The Phi Gamma Delta Magazine - Fall 2019

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Vol. 141 No. 1 | Fall 2019 The End of an Era Celebrating Bill Martin's Nearly Four Decade Legacy


men have been initiated into the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Del ta since 1848. Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton McCarty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Web ster Crofts and Naaman Fletcher.

Change of Address: Send any ad dress changes to the International Headquarters by email to address@phi, by phone at (859) 255-1848 or by mail to PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40504-4599.

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DELTA is published semi-annually by the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta 1201 Red Mile Road, Lexington, KY 40504 (859) 255-1848 | editor Rob Caudill director of communications Erica M. Carlson circulation 116,109 Member of the Fraternity Communications Association Member of the NorthAmerican Interfraternity Conference THE PHI GAMMA DELTA FALL 2019 - VOLUME 141, NO. 1
Cover Story 28 The End of an Era Celebrating Bill Martin's Legacy Features 8 Join the Fight Against Hazing Campaign Launch 24 Fall Colonization Results 25 Re-Chartering at Utah State 26 Summer Events: The Leadership Institute & The Summit 31 Annual Awards 42 Distinguished Fiji Award Winners 47 D-Day 75th Anniversary Departments 4 President’s Message 5 Gamma Gram 9 On Campus 34 Graduate Almanac 44 Spotlight 48 Foundation Focus 52 Ad Astra 55 Fraternally Speaking CONTENTS Connect with Phi Gamma Delta THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 3 Bill Martin (Mississippi State 1975) speak ing after receiving the NIC Gold Medal, which recognizes lifelong service to the interfraternal community and/or the NIC. On the Cover Above Undergraduate brothers and facilitators who attended The Leadership Institute - Session 1 on May 29 - June 2, 2019 at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.



Please allow me a special indulgence. During my time in Phi Gamma Delta, I have attended a number of Pig Dinners at a variety of chapters. I have always appreciated the slight differ ences in traditions that occur at each chapter’s event, some that I am happy to relay and others which are best left in isolation! In September I had the opportunity to attend my own chap ter’s Pig Dinner back in Lincoln. Since moving from Nebraska almost 40 years ago, I have been back to the Pig Dinner a handful of times, and it has always been a great moment with lots of memories.

This year I was fortunate to travel to the dinner with a group of Lambda Nu brothers in a limo-bus. We met at a brother’s place of business in west Omaha and then made the relatively short journey to Lincoln. We had about 20 brothers on the bus, and a number of them were from my era. There was Joe Skradski (1983), a former Chapter President, in whose cabinet I served as Historian, and Bob Kostkan (1982), who had trav eled back from Atlanta and was a great two-time rush chairman back in the day. There were the Harley’s, Bob (1982) and Bill (1983); Bill was in my pledge class, and Bob now lives in Corpus Christi, where I recently moved. Kurt McConnell (1983) was in from Kansas City, sharply dressed as always. John Osterholm (1996), who has been an effective and dedicated House Corporation President longer than I can remember. Also on the bus were Phil Lieber (1982), Mike Decker

(1983) and several younger brothers whom I had never met.

Once we arrived, other brothers I had not seen in several decades were there. There was Scott Nelson (1981), another Chapter President during my time, and Marty “The J” Jensen (1981), a legend during his days at Lambda Nu if ever there was one. Others from my own pledge class attended, including Lee Pedersen (1982), Mike Dingwell (1982), Scott Oman (1982) and some more I am sure I am forgetting to men tion. A whole group of brothers from the late 1960s were gathered together over at one of the side tables, where a lot of laughter could be heard through the evening.

The dinner was special because it was the first time that the Chapter would present the N.W. "Jerry" Solomon Outstanding Graduate Award. Jerry Solomon (1951) was a Lambda Nu brother who served the Chapter in many ways locally and also rose to be Archon Vice President back in 1972.

Jerry was a Fiji gentleman if ever there was one. His son, Steve (1980), spoke of the significance of the Fraternity to his Dad, whose favorite scripture was I Corinthians 13. You may remember it.

Appropriately the first recipient of the award was John Gottschalk (1965), who served as Archon Treasurer from 1990-94 and Archon President from 1994-96. John has given selflessly of himself, not only to our chapter and the Fraternity, but to many charitable organizations, in fact far too many to mention.

Later, as many of us gathered at the

chapter house, spent time in the chapter room, looked at composites on the wall, reminisced, and recited in concert, it occurred to me once again that these moments are indeed pre cious and worth the journey to spend time with those you grew close to and experienced so many things with over the years.

So you are probably asking by now, “Clark, what is your point?”

At the Norris Pig Dinner, we start with a recitation of the Exile’s Toast, penned by Frank Norris (California Berkeley 1894) back in 1900. In that toast, Frank makes mention of a number of his Cal brothers who cannot make it back for the “Poodle Lunch” but who long to be there and experience a taste of their shared history.

And let’s face it, when each of us returns for this dinner, we are grate ful for the friendships, the memories of those days and how impactful the Fraternity was to us. In many ways, it does not get more profound for us.

So as you study that Pig Dinner invi tation that just came in the mail or online, please do your best to set aside other conflicts if possible and attend.

If you are no longer living near your chapter, seek one out in the area where you live. There is a good chance that a chapter is nearby, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the welcome you will receive.

Mighty Proud to be a Fiji.




Headquarters Staff Updates

Amy Watson has been named Director of Membership & Operations. In this new posi tion, Amy manages all pledge processing and initiation report ing and fees, and she handles chapter billing and accounts receivable. She is also respon sible for employee records, benefits administration and the International Headquarters facil ity. Amy has been a staff member for nearly 20 years, most recently serving as the Membership & Financial Records Coordinator.

In June, Mahogany Dobbins joined staff to fill the Administrative Assistant posi tion. In this role, Mahogany is responsible for pledge processing, initiation reporting and main taining membership records. She also assists various staff members and brothers processing orders through the online chapter store. Previously, Mahogany worked as the student services coordinator at KY Healthcare Training for two years. She is a Lexington, Kentucky native.

Introducing Our 2019-20 Field Secretaries


#200 Alex Kronk (Iowa 2018)

2nd year

Education: BA in communication studies, certificate in sustainability Chapter Activities: President; sustainability chairman Other Activities: IFC vice president of philanthropy & community service


#202 Hunter Wish (Washington State 2018)

2nd year

Education: BA in comparative ethnic studies, communications minor Chapter Activities: pledge educator; social chairman; member of the board of conduct Other Activities: intramural soccer; university radio host


Gamma Gram


#203 Josh Parker (William Jewell 2019)

1st year

Education: BA in history, business administration minor Chapter Activities: President; Corresponding Secretary; recruitment chairman; pledge educator

Other Activities: member of the William Jewell Golf Team

Development West

#204 Eli Ussery (Alabama Birmingham 2018)

1st year

Education: BS in industrial distribution

Chapter Activities: President; Corresponding Secretary; social chairman; community service chairman

Other Activities: New Student Program orientation leader & coordinator; announcer for the club ice hockey team


#205 Joe Roth (Akron 2019)

1st year

Education: BS in labor economics, international politics minor Chapter Activities: President; Historian; recruitment chairman; pledge educator; risk management chairman; social chairman

Other Activities: senate chair of the student government; intramural football, volleyball and basketball


Development East

#206 Brock Walkenbach (Northern Arizona 2019)

1st year

Education: BS in business administration: marketing Chapter Activities: President; Corresponding Secretary; pledge educator

Other Activities: involved with Camp Kesem (camp for kids whose parents have cancer)


#207 Robbie Guilford (Arizona 2017)

1st year

Education: BS in criminal justice and public management & policy Chapter Activities: risk management chairman Other Activities: resident assistant; member of the Criminal Justice Association; College of Social & Behavioral Science ambassador


#208 Grant Pollett (Texas Dallas 2019)

1st year

Education: BS in criminology

Chapter Activities: Historian; service chairman; scholarship chairman; brotherhood chairman Other Activities: IFC president and vice president of administration

#JoinTheFight Against Hazing Campaign

Phi Gamma Delta launched the #JointheFight Against Hazing campaign during National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW), September 23-27, 2019. The campaign is part of the Fraternity's plan to prevent and eliminate hazing. While the campaign started during NHPW, the Fight does not stop there. We encourage all members and friends to Join the Fight!

• Use our Social Media Toolkit ( to create and share posts on social media.

• Tell us why you are Joining the Fight Against Hazing. Share the phrase: "I Joined the Fight Against Hazing because...".

• Read about the Fraternity's Hazing Prevention Plan and Resources ( Share the resources with your chapter/colony.

• Educate your new members about their rights (

• Sign the Pledge to Join the Fight Against Hazing (

Share the Pledge with your brothers and ask them to sign the Pledge with you.

We Invite You to Continue the Fight Against Hazing By Participating in the Following Ways:
8 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|FALL 2019 Gamma Gram #JoinTheFight Social Media Highlights Hazing is contrary to our fraternity's mission and values, and it has no place in Phi Gamma Delta, nor any fraternity. Help us #jointhefight against hazing! @uakronfiji We recognize that hazing does not strengthen bonds, but it weakens them. We build our chapter and positive influence in the community by exemplifying only the best of values. #jointhefight #NHPW19 @uMassfiji We can proudly say that the pi chapter doesn't haze! No organization should haze! #jointhefight @allegheny_fiji The Iota Pi chapter has and al ways will be strictly against hazing. One of our key values is Morality. If we decide to haze, we decide to go against the values our founding fathers established in 1848. #saynotohazing #jointhefight @Iupui_fiji


Please keep in mind that news continues to come in, even when an issue has gone to press. While it may seem dated to include events from the previous semester or school year, the goal is to give credit to all our brothers, chapters and colonies.

ITALICS indicates Colony

Akron | Akron, Ohio

5 On March 10, Alpha Omicron was recognized with six awards, one service distinction and the Dean's Cup for Overall Chapter Excellence at the University's Greek Leadership Awards ceremony. The Chapter was awarded for its dedication to Academic Programming, Public Relations and Membership Development, to name a few. The Chapter was also honored to host Executive Director Rob Caudill (2004) (pictured far left), who was recog nized with the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Service Award.

In September, the Chapter hosted their 4th annual Puppy Party, raising over $1,000 for One of a Kind Pets, Akron, Ohio's only no-kill animal shelter.

Fall 2019 New Members: 19 (the largest new member class in nearly 20 years)

Alabama | Tuscaloosa, Alabama

4 The Theta Chapter was named Alabama's 2019 Order of Omega Outstanding Fraternity. This is the second time in the last three years the Chapter received this award.

Mason Lake (2020) was named Outstanding Junior by the University's Order of Omega Chapter.

Tanner Williams (2020) worked a summer internship with U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (AL).

Alabama Birmingham | Birmingham, Alabama

4 John Mark Boozer (2021) was awarded the William Jefferson Clinton Scholarship at the American University in Dubai (AUD) from the Clinton Foundation. The scholarship is designed to give an American the opportunity to expand their educational and cul tural horizons by studying in the Arab world. John Mark just completed a semester at AUD studying international business. This fall, he will spend a semester studying in Maastricht, The Netherlands.


Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta

4 On August 9-11, Epsilon Alpha (pictured) and Upsilon Chi at Calgary competed in a relay race to Red Deer to raise money and awareness for the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Runners ran an accu mulated 150 km relay to Red Deer from their respective start ing points, raising over $6,600 for the CMHA.

Allegheny | Meadville, Pennsylvania

In July, Pi Chapter undergradu ates and graduate brothers from the classes of 1970 -1999 gathered for Allegheny's Football Fundraiser, which honored the memory of Michael Wilson (1982) and Dr. Neil Capretto.

The Chapter held its annual Blood Drive for the American Red Cross, and 39 people made blood donations.

6 Zachary Andrews (2020), Clayton Hornberger (2020), Devin Spitalny (2020) and Conner Mastalerz (2022) ran in the Pittsburgh Tough Mudder 5K on September 8.

Appalachian State | Boone, North Carolina

The Beta Nu Chapter and Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority hosted the 4th Annual Can Slam philanthropy event. The event is a 3v3 basketball tournament and a canned food drive for the Hunger & Health Coalition (HHC). Each team was required to donate at least nine cans of food to be able to compete in the tournament, and over 800 cans of food were collected for HHC. Additionally, the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity team won a prize as the team with the most cans donated.

Arizona | Tucson, Arizona

During summer break, Shane Blum (2020) interned at the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, working within the Fixed Income and Futures Trading Group.

Arkansas | Fayetteville, Arkansas

Phi Alpha was partnered with the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, Chi Omega Sorority and Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha for the annual Greek Stroll in March 2019. The Stroll is a Greek Life synchronized dance competition supporting the Greek Life Scholarship Fund. The Chapter and their part ners won 1st place.

Auburn | Auburn, Alabama

Alpha Upsilon is working to change the narrative on fraternity culture and promote the good that Auburn fraternities produce. As part of the initiative, the Chapter launched the "Making Better Men" social media campaign to highlight the positive culture fraternities promote.


Austin Peay | Clarksville, Tennessee

Alpha Psi won three University awards, including Most Improved Chapter, Outstanding Community Service and the Campus Wyatt Award, for outstanding school spirit.

Fall 2019 New Members: 15

Ball State | Muncie, Indiana

During their annual Ride Across the Purple Valley, Beta Sigma raised over $10,000 for the USO by biking to other FIJI chapters in Indiana. In just four days, the 18 bikers visited DePauw, Indiana, Hanover, Purdue, Wabash, Indiana State and Rose-Hulman.

By the end of the week, they biked just over 500 miles and ended their journey at the USO Indiana to donate the check in person.

Baylor | Waco, Texas

6 Brothers from the Kappa Chapter collected over 100 pairs of shoes for Cooper Mohrmann's (2021) mission trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico.

Boise State | Boise, Idaho

5 On February 15-16, Beta Psi hosted the 2019 Pacific Northwest Section Convention. Undergraduates from the Upsilon Sigma Colony at Utah State and the Mu Iota at Idaho, Epsilon Omicron at Oregon, Kappa Omicron at Oregon State and Sigma Tau at Washington chapters were in attendance, as well as Section Chiefs Steve Lamberson (Washington 1980) and Brad Whiting (Washington 1980). The event kicked off on Friday, with a social hour, to give undergraduates and graduate brothers from other chapters a chance to get to know one another. On Saturday, Beta Psi hosted workshops on recruitment and graduate relations, and former Archon Jeff Downey (UCLA 1983) lead a philanthropy workshop. Brothers also participated in a cultural awareness presentation by BSU's Inclusive Excellence Student Council.

Bowling Green | Bowling Green, Ohio

Owen Fittz (2021) interned with NASA during summer break.

Bradley | Peoria, Illinois

During the spring 2019 semester, Beta Pi hosted their 24-hour teeter-totter philanthropy event, supporting the USO.

After the convention, the Chapter hosted their 3rd Annual Pig Dinner. Brothers from the northwest sec tion were welcome to attend. During dinner, the Chapter announced their individual award recipients. Purple Legionnaire Jason Evans (North Alabama 1998) received the Brian Dale (Westminster 1989) Award as the most outstanding graduate. Ben Staub (2019) was recognized with the Persistence Award. Tate Volbrecht (2020) received the Gamma Award. Connor Johnson (2020) was named Outstanding Fiji. Jake Holt (2021) received the Rising Leader Award. Kyle Dumpel (2021) was named Philanthropic Fiji. And Joe Mendonso (2019) and Brett Wolf (2019) were named Senior(s) of the Year. Additionally, the Chapter competed in BSU's annual Greek Week, ending the week in first place and raising $1,951.25 for their philanthropy, the USO.


Calgary | Calgary, Alberta

On August 9-11, Upsilon Chi and Epsilon Alpha at Alberta competed in a relay race to Red Deer to raise money and awareness for the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Runners ran an accumulated 150 km relay to Red Deer from their respective starting points, raising over $6,600 for the CMHA.

California of Pennsylvania | California, Pennsylvania

6 Chi Rho brothers and friends participated in the annual Big Event, a local community service event. Brothers assisted residents throughout their community with yard work, moving furniture and cleaning.

Christopher Newport | Newport News, Virginia

5 The Delta Colony welcomed 20 new members to their Beta Class.

Clemson | Clemson, South Carolina

Joe Franklin (2022) , Sam Ellis (Georgia Tech 2022) and Evan Campbell (Georgia Tech 2022) were named schol arship recipients during AFLV's LeaderShape Southeast session, which took place at the University of Central Florida's campus.

Case Western Reserve | Cleveland, Ohio

Xi Deuteron partnered with the Delta Upsilon Fraternity to help Cleveland Community Greenhouse Partners prepare a new hoop house for its spring crops. With the help from the fra ternities, the project was completed more than a month ahead of schedule.

Chapman | Orange, California

4 During the spring 2019 semester, Omega Chi hosted their annual Purple Tie Dinner/Dance, which supports Make-A-Wish Orange County. The Chapter raised $83,000, which granted more than 10 wishes to children with critical illnesses. The Chapter also beat their fundraising goal by more than $30,000 and broke the University's fraternity fundraising record (which was previ ously held by Omega Chi).


Colorado School of Mines | Golden, Colorado

5 Gamma Kappa brothers helped first-year students move into their dorms before school started.

The Chapter also participated in the school's M-Climb to help welcome first-year students. M-Climb is an annual tradition where students carry 10-pound rocks up Lookout Mountain Road to fill in the giant 'M' on Mount Zion.

Drake | Des Moines, Iowa

On October 5, brothers from the Delta Iota Chapter participated in a NAMIWalk, raising awareness of mental illness and money for NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).

Embry-Riddle | Daytona Beach, Florida

In April, Epsilon Rho hosted a FIJI Father's Day, where brothers invited their fathers to spend the weekend with the Chapter.

During the spring 2019 semester, the Chapter was #1 in grades with a 3.29 GPA.

Fall 2019 New Members: 33


East Carolina | Greenville, North Carolina

On St. Patrick's Day, Pi Nu volunteered with Greenville, North Carolina law enforcement and first responders to spread information about the danger of drunk driving.

Florida | Gainesville, Florida

During the 2018-19 school year, Upsilon Phi focused on service as a guiding principle. The Chapter's many service accomplishments included: working with Keeping Alachua County Beautiful to clean up the Gainesville community; building a house for those in need with Habitat for Humanity; and rebuilding animal habitats for the Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.

6 The Chapter also raised over $20,000 for UF's Dance Marathon, which supports For the Kids at UF Shands Children's Hospital, the local Children's Miracle Network Hospital (double the amount the Chapter raised last year). Ten brothers participated in the Marathon, standing for 26.2 hours for those who are unable to, in an effort to end pediatric illness. Overall, the University raised over $3.23 million, making it the largest student-run philanthropy in the southeastern U.S.


Georgia Tech | Atlanta, Georgia

3 Pictured (L-R):

Sam Ellis (2022), Evan Campbell (2022) and Joe Franklin (Clemson 2022) were named scholar ship recipients during AFLV's LeaderShape Southeast session, which took place at the University of Central Florida's campus.

Idaho | Moscow, Idaho

Hanover | Hanover, Indiana

Andrew Littlefield (2022) was selected as the HCAC's (Heartland College Athletic Conference) freshman of the year for baseball.

Illinois State | Normal, Illinois

In April, Nu Iota brothers volunteered at Normal West High School by packing boxes of assorted food items for families in the community.

IUPUI | Indianapolis, Indiana

Last year, Iota Pi received the Pillars of Excellence Award and Top GPA, and Andrew Greene (2020) was named Chapter President of the Year. The Chapter also logged over 1,300 community service hours and raised over $16,700 for various causes during the year.

Additionally, on September 17, the Chapter held the Pie a Phi Gam philanthropy benefiting the USO. Students could purchase pies ($2/pie) to smash in an Iota Pi brother's face. The Chapter raised $432 for the USO.

Kansas | Lawrence, Kansas

Pi Deuteron brothers attended the Kansas Fraternity Landlord League's (KFLL) third annual Building Brothers Freshman Orientation, which welcomes new IFC mem bers and educates on the consequences of underage drinking. Over 450 IFC members from 11 University of Kansas fraternities attended the event. KFLL hosted many speakers, including Douglas County's Sr. Asst. District Attorney, who spoke about the legal repercussions for minor in possession, fake ID cards and obstructing police officers, and the Sexual Assault Prevention & Education Center's Program Educator, who spoke about the obliga tions of the men to prevent sexual assault.

On February 15-16, Mu Iota attended the 2019 Pacific Northwest Section Convention, which was hosted by Beta Psi at Boise State. Undergraduates from the Upsilon Sigma Colony at Utah State and the Epsilon Omicron at Oregon, Kappa Omicron at Oregon State and Sigma Tau at Washington chapters were also in attendance. The event kicked off on Friday, with a social hour, to give undergraduates and graduate brothers from other chapters a chance to get to know one another. Then on Saturday, Beta Psi hosted workshops on recruitment and graduate relations, and former Archon Jeff Downey (UCLA 1983) lead a philanthropy workshop. Brothers also participated in a cultural awareness presentation by the Inclusive Excellence Student Council at Boise State University.

Overall, the Chapter had a successful 2018-2019 school year. The Chapter was 2nd in grades among fraternities, and they won the intramural championship. They also received the Most Outstanding Campus Involvement Award at the Greek Life Awards.

6 Fall 2019 New Members: 17

Kent State | Kent, Ohio

On April 28, 2019, the Kappa Upsilon Colony hosted their first Not for College Days Alone Dinner.

Colony brothers also helped decorate Alpha Xi Delta Sorority's house for Autism Awareness.


Kentucky | Lexington, Kentucky

5 In 2019, Upsilon Kappa held their Pig Dinner in the fall for the first time. The timing change allowed for a record number of graduate brothers in attendance, with 40 graduates.

The Chapter also acquired a new chapter house this year. The house, which is located across the street from the University's library, houses 29 brothers.

Fall 2019 New Members: 32

Kettering A | Flint, Michigan

Mack Transit (2021) received a grant from Kettering University's Entrepreneurial Society for his product, Red Reading, a USB-charged red reading light. Mack saw a need for a red light reading lamp, because most reading lamps use blue light, which disrupts the body's circadian rhythm and suppresses melatonin production. For more information, visit

Michigan | Ann Arbor, Michigan

During the spring 2019 semester, the Alpha Phi Chapter won the annual Winterfest Broomball tournament by beating 13 other fraternities. The event raises money for the Autism Alliance of Michigan.

The Chapter also teamed up with the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority for their event, Walk a Mile. Brothers walked a mile in high heels to stand against domestic violence and abuse.


| Galesburg, Illinois

6 On September 26, the Chapter participated in Fresh Day Check, an event that educates students about mental health. Throughout the day, Gamma Deuteron brothers tabled for Nine Out of Ten, an organization that teaches college students how to recognize the warning signs of suicide and take action. One out of 10 college students contemplates suicide, which means nine out of 10 col lege students could help each ONE who is struggling. The Chapter was proud to pledge to be one of the nine who will help someONE!

Miami | Oxford, Ohio

Fifty Mu Upsilon brothers traveled to New Jersey to attend the funeral service of Tyler Magill (2018), who passed ad astra March 23, 2019.



Minnesota | Minneapolis, Minnesota

On the anniversary of Mitchell Hoenig's (2018) death, in February, brothers traveled to the bench that was dedi cated to him on Minneapolis's Lake of the Isles. It was a special trip that reminded the brothers how special the friendships and brotherhood are within the Chapter.

Mississippi State | Starkville, Mississippi

Missouri | Columbia, Missouri

The City of Columbia named the Chi Mu Chapter July's Volunteer of the Month for their dedication to volun teerism in the community. Throughout the year, the Chapter volunteered at many Columbia events, including the Bear Creek Run Half Marathon, the Stonegrinder 7k, the Parks and Recreation Holiday Lights and Heritage Weekend, to name a few. Parks and Recreation Specialist Jay Bradley said, “[These events were] far and away more successful due to the help from [the Chi Mu Chapter].”

Northeastern | Boston, Massachusetts

Nu Eta brothers participated in the University's annual Relay for Life and raised $12,230.

Daniel Kent (2019) and Akshay Kaushik (2019) were inducted into the Huntington 100, a society that honors outstanding students for achievements which are com mensurate with the University's mission, ideals, values and academic plan.

5 This year, Sigma Mu awarded three new members with Toward Excellence Scholarships. These new mem bers (pictured) were selected among 25 applicants for their outstanding qualities of scholarship, leadership and community service.

Nevada Reno | Reno, Nevada

The Delta Colony hosted a Not for College Days Alone Dinner on September 4. During dinner, area gradu ate brothers shared their Phi Gam experiences with the Colony's prospective members.

In April, Jake Ludwig (2021) ran the Boston Marathon, and his Nu Eta brothers met him at the 25-mile mark to cheer him on to the finish line.

On September 11, Cameron Castonguay (2021) vol unteered to hand out flags between classes for 9/11 Remembrance Day.

6 Additionally, Nu Eta brothers won the 2019 Greek Sing competition with the sisters of the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Greek Sing is an annual competition in which each fraternity and sorority pair practices for over a month to create a 6-minute choreographed dance.


Northwestern | Evanston, Illinois

Phi Chapter brothers volunteered as tutors for Boys Hope Illinois, a high school scholarship program in the Chicago suburbs that helps academi cally capable and motivated childrenin-need to meet their full potential and become men and women for others.

Ohio | Athens, Ohio

Fall 2019 New Members: 24

Ohio Northern | Ada, Ohio

4 During the fall 2019 semes ter, Omega Nu welcomed 10 new members.

Ohio Wesleyan | Delaware, Ohio

During OWU's 2018 Greek Awards, the Theta Deuteron Chapter received the Chapter Academic Excellence Award and Silver for the Chapter Excellence Award. Additionally, sev eral brothers won individual awards. Jose Matute (2021) won the Tom Courtice New Member Award. Ben Whitbourn (2019) won the OWU Bishops Trophy. Duncan Copeland (2020) won the Outstanding Fraternity Scholar Award, and he and Sam Miller (2020) were inducted into the Order of Omega.

Over summer break, Phoenix Huron (2020) was a 2019 Capitol Hill intern for West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin. Sam Miller (2020) went to Houston to assist Dr. Herbert DuPont, an OWU alumnus, with research. They studied probiotics and their effects on treat ing a bacteria called C. diff, which is the leading cause of hospital and antibiotic associated diarrhea worldwide. They are in the process of getting the research published.

In October, Duncan Copeland (2020) attended the College Ethics Symposium at Hilton Head, South Carolina with three other students to represent OWU.

Old Dominion | Norfolk, Virginia

5 Omega Deuteron won the IFC Chapter of the Year award, as well as all four of the Excellence Awards: Leadership Development, Integration of Values & Purpose, Scholarship and Community Relations. They also received the award for Best Philanthropy/ Community Event, which was co-hosted with the Alpha Xi Delta Sorority.

The Chapter also initiated 19 brothers during the spring 2019 semester.


Oregon | Eugene, Oregon

5 Epsilon Omicron hosted their inaugural Spike Cancer, a philanthropic spike ball tournament. The tournament was open to all UO students and raised money for Blankets for Cancer (BFC), a nonprofit orga nization dedicated to supporting patients, families and researchers dealing with pediatric cancer. The event raised over $3,600 for BFC. The Chapter chose to support BFC because it was founded by Blake Arnold's (2020) uncle, Adam Rinde (Arizona 1992).

Pictured: Several brothers traveled to the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon, to deliver blankets and visit pediatric cancer patients.

On February 15-16, the Chapter attended the 2019 Pacific Northwest Section Convention, which was hosted by the Beta Psi Chapter at Boise State. The convention included a social hour, recruitment, philanthropy and graduate rela tions workshops, and a cultural awareness presentation.

Oregon State | Corvallis, Oregon

Kappa Omicron attended the 2019 Pacific Northwest Section Convention, on February 15-16. Brothers from the Beta Psi at Boise State, Mu Iota at Idaho, Epsilon Omicron at Oregon and Sigma Tau at Washington chap ters and the Upsilon Sigma Colony at Utah State attended the convention, which was hosted by the Beta Psi Chapter. The event began on Friday, with a social hour, to give undergraduates and graduate brothers from other chap ters a chance to get to know one another. On Saturday, there were workshops on recruitment, graduate relations and philanthropy, and brothers also participated in a cul tural awareness presentation by the Inclusive Excellence Student Council at Boise State University.

On May 18, 2019, the Chapter held their Pig Dinner at the Corvallis Country Club. Over 100 undergraduates and graduate brothers attended the event.

The Chapter also won the all-fraternity soccer tourna ment, which was hosted by the Alpha Phi Women's Fraternity for their spring term philanthropy.

Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

6 The Pi Sigma Chapter teamed up with the Kappa Delta Sorority and Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity for Pittsburgh's 2019 Greek Sing. Greek Sing is an annual philanthropy event that raises money for the Children's Miracle Network. Teams competing in the Sing were given five months to choreograph nine dances to their chosen theme. Pi Sigma's team won the competition with their "The Office" themed performances.

On March 20, brothers participated in the University's Dance Marathon, which supports the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. The Chapter raised over $2,600, bringing the University's total to over $338,600.

Additionally, four brothers were named scholarship winners during the Pig Dinner: Wesley Keck (2019) received the Rob Montgomery (1980) Memorial Scholarship. Colin Loiacono (2020) won the John Sheppard (1944) Memorial Scholarship. Nathan Barnes (2020) received the Gary Hirsch (1973) Memorial Scholarship. Eishan Ashwat (2020) was named the recipient of the Roy Walters (1940) Memorial Scholarship.



Purdue | West Lafayette, Indiana

The Lambda Iota Chapter introduced a new program, Live 2020, which saw success at the Zeta Chapter at Indiana. Every Lambda Iota brother will participate in the 4-Point Program, a leadership development and account ability program designed to help students maximize their performance in school, the chapter, campus life and their career. Each semester, brothers will be evaluated on a scale of 0-20 points to measure their achievements in those four key areas, and brothers with strong scores will have the opportunity to earn monetary rewards. Brothers who under-perform will be required to develop a reme diation plan to get back on track to all-around success. The Chapter volunteered to do a service project with Habitat for Humanity (HfH). Brothers will help HfH by fundraising for a project and building homes in the Lafayette area.

Additionally, the Chapter remains in the top 10 in grades among Purdue fraternities, with a 3.1 GPA for the 201819 academic year.

Quinnipiac | Hamden, Connecticut

Eta Chi won Fraternity of the Year for the 2018-19 aca demic year.

Rutgers | New Brunswick, New Jersey

On April 13, the Nu Beta Chapter held their Pig Dinner com memorating their 102nd anni versary. During the dinner the Nu Beta Educational Foundation announced they will be providing nearly $19,000 in scholarships to undergraduate brothers.

Sam Houston State | Huntsville, Texas

3 Sigma Eta volunteered with the SHSU Police Department by washing all of their patrol vehicles.

Aryn Pena (2020) was named a 2019 Greek Raven Scholar by the University's faculty and staff.

Fall 2019 New Members: 17 4

Rose-Hulman | Terre Haute, Indiana 5 Several Rho Phi brothers cleaned a portion of State Rd. 46 near Terre Haute.

South Florida | Tampa, Florida

5 Kappa Phi held their Pig Dinner on March 23. There were 68 brothers in attendance, including 28 local gradu ate brothers, 36 Kappa Phi undergraduates and four undergraduates from Upsilon Phi at Florida and the Delta Colony at Tampa. The day began with a golf tournament, followed by a graduate reception leading into the dinner. During dinner, Founding Father Lucas Fritz (2016) gave the Exile's Toast, and Tampa Graduate Chapter President Jim Arnold (Florida 1975) and Treasurer Jim Frishe (Florida 1971) presented Philippe Rochester (2022) with a scholarship for the Best 2018 Fall Pledge GPA, with a 3.7.

Tennessee Tech | Cookeville, Tennessee

4 After winning the Elite Softball Championship, Theta Tau was named All Sports Champions for the 2018-19 intramural season.

Texas State | San Marcos, Texas

Sigma Upsilon Colony brothers volunteered over 140 hours with the University’s Bobcat Build by distributing tools to volunteers. Bobcat Build is an annual community service event held each spring to help families in the San Marcos area. It is the largest one-day community service project in the state of Texas. Volunteers completed various service projects such as landscaping, painting and clean ing up residents' homes, schools, parks or churches. This was the third consecutive year the Colony assisted with the event.

Tennessee | Knoxville, Tennessee

On September 6, Kappa Tau hosted the inaugural Fall Graduate Dinner at their chapter house. During din ner, Chapter President Lucas Adams (2021) and Corresponding Secretary Carson Watts (2021) spoke about the Chapter’s positive direction and growth and the unique relationship it has with its graduates.


Texas San Antonio | San Antonio, Texas

During the spring 2019 semester, the Sigma Alpha Colony part nered with Set The Expectation to create a pledge for fraternities, sororities and student organiza tions across the nation. Set The Expectation is a nonprofit orga nization that is committed to combating sexual and physical violence through education and direct engagement with young men, coaches, boys in high school and collegiate athletic programs.

4 In February, Set The Expectation’s founder, Brenda Tracy, visited the UTSA cam pus to speak to students and help develop a pledge for Greek life organizations. The Colony signed the pledge, which means they have com mitted to be active bystanders against sexism and violence against women, practice consensual sex, hold themselves accountable for sexual harassment, and acknowledge the problem of sexual assault and relationship violence.

Toledo | Toledo, Ohio

Upsilon Tau hosted the FIJI Freeze philanthropy dinner at Alpha Chi Omega Sorority's house on September 6. From 8:00 pm - 12:00 am, the Chapter sold tickets for unlimited ice cream and cookies for $4. All proceeds were donated to the USO.

Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, Virginia

During the spring 2019 semester, Rho Alpha had the highest GPA of any fraternity on campus with greater than 100 members.

Before the 2019-20 school year began, the Chapter held a brotherhood event to clean up the chapter house. Additionally, in November the Chapter will once again partner with the Omicron Chapter at Virginia for their annual FIJI Run, supporting the Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research. For this year's run, brothers from each chapter will run 159 miles, relay-style, from Blacksburg to Charlottesville for the Commonwealth Clash (Virginia Tech vs. Virginia) football game.

Utah State | Logan, Utah

On February 15-16, Upsilon Sigma attended the 2019 Pacific Northwest Section Convention with the Beta Psi at Boise State, Mu Iota at Idaho, Epsilon Omicron at Oregon, Kappa Omicron at Oregon State and Sigma Tau at Washington chapters. The convention, which was hosted by the Beta Psi Chapter, included a social hour, workshops on recruitment, graduate relations and phi lanthropy, and a cultural awareness presentation by BSU's Inclusive Excellence Student Council.

Virginia | Charlottesville, Virginia

During Virginia's Greek Awards, the Omicron Chapter won Outstanding Philanthropic Event of the Year and the Mark Leonida Memorial Outstanding Sportsmanship & Intramural Sports Award. Additionally, last year's Chapter President, Justin Fox (2020), was named Outstanding President.

This fall, the Chapter will once again partner with the Rho Alpha Chapter at Virginia Tech for their annual FIJI Run, which supports the Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research. For this year's run, brothers from each chapter will run 159 miles, relay-style, from Blacksburg to Charlottesville for the Commonwealth Clash (Virginia vs. Virginia Tech) football game.

To help fundraise for the event, Omicron brothers teamed up with Tread Happy and Lululemon for a workout class and fundraiser on September 19. The event raised hun dreds of dollars for cancer research.


Washington | Seattle, Washington

Sigma Tau attended the 2019 Pacific Northwest Section Convention on February 15-16. The convention was hosted by Beta Psi at Boise State. Brothers from Mu Iota at Idaho, Epsilon Omicron at Oregon, Kappa Omicron at Oregon State and Upsilon Sigma Colony at Utah State also attended the event, as well as Section Chiefs Steve Lamberson (1980) and Brad Whiting (1980). The convention started with a social hour on Friday, and on Saturday there were work shops on recruitment, graduate relations and philanthropy. Additionally, brothers participated in Boise State's Inclusive Excellence Student Council cultural awareness presentation.

Western Kentucky | Bowling Green, Kentucky

6 This summer, Chi Eta held their 7th Bike4Alz, a phi lanthropy bike ride benefiting Alzheimer's research. This year there were 12 bike riders, with Gabe Hitz (2021) as the lead rider. The Chapter set a $70,000 goal for the ride, which began on May 18 in San Francisco, California. The ride ended on July 20 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, having raised over $66,000. For more information about Bike4Alz, visit

Western Michigan | Kalamazoo, Michigan

5 In May, seven Kappa Mu brothers traveled through out Germany while taking a class on negotiation. Pictured: Brothers in Bacharach, Germany. Fall 2019 New Members: 16

Western Ontario | London, Ontario

On March 29, Lambda Omega hosted the 9th annual Austen Berlet Campout for Mental Health. The Campout was created in 2010 and is named in memory of Austen Berlet, who passed away in 2009. During the event, participants camp out at Victoria Park in London for 24 hours to raise money for the Canadian Mental Health Association and awareness for mental illness. Since the event’s inception, the Chapter has raised over $137,000 for the CMHA, with $17,500 raised this year.

William Jewell | Liberty, Missouri

On April 6, Zeta Phi brothers participated in the William Jewell Day of Service by volunteering throughout the Kansas City community.

William & Mary | Williamsburg, Virginia

Rho Tau won William & Mary's 2019 Outstanding Fraternity Award.

During Greek Awards, the Chapter won six of the seven awards for which it was eligible, including three chapter awards and three individual awards. They won Philanthropy of the Year, IFC GPA Award and IFC Facility of the Year. Jack Still (2021) received the Fraternity Emerging Leader Award. Josh Parker (2019), who is now serving the Fraternity as a Field Secretary, won Greek Man of the Year. Hayden Fulk (2020) was named Greek President of the Year.


William Woods | Fulton, Missouri

The Chapter received several annual Greek Awards, including 2018-19 Top Grades Award, 2019 Greek Olympics Champions, 2019 IFC Social Media Contest Winner and 2019 Greek Week Champions, to name a few.

5 Additionally, five brothers won individual awards. Mitchell Brown (2019) won Most Outstanding Greek Senior. Brady Branscum (2022) was named Most Outstanding Greek Freshman. Stephen George (2020) won Most Outstanding Chapter Member and the Greek Scholar (4.0) Award. Grant Clayton (2020) received the Unsung Hero Award. Thomas Carbone (2020) won the Greek Scholar (4.0) Award.

Pictured (L-R): Mitchell Brown, Thomas Carbone, Justin Bax (2019), Grant Clayton, Stephen George, Kyle Hooper (2021) and Brady Branscum.

Kappa Chi hosted a Mom's Weekend in March. During the weekend, brothers and their moms enjoyed brunch, a winery tour and quality time together.

Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin

The Mu Chapter tragically lost brother Michael Meads (2022) due to complications from Adenovirus in February 2019. During Michael's battle with the virus, the Chapter helped Michael and his family in any way possible,including a small fundraiser to help the Meads family. Since Michael's passing, the Chapter decided to divert over $13,000 from their Island Cup fundraiser to establish the Michael Meads Scholarship Foundation.

WPI | Worcester, Massachusetts

On September 4, Pi Iota held an ALS Dunk Tank philan thropy event, raising $3,504 for ALS research.

On September 11, the Chapter held a philanthropy event for the USO. Brothers sold yellow ribbons throughout the day and raised $292.

Hunter Peterson (2019) was named Fraternity Man of the Year at this spring’s Greek Recognition Awards.

5 During the 2018-19 school year, four WPI brothers sat on the Senior Class Board: Chase Arsenault (2019), Austin Fabbo (2019), Johnathan A'Vant (2019) and Lucas Mancinelli (2019). The board was successful in raising $25,225 for the Senior Class Gift Challenge. Additionally, Win Priem (1959) and his wife, Susan, have generously matched the senior class gift every year since 2002, adding an additional $10,000 to the raised funds.

Pictured (L-R): Senior Class Gift Co-Chairs Lucas Mancinelli and Rosie McCarthy, WPI President Laurie Leshin and Win Priem. t


Fall 2019 Expansion Results

It is an exciting time of the year, as we have completed fall colonizations at Loyola University New Orleans and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.

Loyola University New Orleans | New Orleans, Louisiana


Timeline: August 26 - October 13, 2019

Staff: Field Secretaries Brock Walkenbach and Hunter Wish

GPA: 3.11

Founding Fathers: 24

Fun Facts:

• During the Colony's first info session, Purple Legionnaire David Trepagnier (Louisiana State 2018) discovered he is related to two of the Founding Fathers: Brandon Abdella and Jacob Abdella

Delta Colony at Loyola New Orleans Founding Fathers with expansion staff members Hunter Wish and Brock Walkenbach.

• Founding Father Brian Hunter served in the U.S. Navy for four years before coming to Loyola.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | Oshkosh, Wisconsin


Timeline: September 1- October 20, 2019

Staff: Field Secretaries Josh Parker and Eli Ussery

GPA: 3.63

Fun Facts:

• The Founding Fathers are members of the Oshkosh Student Association, Computer Science Club, University Police Department and Party.0 (a sober party initiative), to name a few.

The first five Founding Fathers of the Delta Colony at Wisconsin Oshkosh (L-R): President Zack DeBroux, Recording Secretary Darren Kieffer, Treasurer Cole Krajewski, Historian Max Krawczyk and Corresponding Secretary Jonathon Tolbert.

• Some of the BCA members have helped with previous colonization projects at Wisconsin and Michigan State. t


Upsilon Sigma at Utah State University Re-chartering

Date: October 12, 2019

Chapter President: Luke Huffman (2020)

Purple Legionnaire: Brian Welch (2018)

Legate: Bob Ropelato (1969)

International Fraternity Delegation:

• Jim Link (Ohio Wesleyan 1982), Archon Vice President

• Ed Gabe (Hanover 1990), Archon Councilor

• Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007), Ritualist

• Matthew Hazleton (Colorado School of Mines 1996), Section Chief

• Rob Caudill (Akron 2004), Executive Director

• Bryan Hartzell (Western Kentucky 2014), Director of Chapter Services

• Alex Cruz (Northern Arizona 2017), Director of Chapter Development

Ritual Team: Brothers from Boise State

Charter Members: 24


• Collected over 1,400 items to donate to the Road Foundation, which supports veterans, homeless people in the Salt Lake City area and others in need

• Upsilon Sigma graduates maintained the annual Pig Dinner tradition for more than 20 years while the Chapter was closed t


During summer 2019, two sessions of The Leadership Institute were held at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The Leadership Institute is a five-day leadership development experience. It is offered free of charge to undergraduate members identified as emerging leaders in their chapter, thanks to the generous support of graduate brothers and the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation. During the Institute, partici pants learn about Courageous Leadership while building relation ships with fellow participants and facilitators. After the event, participants can articulate their own definition of leadership, relate their membership experience to Phi Gamma Delta on an interna tional level, and leave with a concrete plan to address an issue of their choosing within their chapter. Graduates of the Institute often go on to serve in cabinet roles as well as other chapter and Greek community leadership positions.

Participants were asked: 'What does Courageous Leadership mean to you?' Here are some of their answers:

• Courageous leadership means I am strong and yet vulnerable as a leader.

• Being a courageous leader is challenging the norm and inspiring others to enact a shared vision.

• Courageous leadership means account ability, reliability and leading by example.

• Courageous leadership means to lead in a way that is selfless and humble while remaining confident and encouraging.

• Courageous leadership means standing up for what is right.

26 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|FALL 2019 THE LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Session 1: May 29 - June 2, 2019 Session 2: June 10-14, 2019 By the Numbers: 60 undergraduates from 51 chapters 66 undergraduates from 53 chapters & colonies 14 facilitators (7 graduates & 7 interfraternal) Jacob Crow (Arizona 2020) Undergraduate Intern 14 facilitators (8 graduates & 6 interfraternal) Graham Hess (Akron 2021) Undergraduate Intern
Summer Events Building Cour ageous Le ader s


Replacing the Recruitment Workshop, the inaugural New Member Summit occurred June 28-30, 2019 in Lexington. The Summit has two tracks, one for recruitment chairmen and one for new member educators. Facilitated by staff from the headquarters and Phired Up Productions, this event helps participants take their recruitment and new member education “from JV to Varsity.”

The recruitment chairmen track broke down the processes within a yearround dynamic recruitment system. With a focus on building a culture of positive relationships and belonging, participants designed a recruitment plan for the upcoming academic year.

New Member Education is intended to be a meaningful and engaging experi ence. Through a variety of activities and discussions, new member educators developed a unique and custom program for their chapter/colony with the help of the staff facilitators. t

This event was fantastic for so many reasons. I know that we're sending more guys next year. It was truly an amazing experience and I can’t recommend going to this event more.


By the Numbers

June 28-30, 2019 66

undergraduates from 32 chapters & colonies


The Summit was all cut and dry skills... Other fraternity programs I’ve been to are more ‘here’s some concepts, think about how to apply it on your own.’ This meshed a lot better with my style; it was an awesome experience.

New Member Educators

Recruitment Chairmen 15

facilitators (14 staff members & 1 former staff member)

2021) Summer Events THE SUMMIT

The End of an Era

Celebrating Bill Martin's Legacy

On Friday, June 28, 2019, long after staff had left for the weekend, William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) quietly turned off his office lights and left the International Headquarters at 1201 Red Mile Road, marking the end of an era in Phi Gamma Delta.

Above: Bill Martin at the 170th Ekklesia in Dallas, Texas on July 26-29, 2018. This was Bill's last Ekklesia as Executive Director

From the moment Bill Martin announced his upcoming retirement as Executive Director, he promised one thing – that he would continue working hard for the Fraternity up to his last day. (To prove his point, on at least one occasion he sent pictures to the Archons showing him in the office at 8:00 am!) Though some may doubt his continued pace after 39 years on the Fraternity staff, those that know Bill would not be at all surprised.

A native of Tunica, Mississippi, Bill

graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in marketing. As an under graduate, he served as Chapter Historian and Chapter President of the Sigma Mu Chapter. Bill first joined the Fraternity staff as its 68th Field Secretary on June 15, 1976. Then, after a year with the South Central Bell telephone company, he returned to the International Headquarters staff as Director of Chapter Services in 1979. He then became Director of Programs in 1983.

On July 1, 1986, Bill Martin became Executive Director and Editor, succeeding Bill Zerman (Michigan 1949) as Phi Gamma Delta’s third Executive Director. In announcing Bill’s selec tion in his 1986 Fraternally Speaking column, Bill Zerman said, “Bill Martin has been an obvious leading candidate as my succes sor…. [he] is known throughout Phi Gamma


Delta and the Fraternity world as one of the outstanding leaders.” Throughout his career, Bill Martin proved that the Archons made a wise choice.

In 1999, Bill made a difficult decision to leave the Fraternity staff. He indicated, “It is said that the person who can make a liv ing at something he loves is truly blessed. For twenty-two years, Phi Gamma Delta has given me the opportunity to be one of those people.” But in 2003, Bill returned as Executive Director and Editor and contin ued until his retirement in June 2019. When asked about his decision to return, Bill replied, “At the end of each day, I wanted to be at Phi Gamma Delta. That is where my heart is.”

Bill Martin led Phi Gamma Delta for a total of 29 years through both significant achieve ments and challenging changes. He guided the implementation of the Fraternity’s liabil ity insurance program and the risk manage ment policy in the 1980s. Into the 1990s, he led with the Archons as the Ekklesia adopted major changes in governance and structure, as well as alcohol-free housing. Bill also executed two transformational strategic initiatives that launched in 2006: to grow the Fraternity (170x170) and to increase the involvement of its graduate brothers (Loyal for Life). In more recent years, Bill oversaw the launch of the Fraternity’s Building Courageous Leaders initiative and, in 2018, Positive Impact 2030.

Consummate professional, diplomat, ambassador, servant leader, gentleman and friend. His optimistic style and belief in the fraternal movement are contagious and have served to motivate many a new colleague, includ ing yours truly. Bill leads by quiet example; he has never been too busy or too successful to assist an interfraternal colleague or take on an assignment to advance the movement. To do this for a few years is remarkable; but, to do it for more than 29 years is exceptional.


While Executive Director, Bill hired more than 150 staff members (including 120 Field Secretaries) and saw 96 chapters chartered or re-chartered and more than 70,000 brothers initiated.

In addition to his impact on Phi Gamma Delta, Bill has been an instrumental voice of the interfraternal movement for the past four decades. He is considered a “dean” among Fraternity executives, serving on the Fraternity Executives Association board from 1992-99 and as President from 199798. He has also been highly involved and provided guidance to the North-American Interfraternity Conference, Phi Gamma Delta’s trade association.

The impact and legacy of Bill Martin goes well beyond statistics and recitation of initia tives accomplished. Brothers and interfrater nal friends recognize Bill as a steady voice in times of turmoil, a trusted sounding board, a bold leader when the time is right and, above all, someone who genuinely cares about those he meets and works with.

Left: Bill Zerman with Headquarters staff (1979); Middle: Headquarters staff (1988); Right: Bill Martin with Doug Dittrick, then Archon Vice President (1994)

By the Numbers:

• 39 years of professional service to Phi Gamma Delta

• 3rd Executive Director in PGD his tory, serving more than 29 years

• 86 Archons/18 Archon Presidents served under as Executive Director

• 150+ staff members hired, including 120 Field Secretaries

• 96 chapters chartered/re-char tered as Executive Director

• 70,633 brothers initiated into Phi Gamma Delta while Executive Director

Left: Martin family (L-R): Will, Carol, Ben, Lizzy and Bill (2018)


Bill Martin’s commitment to fundamental fairness and principles is one of the many reasons that so many of his peers seek his counsel on a regular basis. When perplexed by a problem or difficult decision, a personal litmus test is often, “What would Bill Martin do?”

- Buddy Cote (Maine 1981), former Archon President

As a testament to Bill’s impact, more than 190 brothers and guests gathered in Lexington, KY, on June 21-22 to celebrate his career. And, while a herculean task to recog nize all that he has done, through the course of the weekend and in the months prior Bill was honored in several ways:

• Bill was named Executive Director Emeritus by the Archons and an Honorary Trustee of the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.

• The Fraternity’s Distinguished Fiji Award, which he received in 1999, was renamed the William A. Martin III Distinguished Fiji Award.

• Bill was awarded the North-American Interfraternity Conference Gold Medal, the conference’s highest honor. Past Phi Gam recipients include Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917), William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan 1920)

• Bill received the Fraternity Executives Association’s Distinguished Service Award, its highest honor, which recognizes out standing service in the betterment of all college fraternal organizations.

• Bill received the Fraternity Communications Association's Evin C.

Varner, Jr. Fraternal Communications Award, one of its highest honors.

• A portrait of Bill was unveiled and hung in the Phi Gamma Delta Headquarters library alongside past Executive Directors Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) and William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949)

Bill’s dedication and service to Phi Gamma Delta would not have been possible without the support and sacrifice of his family –Lizzy, Will, Ben and, especially, his wife of 36 years, Carol. With this in mind, and to make up for a fraction of the birthdays, anniversa ries, school events and other gatherings Bill had to miss over the years, the current and former Archons presented the Martin family a gift to allow them to travel as a family.

In 1986, the Fraternity was fortunate to identify a brother who embodies its ideals as well as Bill Martin and is more fortunate to have enjoyed his leadership and wisdom for nearly four decades on the staff. Phi Gamma Delta is certain to benefit from his legacy for years to come.

We wish Bill great happiness on a welldeserved retirement! t

Bill’s leadership and involvement over nearly forty years in critical areas such as anti-hazing initiatives and alcohol-free housing policy have helped transform our member frater nities and our community.


- Mike Lucas (Bradley 1983), former Archon President



Individual Awards

Coulter Cup

Awarded for service to an under graduate chapter other than as Purple Legionnaire.

W: Ron Crockett (Washington 1961) - Washington

Distinguished Service:

• Buddy Coté (Maine 1981)Northeastern

• Tyler Jury (Western Kentucky 2012) - Western Kentucky

• Billy Leslie (Tennessee Tech 1993)Tennessee Tech

• Clay Pollard (Texas A&M 1981)Texas A&M

• Chris Skalet (Tennessee 1990) - Tennessee

Crowder Cup

Presented to the most outstanding faculty advisor.

W: Tony Marable - Tennessee Tech

Distinguished Service:

• Tianna Cervantez - Knox College

• Peter McKechnie (Texas Christian 1991) - Tennessee

• Jen Pelletier - Ohio State

Durrance Award

Presented to the most outstanding Purple Legionnaire.

W: Bill Brand (RPI 1987) - Northeastern Distinguished Service:

• Bobby Adams (Tennessee Tech 2015) - Tennessee Tech

• Ray Blankenship (Kentucky 1984)Western Kentucky

• Jason Evans (North Alabama 1998) - Boise State

• Bill Miller (Indiana 1962, Purdue GA 1996) - Purdue

• Pat Scott (Washington 1994)Washington

• Dave Willens (WPI 2009) - WPI

Haynes Award

Presented to the most outstanding Section Chief.

W: Brad Whiting (Washington 1980)

Distinguished Service:

• Brent Ellis (Tennessee Tech 1999)

• Tim Kilduff (Kent State 1968)

• Shawn Meier (Ball State 2009)

Wilkinson Award

Presented to the Fraternity's most out standing senior.

W: Kai Nichols (Colorado School of Mines 2019) & Chase Stiffler (Georgia 2019)


Undergraduate Chapter Awards

Cheney Cup

Awarded for the greatest all-around efficiency in scholarship, fraternity rela tionships and collegiate activities.

1st: Chi Eta at Western Kentucky

2nd: Sigma Tau at Washington

3rd: Nu Eta at Northeastern Standout Performance:

• Epsilon Rho at Embry-Riddle

• Kappa Deuteron at Georgia

• Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech

• Mu Iota at Idaho

• Zeta at Indiana

• Sigma Mu at Mississippi State

Condon Cup

Awarded for the greatest overall improvement.

1st: Sigma Eta at Sam Houston State

2nd: Zeta Phi at William Jewell

3rd: Beta Rho at Louisiana State Standout Performance:

• Gamma Kappa at Colorado School of Mines

• Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech Baker Cup

Awarded for religious, ethical and social service activities.

1st: Sigma Tau at Washington

2nd: Theta Tau at Tennessee Tech

3rd: Zeta at Indiana Chi Eta at Western Kentucky Standout Performance:

• Beta Sigma at Ball State

• Gamma Kappa at CSM

• Mu Iota at Idaho

• Nu Eta at Northeastern

Brightman Trophy

Presented to the chapter which best demonstrates that Phi Gamma Delta is "Not for College Days Alone."

1st: Chi Eta at Western Kentucky 2nd: Sigma Tau at Washington 3rd: Mu Iota at Idaho Standout Performance:

• Kappa Deuteron at Georgia

• Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech

Coon Plaque

Awarded for the best chapter publications.

1st: Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech 2nd: Sigma Tau at Washington 3rd: Zeta at Indiana Standout Performance:

• Mu Iota at Idaho

• Lambda Iota at Purdue

• Chi Eta at Western Kentucky

Graduate Chapter Awards

Brightman Awards

Presented to the most outstanding graduate chapter in the Fraternity.

More Than 75 Members:

1st: Houston, Texas

HM: National Capital Fijis (Washington, DC)

Fewer Than 75 Members:

1st: Southeast Florida (Miami, FL)

2nd: Alberta (Edmonton, Alberta)

HM - Honorable Mention; W - Winner

3rd: Southwest Florida (Naples, FL)

HM: Knoxville Metro (Knoxville, TN)

Not For College Days Alone Awards

Presented to the graduate chapters excelling in the following areas:

Community Outreach & Involvement:

W: Houston, Texas

Jordan Bowl

Awarded for the highest scholarship among all undergraduate chapters.

1st: Theta Deuteron at Ohio Wesleyan

2nd: Kappa Deuteron at Georgia

3rd: Sigma Eta at Sam Houston State Standout Performance:

• Epsilon Rho at Embry-Riddle

• Theta Tau at Tennessee Tech

• Chi Eta at Western Kentucky

Owen Cup

Awarded for the greatest improvement in scholarship.

1st: Nu Eta at Northeastern

2nd: Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech

3rd: Pi Iota at WPI

Zerman Trophy

Awarded for involvement in student government, campus newspaper and extracurricular activities.

1st: Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech

2nd: Sigma Tau at Washington

3rd: Nu Eta at Northeastern Standout Performance:

• Kappa Deuteron at Georgia

• Theta Tau at Tennessee Tech

• Chi Eta at Western Kentucky

• Pi Iota at WPI

Events & Programming:

W: National Capital Fijis (Washington, DC)

Recruitment & Outreach:

W: Houston, Texas

Undergraduate Support:

W: Southeast Florida (Miami, FL)


Bruce Pitman Named Caswell Award Winner

Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue 1971) was honored with the James E. Caswell Award for College Administrators. Brother Pitman is the second recipient of the award, which was named in memory of Jim Caswell (Southern Methodist 1963)

Bruce enjoyed a successful and impactful career in student affairs at the University of Idaho (UI). He started as Greek Advisor in 1973 and became Dean of Students in 1981. In October 2014, he retired as Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Shortly after his retire ment, in January 2015, the University honored Bruce’s career with the dedication of the Bruce M. Pitman Center (formerly the Student Union Building), a fitting recognition as it is often the first impression students get of the University.

In addition to his involvement in Greek Life at UI, Bruce served the Fraternity as a Field Secretary from 1971-73 and as a Section Chief from 1974-78. Bruce was elected to the Archonate by the 162nd Ekklesia and served as an Archon Counselor from 2010-14. He and is wife, Kathryn, continue to reside in Moscow, Idaho.

Bruce received the Caswell Award on June 22, 2019. Presenting the award were former Archon Councilor David Grady (Mississippi State 1982), National President of Order of Omega, and former Archon Secretary Kevin Mitchelson (Kansas 1979). t


About the James E. Caswell Award

The Bylaws of Phi Gamma Delta provide for an award to be presented, no more than twice per year, "to college administra tors who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Fraternity, the Greek system or higher education." In January 2015, the Archons voted to name this award in memory of Jim Caswell (Southern Methodist 1963), who served as Archon President from 2000-02 and as Vice President for Student Affairs at Southern Methodist University for 18 years. Jim passed ad astra in October 2007.

L-R: David Grady, Bruce Pitman and Kevin Mitchelson


Alabama | Tuscaloosa, Alabama

3 Harold Swearingen (1948) received his Diamond Owl certificate celebrating 75 years as a Phi Gam.

Auburn | Auburn, Alabama

Dr. Hunter McCord (2004) recently passed the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology. With this achievement Hunter is now Board Certified in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Anesthesiology. Less than 20% of all Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons will achieve this level of education and earn dual certification. He prac tices full scope Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Cleveland, Tennessee, where he is also Head of the Dept. of Dentistry and Chief of Oral & Facial Surgery at Tennova Hospital. Gary Wayne Guttry (1963) passed ad astra on August 25, 2019, at the age of 84. Gary was instrumental in the founding of the Auburn Colony. He also served as the first Chapter President upon Alpha Upsilon's chartering. Gary had a tremendous influence on the Chapter, which was founded on three principles: no hazing, higher academic standards for initiation, and a dry house, which was revolutionary at the time. He also saved several brothers’ lives and helped rescue the house mother when the chap ter house caught fire in January 1962. After graduation, Gary maintained an extensive collection of memorabilia from the Chapter, and he was a constant presence at Pig Dinners and reunions.

Allegheny | Meadville, Pennsylvania

In July, Pi Chapter undergraduate brothers and graduates from the classes of 1970's -1990's gathered for Allegheny's Football Fundraiser, which honored Michael Wilson (1982) and Dr. Neil Capretto.

5 Matt Bocchi (2013) (left) presented James Weber (1947) (right) with his Diamond Owl certificate, having been initiated into the Fraternity 75 years ago.

Arizona | Tucson, Arizona

Upsilon Alpha graduate brothers attended the memo rial service for Karl Eller (1952), who passed ad astra on March 10 of this year. The brothers in attendance were: Brent Moody (1961), Dick Nixon (1959), Ron Harper (1959), Vince San Angelo (1962), J. Craig Barker (1982), John Marietti (1961) and David Engelman (1959)


Baylor | Waco, Texas

On April 22, Matt Mosley (1995) debuted The Matt Mosley Show on ESPN Central Texas 1660 AM/92.3 FM.

The show broadcasts weekdays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm on Baylor Athletics' flagship radio station.

Jeffery Price (1992) was recognized on Forbes' Best-inState Wealth Advisors list in 2019, making it Jeff's seventh consecutive year on the list. He was also named one of "America's Top 1,200 Advisors: State-by-State" by Barron’s Magazine.

Bowling Green | Bowling Green, Ohio

Adam Stocker (2000) was recently awarded tenure at Minnesota State University Moorhead. He is now an asso ciate professor in the Biosciences Department.

Bucknell | Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Delta Chapter graduate brothers gathered for their annual golf trip at the Dolphin Head Golf Club in Hilton Head.

Florida | Gainesville, Florida

6 This summer, seven Upsilon Phi graduate broth ers spent five days camping and hiking in Yellowstone National Park.

Pictured (L-R): John Van Wettering (1983), Jeff Pile (1983), David Smith (1983), Doug Watson (1980), Greg Biehl (1984), Ned Westbrook (1983) and Ron Herbanek (1980).

California Los Angeles | Los Angeles, California

Emmett Loverde (1989) hosted a private screening of his new film, "Beauty, Brains, and Personality," on August 25 in Los Angeles.

Chicago | Chicago, Illinois

4 J. Wilmar Jensen (1947) received his Diamond Owl cer tificate, recognizing 75 years since his initiation into Phi Gamma Delta.

At the age of 91, Wilmar still works four days a week as an attorney in Modesto, California, and he farms walnuts and almonds.

Georgia | Athens, Georgia

David Kraebber, MD (1977) was honored as visiting professor and lecturer for graduating urologists at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. He was invited to be Named Visiting Professor and annual Millie Berg Memorial Lecturer at the Mayo Clinic Department of Urology on June 14. David is certified by the American Board of Urology and provides both inpatient and outpa tient care in Wilmington, NC.


Hanover | Hanover, Indiana

On May 4, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb (1990) received Hanover's Alumni Achievement Award. Governor Holcomb was one of four alumni who received this award, having enhanced the reputation of the College by distinguishing themselves through outstanding profes sional or personal achievements or dedicating their time and service to their alma mater.

Idaho | Moscow, Idaho

During their 2019 Pig Dinner, Mu Iota held a tribute to Michael "Southie" Southcombe (1957), who passed ad astra on April 4, 2018. The Chapter also established the Robert Michael Southcombe Scholarship in his memory and announced the first scholarship recipient, Michael Josu Lejardi (2019)

Ed Marohn (1968) published his first novel, Legacy of War, on July 1, 2019. For more information, visit www.

Bruce Pitman (Purdue 1971, Idaho Grad Affiliate 1975) was inducted into the University of Idaho Alumni Hall of Fame on May 10. Other brothers in attendance during the ceremony: Jake Smith (2019), Whitney Johnson (1980) and Mitch Sonnen (1986)

Joe P. Harle (1942), who turned 100 in November, received his Diamond Owl certificate celebrating over 75 years as a Phi Gam. He is the Fiji sire of son Rob (Texas Tech 1969), who passed ad astra in August 2018, and grandsons Joe W. (Texas Tech 1999) and Lee (Texas Tech 2004).

Illinois | Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

Kevin Yespen (1990), CSB Financial Holdings' president and chairman of the board, recently developed a new way to finance solar projects. This plan will allow schools to get free power by partnering with investors who put up the capital and gain a tax benefit. Kevin has also been named to the advisory board of the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center at the University of Illinois, which studies a wide range of sustainable-energy projects.

5 Graduate brothers from the classes of 1968-69 at their weekly meeting in Boise, Idaho, on July 17, 2019. The brothers were excited to welcome University of Idaho's new president, Scott Green (pictured standing, far left), to their meeting. President Green is a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Idaho (class of 1984).

5 During the Ieuter family summer vacation, the eight family members who are Phi Gams gathered (in their purple shirts) for a Fiji Sires and Sons picture.

Pictured: Bill Ieuter (1957) with his sons: Charlie (1983), Bill (Iowa State 1985) and Jacob (Kansas 1986); grand sons: Max (Michigan State 2012), Rolf (Wisconsin 2014) and Charlie (Kansas 2021); and nephew Karl (Miami 1995).

Indiana | Bloomington, Indiana

John Boehne (1948), received his Diamond Owl certifi cate, celebrating the 75th anniversary of his initiation. John will turn 94 in January.

Kevin Cox (2019) was recently commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, fulfilling a dream that he worked hard to accomplish. Additionally, several Zeta brothers attended Kevin's commissioning ceremony.


| Iowa City, Iowa

Brad Nielsen (1986) became president of the Rotary Club of Shawnee, Kansas, for the 2019-20 presidential year. Brad received his Club President pin from Paul Holmes (Missouri 1989), who was Club President from 2018-19. Both are proud Phi Gams and greet each other at each meeting accordingly.

Kansas State | Manhattan, Kansas

Tom Hubbard (1984) is participating in the 2019/20 Clipper Round the World Race, a 40,000-nautical-mile race around the world on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht. Tom will be sailing leg 7 (U.S. west coast to the U.S. east coast) and leg 8 (U.S. east coast to Ireland/Scotland and the finish line in England). The race starts in September 2019 and will finish in July 2020. To follow Tom on the race, view the online race tracker:

David Waters (1999) was recently named to Ingram's "50 Kansans You Should Know" list as a high achiever who has helped define business, civic, school and/or com munity life in Kansas. David, who works in real estate development, was recently elected Mayor of the City of Westwood, Kansas, and will be sworn in January 2020. As an undergraduate, David received the 1999 Wilkinson Award as the Fraternity's most outstanding senior.

Kent State | Kent, Ohio

Kenneth Gresko (1968) received his Gold Owl certificate having been a member for 50 years.

Kettering | Flint, Michigan

5 Alpha Gamma brothers from the class of 1969 met in Spring Green, Wisconsin, for their 50th reunion. The reunion featured a visit to the House on the Rock and Frank Lloyd Wright's studio, Taliesin.

Lawrence | Appleton, Wisconsin

4 Phil Young (1981) (left) and Bruce Wilson (1981) (right) met for break fast at the West Side Tudor's

Biscuit World in Charleston, West Virginia, on March 27.

Minnesota | Minneapolis, Minnesota

Amelious Whyte (Minnesota Faculty), faculty advi sor for the Mu Sigma Chapter, received the 2019 Advisor Award of Distinction from the North-American Interfraternity Conference. This award recognizes individuals who have shown exceptional commit ment to guiding and mentoring a chapter, IFC or Greek community.


Missouri | Columbia, Missouri

Brad Nielsen (Iowa 1986) became president of the Rotary Club of Shawnee, Kansas, for the 2019-20 presi dential year. Brad received his Club President pin from Paul Holmes (1989), who was Club President from 201819. Both are proud Phi Gams and greet each other at each meeting accordingly.

Missouri State | Springfield, Missouri

Wes Martin (2009) received the Certified Commercial Investment Member designation from CCIM Institute, one of the largest commercial real estate networks in the world. Wes is currently the vice president and director of retail brokerage at Hathaway Group in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is a former Field Secretary and former Director of Expansion for the Fraternity.

Nebraska | Lincoln, Nebraska

Twenty years ago, Tony Paladino (1999), Joe Andreasen (2001), Brian Marasco (2001) and Mike Ruhlman (2001) received a call from ESPN asking if they wanted to work on College GameDay for the Nebraska vs. Washington game. At the time, GameDay's Stage Director was a brother from the Florida Chapter. The four brothers share how they got involved 20 years ago: poEx7iK4B8Y. Currently, Joe and Mike are GameDay's Stage Director and Camera Operator, respectively.

New Mexico | Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jim Sweeney (1983) and Dave Zimmerman (Rutgers 1969) traveled to Scotland for a golf trip in June, and they played the St. Andrews Old Course on June 25.

New York | New York City, New York

Rich Kisielewski (1974) published a psychological thriller, Confessions, on April 30, 2019. Rich is the author of five Harry Mickey Shorts private detective mystery novels. Confessions is his first mainstream thriller, with the next Maeve Brennan novel already in progress. For more information please visit

North Alabama | Florence, Alabama

Keith Henley (1989) is president-elect of the Mississippi Association of Realtors.

Oklahoma | Norman, Oklahoma

W. DeVier Pierson (1953) will be inducted into the Wall of Fame of the Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools at the Foundation’s Humanitarian Awards din ner on November 18. DeVier, an Oklahoma civil trial and appellate lawyer, once served as counsel to President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Oklahoma State | Stillwater, Oklahoma

Trinity Presbyterian Church in McKinney, Texas, recently named their chapel for Rev. Patrick McCoy (1976), who served as pastor of the Church from 1993 to 2019.

Oregon State | Corvallis, Oregon

On May 18, 2019, over 100 undergraduate and graduate brothers gathered for Kappa Omicron's Pig Dinner at the Corvallis Country Club.

Pittsburgh (Omicron) Graduate Chapter | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

3 In July, the Omicron Graduate Chapter held their traditional FIJI OPEN and Get-Together with under graduate brothers of the newly re-char tered Pi Sigma Chapter.

Purdue | West Lafayette, Indiana

Max L. Hill, Jr. (1948) received his Diamond Owl celebrating 75 years since his initiation into Phi Gamma Delta. Max's daughter said of her father, "He's thrilled to receive the Diamond Owl certificate and amazed that he's been allowed to live so long."



Quinnipiac | Hamden, Connecticut

On August 1, Alexander Castellano (2016) received his white coat, representing the start of his residency in the Doctor of Chiropractic and Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition programs at Quinnipiac.

Rutgers | New Brunswick, New Jersey

6 Dave Zimmerman (1969) and Jim Sweeney (New Mexico 1983) traveled to Scotland for a golf trip in June, and they played the St. Andrews Old Course on June 25.

South Florida | Tampa, Florida

5 The Kappa Phi Chapter held their Pig Dinner on March 23. There were 68 brothers in attendance, includ ing 28 local graduate brothers, 36 South Florida under graduates and four undergraduates from the Tampa Colony and the Florida Chapter. The day was kicked off with a golf tournament and was followed by a graduate reception leading into the dinner. During dinner, Tampa Graduate Chapter President Jim Arnold (Florida 1975) and Treasurer Jim Frishe (Florida 1971) presented a scholarship for the best Fall 2018 Pledge GPA to Philippe Rochester (2022), who had a 3.7 GPA.

Southeast Florida Graduate Chapter | Miami, Florida

The Southeast Florida Graduate Chapter held their Pig Dinner on March 23 at the Hyatt Regency Coral Gables. There were 50 brothers (from the Florida International, Nova Southeastern, Tennessee, Florida State, Alberta and Connecticut chapters) in attendance.

Southern Methodist | Dallas, Texas

Sixteen Delta Tau brothers from the classes of 1964-68, and their wives, have gathered in northern Michigan for an annual golf competition for 16 years. The competition is between the brothers who have remained in Dallas and those living elsewhere.


Tennessee Tech | Cookeville, Tennessee

5 Tony Marable stepped down from his role as Scholarship (Faculty) Advisor to the Theta Tau Chapter, having served in the role since 1989. He also retired from his position as the Director of Diversity Programs for Tennessee Tech's College of Engineering after 31 years. Tony, a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity, won the Crowder Cup, as Phi Gamma Delta’s most outstanding faculty advisor, 12 times and has received an honor able mention seven times. And he has also attended 13 Fiji Academies and 10 Ekklesiai as the Fraternity's event photographer.

The College of Engineering hosted a retirement party for Tony on July 31, which was attended by Executive Director Rob Caudill (Akron 2004), former Archon President Brian Douglas (1998), Section Chief Brent Ellis (1999) and Lee Wray (1981)

Pictured (L-R): Rob Caudill, Brent Ellis, Tony Marable, Brian Douglas and Lee Wray.

Vermont | Burlington, Vermont

W. Patrick Murphy (1985) was confirmed as the next U.S. ambassador to Cambodia.

Texas San Antonio | San Antonio, Texas

Jose Martinez (2003) took a three-week trip to Latvia to assist the Army's ROTC Cadet Command by mentoring and evaluating 50 cadets from various universities nation wide. While in Latvia, he is working to learn, understand the culture and train jointly with the Latvian Armed Forces. Jose learned that there are two Phi Gams in the group he is working with - Samuel Mallete (Colorado State 2020) and Kameran Brock (Old Dominion 2021).

4 After Nick Ramos graduated from UTSA in 2017, he was selected as a National Science Foundation I-Corps Grant recipient for his rehabilita tion treadmill for stroke victims. This $50,000 grant took him across the U.S. for three months to help improve his product. Nick now works at CANopener Labs, expanding their networks and skills, and he is also the Director of Innovations for EEVET. Nick was also recently featured in the Young San Antonian as their Young Professional Spotlight in July.


Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, Virginia

5 Roel Cuejilo (1988) (left) and Bill Woodward (1989) (right) happened to be traveling to Tokyo in the same week, so they organized a mini-reunion happy hour on April 1 with Yuichi “Weej” Kusumoto (1995) (mid dle), who is a Tokyo native.

Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin

On September 27-29, the Mu Chapter held their 6th Annual 50th Fiji Reunion in Madison. The UW vs. Michigan football game and brotherhood were the focal points of the weekend. On Friday, brothers enjoyed lunch, a tour of Alumni Park and a fish/brat fry with activities on the Lakeshore. On Saturday, there were pre-game activi ties, the football game and dinner at Smokey’s.


Wittenberg | Springfield, Ohio

Writing under the pseudonym D. Harlan Wilson, David Wilson (1993) is an English professor at Wright State University-Lake Campus and the author of over 20 books. In September 2019, Stalking Horse Press will publish THE PSYCHOTIC DR. SCHREBER, a novel that combines sci ence fiction, literary criticism, and biography. For details, visit Wilson's official website

WPI | Worcester, Massachusetts

On May 30, a group of Pi Iota brothers held a 50-year reunion dinner during WPI's Alumni Weekend. Several Gold Owls were awarded to brothers celebrating 50 years since initiation.

On June 30, Tom Medrek (1978), Bob Ferrari (1974), Dave Willens (2009), Ray Dunn (1978) and Mark Macaulay (1989) went on a deep-sea fishing trip off Block Island, Rhode Island.

Win Priem (1959) and his wife, Susan, have matched WPI's Senior Gift Challenge every year since 2002. In addition to their match gift this year, they made a $1 mil lion commitment, endowing the Senior Gift Challenge to ensure it will continue.

John Ruggles (1947) received his Diamond Owl celebrat ing 75 years as a Phi Gam.

6 The Chapter held their annual Fiji Reunion at Henry Fitzgerald's (1975) home in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, on July 13. Over 50 graduate brothers from the classes of 1970-2009, undergraduates and guests attended the event.


William A. Martin III Distinguished Fiji Award 2019

The Archons established the Distinguished Fiji Award in 1964. It is presented annually to no more than six graduate brothers who shall be deserving of recognition for their faithful and unselfish service to Phi Gamma Delta or their special contribution to mankind and society at large. The award was renamed the William A. Martin III Distinguished Fiji Award in 2019, upon Bill's retirement. To date, 462 Phi Gams have been honored with the Distinguished Fiji Award.

Richard H. Clements (Oklahoma 1948)

Brother Clements is the co-founder and chairman of Clements Food Company in Oklahoma City. Upon high school graduation in 1944, Dick entered the U.S. Navy’s V-12 Program and was initiated by the Gamma Tau Chapter at Georgia Tech while sta tioned at Emory University. After two years at UNC Chapel Hill, he completed his undergraduate stud ies at Oklahoma. He was called back into the Navy during the Korean War. In 1953 he and his father, Richard J. Clements (Oklahoma 1918), founded Clements Foods. Today the company’s products are distributed throughout the U.S. and are exported to Mexico, Europe, and the Middle East. Dick has served as president of two trade associations of food manu facturers. His record of civic leadership in Oklahoma City includes chairman of the Salvation Army board of advisors and president of the Better Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, and the United Way, which named its Lifetime Achievement Award in his honor. Dick has served on the house corporation of the Nu Omega Chapter and generously supported the construction of a new chapter house in 2010. He is the sire of two Fiji sons, Richard L. Clements (SMU 1978) and Edward B. Clements (SMU 1983)

Paul D. Hains (Texas Christian 1987)

Brother Hains served in the U.S. Army for 24 years, retiring in 2012 as a Lieutenant Colonel. He is the fifth generation in his family to serve in the military. As a Lieutenant during the 1991 Gulf War, he trained and

led a team of 30 in battle and was awarded the Silver Star for Valor. During the Iraq War, as a Lieutenant Colonel in military intelligence, he advised and assisted Iraqi security services, earning the Bronze Star and Combat Action Badge. Over the course of his career, he also was awarded the Army Commendation Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. After retirement he earned his MBA from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and now works there in the oil and gas industry. Paul volunteers with Flags for Fallen Vets, which works to assure that those who have served and sacrificed in the armed services are not forgotten. He also serves as Purple Legionnaire for the Sigma Eta Chapter at Sam Houston State University.

Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State 1982)

Brother Mikulecky served as Archon President from 2012 to 2014, the pinnacle of an impressive record of leadership in Phi Gamma Delta. In 1982 he was recognized with the Wilkinson Award as the Fraternity’s most outstanding senior and to date is the only Wilkinson winner to serve as Archon President. Upon graduation, Scott worked on the fraternity staff as a Field Secretary before earning his juris doctor from Duke University School of Law. Scott’s record as a volunteer for the Fraternity includes the BCA at the University of North Carolina, Purple Legionnaire at Colorado State, Assistant General Counsel (9 years), General Counsel (12 years), Archon Councilor (200810), Archon Vice President (2010-12), and Archon


President. In 2008 he received the Distinguished Fiji Service Award. In his professional career, Scott was a partner in the Sherman & Howard firm in Colorado Springs, with extensive experience in construction litigation and as a mediator. He is the sire of two Fiji sons, Gregory S. Mikulecky (Colorado State 2013) and Jeffrey M. Mikulecky (Colorado State 2015).

Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984)

Brother Moor is recognized for his contributions to Phi Gamma Delta as a chapter volunteer, a mem ber of the headquarters staff, and as a member of multiple boards. Glenn served three stints as Purple Legionnaire at Texas Tech, winning the Durrance Award for most outstanding PL in 1991 and earning honorable mention on three other occasions. In 1991 he joined the fraternity staff, serving as Director of Business Affairs (DOBA) until 1995 and as Director of Programs from 1995 to 1996. Returning to the volunteer ranks, he served on the Financial Advisory Board from 1998 to 2004, the final two years as chairman. He was elected Archon Councilor in 2012 and Archon Treasurer in 2014. After leaving the Archonate in 2016, he was appointed to the board of the Educational Foundation and continues in that role as Treasurer. Glenn conceived of and provides inspi rational leadership for the Immortal Phi Gam Project, the Fraternity’s ongoing effort to promote organ, eye, and tissue donation. He is the son of Fiji sire Ted Moor (Sewanee 1954).

Donald E. Morel, Jr., Ph.D. (Lafayette 1979)

Brother Morel is the retired CEO and chairman of West Pharmaceutical Services, a leading manufacturer of packaging components and delivery systems for injectable drugs. He joined West in 1992 as direc tor of R&D and served as CEO from April 2002 and

chairman of the board from March 2003 until his retirement in 2015. In corporate leadership today, Don serves as a director of Integra LifeSciences, Catalent Corporation, and the Stevanato Group. His service in the nonprofit sector includes chairman of the board of trustees of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and chairman of the board of directors of the American Oncologic Hospital of the Fox Chase Cancer Center, where he and his wife established a chair in molecu lar diagnostics. He also is a director of No Barriers USA and the Travis Manion Foundation and a trustee of Lafayette College. He holds a M.S. and a Ph.D. in materials science from Cornell University.

Reese S. Terry, Jr. (Kentucky 1964)

Brother Terry is recognized internationally for his work in biomedical engineering and holds numerous patents. In 1980, while working at Intermedics, Inc., he co-developed the first programmable dual chamber pacemaker. Moving into neurological medical tech nology, he co-founded Cyberonics, Inc. and helped develop a breakthrough seizure reduction treatment for epilepsy. He was recognized twice by Industrial Research, Inc. for making one of the top 100 inven tions in a year and received the Professional Career Achievement Award from the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and the World Changer Award from the Epilepsy Foundation. He has endowed a pro fessorship in the University of Kentucky Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and serves on the advisory board of the UK Gill Heart Foundation. He has been inducted into the College of Engineering’s Hall of Distinction and the Alumni Association’s Hall of Distinguished Alumni. Reese holds bachelor’s and master's degrees in electrical engineering from UK, and in May of this year he received an honorary doctor of engineering degree. t

Clements Mikulecky TerryMorelMoorHains


Robert H. Bohn (Texas 1957)

Robert H. Bohn (Texas 1957) was presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who. Brother Bohn was selected for his achievements, leadership skills and professional network experience and successes. Bob is a U.S. Air Force veteran with three years of active duty service and 10 years in the reserves. After earning a law degree from the University of Texas in 1963, he began a long and successful career in the practice of law in San Jose, CA. He has been a member of the American Association for Justice, the American Board of Trial Advocates, the Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association, which he served as presi dent in 1999, and the Santa Clara County Bar Association. While leading his professional career, he also contributed as a judge pro tempore for the Superior Court of California from 1975 to 2006. The Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association named him Trial Lawyer of the Year and hon ored him with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Additionally, he was recognized among the Best Lawyers in America and among the Super Lawyers of Northern California by San Francisco Magazine. For a number of years, Bob served on the Board of Chapter Advisors for the colony and Chapter at San Jose State and was the Legate when the Chapter was chartered in 1989.

Tyler C. Cooper (Baylor 1993)

Tyler C. Cooper, MD, MPH (Baylor 1993) is a preventive medicine physician at Cooper Clinic in Dallas, TX, and president and CEO of Cooper

Aerobics, overseeing six diverse health and well ness companies that have grown from the Cooper Aerobics Center, founded by his father, Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, in 1970. The multi-specialty practice is focused on prevention and backed by extensive research, to help people improve the quality and quantity of their lives. Tyler received a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University, where he competed in track and cross country, earning all-conference honors. He received a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio and a Master of Public Health in Health Care Management from Harvard University. He began serving as a practicing preventive medicine physician at Cooper Clinic in 2006. He serves on the advisory board of the Baylor School of Health and Human Sciences and previously served on the board of the Baylor School of Education and the Harvard School of Public Health.

Hale S. Irwin (Colorado 1967)

Hale Irwin (Colorado 1967) was named the recipient of the 2019 PGA Tour Payne Stewart Award, named in memory of Famous Fiji and World Golf Hall of Famer Payne Stewart (Southern Methodist 1979). The award is pre sented annually to a professional golfer who best exemplifies Payne Stewart’s values of character, sportsmanship and charity. Hale established and participated in the Hale Irwin St. Louis Children’s Hospital Golf Benefit. Over its 25-year history, the tournament raised millions of dollars, and in 1995 the hospital dedicated the Hale Irwin Center for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology in his honor.


On the PGA Tour, he won 20 titles from 1971 to 1994. He joined the PGA Tour Champions (senior golf tour) in 1995 and owns the record for the most wins on that tour with 45. He was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1992. At the University of Colorado, in addition to winning the 1967 NCAA individual championship in golf, he played defensive back on the Buffaloes football team and twice was named to the Big Eight allconference team.

Kenneth M. Jones (Baylor 1996)

Kenneth M. Jones, AIA, LEED AP (Baylor 1996) is an architect with Miró Rivera Architects (MRA) in Austin, TX. He joined the firm in 2001 after earning his Master of Architecture from the University of Texas. Ken has worked on proj ects in Austin, Dallas and Houston, as well as in Mexico and Europe. He was the project architect for the Circuit of The Americas Main Grandstand and Grand Plaza in Austin, completed in 2012 for the inaugural U.S. Formula One Grand Prix. He has also completed a 30,000-square-feet building and campus master plan for Lifeworks, an Austin non-profit dedicated to transitioning youth and families from crisis to safety and success. It was the first non-profit project to receive a 5-star sustainability rating from the Austin Energy Green Building program. Ken's projects have received recognition from the American Institute of Architects, have been featured in numerous

national and international publications, and have also been featured in architectural exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad. He has been invited to lecture at the University of Texas and the Austin Energy Green Building Seminar and is a member of the Codes and Standards Committee for the Texas Society of Architects.

Memme Onwudiwe (Ohio Wesleyan 2015)

Memme Onwudiwe (Ohio Wesleyan 2015) received Harvard Law School's (HLS) 2019 Dean's Award for Community Leadership, which rec ognizes students who made the HLS community a better place through involvement in student organizations, community service groups and individual efforts. Memme, who received the Wilkinson Award in 2015 as the Fraternity's most outstanding senior, has family roots in Nigeria and Ghana. He served as president of the Harvard African Law Association and was co-editorin-chief of the Africa Policy Journal, a student publication of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He was class representative on the Task Force on Academic Community and Student Engagement and on the HLS IT Steering Committee, and he co-chaired the Law School’s first Legal Technology Symposium. He also was on the board of the Space Exploration and Admiralty Law Society. Memme is now Executive Vice President of Evisort, a startup that he joined

Cooper Irwin Jones Onwudiwe

in his first year at HLS at the invitation of students who had founded the company. Evisort uses arti ficial intelligence to extract, classify, and track key provisions in contracts, revolutionizing the way that attorneys and others manage documents.

David B. Ratterman (Kentucky 1968)

David B. Ratterman (Kentucky 1968) was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award of The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) at the North American Steel Construction Conference in April. The Lifetime Achievement Awards honor individuals who have provided out standing service to AISC and the structural steel design/construction/academic community for a sustained period of years. David served for 30 years as AISC Secretary and General Counsel. A resident of Louisville, Kentucky, he is a partner of Stites & Harbison, PLLC in the firm’s construction service group. He received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Kentucky and was inducted into the College of Engineering’s Hall of Distinguished Alumni in 2014. He was recognized with the Distinguished Service Award from the UK Alumni Association in 2012. He is a Life Member and past president of the UK Alumni Association and a UK Fellow.

Donald L. Shelton (Idaho 1976)

Donald L. Shelton (Idaho 1976) retired in May as executive editor of The Seattle Times, closing out a 43-year career in journalism, including 32 years at The Times. Prior to joining The Times as assistant sports editor in 1987, Don worked for newspapers in Yakima and Bellevue, Washington, and Santa Rose, California. In 2009 he was named The Times’ sports editor and guided the depart ment’s digital overhaul during a particularly trying period in the newspaper industry. He was named Executive Editor in 2016 with a charge to guide a similar digital transformation throughout the newsroom. Don serves the Mu Iota Chapter at Idaho as House Corporation Secretary and on the Board of Chapter Advisors. Over the years he has written several feature articles for this magazine.t

Ratterman Shelton

Matz Helps Plan Event Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of D-Day

In June, the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) hosted the largest commemorative event in its 96-year history, as 14,000 guests gathered at Normandy American Cemetery (NOAC) to remember the history defining day of June 6, 1944. Two presidents, 17 United States sena tors, 63 members of the House of Representatives, numerous cabi net officials and ambassadors, 14 four-star flag officers, together with European political and diplomatic leaders and 900 credentialed media were present. Impressive as that list is, they were not the focus of atten tion. Instead, the applause and visible emotion of those in attendance hon ored the more than 170 World War II veterans, 57 of which came across the beaches or parachuted in on D-Day; the 168 next of kin of those who fell during the Normandy campaign; and the thousands who rest peacefully within NOAC’s hallowed ground, or in graves unknown. It was a once in a lifetime moment of reflection, rever ence and remembrance.

The next day ABMC’s Board of Commissioners rededicated the Normandy Visitor Center. Its newly installed update of exhibits and vid eos is another shining example of an interdisciplinary team joining forces

to create an exceptional new visitor experience.

The commemora tion at Normandy was preceded by the 75th Anniversary of the Anzio landings at Sicily-Rome cemetery in January, followed by the 75th Anniversary events of the Southern land ings at Rhone American Cemetery in August and the Battle of the Bulge in December. October will see the dedication of a new visitor center at Manila American Cemetery, and November brings the dedication of the visi tor center at the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial Cemetery.

Maj. Gen. William M. Matz, USA (Ret.) (Gettysburg 1961), Secretary of the ABMC, spoke at the event commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day. He also played a key role in planning the event.


At ABMC, We Remember. While these events capture public attention, every day at 26 cemeteries around the world, horticultural, architectural, academic, and interpretive work is done to ensure America’s fallen are not forgotten. Their stories are told. Their names spoken. Their families welcomed and honored. The future generations that benefited from their resolve and sacrifice are engaged and made aware. t

I am humbled by the dedicated service our staff provides in executing our noble and sacred mission. I am honored to serve alongside them, and proud to be the Secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission.

- Maj. Gen. William M. Matz, USA (Ret.) (Gettysburg 1961)



Hopper Elected Foundation President

Kevin J. Hopper (Cincinnati 1973) was elected the chairman of the Foundation and will serve a one-year term. Kevin has served the Fraternity as a house corporation and BCA member, and he was the recipi ent of the Coulter Cup for service as a graduate volunteer. He has been on the board of the Foundation for the past seven years and has served as Treasurer and Vice President. Professionally, Kevin is an attorney with the Finney Law Firm in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kevin is the son

End of Year Giving

Give Appreciated Stock, Avoid Capital Gains Giving appreciated stock to the Foundation may be more beneficial to you than giving cash. You can avoid paying capital gains by gifting stock to the Foundation and re ceive a tax-deduction for the market value of the stock on the day you gift it. Contact Ben Robinson at brobinson@ for more information. Transferring the stock to the Foundation can be as easy as notifying your broker.

of Fiji sire George Hopper (Wittenberg 1932), who was a former Curator of Archives and recipient of the Distinguished Fiji Award, and his brother, G. David K. Hopper, MD (Wittenberg 1963), is also a Phi Gam. Kevin and his wife, Debbie, a member of Delta Delta Delta Sorority, are very supportive of the Greek system. Other officers elected to the Foundation board, serving one year terms, are: Matthew M. Amend (Iowa 1987), Vice-Chairman; G. Carl Gibson (Oklahoma State 1981), Board Secretary; Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1994), Treasurer; Michael J. Stewart (Penn State 1970), Executive Committee Member.

Have a Charitable Gift Fund?

The Foundation can receive gifts from CGFs. You will need our EIN# 52-6036185.

Make a Gift Directly from Your IRA

If you are 70.5 years or older, you can gift up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to the Foundation. It satisfies your RMD and you pay no taxes on the distribution.

Giving Is Easy

Want to support the Fraternity’s leadership programs, alcohol education, social skills and academic endeavors?

Online: Give securely online at: www.phigam. org/Donate.

Mail: Send a check made payable to Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation using the enclosed envelope.

Canada: Visit to give to the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada.

Gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible in the United States.



Make an Impact

You can have an impact on Phi Gamma Delta by designating a gift in your estate plans to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.

When you include the Foundation in your will or trust, or leave your IRA or insurance policy, you can affect Phi Gamma Delta’s future by al lowing the Foundation to use your thoughtfulness to fund needed pro grams in the Fraternity. Your gift helps to fund scholarships, leadership training and courses, alcohol education, sexual assault education and mental health programming. It also allows the Foundation to explore and fund new programs or upgrade current ones.

The Foundation desires to help build a healthy Fraternity, one that we all can be proud of our association.

The process of adding the Foundation to your estate plans requires a cou ple of steps, so involving your estate planning professional is important. Visit for more information and to read about brothers who have impacted Phi Gamma Delta through their estate.

Dennis LaRosa (Emory 1969)

As I look to the future of the Fraternity, I like the emphasis on being a FIJI gentleman and the diversity of our undergraduate brothers. I would like to see a con tinued emphasis on community service and if possible, include graduates so they can be involved too.

My undergraduate years at Emory and graduate involvement at JMU and FSU were unbelievably good. Fifty-two years later, I still haven’t paid back Phi Gamma Delta enough for all that it has done for me. That is why I made my estate gift.

To Leave a TaxDeductible Gift to the Educational Foundation, Consider the Following:

“I leave and bequeath unto the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation, Inc. the sum of $_____, or ____% of estate (or spe cific securities or other property). Said Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation (Federal ID Number 52-6036185), or ganized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with adminis trative offices at 1201 Red Mile Rd, P.O. Box 4599, Lexington, Kentucky 405444599. This gift is unrestricted for general Foundation purposes.”

For estate gift questions and restrictions, please contact Executive Director Ben Robinson, at or 859-255-1848 ext. 133.

FOUNDATION 2018-2019 By the Numbers Scholarships Awarded 1,066 (#1 in the Fraternity world) $431,873 expense In-Person Leadership/ Social Strengths Training 2,886 participants $287,000 expense Alcohol Education & Hazing Prevention 5,262 participants $158,000 expense Gifts Received Total Received $3,671,352 Total Granted for All Programs $1,488,483 (scholarship, leadership, alcohol, housing & related expenses) Fundraising & Management Expenses $592,035 Programming & Operations: $1,170,491 Chapter Scholarships & Housing: $1,466,614 121 2009 Chapters & Colonies 156 2019 3.1 Phi Gamma Delta Average Chapter GPA 7,170 2009 Number of Undergraduates 10,559 2019 Investment Income: $1,034,247 50 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA|FALL 2019

Giving Day


Friendship is the sweetest influence. In Phi Gamma Delta we have followed this motto genuinely. The Fraternity is not just for college days alone. These friendships continue to grow as the years go by. We aim to Preserve Our Friendship that is the cornerstone of our organization and can be a great support system for our members.


Phi Gamma Delta is a powerhouse in the Greek community. Excellence is the culmination of our other values of Friendship, Knowledge, Service and Morality. It is something that our brothers are always striving toward. With our growth to new campuses and our increase in development programming, we are working to Advance Our Excellence. Thank you for giving and supporting Phi Gamma Delta’s values!


Getting involved is fun and simple. Here are some easy ways to make an impact. Make a donation and encourage chapter brothers and friends to give on May 1, 2020. The easiest way is to send an email (post or tweet) to the people you know and encourage them to join you by being a donor. If you want to be more involved, you can sign up to be an Ambassador for your chapter or colony. Email Duke Murphy at or visit to learn more. t

FOUNDATION WE RAISED $165,218.37 FROM 1,205 DONORS ON MAY 1, 2019.


Cecil C. Barnett, Jr. (Oklahoma 1961) passed ad astra on April 15, 2019. As an undergraduate, Barney served as corresponding secretary and treasurer of the Nu Omega Chapter. After earning a BS in engineering from Oklahoma and a MBA from Harvard, he worked for IBM and Cameron Iron Works before becoming president of Tube Turns, Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1977. In 1985 he founded Algood Food Company, building it into the largest independent manufacturer of peanut butter in the U.S. His corporate and community leadership in Louisville included serving on the boards of Kentucky Country Day School and Hillerich & Bradsby (producer of Louisville Slugger baseball bats) and most recently as chairman of the board of trustees of Simmons College. He served on the Fraternity’s Financial Advisory Board from 1998 to

2002, including a term as chairman from 2000 to 2002.

Ernest L. Deal (Alabama 1952) passed ad astra on August 10, 2019. After graduation from Alabama, Ernie served for four years in the U.S. Navy Intelligence Service. He then embarked on a long and successful banking career in Texas that took him to the cities of Houston, Dallas and Austin. He would hold top executive posi tions at Fannin Bank, InterFirst Bank Houston, First City Bank and Frost Bank Austin. In Houston he served as elder and trustee of Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and on the boards of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the Houston Chamber of Commerce, the Houston Parks Board, and the U.S. Olympic Committee. He was chair man of the 1986 U.S. Olympic Festival in Houston. Ernie served the Fraternity as a Trustee from 1990 to 1994 and


Ernest L. Deal, Jr. (1952), 8/10/2019

Michael E. Haworth, Jr. (1950), 8/28/2019

John H. Martin (1961), 4/22/2019


Stephen B. Miller (1947), 8/18/2019

Jacob A. Peters (2017), 6/25/2019

Robert E. Williams (1960), 2/9/2019


Ronald A. Ewing (1965), 7/14/2019

Brian K. Foster (1987), 6/27/2019

Arizona State

Peter V. Sohren (1986), 1/18/2019


Gary W. Guttry (1963), 8/25/2019

James F. Holmes (1964), 9/7/2019

James E. Sheffield (1969), 3/5/2019


Richard D. Klaber (1955), 7/19/2019

William G. Seeburger (1962), 9/29/2019

California Berkeley

William E. Hawkins (1944), 9/11/2019

James A. Hughes (1960), 8/25/2019

California Los Angeles

Lawrence L. Bird (1950), 5/21/2019

Roy Doumani (1958), 3/10/2019

California Riverside

Kevin M. Kordys (1982), 6/26/2019

Case Western Reserve

William R. Hardell, Sr. (1951), 7/11/2019

Ronald F. Lear (1956), 3/17/2109

Kent A. Taylor (2021), 6/9/2019


Julian R. Hanley (1935), 3/18/2019

David A. Metzler (1964), 3/24/2019

Gordon Newton (1984), 2/24/2019

Macdonell Roehm, Jr. (1961), 4/13/2019

S. Ross Sloan (1958), 1/7/2019

Robert J. Tassi (1957), 4/30/2019

Colorado School of Mines

Thomas K. Edwards (1996), 4/16/2019


Robert G. Dean (1948), 7/20/2019

Cornell William R. Hamilton, Jr. (1952), 8/12/2019

Jung Leong (1963), 6/18/2019


John P. Brower (1952), 7/23/2019


William J. Edwards (1961), 11/19/2018

Roger P. Heppes (1949), 6/4/2019

Ray J. Hillenbrand (1956), 5/31/2019

John D. McQuigg (1953), 6/19/2019

Donald F. Mirrielees (1951), 11/13/2018

George S. Siegrist (1940), 1/27/2019

Addison A. Wakeford, Jr. (1952), 6/15/2018

East Carolina

James E. Stanley (2022), 4/12/2019


Steven R. Schuette (1973), 6/22/2019

A. Mark Smith , Jr. (1988), 9/23/2019


Ronald D. Frederick (1961), 9/7/2019

Walter A. Reimann (1952), 6/17/2019

Leonard R. Smith (1953), 8/28/2019

David V. Weigel (1969), 5/3/2019


Guy Andress, Jr. (1951), 8/30/2019

William L. Douthit (1962), 2/21/2019

Henry W. Huder (1959), 8/5/2019

Thomas F. Jennings (1959), 4/18/2019

Louis R. Kleopfer (1957), 3/17/2019

William M. Takacs (1975), 5/26/2019

Hollis L. Yensel, Jr. (1974), 7/20/2019


Ruel H. Barrus (1950), 8/3/2019

Egan W. Drenker (1944), 5/31/2019

John T. Mast (1948), 5/31/2019


Daniel R. Barry (1958), 7/22/2019

James M. Graham (1961), 4/18/2019

Paul B. Schumacher (1951), 3/31/2019

Illinois Wesleyan

Wayne M. Grove (1962), 8/8/2019

James E. Hershbarger (1947), 4/15/2019


on the Financial Advisory Board from 1994 to 1996. He served on the board of the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation from 1996 to 2004, most of that time as trea surer. In 2006 he was named a Distinguished Fiji.

Emil J. Holub (Texas Tech 1961) passed ad astra on September 21, 2019. E.J. Holub is the only player in the history of professional football to start two Super Bowls at different positions on opposite sides of the ball. A two-way player at center and line backer at Texas Tech, he earned first team All-America honors at center in both 1959 and 1960. In 1961 he was selected sixth overall in the American Football League draft by the Dallas Texans, who became the Kansas City Chiefs in 1963. During his 10-year professional career, he was named an AFL All-Star five times and started at lineback er for the Chiefs in Super Bowl I. The cumulative effect of knee injuries forced him to move to center late in his career, and he started at that position in Super Bowl IV. He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in

1986 and was honored by Texas Tech with enshrinement in its Hall of Fame in 1977 and Ring of Honor in 2012.

Donald T. McKay (Washington 1951) passed ad astra on June 15, 2019. Upon graduation from high school in Seattle in early 1945, Don enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served during WWII. He then enrolled at the University of Washington and joined the Sigma Tau Chapter, following in the footsteps of his father, Charles A. McKay (1914), and uncle, William O. McKay (1912) Remaining in the Seattle area after graduation, Don was active in the alumni association of Lakeside School, serving on the board of trustees from 1975 to 1987. At the Sigma Tau Chapter, he served as an advisor on many levels, was a mentor to many brothers, and founded the Sigma Tau Educational Foundation. His extensive in volvement in the International Fraternity included service as Section Chief in the Pacific Northwest from 1970 until 1982, when he was elected Archon Vice President at the Toronto Ekklesia, serving until 1986. He continued to do important work for the Fraternity from 1987 to 1990 as chairman of the Nominations Committee, recruiting new leaders to serve as Archons and Trustees. He was recognized for his service to the International Fraternity 4

Dennis L. Mattix (1959), 5/2/2019

William E. Mundt (1948), 2/13/2019

John W. Rhind (1959), 5/16/2019


Elbert J. Kram (1963), 9/20/2019

Indiana State

Chuck Lingenfelter (1972), 5/31/2019


G. G. Kelly (1974), 4/3/2019

Dr. Scott J. Mighell (1943), 5/31/2019

Socrates G. Pappajohn (1956), 9/25/2019

Iowa State

David N. Hankinson (1955), 7/25/2019

David J. Hanson (1976), 6/5/2019

Ronald F. Middlebrook (1958), 8/30/2019

Daniel N. Rouse (1990), 6/17/2019


Christopher E. McAdams (1984), 5/6/2019

Johns Hopkins

James S. Russell (1943), 4/21/2019


James L. Anderson (1962), 5/19/2019

Paul C. Faucher (1972), 10/8/2019

Gilbert M. Reich (1954), 4/22/2019

David T. Runyan (1958), 7/18/2019

Richard A. Worrel (1983), 8/29/2019


Frederick J. Anderson (1965), 5/24/2019

Victor C. Caven (1970), 9/25/2019

David W. McLellan, Jr. (1961), 7/29/2019

Kettering A

John M. Reedy (1974), 1/25/2019


Edwin S. Bates (1958), 6/29/2019

Deane E. Doolen, Jr. (1952), 5/12/2019


Richard R. DeTurck (1952), 6/6/2019

Louisiana State

Gerald D. Riddle (1977), 9/30/2019


Donald J. Pruett (1968), 4/17/2019

Bruce A. Verrill (1977), 9/20/2019


Jeffrey L. Potter (1985), 4/7/2019


Hal F. Schulte, III (1971), 6/29/2019

Jay H. Strickler (1954), 8/5/2019

Edward A. VanDyke (1949), 7/3/2019

Robert P. Whitney (1949), 9/13/2019

Michigan State

Robert J. Fattore (1980), 7/6/2019

Gary B. Lake (1972), 8/14/2019


Jerome D. Grams (1988), 9/2/2019

Thomas H. Morgan (1944), 7/6/2019

W. Penn Nelson (1957), 5/1/2019

Elijah J. Schwan (2019), 4/20/2019


J. Larre Barrett (1960), 5/27/2019

William F. Berry (1955), 7/25/2019

Milton E. Harper, Jr. (1965), 9/13/2019

James R. Sone (1955), 9/8/2019


Roy J. Long (1947), 4/17/2019

Donald W. Pederson (1953), 6/2/2019

Jerry E. Tomsik (1950), 8/20/2019

New York

Kenneth D. Valentine (1964), 5/25/2019

North Carolina

Raymond H. Goodrich, Jr. (1943), 9/10/2019

Alfred W. Griffin, Jr. (1948), 8/14/2019


E. Webster Shaker (1949), 4/13/2019

Allen C. Wasserman (1980), 9/2/2019


Louis W. Jones , Jr. (1949), 6/7/2019

Ohio State

John M. Curphey (1949), 7/3/2019

Robert J. Post (1953), 2/28/2019

Ralph F. Setterlin, Jr. (1960), 4/1/2019

Ohio Wesleyan

Stephen F. Bodman (1959), 8/22/2019

Edward L. Kitts, MD (1948), 9/30/2019



with the Distinguished Fiji Service Award in 1986, and in 1996 he was awarded the Fraternity’s Coulter Cup for his service to the Sigma Tau Chapter over many years.

Homer Paul, Jr. (Oklahoma 1954) passed ad astra on July 1, 2019. Homer served on the board of the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation from 2005 to 2013 and as house corpo ration vice president at Oklahoma from 2009 until his passing.

After graduation from OU, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving in Korea and Japan and eventually retir ing from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel after 30 years of service. Returning stateside after active duty, he

Jack A. Smith (1949), 6/4/2019


Cecil C. Barnett, Jr. (1961), 4/15/2019

Richard F. Ellis (1953), 8/28/2019

James W. Loy (1944), 6/24/2019

Homer Paul, Jr. (1954), 7/1/2019

Bruce R. Raley (1968), 8/23/2019

Justin C. Walters (2002), 9/20/2019

Old Dominion

Duane A. Kampe (1985), 5/30/2019


Paul W. Kunkel, Jr. (1953), 7/19/2019

Oregon State

Daniel B. Griffith (1956), 2/8/2019

Jerome H. Smith (1958), 6/18/2019

Penn State

Donald E. Caum (1964), 5/18/2019

Norman J. Rubash (1954), 8/13/2019


Charles W. Lake (1950), 3/11/2019

John H. Moore , III (1949), 5/13/2019

James L. Rutledge, Jr. (1953), 9/8/2019

Adolph O. Schaefer, Jr. (1954), 8/19/2019


Alan J. Bardach (1965), 9/26/2019

Rhode Island

William R. Blinn, Jr. (1972), 9/23/2019

Charles W. King (1960), 10/2/2019


Daniel V. Cantrell (1971), 8/23/2019

Richard H. Worrell, Jr. (1956), 8/28/2019


Kelby V. Ridenour (1993), 5/6/2019


Arthur W. Lederer, Jr. (1938), 8/29/2019

earned a juris doctorate from the OU College of Law in 1959 and entered upon a career in banking. His executive positions included president and CEO of Nichols Hills Bank from 1976 to 1988 and president, CEO and chair man of the board of Citizens Security Bank & Trust in Bixby from 1989 until his retirement in 2004. His profes sional activities included three terms on the Oklahoma Finance Authorities, president of the Oklahoma Bankers Association, and vice president of the American Bankers Association. His community involvement included the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, the United Way, the Boy Scouts, the OU School of Arts and Sciences, and the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce. He was recognized by OU with the Regents Award and the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumnus Award. In 2015 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Chickasaw Nation. t

C. Peter Wagner (1952), 10/2/2019


James P. McHaney (1955), 10/10/2019

Robert R. Thomas (1949), 4/8/2019

George J. Wagner , Jr. (1953), 8/30/2019

Southern California

Owen J. Haggerty (1957), 6/28/2019


Irvin E. Finical (1951), 8/29/2019


Fred Bright, Jr. (1955), 8/24/2019

Clifton G. Foster, Jr. (1953), 4/19/2019

D. Mark Robbins (1970), 9/12/2019


William S. Adams , Jr. (1964), 7/14/2019 L. Gary Beckworth, Jr. (1965), 7/11/2019 Charles M. Berkey (1952), 8/23/2019 William C. Fisher, IV (1965), 9/18/2019 Robert R. Lanier, Jr. (1960), 5/6/2019

William C. McCulloch (1962), 4/19/2019

Jack L. Phillips (1949), 7/24/2019

William D. Ratliff, III (1971), 7/7/2019

Thomas W. Robinson, Jr. (1981), 9/30/2019

Texas Christian Matthew S. Pera (1993), 4/18/2018

Texas Tech

Patrick H. Booth (1961), 6/25/2019

Emil J. Holub, Jr. (1961), 9/21/2019 Paul W. Phillips (1958), 6/13/2019


Thomas G. Van Norstrand (1959), 6/24/2019

Virginia Benjamin Michaelson, Jr. (1957), 9/26/2019

Virginia Commonwealth Brandon E. Dorns (2019), 8/31/2019

Noah C. Marcus (2019), 9/19/2019

Virginia Tech

Michael L. Guilfoyle (1978), 8/4/2019


Robert B. Merrifield (1950), 7/13/2019


Gary P. Gaffner (1957), 12/18/2018

M. Alan Holt (1955), 5/17/2019

David D. Leland (1958), 7/21/2019

Donald T. McKay (1951), 6/15/2019

Mike P. Michael (1951), 5/12/2019

E. Kenneth Solid (1947), 6/13/2019

John L. Walters, DDS (1950), 6/11/2019

Washington & Jefferson

Miles C. Durfey (1952), 6/7/2019

Frederick R. Emerson (1942), 6/8/2019

Harry W. Fuchs, III (1958), 4/20/2019

Melvin B. Hayes (1964), 2/8/2019

Washington State

Wayne H. Crathorne (1961), 7/20/2019

William Jewell

John L. Bean (1966), 6/21/2019


Robert F. Clarke (1966), 7/5/2019

Phillip O. Elbert (1952), 7/19/2019

Raymond R. Watson (1948), 5/14/2019


Douglas M. Brown (1964), 6/6/2019

Glen F. Gadiano (1992), 8/6/2019


Hilliard W. Paige (1941), 6/4/2019


Robert R. Mullally (1967), 8/4/2019

Yale Douglas A. Williams (1952), 5/4/2019




As I authored this piece for the first time, I referenced Bill Martin’s first column as Executive Director in 1986. I found it uncanny how his remarks from thirty-three years ago reflected my views today. I hope Bill will forgive me as I paraphrase some of his thoughts on Bill Zerman’s retirement.

In this issue of The Phi Gamma Delta, we honor Bill Martin’s 39 years of profession al service to the Fraternity. How could Phi Gamma Delta best honor a man who spent his professional career living and exemplifying its ideals? Who gave much more than 40 hours a week, but 24 hours a day, 365 days a year? Who was always willing to listen and help solve a problem regardless of everything else he had in front of him? That is the kind of dedica tion that Bill gave to Phi Gamma Delta, its brothers and its staff throughout his career. Honoring that level of commit ment and service is not easy.

As plans to honor Bill started taking shape, a theme developed that it had to be a surprise. As those who know him will attest, Bill’s humility would not allow him to be the focal point if he could help it, and he would certainly attribute his good work to the contributions of others.

Through the secret work of several Archons and staff, Bill was surprised on several occasions – perhaps to the point of developing a Pavlovian response to a former Archon President taking the podium. These efforts began last sum mer with a tribute at the 170th Ekklesia in Dallas, where several former Archons led a “tasteful” roast of Bill. They shared stories that were both humorous and touching and spoke to Bill’s character and impact on Phi Gamma Delta.

Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsyl vania, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton McCarty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts & Naaman Fletcher.

The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta

1201 Red Mile Rd, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599; (859) 255-1848;


• President: Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982)

• Vice President: Jim Link (Ohio Wesleyan 1982)

• Treasurer: Nic Loiacono (Illinois 1974)

• Secretary: Josh Holly (Tennessee 1997)

• Councilor: Ed Gabe (Hanover 1990)

Councilor: Bill Hunnicutt (Texas Arlington 1981)

• Councilor: Tom Waldon (Iowa State 1979)

• Councilor: Lucas Abbott (Minnesota 2019) Councilor: Davis Hardell (Georgia 2021)

Headquarters Staff

• Executive Director: Rob Caudill (Akron 2004)

• CFO: Will Shier (DePauw 1988)

• Sr. Director of Undergraduate Services: Todd Rotgers (Minnesota 2011)

• Director of Chapter Development: Alex Cruz (Northern Arizona 2017)

Through Bill’s final year as Executive Director, it was almost too easy to identify wor thy interfrater nal awards and recognitions, including the Fraternity Executives Association’s Distinguished Service Award and North American Interfraternity Conference’s Gold Medal Award – which are each organization’s highest honor.

Because Bill would not let an entire Ekklesia focus on him and planned his retirement in an off year, these efforts culminated with a retirement celebration in June 2019, where nearly 200 brothers and their spouses gathered in Lexington, Kentucky to share stories and bestow well-deserved accolades.

A year’s worth of recognition and celebra tion speaks to the impact Bill Martin had on Phi Gamma Delta, the interfraternal community and the admiration that so many have for him and his work. It also speaks to his character and the lives that he touched throughout his career.

I have learned many lessons from Bill in working with him over the past 15 years. One that will always stand out comes in the form of this Martinism: We judge ourselves by our intentions, others judge us by our actions. That simple, yet profound, statement is a great lesson for us all.

Bill Martin is a great teacher, mentor and friend, and Phi Gamma Delta is better because of him. Notice that I said “is.”

As Bill reminded us on several occasions over the past year, this is not a eulogy. t

• Director of Chapter Services: Bryan Hartzell (Western Kentucky 2014)

• Director of Communications: Erica Carlson

• Director of Education: Lauren Leif

• Director of Expansion: Jake Lueck (Kansas 2017)

• Director of Graduate Engagement: Dionysis Protopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017)

• Director of Graduate Involvement: Thomas Lovejoy (Oregon State 2014)

• Director of Growth: Nick Hawley (Kettering 2017)

• Director of Membership & Operations: Amy Watson

• Coordinator of Communications: Paige Prylinski

• Coordinator of Education Programs & Online Learning: Andrew Depew (Kentucky 2010)

Senior Executive Assistant: Taren Robin

• Administrative Assistant: Mahogany Dobbins

• Receptionist: Kitty Brown

• Field Secretaries: Alex Kronk (Iowa 2018); Hunter Wish (Washington State 2018); Josh Parker (William Jewell 2019); Eli Ussery (Alabama Birmingham 2018); Joe Roth (Akron 2019); Brock Walkenbach (Northern Arizona 2019); Robbie Guilford (Arizona 2017); Grant Pollett (Texas Dallas 2019)

Appointed General Officers

• Curator of Archives: Joe Weist (Rose-Hulman 1987)

• Educational Director: Bill Bracewell (Georgia Faculty)

• General Counsel: Jim Boyers (Hanover 1994)

• Historian: Towner Blackstock (Davidson 1994)

PR Director: Mike Sacks (James Madison 2004)

• Ritualist: Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007)

Educational Foundations

Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation 1201 Red Mile Rd, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599

Executive Committee

• Chairman: Kevin Hopper (Cincinnati 1973)

• Vice Chairman: Matthew Amend (Iowa 1987)

• Finance Committee Chairman: Glenn Moor (Texas Tech 1984)

• Board Secretary: Carl Gibson (Oklahoma 1981)

• Exec. Member: Michael Stewart (Penn State 1972)

• Directors: Bill Brand (RPI 1987); Kevin Haga (Jacksonville 1992); Donald Herman (Calgary 1985); Scott Mowrer (Washington 1971)

• Directors Emeriti: Peter Clark (Kettering 1968);

Jack Nicklaus (Ohio State 1961); Peter O’Malley (Penn 1959); Roger Parkhurst (Purdue 1965); William Rodgers (Oklahoma 1959)

The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada

20 Raintree Path, Etobicoke, ON M9C 5A9, Canada

Executive Committee

• President: Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987)

• Treasurer: Norman Dundas (McGill 1963)

• Secretary: Murray Coulter (Western Ontario 1972)

• Trustee Emeritus: Cameron Murray (Alberta 1972)

• Directors: Erez Bahar (British Columbia 2001);

John Carswell (Alberta 1976); Donald Herman (Calgary 1985); Ashley O’Kurley (Alberta 1994); Tristan Patterson (Alberta 2010); Frank Smeenk (Western Ontario 1971); Robert Witchel (Toronto 1987)

US & Canadian Foundations Staff

Executive Director: Ben Robinson (HampdenSydney 1986)

• COO/CFO: Will Shier (DePauw 1988)

• Director of Development & Stewardship: Duke Murphy (Coastal Carolina 2011)

The Fraternity of PHI GAMMA DELTA 1201 Red Mile Road Lexington, KY 40504 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Bolingbrook, IL Permit No. 1908 This voluntary program supports the Fraternity and funds programs that cannot, and should not, be funded by undergraduate chapters and colonies, including: • The Phi Gamma Delta magazine • Graduate chapter support • Expansion to new campuses • House corporation resources • Fiji Academy leadership training • Graduate brother database Support the effort to Build Courageous Leaders by participating in the Graduate Dues program. The Southeast Florida Graduate Chapter held their Pig Dinner on March 23 at the Hyatt Regency Coral Gables. There were 50 brothers in attendance from the Florida International, Nova Southeastern, Tennessee, Florida State, Alberta and Connecticut chapters. Visit GradDues to pay your $25 dues online.

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