Urban regeneration in industrial mega city region IBA Emscherpark 1989-99 Antonio Longo
1. 1830 from nature to industries: a matter of geology 2. 1900 Industrial City 3. 1990/1915 Coal, Steel, Cannons 4. 1914/18 Distruction and reconstruction: dopo Versailles 5. 1920/30 Plan and Open Spaces 6. 1933/45 Industries and violence 7. 1945/50 Distruction and e reconstruction: money and trials. 8. 1959/65 Crisis 1: Coal, 1959-65 9. 1962 Peter Hall: the Mega City Region 10. 1966/68 Cultur e University: 66 Bochum, 68 Dortmund 11. 1975/80 Crisi 2: Steel, 1975-80 12. Abbandonement and dismissal
13. 1985 IBA Berlino (Urban/City) 14. 1988 IBA Emscherpark (Landscape/Region) 15. IBA Memorandum: criteria and projects 16. Sviluppo dei progetti 17. 1996 Parkbericht. 18. 1999. Conclusion and final opening 19. Nuove IBA (IBA) Furst Puckler Land 2000_10 Dessau Saches Anhalt 2003_10 Hamburg 2006_13 IBA Berlin 2013_2020 … 20. Perspective Ruhr
1. 1830 Geology and industrialization
2. 1830/1900 the industrial city
3. 1990/1915 Coal, Steel, Cannons
4. 1914/18 distruction an reconstruction: after Versailles
5. 1920/30 plans, projects and open spaces, infrastructures and institutions Robert Schmidt and the SVR (1920)
7. 1945/50 Distruction and reconstruction: capital ad trials
8. 1959/65 Crisis 1: Carbon 1959-65
9. 1962 Peter Hall: la Mega City Region
10. 1966/68 Culture and Universities: 1966 Bochum 1968 Dortmund … … theaters and concert halls
11. 1975/80 Crisis 2: Steel, 1975-80
12. Dismission
4435 km/q di territorio 6000 ha di aree dismesse (il 70% delle aree ereditate dalla ex DDR) 839 km. Autoroutes/Highwais 15.200 km Urban roads 272 km canals 31 industrial Harbours 8,5% infrastructural land cover 5.200.000 people (1965) 6.451.186 (2018) il 60% of the open spaces is protected by RVR Regionalverband RuhrKohlenbezirk, before as minerary protection
13. 1985 IBA Berlin
14. 1988 IBA Emscherpark (Landscape)
IBA Ltd is partecipated by cities, universities, chambers of commerce, professional associations and the environmentalist association world. IBA has a role of coordination and consultancy for extraordinary projects financed with ordinary lines (European, Land, Central State, ...) even if conspicuous for those years which are inherently rich. The underlying philosophy expressed by IBA was: no funding but convergence of investments for qualified and integrated projects based on the assumption that "a good project stimulates the procedural imagination" (Ganser)
15. IBA Memorandum: criteri e progetti
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
16 . Projects, management and costruction
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
The strategy is based on 7 project lines 1: the Emscher landscape park 2: the ecological reorganization of the Emscher hydrological system 3: recovery of the Rhein-Hern canal 4: industrial monuments intended as historical evidence 5: work in the park 6: residential building and neighborhood development, the innovative forms of living 7: new proposals for social and cultural activities
20. Ruhr retrospective
19. Nuove IBA (IBA)
Furst Puckler Land 2000_10 Dessau Saches Anhalt 2003_10 Hamburg 2006_13 IBA Berlin 2013_2020
Bibliografic References IBA Emscherpark K.R. Kunzmann, L’IBA Emscher Park nel territorio della Ruhr: una retrospettiva, atti del convegno “Il patrimonio industriale risorsa strategica per lo sviluppo urbano”, parte II (sessione urbanistica), in «Urbanistica dossier» n. 126/2011 A. Magliaccio, Nuovi paesaggi: la Industrienatur dell’Emsher Landschaftspark, in R. Innocenti, S. Ristori, F. Ventura (a cura di), Mutamenti del territorio e innovazione degli strumenti urbanistici, Atti della VII conferenza della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, Franco Angeli, Milano 2005 E. Marchigiani, Paesaggi urbani e post-urbani: Lyon e IBA Emscher Park, Meltemi, Roma 2005 L.M. Fabris, Iba Emscher Park 1989-1999, Testo&Immagine, Roma 2004 E. Marchigiani, P. Potz, Parchi per il paesaggio post industriale: l’esperienza dell’IBA Emscher Park, in «Paesaggio Urbano» n. 6/2000. U. von Petz, Paesaggi e città nella Germania contemporanea, in «Paesaggio Urbano» n. 5-6/2000 L.M.F. Fabris, Emscher Park in «Abitare» n. 386/1999 A. Longo (a cura di), GrunGurtel Frankfurt, Emscher Lanfschaftspark: politica degli spazi aperti in Germania, in «Urbanistica» n. 107/1996 A. Longo, P. Potz, Un nuovo senso urbano, in «Urbanistica» n. 107/1996 K. Selle, Spazi aperti: nuove forme d’azione, in «Urbanistica» n. 107/1996 W. Siebel, La ristrutturazione dell’IBA Emscher Park, in «Urbanistica» n.107/1996 U. von Petz, Le ragioni di una tradizione, in «Urbanistica» n. 107/1996. F. Minucci, Le regioni industrializzate tra declino e innovazione. Il caso della Ruhr in un contesto europeo, Franco Angeli, Milano 1996 K.R. Kunzmann, Le politiche di riuso nella Ruhr, in «Rassegna» n. 42/1990. P. Zlonicky, La ricostruzione del paesaggio nella Ruhr, in «Rassegna» n. 42/1990 M. Venturi, La deindustrializzazione nella Ruhr, in «Rassegna» n. 42/1990 M. Venturi, Una nuova IBA a scala territoriale, in «Casabella» n. 552/1988