of the summer festivals, it marks the start of the new season in the best way possible. There are a few things to remember to help you navigate your way through foodie wonderland with ease and style. Do remember to dress for the weather and choose shoes that will see you through your wanderings. An SPF moisturiser is also a non-negotiable as even if it’s cloudy, the sun will find you and most importantly, remember to bring your friends so you can eat, drink and be merry together. Make sure you check the website for demo and music schedules before purchasing your tickets. EAT After purchasing a day’s worth of Crowns, the official electronic currency of Taste festivals, follow your nose directly to any one of the 10 Taste restaurants. Since Taste of Auckland’s debut in 2009, our city’s culinary standing has continued its indomitable rise. Rounding up the best in town to delight your senses with sumptuous signature dishes, let your taste buds travel and discover the taste of Northern Thailand with Saan’s spicy green papaya salad. Te Mana lamb meatballs and BBQ crayfish from Baduzzi,

42 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

contemporary Indian chilli chicken from 1947 Eatery, traditional Chinese pork belly with ARTWOK, and crispy duck and galangal crab from Tok Tok. French styled Boeuf Bourguignon taco with beef cheek at Paris Butter, Hawkes Bay lamb straight, from the fit pit at Miss Moonshines, octopus confit with Vodka Room, goats curd stuffed zucchini flower from Euro Bar & Restaurant and a special take on pineapple lumps from Eat NZ collaborative kitchen with The Cult Project. And that’s not even a third of the menu. With so much good nosh on offer, all emphasising local, rustic, seasonal and sustainable ingredients, there’s bound to be something which will bring you a deep level of nearly indescribable satisfaction. Also turning up the heat at Western Springs, this year sees the return of hangi master Rewi Spraggon for the Gourmet Hangi with Riki Bennett. Joined by a guest chef each session, including Augustus Bistro’s Juan Balsani creating ‘Baron of Beef Hangi’, Farina Restaurant’s Sergio Maglione’s ‘Octo Hangi’, plus Masterchef winners Kasey and Karena Bird, Ben Bayly and his team from The Grove, Kyle Street from Culprit and Will Michell of The Smoko Room at the Sawmill Brewery. Each chef will offer festival visitors their own ideas and ingredients to this traditional Maori favourite. The Gourmet Hangi will no doubt prove popular and not be like anything you’ve ever experienced before! DRINK Widely regarded as the makeshift home to some of the best craft beer you could wish to taste in one destination, the smash hit Brew Street returns for 2017. Not only will this be the village to the best boutique breweries in town, brewers such as Liberty Brewing, Tuatara, and Good George Brewing will also lead you through history and tastings of several forms of their craft beers taking over New Zealand’s trendiest bars and restaurants in ‘Meet the Brewer’ talks.


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY MEET They call it a ‘une petite pause’ in French, that time required to digest the last mouthful before you take another bite. Take a stroll towards the Electrolux Taste Theatre as what follows is terrific fun. If you love to cook food almost as much as you love to eat it, then this is the perfect place to learn at the feet of the masters. MasterChef Australia judge, chef and restaurateur George Calombaris will be live on stage and in action Saturday afternoon and evening sessions with his interpretation of Kiwi favourite ‘fish and chips’ (very unlikely to resemble the humble takeaway style we know so well), while Ponsonby darling Saan’s Lek Trirattanavatin will demonstrate how you can achieve his award-winning Thai flavours on Friday afternoon. Reigning queens of raw organic goodness, Little Bird Organic’s Megan May will also be doing Good Taste demos in the Electrolux Taste Theatre, showing off the real deal in the realm of food that’s good for you, good for the planet and tastes good too. If you’d prefer to pick up a pan and cook with some of the country’s culinary superstars, then Electrolux Chefs’ Secrets is for you. Pure indulgence at its best, you’ll not only receive a warm greeting and Famous Vodka Cocktail on arrival, but also learn how to cook one of Nic Watt of True Food & Yoga or Sean Connolly of The Grill’s signature dishes and enjoy the meal and glass of matched wine with them afterwards. Places for these intimate masterclass experiences are on a strictly ‘first-come, first-serve’ basis so be sure to book your spot on arrival. SHOP A mid-point coffee is a well-deserved treat at this stage. No better a place to visit than Harpoon Cold Brew, Rocket Espresso or IncaFe, who’ll guide you towards unexpected flavours from beans grown around the world. Fully energised, it’s time to discover the vast array of produce from more than 100 artisan producers at the gourmet village that is the festival. Find the most fragrant olive oil from Two Black Dogs, pressed by family owned groves in Mangawhai, then to accompany it, pick up a block of cheese from classic Kiwi cheesemaker, Puhoi Valley or antipasto from Food Snob. Gifts for absent gastronauts are in abundance, but a tub of Hamilton’s award-winning Duck Island ice cream or Hogarth Craft Chocolate is one you might think twice about giving away. Whatever you’re into, you’ll find something which tickles your fancy.

There’ll also be a host of masterclasses, as well as tasting sessions for wine and whiskey. Wine Marlborough will be hosting an exciting series of masterclasses delivered by doyen of New Zealand wine, Bob Campbell MW, while Villa Maria and Yealands Family Wines will each have a stand alone container bar. Dangerously drinkable at any time of the day, we have it on good authority that Cointreau will be providing an intriguingly unique experience this year, offering a range of mini ‘cocktail masterclasses’ for Taste lovers to create. Glenfiddich also bringing their range of aged whiskies for those seeking to indulge in the finer things in life. It’s imperative to stay hydrated, and non -alcoholic thirst quenchers to be discovered include Basilur Tea, Hakanoa Homemade ginger beers, Mama's Brewshop kombucha, Six Barrel Soda, Waiheke Water and The Soda Press. DANCE As recuperation from the retail therapy, make your way to the live music bandstand to enjoy the tunes. All good events have an incredible playlist and Taste’s exhilarating music showcase will again be curated by the maestro of funk, Peter Urlich. Enjoy the beautiful outdoor setting and cool down in the sunshine to soul, jazz, funk and authentic blues to acts like Too Many Chiefs on opening night, Looking for Alaska on Friday afternoon and Nathan Haines Band on Saturday afternoon. Each session features different acts and who knows, you might meet some of your favourite culinary heroes on the dance floor too! Grant Marshall is hosting on Friday evening and Peter Urlich himself will take to the decks on Saturday in what is now a Taste of Auckland festival ritual. TREAT If revelling in the full-service experience with all the tasty extras is what you are accustomed to, then the Qantas VIP ticket is your guaranteed way to get the full festival benefits. Enjoy the opulence from the time you drive in, with complimentary parking, to when you walk in through the festival gates, with a wine and gourmet snacks on arrival in the lounge. Bring along your friends and experience the deliciousness for yourself. This is your year to join in on the fun at Taste of Auckland. Advance purchase tickets from $17. www.TasteofAuckland.co.nz F PN

For friends who feast

Join culinary all-stars this November & taste a selection of signature dishes from Auckland’s hottest restaurants ARTWOK X BADUZZI X EURO X MISS MOONSHINES X PARIS BUTTER X SAAN X TOK TOK VODKA ROOM X 1947 EATERY X PLUS EAT NEW ZEALAND WITH THE CULT PROJECT Special guest appearance by George Calombaris X Chef Demonstrations X Gourmet Hāngi X Live Music X Brew Street Cocktail Bars X 100+ Artisanal Food & Beverage Producers X Wine Masterclasses X Qantas VIP Experience

Buy tickets at tasteofauckland.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS @ PLUME RESTAURANT Plume Restaurant in Matakana announces its 2017 Christmas menu: a three-course meal (choice of any three to be confirmed in advance) for Christmas and end of year celebrations. Cost: $85 per person - minimum 15 guests. Add a glass of Sparkling Rosé JOY (Methode Traditionelle) for $12 and the total is $97 per person inclusive of GST. Available for lunch Wednesday to Sunday, and dinner Friday and Saturday. For parties of 50 or more they will open on other days. ENTRÉE Chef’s Platter: duck confit savoury crepe, seafood terrine with pepper coulis, syrah grape juice jelly crystals, marinated olives from our vineyard and grilled haloumi salad. MAINS (choice of any three to be confirmed in advance) • Akaroa salmon, lemon kelp, warm quinoa salad, orange ketchup, cucumber ribbons • Fish of the day, creamy fondant potatoes, zesty butter, baby cos jam

DESSERT Festive Platter of petit fours - spiced chocolate log, raspberry mousse, fruit mince tart, rose water panna cotta, pistachio tuille. Vegetarian, gluten-free and dairy-free options to be booked in advance. For groups of 15 and more only.

• Roast beef eye fillet, Yorkshire pudding with brandy and blue cheese cream, baby vegetables, pepper jus.

In Matakana Village, Plume Café baker Heiko has started making Christmas mince tarts and Christmas stollen. Gift vouchers are available and can be used for dining at Plume Restaurant or purchasing wine to take home. Call or email to order. Plume Restaurant’s new summer menu is available from 19 November.

• Champagne ham roulade, prosciutto wrapped, saffron poached baby pear, cranberry and spinach roll, calvados cream

For Christmas bookings: farida@plumerestaurant.co.nz or T: 09 422 7915 PLUME RESTAURANT, 49A Sharp Road, Matakana, www.plumerestaurant.co.nz

• Chicken supreme, pan fried, stuffed with chorizo, sage, home-made brioche, syrah reduction, polenta fries

44 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY DIDA’S - YOUR LOCAL RECIPE OF THE MONTH Mango and Prawn Salad Salad 1kg prawns 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 fresh long red chilli 2 teaspoons fresh coriander, chopped 1 piece fresh ginger, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 mango, thinly sliced 1 large red capsicum, sliced 1 cucumber, sliced 2 green onions, sliced 1 cup bean sprouts Dressing 1 /3 cup lime juice 1 tablespoon grated palm sugar 2 teaspoons fish sauce Mix all ingredients together with the dressing and served chilled. You’ll find this salad served every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through November in Dida's Food Store. The perfect wine match is also available, Jules Taylor Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2016. F PN DIDA’S, 54 Jervois Road, T: 09 361 6157, www.didas.co.nz

Because we all deserve freedom SAFE helping animals out Help us fight cages

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied



PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY MAYOR WELCOMES COUNTDOWN PHASING OUT PLASTIC BAGS Mayor Phil Goff has welcomed Countdown’s announcement that it will phase out single-use plastic bags in all its stores and online shopping by the end of 2018. Mayor Phil Goff said, “I want to reduce plastic bag use in Auckland and welcome Countdown’s announcement to phase out plastic bags by the end of next year. “I met with Countdown early in my mayoralty to seek their support for reducing plastic bags in Auckland. It is great to see them responding positively to our discussion and to customer sentiment. “Reducing plastic bag use is a crucial part of decreasing waste and protecting our environment. I encourage others to follow suit. “If other businesses make efforts to reduce plastic bag use and the Government introduces a levy on plastic bags, we can likely cut around 500 to 600 million plastic bags a year out of our waste stream in Auckland alone. “Charging or banning plastic bags cannot be introduced through a council bylaw and I will continue to work with MPs to promote a change through a Local Bill in Parliament,” said Mayor Goff. F PN

TRIO POHADKA FOR CANCER RESEARCH On Saturday 18 November at 7.30pm, Trio Pohadka & Friends - a chamber music group comprised of young doctors - will be giving a benefit concert at the Auckland Town Hall Concert Chamber. The young music enthusiasts are connected by a passion for music, friendship and a genuine mission to present high-quality music to all, and help fight cancer at the same time. All concert proceeds will be donated to the Cancer Society Auckland/Northland to support life-saving cancer research. Pianist Petr Tomek from the Czech Republic formed the group shortly after his arrival in New Zealand in 2011 on an Outstanding International Doctoral Scholarship awarded to him by the University of Auckland. Petr completed his PhD last year and is working as a Cancer Researcher at the Auckland Cancer Research Centre in Grafton. This will be the fifth instalment of the Trio’s popular Cancer Research Benefit Concert. It will feature all-time favourite Klezmer music but also romantic and classical masterpieces. Trio Pohádka & Friends: • Petr Tomek - piano • Lisa Chung - cello • Shyam Sankaran - violin • Joo Yeon Lee - violin • Dickson Fung - viola • John Jang - clarinet • Andrew Kincaid - double bass Concert Programme: • Sergei Prokofiev - Overture on Hebrew Themes, Op.34 • Johannes Brahms - Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, Op.25 • Joseph Haydn - String Quartet No. 4 'Sunrise', Op.76 • Srul Irving Glick - Old Toronto Klezmer Suite www.aucklandlive.co.nz/show/doctors-with-instruments

46 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY 5 Fort Lane, CBD T: 09 379 9702 cassiarestaurant.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

SIDART, Level 1, Three Lamps Plaza, 283 Ponsonby Road T: 360 2122 www.sidart.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY WIN-WIN BRINGS LAS VEGAS EDGE TO PONSONBY Win-Win has undergone a full transformation in the past month working with communication agency Crave to bring you the darker side of Las Vegas. The history, events, celebrities and moments that have made their mark on American pop culture have found their home right here at Win-Win on Ponsonby Road. The idea is focused around the darker side of Las Vegas with an edgier Art Deco execution. The fit-out features two large commissioned art pieces, booth seating, 1920s Tiffany stained-glass lights and a Las Vegas-inspired collection of photographic moments throughout the bar. The focus of this refurbished cocktail lounge is to give guests an experience that is like no other in Auckland, serving up world-class cocktails alongside funky house music late into the night. F PN


Award Winning g



WIN-WIN, 212 Ponsonby Road, www.winwinbar.co.nz

ARTISAN AWARD FOR OUR HAM 2017 Taking orders for...

Our Award Winning Ham Crozier’s Free Range Turkeys Warren Elwin’s Christmas Turkey Sausages Wild Game, Dry Aged Steaks Award Winning Bacon and Gourmet Sausages 531 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland. Ph: 376 3567 www.greylynnbutchers.co.nz / Open 7 Days

48 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



LOCAL OATCAKES, WILD NEW FLAVOUR Recently Ponsonby News heard from local Morgan Maw of Bonnie Oatcakes, in the context of the brand’s new flavour.


In Megan’s words, “I wanted to get in touch to let you know about the new Bonnie Oatcake flavour which we’re really excited about. It’s something a bit unusual and unique: No.5 Seaweed and Walnut.


"We thought Ponsonby News readers might be keen to hear about the new flavour because, with the warmer weather just around the corner, it’s something fresh and exciting for the picnic and cheese platter.

"All of our oatcakes are also proudly Auckland made and I'm based in Grey Lynn.” Go on, you’re not drooling a little at the thought? F PN www.bonniegoods.co.nz

Hawkes Bay’s most awarded boutique winery

Stockists: Farro Fresh – Caros

"No.5 Seaweed and Walnut balances subtly sweet Japanese wakame seaweed with creamy New Zealandgrown walnuts: salty, nutty and of course delicious. It’s especially good teamed with smoked fish pâté or a pungent washed-rind cheese.

Summer in a glass...





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Because we all deserve freedom SAFE helping animals out Help us fight cages The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


safe.org.nz PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Champagne secrets What is Champagne? Champagne is sparkling wine made from grapes grown within the region designated by the Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée system in France as being Champagne. The history starts with the Romans who were cultivating the area from at least the 5th Century. The oldest surviving house is Gosset, which was founded in 1584 ACE as a still wine producer. At this time, the occasional appearance of bubbles in the wine was seen as a fault, brought about by fermentation of dormant yeast cells in the bottle during the warmth of spring. Even in the late 17th Century the famed Dom Perignon was still trying to limit this from happening. As cellar master at the Benedictine monastery of Hautvillers in Champagne, he was instrumental in refining the quality of the area. He was the first to produce white wine from black grapes, favoured aggressive pruning, harvesting in the cool of morning, and using only the early pressings. Luckily, both the English market and the Regent of France developed a taste for this sparkling version of Champagne and winemakers began to capitalise on the craze. Over the following centuries production techniques were systematically refined and perfected. Today the reputation of Champagne is unrivalled in the bottle, and consumers worldwide now have an insatiable demand for these wines. So much so that demand has outstripped supply and Champagne prices are starting to soar. This demand has also seen the border for the Champagne region reviewed and expanded in a very controversial decision. There are many different types of Champagne produced and a large number of champagne houses. The following details the styles and my recommendations within each style. Non Vintage Champagne Often referred to as the house style, a non-vintage Champagne is made year in and year out from a blend of many vintages. The aim of the blending process is to give a consistent style. The blend, as well as being from wines of many vintages, can be a blend of pinot noir, pinot meunier and chardonnay, in proportions that suit that Champagne producers style. Vintage Champagne Vintage Champagne can only be made from grapes grown in a specific year. Vintage champagne can be a blend of the three varieties: pinot noir, pinot meunier and chardonnay. Unlike non -vintage Champagne, vintage Champagne ages very well and benefits from time in the cellar. Like the port houses in Portugal, the Champagne producers review each year and decide whether they will ‘declare’ a vintage year. Even in a declared vintage year for the region, not all producers will make a vintage. Some, like the Champagne house of Salon, have

50 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

even higher standards and very rarely produce any wine. Vintage Champagnes are unique and very special, they give you a little picture of that year, that vineyard and the skill of the producer neatly packed into a bottle. Blanc de blancs Champagne Meaning ‘white of whites’, blanc de blancs style Champagnes are only made from chardonnay grapes. This style can be produced as a non-vintage or as a vintage style. Typically, this style of champagne is a lot leaner and shows more lemon, lime, chalk characters. With age, vintage blanc de blancs are magnificent. Zero Dosage Champagne starts its life as a still wine; once in the bottle, a secondary fermentation takes place. To remove the sediment from the bottle, the neck is frozen, the cap removed and the sediment, now frozen, comes out. The bottle is then topped up with dosage, this adding the desired level of sweetness to the Champagne; the amount in each wine is different from house to house. Zero Dosage Champagnes are ones where no dosage is added, these are bone dry examples. Often described as the salad without the dressing, allowing you to perhaps see all the faults that the dosage covers. Prestige Cuvée The top production of the house, these wines are the very best from each Champagne producer. (LIZ WHEADON) F PN www.glengarry.co.nz


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY @ MILLY’S - CHRISTMAS CAKE INGREDIENTS 2kg mixed dried fruit 500g brown sugar Zest and juice of 1 lemon 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp salt 1 glass brandy or rum (200 ml) 8 eggs, beaten 1 tsp baking powder

500g butter 1 tbsp golden syrup 1 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp curry powder 125g chopped blanched almonds 2 tbsp corn flour 500g flour 1 tsp baking soda

METHOD 1. Put fruit, butter, sugar and golden syrup into a large saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring to stop the mixture burning. Add lemon, spices, salt, chopped almonds and brandy. 2. Stirring continuously, simmer for 10 minutes, then add corn flour. Mix well and remove from heat. Leave to cool thoroughly. 3. Beat eggs. Sift flour, baking powder and baking soda, add alternately to cooled fruit mixture. Bake in the middle of the oven at 160˚C for 30 minutes. Then 120˚C for four PN hours. (Cooking times may vary depending on the oven.) Cool in the box. F MILLY'S, 273 Ponsonby Road, T 09 376 1550, millyskitchen.co.nz

g n i k a m Still . b o j a t o n y o j a g n i k oo c Our new catalogue covers every cooking genre. You'll see some of our favourite cookware and prep tools, offers, deals and gifts with purchase. It’s a very good recipe for a great cook’s catalogue and it's all at www.millyskitchen.co.nz

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52 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY MAKING THE ORANGE GREAT AGAIN Auckland event planners now have an incredible central city space to consider for all manner of special occasions. The Great Catering Company is excited to announce its newest event location, the beautifully refurbished historic venue, The Orange. This iconic landmark is located minutes from Auckland’s CBD, at 147 Newton Road, Eden Terrace. First established in 1923, The Orange is hugely significant to the social history of Auckland, as the iconic building quickly became the city’s number one party spot. Fast-forward to 2017 and this unique, sophisticated inner city venue presents an incredible opportunity to host the most outstanding events. With capacity to seat 200 people, The Orange features two event spaces that can be tailored to suit the requirements of each unique occasion, from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations, there are unlimited opportunities! The Orange is the ultimate venue for corporate functions, birthday bashes, cocktail parties, wedding ceremonies or staff Christmas parties. Its professional event and wedding planning team specialises in creating and coordinating unforgettable, unique occasions, perfecting all the little details to free you up and enable you to relax and enjoy your event. Sue Fleischl, Owner of The Great Catering Company, says, “We are thrilled to now be looking after The Orange. The venue oozes elegance and will create events that your guests will talk about long after the occasion is over. The results are in the details when it comes to incredible events, and our team is passionate about creating an amazing experience for you.”

THE GREAT CATERING COMPANY is excited to announce its newest event location, the beautifully refurbished historic venue, THE ORANGE

The Great Catering Company is leading the private and corporate catering world. Its passionate culinary team of experienced restaurant chefs create innovative cuisine inspired by the season, supporting their philosophy of Serving Amazing Anywhere, and this is what can be expected at The Orange. Sue adds, “We give your event the glamour treatment. With fashionable food in mind, PN we’ll make your event fabulous.” F www.the-orange.co.nz www.greatcatering.co.nz

The Orange is the ultimate venue for... corporate functions, birthday bashes, cocktail parties, wedding ceremonies, or staff Christmas parties. www.the-orange.co.nz www.greatcatering.co.nz 147 Newton Road Newton 09 376 1424 The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



New Zealand’s vegetarian history Where’s vegetarianism on our political stage? With the surprising news that our new Government will be a Labour-led coalition with NZ First, after nine years of conservative rule, it’s interesting to ponder whether any of our elected politicians have vegetarian aspirations for the country. I read the other day that Jacinda Adern was seen chowing down on a steak at The Green Parrot, Winston Peters’ favourite eating haunt in Wellington. So it looks like there won’t be any veggo action coming from our new Prime Minister, and it looks like farmer-loving Winston has effectively vetoed Labour’s plans for a water levy, although it’s too early to know whether there will be any real moves to address the big issues around farming: the pollution of waterways, and the intensification of cattle. In fact, vegetarianism and veganism are words almost never heard from political parties, and for good reason: any elected government needs the support of the people, and the majority of voters have an incredible nostalgia, and support, for New Zealand’s main export commodity, meat and dairy. They’re pragmatic enough to know that to suggest a swing towards horticulture and other potential export earners (tourism, technology) would be seen by the majority of voters as being too economically risky. It’s weird that there seems to be no interest at all from within our political parties in vegetarianism or veganism, however, especially given the incredible ascendancy of veganism and meat alternatives on the world stage. I guess that the impetus behind change in thinking about food ethics will continue to come from pressure groups like SAFE, rather than from within the ranks of parties like the Greens, who I would have assumed - probably wrongly - were on the same page. I’ve been reading a most interesting book about the history of vegetarianism in New Zealand (Compassionate Contrarians by Catherine Amey, Rebel Press) that’s full of

surprising facts about a country that since colonial times has always been saturated with meat propaganda, and one of the things the tome does well is to explain just how the idea of vegetarianism enmeshed itself with various movements, whether they were religious, social or political. In real terms, as a movement of sorts, vegetarianism in New Zealand got underway with two opposing organisations. In the early 1900s the Seventh Day Adventist Church established Sanitarium and kick-started the idea of vegetarianism in New Zealand through its cafes and eventually, health food shops, but they were political conservatives who believed that God wanted us to eat as Adam and Eve did, straight from the Lord’s garden of Eden. In other words, there was no thought of animal welfare behind their decision to eschew the use of meat. At the same time, the women’s temperance movement - which eventually won the vote for women in a world-first victory - found room in its ideology for vegetarianism based on the idea that we could survive and prosper without causing pain and suffering to animals. Vegetarianism was just one strand of discussion amongst a wide variety of issues navigated by these early feminists. It’s a fascinating book that traces the beginnings of vegetarianism right back to a 19th Century Ngati Awa Maori man, Toi-kai-rakau (Toi the wood-eater). More about this in a future column! (GARY STEEL) F PN

Gary Steel is an Auckland-based journalist who runs online vegetarian resource www.doctorfeelgood.co.nz. He can be contacted via beautmusic@gmail.com


To dry for - Dry River Wines Started by Neil McCallum Dry River in 1979, Dry River shares the Craighall vineyard with Ata Rangi and also sources fruit from local contract growers. Plus they have acquired the Arapoff (now Lovat) vineyard in Martinborough. Dry River would easily be in the top three premium New Zealand producers of gewürztraminer, pinot gris, riesling, chardonnay and pinot noir. Their loyal mailing list members snap up nearly all the output in advance. A little is exported and anything spare generally goes within a few weeks of release. There is even a waiting list to get on the mailing list - basically you can be added if the member doesn’t order any wine for three consecutive years, or they die. It could be a motive for homicide. Coming soon to your screens: WCSI - Wine Crime Scene Investigation.

Dry River Martinborough Chardonnay 2016 - $55 Quite a restrained nose of peach, florals and minerality. Very elegant and restrained flavours of citrus, nectarine and flinty minerality with a crisp finish.

Anyway, Neil McCallum sold Dry River to El Molino Wines of California and has handed over the reins to winemaker Wilco Lam.

Dry River Martinborough Riesling 2017 - $59 Aromas of clover honey and mandarin. On the palate it launches itself as sweet with voluptuous mandarin, stone fruit, honey and marmalade, but finishes crisp and clean with balanced acidity.

The new owners have enabled expansion and re-equipment to meet Dry River’s requirements for a growing brand with an outstanding international reputation. The expanding acreage and corresponding production of about 3000 cases per annum is now cared for by a staff of around eight. The wines are consistently intense and complex and made to be cellared. Here’s three from a recent tasting:

Dry River Martinborough Tempranillo 2015 - $59 Just to show that Martinborough is not only pinot noir country, this is a complex, ripe and luscious red wine. Deceptively light on the nose, with hints of spice and tamarillo, it opens up in the mouth with sun-baked plum, cherry and boysenberry. Firm to medium tannins and nice acid mark, this one is another keeper (four to six years). (PHIL PARKER) F PN

Phil Parker is a wine writer and operates Fine Wine & Food Tours in Auckland. See: www.finewinetours.co.nz. Phil’s new cellar door book ‘NZ Wine Regions - A Visitor’s Guide’ is now available on Amazon Kindle.

54 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


FACES @ GREY LYNN FARMERS MARKET Melissa Ly is a regular at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market with her hand-crafted kombucha. Why kombucha? After 20 years of boutique management and retail sales I was ready for a change, but I wasn’t sure what to do. I really love making kombucha so after much encouragement from friends and family, I decided to resign from my job to take my obsession to the next level. What do you love about kombucha? It’s alive and I devote a lot of time to looking after my cultures. I call them “my girls - Mama Cass and her Supremes.” They have become part of our family. I introduced my Mum to kombucha last year and we are always comparing notes - we're both obsessed! Why name it Something Big is Brewing? I wanted something to the reflect the fun and life of a living, hand-crafted product. I was delighted with the design that Ashley Van Amsterdam came up with. She’s an artist who has since become a tattoo apprentice. I really love her creativity! How has it been going? I started in March this year and already our kombucha is stocked at The Midnight Baker, Commonsense Organics, and GG’s Cafe in Hamilton. I love working the markets. I'm out at Oratia on Saturdays and Grey Lynn on Sunday mornings, where I can give people samples of our product to try. Every kombucha brand really does taste quite different. Each brand has its own unique flavour profile because we all use different recipes and brewing methods. I've had fabulous feedback. Lots of people are really surprised at how good it tastes and always comment on the gingery flavour and the natural bubbles.

EAT, DRINK + BE MERRY @ SABATO The weather’s warming up and with it comes the desire for a lighter way of eating, eating outdoors and entertaining with platters. At Sabato we’ve got a range of quality ingredients to construct your own platters, allowing for no-fuss entertaining as your guests graze. Our range of Sabato pastes, pestos and chutneys are the unassuming stars of any platter, whether you eat them as a dip or pair with cheeses and meats. Our hot artichoke bruschetta is intensely savoury, flavoured with sage and a kick of chilli, or try our sweet pepper pesto, a flavourful combination of roasted peppers, cashews and Parmigiano Reggiano. A Sabato favourite, the Julie Le Clerc Arabian date chutney is sweet and aromatic, making it a natural pairing with any blue cheese. As well as an array of European cheeses, we are proud to stock a selection of artisan New Zealand cheeses. Try Opiki Ma, a velvety soft white-rind goat's cheese from the Pohangina Valley or the ‘world famous in New Zealand’ Tenara goat's cheese with its intriguing ash-coated outer and tangy, crumbly inner. Premium Spanish and Italian cured meats provide a touch of luxury. Our authentic Italian prosciutto is delicate and sweet or try our distinctive Cacciatore salami. Spanish offerings include our fragrant Alejandro chorizo and aged Iberico ham. To appease the seafood lovers, try our Turkish marinated white anchovies. No platter is complete without olives and pickles! Our Losada olives are the perfect Spanish table olive. The verdial olives marinated in garlic, cumin and oregano are ready to go straight out of the jar. Our antipasto options are endless from Spanish pimentos and sweet pickled garlic to cornichons and baby balsamic onions. For more products, ideas and inspiration, call into our retail store to see our friendly and knowledgeable staff, or visit our website for further information and recipe ideas. F PN SABATO, 57 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, T: 09 630 8751, www.sabato.co.nz

How did you decide on Grey Lynn Farmers Market? I met Rebekah Hay and she spoke about how important Grey Lynn was for her when she started Hakanoa Ginger Beer. Then I met Leon Narbey who had mentioned that he sells his artisan olive oil at Grey Lynn - he suggested that it would be a good fit for my kombucha. What has surprised you most since you started? The number of children who have become fans of our kombucha. They're all very familiar with many fermented foods as part of their daily diet - they really are amazing! Grey Lynn Farmers Market: every Sunday 9am until sold out. F PN www.somethingbigisbrewing.co.nz; www.glfm.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


ROSS THORBY: SEA FEVER "We have the big World Cruise dinner tonight and I haven't a thing to wear." Singapore - what is its attraction? Is it the fabulous architecture, the clean streets, the low crime rate, the shopping? No, it’s 'Little India'. I was last here six years ago and now, instead of docking miles away in a cargo port devoid of charm, we arrived to a beautiful new terminal right at the bottom of town with an amazing metro system right at hand that could take us anywhere we wanted to go and quite a lot of places we didn't. And where we wanted to go was Little India. We had a mission today and Julie, the Australian commodore’s wife, was consigned to help. We have the big World Cruise dinner tonight and I haven't a thing to wear. This is my last chance to find something special. I had a wallet full of rupees and a need to impress. If you ever want to bargain, hang out with Julie. She’s hard. She knows a bargain. I admire hard, I cave in too early. I'm fearful. Traders can smell fear and so I’ve entrusted my wallet to one who would make Donald Trump quiver. We wandered amongst the prayer halls, gold stores and haberdasheries with displays of silks and cottons from all over India, scarves, saris and bolts of fabric of every variety and colour imaginable. I had set my heart on a sherwarni. It’s an Indian wedding outfit, a million different varieties exist, but by far the most exciting are handmade and hand-stitched, inset with crystals and stones designed to make the groom appear far more handsome - if only because the flashing gems distract you from any of his obvious shortcomings. I need a lot of bling to distract from my obvious shortcomings. I wanted something that would make Liberace swoon, Elton reach for his glasses and Queen Elizabeth ring for Norman Hartnell (that’s Norman, not David). High above the market of Little India where fishmongers and spicegrowers mix in a cacophony of noise and colour, exists a whole floor devoted to saris and sherwarnis. A treasure trove of glitz and bling. I had found Nirvana. Sitting on a chair like the Raj, Julie directed the growing fold of shopkeepers to produce their most treasured items. Coloured fabrics with stitching so delicate and brocades so deep - that we knew we had hit our mark. Then amongst the “best quality, very very special range," it arrived. A jacket that could blind men, make mothers-in-law weep and prospective brides swoon.

Roscoe & Julie take on the dance floor at the World Cruise dinner Lustrous, blue, brocaded, bejewelled and bedecked, and what’s more, sparkly. This was it. The enrichment on this jacket could make even me appear to be a worthwhile catch. We hit the ground running, we negotiated our hearts out and just when I would have crumpled, Julie announced we were done. I came away empty handed. “Be patient,” said Julie. Be patient? I live in the now generation, patience is something my mother has, not me! We retired to the food market, Julie, cool as a cucumber and me, a quivering, shaking, palpitating mess. Later, as we 'just happened' to pass the shop again when, from the confines of her darkened nether regions, Ajeet emerged, to pounce upon and drag us back into Hades. Now the haggling really started. I don't know how we made it out of there alive. It was a battle of two wills and both sides kept retiring to their prospective corners to lick wounds and tend cuts and scratches; I stood aside. As I said, I admire hard. And this was no time for wimps, it wasn't a contest for the uninitiated, but we knew we were winning when the manager called for the owner. Ajeet needed a backup, the cavalry so to speak, it was her undoing the fight was almost over. She arrived amongst the obsequious bowing and scraping of the shop manager. A big strapping Amazon of a woman, her body bearing the scars of many battles. She thought she was a match for our Julie, but Julie has the experience of years of cruising and haggling her way across the Middle East and Asia. This Mogul of the Sari Shop was no match for Queen Boudica. There could be only one winner. Us. In all fair fights there is always a handshake, and we shook well. It was a game well fought, and we left Ajeet’s premises with our arms sagging from the weight of velvet brocade and stones that were PN going to outshine them all. (ROSS THORBY) F

56 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



WHERE WILL 2018 TAKE YOU? There’s nothing like looking forward to a holiday. The thought of arriving in a new country you’ve never been to before, with that heady mix of excitement and nerves. In fact, the enjoyment of a holiday can begin even before that, as you deliberate over where to go. Will you witness the Great Migration of wildebeest across the plains of the Serengeti, go island-hopping in Greece, or even head for Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?

water villas pack some major wow factor - if budget allows, book one of the villas that has a slide into the turquoise waters!

Everyone is different and your travel should be too. Auckland-based boutique travel company World Journeys specialises in tailor-making travel arrangements to suit the client. Prefer to stay in family owned hotels, get right off the beaten track, or perhaps take cooking classes along the way? World Journeys will design around your style of travel, your budget and your special interests. The World Journeys team are prolific travellers themselves, who use their own personal experience and expertise to craft itineraries to suit you.

THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS There’s a new state-of-the-art expedition vessel cruising Ecuador’s ecologically rich Galapagos Islands. The MV Santa Cruz II accommodates just 90 guests in style and comfort. Head out on island excursions with passionate naturalist guides keen to share their knowledge of the unique flora and fauna.

Looking ahead to 2018, there are some exciting new destinations on the horizon for even the most well-travelled to get excited about. Having just launched a new travel brochure for 2018, here is a small selection of what you can look forward to. SRI LANKA From rolling tea plantations to luxurious boutique hotels and stunning southern beaches, Sri Lanka is the slightly less hectic version of India. Spot wildlife in Yala National Park, visit the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment, visit spice gardens and local villages. THE MALDIVES Finish your trip to Sri Lanka or India with an indulgent stay in the Maldives. The new Soneva Jani resort has to be seen to be believed. Total luxury, the over-

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

RWANDA Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park is home to the endangered mountain gorillas. A brand new eco-lodge has been created as the ideal base from which to trek through the forest to catch a glimpse of these magnificent primates. Bisate Lodge not only offers daily gorilla treks, you can actually take part in their conservation efforts and engage with the local community. A very special place. THE ARCTIC Yes, you can see icebergs, penguins and spectacular landscapes in Antarctica, but the Arctic ups the ante with polar bears, the Aurora Borealis, and the fascinating Inuit people. We love the Arctic Watch Wilderness Lodge in the Canadian Arctic, but expedition-style cruising is also a great option. If you’re ready to be inspired, you can get hold of a copy of the World 2018 brochure from most travel agents, or simply give World Journeys a call on 0800 117311. (CHRIS LYONS, WORLD JOURNEYS) F PN www.worldjourneys.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017




1. Andrew Short is an old friend of our PN editor. He is pictured with the latest issue at his home in Raumati Beach on the KAPITI COAST. 2. Grey Lynn Park Festival organiser Kate Burke tells us she had a lovely time with social workers in BANGKOK where she gave a workshop on international adoption. Dear readers, please keep sending us your holiday snaps reading your favourite magazine, we love getting them! Photos need to be in high resolution (300dpi), so please email them to info@ponsonbynews.co.nz without reducing the size.


WESTMERE ART TO VENICE Westmere artist Sarah Strong, who works in the mediums of photography and film, recently found out that one of her art works has been accepted into the 57th Venice Biennale, known as "the Olympics of the art world.” The work was chosen by Italian curator Marina Morena, and features as part of Morena’s ‘Vending Machine’ project, which asks the question "What is the value of art?" This part of the exhibition opens on 14 October and runs until the 22 October. ‘Venice Vending Machine’ seeks to present and promote emerging and already established artists during prestigious art events, while opening a dialogue with the audience about the value of art in our society. The project travels to prominent artistic sites worldwide, responding each time to a different theme, determined by the place where it exhibits. Drawing from her live art background, Morena opens the dialogue to the audience by posing the question: “How do you value art?” All the art works become equal and the 'buyer' decides a value by giving a symbolic offer in exchange for a token, without knowing which art piece they will receive, after an exchange about art and why we need art in our society. The Venice Vending Machine is an ongoing project that invites future collaboration around our world. All of the effects in the images by Sarah Strong pictured have been created in real time during the process of taking the photographs. F PN www.venicevendingmachine.com

58 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



BUENOS AIRES - WHAT A CITY Craig Martin of Martin & Grigg Travel Associates explores Buenos Aires and guides us through his amazing travel experience. If you’re looking for a city with European flair and filled to the brim with sensory experiences, look no further. Buenos Aires is an adult city with cultural wonders and hidden secrets, which you can easily spend a week in and come back for more. My favourite experience was exploring Recoleta Cemetery with a private guide. She led us through mausoleums and past angel statues, which ranged from well cared for to derelict, while telling many stories associated with them. It brought the afternoon stroll to life and we were even lucky enough to be at Eva Peron’s grave on her birthday and see the flowers and memorabilia left by a still-torn nation. The food was outstanding and ranged from amazing steaks to some of the best Italian food I have ever eaten. Just remember, less is more in Argentina. The Argentinean experience is a great night out, which includes a three-course cooking class and a way to meet fellow travellers - great fun.

Another must see is Teatro Colon, which is ranked as one of the top opera houses in the world. With amazing halls mimicked after the Palace of Versailles and many throw backs to its amazing past. Absolutely stunning. From the tango to empanadas, Buenos Aires is a destination that feels like Europe but is only half the distance (about 12 hours). It is a great stopover option en-route to Europe and with direct flights with Air New Zealand, why wouldn’t you? If you are considering travelling to this area, please get in touch. Craig will be more than happy to share his personal experiences and help you plan the perfect itinerary. F PN

Call T: 09 213 0222 or email craig.martin@travelassociates.co.nz, www.travel-associates.co.nz

THE BIG BIKE TRIP - VIETNAM Three Wise Men all the way from Grey Lynn follow the sun around the world raising money for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand. Upon arriving in Phnom Penh, we discovered a severe crack in Arthur’s handlebars as a result of an absorptive handlebar tape, excessive sweat and steel clamps on alloy bars. Freddie managed to find a makeshift solution to the problem, with Arthur riding 500km from Phnom Penh to Saigon via the Mekong Delta with broken bars, and a pair of socks taped on top for comfort (our limited budget meant we didn't want to invest in tape just yet). After a week in Saigon, the bike shop was able to find the appropriate replacement and Fred and Arthur found themselves cycling across the city in the dark during rush hour traffic to get the show on the road early the next morning. Vietnam dealt a pretty rough hand to begin with, with all three of us coming down with illness in the first two weeks of being in the country. As a group of three, it’s rare to have all of us feeling 100% at any one time. After Saigon we headed inland into the Central Vietnamese Highlands, taking the Ho Chi Minh Highway from Da Lat to Hoi An, managing to crank out 750km in the space of seven days. The highway loosely follows the Ho Chi Minh Trail, which was crucial to the success of the Vietcong during the American War of the 1960s and 1970s, offering some of the most breathtaking views and at times The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

leading us to think that we were riding through the Haast Pass in the South Island of New Zealand. At the time of writing, we are 6700km deep into this adventure and have managed to raise just over $5000 for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand. We would love to be able to raise $10,000 before Christmas to help the one in six New Zealanders that is diagnosed every day with a form of blood cancer or related disease. F PN www.facebook.com/thebigbiketrip DEADLINE - 20TH OF THE MONTH

PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



RETAIL SUPERSTAR Mick Hodson Glengarry, Jervois Road, Herne Bay How did you come to be a retail superstar? Still a work in progress I think. What brought you to Glengarry? The wine, the people, the wine... What do you love about your store? The history. This premises has been a Glengarry since 1945. The Jakicevich family has owned and managed a wine store here for 70 years - not many retailers in New Zealand can say that. What makes a standout retail sales person? It is a bit of a cliché - but you need to have a real passion for what you are selling and like people. Patience and attention to detail are useful too. Tell us about a memorable sale you’ve made this year... It wasn’t one sale, but Election Day was great fun. It was the biggest Saturday we have had since last Christmas. Our locals love an election; we should do it every year.



1. Studio S Wild Rose 50s Dress; 2. Obi Fleur D’Amour Dress MAGAZINE DESIGNER CLOTHING, 4 Byron Avenue, Takapuna, T: 09 488 0406, 937 Mt Eden Road, T: 09 630 5354, www.magazineclothing.co.nz

If you could wave your hand and have anyone in the world walk into your store right now, who would it be? That is tricky... but probably Josef Jakicevich (the founder of Glengarry). It would be great to show him what we are doing now - in his shop. I think he would be very happy with the way the wine industry and wine consumers have evolved in New Zealand. If you could wave your hand and have anyone in greater Ponsonby walk into your store right now, who would it be? Jacinda, of course. Where do you enjoy shopping? Britomart Farmers Market on a Saturday morning. It has everything I need - good quality fish, bacon, eggs and fruit and veggies. Name someone you think is an outstanding Ponsonby person? Robert from Ponsonby Barbers on the corner of Jervois Road and St Mary’s Bay Road. He is your classic old-school master barber. He has been there since 1986 and first cut my hair about 20 years ago. F PN GLENGARRY, 54 Jervois Road, T: 09 378 8555, www.glengarrywines.co.nz

60 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



COMING UP ROSES Born in the heart of Ponsonby, new women's activewear range Rose Road is capturing hearts across the world.

A made-to-order piece can be extremely rewarding. To transform Granny’s old broken jewellery into a fresh, modern work of art as an engagement ring, dress ring or bespoke jewellery, while still keeping the sentimental element, will hold more value to you, and make it an extra special piece to wear and to one day hand down yourself.

She was inspired by the vivacious women she lived with on Rose Road, Grey Lynn and designer Annabelle Rose intends to pass this inspiration on to other women through her range of exercise leggings.

“We make the whole process of getting jewellery made to order simple. From an initial consultation where we discuss design, style and budget. We will come up with design concepts and then a final finished design for your approval.

Bold, colourful prints are combined with luxurious high-performance fabrics to create an active aesthetic where women feel supported and beautiful in their body-hugging, gym/coffee/getting-stuff done gear.

“Next we can show you a selection of our fine gemstones to incorporate into the piece. If we don’t have exactly what you are looking for we can source these from our international gem dealers. "Finally the piece is manufactured in our Vulcan Lane jewellery workshop by our highly skilled, talented and passionate craftsmen. The piece is independently valued and is ready to be loved by you and admired by all.”

Available in sizes S to L, Rose Road passes the critical downwards dog and squat tests. It also ships worldwide, already filling orders across Australia, London and Mexico. F PN

Please feel free to make an appointment or go in and talk to the talented team at Carats PN about what is possible. F CARATS, 25 Vulcan Lane, Auckland CBD, T: 09 309 5145, www.caratsjewellery.co.nz






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1. 3.28ct Colombian emerald and diamond ring $58,900; 2. Multi - coloured 'Carbonated' bracelet POA; 3. 18ct gold Butterfly drop earrings - $2935; 4. Burmese ruby and diamond 'Hidden Heart’ pendant - $3595; 5. Double sided gem set ring which converts into a pendant priced from $7500; 6. Kina pendants priced from $8250 CARATS, 25 Vulcan Lane, Auckland CBD, T: 09 309 5145, www.caratsjewellery.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


FASHION + STYLE CHANTAL LANDAIS... MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES, ONE COLOUR AT TIME Chantal Landais Hair Studio would like to thank all its clients who are contributing to its mission in supporting Medecins sans Frontieres. They provide assistance to people caught in crisis around the world. In partnership with Paris-based Labiosthetique we pledge to change the world one colour at a time. In other exiting news, our top stylist Irina is off to Sydney to complete her Labiosthetique colour expert qualification.

Chantal Landais Hair Studio, 128 Jervois Road, T: 09 376 0422, E: chantalandais@gmail.com, www.chantalandais.co.nz

@ GREY + WILD 3 4 2



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1. Missie Munster Delight Swimsuit 2-14 years - $79.99-$84.99; 2. Band of Boys Peace Out Tee 2-10 years - $40; 3. Missie Munster Vintage Jacket Camel 2-14 years - $79.99 -$84.99; 4. Missie Munster Wings Dress 2-14 years - $69.99-$79.99; 5. Kapow Kids Jungle Kitty Playsuit 0-2 years - $49.50; 6. Band of Boys Just a Triangle Shorts 2-10 years - $50; 7. Kip & Co. Rainbow Cushion - $99; 8. Lil Missie Munster Nikita Bloomers - 0-2 years - $59.99; 9. Munster Kids Jungle Stare Cap - $34.99. GREY + WILD, Ponsonby Store - 9/130 Ponsonby Road (entrance on Mackelvie Street), T: 09 360 6295 Takapuna Store - 8 Hurstmere Road,T: 09 489 4925, www.greyandwild.com

62 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


FASHION + STYLE GREY + WILD - THE NEW KIDS' STORE IN TOWN Grey + Wild Kids Concept Store opened its doors on Mackelvie Street in August this year. It is an independent, multi-brand kids' store, run by husband and wife team Jackie and Marcin Kulak. The Ponsonby store is its second outlet, after achieving phenomenal success with the first store, which opened on Hurstmere Road in Takapuna, December 2015. They offer a beautifully curated collection of clothing, shoes, interiors, books, toys, cards and accessories for children from birth to 14 years. All in a stylish, minimalistic setting and everything in store is of the highest quality. Grey + Wild supports local and international independent designers, believing quality is key when selecting items for their stores. When Jackie and Marcin moved from London to Auckland with their two sons, Toby 9 and Finn 7, they noticed there wasn’t very much well produced or uniquely cool kids' clothing on the market. “The kids' brands that seemed to dominate in New Zealand were very cheaply made and barely withstood a couple of washes. We all know how heavy kids are on their clothes, so to us it made sense to put them in items that could hold up to that.” They also love to see kids embracing their own style and sporting unique items that become really loved by the children themselves. “We have kids coming in wearing items they have purchased in store two years earlier and they still look like new.” Marcin & Jackie Kulak

Grey + Wild stocks over 40 independent labels from all around the world, many of which are exclusively available in its New Zealand stores, stocking also popular Scandinavian brands like Mini Rodini, Bang Bang Copenhagen and I dig Denim. It has a fantastic selection every season from popular ready to wear labels, Munster Kids and Little Horn, which both go up to 14 years and are perfect for preteens. It is one of the only stores in Auckland to carry the full Kip & Co. kids' bedding range (and beanbags too).

Grey + Wild Ponsonby opened its doors for the first time on the 12 August with a combined opening party, an exclusive launch of Auckland-based kids' label Band of Boys Spring/Summer collection. The event was a huge hit. They served French martinis and monogrammed cookies to Auckland’s finest fashion and mummy bloggers and the kids were kept entertained with an artist offering temporary tattoos.

Due to popular demand Grey + Wild has recently increased its offering to include footwear and now has a great shoe selection. Brands include Pretty Brave, Vans, Salt Water Sandals and Dr Martins. Sizes range from new born up to youth size four.

At Grey + Wild you will find virtually anything you might need for the little ones in your life, the perfect gift for a birthday or baby shower, stylish children’s interiors, or cool summer or winter pieces to update their wardrobes.

GREY + WILD, Ponsonby Store - 9/130 Ponsonby Road (entrance on Mackelvie Street), T: 09 360 6295, Takapuna Store - 8 Hurstmere Road,T: 09 489 4925, www.greyandwild.com

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


ANGELA LASSIG: LETTERS FROM MAUDIE The monthly jottings of a free-spirited Ponsonby dressmaker of the 1920s, as imagined by Angela Lassig. VERMONT STREET, PONSONBY 15 NOVEMBER 1925

Dear Jeanette, How are you, my dear? Well I am beside myself with exhilaration! I have just come back from the Britannia[i] where I saw 'Scaramouche'.[ii] Have you seen it yet? Oh Jean, it is swashbucklingly glorious! I can’t get Ramon Navarro out of my head... especially the image of him in his beautifully cut 18th Century suit adorned with a tall crowned hat and with his hair tied back with a bow, scowling. How handsome he is when he is cross! And he was cross such a lot in the film. I’m interested to know what you’ll think of Alice Terry, who played the heroine Aline. Quite frankly, I wasn’t impressed with her at all. Much too simpering, I thought, though her gowns were rather gorgeous. Tomorrow I shall be visiting all the stationers, looking for a good picture of Navarro in one of those movie magazines. I think I shall put him above my desk, for... inspiration! Can you look out for a good picture of him for me too? Preferably one of him looking furious. The more furious the better! Of course, I’ve pulled out all my Sabatini novels for re-reading... a habit of mine whenever I see one of his books turned into a film. I always read 'Captain Blood' first as it is really my absolute favourite. I think this is the fifth time that I’m reading it. One can’t go past a handsome pirate, especially an Irish-born one! Why am I drawn to the naughty boys? Have I mentioned that Mother is also a big fan of Sabatini? She has every single one of his books - something I only found out earlier this year when we were chatting about 'Fortune’s Fool[iii]'. I could have borrowed hers instead of buying them all, except that probably wouldn’t have been very good, considering how roughly I treat my books. They inevitably have water stains (from reading in the bath), grease stains (from reading while I’m eating my toast) and of course tea stains (Sabatini’s books seem to encourage the drinking of tea: the more excitement, the more tea!) And biscuit crumbs between the pages... that goes without saying, really. Mother has been following his career for many years and has told me all sorts of things about him that I haven’t read anywhere. Did you know that he can speak six languages! And his parents were opera singers in Italy! I know a girl at Rushton’s (one of one of my favourite stationers[iv]) who keeps herself up to date with all the Sabatini gossip, especially when a new book is about to come out. Actually, I’ll ask her first about the cinema magazines. I’m sure she’ll be able to order one in for me. Speaking of magazines, since the last copy of Vogue came into the shops, I have been almost overwhelmed with orders for 'petite-couvertes'[v], as the Ladies Mirror (who are also promoting them) like to call these dainty, thin coats. Everyone seems to be wearing them in the fashion journals at the moment! The style has obviously fulfilled a real need for something light but cool to suit our fickle climate, and I really do think that they will stay around for a while.

I have to say though, that while the styles appear utterly simple, they rely on perfection of line and workmanship to achieve the correct look. Honestly, Jean, the ensembles pictured in the clippings brought in by three of my customers this week to copy, will take me at least a day apiece to figure out how to cut. And also, because the fabrics to be used are so sheer, I will have to be exceedingly careful with my finishing. I’ll certainly be needing some help with the latter if I get too busy as that part cannot be rushed! Happily, my friends, the Misses Nankervis, who work not too far away from me, are happy for me to employ their assistant at short notice if she isn’t needed urgently by them. Lizzie is a very efficient embroiderer who is also wonderful at taming unruly hems. I shall of course save the trickiest ones for her to deal with! As part of my summer range, I’ve designed two types of loose tunicstyle peasant blouses that are to be worn with an embroidered belt over a plain skirt. These will be perfect for excursions to the beach or sauntering around the park on a hot day. I’ve made up samples to show my customers, both in lightweight silk crepe; one in ivory, the other in black. They are very simply decorated, with a narrow band of smocking around the neckline and another smocked band at the lower sleeves, forming a soft flounce at the wrist. For the stitching, I’ve used black thread on the ivory crepe and red on the black. I was going to embroider or bead them but I think the smocking looks lovely and more ‘peasanty’. I’m so pleased with the result that I’m going make myself a black ensemble with a very simple skirt in matching fabric. I thought a couple of applied pockets would look nice, especially if I put a row of smocking at the upper edges to match the top. Well, my dear, it’s now mid-afternoon and time to make a cup of tea, try and find the packet of biscuits that I threw up high into the pantry (out of harm’s way), and see what Captain Blood is up to! As it’s my day off, I’m treating George and I to the best fish and chips in Ponsonby[vi] for our supper, followed by an evening around the gramophone listening to some new jazz records that George has just bought. Please do write as soon as you’ve seen Scaramouche and tell me what you think! With much love,

Maudie x

Rox Woodward’s Pictures (Britannia) Ponsonby, Three Lamps ‘The Little Theatre with the Goods and Comfort’ Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini (published 1921), and made into a film in 1922 by Rex Ingram. First shown in New Zealand in early 1926. [iii] Published by Sabatini in 1923 [iv] Rushtons Stationers, Three Lamps, Ponsonby (in 1924) [v] Loose translation: little cover [vi] Andrews, of 326 Ponsonby Road, claimed in 1924 the it was ‘the most up-to-date fish business in the Dominion’! [i]






After years of trial and error you’ve finally found yourself caught up in a bubble of love with 'the one'.

Barkers has opened its newest retail concept store in Ponsonby, creating a New Zealand-first environment that blends multiple shopping, eating and grooming experiences under one roof.

However, your search for the perfect match doesn’t end just yet... there is still one more crucial detail to be considered: The ring - and how much you should spend on it. With so many different rules and expectations at stake, it’s only natural to feel overwhelmed and confused when deciding how much to spend on the ring for your significant other. There are a few so-called rules (all hail the three-month salary tradition), regarding how much to spend on an engagement ring, and a successful marketing campaign in the 1930s is to thank. To resist this pressure, there are a few important elements to consider, one of the them being the expectations of your partner. Everyone is different and for all you know your partner may not expect something so glitzy and extravagant and most importantly, not something worth three month’s of your salary. Make your decision personal and start by basing it on the expectations of your partner. Question whether they would appreciate a simplistic band with a modest price over something diamond heavy and therefore costlier- or vice versa, of course! Also fundamental in your decision process are the priorities of you and your partner. Rather than spending a huge amount on an engagement ring, the two of you may prefer to put your savings towards travels, children, or a home. Additionally, it can be easy to find yourself caught up in the details of the ring such as the Four C’s. However, try to keep it genuine to the tastes and preferences of your partner. Lastly, forget all the rules and regulations surrounding the supposedly ideal engagement ring price and be true to you and your partner’s relationship - it is guaranteed to generate more happiness this way.

Good Company is the latest step in a remarkable revolution for Barkers that has seen it reinforce its status as a true icon of New Zealand men’s fashion. Taking up residence in the refurbished Tatty’s villa, Good Company houses Barkers Guide Shop, Barkers Groom Room and Archie Cafe. “The way we shop is changing. With the popularity of online shopping convenience, Barkers has established the ‘Barkers Guide Shop’; a retail store where customers can enjoy the processes of in-store shopping alongside the ease and experience of online retail,” says Glenn Cracknell, Barkers General Manager. Customers have the ability to browse a curated Barkers' range, shop for their favourite pieces and have the product delivered to their own door the following day. The service allows customers to take advantage of everything Ponsonby has to offer without the literal, extra baggage. Alongside the shopping, comes the full grooming experience. “The addition of the Groom Room to Barkers has become a significant part of the male shopping experience,” says Groom Room General Manager Vea Fonua. “In true dedication to the traditional art of barbering, we encourage clients to take time out for grooming, to sit back, relax and enjoy the experience that we create.” No Ponsonby local hangout is complete without its coffee fix, so naturally Good Company will play home to Archie Cafe, founded by James Ace and Bert Haines of Mr Toms. Archie serves quality Atomic coffee and provides an extensive in-store offering of sourdough toast and bagels, with speciality toppings such as pastrami, pickle, mustard and raclette, alongside cauliflower, smoked paprika, turmeric and lemon. F PN GOOD COMPANY, 159 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 394 7348, www.barkersonline.co.nz

Diamonds on Richmond is more than happy to discuss any queries or concerns you may have when making your decision on the perfect engagement ring. Pop in and let their expert advisors guide you along the way on this exciting journey. Open 10am to 5pm on week days and 10am to 4pm on Saturdays. DIAMONDS ON RICHMOND, 98 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 376 9045, wwwdiamondsonrichmond.co.nz




1. 2. 3. 4.


Diamond Cluster Dress Ring (white gold - 0.50ct total diamond weight) - $2500 Diamond Cluster Earrings (white gold - 0.78ct total diamond weight) - $3500 Diamond Pendant plus Chain (white gold - 0.30ct total diamond weight) - $2690 Diamond Tennis Bracelet (white gold - 3.15ct total diamond weight) - $9900

DIAMONDS ON RICHMOND, 98 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 376 9045, wwwdiamondsonrichmond.co.nz The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


FASHION + STYLE BOH RUNGA’S ‘BOHTIQUE’ JEWELLERY @ STITCH MINISTRY STORE OPENS ON PONSONBY ROAD Last month Boh Runga opened the doors to her first jewellery ‘Bohtique’ at 95b Ponsonby Road.

Jump into colour, fun and effortless style this season with the Stitch Ministry Summer 2017 Collection.

“This year is my 10th year designing jewellery so opening my first retail store felt like a great way to celebrate,” says the multi-talented musician and designer. The custom-made, candy-coloured jewellery counter, which stretches the length of the bijou store, is stocked with the full Boh Runga range including over 200 pieces of gold and silver jewellery from 13 collections. “I wanted to create a space that people would feel welcome in. We’ll be selling my jewellery, but we’ve got some other fun projects planned too, like our #tinystage, which I’m more than a little excited about. We’ve built a tiny stage for artists to perform on in-store.” Not surprisingly, Boh was the first person to perform on #tinystage, playing to a group of friends and family at the stores opening party last Thursday evening. On weeknights only, the store can also be booked as a venue for bespoke, catered jewellery parties for up to 20 people. Hosted by Boh, this unique shopping experience promises fun, games and good deals and is perfect for team building, special occasions or just a bit of fun. In case you didn’t have enough reasons to head in-store, the first 150 customers to spend over $150 will receive a full sized Trilogy Rosapene™ Radiance Serum valued at $44.99. The full collection of Boh Runga jewellery is also available to purchase online at bohrunga.com and can be shipped nationally and internationally. F PN Boh Runga Jewellery, 95b Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 6320, www.bohrunga.com

STITCH MINISTRY, 269 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 622 4747, Milford Centre, Milford, www.stitchministry.co.nz

66 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


FASHION + STYLE NEW INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY WITH NEW OWNERS Situated on Jervois Road in the heart of Herne Bay stands the iconic laundry and drycleaning business ‘Herne Bay Drycleaners’. The business has been a part of the community for over 40 years and in that time has had several owners. In the past eight months the ownership has changed again and the new owners are excited to bring this business into the 21st Century. The introduction of innovative technology, including systems that track every item brought in, from start to finish ensuring security of customers' garments, as well as maintaining a history that will enable loyalty tracking and the rewards that will flow from that. In keeping with the commitment to providing the latest technological innovations to enhance the quality of the services offered, the new owners are equipping the business with the latest machines that will provide faster turnaround, greater quality and optimal finishing to all garments brought in for cleaning. To ensure that every attention is paid to the care and quality of the services provided, a professionally trained dry cleaner with 35 years’ experience in the industry has been taken on to complement the existing staff. His knowledge of the many and varied cleaning techniques will ensure that the best results in cleaning and finishing are provided. “Our business ethos is to provide our clients with the best service, the best quality and the best overall experience in the industry and we will do all that’s necessary to achieve this,” says Executive Director Paul Munro. F PN HERNE BAY DRYCLEANERS, 62 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, T: 09 376 3297, www.hernebaydrycleaners.co.nz

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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


LIVING, THINKING + BEING COURTNEY-JANE MORREN JOINS PEAK PILATES & PHYSIOTHERAPY Courtney-Jane Morren from Scotland, has recently joined the experienced team at Peak Pilates & Physiotherapy, Grey Lynn, as their new physiotherapist and Pilates instructor. What brought you to New Zealand to work at Peak Pilates & Physiotherapy, Grey Lynn? I had always wanted to travel to New Zealand from such a young age. I wanted to experience the weather, the scenery, the outdoor activities and just generally a better lifestyle. Being able to combine this with my passion for physiotherapy was such an amazing opportunity for me, I jumped at the chance to come and work for Peak. Joining Peak has been such a brilliant experience already for myself, as I have built on my knowledge by learning such a thorough Pilates course, taught by Jason and Lorna. I love working for Peak as I am able to combine my original skills of physiotherapy, with my fairly new adopted skills of Pilates and work with each client to achieve the best possible outcome for each individual. We have hour-long sessions with our clients at Peak which can vary depending on each individual requirement. I think this particularly works well at Grey Lynn, as clients can come in early morning, in between work hours or late evenings. Grey Lynn and Ponsonby are great modern areas which invite a variety of client groups to the studio which I love, whether that be younger school children, working professionals or older clients who like to work on conditioning. What qualifications do you have in your field of physiotherapy and Pilates? A degree in physiotherapy and a fully certified Pilates practitioner with the highly regarded Stability Plus Pilates. What part of your job do you get the most enjoyment from? I do love the musculoskeletal work which is the main focus for our clients at Peak in Grey Lynn. This can involve general anatomical injuries, to sports injuries, general strength, conditioning and Pilates training. Do you specialise in any area? Eventually, I think I will specialise in the paediatric sector as working with children has always been a passion of mine, but just now I am enjoying working with a variety of client groups. How do you combine physiotherapy and Pilates with your rehabilitation, treatment plans? The combination of physiotherapy and Pilates is something I believe makes Peak so individual, as we can work with clients through physiotherapy rehabilitation following an injury, for example, ensuring they are at their baseline strength and fitness level, then we can start to introduce Pilates to build on conditioning. I really like starting this off 1:1 with clients and introducing exercises which are suitable for their needs and then they can join any of our mat or reformer classes as part of a general exercise routine. I have seen the benefits of Pilates for myself and with clients, recommending this to any individual. I think it is great to build strength following an injury but I also see, that it is perfect for a physically fit individual, who can

work on the quality of specific exercises and ensure the muscles are working appropriately. What do you think you will learn from working at Peak Pilates & Physiotherapy? I have already learned so much working at Peak in Grey Lynn. I have a great manager and fantastic master Pilates instructors, who are always giving me helpful tips to ensure my classes or individual sessions are the best that they can be. I think I will learn to always tailor session and treatment to each individual as every injury or presentation can differ so much. This means that each client achieves the best possible outcome after each session. Do you have an interesting story that relates to a positive outcome with rehabilitation? I think my most interesting story in physiotherapy comes from working in the UK with a patient who had experienced a stroke, leading to left-sided weakness and wheelchair use. The combination of physiotherapy, along with other medical professionals, helped this patient go from using a wheelchair back to walking with just one walking stick. Seeing the reaction from the patient and motivating the individual to continually build strength to reach that target was absolutely amazing and that is the part of my job that I love. I think about that situation when I’m working at Peak and transfer those skills when working with any client. If I can encourage someone to make such an amazing life change through physio rehab, I know I can help to benefit clients here too. How do you complete the team at Peak Pilates & Physiotherapy, Grey Lynn? I think I bring fun and friendliness to the team at Peak. I try to make my sessions as enjoyable as possible and I always get a laugh from my clients as they try to figure out my Scottish accent!

Mention PONSONBY NEWS when you book in with Courtney-Jane during November to receive a 50%discount on your first assessment. Valid from 3 November - 17 November. PEAK PILATES & PHYSIOTHERAPY, 274 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 376 8343, E: greylynn@peakpilates.co.nz, www.peakpilatesgroup.co.nz

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LIVING, THINKING + BEING AUCKLAND’S COSMETIC SOLUTION DREAM TEAM The word is out, Kirsty Fitzgerald has joined Cosmetic Solutions and Aucklanders can’t get enough of the appearance medicine ‘dream team’. Tell us about your experience as a cosmetic appearance nurse? I have been in the industry for nearly 12 years. Prior to that I was an intensive/ cardiac care and emergency nurse for 16 years. However, I had a serious back injury in 2006, which required a series of operations over five years. While undergoing this process, I gained a job with Caci Ponsonby and continued my career in this field of nursing. Why did you make the move to Cosmetic Solutions? I was fortunate for the opportunity to join Cosmetic Solutions after working eleven and a half amazing years at Caci Ponsonby; it gave me the push to move on. I am tremendously excited to work with Dianna and to have the availability to expand my scope of practice, allowing me to offer more techniques and treatments for my clients if they need or want them. One such procedure is the Vital Redensity Injector, which I have had twice and absolutely love the results. For 10 years I had tried everything for my problematic skin, from chemical peels, fractional co2, microdermabrasion, VPL laser and many other treatments. For me the results were all mild improvements or short lived. Since my two treatments with the Vital Redensity Injector I have had so many compliments on how well I look and I have also been asked what I am doing that is making my skin look so good. How do you make newcomers feel relaxed? My main objective is to help people feel they can be the best, fresher version of themselves, whether that is with my help, a referral to someone else or a combination of both.

It is important to be honest. If I am unable to deliver the best treatment for my client’s needs, I will not hesitate to refer them to others in the industry that may have better outcomes for them. We offer a free consultation to address needs and deliver options. If you would like to learn more about Botox, fillers and the benefits they could have for you, book an appointment with Kirsty through the details below. F PN COSMETIC SOLUTIONS, 405 Remuera Road, Remuera, T: 09 523 0553, email: kirsty@cosmeticsolutions.co.nz, www.cosmeticsolutions.co.nz

Cosmetic Solutions Ltd Dianna Morgan and Kirsty Fitzgerald are expert cosmetic nurse injectors working from selected beauty therapy clinics New Zealand wide. cosmeticsolutions.co.nz

To make an appointment with Dianna 022 192 0925 dianna@cosmeticsolutions.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

To make an appointment with Kirsty 027 233 2135 kirsty@cosmeticsolutions.co.nz


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Nutritional options almost always overlooked A recent front page headline in the NZ Herald caught my eye 'Probiotics help dodge baby blues'. The article states that probiotics could help women avoid post-natal depression and that researchers involved with the Kiwi study were surprised at how much difference the lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotic made. What surprises me is how long it has taken to ‘discover’ this.

Studies looking into the role of vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of heart disease would almost certainly show similar results to those of the probiotics study. For blood pressure and heart rhythm problems, magnesium, coenzyme Q10 and omega 3 are waiting to be ‘rediscovered’.

Hippocrates said more than 2000 years ago "all disease begins in the gut" and the ‘gut’ brain connection has been known for a long time. I have previously written about this with the gut being referred to as our second brain.

Heart failure patients who suffer from an energy depleted heart could be assessed when taking a simple cocktail of nutrients including coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine and magnesium. Diabetics could be studied when embracing a diet based on raw food while taking a multi-vitamin containing key nutrients such as chromium, alpha lipoic acid and gymnema sylvestre.

A lot of time and money has gone into the recent nationwide campaign highlighting the challenges of mental illness and while talking about it is clearly very important, simple nutritional interventions that could treat the cause should be taken very seriously. Let’s hope the Ministry of Health doesn’t ignore the findings of this well-conducted probiotic study. Sadly at present all the talk seems to be about drugs and significantly more costly interventions.

There are a number of potentially powerful nutritional interventions for inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Nutrients such as curcumin (from turmeric) boswellia (frankincense) ginger and omega 3 have been putting their hands up for years. For the eyes we could be looking into lutein, zeaxanthin and bilberry extract.

As to why probiotics could make such a significant impact one only has to look at the way we are addicted to a diet of refined carbohydrates and ‘dead’ food. This has resulted in serious nutritional depletion and thus compromised gut health. Add to this the overuse of antibiotics and chlorinated water which we drink and shower in every day, and it not hard to understand why our gut flora is so out of balance. It’s not just mental health either. If a simple probiotic could have such a profound positive effect on post-natal depression, what about the many other nutritional interventions which are also readily available? We have some great researchers in this country who would almost certainly welcome opportunities to test dozens of common nutrients to assess their impact on illnesses that are currently costing our health system billions of dollars. Vitamin C is as important for the integrity of our blood vessels, the cartilage around our joints and for protecting us from the impact of toxins as it is for our immune system.

The list is almost endless so there is a lot of work to do. The first step as I see it is to somehow overcome the bias which is associated with using nutritional interventions. How will we ever find out what works and what doesn’t unless we are willing to open our eyes. I have previously written about Dr Paul Marik (US critical care specialist) who discovered that he could save lives of sepsis patients by using a protocol which included intravenous vitamin C. Every day in the US 860 people die of sepsis and it seems to be accepted as the norm. In August I attended a conference at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Dr Marik was a keynote speaker. To date he has saved the lives of over 500 people who would have otherwise died. It’s a very clear example of why simple nutritional interventions should not be overlooked. (JOHN APPLETON) F PN

APPLETON ASSOCIATES, T: 09 489 9362, appletonassoc@xtra.co.nz, www.johnappleton.co.nz

SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BOTTLES: 72% FOR CHANGE An independent nationwide survey* conducted on behalf of SodaStream has revealed 72% of New Zealanders think there should be regulations or laws for single-use plastic bottles in order to reduce plastic pollution. More than a third of New Zealanders drink bottled water, with one in five buying bottled water at least weekly. Yet surprisingly, 87% would be willing to give up buying plastic bottles altogether to protect our oceans. Mark Stephenson from SodaStream says it’s positive that such a big portion of the population supports steps being taken to reduce single-use plastic waste. “This just goes to show what a difference we could make... Interestingly, the survey showed that if bottled water became less socially acceptable - like what is happening with smoking - that would deter around three quarters of people from buying it, especially within the younger generation. “There’s a perception that recycling is a good choice and while that is better than nothing, it’s much more powerful to avoid buying single use plastic in the first place,” says Stephenson. stock shot - photography: istock photo

“However, this survey has revealed just how many Kiwis would be willing to completely give up buying plastic bottles in order to protect our oceans and end the age of throwaway plastic. With around five trillion pieces of plastic currently floating in our oceans and harming marine life, this is a great result.” *A nationally representative independent online survey of 500 New Zealanders aged 18+ was conducted by Pureprofile in July 2017. F PN www.sodastream.co.nz

70 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


LIVIING, THINKING + BEING The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


LIVING, THINKING + BEING THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS WITH TRUE PILATES AND THE MASSAGE ROOM Highly-respected True Pilates has been a fixture on the Herne Bay health and wellness scene for a decade and director, Helen Leahy, has now added massage to the studio’s list of boutique services. The Massage Room at True Pilates gives the respected Jervois Road studio the ability to cater to multiple wellness needs for its clients in one place. While the studio itself in its beautifully restored villa is a tranquil haven, Helen recognises that our busy lives can be anything but calm. “Between work, family and household demands, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of fatigue and many of us are running on empty and damaging our bodies. We’re continuing to teach our bespoke individual and group Pilates classes, in the Authentic Method, the way Joseph Pilates designed it. Now, people can restore their health with both relaxation and remedial treatments at the Massage Room,” says Helen.

The team at True Pilates

Helen and her team of qualified and sympathetic instructors offer a personalised and personable approach. What’s more, they’ve listened to the needs of their clients and now offer massages seven days a week. “Many people only have one day in the weekend to relax and this is often on Sundays, so PN we’re delighted to help our clients when and where they need it,” says Helen. F One hour massages at The Massage Room cost $89. Contact Helen to book a massage or a Pilates class. TRUE PILATES, 155 Jervois Road, M: 021 027 75198, or email: helen@truepilatesnz.co.nz, www.truepilatesnz.co.nz

Saturday & Sunday appointments available at The Massage Room Relax and refresh with a tranquil...

one-hour massage $89/$99 per session Contact Helen to book helen@truepilatesnz.co.nz | 021 0277 5198

72 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017





TO BOOK ADVERTISING: Call Jo Barrett on 021 324 510 or on Melissa Paynter 027 938 4111 t: 09 361 3356 or 09 378 8553 e: joannebarrett@xtra.co.nz e: melissa@ponsonbynews.co.nz w: www.ponsonbynews.co.nz

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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Olivia Savidan, Beauty Care I have been raving for years about the COOLA all natural suncare brand and, as of late, about organic skincare creators The Divine Company. Both were introduced to me by Herne Bay resident Olivia Savidan, the woman behind Beauty Care, a company founded by her mother, Frances Jeffery, back in 1988. Olivia joined Frances in the business in 2004, and the inspiring mother-daughter team continues to work together today, with Olivia now taking a lead role. The company has also taken a major shift into the realm of organic, all-natural beauty solutions; a move that Olivia says was inevitable both personally and professionally. “I go into clinics now and talk to therapists who say their clients want natural solutions as opposed to big brands,” she says, “but they still want a premium, luxurious product that will look great in their bathroom. I set out to find those, and think we’ve done a great job.” She says that consumers everywhere are more conscious and more educated, and the plethora of brands on offer for them is growing by the day. Beauty Care is gradually morphing into an industry leader in the area of green beauty, supplying clinics and consumers with vital information about the industry, what is authentic and what isn’t. “We want to help people understand the difference between certified organic and brands that add ‘organic’ to their product names just because they have a single, tiny organic ingredient in there,” she says, with the latter practice rife in the industry. I for one am horrified by the 'green washing' that goes on, taking advantage of consumers who just want to do the best for themselves, their families and the planet. Olivia cites The Divine Company as an example of a truly certified organic, premium beauty, skin and body care collection, with total traceability of every ingredient in its product line up. “They are audited every six months, and follow every ingredient from the picking of each seed to the makeup of their packaging,” she says. “Our experience as a supplier of the brand to the local market is one of absolute authenticity.” The world has watched as 'organic' has taken on a life of its own, and The Divine Company’s mission is to recreate and re-establish the potency of what it truly means to be Certified Organic. “When we work with nature, not against it, we fall into a rhythmic cycle of ease and abundance,” the founders say on its website, adding “organic is beautiful in its innate intelligence and its simplicity.” I have been using several of the products in the line over the last month or so and have been incredibly impressed by their performance and this simplicity - not having a hundred serums to cocktail every morning and evening is a revelation, and their Divine Woman Miracle Oil is one of the best facial oils I have ever used (and I’ve used a few!).

New to the Beauty Care stable is Hunter Lab, a men's premium natural skincare company that says it is “fuelled by nature’s most powerful and effective anti-ageing ingredients.” The Hunter Lab line up was created out of “a frustration with the current uninspired, chemical-intensive, repackaged-feminine products that pervade today’s male skincare market,” and Olivia says that the reaction from her clients in New Zealand thus far has been huge. The reaction when they launched the aforementioned COOLA suncare brand onto the local market five years ago was unprecedented in its enthusiasm, and word of the brand continues to spread like wildfire. It’s still the number one suncare brand I recommend to anyone who asks, and Olivia and her team are about to take it into the Australian marketplace as well. “People just love it,” she says with a smile, “from its light texture and great smells, to the fact that it offers sprays, lotions and everything in between. The packaging also just jumps off the shelf, and the products perform incredibly well.” She admits that it was the arrival of COOLA at Beauty Care that was an early catalyst for their shift to a green beauty focus, “because we just couldn’t ignore what people loved about the brand. They were hungry for natural, for organic, but also something that worked incredibly well and made them feel good about buying it.” Next on the Beauty Care list is a skincare brand with a focus on botanical oils and an organic make up line, details TBC. As it is the 30-year anniversary of the Beauty Care company next year, Olivia has been working on organising a series of talks and educational events to help spread the certified natural and organic message. These will hopefully include talks from some of the founders of her brands, as well as nutritionists and meditation teachers. “Consumers all over the world at the moment are changing,” says Olivia, “we are increasingly concerned about plastic bags, about what we put on our children’s skin, what we are eating. “We want to be the beauty company that says if you want natural or organic, we can help you find the best example of that for your skin.” (HELENE RAVLICH) F PN www.beautycare.co.nz

74 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017




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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


CARING PROFESSIONAL Zee Sharif I’ve always been passionate about human function but when I started out, I didn’t think I’d end up helping people have better sex! During my travels 15 years ago, I landed in New Zealand (I’m from London), fell in love with it on day one and moved here a year later! How did you come to be a healthcare professional? I used to accompany my younger brother to Great Ormond Street Hospital as a child. I knew I wanted to make people better. So a physiotherapy degree was natural. My husband is an entrepreneur, and he encouraged me to realise my dream of opening a holistic physio clinic. I started Return To Form nine years ago. We want to make it easy for clients to get the help they need, so all of our specialists are under one roof and we cross refer. They have access to the same notes, so time isn’t wasted going over old ground. What do you love about your job? Physio is not just about stopping pain, it is about empowering people to get back to a full life, including work, play and sport! I love that. I am passionate about education. The right advice and information can make such a big difference. I love learning about new treatment. I’m constantly doing one course or another and networking with people at the cutting edge of research. What do you find challenging? I knew that to provide the care and support I wanted to, I had to set up my own business, but that’s a huge challenge and a steep learning curve. But I’ve had huge support from my hubby, as it’s grown from one room to a clinic with a team of eight holistic practitioners. Our growth brings its own challenges - we’re constantly looking for additional staff, and we’re currently seeking an amazing new physio to come join our team (so if you know anyone, please show them this article!). How do you differ from other professions? I have a special interest in ‘below the belt’ physio. That can be anything from incontinence (leaky plumbing), pelvic pain to pregnancy problems. My other specialism is cancer rehabilitation. This is a growing area that’s not very well catered for. Many patients don’t receive the support and advice afterwards to return to the fun - and important - things they did pre-diagnosis, and thus regaining a good quality of life. Cancer has become survivable within one generation, and we have to focus on life after cancer. People are now both living after cancer diagnosis and living longer so it shouldn't be just about getting rid of the cancer but also about the life after cancer. Can you share an anecdote about a case or cases? One of the unfortunate side-effects of prostate cancer surgery is erectile dysfunction. Fortunately I can get men back to full sexual function. I had been working with one man, helping him to to strengthen his pelvic floor muscles for a few months. He had urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction following surgery. One day, he came into the clinic, and proudly announced to reception that he had managed to have sex with his wife. I'm not sure what the other patient waiting in reception thought, but that was a huge success story story for him - and for us. What do you do to care for yourself? We have a great team of therapists; we help each other with our well-

76 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

being. If I have any injuries I get into the physio room for treatment to prevent things getting severe. Nothings beats a good hands-on therapeutic massage or acupuncture needles to send me to the land of zen. I started running six years ago and I’ve completed 16 half marathons since. I like the sights and sounds of running in different places and it allows me to organise my thoughts. Surprisingly it's also relaxing, apart from when there is a hill to climb - then it’s just good endorphins! I teach Pilates which is a great way to assess your own body's capabilities and combined with a good yoga class can really be a superb mind and body experience. What's your advice to people seeking (your specialty) treatment? People who have pain and other symptoms often don’t know that treatment is available. I advise them to find a specialist physio who can find the root cause, making them feel a lot better quickly. For instance, after a cancer diagnosis you may be inclined to accept any side effects as the price to pay. But it doesn’t have to be. In most cases you should be able to return to all the things you used to do before the treatment. And that is where specialist physios come in. We understand how to get you back to normal function. And our treatment works best the earlier we start. So as soon as you get a diagnosis, find a specialist physio. Find out what the side effects are, and start physiotherapy to strengthen yourself. If you need to have surgery, the fitter you are beforehand, the better you will be after. Be clear on what your goals are - your specialist physio will be able to tell you what is possible. It won’t happen overnight, but we will get you back to the things you used to do, whether it is work, sport or sex! RETURN TO FORM, 334 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 551 4460, www.returntoform.com


LIVING, THINKING + BEING PAY YOUR DENTIST LESS, LOOK AFTER YOUR TEETH Let’s face it, dental care is expensive, but the really expensive procedures tend to happen when you’ve neglected your teeth. So, to cut down on those dentist’s bills, it’s a good idea to start looking after your teeth every day. Here are a few tips on how, and when, to do that. Brush your teeth at least twice a day For two minutes morning and night, brush your teeth. That way you’ll manage to thoroughly clean all the surfaces, inner, outer and across the tops. You’ll have fresh breath in the morning and clean teeth for going to sleep at night. Use a soft-bristled brush or electric toothbrush, so you can also be massaging your gums without scraping them. Whatever kind of brush you use, be sure to replace it about every three months. Bent and broken bristles don’t clean properly and can also damage your gums. Don’t brush too soon after eating, food makes your mouth more acidic and your enamel softer. Wait about half an hour and then brush. Brush your tongue gently Because your tongue has an uneven surface and a whole lot of taste buds, food and bacteria can get trapped there. If you use a soft toothbrush you can gently brush your tongue with it. Some brushes come with a special rubbery back just for this. Rinse your mouth afterwards to get rid of the stuff you brush off. or even bleed a little, but keep going. Your gums will get tougher and healthier very soon. Floss your teeth every day With about 30cm of dental floss or a floss-pick, clean the surfaces between your teeth. Scrape up and down each side, that way you get the trapped food and plaque your brush misses. If flossing doesn’t work for you there are other solutions that work and are similar, like interdental brushes or water flossers. It’s best to get advice from your dentist on how to use these. You might have sore gums after flossing for the first time,

We hope this helps. If it has raised any questions for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. Book your appointment online now at bit.ly/bookapptonline F PN ACCENT DENTAL, 332 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 4374, www.accentdentists.co.nz

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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017




This Christmas, Starship is asking New Zealanders across the country to decorate their Christmas trees with a star that embodies the true spirit of Christmas.

School teacher and artist, Craig Ellis, sustained a traumatic brain injury on Richmond Road, Ponsonby in 2007, when another driver failed to give way. It took Craig years to fully recover.

“Most of us are fortunate enough to enjoy the festive season relaxing and celebrating with family and friends. However, for many of Starship’s young patients and their families, especially those far away from home, Christmas will be very different than planned. Please show them you care by buying our Starship Christmas Star, which symbolises healing, strength, joy and love,” says Brad Clark, Chief Executive of the Starship Foundation.

Art is Craig's passion. During the years recovering from the accident, Craig used art as a tool to heal both physically and emotionally, also increasing awareness about ‘post concussion syndrome' - the ongoing effects people experience after a brain injury. He produced two solo exhibitions, 'Richmond Rd to Here', 2009 and 'Give Up, No Way', 2011.

The gorgeous balsa wood decoration, featuring hearts and shooting stars in its design, costs just $3, with all proceeds from the sale of the christmas star coming to the Starship Foundation.

In September this year, 10 years since the accident, Craig suffered another concussion (fortunately milder this time) in an accident at the Auckland school where he teaches. For several weeks Craig relived symptoms similar to his 2007 injury, dealing with fatigue, headaches, information processing and memory issues, sound sensitivity and anxiety.

The Starship Foundation’s Christmas Star decoration goes on sale from Monday 6 November at New World stores nationwide, and is available while stocks last. Every year Starship has around 130,000 patient visits from children all over New Zealand. The national children’s hospital is focused on providing world-class medical care for these children when they need it most. The Starship Foundation raises funds so Starship can better care for its young patients. Donations are extra to Government funding and provide for vital clinical research and innovation, new technology and medical equipment, refurbishing older wards, staff training, and community outreach projects. F PN www.starship.org.nz

“Fragile’ is an art work that I originally produced in 2009,” Craig explains. “With no visual signs of the challenges I was going through, I remember thinking how helpful it could have been if the hospital had bandaged my head when I was released. People might have found it easier to understand what I was going through. My recent concussion brought hard times back and inspired the 'Fragile', 2017 series.” 'Fragile', 2017 is six hand-screen-printed images, on painted canvas backgrounds. Not hung in a gallery this time, but displayed out on the Ponsonby streets, where Craig was injured and recovered. The works are able to be viewed for one week from Monday 23 October at: 72 Williamson Avenue, 212 Richmond Road, Cnr Richmond Road/ Westmoreland Street, Cnr 164 Ponsonby Road/Douglas Street, 314 Ponsonby Road. Craig would like to give a big thanks to Jen and the team at Shout, who supplied the street poster advertising boards and helped bring this project alive. F PN craig@craigellis.co.nz; 021 335 761, www.craigellis.co.nz

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182-4a Jervois Road, Herne Bay E: ra_cha29@yahoo.com “I get all my bits & pieces done by the smiling helpful Roong... and she’s got Eftpos = sorted...” MARTIN LEACH

78 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


MEET THE TEACHER MATTHEW BROWNE, BROWNE SCHOOL OF ART How long have you been teaching art? I’ve been teaching for around 30 years now. My first teaching stint was at Chelsea School of Art in London when I was 27. I was invited to teach their first year students ‘Colour Theory & Practice’ for a week-long workshop. I was keen but green, and I remember feeling as though I was just one step ahead of the students the whole week! How did you come to be an art teacher? I’ve been brought up around art all my life, particularly painting. My parents are both creative people. My Father, Michael, is a very fine painter, and my mother, Jenny, recently retired from being a potter. My paternal grandmother, Ruth, was also a notable painter and so it must have all rubbed off somehow. Dad taught painting in London, and so I think it felt like a natural thing for me to do too. Where did you train? I went to Camberwell College of Art & Design in London when I was 18, completing my BA (Hons) in painting. Then, when I was about 40 I realised I needed a bit of a push to get things going and headed off to Elam for two years of an MFA (Hons). It was a long gap between studies, but I wasn’t ready to jump into an MFA programme straight after Camberwell. What inspired you to set up your own school of art? Funnily enough, the idea of an art school first came about way back, in 1982, just after I had graduated from Camberwell. That year, I came to New Zealand on my OE, and my grandmother, Ruth, first planted the seed of possibilities in my mind. She thought it would be a wonderful thing to do. Somehow, for the following 31 years I resisted it. The school was finally opened in September 2013, in large part because fate intervened and it seemed like it was the right time. What are your favourite things about being a teacher of art? I get immense satisfaction from what I do, which is lucky really. I have met some truly remarkable people over the years; people who have lived extraordinary lives and have stories to tell. This feels like something of a privilege really and I’m grateful for the wonderful people I have come to know, both fellow tutors and students. This, and watching people light up as they gradually absorb the positive impact that creativity has made to their lives. What classes to you offer at your school of art? We offer all sorts of courses at Browne School of Art, for people of all walks of life. Courses are created to cater for various levels of experience, from beginners to more advanced. We have drawing, painting, and printmaking courses offered through four terms of the year. These cover a broad range of teaching approaches from technical, classical, figurative, abstract, traditional and the more contemporary. We also offer yearlong programmes from Painting 1 - 4 for those who want to follow a more in-depth, sequential pathway. What do you do when you are not teaching? The school takes up a huge amount of my time, but when I have any time away I gravitate to my studio to concentrate on my own practice. For me, the continuation of my own painting is inextricably connected to my effectiveness as a teacher and to who I am. Downtime with family and friends is important too, and I swim regularly for bodily health,

and meditate to still my mind, though in part, painting time of my own seems to do the trick there. Highlight of your teaching career? Opening my own school of course. How many other jobs do you get where people thank you every single day for what you have done for them? I’m happiest when I’m not thinking about myself and so there isn’t really a highlight as such... I’m just grateful that for the most part I enjoy what I do and, that somehow, I can make a difference. Low point of your teaching career? Hmmm... times of job uncertainty and insecurity don’t fare well. Times when I feel that I have given as much as I can and it still doesn’t seem enough. There are moments when I wonder why I’m doing what I’m doing too... but painting is like philosophy, there are no real unequivocal answers and one must find one's own path to the truth. How would your students describe you? That’s a tricky one! I’d hope they’d say all good things... patient, knowledgeable and understanding. With any luck they’d see me as constructively helpful, as someone they can feel creatively vulnerable with in confidence, and as someone they can develop creatively alongside without feeling judged or belittled in any way. I’d quite like the idea that they might see me as someone who laughs a lot too! If you could wave a magic wand in the classroom... It would be good to temper expectations and know that creativity is a skill, that like anything else, demands time, perseverance and practice in order to embed itself in one's life. If I could wave that wand it would be to instil in everyone who begins this creative journey, that despite all the difficulties and frustrations, it really is a worthwhile and rewarding activity. Five tips for anyone too afraid to start making art... 1. Just begin. Everyone has to begin somewhere, so be brave and make a start! Ask yourself. "What exactly am I afraid of?" 2. Don’t be afraid to fail... ask yourself “How can I learn to do this and look good at the same time?" ...answer... "You can’t!” 3. Realise that this is going to take time... so be patient and give it that. 4. Make loads of work... set yourself a clear set of goals and aims and stick to this. Make lots of starts and don’t worry overly about the finish. 5. Enjoy and trust the process.

BROWNE SCHOOL OF ART, Level 1, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, T: 09 378 8985, www.browne.school.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Lisa-Maree Wallen Sales Executive at UP Real Estate My pets - Boston, nine years (10 in December) and Betty, three years (four in December). Black pugs are the love of my life. I have always adored pugs. They are funny, cute, a little chubby and have the ability to melt hearts. I love when we come across a big, burly guy and he becomes all soft and loving towards our two. They just demand love. Boston was just a cool name (we were going through baby books, credits on movies, TV shows) and came across his name and we wanted something a little retro for our girl, so Betty it was and they are so adorable together. They have their own Facebook page under Boston & Betty.

Never let fireworks off close to animals.

Our favourite thing to do together is to get away in our motorhome (that we purchased for them) and have adventures. We go to all sorts of wonderful places. Ohope Beach, Papamoa, Whangarei Heads, Taupo... walk, play and meet new friends. They both have lots of friends. Both are very social. Boston is the more chilled of the two, Betty is a typical sensitive little lady. Baxter, Cooper and Gin are all great friends of the two pugs. Eat - they love food (it’s a pug thing). Both on a ‘raw diet’ that they adore and flourish on. Raw Essentials is their absolute favourite shop in the world. Best food and best treats. I feel so lucky to have these two little dogs in my life. They bring something so special to our home. They are comical, great companions, super loving, incredible therapists and absolute characters. Life is just so much better with them around. F PN

Lisa-Maree Wallen with her pugs - Boston & Betty.

@ SPCA - ANIMALS LOOKING FOR A LOVING HOME Every animal has the right to feel cared for. Many beautiful animals just like Jed, Juicy, Maggie, Silver and Tina are looking for the loving and forever home they deserve. Adopt an SPCA animal today and in return you will be rewarded with a lifetime of unconditional love from your companion.



80 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017







You’re sitting in your living room, watching TV on a quiet Sunday night when BANG, BANG, BANG!!

The first day he met puppy Maggie, SPCA Inspector Jason was shocked.

10-12 November

You jump out of your skin, what was that, were they gun shots, is the roof caving in, where are the kids, is everyone okay? Wait, it’s happening over and over again - oh, it’s just fireworks. Now imagine that you are in your furry friend’s skin... and they don’t understand what fireworks are. They don’t understand that you won’t let them get hurt and that they don’t need to be scared. So our pets end up cowering under the bed, shaking, scared to death, running away.

“Maggie was just nine months old and she had one of the worst collar wounds I’d ever seen. It was deep, infected and she would have been in serious pain.”

As Guy Fawkes approaches it can be a great time for humans but mostly it’s a really scary, stressful time for our animals. Here are some tips to help your animals during this time.

When Maggie was rescued, our team gave her the care she needed. The veterinarian believes the wound was progressively getting worse for about eight weeks. It’s hard to believe that no one cared enough to do anything about it.

• Never let fireworks off close to animals. • Think about staying home with your pets, they'll be much less stressed with you around. • Close all doors/windows to prevent your pets escaping and running away. Closing curtains/blinds will help muffle the sound and lights of fireworks. • Turn on the radio or television to distract your pets from the sounds. • Take special care of elderly or nervous animals - calming medication may be necessary. • Make sure your pet is microchipped or has a collar with up to date contact details in case they escape. • If you have small animals that live outdoors (rabbits, guinea pigs, birds), cover cages/pens and aviaries with blankets for sound proofing. Or consider bringing them in during the night. Remember you can contact your veterinarian for advice on what to do during this time. VETCARE, T: 09 361 3500, www.vetcare.net.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

Maggie’s owner never took her to get the vet treatment she so obviously needed for this horrible injury. Instead, he tied her up in a different part of his yard so his children wouldn’t be upset by the injury, and she was left tied up in the backyard, suffering alone.

Six months after Maggie came to the SPCA, Jason successfully prosecuted her previous owner. It's only thanks to the donations of animal lovers that the SPCA gets justice for animals who have been hurt. Today, Maggie's tragic past is behind her and she lives with a loving family with lots of space to run and play. Her new dad says he’s amazed every day by her resilience and strength. Other than a scar on the back of her neck, Maggie shows no sign of the trauma she went through. The SPCA is the only charity in New Zealand with the legal authority to seize abused or neglected animals and prosecute offenders. Our work is only possible because compassionate animal lovers in the community support our fight for justice. We are calling on you to give as much as you can during the SPCA Annual Appeal, you can donate by visiting here: www.spcaauckland.org.nz/Maggie Collectors will take to the streets throughout Auckland on 10-12 November, volunteering their time to make a difference for animals in need. F PN


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


PONSONBY PROFESSIONALS: METROLAW Got a legal question? Ask michael@metrolaw.co.nz

Q: A:

We have recently had our property surveyed because we are intending to build an extension to our house. We have found out that our section does not go where we expected it to and there is a piece of land at the back of the house that does not seem to be owned by anyone, we thought it belonged to us. How do we go about sorting this out? Thanks for your email. There is a term in the standard Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate that the vendor is not bound to point out the boundaries of the property except on the sale of a vacant lot. This means that it is up to the purchaser to identify the boundaries when you are buying a house.

You can rely on the plan of the title and the area when the title is not “limited as to parcels” but you need to relate this to the property itself and if you cannot find surveyors pegs then there will be some ambiguity about where the boundaries lie. For many people this need not cause any problems but if the house is close to a boundary then you may want to make sure that there are no encroachment issues. Where the property that you are buying is a cross lease then the footprint of any buildings on the property is important and can show errors in the title documents or unauthorised work by a cross-lease party. We have found that some older parts of Auckland have issues with boundaries from a time when subdivision plans were drawn up in the UK. There are parts of Herne Bay where the houses are not well aligned with the titles and some where the titles still remain “limited as to parcels”. I’ve come across some similar issues on Great Barrier Island where titles have been created with paper roads where the topography makes the access provided unworkable. Boundaries can become an issue when you want to fix or change fences or redevelop your property. Fences and boundaries are common causes of disputes between neighbours especially where there are the prospect of unexpected costs or losing a portion of land. You should try and get a title search of the vacant lot behind you. While it is rare it sometimes happens that parcels of land get abandoned or an owner passes away without the land being transferred. If you are able to demonstrate that you have had effective control over a parcel of land for 20 years or more you may be able to apply for the title of the land to be transferred to you by what is now called an application for prescriptive title. (MICHAEL HEMPHILL) F PN Disclaimer - this article is for general information purposes only. If you have a legal problem you should seek advice from a lawyer. Metro Law does not accept any liability other than to its clients and then only when advice is sought on specific matters.

METRO LAW, Level 1, 169A Ponsonby Road, T: 09 929 0800, www.metrolaw.co.nz

82 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Entertainment expenditure deductions INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS FOR EXPENDITURE ON specified types of entertainment which provide both a private and business benefit are limited to 50%. Where entertainment is provided to a staff member the Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) rules also need to be considered. Private Entertainment Expenses If the entertainment expenditure does not benefit the business then it won’t be deductible at all even if it is paid from the business. 50% Deductible Entertainment Expenses The following is a list of the types of specified business entertainment expenditure where deductibility is limited to 50%: • The cost of corporate boxes, corporate marquees or tents • The cost of accommodation in a holiday home or time-share apartment (for business) • The cost of hiring a pleasure craft • The cost of food and beverages provided off the business premises Entertainment Expenses and FBT If employees can enjoy an entertainment benefit at their discretion and outside of their employment duties, this benefit will be subject to FBT instead of the entertainment rules. For example if an employee is provided with a bottle of wine or a ham for Christmas this will be subject to the FBT rules.

Where the expenditure falls within the definition of an unclassified benefit for FBT purposes (for example wine and ham) it is important to consider if the de minimis FBT exemption can apply. The exemption will apply to an employee if: 1. The total value of all unclassified benefits does not exceed $300 for the employee for the quarter (or $1200 per annum for an annual filer 2); and 2. The total value of all unclassified benefits does not exceed $22,500 for all employees for the current and previous three quarters. If the total value of the unclassified benefits exceeds either threshold for an employee the entire benefit will be subject to FBT, not just the amount exceeding the threshold. 100% Deductible Entertainment Expenses The following entertainment expenses are specifically excluded from the 50% limitation rule and are therefore fully deductible: 1. Food and drink while travelling on business as long as there are no business contacts present and is not at a party, reception or celebration while travelling. 2. Food and drink at a conference or business course, which continues for four hours or more. 3. A tax-free meal allowance paid by an employer to an employee working overtime is fully deductible. 4. The cost of a light meal provided to employees in an area reserved for senior management when the meal is provided during the course of the employees’ normal duties.

5. Morning and afternoon teas provided on business premises. 6. Entertainment provided by a business as part of a function open to the public, or at trade displays to advertise the business. For example: The costs of crockery/glassware hire, food, room hire, equipment. 7. Entertainment enjoyed outside New Zealand. 8. The cost of sponsoring entertainment where the sponsorship is principally for promotion or advertising to the public. 9. Providing entertainment for market value. For example: the cost incurred by a restaurant in providing meals to patrons. 10. The cost of providing samples for advertising or promotional purposes. Goods and services tax (GST) You can claim the full GST portion on all entertainment expenses you have incurred throughout the year. If the entertainment expenses are only 50% deductible, you need to make an adjustment once a year for the 50% non-deductible portion. The GST adjustment is calculated by multiplying by three and dividing by 23 the nondeductible entertainment expenses, exclusive of GST. This needs to be returned in the GST return in the period PN your income tax return is filed. (LOGAN GRANGER) F Disclaimer - While all care has been take, Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants Ltd and its staff accept no liability for the content of this article; always see your professional advisor before taking any action that you are unsure about.

JOHNSTON ASSOCIATES, 202 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 6701, www.jacal.co.nz

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017





How the family justice system works changed in April 2014, but separating parents are still unsure how to go about resolving their disputes over the care of their children, according to Margaret Antunovich of CAB Grey Lynn/Ponsonby Branch.

Some of the most gorgeous and creative fashion Ponsonby News saw at New Zealand Fashion Week several months ago, was made from a bunch of offcuts.

“They may not know that going to the Family Court should be their last resort and that there are other services available to help them agree on the care of their children. "Free parenting through separation courses are available to help you think about what your children need,” says Margaret. “The course takes four hours, usually done in two sessions of two hours each. Any separating parent can go to one of the courses. "If the parents can’t agree about how their children will be cared for, they can attend mediation through Family Dispute Resolution (FDR). While it’s not free - except for low income parents - it is generally cheaper than going to court.” Margaret says that - except in cases of domestic violence - going to Family Dispute Resolution is generally a pre-requisite to going to the Family Court, and most disputes are settled by the time the parents have completed this step. “We can help you to navigate the process. At the bureau we have booklets to help you make a parenting plan. We can help you find a relationship counsellor, a parenting through separation course or an FDR mediator. We can also help you work out whether you are eligible for funding, which allows you to receive - for free - FDR mediation as well as four hours of free legal help from a Family Legal Advice lawyer.” Come and see us at 510 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn. We’re open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm and Saturdays 11am-12.30pm. You could also phone us on 09 376 0392 or toll free on 0800 367 222, or send us an email ponsonby@cab.org.nz. We also have information about parenting after separation and child support on our website www.cab.org.nz” F PN



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With support from Holden Astra - for whom she is an ambassador - Tanya Carlson was able to take the bold step of showing a series of oneoffs, all made from upcycled fabrics garnered from her 20-year archive. “It’s amazing to be able to add value and give new life to these fabrics - or to transform old pieces into something new. As designers, we waste so much fabric, even as we’re trying to conserve it. There is something incredibly satisfying about giving these old offcuts new life,” says Carlson. Each of the 60 garments in the Carlson show was lovingly designed and handcrafted utilising Carlson’s extensive hoard of German velvets, French lace, silks and taffeta, collected from around the globe over her years in fashion. With none of the limitations of a production run, Carlson was able to concentrate entirely on the creative process of designing the garments as one-off pieces. “This kind of creative freedom is usually something you only get at the beginning of your career. So this is like a gift to me - and my label,” she says. The designer is no stranger to one-off, demi-couture garments though. Her creations have been worn by an array of Kiwi notables in music, television and sports - from Ladi6 to Samantha Hayes, Rachel Hunter to Olympian Lisa Carrington, as well as international celebrities - such as chef Nigella Lawson, actor Heather Graham, and supermodels Linda Evangelista and Gisele Bündchen. At a more utilitarian end of the spectrum, Carlson’s latest way of reusing fabric offcuts is in her cloth bags. A stylish response to the recent announcement that supermarkets were going to phase out plastic shopping bags, the bags can be washed, reused and can double as a beach bag or extra work bag. Carlson says, “There’s an old-fashioned view that looks down on reusing fabric because it suggests that the designer is not looking forward or that he or she is entering a ‘craft’ space rather than fashion design. But that’s definitely an outdated response. In my role as Head Judge of the iD International Emerging Designer Awards, it’s clear that the new designers coming through really care about consumption and waste and are looking for PN innovative ways to upcycle and reuse.” F CARLSON, 120 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 361 2137, www.tanyacarlson-shop.co.nz

LEICHT – No.1 Best Sold Premium Kitchen in Germany Visit our showroom at 127 Symonds St, Eden Terrace Ph 09 379 4800 www. avantgardedesign.co.nz NZ’s 1st LEICHT importer since 2009

84 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


Luke Crockford Number 1 in Ponsonby

I HAVE SOLD IN THE LAST 6 WEEKS • 12 Cockburn St | 12 days • 15/5 Millais St | auction 21 days • 66 Franklin Rd | 6 days 6HD¾HOG 9LHZ 5G _ DXFWLRQ GD\V • 57B Maritime Tce | 14 days • 412 East Coast Rd | 2 days • 295 East Coast Rd | auction 21 days

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Real Estate Outside the Square

w. lukecrockford.harcourts.co.nz

| Ponsonby Licensed Agent REAA 2008




HEIDI PADAIN: ENTERTAINMENT IN YOUR GARDEN The excitement of spring has been turned up a notch. Nesting sites have been established and now the feeding frenzy begins. The behaviour of the blackbirds is bordering on mass hysteria. As soon as I open a Ranchslider, I hear the sound of their claws as they scamper across the iron roof. Then, our other regular visitors arrive. King Tui, Uber Blue the pukeko and a large number of waxeyes. They're expecting the usual fruit banquet of course. However, service has been postponed due to renovations.

Having spent so many years closely observing birds in my own garden, I can almost anticipate a bird's next move. A slight tilt of the head or change in body language can give you so much information. It's a complicated thing to articulate. If you're keen to photograph birds, then I encourage you to start by practising in your own garden.

At the time of writing this, I am 440km away from home. There is a duck hen sitting a few feet away from my sun lounger and, in the skies above, manic drakes orbit around the property in search of love. She's taken refuge it seems.

Home is never far away from my thoughts. I am wondering if the builder is sharing his lunch with all my feathered friends. I really should have warned him about Uber Blue's tendency to fly off with any food left lying around on the deck. Oh well. (HEIDI PADAIN) F PN

I have 10 acres to explore, and I'm always camera ready. I have to be more patient than usual. The bird life here is not used to having people around on a regular basis, so it takes a few days for them to be comfortable with me exploring their territory. I'm in awe of the kahu (harrier hawk). I find it hugely satisfying when I can get a good shot of them in flight. Of course, spring is prime hunting season for the kahu, as there is so much new vulnerable life around. The tui birds are not easily put off their food, so I'm getting some wonderful shots of them.

BOOKboy 1 Bay 5 High

$10 4 9

To see some of Heidi’s other photographic work, go to www.flickr.com and type Heidi Padain into the search box, or, you can contact Heidi by email hidihi@xtra.co.nz, or look her up on Facebook ... Heidi Padain Photography.

Get yourshelf sorted!

BOOKboy 3 Bay 3 High

$ 1 3 94




meluka.co.nz Furniture. Simply.

86 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


Crates sold separately • Accessories not included



HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS AUCKLAND HOUSE PRICES ROCK STEADY ON MODEST SALES NUMBERS Auckland residential property prices remained rock solid in September even though sales numbers fell to levels not seen in the month of September for seven years. “Sellers were prepared to accept prices at close to what have prevailed for the past six months, but have been declining low offers,” said Peter Thompson, Managing Director of Barfoot & Thompson.

“A contributing factor to prices edging higher in September was that two thirds of all sales were of properties for in excess of $750,000, with 38.6% reaching a sale price of in excess of $1 million.

“The over-riding sentiment of sellers was that the fundamentals that have driven the market for the past two years have not changed, and that prices are not likely to fall significantly.

“Properties in the higher price brackets tend to be less affected by uncertainty about potential future price movements. “September’s average and median prices are marginally higher than what they were in September 2016.

“There are a significant number of buyers actively searching, and those that are realistic and prepared to meet the market are making a purchase.

“With the general election out of the way, the normal spring lift in new listings for sales pre Christmas and greater sales activity is likely to return to the market by early November.

“Factors such as high population growth, stable mortgage interest rates and a shortage of supply remain.

“New listings for the month at 1414 were solid, being 12.2% higher than in August and at month end total listings were 3829, down 4.1% on those at the end of August.

“The general election coming in the middle of the sales period added uncertainty to a market that has been flat since April, and did have an impact on sales numbers.

“Rural and lifestyle property sales mirrored those of residential properties, with sales numbers being lower and prices stable.” F PN

“In September it resulted in sales numbers being down 15.3% on the previous month. “However, the average sales price increased by 1% over that for August to $928,213 and the median price increased by 4.9% to $860,000.

@ CAVIT&CO 1. Sonara Chair in Graffiti by Kelly Wearstler for Kelly Wearstler $8671 Kelly has a signature style that juxtaposes raw with refined, melds colour, sophistication and spirited spontaneity and seamlessly blends diverse, distinctive and soulful pieces under one roof. The collection includes furniture, accessories, bed linen, floor rugs and lighting, all showcasing Kelly’s distinctive eye for modern design.


2. Nipomo Chandelier by Johnathan Browning for McGuire POA As seen in the just opened Next Door Bistro, Parnell. Inspired by the timeless Sputnik form, Jonathan Browning delights with a sleek, rich silhouette in the exclusive, multi-faceted Nipomo Chandelier. At 58" in diameter, this chandelier commands the story of the room, while quietly complementing warm materials naturally found in dining and living settings - also available as a wall sconce. 3. Domicile Reed Side table designed by Michael Vanderbyl for Bolier $2645 Bolier is a luxury home furnishings company committed to using only the finest materials and traditional craft techniques to produce furnishings inspired by tradition and designed for modern lifestyles. The Domicile Reed side table is finished in dark oak and has a useful, removable tray.




4. Pedro Chair & Pouf by Roberto Lazzeroni for Baxter Chair $10,775 Pouf $3425 A circular sitting on a steel structure, this is 'Pedro' and its pouf. Designed by Roberto Lazzeroni and realised by the craftsmanship that is Baxter, Italy. A wonderful armchair, upholstered in natural, full grain Hydro leather. 5. Bennet Sofa by Baker $20,995 Upholstered in luxurious velvet with an American walnut finish, the Bennet Sofa depicts the timeless and contemporary style stands for Baker. World renowned for quality craftsmanship, Baker selects the world’s leading designers to create its stunning collections.


CAVIT&CO, 547A Parnell Road,T: 09 358 3771, www.cavitco.com

88 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


baxter. creating contemporary luxury / lagos dining table

C AV I T & C O Christchurch 148 Victoria Street, Christchurch 8013 | Tel +64 3 929 0013 Auckland 547a Parnell Road, Parnell 1052 | Tel +64 9 358 3771 | Email info@cavitco.com


UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Chris Batchelor Your business: Residential Specialist at Bayleys Real Estate. Chris Batchelor is a man who knows his market. Committed to providing a seamless and straightforward experience in a friendly yet professional manner, Chris understands what matters most when selling your biggest asset: that if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. The proof is in the results, with 90% of Chris’ listings repeat clients or referrals. Who is your partner? My wife Georgina is a full time-mother - a bloody good one I should add! Our son Lachlan is 18 months. Do you have any pets? David the Burmese and Honey the Wheaton terrier. How do you keep fit? I try and get to the gym three to five mornings a week. I'm an early riser - 5am starts for me. Your best friend would say of you... Batch is a jammy bugger. Your mother would say of you... He’s a good boy. Virtues? I’m extremely punctual - Dad was in the army for 10 years so being bang on time was very important in our household. Vices? Long lunches. I have a rubber elbow. Who's your ultimate rock icon? Mmmm... probably Kurt Cobain. I would have loved to go to a Nirvana concert. Secret passion? Wine... lots of it too. (Not so sure that’s a secret though.)

Favourite Ponsonby store? I always find Shut the Front Door great. It is sort of like a one stop shop for gifts. There is something for everyone in there.

What's your secret talent? I'm am an amazing dancer and singer. (So not true.)

Favourite Ponsonby fashion label? Working Style probably has to be my favourite - I tend to pretty much live in a suit these days.

Where do you live? Herne Bay.

Your best kept Ponsonby secret? Easy - Chris Batchelor Bayleys Ponsonby Facebook page.

Where do you spend your holidays? Queenstown or Pauanui

What's inspired you recently? Hard question again. I find I’m constantly surrounded by inspirational people. The family and friends I have are incredible.

What's your perfect Sunday? Walk on Takapuna beach with the family and dog followed by breakfast at the cafe there. Then straight into four open homes in a row. (That’s more a standard Sunday rather than perfect.) What were you going to be when you grew up? An architect or a builder. How did you come to be a real estate agent? I was up in the UK and Switzerland for 10 years. Four of those years I was selling art for Ronnie Wood from the Stones and John Lennon’s art works. That was my first sales job - I was hooked from there on. If you weren't a real estate professional, you'd be? That’s a really hard question. I really can’t imagine doing anything else. Probably a brain surgeon, though. Favourite Ponsonby cafe? Salta for Ponsonby. Five Loaves is my local.

Your desert island distractions: song, movie and/or TV show, book? Probably an audiobook of some description. I’m not a massive reader - it tends to put me straight to sleep! The house is on fire and your family is safe - what do you save? Probably some artwork - providing the animals count as family and they have made it out. "I'd be lost without my..." Phone - so sad I know but this thing keeps things rolling... you can do everything on these things. One thing you have learned about life is? Wow. Deep question - probably not to take it all to seriously. I take time out when you need it/work hard play hard. Family and friends are the most important thing to me. Way more than one thing there - push limits where you can is another. www.chrisbatchelor.bayleys.co.nz

Favourite Ponsonby restaurant? Prego - the team and the consistency of food and service win every time for me.

90 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


DAW S O N & C O .


@ COAST PONSONBY With summer coming, Ponsonby News asked cover star COAST owner, Nicola Webster, a few questions about outdoor living. How long has COAST been established and where did you start? COAST was first established in a spare bedroom from our little Herne Bay villa almost 14 years after my husband, Alex, and I returned to New Zealand after spending eight or so years living in the Caribbean, London and Hong Kong. We had decided to try to create a luxury lifestyle brand that would reflect New Zealand’s unique quality of life. We started from the ground up with high quality, New Zealand-made lifestyle products that would be both timeless and enduring - essential in New Zealand’s harsh conditions. Our first product was the Marine Bean - a luxury, outdoor beanbag, which remains our best-seller today. At that time New Zealand held the America’s Cup and Auckland was the epicentre for superyachting. Our strategy was initially to focus on the superyacht market, but we found that our luxury outdoor beanbags and canvas luggage were equally at home ashore. Consequently, our market has broadened considerably over the years, as has our product range, which now includes textiles, travel bags and leather goods. Summer’s on its way, what’s hot for outdoor living for next season? The continuing trend this year is the seamless transition from indoor to your outdoor spaces - and the blurring of distinctions between indoor and outdoor furnishings and the softening of exterior design. Long gone are the days of stark and uncomfortable outdoor setting. Once the exclusive province of the marine industry, hard-wearing and UV-resistant materials have entered the mainstream and can be found in upholstery fabrics, throw cushions and even outdoor rugs. The ‘outdoor room’ - a comfortable and inviting outdoor space - can now be achieved with upholstered exterior furniture, plenty of throws, cushions, occasional tables, outdoor rugs - and of course our outdoor beanbags and ottomans! We are seeing a lot of coastal colours this season, blues, greens and naturals - and there is now a lot more texture in outdoor fabrics, which gives a more relaxed interior feel. Throw cushions in bright and pattern colours are a great way to dress up and change the look of an outdoor space and it is easy to change to another look later down the track. Outdoor furniture sees a return to more natural looking materials, such as teak and rattan, which add texture and depth to spaces. Who creates your designs and what are your inspirations? My husband, Alex, is designer and works closely with our long-time production manager at the factory in Auckland to render concepts into workable, functional products. We discuss all of our ideas as a team and I take the lead in designing and selecting textiles and colours. As a life-long yachtie, Alex draws much of his inspiration from nautical crafts and the use of marine fabrics and techniques. Your bean bags are well known now - how should they be cared for? The Marine Bean collection was our first and remains our bestseller. Part of their enduring appeal is that they really do last. Only the other day, a lady came into our

BEACH READY @ COAST 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ponsonby Road to buy a Marine Bean ottoman. It was to go with the COAST beanbag she bought 14 years ago, which was still going strong! The Sunbrella covers are guaranteed against fading and deterioration for five years. You really can take them outside and leave them outside. Spot marks can be removed with a sponge or soft brush and some warm, soapy water. The covers of most of our beanbags (and all of our newest collections) can be removed and machine-washed. Stubborn marks can be addressed with a mild bleach solution. After washing, we recommend that you apply 303 Fabric Guard (available through COAST) or similar. Occasional cleaning is essential to ensure the longevity of your outdoor beanbags. As with all items, the better you look after then, they longer they will last! Tell us about Sunbrella... The Marine Bean collection is made from marine grade Sunbrella, a fantastic outdoor fabric which is well known and very well regarded by the marine industry and design professionals alike. It carries a five year exterior guarantee in New Zealand and Australia (10 years in Europe and the the US). Sunbrella is a solution dyed acrylic - meaning that the colour runs through every filament and will not fade. In our experience, it is by far the best outdoor fabric on the market for New Zealand conditions. There has been so much advancement in Sunbrella fabrics over the 14 years we have been using it - increased softness, incorporation of recycled materials, more texture and variety - and we are finding that many people now use it for indoor applications such as sofas, window seats, curtains and blinds. The Sunbrella range is now available from COAST (online and in store) by the metre. COAST, 77 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 354 4552, www.coastnewzealand.co.nz

With the warmer weather finally arriving, COAST is excited to launch a new range of products to get your home and bach ready for a long hot summer.

COAST Vomo waxed cotton Beach Bags, $299 COAST Marine Bean - Slate $699 (including filling) COAST Escape Duffle Bag, the perfect hands-free bag $399 COAST Cotton Beach Towels 1 - finely milled Turkish cotton $89


2 4 1

COAST, 77 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 354 4552, www.coastnewzealand.com

92 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



@ DAWSON & CO Lux shade-pack: Includes: umbrella, base and protective cover and there are various colour options and sizes available. 1. Lux, 2.6sq m with 120kg base - $2599 2. Lux, 3sq m with 120kg base - $2999 3. Lux, 3.7sq m with 180kg base - $4999





DAWSON & CO., 115 The Strand, Parnell and 38 Constellation Drive, Rosedale, T: 09 476 1121; DAWSON & CO. OUTLET STORE, 31 Crummer Road, www.dawsonandco.nz


FOR AS FOR AS LITTLE LITTLE AS AS $$55 A M MONTH ONT H Your regular donation will help connect more school children with nature, empower people all

over Auckland with sustainable living choices and develop and maintain a therapeutic garden. Join now at: www.kelmarnagardens.nz/donate

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



BLACK DOG FURNITURE FOR YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE Just down from the Mt Eden Village shops you’ll find the Black Dog Furniture store. Black Dog opened its doors in July this year but has been creating solid, modern, rustic pieces in its Hamilton factory for nearly 18 years. With a team of six qualified builders, joiners and craftspeople as furniture makers, Black Dog prides itself on turning sustainable New Zealand timbers into family furniture that lasts for generations. Black Dog provides a unique service and product. You can choose from its instore products or take advantage of its design, build and made to order service. The skilled craftspeople can create anything from personalised wine cellars to outdoor settings, recycled rimu dining tables to garden seats. Requiring a unique look for a wedding, summer parties, business functions, in fact any event? Check out the website for a range of hire furniture. Black Dog is the go to furniture providers for a truly unique rustic look. Bars, leaners, fencing, braziers, tables and seating are all available for hire. Black Dog’s vast manufacturing knowledge, finishing know-how and extensive range means its unique furniture and one-off designs will last and be treasured for years to come... and will definitely impress your friends. If you feel like having a browse or you are after something in particular, head into the Black Dog store, open Tuesday - Friday 10am-5pm. Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. F PN BLACK DOG STORE, 471 Mt Eden Road, T: 07 823 7580, www.blackdogfurniture.co.nz

94 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



PONSONBY STUDIO FEATHERS NESTS A new online store based in Ponsonby is offering distinctive solutions to a wide range of lighting situations. Plume Studio handcrafts each feathered shade at their cute-as-a-button HQ. During the day the suspended cocoons have a playful, elegant aesthetic and when night falls, feather-filtered light gives spaces a delicious soft ambience. Easy to install, the shades instantly add character to a room and complement a variety of styles and decors from contemporary to vintage, luxe to modern. Plumes standard round lampshades are 38, 44 and 58 cm in diameter, with several other sizes made to order. The XXL shades - up to one metre in diameter - are striking features in sizeable rooms and commercial spaces. More shapes and shades for table and standard lamps will be available from January 2018. This month, Plume Studio is offering a 15% discount with any flock of three or more. It also offers free local delivery and will even fit your shade for you too. Check the website for details. Heads up: If you’re thinking of taking one of Plume's flock home for Christmas - shake your tail feathers - orders need to be placed by 30 November for pre-Christmas delivery. To find out more, visit www.plumestudio.co.nz or phone M: 021 355 266.

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



@ ROSE AND HEATHER 1. Bailey table, available to size from $7900 2. Newport 2-drawer wide bedside table available in all finishes - $1260 3. Newport bedside with marble top - $1840


4. Newport credenza - $2840




ROSE AND HEATHER, 406 Great North Road, T: 09 376 2895, www.roseandheather.com

YVETTE JAY: SPRING INTERIORS ROUNDUP Moving into spring is a sure sign that it’s time to think about refreshing and re-energising our homes with colour and textures that herald the summer months. It’s also when we think about venturing outdoors and reclaiming our outdoor spaces and preparing them for sun-filled days and warm evenings. It’s timely to note that maximalism was front and centre at this year’s Milan Design Week. Luxurious materials and textures, ambitious silhouettes, clever details, bold colours and vibrant patterns were at the fore. These visually enticing and emotionally evocative furnishings are making their presence known here, as local design showrooms start releasing their new ranges celebrating all that is good about this time of year. Seneca’s showroom Spring Fling was a heady display of vibrant colour, beautiful patterns and a myriad of textures. Fabrics and accessories from Romo Black and Elitis were a treat for the senses. Opulent velvets, soft chenilles, glamorous silks, refined and rumpled linens, tactile wools and metallic effects create a fusion of natural and contemporary qualities. Patterns and designs had a strong feeling of intertwining layers of the past and present with intricate layering and innovative colouring. Florals presented a contemporary interpretation of still life paintings, digitally printed with vibrant flashes of colour to enrich the designs. Geometrics were also strong, in the form of patterns seen through a kaleidoscope, random mosaic designs or irregular pixelated patterns. Colours were bold and strong or exotic and evocative. David Shaw recently hosted an evening in its showroom where Duilio Zaffaroni from Roda presented the latest designs and innovations in their outdoor furniture ranges. This Italian company designs versatile, Mediterranean - flavoured outdoor ranges, which focus on high quality and durability. They strive for innovative combinations of natural and high-tech materials in their pieces. Their Teka range caught my eye; it uses teak timber for the frames and Canatex fabric for the seats with an excellent choice of finishing details. The durability and malleability of teak is crafted into in a prism-shaped geometry

96 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

that presents a striking form while still maintaining a sense of lightness. It’s a flexible range to use, as it comes in modular sofas, chairs, tables and low tables which can be used in a variety of settings and configurations. The Ivy House launched their new Parnell showroom recently which showcases the beautiful artisan range of hand crafted rugs from Armadillo & Co. Their main ranges of rugs are made from sustainable natural fibres Elitis accessories from Seneca and wools using Fair Trade practices. They also offer an indoor/outdoor collection of hard-wearing, multi-purpose synthetic rugs, which are perfect for giving texture and presence to any space. These rugs are hand woven from 100% recycled polyester fibres while still reflecting the same design aesthetic and textures of the natural fibre rugs. There are three designs in this range, Horizon (mimicking a simple knitted stitch), Tide (alternating vertical lines in similar shades for discrete patterning) and Quills (which echoes the horizontal lines of feathers). All of these rugs come in a selection of enticing neutral colours and are ideal for creating a softening island for an outdoor furniture setting. F PN YVETTE JAY INTERIOR DESIGN, 57g Livingstone Street, Westmere, T: 09 376 9323, www.yvettejay.co.nz PUBLISHED FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH (except January)


Successfully Selling Brilliant Homes In Your Neighbourhood FOR SALE 5/1 Saratoga Ave, Ponsonby - Ref: 603643 • Fantastic central location and an easy walk to Ponsonby Rd. • Easy indoor/outdoor flow to your courtyard and garden. 1



SOLD UNDER THE HAMMER 60 Garnet Rd, Westmere 3


SOLD 66 Shelly Beach Rd, Ponsonby 4




SOLD 41 Napier St, Ponsonby “It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Felicity Scott of Barfoot & Thompson Ponsonby. Throughout all transactions and negotiations Felicity has been professional, friendly and supportive. She has offered advice when needed, kept us up to date with progress and guided us through all the aspects of the efficient sale of our home. Felicity definitely makes the whole experience a happy one, and as smooth as possible with the least amount of stress. We would have no hesitation in recommending her as an excellent real estate agent to anyone wishing to sell their home”. - Joy Davies

Felicity Scott BBS | Residential Sales M 0274 522 241 B 09 376 3039 E f.scott@barfoot.co.nz | barfoot.co.nz/f.scott The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



@ FREEDOM FURNITURE 1. Freedom Furniture Chanera Lantern (large) - $69.95 Freedom’s Chanera Lantern will add a touch of summer romance to any alfresco setting - its solid structure will keep the spark alive, even with a cool breeze. 1

2. Freedom Furniture Adelphi Dining Package 3 Piece (209cm table) - $2299 When uniting the family for long Sunday brunches the Adelphi Dining Package is the crowd pleaser that ensures everyone gets a seat.


3. Freedom Furniture Denise Deco Octopus - $29.95 Add a nautical twist to the family batch or living room with Freedom’s Deco Octopus: this whimsical creature sits proudly amongst other household trinkets and gems found at the beach.



4. Freedom Furniture Watermelon Doormat 45x75cm - $39.95 Sweeten the day of any passer-by with the Watermelon Doormat. Bright pops of colour greet guests warmly on arrival. Shop the collection 24/7 at www.freedomfurniture.co.nz or head into your local Newmarket, Sylvia Park, Westgate, Wairau Park or Albany store.

ANAH JORDAN Everything I touch turns to SOLD Auckland’s easiest property equation Your property + Anah Jordan = SOLD M 022 127 9080 | B 09 376 3039 | E a.jordan@barfoot.co.nz | barfoot.co.nz/a.jordan anahjrealestate

@ DESIGN WAREHOUSE 1. Mauritius cantilever umbrella Rest easy in the summer sun under the shade of the Mauritius cantilever umbrella. It has a sophisticated look and functions with ease. Design Warehouse has 40 styles of umbrellas to choose from. Visit our showroom or call to order your umbrella today and be prepared for summer! 2. Pierre dining chairs The Pierre dining chairs have a stylish, European cafe vibe, with an outstanding geometric base, and sleek, linear back which is accentuated by the tightly wrapped outdoor rope and topped with a Sunbrella® cushion. Call us for prices on these divine outdoor dining chairs. All in stock and available today. 3. Cabo left and right daybed Create an outdoor living space that is stylish, functional and inviting with the Cabo A-Grade Teak Collection. Create any arrangement you like using the left day bed, right day bed, corner and club chair. Sunbrella® cushions are included as shown on site. All in stock and available today. Call us for prices.



DESIGN WAREHOUSE, 137/147 The Strand, Parnell, T: 09 377 7710, www.designwarehouse.co.nz

98 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


HOME: WHERE THE HEART IS The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


REAL ESTATE UPDATE: KAREN SPIRES Across the Ponsonby’s residential property sector we’re expecting a busy period leading to the Christmas holidays, as sellers previously holding back emerge from their election-induced hiatus, and buyers return to the market with greater incentive following the announcement of New Zealand’s new Labour-New Zealand First coalition Government. Despite months of slowing sales volumes and flattening value gains across the region, Ponsonby and her surrounds continues to perform particularly well, netting a record median sale price of $1.55 million according to Bayleys’ Research during the June 2017 quarter. Pleasingly, this result is up some 6.9% ($100,000) from the June 2016 quarter and compares quite nicely against the 2.4% increase for the wider Auckland region over the same period. With the local property landscape performing particularly well and further activity predicted through to the beginning of summer, it’s an excellent time to prepare your home for pre-Christmas sale. Equal-parts buyer psychology and market intelligence, preparing your property for a marketing campaign can be a minefield. Between budgets, touch-ups and wall-removing refurbishments, sellers should be selective when it comes time to make improvements and keep the buyer at the forefront of every decision. However, before dipping your brush into the paint tin, there are a few vital considerations which will make planning your refurbishments a whole lot easier. • Take a look around the neighbourhood, what kind of people live in it and what kind of features do the houses have? This will offer a better understanding of both your target market and perhaps your homes’ unique attributes. • Carefully considering the type of buyer likely to purchase your home will ensure a clear goal, so you do not get carried away with unnecessary renovations. • Mapping out a budget is the next vital step to retain maximum value. Depending on the property’s size, age and condition, putting aside between five and 10% of its estimated value can provide a good guideline for pre-sale renovations. When tackling your target areas, anecdotal experience gleaned through countless open homes and my some 21 years in real estate has shown that buyers pay particular attention to bathrooms and kitchens, with street appeal doing double duty creating a great first impression. It could be as simple as resurfacing a cracked driveway, investing in contemporary lighting or adding an extra off-street car park. Tidy edge-ways, shrubbery and appealing green entranceways can also

This contemporary villa at 16 Scanlan Street, Grey Lynn has been tastefully renovated for sale with the modern family in mind. create a wonderful lasting impression even before the buyer has walked through the door. If time and budget are on your side, it is well worthwhile opening communal spaces to create seamless open-plan living and a clear line of sight, while uniform flooring in the kitchen and living areas can open up a space helping it to feel bigger and more unified. No matter the route or scale you choose for your pre-sale preparations, savvy sellers will tell you that using your salesperson wisely is the ultimate property hack. With value growth across the city flattening in recent months, we’re working double time consistently keeping in touch with our buyer bases to know exactly what they’re looking for when it comes time to purchase. This intelligence, paired with the feedback acquired through open home viewings, market knowledge and local demographics offer the vital pieces of the puzzle so your home can work smarter rather than harder when it comes to add value on sale day. Thanks for reading, Karen Spires. (KAREN SPIRES) F PN Regional sales results might reflect uncertainty. However, the burgeoning apartment sector continues with strength. The Grace Victoria Quarter apartments are now under construction with a limited number of residences available for sale.

Luke McCaw AREINZ Residential Salesperson Associate of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand

AREINZ Experience and knowledge delivering results

021 950 145 luke.mccaw@bayleys.co.nz Bayleys Real Estate Limited, Ponsonby Licensed under the REA Act 2008

100 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017





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Georgie Malyon floral artist, ‘Immersed in Flowers’ @ The Grey Place, 37 Scanlan Street, Grey Lynn until 4 November, www.thegreyplace.nz

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LIVING LOCALLY WITH JEN KENDRICK When it comes to who you choose as your salesperson you need to pick wisely. Jen Kendrick is a resident of Herne Bay and she has joined the team at NZ Sotheby’s international Herne Bay on Jervois Road, which means you get the best of both ends of the spectrum when you deal with her. Jen and her partner recently purchased their first home in the area and she loves that she can now without doubt call herself a local. Jen understands the importance of community involvement and connections are important to her, which means she has wasted no time to immerse herself in this bold and diverse community. With experience in different real estate markets and knowledge in more aspects than one of real estate selling and transactions, Jen is a force to be reckoned with. That, along with her youth, allows innovative and fresh thinking with millennials who are now fast approaching the market. Jen backs herself with one of the largest and most powerful luxury real estate companies in the world as her resource. With Jen as your local agent and as a buyer you'll find not only the property you dream of but as a vendor you can enjoy expansive exposure to global buyers on a scale that no other company in New Zealand can. When you compare their platform, it sets NZ Sotheby’s apart to achieve results like no other.

differentiate your property from others but to also maintain a strong local presence. All homes deserve the VIP treatment no matter what and with NZ Sotheby’s that can be achieved - Jen has an amazing ability to pick out the best features.

For most homeowners their home is our biggest asset. But it’s not always about the value but about creating the desirability, and that’s where Jen and NZ Sotheby’s again set themselves apart from the rest.

With five years’ experience under her belt Jen knows the greatest compliments and support come from loyal clients, friends and family. She is an extremely trustworthy person and it is this trust that forms with her connections in the neighbourhood and the lasting links with past relationships that she treasures. Jen fully intends to build this same solid foundation with each person she engages with as she looks to the future. F PN

When a property is listed for sale it is important to create added value and a point difference. It is crucial to be resourceful in this current market and imperative that you

JEN KENDRICK, M: 021 022 02167, jen.kendrick@sothebysrealty.com www.nzsothebysrealty.com

@ CORSO DE FIORI 1. Astier de Villatte Vulture vase - $1190 2. Baobab Black Pearls candles - 10cm $124.90, 16cm $174.90 3. Henry Dean Black Tears vase - $869 4. Pols Potten Silver Dip Cocatoo - $145 5. Pols Potten Tokyo chair - $690 2

6. Pols Wire Dumbbell stool - $390






CORSO DE’ FIORI, The Foundation, 8 George Street, Newmarket, T: 09 307 9166, www.corso.co.nz

102 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017





CURATE YOUR WORLD 1. Pols Potten Singapore chair $649 2. Salam teapot $179.90 3. iBride Bianca Tray $199


4. Baobab Feathers 16cm candle $189.90


5. Pols Potten Pineapples: White $99, Silver, Black, or Gold $119 each 6. Vitra L’Oiseau bird $219 7. Tivoli Model 3 AM/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio $599 8. Pols Potten dot stool $420 6




The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Livngstone Street Named after David Livingstone, explorer, missionary and anti-slavery campaigner. He was born in 1813 in Blantyr, a miil town in Scotland. His parents were very poor and David slept with his seven siblings in a single room at the top of a tenement building built to house the workers at a cotton mill on the banks of the Clyde River. His father was a Sunday school teacher and a major influence on the young David who was determined to become a missionary. When young he was also fascinated with geology and science but worried these subjects might conflict with his religion. But after reading ‘Philosophy of a Future State’, which was written by Reverend Thomas Dick, a Scottish church minister known for his works on astronomy and practical philosophy, combining science and Christianity (and arguing for harmony between the two), David now felt he was able to reconcile religion with science. At 10 years of age, he had to work long hours in a local cotton mill. He toiled there till he turned 16 but found time to study after work. This experience instilled in him respect and empathy for workers which lasted all his life. He finally gained admission to Anderson’s College in Glasgow where he trained as a medical missionary. The opium wars put an end to his dreams of going to China, but he was persuaded by Robert Moffat, the notable Scottish missionary, to work as a missionary in Africa. He accepted that his sphere of influence should be there. He arrived at Cape Town in 1841. His immediate ambition was to ‘open up a path to the interior or perish’. For the next 15 years he was constantly on the move experiencing geographic discoveries. Even narrowly escaping death when badly mauled by a lion wasn't a deterrent. The resulting injury to his left arm meant he would never be able to steadily support the barrel of a gun. In 1845 he married Moffat’s eldest daughter who accompanied him on many of his expeditions until her health and the families’ needs for security and education forced him to send her and their four children back to England. Before their departure he was the first European to sight Lake Ngami for which he was awarded a gold medal and monetary prize from the British Royal Geographical Society. With his family safe back in Scotland he was free to push northward to beyond South Africa’s frontiers into the heart of the continent. He travelled with very little equipment and only a small party of Africans. His intention was to find a route to the Atlantic Coast that would allow for legitimate commerce and so undercut the slave trade. After an arduous journey he reached Luanda and on returning made further explorations of the Zambezi. His most spectacular discovery was the thundering waterfall on the mighty river which he named Victoria Falls after the Queen. News about him stirred English-speaking peoples everywhere. His great success as an explorer was his ability to get on with tribal chiefs. He didn’t push his evangelical message and never forced the indigenous people to accept it. After recording his work in ‘Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa’ which quickly sold over 70,000 copies, honours flowed and his increased income allowed him to provide adequately for his family who had lived in poverty since returning to Britain. He delivered a series of lectures at Cambridge which were published and aroused as much interest as his book and in 1966 he returned to Africa bent on discovering the source of the Nile. He never attained this goal but it helped to fill in details about Lakes Tanganyika and Mweru. Back in Britain in 1864 he wrote his second book ‘Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambezi and its Tributaries’. At that time he was advised to have surgery for bleeding haemorrhoids. He refused and they contributed towards his death on his third and last African journey. A year before he died, a New York Herald correspondent found Livingstone in UJiji and greeted him with the famous words, "Dr Livingston I presume." Livingstone replied, "Yes and I feel thankful I am here to welcome you." Finally his illness overcame him. His African servants found him dead, kneeling beside his bedside as if in prayer. His body was taken to England and buried in Westminster Abbey against the wishes of his African attendants so they cut out his heart and gave back his body, saying "You can have his body, but his PN heart belongs in Africa." (DEIRDRE ROELANTS) F

104 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



BOLT OF CLOTH A VISUAL TREAT Bolt of Cloth is a New Zealand family owned and operated business. The go-to destination for colourful, contemporary fabrics, cushions and homeware. If you haven’t yet visited a Bolt of Cloth store, you’re missing a visual treat. Full to the brim with quality fabrics, cushions, ceramics, homewares and gifts from around New Zealand and abroad. You will want to take it all home, brands such as Marimekko are exclusive to Bolt of Cloth, you will not find them elsewhere. A haven for crafty folk with a large selection of fabrics suitable for quilting and dressmaking. It has the largest choice of cushions in Australasia so you can restyle your home in an instant and at a low cost. Danish rugs are its latest homeware addition. Experts in curtains, blinds, shutters, lampshades, cushions, squabs which are made to order. The interior design team is happy to visit your home to measure, quote and offer advice.

Established in 2009, it lost its original store and offices in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, but those difficult times didn’t stop Bolt of Cloth. It led to the colourful and inventive business you see today. They support local designers by running an annual textile design competition. This year’s winning collection was inspired by our native forests and will hit shelves at the end of this year. New products arriving daily so be sure to pop in and say hi. The team looks forward to meeting you. BOLT OF CLOTH, 2 Osborne Street, Newmarket, T: 09 520 5660, www.boltofcloth.com

@ BOLT OF CLOTH 1. Egg People, Freja - $58.99 2. Kiiruna Cushion Cover 45cm - $56.95 3. The World Rug in off white, black - $199.99 4. Toppu Pot, striped - $129.99 3 1

4 2

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

BOLT OF CLOTH, 2 Osborne Street, Newmarket T: 09 520 5660, www.boltofcloth.com


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Auckland city's New Year's Eve festival Wondergarden returns for 2017 We've hit the point of the year where many people start to wonder what they're going to do for New Year's Eve and the surrounding days. Some of us can't get time off work and have to stay in Ponsonby, some of us get a chance to get away to the beach or a festival and some of us just don't really care what we do and will make it up as we go along. This year there's a really good option for all those who are still undecided, have to work or just want to stay in Auckland - Wondergarden. Auckland city's New Year's Eve festival Wondergarden returns for 2017, and features an eclectic selection of artists from home and away, headlined by Portland-based psychedelic pop group Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Also on the bill is Onehunga's hip-hop crew SWIDT, who lead the way at the NZ Music Awards with six finalist slots across various awards. Nadia Reid follows close behind SWIDT with an array of awards celebrating her second album, Preservation, and you'll find her at Wondergarden also. Finalist for the Silver Scroll Chelsea Jade will be performing, as will Auckland's golden groove R&B five-piece Leisure, and 2016s VNZMA best male solo artist and electronic pop producer Maala. Rounding out the lineup are Australian hip hop prodigy Remi, kaleidoscopic tropical indie-pop group The Ruby Suns, neo-soul songstress Bailey Wiley, and LA-based pop producer Boyboy.

photography: Brendan Kitto

The New Year’s Eve festival heads into its second year after a highly successful response to its inaugural event in 2016. Wondergarden was conceived as something special and a bit of a different offering to Aucklanders over the holiday period. 2017 sees organisers bring the event back and look to position it as an essential summer date for the city. Perfect for those still in the city and staged in the ideal location of Silo Park, it's a no brainer if you're looking for something to do!

"Wondergarden is for those of us who are avoiding the mass exodus out of town over that New Year period," says festival director Reuben Bonner. "Auckland tends to empty out a little, and it's a pretty dreamy time to enjoy Auckland for the people who stick around. We're here to provide a party with an incredible soundtrack for Aucklanders, and anyone else who finds themselves visiting our fair city to usher in 2018." Everyone who has stayed in Auckland over the two weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year's Eve know how quiet and wonderful it gets. Driving down Jervois, Richmond or Ponsonby Roads when there's just a handful of cars and almost no one around gives the suburbs a very different feel at that time each year. I've spent some of my best summers enjoying the Herne Bay wharves with the small group of us who remain in the area, or sitting in Grey Lynn park as the sun sets. As well as a full afternoon and evening of main stage musical entertainment, Wondergarden also features a dedicated family zone away from the main stage. This will include games and activities as well as children’s performers and entertainment, headlined by rogue pirate, Captain Festus McBoyle and his motley crew of music and mischief. As well as that, New Zealand's favourite street food is on offer all day and night courtesy of the Food Space food trucks. With a spectacular view of the Sky Tower for the midnight fireworks display and a view of the Auckland Harbour, Silo Park will have it all! The perfect festival, with an amazing lineup, right on Ponsonby's doorstep. It's not even a long walk home on a summer night. (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN You can find out more and purchase tickets at www.wondergarden.co.nz


Finn has a Bachelor of Science with honours degree, and is currently studying to become an Early Childhood Teacher. In his spare time, he is Programme Director for the Auckland Folk Festival and runs folk music website, www.secondhandnews.nz

106 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017




High quality, edgy apartments, now selling off the plan 1 bedroom from $515k to $795k 2 bedrooms from $735k to $1.5m 3 bedrooms from $1.045 to $2.55m 20 reserved for ďŹ rst home buyers

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Lorde in concert in Paris I write this from abroad, having just had the pleasure of seeing Lorde in concert in Paris. I thought it was a good opportunity to write about our world famous musician. She just won the Silver Scroll for her rocking single 'Green Light', pipping four other stunning female songwriters - Nadia Reid, Aldous Harding, Chelsea Jade and Bic Runga. She will play three sold out shows at the Powerstation on 12, 14 and 15 November, but I'm sure there'll be a few tickets to be found somewhere online, if you look hard enough. I didn't connect with 'Melodrama', Lorde's second album, released earlier this year, at the first listen through. But it has grown on me, much as her debut album did. Live in Paris, she was her effervescent and positive self on stage, ever thankful for getting the chance to perform to a sold-out Zenith stadium in Paris. A long way for someone to come from the North Shore of Auckland. Lorde spoke of the difficulties of fame and how her relationships had changed so much since 'Royals' took the world by storm. Her emotional dialogue with the crowd brought tears to many faces as she discussed how fame had created a perception that she was somehow different to how she'd been. That said, she performed 'Liability', just her on stage, with the whole room singing with her. She had opened the set with 'Homemade Dynamite', a new favourite of mine off the album and, despite a handful of songs throughout the night that didn't resonate with me, I absolutely loved the concert. She has an energy to her that brings smiles to faces and captures hearts, and it was clear from the faces of Parisians around us that Lorde had done this in Paris. She burst straight from Homemade Dynamite into the Disclosure song, 'Magnets' that featured Lorde, before giving the crowd a hit they knew from the first album in 'Tennis Court'. This was my first

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taste of how much love the crowd had for Lorde, as phones came out, faces lit up and Lorde was, at times, drowned out by singing. She made us wait until the end of the concert to hear the big hits. Every individual in the room was singing the words to 'Royals'. Whether English was your first language or second, everyone knew those lyrics and sang them loud. She closed the concert, after 'Royals', with three hits, one after another. 'Perfect Places' led into 'Team' from Pure Heroine, before finishing with 'Green Light'. The crowd erupted and those few individuals who were still sitting in their seats stood up to dance. She raced back on stage and played a tiny encore, the second half of Hard Feelings / Loveless, by herself, with a synth-pad. Almost underwhelming, it actually captured the child-like, joyous nature of Lorde and a Lorde concert - bouncing and excitable she ran back off stage, with a wave, leaving us satisfied and with silly smiles on our faces. If you've got tickets to her shows in Auckland in November then you are a lucky one. Surprising that she is not playing at Spark Arena, I have no doubt she would sell it out, but I suspect it would steal some of the intimacy from the show. With very sparse stage decoration, just a few fluorescent light statues, that may not translate lost in Spark Arena, especially as there is no attention brought to the rest of Lorde's band. They do their job admirably, yet without much spotlight. Lorde's climb to fame is a treat to watch, participate in and support. I don't doubt her sold-out shows in Auckland will be mind blowing, given she hasn't played in her home town for so long. Let us know what you think! (FINN MCLENNAN-ELLIOTT) F PN




Kate Fitzharris’ exquisite ceramic pieces explore the relationship between the earthly and the venerated, that which is both wild and delicate, felt, found and formed, through her tableau of contemplative figures using painterly finishes, motifs and found materials.

The abstract forms in Matthew Browne’s paintings have always side-stepped definition, but at the same time they do communicate across shared memories or sensations. We recognise in them something special, something communal, and yet there is the artist’s singularity of purpose. One imagines that if the forms shifted just slightly one way or the other, one could pin down that sense of shared recognition teasingly anchored out of reach.

Kate Fitzharris - This Unconquerable World Opening: 26 November 2-4pm Artist talk: 26 November - 2pm

“Some of the first things made from clay were human figures representing gods or goddesses. Tangible objects imbued with ancient stories, to be revered. Later, similar, even if simpler, figures were made as playthings, for children to practice roles they would take up in their later lives as adults.” This will be the last show of the year at Masterworks as we head into summer. Please come along and join them for Christmas tarts on a Sunday afternoon at the gallery. As well as Kate Fitzharris, Masterworks will also be opening two jewellery shows by PN Frances Stachl and Joanna Campbell. F

Matthew Browne - Sonder 7 November - 2 December Opening: 7 November, 5 - 7pm

These paintings are thoughtful deliberations on colour, form and the spaces between. Each form appears complete, placed on the canvas with precision and a lack of hesitancy. But Browne isn’t looking for simple responses; he recognises his own autonomy, and how difficult it is to communicate, without reaching consensus. F PN Please contact rex@orexart.co.nz for details. OREXART, 15 Putiki Street, Arch Hill, T: 09 378 0588, www.orexart.co.nz

MASTERWORKS GALLERY, 71 Upper Queen Street, T: 09 373 5446, www.masterworksgallery.co.nz

Matthew Browne, Sonder 12 Kate Fitzharris, Excuse me, 2017, handbuilt ceramic, mixed media

The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


ARTS + CULTURE ST MATTHEW’S CHAMBER ORCHESTRA @ WHITESPACE Baritone Te Oti Rakena and Auckland Youth Choir with Lachlan Craig performing with St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra 19 November - 2.30pm St Matthew’s Chamber orchestra is thrilled to be finishing its 2017 Concert Season on such a high note. The programme includes Tippets’ Five Spirituals from 'A Child of our Time', Five Mystical Songs by Vaughan Williams and Saint -Saens ‘Organ Symphony’ which uses a piano (two and four hands) as well as an organ. Te Oti Rakena is an American-trained New Zealand singer. He is an active performer, Baritone Te Oti Rakena researcher and teacher and is currently the Associate Dean Maori and Pacific for the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries and Coordinator of Vocal Studies in the School of Music. Te Oti’s iwi affiliations are Ngapuhi, Ngati Ruanui and Kai Tahu. In 2016 he was the baritone soloist in Carmina Burana with the Auckland Choral Society and premiered David Hamilton’s work Erebus with the same organisation. In March this year Te Oti performed in the world premier of Gareth Farr’s The Bone Feeder, commissioned by Auckland Arts Festival and presented in association with NZ Opera. The Auckland Youth Choir (AYC) was established in 1984 and is widely respected both nationwide and internationally. Its goal is to achieve musical excellence and they take their commitment to the community seriously. In 2016 James Jordan, DCI New York said of them "(you) gave a world class performance.” The Auckland Youth Choir performs regularly in and around Auckland presenting exciting and challenging music. The choir also values the social element of singing. Their current Musical Director is Lachlan Craig. “St Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra is a dedicated group of musicians whose high-quality music making brings their audiences much joy.” (Gillian Ansell, NZ String Quartet). Their concerts play to full houses. Make sure you get there early. Tickets: Eventfinda or cash door sales. Adults: $25, Concessions: $20 children under 12 free. ST MATTHEW-IN-THE-CITY CHURCH, corner Wellesley and Hobson Streets. www.smco.org.nz

Auckland Festival of Ceramics. Madeleine Child: Twig Pots Revisited 4 November - 3 December As part of the Auckland Festival of Ceramics, we are proud to present Madeleine Child’s Twig Pots Revisited. Harking back to those days when more than a few could recognise a Dolomite speckle, and a display of twig pots was de rigeur - they were mostly purchased from The Connoisseur down in the basement of Dawsons the Jewellers. It seemed a fairly open form - anything that a piece or three of dried shivery grass or lichen-covered stick could be poked into, and arranged in an unarranged kind of way. Madeleine Child has pursued the study of ceramic and glass in New York, Lisbon, and London where she received a BA(Hons) Camberwell School of Art, Masters from the Royal College of Art and Advanced studies Central St Martins College of Art. Her work features in private and public collections internationally including the Frans Hals Museum in the Netherlands, Shepparton Art Gallery in Australia, the Dowse in Lower Hutt, the Otago Museum, and the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Emmanuel Cooper included Child in his 2000 publication 'Ten Thousand Years of Pottery' distributed by the British Museum Press.

Bob Kerr: The Great South Road. The Road of Invasion Until 11 November The Great South Road was built as a road of invasion. As Governor Grey explained to the Secretary of State For the Colonies in January 1862 this road would mean, "The Waikato River will lie quite open to our attacks at any moment." Earlier this year Bob drove down The Great South Road and through the Waikato visiting these sites. He was inspired to do this after reading Vincent O'Malley's book The Great War for New Zealand - Waikato 1800 - 2000. These paintings are the result of that journey. F PN WHITESPACE, 12 Crummer Road, T: 09 361 6331, www.whitespace.co.nz

Bob Kerr - Songs for the Clearances, Oil on board, 180 x 30cm

110 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



Jack Trolove

UPTOWN ART SCENE When spring seems too full of wind and rain to believably herald summer, I go on search of colour in the many art galleries in our neighbourhood. Fortunately, I didn’t have far to go. There was a riot of colour at Whitespace, with Jack Trolove applying a thick patchwork of oil colour (see the banner image above) to build expressionist portraits that dissolve into abstract swirls of colour the closer one gets. From a selection of mostly dark, wistful works by Michael Harrison at Ivan Anthony, one burst forth with hot summer colours, with a simple, strong balance of orange, red and blue. The transition from a subdued palette to a bright one was joyous in the work of Star Gossage at Tim Melville. Her usual slate blues, greys and earth tones were disturbed by bright florals bursting through, a celebration of her late mother’s garden and life.

Star Gossage at Tim Melville

A real exploration of brilliant colour was made in Tomislav Nikolic’s work at Fox Jensen McCrory. The effect of colours on Michael Harrison at Ivan Anthony different surfaces combined strength and softness. The solid framed boundaries of the work held a floating shimmer of hues that surrounded a field of colour, the surface of which was interrupted by the viewer, intentionally reflected in the Shinkalight acrylic glazing. Gold leaf, marble dust, acrylic paint, wood and linen played with gaps and surfaces to get the space humming. Nikolic’s work reassured me that summer really is coming. (WILL PAYNT, STUDIO ART SUPPLIES) F PN

Tomislav Nikolic at Fox Jensen McCrory The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied


PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


ARTS + CULTURE @ THE FRAME WORKSHOP Ema Frost - Jewellery, Ceramics and Art. Ema Frost burst on to the Auckland art scene in 2010 and has been captivating her fans with her unique style ever since. Her bright colours give life to beautiful images, the inspiration of which comes from Ema’s fascination and deep respect for the mystery and magic found in Maori and Japanese folklore. The often delicate and always delightful characters she creates are the perfect marriage of these mythical cultures. Part of the charm of her work is in the little idiosyncrasies that can be found only upon closer inspection of her images. Look carefully and you’ll see little characters peeking out from unsuspecting places and the omniscient Tiki watermark that protects all life in the world of her imagination. Ema also leaves a touch of Frost behind in every country she visits, her work can be found in galleries in Japan and India, in Germany and across North America. While Ema enjoys travelling and experiencing other cultures, she’s also extremely passionate about giving back to her own community and supports various charities that are close to her heart. Ronald McDonald House, Breast Cancer Cure, KidsCanNZ are just a handful of charities that she supports through donating her work to auctions and fundraisers. Come into The Frame Workshop gallery on Jervois Road and have a look at her creations. F PN www.emafrost.com

112 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

Ema Frost


photography: Jade Paytner


'ISLANDS OF THE GULF: A JOURNEY FROM SCREEN TO PRINT AND BACK AGAIN' - LAUNCH @ FLYING FOX STUDIOS, PONSONBY - SATURDAY 26 AUGUST The families of Maddock and Whyte enjoyed a two hour event to celebrate. The old documentary series was projected onto the walls of the studio and there were drinks, snacks and an opportunity to have a look at the book before it hits the shelves. New Zealand television’s first local documentary series, ‘Islands of the Gulf’ aired for the first time in 1964. It was still a novelty for New Zealanders to hear their own accent on screen. The two available episodes of the five part series focuses on the day to day living on Waiheke Island and Great Barrier Island. Shirley Maddock, the country’s first female producer, wrote, presented, directed and produced the series in collaboration with pioneering filmmaker Don Whyte. The duo were against the grain of their time and The World Belongs to the Dissatisfied

together with pilot Captain Fred Ladd, embarked on an adventure though almost every nook and cranny of the Hauraki Gulf. A book of the same name was published in 1966 to accompany the series and is possibly the most complete photographic record of the Hauraki Gulf, as it was, in the 1960s. The book went on to be a best selling classic, over 50 years later copies can still be found on the shelves of many Kiwi batches. The book was re-released in 1983 and now for a third time, later this month, it is to be released as a ‘Kiwi Classic’. Shirley Maddock’s Daughter, Elisabeth Easther (actress), will be presenting a current day version of the series, tracing her mother's footsteps across the gulf. The series will be airing on TV1 early 2018. (ZAMMIA WEATHERALL) F PN DEADLINE - 20TH OF THE MONTH

PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017



What your stars hold for November ♏

Scorpio (the Scorpion): 24 October - 22 November You seem to have a lot to say this month but are keeping anything interesting to yourself. Maybe it’s about time you stopped burying your feelings and opened up so you don’t seem so hidden from everyone else.

♐ Sagittarius (the Archer): 23 November - 22 December

♉ Taurus (the Bull): 21 April - 21 May

Someone that is close to you could be trying to pull a fast one by making you do more than your fair share. You are always willing to do your bit as long as you feel like you're appreciated and not being used.

Anyone that you may have contact with this month will feel the full force of your energy. You may even say or do something that might appear shocking and upset a few people but you have to see this as collateral damage.

Gemini (the Twins): 22 May - 21 June Your attempt to share your feelings and how you’re feeling about someone will never translate well unless you completely let your guard down. Don’t listen to the voice in your head telling you one thing. Listen instead to what’s in your heart - that’s what matters.

♑ Capricorn (the Goat): 23 December - 20 January

♋ Cancer (the Crab): 22 June - 22 July

You have a mission to get yourself noticed somehow and that your name will be recognised wherever you go. Just be careful you don’t gain notoriety for the wrong reasons.

♒ Aquarius (the Water Carrier): 21 January - 19 February

You mustn’t let yourself get anxious this month about the changes that are coming. It is great that you are able to adapt to any situation, and you have a strong constitution but you are still just flesh and blood.

You have many options in front of you and many paths to travel along but for some reason there is something blocking your view of where to go. Think about where you want to be and this may clear the path forward.

Leo (the Lion): 23 July - 21 August Just try thinking outside your normal scope this month as you may be faced with choices that you haven’t faced before. Be accepting of any ideas rather than just dismissing them and going only with what you think.

♍ Virgo (the Virgin): 22 August - 23 September

♈ Aries (the Ram): 21 March - 20 April

♎ Libra (the Scales): 24 September - 23 October

Pisces (the Fish): 20 February - 20 March Your laid back attitude about life has always been one of your many assets. Unfortunately, without you realising it, some people find this to be a weakness and will take advantage of you. Don’t change but try and be on guard a bit more.

You know you want to be in a relationship but at the same time you’re not sure about how much of yourself you want to share. You can have as little or as much as you like out of life but it can be a lot better if you have someone to experience it with.

You have always enjoyed your social time but you may not have noticed that perhaps you’ve been lacking with some of your responsibilities. Your friends may not tell you but your family will. Try and work out a balance between both, it's not difficult.

Being cool and calm in a situations has always been your forte but lately your thoughts have become a bit muddled. Just step forward as always and intuition will take you down the right path.



Ecostore, 1 Scotland Street Glengarry, Corner Sale and Wellesley Streets Kellands Real Estate, 4 Drake Street New World, Victoria Park

Rugs Direct, 108 Carlton Gore Road

GREY LYNN Barfoot & Thompson, 533 Great North Road Barkley Manor, 400 - 402 Great North Road Grey Lynn Community Centre, 520 Richmond Road Grey Lynn Community Library, 474 Great North Road Raw Essentials, 401B Richmond Road Ripe, 172 Richmond Road Tapac, 100 Motions Road Vetcare, 408 Great North Road

NORTH SHORE Rug Direct, Wairau Park Dawson’s Furniture, Mairangi Bay

PARNELL Jane Daniels, 2 Birdwood Crescent Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road


Atomic, 420c New North Road

Askew, 2b Jervois Road Bayleys, 305 Ponsonby Road Countdown, 7 Williamson Avenue Harcourts, 89 Ponsonby Road Leys Institute, 20 St Mary’s Road The Longroom, 114 Ponsonby Road Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road Paper Plus, 332 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby Community Centre, 20 Ponsonby Terrace Servilles, Corner Jervois & Ponsonby Road Studio One, 1 Ponsonby Road Whitespace, 12 Crummer Road



Citta Outlet Store, Corner Enfield & Normanby Road Sabato, 57 Normanby Road Studio Italia, 25 Nugent Street

Glengarry, 164 Garnet Road

HERNE BAY Herne Bay Post & Stationers, 240 Jervois Road Five Loaves, 206 Jervois Road Icing on the Cake, 188 Jervois Road Momentum, 182 Jervois Road


114 PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017

Ponsonby News is published on the first Friday of each month excluding January. Copies go quickly so be quick to collect yours from any of the following outlets. The issue is also published on our website www.ponsonbynews.co.nz



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PONSONBY NEWS+ November 2017


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