Phi 103 entire course

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PHI 103 Entire Course

For more course tutorials visit PHI 103 Week 1 DQ 1 (Consider an argument you have recently) PHI 103 Week 1 DQ 2 (Logic can do a great deal in helping us understand our arguments) PHI 103 Week 1 Quiz PHI 103 Week 2 DQ 1 (Construct a deductive argument) PHI 103 Week 2 DQ 2 (Construct an inductive argument) PHI 103 Week 2 Assignment Final Paper Outline Pro Choice (Legalized Abortion) PHI 103 Week 2 Quiz PHI 103 Week 3 DQ 1 (Considering the fallacies discussed in Chapter Four) PHI 103 Week 3 DQ 2 (One rich source of fallacies is the media;) PHI 103 Week 3 Assignment Stereotype Paper PHI 103 Week 3 Quiz PHI 103 Week 4 DQ 1 (Scientists design experiments and try to obtain results) PHI 103 Week 4 DQ 2 (Mary is poor. She has not been able to find a job) PHI 103 Week 4 Quiz PHI 103 Week 4 Critical Thinking Quiz PHI 103 Week 5 DQ 1 (Write two arguments in English) PHI 103 Week 5 DQ 2 (Imagine someone asks you what you have learned) PHI 103 Week 5 Final Paper Legalized Abortion PHI 103 Week 5 Quiz


PHI 103 Week 1 DQ 1 (Consider an argument you have recently)

For more course tutorials visit Consider an argument you have recently had with a friend, family member, manager, co-worker, or someone else. Identify the topic of the argument and present that argument in premise-conclusion form, identifying both the premises and conclusion.


PHI 103 Week 1 DQ 2 (Logic can do a great deal in helping us understand our arguments)

For more course tutorials visit DQ 2; Logic can do a great deal in helping us understand our arguments. Explain what advantages we obtain by studying logic in terms of improving our reasoning. Consider a debate over whether prayer should be allowed in public schools. Explain what logic can and cannot do. In other words, what kinds of questions and topics are not decided by logical analysis?


PHI 103 Week 1 Quiz

For more course tutorials visit 1. Question : Which of these could be seen as a premise in an argument?

2. Question : A valid deductive argument, the premises of which are accepted as true, shows

3. Question : "You didn't like that book; so you probably don't like to read" is

4. Question : In the statement, "You didn't like that restaurant; so you probably don't like to eat out," "you probably don't like to out" is the

5. Question :

If a reason that is not relevant to the conclusion is given,

6. Question :

Which of the following is most likely to be a conclusion?

7. Question : Premises and conclusions have which of the following in common?

8. Question : A five year old boy who refuses to listen to reasons for going to bed could be called

9. Question :

Reasons given to support a conclusion are called

10. Question :

An argument can have


PHI 103 Week 2 Assignment Final Paper Outline Pro Choice (Legalized Abortion)

For more course tutorials visit Final Paper Outline. Review the Final Paper instructions in Week 5 of the online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Then, visit the Ashford Writing Center (located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar). The outline must contain a Introduction with thesis statement. At least five body paragraphs, using the provided model. Conclusion. Reference page containing at least three academic resources, two of which arefound in the Ashford Online Library. Each side of the debate should be provided at least one valid source for. The Final Paper Outline must be three pages in length (excluding title and reference page) and in APA (6th edition) format. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, log into the Ashford Writing Center (located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar). Click on the “APA & Research Guides”tab and review the resources.


PHI 103 Week 2 DQ 1 (Construct a deductive argument) For more course tutorials visit DQ 2 Construct an inductive argument for a specific conclusion. Then, explain what you might do to make this inductive argument stronger, either by revising the premises or by revising the conclusion. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PHI 103 Week 2 DQ 2 (Construct an inductive argument)

For more course tutorials visit DQ 2 Construct an inductive argument for a specific conclusion. Then, explain what you might do to make this inductive argument stronger, either by revising the premises or by revising the conclusion.


PHI 103 Week 2 Quiz

For more course tutorials visit 1. Question : "10 is less than 100; 100 is less than 1,000; consequently, 10 is less than 1,000" is an example of a 2. Question :

One way to make an inductive argument stronger is to

3. Question : All sound arguments are valid, but not all valid arguments are sound. This means 4. Question :

Inductive arguments should never be characterized as

5. Question :

Inductive arguments are evaluated in terms of

6. Question : has

A valid argument is one that, if its premises are accepted as true,

7. Question :

A "good" deductive argument must at least be

8. Question : about it?

Assume you are given a sound argument. What do you know

9. Question :

One way to make an inductive argument stronger is to

10. Question :

In logic, arguments are never described as


PHI 103 Week 3 Assignment Stereotype Paper

For more course tutorials visit PHI 103 Week 3 Assignment Stereotype Paper Stereotype Paper. Read Stereotyping Has Lasting Negative Impact: Prejudice has lingering effects,study shows and watch How Pre-existing Beliefs Distort Logical Reasoning. Discuss three stereotypes you encounter in your own life and the effect those stereotypes can have on others. This can be a stereotype you realize you have been guilty of holding or someone else.

Explain (a) what the stereotype is and (b) what sort of argument, no matter how flawed, might be used to support it, and (c) identify any mistakes you find in that argument.The paper must be three pages in length (excluding title and reference page) and in APA (6th edition) format. You must use at least three resources, one of which must be the course text, and two resources must either be found in the Ashford Online Library or from the provided sources. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, log into the Ashford Writing Center (located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar). Click on the “APA & Research Guides”tab and review the resources.


PHI 103 Week 3 DQ 1 (Considering the fallacies discussed in Chapter Four)

For more course tutorials visit DQ 1 Considering the fallacies discussed in Chapter Four of An Introduction to Logic, construct three different arguments that display distinct fallacies. Give an explanation of why each makes a mistake in drawing the conclusion it does. Review your classmates’ examples and see if they, in fact, commit the fallacy identified.


PHI 103 Week 3 DQ 2 (One rich source of fallacies is the media

For more course tutorials visit DQ 2 One rich source of fallacies is the media: television, radio, magazines, and the Internet (including, of course, commercials.) Identify two distinct fallacies you see committed in the media. Do you think it is more likely that you will not be fooled by these fallacies having studied logic? What do you think those presenting these arguments assume about the logical skills of their viewers? Is this a good or bad assumption for them to make?


PHI 103 Week 3 Quiz

For more course tutorials visit 1. Question : "China uses too much oil. So they shouldn't develop their industry" may commit which fallacy? 2. Question : "Julie started carrying a rabbit's foot, then she won the lottery. The rabbit's foot must have caused her to win the lottery" commits a(n) 3. Question : should 4. Question :

A person who is shown his or her argument commits a fallacy A fallacy is an argument that

5. Question : "If that wasn't illegal, then it wouldn't be against the law" may commit which fallacy? 6. Question : these fallacies.

"My husband snores. All men must snore" commits which of

7. Question : After being told that she is being punished for lying, a child responds by telling her mother that she also lied. This response may involve which fallacy? 8. Question : "You should read this book. Everybody likes it so it must be good" may commit which fallacy? 9. Question : "I bought a pair of shoes from that store that immediately fell apart. Their shoes are no good" may commit which fallacy? 10. Question : "The Senator wants to cut spending on police. I guess she doesn't care if we all get murdered" may commit which fallacy?


PHI 103 Week 4 Critical Thinking Quiz

For more course tutorials visit 1. Question : Mrs.Orlof teaches two history classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Yesterday she gave the same test to both classes. Anyone who failed the test must take a retest. Since a greater percentage of students who took the morning test failed the test than students who took the afternoon test, more of Orlof’s morning history students than afternoon history students will have to take the retest. The conclusion above is not necessarily valid because

2. Question : All sages provide both wisdom and inspiration. Since Dasha’s speech contained wisdom and greatly inspired her audience, Dasha is a sage.

Which one of the following points out the flaw in the argument above?

3. Question : Since Jessica’s participation in local politics increased significantly after she joined her school’s political science club, it is clear that her involvement in that club led her to take an interest in politics. The argument above is flawed because

4. Question : Catherine goes to her local movie theater only to see romantic comedies. Since Catherine did not go to the movies yesterday, there is not a romantic comedy playing at her local theater. The reasoning above is flawed because the evidence

5. Question : The average height of members of the high school basketball team is six feet, three inches. Jerry is on the high school basketball team, so Jerry must be taller than six feet. The argument above is flawed because it confuses

6. Question : People have claimed that Jamie’s paintings have given them the blues. Clearly this cannot be entirely correct, since many of Jamie’s paintings contain no blue at all. The argument above is flawed because the author

7. Question : Career counselor: It is best for artists to build a practical and safe career that will guarantee them a secure income, and then pursue their art in their spare time. That way, they will be motivated to work hard at their day jobs to support their art making, and both their career and their art will thrive. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument?

8. Question : The untimely death of Professor Hathaway halted his groundbreaking research into the uses of solar power. It therefore appears that Hathaway’s research will not result in practical applications. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

9. Question : Aron: The two double A batteries in my CD player are dead, so the CD player doesn’t work. My television remote control, which also uses two double A batteries, works fine. So if I move the two batteries from my television remote control to my CD player, the CD player will definitely work. Aron’s argument is most strengthened if which one of the following is true?

10. Question : Last season at City Opera House, far more people attended opera X than opera Y. However, opera Y generated far greater net profits for City Opera House than did opera X.

11. Question : As part of its reorganization, company X created five new positions within the company. However, after the reorganization was complete, company X had fewer employees than before the reorganization. Which one of the following, if true, would best explain the result described above?

12. Question : Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. building : blueprint

13. Question : Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. conductor : orchestra

14. Question : Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair.

15. Question : Memmie: The greater the population near a restaurant, the more potential customers it has and the greater chance its popularity will spread through word-of-mouth. O’Sullivans Restaurant

just opened in the very densely populated town of Redville, so its chances for success are great. 16. Question : Barney: Last winter, I slipped on the outside stairs of PineTree Café and broke my leg. My fall was caused by ice on the stairs that the restaurant failed to remove. Since the restaurant clearly did not provide a safe atmosphere for its customers, I am justified in taking it to court. Lydia: Unwarranted lawsuits are sweeping the country—lawsuits that have no legal merit and are brought simply to make lawyers and their clients rich. If this trend continues, soon our legal system will be swamped to the point where it won’t be able to administer justice to people who truly deserve it. You therefore should drop your case against PineTree Café. The speakers above appear to disagree on which one of the following points?

17. Question : In a survey of 10 film historians, half voted for Nosferatu as the greatest vampire film ever made, and the other half voted for Dracula. However, when asked which lead vampire character they considered more charismatic, all of the film critics chose Dracula over Nosferatu.

18. Question : Some drugs combat obesity or alcohol addiction by turning off pleasure centers in the brain. However, if the dosage is too high, there’s a risk that people taking them will be plunged into depression.

The statements above, if true, support which one of the following assertions?

19. Question : The higher the price of an antique, the greater people’s expectation that the object is rare. That, in turn, makes the antique appear more valuable.

20. Question : Looking to increase the profits of his lemonade stand, Johann doubled the price of a cup of lemonade from 25 cents to 50 cents. This clearly shows Johann’s lack of business sense, for now he’ll almost certainly sell fewer cups at the new price and therefore make less money than before.

21. Question : The president spoke to 19 congressmen from Texas to encourage them to vote for a bill. Since four of the 19 congressmen went on to vote for the bill, it is clear that the president persuaded those four to vote the way they did. The argument above assumes that

22. Question : Detective: The robbery at the mall was carried out by a mall employee acting alone roughly one hour after the mall closed last Saturday night. The only employees present at the mall at the time of the robbery were security guards Evans and Clark. Since the mall’s surveillance system was disabled by the thief just before the robbery, the thief must be Evans. The argument above would be valid if

23. Question : Sometimes people get caught in a “downward spiral,” a case in which something leads to a result which in turn leads to more of the original thing, bringing on more of the result. As the process continues, the result continually gets worse and worse. An example is when people turn to binge eating when depressed, which causes them to put on weight and feel unhealthy, which then makes them more depressed, leading to more overeating, and so on. 24. Question : Political science professor: Many people insist that the Internet is revolutionizing the political process. They argue that Internet debates and online political polls and chat rooms give people greater access to political information. And they’re right that online political chatter increases daily. But offering or reading anonymous online opinions does not by itself make for active political participation. In the past one would attend a rally, protest, or town meeting to engage in real politics. Today, people sit passively in front of computer screens under the illusion that they are connecting with their fellow citizens. Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the professor’s argument? 25. Question : Whereas many industries suffer during economic recessions, the art industry does well. Some think the reason is that artists feed off the anxiety and uncertainty during recessions to produce inspired works. Others think that recessions, while harmful to most people, produce a handful of very rich people willing to pay very high prices for artworks, driving up the value of the art market as a whole. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PHI 103 Week 4 DQ 1 (Scientists design experiments and try to obtain results)

For more course tutorials visit PHI 103 PHI 103 Week 4 DQ 1; As stated in our text book “scientists design experiments and try to obtain results verifying or disproving a hypothesis, but philosophers are the driving force in determining what factors determine the validity of scientific results.� (Mosser, 2011). Karl Popper's philosophy of science uses modus as the central method of disconfirming, or falsifying, scientific hypotheses.


PHI 103 Week 4 DQ 2 (Mary is poor. She has not been able to find a job)

For more course tutorials visit DQ 2 Mary is poor. She has not been able to find a job and has two children she needs to feed. Assume Mary is forced to let her children go hungry or steal some food from a local grocery store. Which should she do? Construct an argument that supports Mary's decision to steal the food or an argument that shows why Mary should not steal the food. Critique the arguments offered by your classmates.


PHI 103 Week 4 Quiz

For more course tutorials visit 1. Question :

A good way to establish a conclusion as true, or probable, is to

2. Question : "argument."

Logicians regard the following as the meaning of the word

3. Question :

A strongly supported claim in science should be regarded as

4. Question :

Examining reasons and constructing arguments can help in

5. Question : If the word "should" appears in a sentence, that sentence will always involve an ethical claim. 6. Question : the following?

Descartes worried a great deal about the threat posed by which of

7. Question : "If I move to Texas, I will need air conditioning. I don't need air conditioning. So I didn't move to Texas" is an argument form known as 8. Question : following?

A radical skeptic might be willing to doubt which of the

9. Question :

French philosopher RenĂŠ Descartes tried to show that

10. Question :

To support a scientific hypothesis, one might


PHI 103 Week 5 DQ 1 (Write two arguments in English)

For more course tutorials visit

PHI 103 PHI 103 Week 5 DQ 1;Write two arguments in English, one in the form of modus ponens and one in the form of modus tollens. Then, write the arguments in symbols using sentence letters and truth-functional connectives.


PHI 103 Week 5 DQ 2 (Imagine someone asks you what you have learned)

For more course tutorials visit Imagine someone asks you what you have learned in your logic class and what you found to be the most useful information you learned there. Is it important for people to study logic? What kinds of mistakes might they make without having been exposed to a careful study of reasoning provided by logic? Offer your response to these questions, and compare your answers to your classmates' responses


PHI 103 Week 5 Final Paper Legalized Abortion

For more course tutorials visit Argument Paper For the Final Paper, you will identify a specific claim relative to one of the topics listed before and defend it with as strong an argument as possible. These topics are presented below as questions. The best way to develop a thesis statement is to offer

an answer to the question, and then state in a clear and specific sentence the basis for your answer 1. Should homosexuals be able to marry? 2. Is racism and anti-Semitism still a problem in the United States? 3. Is factory farming cruel to animals? 4. Is anthropogenic climate change (what used to be known as "global warming")a problem that needs immediate and/or long term attention? 5. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal? 6. What, if any, limits should there be to embryonic stem cell research? 7. Should public workers be allowed to join unions and engage in collective bargaining? 8. Is the death penalty just and applied fairly? 9. Are there any legitimate restrictions on gun ownership?

10. Is it a problem if one percent of Americans possess 50% of American wealth and assets?11. Should abortion be legal?12. Should evolution be taught in the public schools?13. Are science and religion in conflict?14. Can one be moral and not believe in God?Part One – Thesis In this part of the paper, the thesis is to be stated clearly and specifically. It should appear no later than the end of the introduction paragraph. 2. Part Two – Argument This part of the paper will present the argument for the thesis. The focus should be on identifying the strongest support for the thesis.Then, present that support by constructing an argument. This argument, or set of arguments, will probably employ both deductive and inductive reasoning.Part Three – Counter-thesis and counter-argument In this part of the paper, the strongest objection to the thesis is presented along with an argument (probably briefer than the argument in Part Two) for that thesis.Part Four – Response to counter-thesis In this part of the paper, you respond to and refute the

counter-argument based on evidence discussed in Part Three. This response will draw on the earlier argument in Part Two to show that the original thesis can be defended against this objection.The paper will be evaluated in terms of the grading rubric. The clearer your presentation of the debate and the more specific you can be in that presentation,the stronger the paper will be.The Final Paper must be six to eight pages in length (not counting the cover page or reference list). You must use at least four resources, at least one of which must provide support for your thesis and at least one of which must provide support for your counter-thesis. Two of the four required resources must be found in the Ashford Online Library. The Final Paper must be formatted according to APA (6thedition) style, and all resources must be properly cited in text as well as on there ference page. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, log into the Ashford Writing Center (located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar).


PHI 103 Week 5 Quiz

For more course tutorials visit 1. Question :

The sentence "P → Q" is read as

2. Question :

"P v Q" is best interpreted as

3. Question :

What is the truth value of the sentence "P v ~ P"?

4. Question : is

If P is false, and Q is false, the truth-value of "P ↔Q"

5. Question : symbolized as

"Julie and Kurt got married and had a baby" is best

6. Question :

"~ P v Q" is best read as

7. Question :

One of the disadvantages of using truth tables is

8. Question :

A sentence is said to be truth-functional if and only if

9. Question : always

A conditional sentence with a false antecedent is

10. Question :

In the truth table for an invalid argument,


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