Plateform Mag #5 (EN)

Page 75

INTERVIEW Your academic education... I went to les Beaux Arts in Caen and then in Paris. The choice of watercolour... I have been practicing watercolour for many years. I found this method easier than others. My painting practice led me to a strict use of very watered down acrylic – doubtless inherited from my watercolour years. Watered down colour creates variations; accidents such as drips and cracks become more frequent. It was therefore obvious that I should return to watercolour, especially since the subject matter lends itself to watered down colours (reminiscent of Alex Barbier’s work) and since the reduced size favours a quick execution. Painting women... The work is above all a re-appropriation of the theme of the classical nude, especially the female nude, but this time used alongside a pornographic imagery coming from the internet. I am interested in eroticism and pornographic imagery as being the new popular post modern iconography. And it’s fun too. The bathroom... My watercolours come from photographs found on internet pornographic sites. These photographs are amateur shots and the bathroom seems to be the best place in the house, along with the bedroom, to produce this type of image. It is this wealth of images of bathrooms which led me to create a serie of work based on this, it is not a conceptual choice. Your projects... I am thinking about going back to painting, at first for small format work, then for larger format. The experience gained with watercolour feeds my strict reflection upon painting and I want to experiment by adding images to my paintings, to put into question the relationship between background and figure, the “aesthetics of distortion”. I am working on exhibiting soon as well. And party. Roughly speaking, as Michel Houllebecq would say, I am “looking for happiness”.

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