King Edward VII School Magazine 2005

Page 51

All Who Care Spears of diamond-javelin drops Falling from on high Come to sate the dying crops And cool what once was dry Lords of Earth and Lords of Sky Have come and met and wed Now they see what sure must die And soft above it tread $QG IURP WKLV IRRWSDWK KRO\ PDGH &RPHV ZDWHU JRRG DQG FOHDU And to the earth it then is bade /LNH 6N\ /RUG¡V IDOOLQJ WHDU 6R JRRG DQG FOHDQ DQG WUXH DQG VWURQJ The rain comes soaring in 7R VLQJ WR PHQ LWV FOHDU VZHHW VRXQG An everlasting sin Sung for all but sung for none It roars about the air 6XQJ IRU PDQ\ VXQJ IRU VRPH Sung for all who care. Mark Heydenrych Grade 11E


"Painting" Kimeshen Pather Grade 8 A

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