Plataran Bimonthly Bulletin November/December 2018

Page 19

Indonesian Degustation at Rumah Heritage Jakarta.

DÊgustation is a methodical, considered and deeply appreciative approach to food tasting, in which diners are treated to myriad flavors, ingredients, dishes and designs. A richly varied and fully immersive culinary experience, it focuses primarily on the gustatory system and stirs the senses, complemented by high culinary artwork and the liberal addition of good company. At Rumah Heritage Jakarta, Plataran presents a taste sensation; unique culinary masterpieces inspired by Indonesian specialties from around the archipelago, all created by the finest Chefs of Plataran Indonesia has to offer. Tucked away in the prestigious neighborhood of Menteng, the venue itself is a hidden treasure in the center of Jakarta; a luxurious and artistic space, where guests can taste Plataran’s signature menu in a superb fine dining atmosphere. This grand historic home was once owned during the Dutch colonial era by Meneer Van Der Tas; today, the restaurant area still resonates with a regal ambiance, as it continues to provide a classy and artistic space that caters for up to 100 people at scheduled events. Visitors can enjoy and explore their surroundings as much as their cuisine, thanks to Plataran’s concept of the Heritage Garden Party House, made possible by the creation of an adjacent garden greenhouse atrium. At Rumah Heritage Jakarta, guests can immerse themselves in the history and heritage of Jakarta, to create new memories that are just as timeless. With a sumptuous banquet laid out in equally indulgent surroundings, Degustation at Rumah Heritage Jakarta is an event of refinement and taste that are truly sensational.


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