Kuumba Heritage News Jan. 1, 2012 Edition

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Sulphur Springs Terrell African American Perspectives -

Founded by T.Thrash in 1994 to the Glory & Honor of Jesus Christ

Volume XVII- Issue 212 January 1-15, 2012 Published 1st & 15 Each Month Phalconstar.com Greenville, TX Phone (903) 450-1393 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00


K AESNDOLYN S! E GW N I BA MY GRANDDAUGHTER IS OUT OF CONTROL Dear Gwendolyn: My granddaughter ran away from home as a teenager at 17 years old. One day her mother asked if we would try to make one last attempt to locate her. The family had considered that in the 20 years gone she had met with foul play. After much searching, someone answered our Facebook telling us they knew where my granddaughter was staying. We contacted her and sent her money to visit. It was a happy occasion – at least at first. She is now 37 years old and acts like a 2 year old. This is the problem: After the excitement wore off, we were able to see how she flaunts herself with the males in the family – including her elderly uncles. Whenever the adult females try to give her advice regarding her sleazy life, she rebukes. Therefore, it was the opinion of the family that she not be invited to any family gatherings. We explained to her that she was loved but we were not going to tolerate her vulgar ways. Her actions are bad for the other children and teenagers in the family. She moved into the projects with her four children but stays to herself – and that’s just fine with us. I hate it because her children are my greatgrands, but I’m too old for the drama. It’s horrible. She always stands with her rear end facing the men and she sits on the sofa with no respect to how her legs are placed. I do love her , but hate her actions. Andrew

Dear Andrew: I am glad your granddaughter had not met with foul play. I’m sure that during those 20 years of her absence, there have been many sleepless nights and restless days. I know you want to get to know your greatgrands and, hopefully, that will come to be. Maybe your granddaughter will realize how important it is to be back with family and put better actions in her life. Suggest to her to seek counseling or to come to the realization her children need to come to know their grandparents. But for the present I am glad to know you and the rest of the family refuse to tolerate ‘low’ character. Just because it’s family makes no difference. Let me tell you this: When you are ‘class’ it is difficult --- to deal with trash.

Do you have a son or grandson age 10-17? Help him to choose college - not jail. To order go to website: www.gwenbaines.com or write to her at: P. O. Box 10066, Raleigh, NC 27605-0066 (to receive a reply send a self-addressed stamped envelope) or email her at: gwenbaines@hotmail.com. If you have a problem? “Ask Gwendolyn Baines.”

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January 1-15, 2012

Ask Gwendolyn, Issues, perspectives and editorials


As another year begins, Black men are faced with just as many potential challenges as they are with potential opportunities. This is the time that many men choose to reevaluate their lives and resolve to make changes for the better. In a time where an ever-increasing number of forces seem to be aligned against black men in their quest for success, many of them have decided to make New Year’s Resolutions. However, to increase their chances at accomplishing their goals and objectives for the New Year, Black men need to make their action plans as strategic and as specific as possible. No matter how gung ho men generally are when they first make their resolutions, most are not as well prepared as they could be when it comes to fighting their way through the barriers to accomplishing their goals. However, to better equip black men for success, our most recent Victory Unlimited Show broadcast entitled “The Top Twelve New Year’s Resolutions That Every Man Should Make” put forth the following list of objectives to help men boost their odds for success in the New Year: 1) Build your inner strength. Equip yourself to better face life’s challenges by adopting an empowering belief system or reconnecting to your spirituality. 2) Forgive people who’ve done you wrong. If you spend your time slinging mud, you’ll be the only one losing ground. If you hold grudges, you’ll only hold yourself back. Free yourself by first learning the lesson, and then by letting things go. 3) Get healthy and stay healthy. Resolve to take better care of yourself this year than you ever have before. 4) Stop living in the past. No matter what’s happened to you in the past, the best way to increase your chances for success in the future is to fully focus on what you’re doing right now in the present. 5) Educate yourself. Routinely enrich your life by learn-

ing new things. 6) Join a brotherhood. Align yourself with a group of likeminded people so that you can each help each other get further in life faster. 7) Find a mentor. Follow in the footsteps of someone successful that you respect. Learn directly from someone who has already achieved whatever goal you want to achieve. 8) Avoid negativity. Stay away from toxic people and avoid as many situations that drain you of your positive energy as possible. 9) Find more ways to make money. In order to first survive, and then thrive in a tough economy, investigate creative ways to develop multiple streams of income. 10) Start a new relationship. Stop recycling bad romantic relationships with women from your past. Believe in the possibility that better romantic relationship opportunities are waiting for you in the future. 11) Enjoy your life. Life can be hard, so start making it “okay” sometimes for you to play just as hard as you work. 12) Stop making New Year’s Resolutions! Resolve to start making goal-setting and goal-achieving a part of your every day life instead of just a once-a-year occurrence. The Victory Unlimited Show is a “tongue-in-cheek”, self-help show for men that’s reminiscent of programs from the Golden Age of Radio. During each broadcast, the host codenamed “Victory Unlimited”, answers dating, relationship, and general life questions by addressing them with a motivational, military-like zeal. “The biggest problem with making New Year’s Resolutions is that it’s become mostly an empty, traditional ritual.” says the host. “It’s time for us to stop making resolutions and to start a revolution in how we think. We need to stop thinking of deciding to make positive changes in our lives as some annual event, but rather as a nonstop mission that we’re on for all 365 days of the year.”


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The Kuumba Heritage News

Contributing Writers: Gwendolyn Baines Ruby Grant Ryan McCurdy Patricia McCurdy Erin McCurdy Kuumba (koo-ummm-bah) is a swahilli word that means: to be creative. African Americans in the past and, to a great extent, in the present has had to derive and improvise special recreative ways to strive for the right to exist. Therefore, Kuumba represents the blood, sweat, tears and joy we have shared as we grew to know and love our new found land.The Kuumba Heritage News is published by Phalconstar Communications, LCC and reserves all rights to accept or refuse any articles to be printed in any issue of the newspaper. Views and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or our advertisers. The Kuumba Heritage News is published bi-monthly (1st & 15th, each month). Letters to the Editor are welcome. Only signed letters will be accepted. The Kuumba Heritage News assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Any use or reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher. Used under license agreement IDN 13-6401495.

Cover Page,international, national, state and local spotlight


HOMELESS VETERANS FIND HELP YEAR ROUND AT ULGD GARLAND- “As long as there are veterans or veteran family members searching for shelter on the streets...we have failed in our duty to honor the commitment of the brave men and women who chose to serve.” Senator Barack Obama, 2007. Carol Rose was discharged from the United States Army in 1987 after serving six years to take care of her sick mother. She


held a steady job for years and was laid off in 2008. In March 2011 she found parttime jobs at FedEX and Duncanville ISD. During her long period of unemployment she also became homeless. “I didn’t have enough money to maintain an apartment,” she said. Carol was referred to the Urban League of Greater Dallas Supportive Services for Veteran Families after contacting many agencies for help. She was immediately assigned a case manager, Robert Walton, on November 7, 2011. She moved into her apartment on November 21, 2011. “Veterans are among the largest groups of homeless

r Cu








Patricia R. McCurdy

Carol Rose (rt) was discharged from the United States Army in 1987 after serving six years to take care of her sick mother.

here in Dallas,” said Treva McDaniel, Urban League Project Director of Residential Services. “They are mostly male, but we are now seeing the number of

homeless Veteran females definitely increasing.” The Urban League of Greater Dallas, the Veterans Contimued Page 6

GREENVILLE- The City of Greenville Parks & Recreation Department will be offering an indoor flag football league for youth and adults. All games will be played at the high school indoor facility. Game nights will be announced soon, and game times will start at 6:30 pm, with the last games of the evening starting at 9:30 pm. Registration ran through December 30th and games begin the week of January 9th. Both men’s and co-ed divisions will be offered. Youth Flag Football will be $100 per team with a coaches meeting scheduled for January 5th. Divisions offered are 8U, 10U and 12U (age as of January 1, 2012).

The Kuumba Heritage News

As we ring in the New Year, why not resolve to reflect on the many promises of God? His promises are worth more than our resolutions! God has made hundreds of promises to his people through his word. And since God is faithful, we can depend on his promises! These promises are a source of encouragement, strength and hope and are readily available to us in scripture. I have listed a fraction of some of my favorites. Read and meditate on them. Share them with those who need encouragement, but most of all rely on them and others throughout the year! “For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. “ “In those days when you pray, I will listen.” (Jeremiah 29:11) “I would not forget you!” “See, I have written your name on my hand.” (Isaiah 49:15-16) “He is our guide forever and ever and he will be our guide until we die.” (Psalms 48:14) “I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart.” And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives.” So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27) “You are no longer a slave but God’s own child and since you are his child everything he has belongs to you!” (Gal. 4.7) “Don’t worry about everyday life.” (Matt. 6:25-34) “Nothing in all creation will ever separate you from God’s love - death can’t, life can’t, our fears, our worries, even the powers from hell can’t keep God’s love away.” (Rom. 8:38) “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” (Rom. 8:31) “Since God did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all, won’t God who gave us Christ also give us everything else?” (Rom. 8:32) “Give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you.” “He will not permit the Godly to slip and fall.” (Psalm 55:22) “I assure you, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life.” “They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” (John 5:24) “I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you.” “For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them.” (Matt. 18:19-20) “God says, at just the right time I heard you.” “On the day of salvation I helped you.” Indeed, God is ready to help you right now! “Today is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor.6:2)

January 1-15, 2012

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DALLAS – Before heading home for Christmas break this year, members of the Dallas Baptist University Patriot Basketball Team partnered with the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) on December 16 to provide produce and perishable items to families through the “Food 4 Families” program. Although it

was a chilly December morning, that did not delay families from lining up for the “drive-thru” service. Neither rain nor cold, the NTFB coordinator shared with the DBU students, would deter recipients from coming to distribution sites early on these mornings. “There is no more basic need than good food,” said Head Basketball Coach Blake Flickner. “’The ‘Food

4 Families’ program provides nutritious food to families in need. Others donated of their resources to provide the food. The least we could do is to be here as the next step in the process of distributing that food to these families.” The players came early that morning to help bag vegetables to be handed out. They then stood in lines passing out the food to indi-

viduals who had qualified for vouchers. As cars passed by, receiving bags of produce including sweet potatoes, grapefruit, clementines, onions, and baked goods, the DBU players wished individuals a very Merry Christmas. “We were glad to come out and serve the community,” said senior DBU student Armie Lewis. “We came out today to spread Christ’s love by representing the University and the basketball team.” While they are great student-athletes, the DBU basketball players are also servant leaders. The basketball team has donated numerous hours of service to the NTFB over the course of the semester, helping sort donations and organize the food pantry. “We have had a strong relationship with the North Texas Food Bank,” said Coach Flickner. “We really believe in the work they are doing in our community. Being a part of DBU Bas-

DBU freshman basketball player Donovan Bridgeforth bags sweet potatoes.

ketball is a special privilege and we know that there is nothing in our lives that we have not received

from someone else. Because we’ve received so much, we want to give of our time and resources to someone else.”

CITY OFFERS ANTI-BULLYING RESOURCES The City of Greenville has added a number of resources to its website for parents, teachers and others in the community to become more informed and take a stand against bullying. Bullying is a serious problem that can happen anywhere and can cause serious and lasting harm to children and teens. The City of Greenville and the Greenville Police Department want to prevent and

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January 1-15, 2012

The Kuumba Heritage News

stop bullying. Information and resources are available by visiting the website at www.ci.greenville.tx.us/ StopBullying. Visit the site to learn about the different types of bullying, recognize the warning signs of some being bullied, or someone who may be bullying others, as well as links to other educational websites and videos.

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PRODUCER SPOTLIGHTS NEW AFRICAN-AMERICAN LESBIAN COMING-OF-AGE FILM going out into the world with this type of controversial project the first time many people are going to be introduced to her- she said that hasn’t even crossed her

mind. "I really just want everyone to see this film, no matter who they are... I feel like it’s a very specific kind of story, but it’s very universal. You

don’t have be a black lesbian from New York to relate to the film. That’s the power of it," she said.

"Pariah: A Closer Look" follows 17-year-old Alike played by Adepero Oduye (above) as she discovers her sexuality and identity while struggling with the sense that she doesn’t belong.

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NEW YORK, NY – In The Life Media, producers of the award-winning documentary series In the Life, last week announced the release of Pariah: A Closer Look, an online-exclusive video featuring interviews with the director, producers and stars of the critically acclaimed new film Pariah. Pariah is one of the first mainstream coming-of-age films to feature an African-American, lesbian protagonist. It follows 17-year-old Alike, played by actress Adepero Oduye, as she discovers her sexuality and identity while struggling with the sense that she doesn’t belong. In the five-minute video, stars Adepero Oduye (Alike), Kim Wayans (Audrey), and Pernell Walker (Laura), along with director Dee Rees and producer Nekisa Cooper, discuss how their own experiences relate to the characters and themes of the film, which opened in select theatres on Dec. 28, 2011. The film short was a hit at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. Asked by reviewer Nigel Smith how she felt about

The Kuumba Heritage News

January 1-15, 2012

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Unity/Diversity, local houses of worship, Co-ED

Spiritual Encouragement

y b u R n. ANT i M R G

INAUGURATION OF THE CHURCH Two ordinary men catches heaven attention with what some consider menial jobs. During the time of the inauguration of the Church, the disciples were hard pressed on all lines; the things of natural order could not be attended to, and many were complaining concerning the neglect of their widows. The disciple therefore decided upon a plan, which was to choose seven men to do the work- men who were “full of the Holy Ghost” What a divine thought! No matter what kind of work was to be done, however menial it may have been, the person chosen must be filled with the Holy Ghost. The plan of the Church was that everything, even of natural order, must be sanctified unto God, for the Church had to be a Holy Ghost church. Beloved, God has never ordained anything less! When we please God in our daily ministration, we shall always find in operation the fact “that everyone who is faithful in little, God will make faithful in much.” Stephen was just as ordinary man in the place where God could so move upon him that he, in turn could move all before him. He began in a most humble place, and ended in a blaze of glory. Something had happened in the life of this man, chosen for menial service, and he became mighty for God. As light upon light, truth upon truth, revelation upon revelation, found its way into their calloused hearts, they gazed at him in astonishment. Stephen so moved by God that he finished his work in a blaze of glory, magnifying God with his last breath. Looking up into the face of the Master, he said: Lord Jesus, forgive them! “….lay not this sin to their charge. And when he said this, he fell asleep” [Acts7:60][Acts 8:1] Saul consenting unto Stephens’s death…[Acts 8:3] Saul had made havoc of the church entering into every house, haling men and women committed them to prison. [Acts 8:26-35] Philip called from city-wide revival to preach to one soul, the Ethiopian [Acts 8:36-38] Giving Ethiopian private baptismal [Acts 8:39-40] a preacher Transportation problem solved: The spirit of the Lord caught away Philip and the Eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. Be Blessed You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at (armstrongfamily3@yahoo.com)

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January 1-15, 2012

Veterans Find Help From Page 3

Administration and Dallas Metrocare have partnered to address the large numbers of homeless veterans in Dallas County through the League’s Efficiency Apartment Supportive Housing

Program (EASH). They also partner with the Catholic Charities of Fort Worth to implement the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) which provide supportive services to veterans and their families. These programs serve at

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1PETER 3:21


JAMES 2:24




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The Kuumba Heritage News

risk, recently homeless and chronically homeless veterans populations who were honorably discharged. Eligibility Requirements for the EASH program: If you are an unaccompanied homeless veteran with a disability and at least 18

years or olders, have been either continuously homeless for one year or more, or if you had at least four episodes of homelessness in the part three years, EASH will help you secure housing and case management services. For more information call (214) 915-4605.


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January 1-15, 2012

Page 7


VOTING RIGHTS ACT SURVIVES N.C. CHALLENGE WASHINGTON - A District of Columbia federal court last month rejected a challenge in North Carolina to a key part of the Voting Rights Act that helps ensure minorities’ right to vote. The American Civil Liberties Union, along with the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, had intervened in the case, Laroque v. Holder, on behalf of the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP and six minority residents. “The right to vote has been under attack across the country, with many states passing laws that will keep minorities, seniors and low-income residents away from the polls,” said Laughlin McDonald,

director of the ACLU Voting Rights Project. “Today’s decision recognizes the importance of the Voting Rights Act for protecting everyone’s right to vote. States that challenge the constitutionality of a law that is so critical for ensuring eligible voters can participate in our democracy are not acting responsibly.” The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark civil rights law that helps protect the right to vote for language and racial minorities. Under Section 5 of the VRA, certain states with a history of voter suppression - including North Carolina - must have changes to their election laws approved to

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ensure they are not discriminatory. Last month's ruling expressly rejected a constitutional challenge to the extension of Section 5 of the VRA by Congress in 2006. The ACLU has also intervened in a case filed by Shelby County, Ala., where the state is challenging the constitutionality of the VRA, and filed motions to intervene in similar cases filed by Arizona and Georgia. Additionally, the ACLU has sent comment letters to the Department of Justice seeking to block discriminatory laws in South Carolina and Texas, and last week filed a lawsuit against Wisconsin’s voter ID law.

January 1-15, 2012

The Kuumba Heritage News

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