Pinta Catalogue 2012

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LONDON 2012, JUNE 7-10




Welcome to PINTA

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Show Management 2012

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Host Committee

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Featured Artist Matilde Perez

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Art Projects curated by Pablo Le贸n de la Barra

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Special Acknowledgements

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Alejandro Zaia, Mauro Herlitzka y Diego Costa Peuser

t a time when Latin American art gains increasing International recognition and achieves unprecedented sales records, we are pleased to announce that in 2012, Pinta’s third edition will also be hosting twentieth and twenty-first century Spanish and Portuguese art. This expansion is the natural consequence of a gaze that has consistently endorsed the rereading of the history of Latin American art, and broadened its perspective on the basis of the geopolitical and cultural relationship between the Old and the New World. The fair will revisit that unique moment of encounter between both continents, focusing the gaze on the dialogue between the art that emerged on both shores. Since its inception in New York in 2006, Pinta has fostered the visibility of the pioneering contribution of concrete and conceptual art, among other determining trends in Latin America. In this edition, it recovers certain periods in the geometric abstraction of the whole of the Iberian Peninsula which are not sufficiently known, and updates the perception of contemporary creation in this vast territory, thus promoting the reunification of a market that has common roots. In this way, it will be possible to view works by the different representatives of Latin American geometric abstraction, or by those of the so-called normative Spanish art, who launched or adhered to group manifestos or formed anonymous artist collectives, and also by those who engaged in individual inquiries into these languages. At the same time, Pinta London 2012 will pay tribute to Lygia Clark ), giving precedence to the participatory performances that stressed the healing or cathartic function of art. Similarly, with support from the Government of Chile, the fair will pay homage to Matilde Pérez (1916), through an exhibition that will make it possible to trace her explorations of Op and Kinetic art, and will show her conception of the interaction with the spectator. Alongside pieces by pioneer surrealist artists aligning with this trend in Latin America, the fair will showcase contemporary works that represent the legacy of that movement in Spain and will allow the public to explore the fertile territory of the intercrossing between time periods and continents, finally to encompass current artistic concerns. Pinta London will also exhibit exponents of political art representing different spatial-temporal moments that feature heterogeneous strategies by artists from different parts of Latin America, including performance. And alongside works by modern masters, there will be a section curated by Pablo León de la Barra, presenting individual projects by contemporary artists from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. This view is shared by the institutions that collaborate with the Acquisitions Program based on the matching funds system. This year, at Pinta London, the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, MIMA, Tate Modern, and the University of Essex Collection of Latin American Art will enrich their permanent collections through the incorporation of crucial works from the modernist past in Latin America, Spain and Portugal, or of works and practices that reveal the routes travelled by Latin American and Iberian contemporaneousness. “We are sure that this edition of Pinta will be a success, and we look forward to welcoming all of you at the opening on Thursday, June 7.” Board of Directors




BOARD OF DIRECTORS Diego Costa Peuser Alejandro Zaia Mauro Herlitzka DIRECTORS VIP’s AND COLLECTOR’S RELATIONS Jeannette Van Campenhout - the Americas Michele Codoni - Europe PUBLIC RELATIONS Colman Getty Consultancy - Europe CONSULTANTS Pablo Leon de la Barra, Curatorial Consultant Othon Castaneda, Architect - Production Amparela Benlliure, LONDON OFFICE Andrea Harari, Manager MIAMI OFFICE Isabel Traverso Sofia Pagano-Bronzini Santiago Ares, Business Development NEW YORK OFFICE Carmen Ferreyra, Manager PINTA EUROPE LLC Alejandro Zaia, Chairman Diego Costa Peuser, Director Tanya Capriles de Brillembourg, Member Juan Ball, Member Alfredo Ginocchio, Member



Honorary Chairman: Tiqui Atencio Co-Vice Chairman: Catherine Petitgas Abir Dajani Tuqan | Alessio Antoniolli | Alison Myners | Angela Rovelli | Anna Zaoui | Anne-Marie and Geoffrey Isaac | Bartomeu Mari i Ribas | Carlos Alberto and Silvia Gouvea | Catherine Grenier Catherine Shriro | Dawn Ades | Debra and Alessandro Cajrati Crivelli | Baron and Baroness Diego and Alin Von Buch | Eduardo and Clarise Costantini | Ella Fontanals Cisneros | Erica Roberts | Estrellita Brodsky | Fatima and Eskander Maleki | Frances Reynolds | Guy Brett | Jack Kirkland | Janeen Haythornthwaite | John Evans | Jorge Virgili | Juan Ball | Juan Carlos Verme | Juan Yarur | Keir McGuinness | Laurence Graff | Leon Amitai | Lilly Scarpetta de Pumarejo | Luis Benshimol | Luis Caballero | Marie Elena Angulo Zarb and Henry Zarb | Marlise and Anibal Jozami | Maryn Coker Mercedes Sanchez Elia | Mimmi O Connell | Patricia Swannell | Paula Traboulsi | Richard Hamilton Rita Rovelli Caltagirone | Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz | Sagrario Perez Soto | Sergio Aisenberg | Silke and Alex Reynal | Solita and Steven Mishaan | Stuart Evans | Sylvia Bourne | Tanya Capriles de Brillembourg | Tony Bechara | Valerie Fraser | Vera de Moraes Dantas | Yaz and Valentin Hernandez Yolanda Santos Garza

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MATILDE PEREZ / OPEN CUBE Ramón Castillo Curator/Curador

urrently Matilde Perez (1916) is one of the most notable and celebrated kinetic artists alive and perhaps one of the few women that have developed an acclaimed ouvre in the field. From an early age she reached the conviction that she would become an artist. Her studies began at Universidad de Chile (1954), where she later was apointted teacher at the same art school. Her creative explorations in the fifties led her away from her figurative education towards abstraction and geometry. In the next decade she recieved a travel and study grant that took her to Paris, where she became involved with artists that researched in the field of optics. This scene was led by Victor Vasarely and the G.R.A.V. (Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel) founded in 1961, where Yvaral (Jean Pierre Vasarely) and Julio Le Parc also participated. From that moment, the artist recalls, “I realized that I could paint without painting and that I did not need literature in my work” At that time Matilde Pérez returned to Chile to work on wood, metal and acrilic searching pure geometrical figures. Ten years later she returned to Paris for two years. There her aesthetic proposals acquired greater depth, which resulted in a series of works in straigh lines, curves and colour figures that became the drafts or prototypes of all the proyects that she later developed in Chile. To this period belong the drafts of the circle within a square and the first blue prints in which vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines are cut-out within a cold colour spectrum. As a result of this relation she was invited in several opportunities to the Salon des Grands et Jeunes d Áujordúi in 1971 - ‘73 - ‘74 and 1982. She was also selected for the Salón Des Realistes Nouvelles en París (1972). With the works developed in 1973 (from the previously mentioned drafts) she won the Silver Medal and the “Geometric Abstraction” prize at the Quadriannale Mondiale D’Art Contemporaine, Lyon France in 1979. Many of her projects considered enlargement to other scales and a diversity of supporting media. Due to this fact part of her work has easily adapted to architecture and public spaces. In 1970 she built her “cinetic tunnel” in the Chileno Norteamericano Cultural Institute and, in 1982, she installed a cinetic frieze in the Apumanque Shoping Mall, later recovered for the Talca University gardens in Chile. In the 1990 she became widely acclaimed in the local and international art scene. In 2004 one of her large cinetic works was placed along a highway near Santiago and soon she will intervene the cabins of the cable railway of Santiago.


esde muy joven Matilde Pérez (1916) tuvo la convicción de que sería artista. Inició sus estudios en la Universidad de Chile (1954), donde posteriormente fue profesora ayudante y más tarde, titular de la cátedra de dibujo y pintura. Su formación académica la orientó hacia la figuración, aunque progresivamente durante la década del ’50 en compañía de otros artistas chilenos como Ramón Vergara Grez y Gustavo Poblete, cultivaron la investigación geométrica y se aproximaron hacia la abstracción hacia fines de la misma década. Una primera beca a Francia obtenida en el año 1960 permitió que la artista tuviera la oportunidad de vincularse en “tiempo real” con artistas que investigaban en torno al arte óptico y cinético. La escena liderada por Victor Vasarely y el G.R.A.V. (Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel) fundado en 1961, también la integraba por Yvaral (Jean Pierre Vasarely) y el argentino Julio Le Parc, entre otros. La artista recuerda: “…desde ese momento comprendí que podía pintar sin pintura y que no necesitaba literatura en mis obras”. A partir de este momento Matilde Pérez regresó a Chile para realizar obras con trozos de madera, metal y acrílico en torno a motivos y figuras geométricas puras. Diez años después viajó nuevamente a Francia, esta vez permaneció por dos años y será tal vez el momento en que reafirmó con fuerza sus postulados estéticos, lo que se tradujo en la producción de innumerables piezas que con rectas, curvas y planos de color se convirtieron en bocetos y prototipos para posteriores obras que realizó en Chile. A este momento de su producción en París corresponde el boceto en papel milimetrado del círculo al interior del cuadrado, y los primeros planos troquelados en los que utilizó verticales, horizontales y diagonales en gamas cromáticas frías y agrisadas. Como efecto inmediato de esta relación la artista fue invitada en varias oportunidades al Salon des Grands et Jeunes dÁujordúi en los años 1971 - ‘73 - ‘74 y 1982. También participó en el salón Des Realistes Nouvelles en París (1972). Con las obras realizadas en 1973 (a partir del boceto de 1971) ganó la Medalla de Plata y Premio en “Abstracción Geométrica” en la Quadriannale Mondiale D’Art Contemporaine, Lyon France en 1979. Realizó motivos en cuyo proyecto visual estaba la ampliación y diversidad de soportes, es por ello que se que integraron con facilidad en la arquitectura y el espacio público a gran escala. En el año 1970 realizó un túnel cinético en el Instituto Chileno


Matilde Pérez Cerda, painter and sculptor, was born in Santiago, Chile, on December 7, 1916. In 1939 she entered the School of Fine Arts, where she was a student of Pablo Burchard and Jorge Caballero. A few years later she studied mural painting with the artist Laureano Guevara. In 1960 she was awarded a scholarship by the French government to study in Paris. In the beginning, Matilde Pérez used more traditional techniques, painting still lifes and landscapes. However, her art evolved towards the simplification of forms, and her plastic research focused on the concepts of order and geometry. Thus she would form the Grupo Rectángulo along with fellow artists. Years later she met the artist Víctor Vasarely who introduced her into the basic concepts of kinetic art. From that moment he her works would respond to the study of the interaction between geometric shapes and colors, but primarily to the optical phenomena, in order to create the illusion of movement. Matilde Pérez Cerda, pintora y escultora, nació en Santiago, Chile, el 7 de Diciembre de 1916. En 1939 ingresó a la Escuela de Bellas Artes, donde fue alumna de Pablo Burchard y Jorge Caballero. Algunos años más tarde estudiaría pintura mural con el artista Laureano Guevara. En 1960 fue becada por el Gobierno Francés para realizar estudios en París. En sus inicios, Matilde Pérez utilizaba las técnicas más tradicionales de la pintura, llegando a pintar naturalezas muertas y paisajes. Sin embargo, su pintura evolucionó hacia la simplificación de las formas, centrando sus investigaciones plásticas en los conceptos de orden y geometría. Es así como llegaría a fundar, junto a otros artistas, el Grupo Rectángulo. Años más tarde conoció al artista Víctor Vasarely, quien introduciría en ella los conceptos básicos del arte cinético. Desde ese momento en adelante sus obras responderían al estudio de las relaciones entre formas geométricas y colores, pero fundamentalmente al fenómeno óptico, con el objeto de crear la ilusión de movimiento.

Since a retrospective show titled “El Ojo Móvil” in the Chile Fine Arts Museum in 1999, there have been more than twenty solo shows. Among them the Reina Sofía Museum of Spain show titled “Lo(s) Cinético(s)” , and the Cuba exhibition at Casa de las Américas in Havana titled “Cinética” in 2009. Matilde Pérez’s anthologic exhibition OPEN CUBE is a sinthesys of her artistic explorations in the field of optics and kinetics developed as a poetic reflection of the cube, also known as the squaring of the cube. It will be exhibited in the Pinta Latin American of London and it consists of a series of her woks in different media, such as painting, prints, collage and a luminous volume that reproduces the movement of light. This responds to the integration effect between the piece it self and the visual experience of the audience, organized alongside a documentary film where the artist expresses her work and though.

S/T, 1973. Serigrafía 100/100. 80 x 80 cm Colección privada.

Norteamericano y en 1982 realizó un friso cinético en el Centro Comercial Apumanque actualmente reinstalado en los jardines de la Universidad de Talca (Talca, Chile). A partir de los años ’90 la artista comenzó a ser reconocida y homenajeada en el mundo del arte a nivel nacional e internacional. Durante el año 2004 se instaló una obra cinética en una carretera cercana a Santiago de Chile y se proyecta próximamente la intervención de las antiguas cabinas del Teleférico Metropolitano. A partir de la retrospectiva El Ojo Móvil realizada en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile en el año 1999 se han sucedido una veintena de exposiciones individuales y colectivas, entre las que destacamos en el año 2007 la exposición “Lo(s) Cinético(s)” en el Museo Nacional Reina Sofía en Madrid y el año 2009 como envío oficial de Chile a Cuba a través de la retrospectiva “Cinética” en Casa de las América de La Habana. Destacando la reciente exposición itinerante titulada Paris Retrouvé (2010) iniciada en la Galeríe Espace Mayer Zafra de París y posteriormente se presentó en Palermo y Berlín. La exposición antológica Matilde Pérez OPEN CUBE, presenta una síntesis de la investigación óptica y cinética desarrollada en torno a la poética del cubo o la “cuadratura del círculo”. Se presentará en la Feria de Arte Latinoamericano Pinta Londres una serie obras entre pinturas, grabados, collages y un volumen lumínico que reproduce el movimiento de la luz. Es el efecto de integración perceptual entre la obra y experiencia visual del espectador que será organizado espacialmente a partir de un solo ámbito donde conviven las obras de la artista y un documental que resume su obra y pensamiento creativo.

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AINA NOWACK / AAC Calle Del Darro 16, 28002 Madrid, Spain Telf. +34 610 56 90 30 DIRECTOR: Aina Nowack ASSISTANT: Ana San Emeterio


Maria Noël, Jose G. Onieva


Inés Bancalari, Rafael Bueno, Juan Jose Cambre, Mariano Cornejo, Grillo Demo, Maria Gimenez, Eduardo Hoffmann, Rachel Hovnanian, Ides Kihlen, Laurent Martin “Lo”, Pin Morales, Maria Noël, Armando Pedrosa, Martin Reyna, Antonia Robiraosa, Jasmine Rossi, Eduardo Stupia, Alexis De Vilar, Ines White

STAND Nº: A 37


JOSE G. ONIEVA. Firmamento, 2012. Escultura de acero virado, óleo y madera estucada. 50 cm de alto y 40 cm de ancho.

MARIA NOEL. John Cage Y Michelangelo, 2012 (Detalle). 1 x 1 mt. TĂŠcnica Mixta Sobre Papel.


ALISON JACQUES GALLERY Alison Jacques Gallery 16-18 Berners Street London W1T 3LN, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)207 631 4720 Fax: +44 (0)207 631 4750 DIRECTOR/OWNER: Alison Jacques SENIOR DIRECTOR: Roger Tatley SALES & PRESS: Rory Mitchell EXHIBITING ARTISTS


Haluk Akakçe, Michael Bauer, Lygia Clark, Tomory Dodge, Dan Fischer, Saul Fletcher, Matt Johnson, Ian Kiaer, Klara Kristalova, Graham Little, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ryan Mcginley, Ana Mendieta, Paul Morrison, Ryan Mosley, Michael Van Ofen, Hélio Oiticica, Alessandro Raho, Bernd Ribbeck, Dorothea Tanning, Mathew Weir, Hannah Wilke, Catherine Yass, Thomas Zipp

Courtesy Alison Jacques Gallery, London. Copyright 'The World of Lygia Clark' Cultural Association, Rio de Janeiro.

STAND Nº: A 11


Courtesy Alison Jacques Gallery, London. Copyright 'The World of Lygia Clark' Cultural Association, Rio de Janeiro.


ANINAT ISABEL Espoz 3100. Región Metropolitana Zip code: 7630266 Santiago, Chile + 56 2 481 9870 + 56 2 481 9871 DIRECTOR: Isabel Aninat SUB-DIRECTOR: Javiera García-Huidobro


Teresa Aninat & Catalina Swinburn, Catalina Bauer, Mónica Bengoa, Pedro Tyler. GALLERY ARTISTS

Lotty Rosenfeld, Carlos Leppe, Voluspa Jarpa, Teresa Aninat & Catalina Swinburn, Mónica Bengoa, Pedro Tyler, Gracia Barrios, José Balmes, Ivan Contreras Brunet, Hugo Marín, Manuela Viera Gallo, Matilde Perez, Denise Lira-Ratinoff, Malu Stewart, Eugenio Dittborn, Fernando de Szyszlo, Roberto Matta STAND Nº: B 09

TERESA ANINAT & CATALINA SWINBURN. Artemisas, 2011. Performative photo. Edition of 5 + 2 AP 120 x 180 cm (46.8 x 70.2 in)


MĂ“NICA BENGOA. Bee orchid (Ophrys apifera), 2011. Wool felt cut and carved by hand. 258 x 320 cm (100.6 x 124.8 in)


ANITA SCHWARTZ GALERIA DE ARTE Rua José Roberto Macedo Soares, 30 Rio de Janeiro - RJ. 22470-100 - Brazil T. +55 21 25406446 DIRECTORS: Anita Schwartz, Fred von Bülow Ulson


Abraham Palatnik, Ana Holck, Ana Linnemann, Angelo Venosa, Carla Guagliardi, Estela Sokol, Gonçalo Ivo, Gustavo Speridião, Maria Lynch, Nuno Ramos, Otavio Schipper, Waltercio Caldas, Marco Veloso GALLERY ARTISTS

Abraham Palatnik, Ana Holck, Ana Linnemann, Angelo Venosa, Antonio Manuel, Artur Lescher, Carla Guagliardi, Carlos Zilio, Célia Euvaldo, Claudia Bakker, Daisy Xavier, Daniel Feingold, Estela Sokol, Everardo Miranda, Fernanda Quinderé, Germana Monte-Mór, Gonçalo Ivo, Ivens Machado, José Paulo, Gustavo Speridião, Maria Lynch, Marco Veloso, Niura Bellavinha, Nuno Ramos, Otavio Schipper Paulo Whitaker, Roberto Lacerda, Rubem Grilo, Suzana Queiroga, Wagner Morales, Wanda Pimentel

STAND Nº: A 15


ANA HOLCK. Sem título / Untitled, 2012. Plexiglass and concrete. 250 x 67 x 42 cm. Ed.3/3.

WALTERCIO CALDAS. Meio Mundo, 2010. Stainless steel, glass, Charcoal and cotton thread. 47 x 66 x 33 cm. Ed. 2/3


AREVALO GALLERY 151 NE 40th Street The Design District - Suite 200 Miami, FL 33137 USA T. (305) 860-3311 DIRECTOR: Francisco Arévalo MANAGER: Karina Delaney LONDON CONTACT: Emily Austin


Martha Boto, Ligia Clark, Judith Lauand, Anita Payro, Mira Schendel, Lolo Soldevilla Valerio Adami, Antonio Asis, Waltercio Caldas, Sergio Camargo, Anibal Catalan, Carlos Cruz Diez, Joao Jose Da Costa, Sandu Darie, Gunther Gerszo, Jose Gurvich, Juan Iribarren, Julio Le Parc, Raul Lozza, Jose de Oliveiro Macaparana, Victor Magarinhos, Edgard Negret, Ivan Serpa, Carlos Silva, Jesus Soto, Victor Vasarely


Macaparana, Anibal Catalan, Valerio Adami

STAND Nº: A 07


ANTONIO ASIS. Untitled, 1960. Paper collage on cardboard. 13.5 x 15 in.

MACAPARANA. Untitled, 2011. Paint on hardboard. 26 x 19.75 in.


ART NOUVEAU GALLERY 348 NW 29th St Miami, FL 33127 USA Phone # 305 573 4661 Fax # 305 573 4662 Mobile # 786 554 5011 DIRECTORS: Georgina Chumaceiro, Elizabeth Hazim MANAGER: Carolina Caraccia


Carlos Cruz Diez, Abel Ventoso, Rafael Barrios, Alberto Cavalieri, Carlos Medina, Jesús Soto


Carlos Cruz Diez, Abel Ventoso, Rafael Barrios, Héctor Ramírez, Jonidel Mendoza, Carlos Medina, Alberto Cavalieri, Jesús Soto, Antonio Asis

STAND Nº: A 23

RAFAEL BARRIOS. Nimbus, 2004. Edition: 2/4. 47 x 32 x 8 cm. Color: Red


CARLOS CRUZ DIEZ. Physichromie Panam 47, 2010. 50 x 100 cm


ARTECONSULT Calle 72 San Francisco No. 34 P.O. Box 0834-02111 Panama City, Panama Tel: +507 270 3436 / 270 7517 Fax: +507 302 2649 DIRECTOR: Carmen Aleman Healy ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Carolina Hausmann Esayag


Isabel De Obaldia, Sandra Eleta, Tabo Toral, Ana Elena Garuz, Iraida Icaza, Olga Sinclair


Octavio Arosemena, Aurora Cañero, Sandra Eleta, Ana Elena Garuz, Luciano Goizueta, Mauricio Gomez, Jaramillo, Gabriel Gonzalez, Andriy Halashyn, Teresa Icaza, Connie Lloveras, Rachelle Mozman, Sergio Ochoa, Manuel Quintana Martelo, Jean Jacques Ribi, Olga Sinclair, Sebastian Spreng, Tabo Toral, Viviana Zargon, Emily Zhukov

STAND Nº: A 29


SANDRA ELETA. Catalina, Reina de los Congos. Gelatin silver print. 19 x 19 inches

ANA ELENA GARUZ. Untitled, 2011. Acrylic and oil on canvas. 160 x 160 cm

ISABEL DE OBALDIA. Mรกscara tallada azul, 2010. Kiln cast glass. 20 x 12.7 x 10 cm


BARÓ GALERIA Rua Barra Funda 216 01152-000 São Paulo Brazil T. +55 11 3666 6489 DIRECTORS: María Baró, Adriano Casanova, Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo


Claudia Jaguaribe, Darío Escobar, Ricardo Alcaide GALLERY ARTISTS

Claudia Jaguaribe, Courtney Smith, Daniel Lannes, Darío Escobar, David Medalla, Eduardo Srur, Enrique Radigales, Érica Bohm, Fabiano Gonper, Felipe Ehrenberg, Flávia Junqueria, Irmãos Campana, Iván Navarro, Marcone Moreira, Mariana Sissia, Mariannita Luzzati, Massimo Vitali, Nicola Costantino, Pablo Siquier, Patrick Hamilton, Ricardo Alcaide, Roberto Jacoby, Rosana Ricalde, Yoshua Okón

STAND Nº: B 07


CLAUDIA JAGUARIBE. Serie Igarapé III (Rio Negro, Amazonas), 2007 Impresión digital. 107 x 165 cm. Edición de 5

RICARDO ALCAIDE. Undone no 3, 2012. Acrylic on canvas. 24 x 33 cm


BENDANA | PINEL ART CONTEMPORAIN 4, Rue du Perche, 75003, Paris, France Tel +33 (0) 142 74 22 97 Fax +33 (0) 142 74 25 29 DIRECTOR: Juan Carlos Bendana-Pinel


Alejandra Laviada, Dias & Riedweg, Cinthia Marcelle, Miguel Rothschild, Sergio Verastegui GALLERY ARTISTS

Irit Batsry, Thomas Broomé, Carlos Contente, Dias & Riedweg, Maria Friberg, Niklas Goldbach, Pablo Hare, Jessica Lajard, Alejandra Laviada, Steven le Priol, Cinthia Marcelle, Ronald Morán Pedro Motta, Matthias Reinmuth, Caio Reisewitz, Olivier Richon, Matheus Rocha Pitta, Julio Rondo, Miguel Rothschild

STAND Nº: C 07


CINTHIA MARCELLE. Untitled, 2011. Acrylic on industrial fabric. 120 x 170 cm

MIGUEL ROTHSCHILD. S Broadway Street - Los Angeles, 2010. 5 perforated c-prints, loose confetti, 40 x 50 cm

DIAS & RIEDWEG. Valises pour Marcel (valise rouge 5), 2006. video-object, 31,5 x 23 x 7 cm


BLANCA SOTO ARTE Alameda 18 Madrid 28014 Spain Tel +34.914.023.398 Fax +34.913.600.982 Cel +34.649.953.977 DIRECTOR: Blanca Soto


Eduardo Chillida Juantegui Eduardo Chillida Belzunce GALLERY ARTISTS

Amadeo Azar, Nicola Costantino, Pep Guerrero, Imanol Marrodán, José Eugenio Marchesi, PSJM, Ruth Quirce, José Luis Santalla, Oscar Seco, José Luis Serzo, Santiago Talavera, Marcos Chaves, Florencia Rodríguez Giles, Paula Anta, Artur Lescher, Fabiano Gonper, Ricardo Alcaide, Sergio Sotomayor, Agustina Nuñez, Manuel Barbero EDUARDO CHILLIDA JUANTEGUI. Estela, 1994. Acero. 10,5 x 4,5 x 2,5 cm

STAND Nº: A 21


EDUARDO CHILLIDA BELZUNCE. La ciudad desde mi estudio, 2008. Óleo sobre tabla. 55 x 88,5 cm.


C.H.I.N.A - ZAVALETA LAB / ARTE CONTEMPORร NEO Venezuela 567, San Telmo - C.A.B.A C1095akk, Argentina T. +54 11 4342 9293 / 4304 9668 DIRECTOR: Hernรกn Zavaleta


Cynthia Cohen & Graciela Hasper GALLERY ARTISTS

Marcelo Pombo, Monica Giron, Alberto Goldenstein, Rosana Schoijett, Elba Bairon, Santiago Porter, Daniel Garcia, Monica Millan, Osias Yanov, Pablo Lapadula, Ariel Cusnir, Rosario Zorraquin, Silvia Gurfein, Mariano Ferrante, Gian Paolo Minelli, Pablo Zicarello

STAND Nยบ: A 19


GRACIELA HASPER. Untitled, 2012. Acrylic on Canvas, 195 x 205 cm

CYNTHIA COHEN. Untitled (From The Ave Roc Series Of J.L. Borges), 2012. Oil on Canvas, 170 x 240 cm


CYNTHIA CORBETT GALLERY Cynthia Corbett Gallery 15 Claremont Lodge - 15 The Downs London SW20 8UA United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0)20 8947 6782 Mobile. UK +44 (0)79 3908 5076 DIRECTOR: Cynthia Corbett GALLERY MANAGER: Celia Kinchington



Deborah Azzopardi, Lluís Barba, Christina Benz, Charlotte Bracegirdle, Andrew Burgess, Cecile Chong, Anne Francoise Couloumy, Jeremy Dean, Nicole Etienne, Ghost of a Dream, Fiona Hepburn, Tom Leighton, Jamie Lumley, Boyarde Messenger, Christiane Pooley, Klari Reis, Nicolas Saint Grégoire, Andréa Stanislav

STAND Nº: B 11


LLUÍS BARBA. The Studio of the Painter, Pierre Subleyras (El estudio del pintor, Pierre Subleyras), 2011 Edition of 6. C-type print, Perspex mounted. 187 x181.1 cm / 73.6 x 71.3 in.

LLUÍS BARBA. Project of the Great Adequacy of the Great Gallery of the Louvre. Hubert Robert (Proyecto de la adecuación de la gran Galería del Louvre, Hubert Robert), 2010 Edition of 6. C-type print, Perspex mounted. 181.1 x 242.1 cm / 71.3 x 95.3 in.


DURBAN SEGNINI GALLERY 3072 Sw 38 Ave. Miami, Fl 33146 Usa Tel. (305) 774-7740 Fax (305) 774-7741 DIRECTORS: César Segnini, Sulay Segnini ASSISTANT MANAGER: Jacqueline Cardentey


Carmelo Arden Quin, Martin Blaszko, Agustín Cárdenas, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Beto De Volder, León Ferrari, Bolivar Gaudin, Edgar Negret, Cesar Paternosto, Alejandro Puente, Ramirez Villamizar, Omar Rayo, Antonio Segui, Jesus Soto, Fernando De Syzslzo GALLERY ARTISTS

Carmelo Arden Quin, William Barbosa, Agustín Cárdenas, Omar Carreño, Beto De Volder, Fernando De Szyszlo, Carlos Evangelista, Bolivar Gaudin, Mateo Manaure, Cesar Paternosto, Ramírez Villamizar, Omar Rayo, Carlos Rojas, Antonio Seguí, Fanny Sanin

STAND Nº: D 03


RAMIREZ VILLAMIZAR. Entrada al Dorado, 1961. Relief on wood. 33 x 33 in. (85 x 85 cm)

CARMELO ARDEN QUIN. Untitled, 1951. Duco on Wood, 19.4 x 17 in. (49 x 43 cm)


EL MUSEO / FERNANDO PRADILLA Carrera 11 # 93 A 43, Bogotá – Colombia Tel. 57 (1) 6107451 Fax. 57 (1) 2570329 - Cel. 57 3115316323 Claudio Coello, 20 Madrid 28001, Spain Tel. (34) 915754804 Fax. (34) 915776907 DIRECTORS: Luis Fernando Pradilla, Marielo Góngora ASSISTANTS: Camila Urdaneta, Natalia Guimón EXHIBITING ARTISTS

Manuel Calderón, Álvaro Barrios, Marco Mojica, Germán Gómez, César Delgado, Moisés Mahiques, Marcos López GALLERY ARTISTS

Albano Afonso (Brasil), Mira Bernabeu (España), Alejandro Bombin (España), Starsky Brines (Venezuela), Juan Francisco Casas (España), Mario Cravo Neto (Brasil), Hildebrando De Castro (Brasil), César Delgado (España), Salvador Díaz (México), Adriana Duque (Colombia), Victoria Encinas (España), Emilio Gañán (España), Germán Gómez (España), Miguel Harte (Argentina), Pipo Hernández (España), Marcos López (Argentina), Moisés Mahiques (España), Armando Mariño (Cuba), Juan Carlos Martínez (España), Fernando Montiel (México), Beth Moysés (Brasil), Miguel Orts Vizcarra (España), Marta María Pérez Bravo (Cuba), Mauro Piva (Brasil), Ambra Polidori (México), Ángel Ricardo Ríos (Cuba), Alejandra Seeber (Argentina), Diego Vallejo (España), Mónica Van Asperen (Argentina), Alexis W. (España), Ana Adarve (Colombia), Fernando Botero (Colombia), Aurora Cañero (España), José Horacio Martínez (Colombia), Marco Mojica (Colombia), Mariana Monteagudo (Argentina), Vicky Neumann (Colombia), Alejandro Obregón (Colombia), Nadín Ospina (Colombia), Catalina Ortiz (Colombia), Lina Sinisterra (Colombia), Carlos Salazar Arenas (Colombia), Sebastian Dávila (Colombia), Luis Caballero (Colombia), Juan Antonio Roda (España), Manuel Calderón (Colombia), Alvaro Barrios (Colombia)

STAND Nº: D 15


ÁLVARO BARRIOS. Believe it or not! (Nam June Paik), 2010. Acrílico sobre lienzo, 100 x 140 cm

MARCO MOJICA. “Tate” y “Prado” de la serie “Bling – Bling” 2012. Tinta sobre papel, 70 x 70 cm c/u


ENGLAND & CO 90-92 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NT United Kingdom T. +44 (0) 20 7436 1873 DIRECTOR: Jane England ADMINISTRATOR: Peter Gordon-Stables GALLERY MANAGER: Derek MacRae


John Dugger Cecilia Vicuña Aruma - Sandra de Berduccy Clay Perry

CLAY PERRY. Portrait of Mira Schendel, London 1966. Photograph. Edition of 20

STAND Nº: D 19


JOHN DUGGER. Photomontage of Perennial Ergonic Sculpture Multiple 1970

JOHN DUGGER. Chile Vencera Banner, 1974. 20 unit strip-banner, appliqued and embroidered, 6.6 x 4.5 m, Trafalgar Square, London 1974 Rally for Democracy in Chile.


ESPACIO MÍNIMO C/ Doctor Fourquet, 17 Madrid, Spain - 28012 Tel. +34 91 467 61 56 DIRECTORS: José Martínez Calvo, Luis Valverde MANAGER: José Manuel Solomando


Juan Luis Moraza, Bene Bergado Felipe Cortés, Manu Muniategiandikoetxea Liliana Porter, Gamaliel Rodríguez


Manu Arregui, Nono Bandera, Bene Bergado, Anne Berning, Felipe Cortés, Liu Ding, Jan Fabre, Miguel Ángel Gaüeca, Philip Jones, Enrique Marty, Antonio Montalvo, Juan Luis Moraza, Manu Muniategiandikoetxea, Neil Farber & Michael Dumontier, Erwin Olaf, Liliana Porter, Tom of Finland, Gamaliel Rodríguez

STAND Nº: B 03


JUAN LUIS MORAZA. Loevel, 2010. Enameled bronze, 7 x 8 x 8 cms


ESPAIVISOR – GALERIA VISOR C/Corretgería, 40 bajo izq. 46001 Valencia Spain Tel. 963 922 399 / DIRECTORS: Mira Bernabeu and Miriam Lozano, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: David Serrano


Carlos Leppe, Joan Fontcuberta, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Luis González Palma


Sanja Ivekovic (Croacia), Hamish Fulton (Inglaterra), Carlos Leppe (Chile), Miguel Ángel Rojas (Colombia), Oswaldo Maciá (Colombia), Nil Yalter (Egipto – Turquía - Francia), Esther Ferrer (España), Eulalia Valldosera (España), Daniel G. Andújar (España), Lynne Cohen (Canadá), Luis González Palma (Guatemala), Braco Dimitrijevic (BosniaHerzegovina), Andrew Gaston (Irlanda), Alberto Baraya (Colombia), Thomas Weinberger (Alemania), Renée Green (EE.UU), Joan Fontcuberta (España).

STAND Nº: B 13


CARLOS LEPPE. El perchero, 1975. Fotografías blanco y negro. Tríptico: 50 x 164 cm. cada una


ESTUDIO ARTE 8 Av. Orinoco Edif. ElKano Piso 2 Ofic. 5 (0201) Las Mercedes Caracas 1060 Venezuela Telfax. +58 212 991.30.50 DIRECTORS: Mariela Lairet


Asdrúbal Colmenárez, María Fernanda Lairet, Dalia Ferreira, Tony Vázquez, Pancho Quilici, Gabriela Morawetz GALLERY ARTISTS

Antuan, Violette Bule, Mariano Costa-Peuser, Asdrúbal Colmenárez, Vicente Diez, Dalia Ferreira, María Fernanda Lairet, Ignacio Monque, Magaly Otaola. Álvaro Paz, Arturo Quintero, Mafe Sotillo Lairet, Gastón Ugalde, Tony Vázquez, Marcelo Wong ASDRUBAL COLMENAREZ. Des trame 5, 2012. Mixed Media. 1,30 x 1,50 cm

STAND Nº: B 21


MARIA FERNANDA LAIRET. Looking for green happiness, 2012. Photography in 3D. 100 x 67,28 cm


FEDERICO LUGER Via Circo 1 20123 Milan - Italy Phone: +39 02 67391341 DIRECTOR: Federico Luger


Diango Hernandez, Luis Molina-Pantin, Fausto Gilberti GALLERY ARTISTS

Michaël Aerts, Abdelkader Benchamma, Lorenza Boisi, Mattia Bosco, Gabriele Di Matteo, Igor Eskinja, Bruna Esposito, Franklin Evans, Fausto Gilberti, Diango Hernández, Luis Molina-Pantin, Gianni Pettena, Luca Pozzi, Mp & Mp Rosado, Nikola Uzunovski

STAND Nº: B 01


DIANGO HERNAĚ NDEZ. Diamonds and Stones My Education c print 50 x 70 cm courtesy Federico Luger


FREDERICO SEVE GALLERY / LATINCOLLECTOR 37 West 57th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA Tel: 212-334-7813 Fax: 212-334-7830 CEO: Frederico Sève DIRECTOR: Alicia Ehni MANAGER: Adriana Franco


Featuring works by: Jesus Rafael Soto, Omar Rayo, Carmen Herrera, Fanny Sanín, Emilio Sanchez, Elizabeth Jobim JESUS RAFAEL SOTO. Homenaje al Humano, 1970’s, Painted metal on wood relief, 19.75 x 26 x 4.75 in.


Fanny Sanín, Elizabeth Jobim, Emilio Sanchez, André Cypriano, Yoshi, Ana de la Cueva, Ana Patricia Palacios, Jose Tannuri, Miriam Costanza, Gabriela Machado, Peter Soriano, Santiago Picatoste, Luis Cantillo

STAND Nº: D 09


OMAR RAYO. Witoto, 1970. Acrylic on canvas and wood, 40 x 40 in.

CARMEN HERRERA. Quartet, 1961, Acrylic on four panels of canvas and wood, 30.5 x 50.5 in.


GALERIA FILOMENA SOARES Rua da Manutenção – 80 1900-321 Lisboa Portugal T: +351218624122/3 F: +351218624124 Cel: +351962373956 DIRECTORS: Filomena Soares, Manuel Santos ASSISTANTS: Lúcia Conceição, Bruno Múrias, Hugo Dinis, María Colubi


Bruno Pacheco, Carlos Motta, Didier Faustino, Dias & Riedweg, Helena Almeida, Jean-Marc Bustamante, João Penalva, José Pedro Croft, Pedro Barateiro, Peter Zimmermann, Pilar Albarracín, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rui Ferreira, Vasco Araújo VASCO ARAUJO. Capita, 2011. Colour digital prints. 180 x 92 cm. Unique piece


Ângela Ferreira, António Olaio, Bruno Pacheco, Carlos Motta, Didier Faustino, Dias & Riedweg, Ghada Amer, Günther Förg, Helena Almeida, Imi Knoebel, Inês Botelho, Jan de Cock, Jean-Marc Bustamante, João Pedro Vale, João Penalva, José Pedro Croft, Júlia Ventura, Pedro Barateiro, Pedro Casqueiro, Peter Zimmermann, Pia Fries, Pilar Albarracín, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rui Ferreira, Slater Bradley, Shirin Neshat, Tracey Moffatt, Vasco Araújo

STAND Nº: D 17 / C 15


CARLOS MOTTA. Interior Garden of the Singeverga Monastery, Roriz – Santo Tirso (from DEUS POBRE: Modern Sermons of Communal Lament, 2011). Digital C-print; wood frame and copper engraved label. Dimensions: 38,1x61 cm Ed. 5

RODRIGO OLIVEIRA. Faรงade (Preciosa Luxalon), 2012. Metallic grid, expanded polyurethane, enamel paint, acrylic glass and mirror. 180 x 200 x 18 cm. Unique piece


GALERIA LA CAJA NEGRA Fernando VI, 17 – 2º Izq 28004 Madrid Spain Tel. +34 91 310 43 60 Fax. +34 91 308 72 38 Cell +34 650 971 236 DIRECTOR: Fernando Cordero de Lastra Issa M. Benítez Rubén Blanco Hervés


Carlos Garaicoa, Mathias Goeritz Jan Hendrix, Jonathan Hernández, Julio Le Parc, Liliana Porter, Benjamin Torres, Regina Silveira GALLERY ARTISTS

Carlos Bunga, Pedro Calapez, José Pedro Croft, Félix Curto, Carlos Garaicoa, Mathias Goeritz, Luis Gordillo, Jan Hendrix, Jonathan Hernández, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Enrique Jezik, Julio Le Parc, Muntadas, Nico Munuera, Liliana Porter, Betsabeé Romero, Antonio Saura, Richard Serra, Regina Silveira, Laureana Toledo, Benjamin Torres

STAND Nº: C 05


CARLOS GARAICOA. Frases, 2009. Impresión y gofrado sobre papel, 55 x 46 cm. Edición 15 ejemplares

Mathias Goeritz. Serpiente de El Eco (El Barco) Ca. 1953. Bronce 22 x 65 x 4 cm aprox.

JULIO LE PARC. Coleour, 1971. Serigraf铆a 78 x 62 cm. Edici贸n 200 ejemplares


GC ARTE Esmeralda 978 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel. +54-11-4314-1468 Tel. +54-11-4515-0496 DIRECTORS: Luisa Pedrouzo, Gianni Campochiaro


Julio Le Parc, Juan Melé, Carlos Silva, Francisco Sobrino, Cristina Ghetti GALLERY ARTISTS

Marcela Astorga, Irene Banchero, Leo Battistelli, Martin Bonadeo, Maria Boneo, Martha Boto, Ari Brizzi, Paolo Campochiaro, Eduardo Costa, Jorge De la Vega, Ernesto Deirá, José Antonio Fernández Muro, León Ferrari, Sara Grilo, Gyula Kosice, Ricardo Lanzarini, Raúl Lozza, Eduardo Mac Entyre, Victor Magariños, Sameer Makarius, Maria Martorell, Luis Felipe Noé, Aldo Paparella, Silvia Rivas, Ignacio Valdez, Gregorio Vardanega, Miguel Ángel Vidal

STAND Nº: A 12


CRISTINA GHETTI. Mareas, 2011. Pinturas acrílicas sobre lienzo, 160 x 160 cm

FRANCISCO SOBRINO. S/T, 1967. Acrílico. 39,5 x 39,5 x 9,5 cm


GONZÁLEZ Y GONZÁLEZ Santa Lucia 382 Depto 3d 8320151 - Santiago Chile DIRECTORS: Daniella González, Olvier Pesret


Natalia Babarovic, Fernando Bryce, Jota Castro, Darío Escobar, Patrick Hamilton, Sebastián Preece, Jorge Tacla GALLERY ARTISTS

Natalia Babarovic, Fernando Bryce, Tania Bruguera, Jota Castro, Darío Escobar, Gianfranco Foschino, Godiechiari, Patrick Hamilton, Ciprian Homorodean, Moris (Israel Moreno), Sebastián Preece, Santiago Sierra, Jorge Tacla, David Zink Yi

STAND Nº: C 03


JOTA CASTRO. La hucha de los Incas, 2010. Color photography / fotografía a color, 45 x 60 cm. Edition / Edición de 5.

JORGE TACLA. Identidad Oculta # 8, 2011. Oil and wax on canvas, 30 x 40 cm.

PATRICK HAMILTON. Proyecto de Arquitecturas revestidas, 2008-2009. Photography B/N operated on contact paper / fotograf铆a B/N intervenida con papel contact, 158 x 108 cm. Edition / Edici贸n de 3.


GALERIA GRAÇA BRANDÃO Rua dos Caetanos, 26A 1200-079 Lisboa Portugal T. +351213469183 M. +351919864469 Director: José Mário Brandão ASSISTANTS: Andreia Poças, António José Leal


Albuquerque Mendes, Carla Filipe, Fernanda Gomes, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, Lygia Pape, Mauro Cerqueira, Nelson Leirner, Nuno Ramalho, Nuno Sousa Vieira, Rui Chafes GALLERY ARTISTS

Albano Afonso, Albuquerque Mendes, Ana Vieira, António Leal, Carla Filipe, Daniel Senise, Fernanda Gomes, Glen Rubsamen, Gonçalo Pena, João Galrão, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, João Tabarra, Lygia Pape, Mauro Cerqueira, Nelson Leirner, Nuno Ramalho, Nuno Sousa Vieira, Orla Barry, Pedro Tudela, Rui Chafes, Sam Samore

STAND Nº: D 23 / D 25


JOÃO MARIA GUSMÃO + PEDRO PAIVA Tortoise and Parrot, 2011. Chromogenic colour print. 118 x 165 cm

LYGIA PAPE. Sem tĂ­tulo. Tecelar, 1958. Woodcut on Japanese paper. 30 x 54 cm [Projeto Lygia Pape]


HENRIQUE FARÍA FINE ART 35 East 67th Street 4th floor, New York NY 10065 USA DIRECTORS: Aimé Iglesias Lukin – Eugenia Sucre


Diego Barboza, Michael Gitlin, Leandro Katz, Leopoldo Mahler, Marta Minujín, Claudio Pena, Alejandro Puente, Osvaldo Romberg, Pedro Terán, Horacio Zabala GALLERY ARTISTS

Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck, Álvaro Barrios, Luis F. Benedit, Oscar Bony, Emilio Chapela, Carlos Castillo, Omar Carreño, Eduardo Costa, Jaime Davidovich, Guillermo Deisler, José Gabriel Fernández, Michael Gitlin, Nicolás García Uriburu, Terence Gower, Anna Bella Geiger, Carlos Ginzburg, Leandro Katz, Leopoldo Maler, Marta Minujín, Alejandro Puente, Luis Roldán, Osvaldo Romberg, Pedro Terán, Horacio Zabala

STAND Nº: D 13 / C 11

MARTA MINUJÍN. Resolviendo el conflicto con maíz, el oro latinoamericano, y arte, 1996-2012. (Solving a Conflict with Art and Corn, "the Latin American Gold"). Five photographs of a photo-performance made at London's ICA in 1996 with Margaret Thatcher's official double. C-Prints. 47 1/4 x 47 1/4 in. each (120 x 120 cm.). Edition of 3 + AP.


ALEJANDRO PUENTE. Trama, color y luz, 1969. Graphite and acrylic on paper. 16 7/8 x 25 1/2 in. (42,7 x 64,8 cm)


IDEOBOX ARTSPACE 2417 N. Miami Ave, Miami Fl 33127 USA Tel. 305-576-9878 Fax. 305-573-4617 CO-DIRECTOR’S: Herman Leyba and Tanya Brillembourg ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Alexandra Gauthier HONORARY ADVISOR: Tanya Capriles Brillembourg


Roberto Coromina, Rodrigo Echeverri, Andres Monteagudo GALLERY ARTISTS

Jorge Cabieses, Eduardo Costa, Rodrigo Echeverri, Andres Monteagudo, Pepe Lopez

STAND Nº: C 01


ANDRES MONTEAGUDO. Se la serie “Fúgas”, 2012. Acrylic and tips steel on canvas and wood. 200 x 150 cm

RODRIGO ECHEVERRI. Disecci贸n de un caj贸n, 2011. Acrylic, oil on wood, 124 x 180 cm


JAGGEDART 28 A Devonshire Street London W1G 6PS United Kingdom Tel: 44 (0) 20 7486 7374 DIRECTORS: Andrea Harari, Janeen Haythornthwaite MANAGER: Jessie Temple


Ricardo Cinalli, Livia Marin, Francisca Prieto


Sara J Beazley, Tracey Bush, Rachael Clewlow, Dido Crosby, Paul Hart, Tom Henderson, Katherine Jones, Stuart Redler, Rachel Shaw Ashton, Antonia Spowers, Patricia Swannell, Kazuhito Takadoi, Jude Tucker, Thurle Wright

STAND Nยบ: A 14


FRANCISCA PRIETO. Between Folds/ Ordres D'Architecture. Les ordres d'architecture des grecs et des romains et ceux des auteurs modernes by Charles Normand. Published: A Paris. 147 x 92 cm


JOSÉ DE LA MANO GALERÍA DE ARTE Claudio Coello, 6 28001 MADRID Spain Tel. + 34 91 435 01 74 DIRECTOR: José de la Mano ASSISTANT: Alberto Manrique


ABSTRACCIÓN GEOMÉTRICA ESPAÑOLA DE LOS 50/ SPANISH GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION OF THE 50’S Manuel Calvo, José Duarte, Equipo 57, José María de Labra, Pablo Palazuelo, Juan Puig Manera, Eusebio Sempere, Jesús de la Sota


Manuel Calvo, José Duarte, José María de Labra, Juan Puig Manera, Jesús de la Sota

STAND Nº: A 09


MANUEL CALVO. Puerta del Sol, 1962. Acrylic on canvas. 72 x 58 cm. Exhibited in Paris, Galerie Denise René, 1962

JESÚS DE LA SOTA. Sillas / Chairs, c. 1955-1956. Gouache and ink on card. 50 x 65 cm.

JOSÉ MARÍA DE LABRA. Fuengirola, 1958. Vinyl on board. 75 x 120 cm


LA GALERIA – ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO Calle 77 # 12-03 Bogotá, Colombia Tel. +00571 6009795 DIRECTOR: Luis Aristizabal


Carlos Castro, Adriana Salazar, Adriana Marmorek, Livia Marin


Carlos Castro, Adriana Salazar, Adriana Marmorek, Livia Marin, Edgar Guzmanruiz, Luis F Ramirez Celis, Paulo Licona, David Peña, Francisco Klinger Carvalho, Eulalia de Valdenebro, Santiago Leal

STAND Nº: B 05


ADRIANA MARMOREK. Loss, 2007. Blowed glass, electric resistance, paraffin. Variable dimensions

CARLOS CASTRO. Harvest, 2011. Corn, Human Theeth. 30 x 10 x 7 cm


LGM ARTE INTERNACIONAL Carrera 13 # 82 - 91 L. 101 Bogotá, Colombia Tel. +571.5304350 Fax. +571.5304350 Cel. 57-314 4098032 DIRECTORS: Luis Guillermo Moreno, Elvira Moreno ASSISTANT: María Isabel Pérez


Fernando Botero, Rafael Barrios, Alfonso Alvarez, Dario Ortiz, Gustavo Velez and Fernando de Szyszlo


Fernando Botero, Darío Ortiz, Alfonso Álvarez, Gustavo Vélez, Edgar Negret, Omar Rayo, Jesús Rafael Soto, Fernando de Szyszlo, Ignacio Iturria, Rafael Barrios, Hernán Miranda, Takashi Yukawa, Kwon Soonik GUSTAVO VELEZ. Rhythm, 2009. Bronze. 200 x 40 x 23 cm

STAND Nº: A 31


FERNANDO BOTERO. Circus, 2007. Mix media. 40 x 31 cm.

DARIO ORTIZ. The incredulous, 2011. Oil / canvas. 160 x 120 cm


LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 842 Vila Olímpia 04547 003 São Paulo – Brazil Tel: +55 11 3842 0634 DIRECTOR: Luciana Brito


Caio Reisewitz, Eder Santos, Geraldo de Barros, Héctor Zamora, Liliana Porter, Pablo Lobato, Regina Silveira, Rochelle Costi, Saint Clair Cemin, Tiago Tebet, Waldemar Cordeiro GALLERY ARTISTS

Alex Katz, Allan McCollum, Anthony McCall, Caio Reisewitz, Delson Uchôa, Eder Santos, Fabiana de Barros & Michel Favre, Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich, Geraldo de Barros, Héctor Zamora, João Luiz Musa, Leandro Erlich, Liliana Porter, Lucas Bambozzi, Marina Abramovic, Mônica Nador, Pablo Lobato, Paula Garcia, Raphaël Zarka, Rafael Carneiro, Regina Silveira, Ricardo Basbaum, Rochelle Costi, Saint Clair Cemin, Tiago Tebet, Waldemar Cordeiro

STAND Nº: A 05


CAIO REISEWITZ. Ministério das Relações Exteriores (Palácio do Itamaraty) XVIII, 2005. C-print mounted on Diasec. 39,3 x 47,2 in. Ed 1/3

WALDEMAR CORDEIRO. A Mulher que Não É B.B., 1971. Offset printout (3/20 signed by the artist). 28 x 22 in. Ed 33/300


LUIS ADELANTADO VALENCIA / MEXICO Bonaire 6, 46003 Valencia, Spain T: +34 963 510 179 F: +34 963 512 944 Laguna de Términos 260, Col. Anahuac, 11320 Mexico City, Mexico T: +52 55 5545 6645 / 6631 DIRECTOR IN MEXICO: Luis Adelantado DIRECTOR IN VALENCIA: Olga Adelantado


Priscilla Monge (Costa Rica), Miguel Rael (Spain), Oswaldo Ruiz (Mexico), Emilio Valdés (Mexico), Darío Villalba (Spain) Rodrigo Sastre (Argentina) GALLERY ARTISTS

Diego Bianchi (Argentina) Sophie Calle (France) Óscar Carrasco (Spain) Marcos Castro (Mexico) Kimberly Clark (Holland) Bayrol Jiménez (Mexico) Folkert de Jong (Holland) Luis Gordillo (Spain) Rubén Guerrero (Spain) Martín Núñez (Mexico) Priscilla Monge (Costa Rica) Juan Navarro Baldeweg (Spain) Miguel Rael (Spain) Miguel Angel Ríos (Argentina) Oswaldo Ruíz (Mexico) Rodrigo Sastre (Mexico) Montserrat Soto (Spain) Eduardo Sourrouille (Spain) Morten Slettemeås (Norway) Emilio Valdés (Mexico) Iris van Dongen (Holland) Darío Villalba (Spain)

STAND Nº: A 13


EMILIO VALDÉS. Untitled #1 & #2, 2012. Link on paper. 120 x 80 cm. Each one


MADDOX ARTS GALLERY 52 Brook's Mews, Mayfair. London - W1K 4ED United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)20 7495 3101 Mobile: 07917808299 / +447778595959 DIRECTOR: Mario Palencia MANAGER: Maria Alejandra Medina ADMINISTRATOR: Eliot Dodd


Emilia Sunyer, Esteban Peña, Knopp Ferro, Francisco Nicolás and Lucía Pizzani


Caroline Rothwell, Cipriano Martínez, Daniel Medina, Dodi Reifenberg, Emi Miyashita, Emilia Sunyer, Esteban Peña, Francisco Nicolás, Knopp Ferro, Julian Wild, Maddalena Ambrosio, Mercedes Baliarda, Mondongo, Peter Griffin, Rafael Reverón and Vicente Grondona

STAND Nº: A 17


EMILIA SUNYER. Leda, 2011. Acrylic on board. 122 x 244 cm

FRANCISCO NICOLAS. The Spirit of the Mountain, 2012. Acrylic on board. 81 x 122 cm


MAX WIGRAM GALLERY 106 New Bond Street W1s 1dn London United Kingdom DIRECTOR: Max Wigram Ines de Seroux James Fox


Luiz Zerbini Ximena Garrido-Lecca

STAND Nยบ: A 03

LUIZ ZERBINI. Lost in Paradise, 2011 slides and tape. 56 x 46 cm unframed. 80 x 70 x 12 cm framed (MW4694)


XIMENA GARRIDO-LECCA. Tombola, 2012. Metal, rafia, rubber, metal paint, newspapers, sweet wrapper, matchbox 118 x 104 x 58 cm (MW4590)


GALERIA OSCAR ROMAN Julio Verne #14 Colonia Polanco. Código Postal 11560 Ciudad de México , Distrito Federal, Mexico Tel: +52 55 5280 0436 / 5281 0270 Fax: +52 55 5280 1594 DIRECTOR: Oscar Román


Alice Rahon, Gustavo Villegas, Leonora Carrington, Lourdes Almeida, Manuel de los Ángeles, Marco Arce, Wolfgang Paalen GALLERY ARTISTS

Agustín Portillo, Alejandro Arango, Alice Rahon, Álvaro Santiago, Carlos Vivar, Carolina Convers, Chantale Mazín, Estrella Carmona, Gabriel Guerrero, Gustavo Villegas, Jazzamoart, Jesús Urbieta, Jorge Alzaga, Jorge Luna, Jorge Marín, José Castro Leñero, José Luis Bustamante, Leonora Carrington, Lourdes Almeida, Lucero Isaac, Luciano Spano, Luis Filcer, Luis Fracchia, Luis Granda, Manuel de los Ángeles, Marco Arce, Mario Nuñez, Rocío Caballero, Víctor Chaca, Vladimir Cora, Wolfgang Paalen

STAND Nº: A 27


WOLFGANG PAALEN. Sin título. Óleo sobre tela, 36 x 41 cm.

ALICE RAHON. Bail Hopi, 1944. Mixta sobre tela, 65 x 50 cm.

LEONORA CARRINGTON. En esta casa, 1957. Gouache sobre papel, 45 x 31 cm.


PAN AMERICAN ART PROJECTS 2450 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33127 USA T: 305.573.2400 F: 205.573.0720 C: 786.201.1099 DIRECTOR: Janda Wetherington CURATOR: Irina Leyva-Perez REGISTRAR: Fernanda Torcida PRESIDENT: Robert Borlenghi


Gustavo Acosta, Luis Cruz Azaceta, Oscar Bony, Agustín Cárdenas, León Ferrari, KCHO, Guido Llinás, Roberto Matta, José Mijares, Raúl Milián, Alicia Penalba, Mariano Rodríguez, Loló Soldevilla, Antonio Vidal GALLERY ARTISTS

Gustavo Acosta, Luis Cruz Azaceta, Abel Barroso, Luis Enrique Camejo, William Cannings, Hernan Dompé, Carlos Estevez, Ernesto Estevez, León Ferrari, Jose Manuel Fors, Carlos Gonzalez, Ted Larsen, Paul Manes, Armando Mariño, Gian Paolo Minelli, Elsa Mora, Ronald Morán, Santiago Olazabal,Pedro Pablo Oliva, Jorge Perianes, Santiago Porter, Carolina Sardi, Rusty Scruby, Magnus Sigurdarson, Tracey Snelling, Pablo Soria, Toirac & Meira, Lucia Warck-Meister

STAND Nº: D 21


AGUSTIN CARDENAS. Untitled, 1953. Wood sculpture. 25,4 x 70 x 25,4 cm.

LOLO SOLDEVILLA. Untitled, 1958. Oil on canvas. 84 x 62 cm.


PAZYCOMEDIAS Pl. Colegio del Patriarca, 5 bajo-dcha. 46002 Valencia Spain Tel. +34 96 391 89 06 Fax +34 93 391 92 18 DIRECTORS: José Vicente Santaemilia, Teresa Legarre


Ruth Morán, Anna Talens, Nuno Nunes-Ferreira, Zoé T. Vizcaíno


Albert Corbí, Anna Talens, David Jiménez, Diego Opazo, Eduardo Nave, Ernesto Casero, José Guerrero, Judas Arrieta, Kribi Heral, María Ortega, Nuno Nunes-Ferreira, Pepe Talavera, Zoé T. Vizcaino, Raúl Belinchón, Ruth Morán, Sergio Luna

STAND Nº: C 09


ZOE T. VIZCAINO. Maelstrom Saltstraumen, 160711 · OUT18:33, 2011 Print Injekt, Ultrachrome pigmented inks. Hahnemühle Photo Rag Baryta 180 x 125 cm. Ed. 1/3

NUNO NUNES-FERREIRA. Ugarit, 2012. Mixed media on canvases. 130 x 105 x 12 cm


PROMETEOGALLERY DI IDA PISANI Via G. Ventura 3, 20134 Milan, Italy Tel/Fax 0039 02 26924450 DIRECTOR: Ida Pisani


Regina José Galindo, Santiago Sierra, Anibal Lopez, Patrick Hamilton, Ronald Moran, Rosemberg Sandoval


Alterazioni Video , Zbynek Baladran, Rossella Biscotti, Democracia, Regina José Galindo, Hiwa K, Aníbal López (A-1 53167), Ivan Moudov, Ciprian Muresan, ORLAN, Marco Salvetti, Santiago Sierra, Giuseppe Stampone, Veres Szabolcs, David Ter-Oganyan, Stefanos Tsivopoulos, Vangelis Vlahos, Driant Zeneli

STAND Nº: A 25


ANIBAL LOPEZ (A-1 53167). Pintando con los ojos vendados, 2012. Video, 9' 24''. Courtesy prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milan/Lucca.

SANTIAGO SIERRA. One person, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea. Trento, Italy. October 2005, lambda print on dibond, 120 x 180 cm. Courtesy prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milan/Lucca.

REGINA JOSE GALINDO. Carnada, 2006. Malecon de Santo Domingo, Republica dominicana, lambda print on forex, 80 x 120 cm. Courtesy prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milan/Lucca.


RAFAEL ORTIZ C/ Mármoles 12, 41004 Sevilla, Spain Tel: + 34 954 21 48 74 Fax: + 34 954 22 64 02 Celular: + 34 607 48 53 81 DIRECTOR: Rafael Ortiz Domínguez


Carmen Calvo, Yamandú Canosa, Curro González Graciela Iturbide, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Betsabeé Romero, Antoni Socías CARMEN CALVO. Falso entre lo que he sido y lo que soy, 2012 Técnica mixta, collage, libro. 14 x 21,5 cm GALLERY ARTISTS

Eugenio Ampudia, José María Baez, Manolo Bautista, Natividad Bermejo, Jaime Burguillos, Patricio Cabrera, Carmen Calvo, Miguel Ángel Campano, Yamandú Canosa, Luis Cruz Hernández, Teresa Duclós, Dorothea von Elbe, Equipo 57, Evru-Zush, Jorge García Pfretzschner, Luis Gordillo, Curro González, Rubén Guerrero, Sara Huete, Juan Francisco Isidro, Graciela Iturbide, Carmen Laffón, Miki Leal, Pedro Mora, Nico Munuera, Ángel Padrón, Jesús Palomino, Pamen Pereira, José Miguel Pereñíguez, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Betsabeé Romero, Manuel Rufo, Inmaculada Salinas, Antoni Socías, Juan Suárez, Ignacio Tovar, Patricio Vélez, Daniel Verbis, José María Yturralde

STAND Nº: D 01


YAMANDU CANOSA. BanderaNo, 2008. Gouache s/ papel. 61 x 86 cm

ANTONI SOCIAS. Calle Calamar, 2011. Acrílico s/ tabla. 39 x 141,6 cm


RAFAEL ORTIZ , EQUIPO 57 C/ Mármoles 12, 41004 Sevilla, Spain Tel: + 34 954 21 48 74 Fax: + 34 954 22 64 02 Celular: + 34 607 48 53 81 DIRECTOR: Rafael Ortiz Domínguez



Eugenio Ampudia, José María Baez, Manolo Bautista, Natividad Bermejo, Jaime Burguillos, Patricio Cabrera, Carmen Calvo, Miguel Ángel Campano, Yamandú Canosa, Luis Cruz Hernández, Teresa Duclós, Dorothea von Elbe, Equipo 57, Evru-Zush, Jorge García Pfretzschner, Luis Gordillo, Curro González, Rubén Guerrero, Sara Huete, Juan Francisco Isidro, Graciela Iturbide, Carmen Laffón, Miki Leal, Pedro Mora, Nico Munuera, Ángel Padrón, Jesús Palomino, Pamen Pereira, José Miguel Pereñíguez, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Betsabeé Romero, Manuel Rufo, Inmaculada Salinas, Antoni Socías, Juan Suárez, Ignacio Tovar, Patricio Vélez, Daniel Verbis, José María Yturralde

STAND Nº: A 01


EQUIPO 57. Sin título, 1960-61. Tinta y collage sobre papel. 17,5 x 10 cm

EQUIPO 57. Sin título (KØ-8), 1958. Óleo sobre lienzo. 97 x 130 cm

EQUIPO 57. Vista parcial exposición Concepto-Contexto, 2009. Galería Rafael Ortiz. Sevilla. España.


SALAR GALERÍA DE ARTE Ave. Ecuador # 2534 La Paz – Bolivia DIRECTOR: Mariano Ugalde


Gastón Ugalde, Sonia Falcone, Artnold


Gastón Ugalde, Scarlett Hooft, Sonia Falcone, John Fitzgerald, Artnold, Keiko Gonzalez

ARTNOLD. Sin título 3, 2011. Mixed media. 100 x 60 x 50 cm

STAND Nº: A 39


GASTON UGALDE. Salar X, 2012. Instalación técnica mixta - Lana, PVC, Cuero, Maderas. Dimensiones variables

SONIA FALCONE. From East to West, 2012. Instalación técnica mixta – cables, plástico, maderas. 3 x 2 Mts


SAMMER GALLERY 125 NW 23rd ST. Miami FL 33127 USA Wynwood Arts District 305.576.1995 / 305.441.2005 DIRECTORS: Ignacio Pedronzo Natalia Peyrous EXHIBITING ARTISTS

Romulo Aguerre, Carmelo Arden Quin, Antonio Asis, Jose Pedro Costigliolo, Manuel Espinosa, Maria Freire, Jose Gurvich, Victor Magariños, Hugo Marziani, Ana Sacerdote, Eduardo Seron, Augusto Torres, Joaquin Torres-Garcia GALLERY ARTISTS

Romulo Aguerre, Julio Alpuy, Dayman Antunez, Carmelo Arden Quin, Antonio Asis, Pablo Atchugarry, Martha Boto, Antonio Caraduje, Jose Pedro Costigliolo, Carlos Cruz Diez, Manuel Espinosa, Pedro Figari, Gonzalo Fonseca, Maria Freire, Jose Gamarra, Jose Gurvich, Julio Leparc, Antonio Llorens, Hilda Lopez, Victor Magariños, Hugo Marziani, Samer Makarious, Manuel Pailos, Ricardo Pascale, Raul Pavlotzky, Ana Sacerdote, Eduardo Seron, Jesus Rafael Soto, Augusto Torres, Horacio Torres, Joaquin Torres-Garcia, Gregorio Vardanega, Miguel Angel Vidal

STAND Nº: D 07


EDUARDO SERON. Proyecto Mural, 1959. Tempera on cardboard. 46 x 31 cm

CARMELO ARDEN QUIN. Forme H N째 1, 1952-6. Lacquer on board. 56.5 x 58.5 cm


THE AMERICAS COLLECTION 214 Andalusia Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 USA Tel. 305-446-5578 Fax. 305-446-1148 DIRECTORS: Velia Larcinese & Silvia Ortiz ASSISTANT: Paul Morales EXHIBITING ARTISTS

Jean Marc Calvet (Nicaragua/France), Omar Carreño (Venezuela), Cruz Diez (Venezuela), Karen Estrada (El Salvador), Miguel Angel Giovanetti (Argentina), Adrian Guerrero (Mexico), Armando Morales (Nicaragua), Omar Rayo (Colombia), Fernando Toledo (Ecuador), Daniel Viñoly (Uruguay), Elena Wen (Costa Rica) Jean Jacques Ribi (Panama/Italy). GALLERY ARTISTS

Felix Ángel (Colombia), Patricia Belli (Nicaragua), Lina Binkele (Colombia), Enrique Campuzano (Chile), Miriam Calzada (Dominican Republic), Jorge Cavelier (Colombia), Jean Marc Calvet (France/Nicaragua), Mariadolores Castellanos (Guatemala), Gabriela Cassano (Argentina), Maria Silvia Corcuera Terán (Argentina), Ricardo Cordova (Peru), Luis Cornejo (El Salvador), Omar d’Leon (Nicaragua), Karen Estrada (El Salvador), Ignacio Gana (Chile), Miguel Angel Giovanetti (Argentina), Liliana Golubinsky (Argentina), Gabriel Gonzalez (Panama), Ricardo Gonzalez (Nicaragua), Antonia Guzmán (Argentina), Paul Hunter (Canada), Walterio Iraheta (El Salvador), Luis Fernandez Arroyo (Argentina), Jorge Jrisinco (Argentina), Linda Kohen (Italy/Uruguay), Connie Lloveras (Cuban-American), Armando Lara Hidalgo (Honduras), Ilse Manzanarez (Nicaragua), Braulio Matos (Panama), Paul Morales (Ecuador), Christina Motta (Brazil), Pilar Moreno (Panamá), MUHER (Spain),Pedro Muiño (Spain), Carlos Musse (Uruguay), Christian Navarro (Costa Rica) Maria Navas (Colombia), Alberto Ocón (Nicaragua), Lorenza Panero (Colombia), José Perdomo (Dominican Republic), Cristina Piceda (Argentina), Giancarlo Puppo (Argentina), Jean Jacques Ribi (Italy/Panama), Rita Rivas (Venezuela), Susana Rodriguez (Argentina), Gioconda Rojas (Costa Rica), Pedro Ruiz (Colombia), Baruj Salinas (Cuba), Rodolfo Stanley (Costa Rica), Fernando Toledo (Panama), Javier Valle-Perez (Nicaragua), Francisca Valenzuela (Chile), Jorge Vallejos (Peru), Patricia Villalobos (Nicaragua), Daniel Viñoly (Uruguay), Elena Wen (Costa Rica) STAND Nº: B 19 104

JEAN MARC CALVET (Nicaragua/France), The Simple Plan. Acrylic on canvas, 47 x 33 inches

ADRIAN GUERRERO (Mexico) Colocaciones Puntuales. Ceramic Installation, 9 inches diameter each piece

KAREN ESTRADA (El Salvador). Egg. Photograph of Paper, 6 x 8 inches each piece




e are more than pleasedhonoured to present for the third year the Pinta Art Projects section which has become one of the highlights of the fair. On this occasion we present eleven artists and eleven galleries to have more than 20 galleries participating in the Art Projects Section of Pinta, the Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art Show in its first edition in Londonwhich showcase the most exciting artists coming from Latin America and the Iberic peninsula today. The idea of having solo presentations of individual artists as well as curated booths provides for the unique opportunity to present a single artist or idea in depth, allowing curators, collectors and general public to familiarize themselvesget to know with a full body of work or proposal by a single artist in depththe presented proposals. The Art Projects present a selection of artists from different generations and from galleries from different latitudes, including Barcelona, Bogota, London, Lisbon, Madrid, Mexico, Milan, Munich, San Juan and Sao Paulo. This year, many of the Latin American artist live outside of their place of origin, for example Manuela Ribadeneira from Ecuador lives in London, while Felipe Mujica from Chile live in New York, the same with G.T. Pellizzi from Mexico who lives in New York and Laureana Toledo, also from Mexico who lives between Mexico and London. Other of the artists continue living and working in the country where they were born, this is the case of Francisco Ugarte in Guadalajara, Mexico, Jesús ‘Bubu’ Negrón in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Matheus Rocha Pitta in Brazil. All this artists are represented by galleries which are based in Sao Paulo, London, New York, Zurich, with this further evidencing the internationality of Latin American art today, and the need to liberate it from nationality based representations. The presence of these artists and galleries within the Art Projects at Pinta, will contribute to the understanding of the complex artistic production from Latin America today and to the expansion of the barriers, formats, languages, and research topics that go beyond those limited by cultural, national and regional frontiers.


Among the artists presented in the Art Projects section, we are very honoured to have the participation of Henrique Faria gallery with the work of Venezuelan artists Diego Barbosa and David LamelasPedro Teran, who were active in London during the seventies and whose work was influenced by the exhibition of Helio Oiticica in London at the Whitechapel in 1969, originally from Argentina, who lived in London from 1969 to 1976, and of Brazilian Paulo Bruscky who has been a pioneer of mail art since the 1970s. Barbosa and Teran are joined by a younger generation of artists who constitute


the avant garde of Latin American art today. The work of many of them relates in some way with the legacies of modernist, op, geometric, constructivist, and conceptual Latin American art from the 50s to the 70s. The showcasing of these legacies has been one of the greatest strengths of Pinta in London. With the Art Projects section we aim to be in dialogue and expand these legacies up to today, but also to create new paradigms for tomorrow.They are joined by a generation of artists who have been active since the 1990s like Dias & Riedweg, Zinny & Maidagan, Alexandre Arrechea, Aldo Chaparro, and Damian Ortega, and by a younger generation of artists with international presence like Jaime Gili, Federico Herrero, Gonzalo Lebrija, Cristobal Lehyt, Michael Linares, Melvin Martinez, Matheus Rocha Pitta, and Gamaliel Rodriguez among others. The presence of these artists and galleries within the Art Projects at Pinta, will contribute to the understanding of the complex artistic production from Latin America and to the expansion of the barriers, formats, languages, and research topics that go beyond those limited by cultural, national and regional frontiers. That London has become the European capital of Latin American art has not happened overnight. In the late sixties and early seventies, Brazilian artist Helio Oiticica passed through London, as well as Argentinean David Lamelas and Mexican Felipe Ehrenberg. Of important mention are two British curators who have been pioneers of the presence of Latin American Art in London. The first one, Guy Brett who in 1966, and commissioned by the Arts Council of Great Britain, curated a touring show of kinetic art which included works by Jesus Rafael Soto and Lygia Clark. In 1969 Brett also organised Helio Oiticica’s seminal exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery. Brett was also very close to Signals, the gallery run by Paul Keeler and David Medalla from 1964 to 1966 in Wigmore Street that introduced to London the work of a number of Latin American innovators such as Lygia Clark, Sergio Camargo, Mira Schendel, and Jesus Rafael Soto,. The other significant curator is Catherine Lampert, who in her period as director of Whitechapel Gallery from 1988 to 2002 organized a series of important exhibitions of Latin American artists, including Tunga in 1989, Alfredo Jaar in 1992, Guillermo Kuitca and ‘New Art from Cuba’ (Tania Bruguera, Kcho, Los Carpinteros) in 1995, Siqueiros and ‘Lines from Brazil’ (Tatiana Grinberg, Adriana VerajaoVarejao, Cabelo) in 1997 and Francisco Toledo in 2000 A special mention to the presence of Latin American artists within London has to be given to Gasworks, who currently under the direction of Alessio Antoniolli and with curator Catalia Lozano as Residencies Coordinator, has

been responsible since 1995 for the residency of more than 50 artists from Latin America in London. In the same way, INIVA, the Institute for International Visual Arts, has become through its Library a unique specialised resource centre for the investigation in London of Latin American art. The creation of Tate Modern’s Latin American Acquisitions Committee Collection in 2002 with associated curators Cuauhtemoc Medina from 2002 to 2008 and Julieta Gonzalez since 2009 and with the collaboration of Tate curator Tanya Barson has broadened the scope of Tate’s collection beyond the traditional focus on Europe and North America. Tate’s interest in Latin American art has produced a series of major retrospectives which include Helio Oiticica in 2007, Cildo Meireles in 2008, Francis Alys in 2010, and Gabriel Orozco in 2011. The generosity of the Latin American Acquisitions Committee and its patrons, and the support of the American Fund for the Tate Gallery, has also allowed Tate to acquire seminal works from Latin American artists, including Hélio Oiticica’s ‘Tropicália,’ and ‘Penetrables PN 2 and PN 3’ (1966–7), Luis Camnitzer’s ‘Leftovers’ (1970), Victor Grippo’s ‘Energy of a Potato’ (1972), Cildo Meireles’s ‘Eureka/Blindhotland’ (1970-5), Juan Downey’s ‘Video Trans Americas’ 1976, and Eugenio Dittborn’s ‘To Hang Airmail Painting No.5’ (1984) as well as the work of a younger generation of artists. In the past decade the United Kingdom has seen the arrival of a series of artists from different countries that have made London their residence, these include among others: Varda Caivano and Pablo Bronstein from Argentina, Alexandre da Cunha, Tonico Lemos Auad, Tetine, and curator Kiki Mazzucchelli from Brazil, Francisco Valdes from Chile, Oswaldo Macia and Beltran Obregon from Colombia, Manuela Ribvadeneiyra from Ecuador, Stefan Bruggemann and Raul Piña from Mexico, Ximena Garrido-Lecca from Peru, Ana Laura Lopez de la Torre from Uruguay, and Jaime Gili from Venezuela. More than representing a nation, or being a tightly knitted community, they signify the diversity of discourses and ways of making art, in continuous dialogue between their place of origin, and the place that they have chosen as home. Today, there are in London at least 20 commercial galleries who represent at least one artist of Latin American origin. We hope that the Pinta Art Fair helps expand this numbers and creates new exchanges within the participating Latin American galleries and their European counterparts, as well as expanding the participation of artists from Latin America in solo and group exhibitions and collections within European institutions.

Biography Pablo León de la Barra is a cultural producer, born in Mexico City in 1972; he lives in London since 1997. León de la Barra has curated among other exhibitions ‘To Be Political it Has to Look Nice’ (2003) at apexart in New York; ‘PR04 Biennale’ (2004 co-curator) Puerto Rico; ‘George and Dragon at ICA’ (2005), ICALondon; ‘Glory Hole’ (2006) at the Architecture Foundation-London; ‘Sueño de Casa Propia’ (2007-2008) with María Inés Rodríguez at Centre d’Art Contemporaine-Geneva, Casa Encendida-Madrid, Casa del Lago-Mexico City, and Cordoba, Spain; ‘This Is Not America’ at Beta Local in San Juan, Puerto Rico (2009); ‘El Noa Noa’ in Bogota, Colombia (2009); ‘Somewhere Under the Rainbow’, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2010); ‘Tristes Tropiques’ at The Barber Shop in Lisbon (2010); ‘Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, Yucatan and Elsewhere’ at CCE, Guatemala (2010); ‘Cerith Wyn Evans: To Know Him is To Love Him’ at Casa Barragán’, Mexico City. León de la Barra has collaborated regularly among other publications with Frog/Paris, Spike/Austria, PinUp/New York, Purple/Paris, Wallpaper/London, and Celeste/Mexico. He was co-founder of ‘24-7’ an artists-curatorial collective in London from 2002-2005, and artistic director/curator of ‘Blow de la Barra Gallery’ in London from 2005-2008. He is currently the editor of his own blog the ‘Centre for the Aesthetic Revolution’, and working on the project of the ‘Novo Museo Tropical’ a museum which could exists everywhere and nowhere and that questions current conventions of institutions, exhibitions and collections. Biografía Pablo León de la Barra es un productor cultural nacido en la Ciudad de México en 1972; ha vivido en Londres desde 1997. León de la Barra ha curado, entre otras exposiciones, ‘To Be Political it Has to Look Nice’ (2003) en apexart, Nueva York; ‘BienalPR04’ (2004, co-curador) Puerto Rico; ‘George and Dragon at ICA’ (2005), ICA-Londres; ‘Glory Hole’ (2006) en la Fundación de Arquitectura-Londres; ‘Sueño de Casa Propia’ (2007-2008) con María Inés Rodríguez en el Centre d’Art Contemporaine-Ginebra, Casa EncendidaMadrid, Casa del Lago-Ciudad de México y Córdoba, España; ‘This Is Not America’ en Beta Local, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2009); ‘El Noa Noa’ en Bogotá, Colombia (2009); ‘Somewhere Under the Rainbow’, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2010); ‘Tristes Tropiques’ en La Barbería, Lisboa (2010); ‘Incidentes de viaje en Centroamérica, Chiapas, Yucatán y otros lugares’ en CCE, Guatemala (2010); ‘Cerith Wyn Evans: To Know Him is To Love Him’, en Casa Barragán’, Ciudad de México. León de la Barra ha colaborado regularmente con Frog/París, Spike/Austria, PinUp/Nueva York, Purple/París, Wallpaper/Londres y Celeste/México, entre otras publicaciones. Fue cofundador de ‘24-7’ un colectivo artístico-curatorial que funcionó en Londres de 2002 a 2005, y director artístico/curador de la galería ‘Blow de la Barra’ en Londres, de 2005 a 2008. Actualmente es editor de su propio blog, el Centro para la Revolución Estética, y trabaja en el proyecto del ‘Nuevo Museo Tropical’, un museo que podría existir en todas partes y en ninguna, y que cuestiona las convenciones que rigen a las instituciones, las exposiciones y las colecciones en la actualidad.


CASA TRIANGULO R. Pais de Araujo, 77 São Paulo / SP / 04531-090 / Brazil Tel. + 55 11 3167 5621 Fax. + 55 11 3168 1640 DIRECTORS: Ricardo Trevisan, Rodrigo Editore


Manuela Ribadeneira GALLERY ARTISTS

Albano Afonso, Alex Cerveny, Alice Shintani, assume vivid astro focus, Bruno Faria, Camila Macedo, Camila Sposati, Daniel Acosta, Eduardo Berliner, Flávio Cerqueira, Guillermo Mora, Jack Strange, Joana Vasconcelos, Juan Tessi, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Kaoru Katayama, Manuela Ribadeneira, Marcia Xavier, Mariana Palma, Máx Gomez Canle, Nazareth Pacheco, Nunca, Pazé, Pier Stockholm, Reginaldo Pereira, Ricardo de Castro, Rogério Degaki, Rommulo Vieira Conceição, Sandra Cinto, Sergio Romagnolo, Stephen Dean, Tony Camargo, Valdirlei Dias Nunes, Vânia Mignone, Yuri Firmeza

STAND Nº: C 13


MANUELA RIBADENEIRA. El Arte de Navegar (The Art of Navigation), 2011. Brass, 25 x 8 cm.

CHRISTINGER DE MAYO Ankerstrasse 24 CH-8004 Zurich Switzerland DIRECTORS: Damian Christinger, Andrea Hinteregger De Mayo, Linda Christinger



Felipe Mujica, Johanna Unzueta, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Herbert Weber, Isabelle Krieg, Justin Hibbs, Marc Elsener, Marianne Halter, Michael Günzburger, Monica Ursina Jäger, Nigel Bennet, Sinta Werner, Susanne Hofer, Yves Netzhammer

For a Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, 1956. 2011. One colour silk screen print on paper. 101,5 x 66 cm

STAND Nº: D 29

Tsumagoi and Nikkorex, 2011 Two-color silkscreen print on paper. 97.5 x 76 cm


GALERIA FILOMENA SOARES Rua da Manutenção – 80 1900-321 Lisboa Portugal T: +351218624122/3 F: +351218624124 Cel: +351962373956 DIRECTORS: Filomena Soares, Manuel Santos ASSISTANTS: Lúcia Conceição, Bruno Múrias, Hugo Dinis, María Colubi



VASCO ARAUJO. “About Being Different, 2007. Video 16 :9 PAL, colour and stereo sound. Duration: 18’24’’ Performed by: Revd. Bernice Broggio; Revd. Jim Craig; Revd. Canon Ray Knell; Revd. Val Sheddon; Revd. Mark Worthington. Ed. 5 (Video-stills)

Ângela Ferreira, António Olaio, Bruno Pacheco, Carlos Motta, Didier Faustino, Dias & Riedweg, Ghada Amer, Günther Förg, Helena Almeida, Imi Knoebel, Inês Botelho, Jan de Cock, Jean-Marc Bustamante, João Pedro Vale, João Penalva, José Pedro Croft, Júlia Ventura, Pedro Barateiro, Pedro Casqueiro, Peter Zimmermann, Pia Fries, Pilar Albarracín, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rui Ferreira, Slater Bradley, Shirin Neshat, Tracey Moffatt, Vasco Araújo

STAND Nº: D 17 / C 15

VASCO ARAUJO. Augusta, 2008. Video 16 :9 PAL, colour and stereo sound. Duration : 8’54’’ Text: Based on Aristifanes comedy: “The Birds” Music: Extracts of the original Motion picture soundtrack “Cleopatra” by Alex North and “Ben Hur” by Miklos Rozsa. Voices: Peter Shaw and Walter Bilderback. Ed. 5. (Video-stills)


GALERIA GRAÇA BRANDÃO Rua dos Caetanos, 26A 1200-079 Lisboa Portugal T. +351213469183 M. +351919864469 Director: José Mário Brandão ASSISTANTS: Andreia Poças, António José Leal



Albano Afonso, Albuquerque Mendes, Ana Vieira, António Leal, Carla Filipe, Daniel Senise, Fernanda Gomes, Glen Rubsamen, Gonçalo Pena, João Galrão, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva, João Tabarra, Lygia Pape, Mauro Cerqueira, Nelson Leirner, Nuno Ramalho, Nuno Sousa Vieira, Orla Barry, Pedro Tudela, Rui Chafes, Sam Samore

NUNO SOUSA VIEIRA. Two Together, two pieces wooden door from the artist' studio, 85,5 x 62 x 62cm

STAND Nº: D 23 / D 25


HENRIQUE FARIA FINE ART 35 East 67th Street 4th floor, New York NY 10065 USA DIRECTORS: Aimé Iglesias Lukin – Eugenia Sucre EXHIBITING ARTISTS

Diego Barboza, Pedro Terán GALLERY ARTISTS

Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck, Álvaro Barrios, Luis F. Benedit, Oscar Bony, Emilio Chapela, Carlos Castillo, Omar Carreño, Eduardo Costa, Jaime Davidovich, Guillermo Deisler, José Gabriel Fernández, Michael Gitlin, Nicolás García Uriburu, Terence Gower, Anna Bella Geiger, Carlos Ginzburg, Leandro Katz, Leopoldo Maler, Marta Minujín, Alejandro Puente, Luis Roldán, Osvaldo Romberg, Pedro Terán, Horacio Zabala

DIEGO BARBOZA. 30 Girls with Nets, 1970. Silver gelatin print. 27 photographs 3 1/2 x 4 7/8 in. each (8,9 x 12,2 cm.) Fractions in symbols. Photography José Calabrese

STAND Nº: D 13 / C 11

PEDRO TERÁN. Develamiento, 1972/2011 (Unveiling). Silver gelatin. 19 ¾ x 34 ¼ in. (50 x 87 cm.) Ed. of 3 + AP


POST BOX GALLERY Post Box Gallery 7 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1BB United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0)207 630 0472 DIRECTORS: James Pyner, Gerardo Contreras, Sara Nachum


FRANCISCO UGARTE. An intervention at Casa Luis Barragรกn, 2011. Digital print, 175 x 122 cm

Francisco Ugarte GALLERY ARTISTS

Alastair Levy, Alejandro Pintado, Be Andr, Francisco Ugarte, Gonzalo Lebrija, Joanna Bryniarska, Kate McLeod, Kathrin Kur, Laurence Owen, Nicola Lopez, Sarah Pickering

STAND Nยบ: D 35

FRANCISCO UGARTE. Dust (Terregal), 2011. 9 digital prints, 50 x 30 cm each

FRANCISCO UGARTE. I wish I could paint a beautiful landscape, 2011. Oil on canvas,100 x 50 cm


ROBERTO PARADISE 610 Hipódromo St. San Juan, 00909 Puerto Rico DIRECTOR: Francisco Rovira Rullán


Jesús ‘Bubu’ Negrón (Puerto Rico, 1975) GALLERY ARTISTS

Charles Juhasz-Alvarado, Chaveli Sifre, Chemi Rosado Seijo, Fernando Pintado, Héctor Madera, Jesús ‘Bubu’ Negrón, Jonathan Torres, Jorge González, José Lerma, Radamés ‘Juni’ Figueroa, Rafael Vargas Bernard, Zilia Sánchez

STAND Nº: D 39

JESUS ‘BUBU’ NEGRON. Piano Bar, 2012 Spinet piano and water-based enamel on wood, laminated, dimensions variable (Members of Son de Puerta jamming at Roberto Paradise, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2012)


SPROVIERI 23 Heddon Street London W1B 4BQ United Kingdom T 02077342066 DIRECTOR: Niccolo Sprovieri MANAGER: Margherita Molinari SALES MANAGER: Alessandra Modiano


Matheus Rocha Pitta

MATHEUS ROCHA PITTA. Apprehension Table 5, 2008 Wood, glass top, fluorescence light, crushed light bulbs, plastic bags. 110 x 72 cm Courtesy of the artist and of Sprovieri, London


Avish Khebrehzadeh, Boris Mikhailov, Chelpa Ferro, Cinthia Marcelle, Daniele Puppi, Lilya and Emilia Kabakov, Jannis Kounellis, Jimmie Durham, Jorge Peris, Mario Dellavedova, Matheus Rocha Pitta, Nan Goldin, Pavel Pepperstein, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov STAND Nยบ: D 31

MATHEUS ROCHA PITTA. Provisional Heritage, 2010 Full HD video, 7 min 47 sec. Courtesy of the artist and of Sprovieri, London

MATHEUS ROCHA PITTA. Untitled, 2010 Photograph. 50 x 70 cm. Courtesy of the artist and of Sprovieri, London


TJ BOULTING 59 Riding House Street London. W1W 7EG United Kingdom Tel. 00442077296591 DIRECTORS: Hannah Watson, Gigi Giannuzzi

LAUREANA TOLEDO. YES words. Newspaper billboard, acrylic paint. 42 x 59,4 cm EXHIBITING ARTISTS


Laureana Toledo, Boo Saville, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Colin Glen, Robin Maddock, Stephanie Quayle, Jennifer Taylor, Henry Hudson, Shoplifter, Littlewhitehead

STAND Nยบ: D 34

LAUREANA TOLEDO. Train Tracks. Photographs with cut emulsion. 14,8 x 10,5 cm each


VOGT GALLERY 508-526 West 26th Street New York, NY 10001 USA Tel: 212.255.2671 Fax: 212.255.2827 Cell: 347.244.3879 DIRECTORS: Johannes Vogt & Fabian Bernal EXHIBITING ARTISTS


Crist贸bal Lehyt, Mernet Larsen Bo Christian Larsson, Johanna Unzueta

JOHANNA UNZUETA. 21 Faucets, 2010. Felt and thread, 150 x 300 cm.

STAND N潞: D 37

JOHANNA UNZUETA. Pipes, 2010. Felt and thread, 150 x 70 x 10 cm


Y GALLERY NEW YORK 165 Orchard Street New York, NY 10002 USA T. 917 721 4539 DIRECTOR: Cecilia Jurado



Miguel Aguirre, Artemio, Alberto Borea, Ryan Brown, Christoph Draeger, Carlos Motta, Norma Markley, Eung Ho Park, G.T. Pellizzi

GT. PELLIZZI. Conduit in red, yellow and blue (figure 16), 2012, Light bulbs, galvanized steel, convolute porcelain and wire

STAND Nยบ: D 33


PINTA DESIGN Supported by The Mexico Tourism Board UK

liliana ovalle

thierry jeannot

Stones caught into objects / Piedras capturadas en objetos. Stone Series / Piedras Series Each piece is composed by a wooden top and a metal structure, which come together as a table through the use of soap-stones as their support. The stones have been hand-carved to Bit the structure, providing the necessary weight in order to make the object stand. Blue Stone / Piedra Azul 50 x 45 x 65 cms. Red Stone / Piedra Roja 40 x 40 x 55 cms Elm, metal structure, black serpentine / Elm, estructura metálica, serpentina negra. Self-production / Auto-producción. Photography / Fotografía: Liliana Ovalle

'Green Transmutation’, chandelier, green, 2010. ca. 500 reclaimed PET plastic bottles. Aluminium construction, 8 arms, 8 bulbs, handcrafted diameter: 39 in, H: 39 in Unique piece "Transmutación Verde ', araña, verde, 2010. ca. 500 botellas de plástico PET reciclados, Aluminio construcción, 8 brazos, 8 bulbos, hechos a mano. diámetro: 100 cm, Altura: 100 cm pieza única


rodrigo solorzano

valentina gonzález wholers

Stainless Steel Animals / Animales de acero inoxidable The steel animal series explores how the perception of an object which initially was designed as a children’s toy changes by replacing the material that it is made of and increasing the dimensions but without modifying the initial shape / La serie de animales de acero explora cómo la percepción de un objeto que inicialmente fue diseñado como un juguete de los cambios de los niños mediante la sustitución del material de que está hecho y el aumento de las dimensiones, pero sin modificar la forma inicial.

The Wild Botched Chair with the collaboration of Gabriel Lopez, Oaxaca, Mexico. 2012. Mexican designer Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers, living in London and Mexico City, has given rise to a beautiful collaboration with Oaxacan artisan Gabriel Lopez creating intriguing, one-of a- kind handcrafted furniture pieces. The objects bring the soul of the Oaxacan artisan and the Universe of the San Jose del Pacifico, together with the energetic, emerging contemporary design talent of Valentina / Diseñadora mexicana Valentina González Wohlers, que vive en Londres y la Ciudad de México, ha dado lugar a una bella colaboración con el artesanal Gabriel López la creación de intriga, de unas piezas únicas de muebles hechos a mano. Los objetos llevan el alma del artesano oaxaqueño y el Universo de San José del Pacífico, junto con el talento energetico de la nueva diseñadora contemporánea, Valentina. Chair structure / Estrucutura de la Silla: ʻMoraʼ wood and crews / madera y tornillos Structure: transparent matt varnish / barniz transparente mate Seat / Asiento: high gloss lacquer / laca de alto brillo Upholstery / Tapiceria. Fabric / Tejido: Apollo / Apolo 63%, Cotton / Algodón and/y Linen / Lino 37% Foam filling / Relleno de espuma



PINTA was made possible thanks to the participation of:

Media Buyer | Openhouse Communications Design Catalogue | De Palma Design Walls and Lights | Melville Translator | Cora Lichtschein


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