PPAU Annual Report 2020

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Planned Parenthood Association of Utah

Contents 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Message From Our Leadership

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health Care 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Affairs 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


FY20 Patient Demographics

14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FY20 Revenue

15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FY20 Expenses

16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Staff 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Our Board


A Message from our Leadership

Last year at this time we wrote “with great challenges come the opportunity for creativity, innovation, and strength” – little did we know just how much 2020 would outdo 2019! On the tails of losing Title X funding and suing the state of Utah to stop the 18-week abortion ban, we got hit with more TRAP laws, a global pandemic, an earthquake, a hurricane level windstorm, and the ongoing racial reckoning that has highlighted the need to address systemic inequities. But just as we have been for 50 years, we are proudly still here with our doors open serving the people of Utah. 2020 was meant to be our big 50th anniversary celebration – COVID had other ideas – so we will wait to celebrate with all of you in person once it’s safe to do so. Thanks to the generosity of you and all our supporters, we have been able to keep our doors open – no matter what. It’s not just our health centers that have kept serving Utahns – our Public Affairs, Education, and Development teams have proven how adaptable and creative they can be in a more digital world. And our administrative staff have kept us all running smoothly day in and day out. We are deeply grateful for your investment in Planned Parenthood. Your faith in our work raises the spirits of PPAU’s board and staff and the community who depend on our programs and services during these tumultuous times. It is because of your support that our community can count on Planned Parenthood – especially during a global pandemic. With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris securing victory, we have much to be hopeful for nationally in 2021! While there is still a loud minority who fights against our mission, we know that the majority of Utahns support our work and want sexual and reproductive health care to remain accessible and affordable. We are doing all we can to protect reproductive rights and the ability for each of us to live our best lives. Thankfully, vaccines have arrived in Utah, so 2021 will also bring the end of the pandemic and hopefully the ability to celebrate once again with you all in person. We can’t wait! But first, please help us acknowledge all the work we did in 2020! As always, we want you to know about the quality of our health care services, the innovations we’ve made in our community education programs, the visibility we have in our community, and the fun we have while fighting the “good fight”, even in a more virtual world. Please enjoy the 2020 Annual Report. We hope you are proud of the work we have done in partnership with you during this unprecedented year. You make it possible, and we are so very grateful.

Karrie Galloway President & CEO

Taylor Snyder Board Chair


Health Care Through our work across the state of Utah, we aim to create a community where every child is a wanted child, where people make informed and responsible health decisions, and where everyone has access to high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care.

Services Birth Control Birth Control Pills


Depo-Provera Shots


IUDs 2,540 NuvaRing 6,209

Implant 1,469 Emergency Contraception


STI Testing & Treatment

Chlamdyia/Gonorrhea 25,919 HIV 5,991 Syphilis 1,036

Cancer Screening and Prevention Pap Smears


Breast Exams


HPV Vaccines Testicular Exams

Other Services Pregnancy Tests




Abortion 2,033 Vasectomy 69


Health Centers We operate eight health centers in the state of Utah.

Patients Served: 41,941

See page 13 for more patient demographics

Logan Health Center


West Valley Health Center


Ogden Health Center

3,4 Metro and Salt Lake Health Centers

5 6

South Jordan Health Center

7 Orem Health Center


St. George Health Center


Education Through our research based education programs, we work hard to provide all Utahns with the accurate, reliable information they need to make responsible decisions and stay healthy. The unique circumstances of 2020 meant a pivot to digital teaching and meetings — a challenge we met head on with innovation and adaptability.

Program Participants: 7,082 Participants By Setting Community Organizations


School/After School


Justice System

Substance Abuse Programs Government Agencies Agencies for Disabled Health Centers


320 450



Colleges 188

Participants By Age Elementary School


High School


Middle School

Young Adults <25 Adults >25


1,284 454


During the 2019-2020 school year, Teen Council had 42 members in three locations representing Salt Lake County West, Salt Lake County East, and Summit/Wasatch Counties. They gave 122 presentations and reached 4,292 people. This powerful program helps improve teen health through access to sex education. Teen Council helps teens develop leadership skills and design a community mobilization project to positively influence teen sexual health.

Teen Mom Strong is a free support group for pregnant and parenting teens, providing a safe space for teens to learn how to be the person and parent they want to be. Compared to their peers in Utah who are not in the program, our members enroll in schooling and paths to employment at far higher rates. This year 10 moms are enrolled in the program, and thanks to a grant from Salt Lake County, participants received tablets and rent assistance.


Public Affairs Planned Parenthood is advancing a culture of proud and authentic sexuality and identity, free from stigma and judgment. We are doing this by advocating for laws, policies, and every day practices that support and promote sexual and reproductive freedom. Through our Public Affairs department, which includes community engagement, adovocacy, electoral organizing, legislative policy work, marketing and communications, and our sister organization Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah, we aim to build a world where every Utahn can live their best life.

Community Engagement Events We shifted our community engagement 100% online, creating the virtual series “Home with the Hive”, where we explored topics from politics to health care equity to COVID-19.


Live Participants

Home with the Hive April 41

Home with the Hive May 19 Home with the Hive June 18 Home with the Hive August 17 Belly of the Beast Film


We also moved our political organizing online, training ambassadors and volunteers how to get involved in the 2020 election and to use new digital tools at our Beehive Academy in September.


Facebook Reach 556


1,301 322 n/a

Social Media Engagement Facebook

(PlannedParenthoodUtah, PPACUTAH)

PPAU Followers


PPAU Impressions


PPAC Impressions


PPAC Followers



(@plannedparenthoodutah, @ppacutah)

PPAU Followers

2020 Legislative Session During the 2020 Legislative Session, we fought hard to help stop a proposed mandatory ultrasound bill. The bill died on the last day of the session. Unfortunately, the Utah legislature did pass two other antiabortion bills.


PPAU Impressions


PPAC Impressions


PPAC Followers




Followers 1,480 Impressions 93,700

2020 Election We spent 75 hours with our volunteers phone banking for endorsed candidates and set 21 goals on Hustle (our text outreach tool) that reached a total of 67,934 supporters. Thank you to all our volunteers who jumped into learning new digital tools!

We have SURF clubs at 8 college campuses: Utah State, Weber State, University of Utah, Westminister, Utah Valley, Utah State, Southern Utah, and Dixie State. They reach thousands of young people across the state through outreach, events, and campus organizing.


Development We are more grateful than ever for the support of our generous donors, who in these uncertain times, make it possible for us to keep our promise that “these doors stay open” every day. We are proud to say that our donor base consists of very diverse communities throughout the state. We value all donations from $1.00 to $100,000 and are so appreciative of Utahns’ support of sexual and reproductive health care and education. Over the last fiscal year, we engaged a record breaking number of new supporters and donors totalling 1,321!

Gatherings For Good Funds Raised: $19,494.13 Last fall and winter, friends of Planned Parenthood hosted 13 “Gatherings for Good” - small fundraising parties - to help us kick off our 50th year in Utah.

Herstory Gala Funds Raised: $276,095 Due to the pandemic, we of course had to postpone our 50th anniversary gala. While we still don’t know when we will be able to reschedule our big bash, we are thrilled to report that we still raised $276,095!


Annual Logan Chocolate Festival Thank you to our volunteers in Logan who set the bar high for the rest of the decade raising more than $40,000! It is so rewarding to see the warmth and energy from 500+ Planned Parenthood supporters who gather every year to share a love of love, chocolate, and Planned Parenthood’s committment to ensuring that we can live our best lives here in Utah.

We Decide Fundraiser for PPAC Utah In October, we hosted our first virtual fundraiser for Planned Parenthood Action Council, our 501(c)4 organization, raising over $20,000! The evening included a key note from PPFA president Alexis McGill Johnson, musical performances from Raye Zaragoza, and a young activist panel on voting.


Legacy Giving Planned Parenthood was founded on the radical idea that access to sexual and reproductive health care and education could change lives, communities, and the world. Since then, Planned Parenthood has empowered millions to take control of their own bodies –– and their own destinies. Help us continue that legacy. Remembering Planned Parenthood in your will, a trust, or through an annuity is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give to future generations. How it works: • Name Planned Parenthood Association of Utah in your will, living trust, or as a beneficiary of your retirement or investment account. • Document your bequest with PPAU by contacting Tim Johns at tim.johns@ppau.org or at 801-532-1586. You will need the following information: • Planned Parenthood Association of Utah 654 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Employer Identificaiton Number (EIN): 870288909

Race Equity & Inclusion Planned Parenthood is committed to advancing health equity for all, including our patients and staff. This year PPAU provided the Mind Sciences on Difference: Featuring Our Brains on Race training program to Education, Public Affairs, administrative and clinical care teams. By summer 2021, all staff will have completed this program, which equips participants with language and skills on how to discuss, confront, and minimize implicit bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threats in the workplace.


Patients Total: 41,941


Insurance Public Insurance 5%

Male 20% Private Insurance 35%

Female 80%


No Insurance 60%

Ethnicity 69%




19% 8%





5% Not Hispanic or Latino

Hispanic or Latino



Revenue Total: $11,829,935

Other Income: 9%

Contributions: 32%

Medicaid: <1%


Federal Funding: <1%

Client Fees: 24%

Insurance: 34%

Expenses Total: $10,770,848 Public Affairs: 7%

Education: 6%

Development: 3%

Clinic Services: 65%

Administration: 19%


Senior Staff

Lesley Bailey

Chief Financial Officer

Karrie Galloway

President and Chief Executive Officer

Annabel Sheinberg

Vice President, External Affairs


Penny Davies

Chief Operating Officer

Tim W. Johns

Chief Development Officer

Board 2020-2021 Taylor M. Snyder, MPH Chair Maryann Martindale Vice Chair, Committees Lindsay Barenz, JD Vice Chair, Governance Karen Halladay, CPA, MBA Treasurer Carol A. Okumura, MPH Secretary Michael Ramon Aguilar, MA Carla Arancibia Rachel Barnes Bevan, MHSA Ann Dent Joan Draper, JD Samantha Castleton, LCSW Camille Cook, BS, GCPH

Gayle Ewer Brooke Fischer Lynn Hoffman-Brouse, MFA Tania Knauer, MBA Taylor Knuth, MA David B. Midget Heather Olsen Tina Ruga, BSN, MS Nancy E. Sassano, PhD Aharon D. Shulimson, PhD, MSCP Joseph Silverzweig, JD Marcela Smid, MD, MA, MS Neil Webster, JD Yehemy S. Zavala Orozco

Forrest C. Crawford, EdD


654 South 900 East · Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 (801) 532-1586 · www.ppau.org Federal Identification Number: 87-0288909

© 2020, Planned Parenthood Association of Utah. All patient numbers are for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019—June 30, 2020). All photos by Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, or purchased stock images.

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