PhD Research Thesis on Renewable Energy Sample





The human position in the biosphere is, in comparison with all other living beings, unique and remarkable in that it is thoughtful, but also because it is one of the most powerful ecological factors on Earth. By its activities, man changes the physical conditions and appearance of the area. The most fundamental changes in physical space and ecological conditions of life have begun by deforestation and destruction of forest cover and the development of agriculture. This was particularly reflected in the changes in climatic and soil conditions. These changes continued with the drainage of baritainers and even parts of the sea, the regulation of running water and the creation of water accumulations. In the last hundred years, the use of fossil fuel has drastically affected the atmosphere and the changing climate conditions. These should also be added to the consequences caused by continual pollution of air, water and soil by waste materials that are rejected by humans in the process of growing urbanization and industrialization. During industrialization and the increase in population on Earth, the increase in traffic has also increased the need for energy. This has led to increased use of fossil fuels. The world economy is currently dependent on fossil fuels. The means of transport are driven by oil derivatives. A large part of the power plant uses fuel as fuel, coal or natural gas. Incomplete combustion of fuel in internal combustion engines releases toxic carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (which are the main ingredient of city smog) and various hydrocarbons (Chendo, 2001). The installation of catalytic converters has somewhat improved the combustion, but did not completely eliminate contamination. Combustion produces carbon dioxide, which is a gas glass gas. And just exercise, transport and storage of oil pollute the environment. It's similar to coal. In addition to problems related to environmental pollution, there is also the problem of creating economic dependence. Namely, a large number of countries in the world cannot produce enough oil to respond to the demand, but it is imported from countries rich in this raw material. The main source of energy is still fossil fuels, a key world energy source. Oil is the most important and coal and natural gas are equally represented. Almost 18% of the energy comes from nuclear power plants, and only a small part of energy comes from renewable sources. In the future, all energy needs from renewable energy sources will have to be reconciled, therefore, these resources are being intensively explored and obtaining useful energy from them. Conventional sources include large, expensive thermal power plants and nuclear power plants that are hazardous environmental pollutants, with large hydro


power plants, which are not direct pollutants, but they are expensive and large, and are also considered conventional sources. Renewable energy sources are considered sources of energy that are preserved in nature and are renewed in whole or in part. Such as: mechanical energy of watercourses, wind, solar energy, biofuels, biomass, biogas, geothermal energy, wave, tidal wave energy, gas energy from landfills or wastewater treatment plants. Renewable sources do not depend on the supply of coal and oil, they are clean and untouchable, but usually include smallsized drives. After a hundred years of using fossil fuel energy, today's global image is changing, and renewable sources are increasingly considered one of the key sources of energy for the future development of the Earth. Renewable energy sources include: solar energy, wind energy, biomass, biofuel, biogas, geothermal sources, small water currents, tidal and tidal energy, wave energy, internal marine energy and oceans. Alternatives to classic sources include several completely different ways to obtain energy. The degree of scientific development at this time enables the commercial use of some of them. Several technologies, especially wind power, small hydro power plants, biomass energy and solar energy, are economically competitive. These alternative sources have their specificities, advantages and disadvantages, depending on the degree of utilization and accessibility that most directly depends on the initial costs. Renewable energy sources, not including hydropower, provide less than 1% of the total energy needed. This share in the future should increase considerably because non-renewable energy sources are getting smaller, and their harmful impact is more pronounced in the last 10-20 years. The sun delivers 15,000 times more energy than the Earth can spend at present, but in spite of this, some people on Earth are freezing. From this, it can be seen that renewable sources can and should start to be used better and that energy after fossil fuels should not be taken care of. Easy renewable energy sources are not exhausted but are renewed in a certain rhythm. Some of the reasons for the use of renewable energy sources are: renewable energy sources play a very important role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, increasing the share of renewable energy increases the energy sustainability of their compounds, helping them to improve energy security by reducing dependence on imports of energy raw materials and electricity. The process of accepting new technologies is very slow. The main problem with installing new plants is the starting price. This increases the cost of energy received in the first few years, to the level of complete unreliability in relation to other commercially available energy sources. The large share in the production of energy from renewable sources is a result of the ecological awareness of the population, which, despite the initial economic failure, installs plants for the production of "clean" energy. It is necessary to distinguish the use of energy from renewable sources for producing electrical and thermal energy. So far, only hydropower has a significant share in the production of electricity, although in the last years the wind energy that is approaching commercialization. Some of the reasons for the use of renewable energy sources are: renewable energy sources play


a very important role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, increasing the share of renewable energy increases the energy sustainability of their compounds, helping them to improve energy security by reducing dependence on imports of energy raw materials and electricity. The process of accepting new technologies is very slow. The main problem with installing new plants is the starting price. This increases the cost of energy received in the first few years, to the level of complete unreliability in relation to other commercially available energy sources. The large share in the production of energy from renewable sources is a result of the ecological awareness of the population, which, despite the initial economic failure, installs plants for the production of "clean" energy. The use of renewable energy sources for the production of electricity and heat should be distinguished. For now, only hydropower has a significant share in the production of electricity, although in the last years the wind energy that is approaching commercialization. The sun is our closest star and, directly or indirectly, the source of almost all available energy on Earth. The Sun's energy comes from nuclear reactions in its center. It is a fusion, in which the formation of helium occurs by the coupling of hydrogen atoms, with the release of a large amount of energy. Every second, in this way, helium exceeds 600 million tons of hydrogen, and the mass of some 4 million tons of hydrogen is converted into energy. This energy, in the form of light and heat, is expanding into the Universe, so a small part comes to the Earth. Nuclear fusion takes place in the Sun for about 5 billion years, its estimated age, and according to the available hydrogen stock, it can be calculated that it will continue for about 5 billion years. Under optimal conditions, approximately 1 kW / m2 of insolation can be obtained on the Earth's surface and the actual value depends on location, season, time of day, weather conditions, etc. The temperature in the center is not the temperature that determines the electromagnetic properties of the Sun's radiation, because the radiation from the interior in large part absorbs the ion layer near the surface. The Sun's radiation spectrum closely corresponds to the black body's spectrum at a temperature of 5760 K. Therefore, the temperature of 5760 K can be taken as the effective temperature of the Sun's surface. By using the Plan's Law, it is possible to calculate the energy spectrum of the Sun's radiation. The radiation from the surface of the Sun is about 9.5 "1025 W, and the radiation consists of different wavelengths. The spectrum of electromagnetic Sun radiation consists of an ultraviolet, visible and infrared part. The ultraviolet part carries about 9%, visible about 41.5% and infrared about 49.5% of the total energy of the Sun's radiation (Ben, 2000). The basic principles of direct use of solar energy are: passive techniques - solar collectors (converting solar energy into heat); photovoltaic cells (direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy); focusing on solar energy (for use in large power plants) (Aldo, 2008). The solar space heating system can be passive, active, or a combination of passive and active. Passive is usually cheaper and simpler than active ones. However, the passive use of solar energy must be taken into account when building a house. The most famous example of passive use of solar energy


is greenhouse. The passive house heating system uses heat with the elements of the house itself: large windows facing the south, floors and walls that absorb heat during the day and release it at night. The terrain of passive techniques means that no electricity is required, and processes are based on spontaneous natural processes. This means that this technology is 100% ecological, has been trained from the first human settlements to date. In combination with modern sealing, insulating materials, passive solar technology gives perfect results, and if it is supplemented with active solar technology, an autonomous system is obtained, an ideal solution for houses away from the settlement and infrastructure. In the household is the use of solar energy for consumable hot water. In order for hot water to be available throughout the year, it is common to use solar energy in combination with some other energy source, which is used when Sun's energy is not enough water to reach the desired temperature. Solar collectors absorb the energy of the Sun and are heated by water or air that further transfer's heat. Instead of the so-called sanitary water, which is used for showering and washing, electric heaters are heated, this can be done by a system based on the collection of solar energy and completely independent of electricity from the mains. The smallest collectors have a surface of two square meters and are sufficient for heating water in one household. Such systems are particularly cost-effective for tourist facilities where a lot of water is heated.

References Chendo, M. A. C. (2001). Non-Conventional Energy Source: Development, Diffusion Impact on Human Development Index in Nigeria. N. Journal of Renewable Energy, 9 (1&2), 91 - 102. Ben, S. (2000). Renewable Energy: Its Physics, Engineering, Environmental Impacts, Economics and Planning. 2nd edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Academic Press. Aldo, Viera da Rosa. (2008). Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Process, 2nd edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Academic press.

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