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Many of us go to great lengths to achieve a specific look for the exteriors of our home. For some of us, adding a rustic garden gate is the perfect touch. I'm a sucker for whimsical things. Playful fountains, old fashioned wagon wheels and garden gates that appear as though they have seen much better days. In fact the older they look, the more I find myself liking them. I've always been that way to some degree. As a child I was fascinated by the old antebellum homes of the Deep South. Even today I find myself drawn to the turn of the century homes like the one we just purchased. And of course, with my fascination with all things old and my love for rustic design, I plan to have a rustic garden gate of my very own in my new (old) home. I have such grand imaginings of what my very own garden will look like. I love rustic things and nature that looks, well, natural. I want our yard to be our oasis from the modern world. Our garden will be an instant portal to long lost years. Of course we will hear the sounds of the modern world and if we look hard enough we can see over the walls of our garden paradise to the hectic world on the other side. But for a little while, we can step back in time, simply by walking through our rustic garden gate. It seems silly really that such a small thing can have such a large impact on the way we view our world. However, a rustic garden gate can spark the imaginations of young and old alike in addition to out and out making your garden a much more pleasant place to be. If you like goldfish or koi ponds, this is also an excellent way to keep children from falling in by separating your pond from the other parts of your garden. This is not the ultimate in safety features and it doesn't replace keeping a watchful eye on children as they play in your yard or garden, but it is definitely a tasteful and beautiful way to establish a boundary that even young children can understand. While being a nice topic of conversation in addition to all the other things mentioned above your garden gate is not something one would consider to be an eye sore. Most in fact, will consider it a nice addition to your home. But the real beauty about a project such as this is that it's not something that you absolutely must go out and buy. In fact if you have access to weathered wood, it may be something that would be a great project to build yourself. I know that it will probably be much less expensive to build yourself and you will get a much greater reward for the project if it's something you built with your very own hands (besides, it's something you can do that just might impress your in laws). I for one hope you completely enjoy your rustic garden gate for many years to come and that it becomes a centerpiece to the overall ambience of your garden.

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