PLUS Model Magazine - August 2013 Issue

Page 140

PMM [inspiration]

Living with Purpose

by Rosie Mercado

“A journey of a 1000 miles starts with one step.” Lao Tzu Have you asked yourself the ‘big’ question? How do you find the balance between motherhood, spirituality and your career to find balance and happiness in Life! In my life journey I have dealt with many ups-and-downs, that have offered powerful lessons, and here are some tips that have helped me along the way de-stress, get organized and be happy! 1. Your ‘To Do’s’ The more we put off the items on our to-do list, the longer the list grows, and the more it contributes to elevated stress levels. Learn to schedule properly so you can knock out all those items you’ve been avoiding. Take a day, rise early in the morning and spend it knocking out the items on your list. Your stress will be lower as PLUS-MODEL-MAG.COM / AUG 2013

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