Metroplex South Star Dec 2011 Edition

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Volume V- Issue 152 December 1-31, 2011 Published Monthly Lancaster, Texas


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Issues, perspectives and editorials



ASENKDOLYN ! S GW E N BAI MY SON FOUND HIS FATHER AND NOW DISRESPECTS ME! Dear Gwendolyn: A year ago my son came in from school and asked me about a certain man (his name I will not give). Apparently my son’s father had seen him walking to the bus stop. He stopped his car and told my son he was his father. Later I found out my son was being picked up by his father. He had taken him to meet his other family grandmother and all other cousins etc. I was furious because when I informed his father years ago I was pregnant, he walked away - laughing and dropped a dime on the ground telling me “That’s all you will ever get.” When I approached my son telling him to stay away from his father, he cursed me and pushed me to the floor. A week later when I came home from work, my son had packed his belongings and left. He has been living with his father’s parents for the past year. His cousins robbed a liquor store and were arrested. My son was arrested along with them but claims to be innocent. The family got a good lawyer and paid for the release of his cousins, but my son remains in jail. I don’t have the money and now his father is telling me that he wants nothing to do with my son. Greeta

Dear Greeta: What are you talking about, your son? I thought his father had taken possession of your son to the point where he was considered “his” son. Girl, let me tell you this: I know you have the mother’s love and that is to care for your child whether he be good or bad. But think about it. Your son needs to have this horrible experience. A mother goes through too much to not be honored and respected always. Let him stay incarcerated long enough to appreciate having had a loving mother. Another thing Greeta, don’t continue to put all extra money on your son. The best lesson a mother can learn is not to become so engrossed in her children that she fails to have --- some happiness for herself.

Do you have a son or grandson age 10-17? Help him to choose college - not jail. To order go to website: or write to her at: P. O. Box 10066, Raleigh, NC 27605-0066 (to receive a reply send a self-addressed stamped envelope) or email her at: If you have a problem? “Ask Gwendolyn Baines.”

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December 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C.- African-Americans’ buying power is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015, according to The State of the African-American Consumer Report, released recently, collaboratively by Nielsen, a leading global provider of insights and analytics into what consumers watch and buy, and The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), a federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers across the U.S. This growing economic potential presents an opportunity for Fortune 500 companies to examine and further understand this important, flourishing market segment. Likewise, when consumers are more aware of their buying power, it can help them make informed decisions about the companies they choose to support. “Too often, companies don’t realize the inherent differences of our community, are not aware of the market size impact and have not optimized efforts to develop messages beyond those that coincide with Black History Month,” said Cloves Campbell, chairman, NNPA. “It is our hope that by collaborating with Nielsen, we’ll be able to tell the African-American consumer story in a manner in which businesses will understand,” he said, “and, that this understanding will propel those in the C-Suite to develop stronger, more inclusive strategies that optimize their market growth in Black communities, which would be a win-win for all of us.” The report, the first of annual installments in a three year alliance between Nielsen and NNPA, showcases the buying and media habits and consumer trends of AfricanAmericans. The 41st Annual Legislative Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Conference week’s activities set the backdrop for the announcement. Flanked by civic, business and legislative leaders, Nielsen and NNPA executives spoke about the relevance and importance of the informa-

tion shared in the report and the fact that it will be distributed in NNPA’s 200+ publications, reaching millions of readers and online viewers. “We see this alliance with NNPA as an opportunity to share valuable insights, unique consumer behavior patterns and purchasing trends with the African-American community,” said Susan Whiting, vice chair, Nielsen. “By sharing, for example, that African-Americans over-index in several key areas, including television viewing and mobile phone usage, we’ve provided a better picture of where the African-American community can leverage that buying power to help their communities,” she said. “Likewise, the information points businesses in the right direction for growing market share and developing long range strategies for reaching this important demographic group.”

Consumer trends in the report include facts such as: · With a buying power of nearly $1 trillion annually, if AfricanAmericans were a country, they’d be the 16th largest country in the world. · The number of African-American households earning $75,000 or higher grew by almost 64%, a rate close to 12% greater than the change in the overall population’s earning between 2000 and 2009. This continued growth in affluence, social influence and household income will continue to impact the community’s economic power. · African-Americans make more shopping trips than all other groups, but spend less money per trip. African-Americans in higher income brackets, also spend 300% more in higher-end retail grocers more than any other high income household. · There were 23.9 million active African-American Internet users in July 2011 - 76% of whom visited a social networking/blog site. · 33% of all African-Americans own a smart phone. · African-Americans use more than double the amount of mobile phone voice minutes compared to Whites - 1,298 minutes a month vs. 606. · The percentage of African-Americans attending college or earning a degree has increased to 44% for men and 53% for women.

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Editorial Team David Ross Justin Tate Diane Xavier Subscription Agency Suzette Hobdy

Contributing Writers Gwendolyn Baines Ruby Grant Ryan McCurdy Erin McCurdy Patricia McCurdy Advertising Sales (972) 926-8503 Metroplex South Star of Lancaster PO Box 24 Greenville, TX 75403 p (972) 926-8503 f (903) 450-1397 The Garland Journal News is published by Phalconstar Communications, LCC and reserves all rights to accept or refuse any articles to be printed in any issue of the newspaper. Views and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or our advertisers. The Garland Journal News is published bi-monthly (1st & 15th, each month). Letters to the Editor are welcome. Only signed letters will be accepted. The Garland Journal News assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Any use or reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher. Used under license agreement IDN 13-6401495.

Cover Page,international, national, state and local spotlight

DMV: NO TO CONFEDERATE PLATES Garland NAACP Branch President B.J. Williams called it a united battle. Will HOBDY GARLAND JOURNAL NEWS

Texas State NAACP

Conference and Progress Texas officials called it a victory with a capital V as they stood last week after Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Board voted unanimously to reject license plates featuring the Confederate flag. The application had been submitted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. “We know that flag is a true symbol of people that hate,” said Gary Bledsoe, Texas State NAACP Conference president. State law allows the board to deny a specialty plate design if it is offensive to any member of the public. The license plate, had it been approved would have had an image of the Sons of Confederate Veterans logo that prominently features the Confederate flag. Garland NAACP Branch President B.J. Williams said, “Thanks to the united statewide coalition led by Texas State Conference of NAACP Units President Gary Bledsoe, Black veter-

Texas State NAACP Conference president Gary Bledsoe called the rebel flag logo a true symbol of people that hate.

ans of Texas, clergy, youth, state legislators, members of Congress and a diverse group of concerned citizens rejected efforts by Texas Land commissioner Jerry Patterson and the Tea Party-

Dallas State Sen. Royce West said it was an issue that was able to resonate dissent from across the state.

backed Sons of the Confederacy to disguise the true racist personality, character and history of the Confederate (rebel) flag. “No doubt, this was an issue that was able to


resonate dissent from across the state,” said Dallas State Sen. Royce West. “But that should not come as a surprise. Yes it’s been 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, but reminders of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation are still fresh in the minds of African Americans as the testimony today bore out. However harmless supporters of this effort may have considered it to be, I think they either underestimated or were oblivious to the emotions still tied to matters related to racial injustice.” Several elected officials were present to testify against the proposal includ-

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A MOST VALUABLE GIFT By Patricia R. McCurdy The gift giving season is here at last and what a beautiful season it is! It is the time of year when many celebrate and enjoy the season through the spirit of giving. Sadly though, we’ve witnessed in the media recently the unbelievable measures some people have resorted to in the name of gift giving. Most of us enjoy the experience of purchasing and giving gifts as well as receiving them. However, how did we get to a place where giving someone a gift means harming others? Why are people shooting, spraying or trampling over others to purchase things of no lasting value in a tight economy with money that could be used more wisely elsewhere? Could it be that many of us are misguided and have lost our focus for the true meaning of the season? While material gifts are special, perhaps we should also consider giving intangible gifts. Why not give the gift of God’s word? It is the most valuable gift. Unlike material gifts, this gift has lasting eternal value. This gift can be used by those who receive it now and forever. God’s Divine Plan provides that gift giving should be done in a wonderful selfless spirit with God as our model. Scripture reminds us that God gave the ultimate gift when he gave us His son. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” God gives us the awesome opportunity of telling others about His Son and the magnificent gift he offers to all who will receive him. There is no better way to show someone love this gift giving season, than to tell them about the word of God. It is the perfect gift that should be given to family, friends and strangers. You can also invite them to your church or bible study. In addition, since the cost of telling others about God is free, it is certainly economical! However, if spending money on a tangible gift makes you feel better, a bible makes a Most Valuable Gift!

Metroplex SouthStar

December 2011

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AIRMEN FACED RACISM, FLEW HIGH ABOVE IT Air Force Lt. Col. Gavin Marks examines a P-51C Mustang in markings of the 332nd Fighter Group, the “Tuskegee Airmen” of World War II fame, at Randolph Air Force Base last month. photo/ Billy Calzada

“Double Victory” is the gripping documentary of America’s first all-Black aerial unit The Tuskegee Airmen (like the two unidentified pilots above), who challenged racial barriers and challenged stereotypes by serving their country in World War II.

BALTIMORE- During a recent event, Dr. Roscoe Brown, a Tuskegee Airman, said, “I flew 68 missions. I got shot at, and I shot up a lot of airplanes and trains. When you are 22, you feel you can do anything. They said we couldn’t do it, but we knew we could do it.” Brown who noted that baseball great Jackie Robinson was a friend of his, added, “Black men can learn from this – pursuit of excellence and discipline. Once you do those things, you can get anywhere.” Dr. Brown sat alongside fellow Tuskegee Airmen Charles McGhee during a recent screening of the

Tuskegee Airmen documentary “Double Victory” and a sneak-peek presentation of select scenes from the upcoming film “RED TAILS.” Both men exuded pride, wisdom, stateliness, great intelligence, fearlessness, heroism, patriotism, and other qualities, which have become synonymous with The Tuskegee Airmen. “We wanted to support our country, but be recognized as Dr. King said, “’for the content of our character,’” said McGhee. “RED TAILS” is a highflying action epic inspired by the heroic exploits of the first all-African-Ameri-

Watch It Unfold or Read All About It! If You Missed the Mighty Tiger Marching Band’s OktoberFest performance...

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December 2011

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can aerial combat unit, and is a project of producer George Lucas. The film is set to open in theaters January 20, 2012. “Double Victory” is the gripping documentary of America’s first all-Black aerial unit The Tuskegee Airmen, who challenged racial barriers and challenged stereotypes by serving their country in World War II. As told first-hand by the pilots themselves, Double Victory begins with their training in Tuskegee, Alabama and follows these unsung heroes through World War II, where they

were beset by foreign threats and domestic discrimination. While the fighters battled Nazi jets over Berlin, the pilots back home had to take on the U.S. military itself – fighting against the blatant racism of their white commanding officers. Lucasfilm, founded by Lucas, notes that this year is the 70th Anniversary of The Tuskegee Airmen, and that the film and entertainment company is committed to doing everything it can to shine the spotlight on their remarkable con-

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Harry and Harriette Moore died following the dynamiting of their Florida home six decades ago.

MONTGOMERY, Ala.Every time we think we’ve seen the last of the trials for civil rights-era atrocities, it seems, prosecutors will parade some stooped, whitehaired defendant before the cameras in shackles. Byron de la Beckwith. Sam Bowers. Bobby Frank Cherry. Edgar Ray Killen. James Ford Seale. There is no statute of limitations on murder, and age and infirmity offer no refuge for the guilty, these cases have proved. But if justice has an enemy, it is time. And

now, officials are conceding that the spectacle of juries passing judgment on such aging killers is just about past. The Department of Justice, under its 5-year-old “Cold Case Initiative” and the 2007 Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, has combed through that dark period of American history, seeking any cases that could still be prosecuted. Isolating 111 incidents involving 124 deaths, investigators have sought to determine whether those who died were victims

of racially motivated crimes and then whether there’s anyone left to charge. In about two-thirds of those cases, FBI agents have hand-delivered letters to next of kin, informing them that the government had taken things as far as they could. In some cases, all of the suspects are dead; in others, suspect individuals have been acquitted in the past and cannot legally be retried. In a few, the agency can find no evidence that a crime was racially motivated or even that the death resulted from foul play. “We regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed further with a federal criminal investigation of this matter,” a DOJ official wrote to the daughter of Harry and Harriette Moore, who died following the dynamiting of their Florida home six decades ago. “Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of your parents.” Roughly three dozen of the reviewed investigations including the oldest, the Florida lynching of Claude Neal

in 1934 remain open. Civil rights activist Alvin Sykes, who did as much as anyone to push for this effort, is disappointed. “I said, `The American people won’t believe you made a full-faith effort if there wasn’t a manhunt,’” says the head of the Emmett Till Justice Campaign, named for the 14-year-old black boy whose lynching in Mississippi helped spark the modern civil rights movement. “They made some efforts, but they didn’t make an outreach, a manhunt.” But Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center says it was clear from the outset that “most of the cases that were solvable have been solved.” Even without new prosecutions, he says, a page has been turned. During the darkest days of the civil rights struggle, when all-white juries acquitted obvious perpetrators or Southern, including Texas, state officials flat refused to Continued Page 6

Metroplex SouthStar

December 2011

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LIFE & FAITH Spiritual Encouragement

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While we are familiar with the term “love” is used, sometime the use (and overuse) of this word can blunt its real significance. Jesus teaches us about love. However, this is no ordinary love Jesus discusses. On the contrary, the kind of love Jesus teaches about is a radical love, a supernatural love, a love that screams that the Creator and Sustainer of the universe gave His Son for all of humanity. Matthew 5:43-44 You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy: [Lev.19:18; Psalms 139:21, But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. [Proverb 25:21-22] The term Matthew uses to speak of this love is agape, which is generally translated as an unconditional love or “unmerited favor.” Agape is generally regarded as the highest type of love. In essence, it is God’s love. Agape simply wants the highest good for another person. Moreover, agape keeps no record of right and wrong; rather, it hopes all things and believe all things. Agape never fails. Jesus love is radical because it goes far beyond the expectations of ordinary love. Jesus calls believers to do more than like those who like us; He calls His followers to love their enemies and bless those who curse them. It is important to note that this call to love our enemies and adversaries is not a suggestion or simply good advice; it is a command. Jesus commands His followers to love those who do not necessarily have our best interest at heart. [Matthew 5:45-48] (45) To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]. (46) For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that? God has called us to demonstrate a love that is markedly different from the love of the world.

CHRISTMAS IN OLDE TOWNE LANCASTER 57TH LANCASTER PARADE OF LIGHTS Lancaster, TX - Christmas in Olde Towne Lancaster begins in earnest on Friday evening December 2nd, 2011 at a Preview Party of the Lighted Tour of Homes, with tickets available at $35 on Historic Town Square and at the Lancaster Chamber office, 103 N. Dallas Ave. The next day, on Saturday, December 3rd, is the full Tour of Homes, from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., with tickets at $15 each and available at Sassy Spinster and at the Lancaster Chamber office.


On Saturday, December 3rd the Christmas shopping season kicks off with an “extra” “Saturday on the Square”, for those who want to get a jump on their holiday gift list. Festivities for that day run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., are open to the public, and offer shopping, vendors, food, entertainment and just plain fun!

Civil Rights Murder Investigations From Page 5

prosecute racial killings, families could still turn to the federal government for some modicum of justice. A few years in prison for a federal civil rights violation was better than no punishment at all. Decades later, when prosecutors in the “new South” began reopening some of those old cases, the Department of Justice again stepped forward. Although the statutes of limitations on most federal crimes had long since run out, the FBI’s files were filled with

You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at (

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December 2011

“2nd Saturday on the Square” will kick off on Saturday, December 10, 2011, running from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with food, vendors, entertainment and shopping - all leading up to Lancaster’s 57th Parade of Lights marching off from Town Square at 5:30 p.m. The parade will assemble at 4 p.m. on the lots just south of Town Square and proceed north on Dallas Ave. until reaching the Lancaster Recreation Center at 1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway. Once there, Santa and his elves will host a fun-filled evening of games, face painting, fun, food, and vendors. This evening’s activities at the Recreation Center are free and open to the public. For more information, go to the city’s Web site at or the Chamber’s Tourism site at The Chamber and Visitors Center phone number is 972-227-2579, and the Lancaster Recreation Center phone number is 972-218-3701.

Metroplex South Star

yellowed statements from witnesses or informants, some long dead, that might help locals build a case. These collaborations combined with the work of some dogged reporters, activists and persistent family members produced some stunning convictions in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century. The most recent was the June 2007 conviction of Seale, a reputed former Ku Klux Klansman whom many had believed long dead. A federal jury in Jackson, Miss., convicted Seale, then

72, of kidnapping and conspiracy in the torture and drowning of two black youths in 1964. He was sentenced to three life terms and died Aug. 2 in an Indiana prison. On the still-open list are a couple of cases that fall into a peculiar category: Ones in which someone was acquitted by an all-white jury but has now admitted to the killing. So the possibility of vigilantism is among considerations

in deciding when to close such cases, says FBI Special Agent Cynthia Deitle, who until recently was in charge of the cold-case effort. “How does the Department of Justice write a letter that says that?” she asks. “The person that killed your father is very much alive, still lives in the hometown where you live, and admitted doing it and there’s nothing that we can do or the state can do.”

Community Calendar/Events, Career and Educational Opportunities, Buy & Sell Markets

Confederate Plates From Page 3

ing Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee, Congressman Lloyd Doggett, Congressman Al Green and State Rep. Senfronia Thompson. Written testimony was submitted by State Sen. Rodney Ellis and State Rep. Ruth Jones-McClendon. Congressman Lloyd Doggett, a Texas Democrat whose great-great grandfather was a Confederate veteran, had also urged the board to reject the plates. “I can honor that past as the great-great-grandson of a Confederate veteran without doing something that is divisive and hurtful to many of our neighbors,” Doggett said. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and his agency sponsored the confederate license plate application and worked hard to sway the board by arguing that the license plate would “commemorate the soldiers, not the politicians.” Ray James, past commander of the Texas division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans also pitched the soldier’s angle. In the end, the full court press orchestrated by the Texas State NAACP Conference that the flag would

be offensive prevailed. It was a 180 degree turn from when the nine-member board met and voted into a 4-4 deadlock, with one member absent. Another ballot was set for June but it never materialized because voting was canceled when a member unexpectedly died. If the board was not really listening to the NAACP, lawmakers and pastors during the public hearing they did hear from the guy who appointed them, Governor Rick Perry. After first supporting the plates, he remained silent on the matter until confronted with it in Florida a few weeks ago. “We don’t need to be scraping old wounds,” Perry said, according to the St. Petersburg Times. “I am thankful for the board’s decision,” said Senator West. “Hopefully, this is a matter of state business that can forever be put to rest.” Now is not the time for an inappropriate and ill-conceived concept of a state issued confederate license plate in the second largest state in the union said Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in a statement shortly before the vote.


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Metroplex South Star

December 2011

Page 7


"Double Victory”

Actor Terrence Howard plays in Red Tails From Page 4

tributions, particularly on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2011. Lucasfilm notes that of the 1,000 pilots that began training in 1941, roughly 50 are alive today, and all are over the age of 80.

The Tuskegee Airmen were dedicated, determined young men who enlisted in the U.S. Air Corps to become America’s first black military airmen. They accepted the challenge at a time when many people thought that Blacks lacked skill, courage, intelligence, and patriotism. The first aviation class with 13 cadets began July 19, 1941 with ground school training in subjects such as meteorology, navigation, and instruments. On March 7, 1942, five of the 13 cadet in the first class completed the Army Air Corps pilot program, earned their silver wings, and became the nation’s first black military pilots. They were second lieutenants Lemuel R. Custis, Charles DeBow, Mac Ross, George Spencer Roberts and Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. a West Point Academy graduate. Davis later became the leader of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II and the first Black to become general in the Air Force.

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December 2011

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