Phosphor Magazine, Digital - Anna Sitar

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Anna Sitar


Photography IRENE CHEN. Fashion NORA FOLEY.

Let’s start this off with something

[There are] so many good songs.

myself and a way to share my life

fun. I am going to say a few

I feel the same way. I fell in love

in a more artistic manner.

random words, and I want you

with her really early on, but I didn’t

to tell me the first thing that you

listen [to her music] as often when

I was thinking that film and

think of.

I got older. When the Eras Tour

directing would probably apply to

Okay, I think I’m ready.

came out, I had to relearn and

content creation, but I wouldn’t

memorize everything again.

have expected that engineering


would too. Yeah, because she switched

Engineering [is a] really versatile

genres. She went from country to

career. It’s really handy when I have

Tiger lilies.


to build something for a video.


Exactly! It was the craziest

If I’m working on a car video, I

little turnaround. I still listen to

know how to fix the car. I have a

That’s fair. Tiger lilies are my

Reputation and Red and 1989. I

photography studio upstairs, and

favorite flower, so that’s why I said

love those, too.

I knew how to build that because


tiger lily.

it was partially gaffing, [which

Mine are peonies. I’m a sucker

Let’s talk about your background

I learned when I was studying

for [when they’re] light pink [and]

first. You graduated college with

for] my film degree. I worked in

unfolding. It’s so beautiful.

a degree in engineering, and then

medical technology when I was

you did a masters in film. Those

studying engineering. I worked for


are two very versatile degrees or

a company called Stryker. They

Pumpkin spice.

career paths. Do you feel like you

were a really, really great company

use any of those skills in your day

to intern at while I was in school.

Tie dye.

to day now?

I went to school in the same town

Fourth of July.

Absolutely. A lot of engineering

where they were headquartered,

is finding patterns and predicting

so I was able to work part time

The color purple.

outcomes, which came in handy

during the school year, and

“Lavender Haze” [by] Taylor Swift.

when I first started on social

medical technology fit directly [into

Or, Speak Now.

media. I loved looking at the

what I was studying]. I loved doing

analytics and statistics on my

that work, but it’s [one] of those

Oddly enough, I was listening to

channel and seeing where the

things where as you grow, you find

Taylor Swift earlier.

trends were going. I could find

different passions in different areas

Oh my gosh, I love that!

patterns in the app, and [I was]

of your life.

able to predict where things were What is your favorite Taylor Swift

going. That definitely [helps] me

What sparked your interest in film


with the more analytical side of

and directing after undergrad?

I’m a Speak Now girlie, so [that’s

what I do for a career now. My

Obviously, we’re very versatile

why I associate it with] the [color]

film degree falls more into what I

human beings, so we can be

purple. What about you?

do for work with cinematography,

interested in a lot of things, but

directing, writing, storyboarding,

engineering to film is a big jump.

I didn’t listen to a lot of her music

and storytelling. I’m able to use my

I’ve always had an underlying love

after Fearless. I remember being

film degree to elevate my channel

for film and videography. Growing

eight or nine and having that CD

as not only a social media platform,

up, I [loved] photography. The first

and wearing it out to the fullest.

but also a creative keepsake for

camera my dad got me was one of




those little flip camcorders from Sam’s Club. He bought

Definitely. I feel like it’s always good to have that

me one for Christmas, and I would film all of our home

“just in case” career to fall back on. Like you said,

movies on it, make music videos, and put together

just because you went to film school doesn’t mean

little montages after we’d come back from vacation. I

that you lost your engineering degree, and honestly,

always loved [making videos]. I made YouTube videos

it gives you a bit of an advantage because you have

during my senior year in college. My second semester,

more knowledge and more skills.

I was posting videos so consistently, and I realized how

It’s also a great conversation starter. Everyone always

much I enjoyed doing it. What I found the most passion

asks about it. When I tell people that I went to school

[in], though, was making short films and storyboarding.

for film, they always ask me how I have an engineering

I loved watching things that made me feel something,

degree, and I get to tell them the story. It’s a good

and I wanted to be able to make art in that way as well.

thing to sell myself on.

When I was an intern at Stryker, the marketing team needed help making videos for their sales

You currently do content creation full time. Do you

[representatives], so they asked the interns if anybody

think you would ever want to branch out more into

knew how to use editing software. I knew how to

engineering or directing?

use Premiere Pro from making videos, so I offered to

I would love to get into directing, writing, and

help. I would take all the footage, go home, and put

filmmaking. Even now, I work on a lot of projects

it together [into] informational videos for the sales

behind the scenes. I’m always writing and storytelling

[representatives]. I understood the technology that we

because that’s something that I find a lot of relief

were talking about from engineering, but I also loved

in. When I first started posting on TikTok, social

storytelling, videography, and figuring out how to make

media allowed me to find that release and creative

it into a cohesive project.

expression. Since I do social media a lot more regularly

I really enjoyed video editing and being in more of a

now, it’s nice to keep exploring different avenues, like

creative role, and I knew that if I went to school [for]

writing scripts or storyboarding or any of my other

film for my masters, there wouldn’t be any loss. My

creative passions. I love having that feeling of self-

engineering degree wouldn’t go away. I would always

expression when it’s not tied to my work.

have that, so I might as well try something new. It was

Lately, I’ve been taking acting classes, which is so

something that felt fresh and gave me the chance

different from anything [I’ve] experienced before.

to [be] more creative and explore something I was

I don’t have a background in acting. I don’t have

passionate about outside of engineering. I always

a background in being on set or being in front of

loved [engineering], but it was [a] field that I knew I

the camera. I’ve always been behind the camera,

[could] have a career in [at any time]. If I had taken the

so it’s been fun to explore a different side of the

risk and done film first, I’m not sure how that would

entertainment industry and understand what it’s like

have panned out. When I started as a grad student,

to be in that role. It’s also helped to elevate my writing

they [told us] to prepare for the long game in film,

and my ability to understand how writers and actors

because we could potentially end up as an assistant

differentiate themselves from each other and interpret

to someone else for the next ten years. It was better

different scripts or scenes or storylines.

and easier to take the risk after I already had [my] first degree to fall back on. I was also a little bit older, and I

This goes back to what we were talking about a

had experience in corporate America, so I understood

moment ago. Humans are very versatile and have a lot

how to sell myself, how to be in a room, and how to

of different interests. I feel like a lot of people will find

be professional. Once I got into film school, I was

a hobby, and they won’t branch out beyond that, but

really excited to have the chance to follow my creative

you are picking up hobbies left and right.


I have a bad habit of being a jack of all trades. I can’t




like one thing. It’s my worst quality.

who has had five thousand artistic

engagement, excitement, and joy

Well, not my worst quality. (laughs)

hobbies throughout the years.

in your life. Even [when] I was in

I always think about whether it

From sculpting and songwriting

college studying engineering, I

would be better to focus on one

to theater and visual art, it all

was a substitute teacher, I taught

thing and love that one thing, but


a Zumba class at the rec center,

there’s something so exciting about

I’m sure you feel this too, but it

I was in an acapella group that

starting something new. That’s

makes you feel more like yourself

[performed competitively], and

what really engages me. Once I get

when you have a way to make

I was also on the swim team for

to a point where I know that I did

something. It’s [kind of] weird,

a little bit. It’s totally fine if your

it, I got good at it, and I enjoyed it,

[because] we are visually existent,

interests do fall under a similar

then I start thinking about what’s

but being able to take what’s

category — I think my younger

next and what’s new.

in your brain and make it into

brother is like that — but it’s

something physical has its own

exciting to explore different

How do you feel like learning all of

way of becoming an extension of

avenues of life, and it keeps you

these different skills has benefited

yourself, and makes you feel like

trying new things.

you personally?

you understand yourself in a better

Some of my most asked questions

It keeps me centered. It allows me


when I was an engineer were about

to express myself. I think that’s

the things that I did outside of

where a lot of people struggle.

Why do you feel like it’s important

engineering. If you have different

They don’t know how to tap into

for other people to take that leap

passions that you can look to

their inner self, and I’m not afraid

into the unknown and try new

when one area of your life lacks

to have that inner child come out.


that feeling of excitement or feels

[I’m not going to say] that I don’t

Growing up, we’re told we should

too much like work, you’ll always

get easily embarrassed, but I like

be one thing. For example, if

have something else to turn to

feeling like a kid, and I like having

you want to pursue engineering,

that keeps you engaged and

that excitement and light in my

you should have an internship in

empowered and full [of] joy.

eyes when I’m trying something

engineering, and every job you do

new. It keeps me feeling excited

should be [in] engineering so that

Is there anything you haven’t

to wake up every morning and

your resume looks good for your

learned or experienced yet that

do those things. If you don’t have

engineering role. All your friends

you would like to do in the future?

something that you’re looking

will be in engineering because

I would love the opportunity to

forward to, it makes it difficult to

those are your study buddies.

be in a movie or TV show. My

be excited about [waking up] every

Those are the people you’re going

goal is to do that within the next

day. Whether it’s pottery classes

to see every day. It fits us in these

year. I want to book something

or my acting class on Mondays

boxes since the day [you] start

really exciting and have this new

and Wednesdays, I always have

high school.

project that I can really pour my

something that I’m looking forward

I think it’s important to be diverse

heart into and run with. I’ve really

to. It keeps me really engaged.

in your interests. If you put all of

been enjoying the psychology of

Even though a lot of my life is on

your love and excitement into one

acting and imagining [myself in]

the Internet, it keeps me centered

thing, it might not work out or

these different roles as different

in my own world.

you might get burnt out from only

individuals, but still as an extension

loving one thing. When you have a

of [myself]. [Doing] a movie

Self-expression is so important. I

million different things to turn to, it

[would] be really fun. I’ve taken two

mean, you’re talking to someone

gives [you] the opportunity to find

pottery classes, but I want to do





more. I’ve only made cups [and]

back in person in the fall. We were

I’m able to use my social media as

bowls. I would love to tap into that

going to be part-time in the spring

a stepping stone for the next big

more, too. In Shenandoah, we rode

and full-time in the fall. I remember

thing, and to show the behind the

horses through the woods. I did

there was [definitely] a moment

scenes of other things I want [to]

that as a kid, so it tapped [into]

[where] I was thinking, do I go

achieve in life.

that inner child a little bit. I was so

back to school, or do I just pursue

I get asked about the longevity of

excited to get to be around horses.

this one career? I didn’t want to

my career all the time. On my flight

They have this very tranquil energy

quit grad school because I knew

home yesterday, a dad asked me

that makes me want to be around

it was a passion of mine that I

what I was going to be doing in ten

them more.

would never live down if I didn’t

years. He was very [unsure] of me.

complete it. The transition was

I told him, honestly, I hope I’m still

Let’s go back to when you first

easier because I was still in school

making videos, but I hope I have

started your career as a content

and because it was a passion for

other things I’m making videos

creator. What was the transition

such a long time. Even as I was

about. I hope that I’m directing my

like from posting TikTok videos for

growing, it was really something

first film, and I’m on set making

fun to suddenly getting millions of

that I [loved] to do, so it didn’t feel

videos about getting ready with

views on each video?

like work, which is why I think it

me to go to set. I hope we evolve

It happened during Covid, so we

works so well for me.

beyond this corner of the Internet.

were in this limbo. It’s not that

I love that I have a lifestyle. In

I didn’t understand what was

It sounds like you didn’t really

my opinion, my channel fits that

happening at first, but it didn’t feel

have any set goals when you

lifestyle category. First off, you

as real until the world [opened]

started on social media, since you

never know what you’re going to

back up again and I went out in

weren’t looking to do social media

get. One day, I’m riding a unicycle.

public. The first time I got a brand

as a career at that point. Looking

The next day, I’m talking about

deal and made money from it felt

back at your journey, do you feel

breakups. My favorite part is that

surreal. When I started TikTok,

like your goals have evolved as

there is no single category that I fit

I wasn’t thinking about growing

you’ve grown?

into. I definitely think that [social

a channel. I was thinking about

Absolutely. I see more opportunity

media] fits into my lifestyle, and I’m

building this keepsake of things

in it now than I did before. The

excited [to see] where it’s going

that I loved — a safe place on the

social media space was still a little

to go. My number one goal, which

Internet where everybody felt

bit of a gray zone when I was first

has always been consistent, is to

included, and everybody felt like

starting. [You would hear] about

build a safe corner of the Internet

a part of this adventure I was on

a couple of viral people. Everyone

where everyone is welcome. I want

that was simply life. TikTok gave

knew the Viners and YouTubers

to have this space where everyone

me the chance to share all of these

who had made it, but we weren’t

feels creative, feels inspired, and

experiences with a community of

seeing TikTok creators yet other

feels this pull to be themselves. I’m


than the D’Amelios, Addison Rae,

just so happy they’re there.

It was an interesting transition

and other bigger names who had

because it felt so sudden. I

[that unexpected] trajectory.

What are some of the most

remember the day I got verified

At first, I didn’t know where the

important things you’ve learned or

on TikTok. Three months later, my

opportunity and potential [were]

become more aware of from your

channel quadrupled in size, and

with social media, but I started to

career as a content creator?

this was now a full-time career. I

see how well it fit with the career I

One thing that I learned — and

knew grad school was coming

wanted in film and entertainment.

didn’t realize at first — was the




value of privacy. I’m very open on my channels,

format would look [and sound like], and how it would

especially with my relationship [and] different things

feel [to create in] that format, so I made that YouTube

coming into [my] life. I didn’t know how to separate

video. I thought, I wonder what this would be like? Or

what I [wanted] to share from the moments I wanted

I wonder if I would enjoy this? How does this make me

to just live and enjoy. [During] my first two years of

feel? [It has] been really fun. I really enjoyed it. [There

content creation, I posted five to eight times a day

are hopefully] new projects coming out very soon. It

every single day. [I took] no days off, no vacations, and

was an incredible opportunity to experience that and

no weekend breaks. I had something to talk about and

[learn] that it was something that I really [love] and

post about [all the time during] those two years, which

[enjoy]. I’m excited [about] some of the things that I

[was] my greatest time of growth and when I was most

have in the works.

[excited] about my work. Even as I’m coming up on this new chapter in my life, [I’m still establishing] that

That’s exciting. It’s always nice to try new things.

[balance] and figuring out what I want to make videos

Especially when it comes to your career, it’s nice to

about and what I want to experience and enjoy in my

realize, you know what, this is actually fun. I want to

own time. I’m still learning how to recognize when

do more of this!

things are better kept [as] my own mental keepsakes,

Exactly. I am not [someone who likes] to jump the gun.

such as the pictures I take and films I make [that I don’t

I want to make sure [it’s] something that I love and

share]. The nights that you don’t see [are] some of my

enjoy before I pour my whole heart out into it. So we’ll

favorite memories now.


I feel like it’s always a balance, especially with content

With the end of the year approaching, is there

creation. When you’re sharing so much of your life, it’s

anything you’re looking forward to professionally,

hard to figure out what to keep private and what to

personally, or both, either in 2023 or early next year?

share with the world, because those two worlds blend

I’m excited about a lot of new projects that are coming

together so much.

to light that [might be in] a couple new formats. I’m so

Exactly. It’s always tough. For so long, [I was] filming

excited about [continuing] acting classes. I’m hoping

everything. Putting the phone down and living [in the

that we have the opportunity to start auditioning again

present] is something that I’ve been working on.

(depending on the state of the industry). I’m also excited [for] Christmas and Thanksgiving. The holidays

Over the summer, you posted a visual podcast called

are my favorite time [of the] year, [and it] always feels


like such an exciting time for content creation too. The


second November hits, I’m dialed into the Christmas

videos have a sense of “deep talk” to them where you

remixes. I’m so excited to make videos to those. I just

go fairly in-depth on different topics. What inspired

moved in to a new place, and I have high ceilings in my

you to make that video, and would you ever consider

living room, so I want a twenty-foot Christmas tree.

branching out into a podcast or something similar?

That’s also on the agenda. [It’s a] non-negotiable.

I had so many friends in my community from the videos in my Anna’s guide to series, and they were asking for those videos as forty minute podcasts. I’m so videofocused, and I love visual things. That’s where I’ve always had my passion. I’ve never really worked in [an] audio space. I love music, but I don’t make music. It’s just a thing that I enjoy, and [it inspires a lot of] the [visuals I create]. I was curious about [what] that 24




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