2017 PPAU Annual Report

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ANNUAL REPORT Planned Parenthood Association of Utah Fiscal Year 2017

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Message From Our Leadership Health Care HER Study Education Advocacy Development FY17 Patient Demographics FY17 Revenue FY17 Expenses Our Senior Staff Our Board

MESSAGE FROM OUR LEADERSHIP As 2017 comes to an end, we are proudly standing stronger than ever after a seemingly unending barrage of attacks. This year we celebrated winning our lawsuit against Governor Herbert, who attempted to unsuccessfully “defund” Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (Planned Parenthood). Moreover, we are all breathing a sigh of relief that we made it through the first year of Trump in the White House… with the Affordable Care Act as the law of the land and Title X and Medicaid funding available for our patients to receive affordable health care and information. We take seriously our stewardship of your investment in Planned Parenthood. Your faith in our work raises the spirits of the board, staff, and community who depend on our programs and services during these tumultuous times. With government funding at risk, clients can count on Planned Parenthood to make real our promise that “these doors stay open”! Each week we face a new threat targeting reproductive health care rights and programs from the Trump administration. From allowing employers to drop birth control benefits—one of the most effective public health initiatives—from insurance

Karrie Galloway President & CEO

plans for religious or moral reasons. To abruptly abandoning our young people, and ending extraordinarily successful fiveyear national teen pregnancy prevention initiatives early to make way for sexual risk avoidance, or “just say no” programs. To the leaked White House memo that advised HHS to gut national family planning programs and use the funding for “fertility awareness” or rhythm method birth control education instead. For these reasons and others, the focus of our 2017 Annual Report is to provide you, our most faithful supporters, an account that demonstrates that your investment in Planned Parenthood is a good one, and has a healthy return for us all. We want you to see the quality of our healthcare services, our cuttingedge research projects, innovations in community education programs, the diversity of our partners as we ban together as a community, and the fun we have had while fighting the “good fight” together. Please enjoy the 2017 Annual Report. We hope you are proud of the work we have done in partnership with you. You make it possible, and we are so very grateful.

Katherine Venti Board Chair 3


Our eight health centers across the state are an integral part of Utah’s health care safety net. We take pride in the high-quality, judgment-free care we provide our patients. This year nearly 46,000 Utahns came through our doors, knowing we are here for them — no matter what.




We are honored to be part of our patients’ lives. Without Planned Parenthood, too many would go without timely access to contraception, cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, and referrals for everything from prenatal care, adoption and mammograms, to diabetes management and cancer treatment. This is why we continue to work to remove barriers to care for individuals and families who want to be safe, healthy and strong. STI Testing & Treatment Chlamdyia Gonorrhea HIV

22,681 22,681 5,006

Cancer Screenings & Prevention Pap smears HPV vaccines Breast & testicular exams

3,394 202 11,912

Other Services Pregnancy testing & information Abortion Vasectomy

14,498 1,957 93

Positive tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea are still on the rise but much less so than last year. Women: up 18% for gonorrhea and 10% for chlamydia Men: up 5% for gonorrhea and 5% for chlamydia Because chlamydia and gonorrhea are often asymptomatic — meaning that many people who have chlamydia and gonorrhea do not exhibit symptoms — it’s important to catch and treat these sexually transmitted infections (STIs) early. 6

For more than 45 years, providing access to contraception for ALL Utahns who need it has been central to our mission. We know that being able to decide if and when to have a child leads to happier and healthier women, children, and families.

Birth Control Total visits Birth control pills IUDs Depo Provera shots NuvaRing Implant Condoms & diaphragms Emergency contraception

115,731 70,291 3,915 12,997 11,637 1,929 900+ 14,062

WASATCH HEALTH CENTER CLOSING This Spring we made the tough decision to close the Wasatch Health Center in Heber. The decision was made after a long process to assess community needs and wisely consolidate services to maximize resources. We remain committed as ever to ensuring that all Utahns have access to safe and affordable reproductive health care. We have partnered with the People’s Health Clinic in Park City, providing contraception and staff so they are able to continue to serve Wasatch and Summit county women who need low-cost birth control.


HEALTH CENTERS Total: 8 Logan Health Center

Ogden Health Center Metro Health Center Education Office

West Valley Health Center South Jordan Health Center

Salt Lake Health Center Administration Office

Orem Health Center

St. George Health Center

Non-Title X Health Center Title X Health Center

For more information about our health services, go to



In March, we concluded the clinical stage of the HER Salt Lake study. The HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative is a partnership between The University of Utah Family Planning Division and Planned Parenthood Association of Utah. From March 2016 to March 2017, HER Salt Lake provided free birth control to 7,400 patients at four Planned Parenthood Health Centers in Salt Lake County. When cost barriers were removed, women were more likely to choose more effective methods that typically have higher up-front costs, like IUDs and the contraceptive implant.

HER Salt Lake also enrolled 4,400 individuals into a longitudinal study and is tracking their educational attainment, economic mobility, and social, health and relationship outcomes, all in relation to their contraceptive method choice, use, and continuation or switching.

You can learn more about the HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative at www.HERsaltlake.org or connect with the initiative on Facebook.


EDUCATION We work hard to provide all Utahns with the accurate, reliable information they need to make responsible decisions and stay healthy. Our community education programs are offered in both English and Spanish, and are inclusive of individual cultures, values, and identities.

We believe that parents — in collaboration with schools and communities — should be the primary sex educators of their children.


We reached 11,078 Utahns through education programs in schools, college campuses, govermental agencies, community-based organizations, private social service providers, and professional development workshops.




Teen Council, our peer health education program, trains 10th12th graders to educate and inspire their peers to learn about and advocate for just and humane policies, teach comprehensive sex education, and speak out against racism and other forms of oppression. This year’s 32 members from Salt Lake, Utah, Wasatch, and Summit Counties represented 10 high schools. They received a total of 225 hours of training and delivered educational presentations and outreach to 5,624 youth.


Teen Council members taught our sexual assault prevention curriculum, Know Before You Go, to 250 11th and 12th graders at Park City High School. Know Before You Go is based on the concepts of consent education and bystander intervention. This strategy is used to prevent sexual assault by interrupting a potentially harmful situation, or challenging societal norms that make sexual violence acceptable.

Professional Development:

Safe At School Our anti-bullying/antiharassment program trains educators in creating inclusive classrooms for LBGTQ youth and their peers. This year we reached over 450 educators and future educators. Safe at School was presented at the Rocky Mountain Sex and Intimacy Summit, the National Associaiton of Multicultural Educators Conference, and Genderrevolution. Safe at School is now available in Spanish at no cost thanks to our generous donors. 13

Improving the Lives of Teens served 180 teens and 40 adults in South Salt Lake. Some of our partners include the Sudanese Community in Utah, PROMISE South Salt Lake, Utah Health and Human Rights Project, International Rescue Committee, the Asian Association of Utah, among others. With their support, we are able to offer programs for parents and teens both after school and in their homes. The majority of participants come from minority populations and 46% of youth participants were male.

Linking Families and Teens (LiFT) served 48 families in Summit and Wasatch Counties. 95% of youth participants said the program will help them talk about important things with their parents. 100% of parents said LiFT helped them learn strategies to connect with their teens. This research program seeks to demonstrate that when parents connect with their teen, the likelihood that that their child will engage in risky behaviors (including teen pregnancy) is reduced. Parents and teens participate in a 6-hour program to practice communication and share learnings. 14

Teen Success celebrated four graduates from high school, and 100% of program members enrolled in an educational program. This support group for pregnant and parenting teens meets weekly to help participants maintain family size and acheive academic goals. The program gives teen parents a place to come together and learn how to become the person and parent they want to be.

Our Jail Education program continues at the Salt Lake County Metro Jail thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers who present the Empowered Women Healthy Sexuality course weekly throughout the year to encarcerated women.


ADVOCACY Planned Parenthood is advancing a culture of proud and authentic sexuality and identity, free from stigma and judgment. We are doing this by advocating for laws, policies, and every day practices that support and promote sexual and reproductive freedom.

Pro- safe sex




In January, we braved the snow and joined millions of women across the country to march in Women’s Marches in both Park City and Salt Lake City in the largest demonstrations those cities had ever seen. PPAU staff and supporters also marched in St. George and Ogden.


Our Ambassador Program, which launched as a way to organize our supporters during our lawsuit against the Governor, saw tremendous growth this year. We began 2017 with 365 Ambassadors and now have more than 3,600. The Ambassador program is the first level of engagement with Planned Parenthood in Utah. They are Utah-based Planned Parenthood supporters who want to actively engage in the local fight for reproductive freedom by using their unique experiences and stories to promote Planned Parenthood’s services and message in their own social circles. As a collective group, Ambassadors use their strength in numbers to contact lawmakers and show up (usually in action pink) in a powerful way.

We continue to be amazed by our committed group of extraordinary volunteers. This year they volunteered over 800 hours, tabled at over 50 commmunity events, and signed up more than 2,750 new ambassadors!


We partnered again with the marketing firm MRM// McCANN, to launch a new advertising campaign — WE WON’T GO BACK. After the devastating outcome of the 2016 election and the subsequent “defunding” attempts by Congress and the President, this campaign aims to demonstrate the value of Planned Parenthood’s 100 year legacy and vital role as a health care provider in Utah by illustrating what the world was like before Planned Parenthood. No one wants to go back to a time when birth control was a crime, rat poison was an STD treatment, or cervical cancer was the leading cause of death of women. Go to ppacutah.org/we-wont-go-back to learn more.


During the 2017 Legislative Session, we lobbied, organized, and showed up, and were successfull in defeating or amending several bad bills, including one that would have banned medication abortion via telehealth in Utah. We created the Reproductive Freedom Forum (RFF)* in collaboration with community partners such as ACLU of Utah, UCASA, Equality Utah, and other activists and educators. The RFF is a forum of community lobbyists/activists advocating for civil liberties. These liberties include, but are not limited to, access to sexual education and health care, environmental justice, economic justice, disability justice, LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice and the right to live free from sexual assault. *For the 2018 Legislative Session, the group has been renamed the People’s Justice Forum.

For more information go to ppacutah.org/peoples-justice-forum

Teen Council members made their presence known at the Capitol in February. Teens spent President’s Day learning how to share their stories and lobby their policy makers. They descended on the Capitol the next day, ready to be heard and met with their elected officials to talk about the Equal Rights Amendment. 21

We celebrated the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade with a “We Won’t Go Back” celebration featuring poet Sonya Renee and muscian Be Steadwell.

We raised over $20,000 for Planned Parenthood Action Council’s electoral work at our annual Liberty Luncheon. We welcomed supporters to an afternoon of “Nourishing Resilient Roots” and enjoyed a lively panel discussion with community activists Courtney Kendrick, Jasmine Despain, and Kai Martinez.


We now have eight Students for Choice clubs with 200 members across the state at Utah State, Weber State, University of Utah, Westminster, Salt Lake Community College, Utah Valley University, Southern Utah University, and Dixie State. These motivated young people are part of Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s Generation Action and are proving to be fierce young advocates for reproductive justice.


DEVELOPMENT We are more grateful than ever for the support of our generous donors, who in these uncertain times, make it possible for us to keep our promise that “these doors stay open� every day. Our third annual

The Art of Safe Sex fundraiser was our biggest yet, raising over $151,000, a 54% increase over last year.

More than 600 people enjoyed an art auction and fashion show featuring local designers and artists. We want to thank our hard working planning committee, especially Event Chair Loy Skaggs-Hall.


One hundred years ago,

Planned Parenthood was founded on the radical idea that access to sexual and reproductive health care and education could change lives, communities, and the world. Since then, Planned Parenthood has empowered millions to take control of their own bodies — and their own destinies. Help us continue that legacy.

Remembering Planned Parenthood in your will, a trust, or through an annuity is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give future generations. How it works: • Name Planned Parenthood Association of Utah in your will, living trust, or as a beneficiary of your retirement or investment account. • Document your bequest with PPAU by contacting Tim Johns at tim.johns@ppau.org or at 801.391.7896 You will need the following information: Planned Parenthood Association of Utah 654 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Employer Identification Number (EIN): 87-0288909 25

OUR MISSION Planned Parenthood Association of Utah’s mission is to empower Utahns of all ages to make informed choices about their sexual health, ensure access to affordable, quality health care and education, and protect their right to do so.


PATIENTS Total: 45,964

83% Women

17% Men

25% Over 30 51% 21-30 24% 20 and under

74% Uninsured

26% Insured


REVENUE Total: $11.26m

17% Other Income 17% Federal Funding 27% Client Fees

19% Contributions 1% Medicaid 19% Insurance


EXPENSES Total: $9.1m 3% Development 7% Public Affairs 6% Education

20% Administration 64% Health Center Services



Annabel Sheinberg

Heather Stringfellow

Karrie Galloway

Lesley Bailey

Vice President, Learning & Partnerships

President and Chief Executive Officer

Penny Davies

Vice President, Clinical Services


Vice President, Public Policy

Chief Financial Officer

Tim W. Johns

Vice President, Development

BOARD 2017-2018

Katherine Venti Chair Trina Eyring Vice Chair Taylor M. Snyder, MPH Secretary Brandi Simpson Treasurer Jenny Bell, MD Gabriella Blanchard Samantha Castleton Forrest C. Crawford, EdD Del Draper Alexandra Eller, MD Jasmine Despain Lynn Hoffman-Brouse Cara Hueser, MD Tania Knauer

Therus Kolff, MD, MPH Lydia LaSalle Maryann Martindale* Jazmin Martinez David B. Midget Beth Noymer Levine Tina Ruga Nancy Sassano, PhD Aharon D. Shulimson, PhD, MSCP Sara E. Simonsen, PhD, CNM, MSPH, BSN Nora Trinidad-Scholle* Danielle Watters Marzelli Neil Webster Crystal Young-Otterstrom Yehemy S. Zavala Orozco *Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah Board Members



Planned Parenthood Association of Utah 654 South 900 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 (801) 532-1586 www.ppau.org Federal Identification Number: 87-0288909 © 2017, Planned Parenthood Association of Utah.

All numbers are for Fiscal Year 2017 (July 1, 2016—June 30, 2017). All photos by Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and PPGNHI.

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