In Her Presence Case Statement

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We empower immigrant women by helping them to learn English, raise healthy families, develop careers, and connect with the community to make Maine their home.


Immigrant women in the labor force earn less than any other demographic ( american immigration council )

Need & Opportunity

Maine has critical workforce needs. Maine also has a vibrant pool of untapped potential already on its doorstep: immigrant women.

Immigrants bring with them a wealth of educational and professional experiences but are often employed far below their capabilities. Due to English language limitations, unfamiliar systems and lack of childcare, immigrant women do not have equal access to basic needs including education and appropriate employment opportunities. Through our individualized approach, we are meeting the needs of women and the needs of our Maine economy so that both can thrive.

50% Only 50% of immigrants in the US are proficient in English ( pew research center)


New Mainers families are 4x more likely to live below poverty than native born families ( world education services)

who we serve

At In Her Presence, we offer a safe place for women to share experiences and bridge cultural and language differences to empower each other to recognize and realize their own leadership potential.

Currently serving immigrants from 19 countries

57% asylum seekers

89% are people of color from Africa


college educated in their country of origin

Most these women speak 4 or 5 languages, with 67% speaking French, 42% speaking Lingala, 24% speaking Portuguese, and the remainder speaking Kinyarwanda, Spanish and Arabic


Prior to arriving in the US, these women were accountants, nurses, pharmacists, seamstresses, bakers and entrepreneurs. Currently 77% are low income or below poverty

“I used to be a leader in Africa. Now I don’t know where to start.” -A.B.


120+ Women served each week

71% of language acquisition participants showed growth on pre-post speaking tests, allowing them to participate more equitably in American culture

“In Her Presence supported me morally and practically. It taught me the systems and the style of living in the US. It helped me learn and improve my English. Through five years of experience with IHP, I see and believe it is the best place to start your new life as an immigrant, to be successful, and reach your goals and dreams.” -M.M.


Learning the Language

Our Find Your Voice curriculum builds confidence as well as skills. Whether Beginner or Advanced English learners, our courses help immigrant women of color understand their value and untap their potential through culturally sensitive lessons and courageous dialogue.

We also offer Storytelling, Pronunciation, Leadership and Technology classes. We give our most dedicated students a wide range of opportunities to lead and apply their learning within the organization: as teacher assistants, guest speakers, language mentors or tutors. In this way, the entire IHP community strives to improve English, navigate daily life, integrate socially, and prepare for satisfying employment.


Making Community Connections

As we seek to strengthen language skills and help women set foot on ambitious career pathways, we also nurture the many strings that create webs of support: a community. While many women come to us initially to learn English, they leave with a network of new connections that offer support in areas of career, healthcare, childbirth and parenting.

• Women’s Leadership - We strive to help women recall their inner strength and identify their skills so that they renew their passion and design their own future. For the civic-minded, our Community Influencer training program helps women advocate within and outside of their cultural comfort zone to promote critical issues. Fueled by the strong business relationships we have developed over the years, the women who participate in our career training offerings can access job shadowing, internships, and eventually full-time jobs.

• Mothers Circle - This initiative encompasses what mothers and children need to thrive: good physical and emotional health.

> Cultural Doula Training

> Pregnancy Classes

> Parent-coaching Workshops

> In Her Kitchen Food Access and Nutrition

> Culturally Appropriate Books & Field Trips for Families

• Seniors Circle - By supporting older female immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, we decrease isolation. These wise women bring deep cultural knowledge, stories, and a sense of comfort to women who suffer from family separation. In return, the younger women honor and support our eldest members by helping them with technology and transportation to minimize any barriers to living life to its fullest. Our Seniors are integral to the community as chefs, seamstresses, gardeners, English learners, babysitters, and translators.



Women and children participate in Community Connections Initiatives

“I understand now how important this is, connection. How connection is so important to my health. In Her Presence is my family.”



In 2022, In Her Presence placed 38 participants in professional and frontline roles with Maine businesses.

“In Her Presence has assisted me to improve my English fluency and learn how to start the new journey in Maine. The organization helped me build confidence and gain the knowledge and skills I needed to further my career.

Through In Her Presence network I moved from basic employment to a full-time professional position.”

-J.N. 38

Companies we have worked with to provide job shadowing, internships, mentoring, job placement and networking opportunities.

Developing Career Pathways

The Maine Department of Labor reports that as the aging population retires, we can expect slow labor force growth in coming years. Immigrant women can help fill this gap.

Our Career Pathways program helps low-income immigrant women find employment that leads to financial security through personal empowerment and financial education. Our approach is individualized, intensive and ongoing. As a student’s English improves, classes shift to emphasize employment skills and career options. We help students connect their interests, education and experience with jobs available here. Career counselors work with immigrant women to write resumes, practice interviewing, access job shadowing or mentorship opportunities, and navigate the local job market.


Consulting with a CrossCultural Lens

We provide consulting to businesses who are interested in working with immigrants. Our women put forth a tremendous effort to learn the language, understand the systems and become a part of their new communities.

Similarly, Maine’s companies are working hard to break down barriers and increase their understanding of immigrants to cultivate more equitable, diverse and better workforces.

259 hours of consulting services to Maine businesses to enable them to successfully recruit and retain immigrant employees.




At In Her Presence, we see a future where immigrants are a part of a vibrant, thriving, multicultural community here in Maine.

Challenges facing our participants are great — language isolation, complexity of systems and disparities as women of color—and can be overwhelming. Together, we can support immigrant women in their integration, independence, and well-being to realize their full potential, bettering not only their lives, but their families and their communities as well. We can all be stronger together in her presence.

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