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Sulphur Springs Terrell African American Perspectives -

Founded by T.Thrash in 1994 to the Glory & Honor of Jesus Christ

Volume XVI- Issue 203 August 15-31, 2011 Published 1st & 15 Each Month Greenville, TX Phone (903) 450-1393 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00




Ask Gwendolyn, Issues, perspectives and editorials


“I’M TIRED OF PEOPLE TELLING MY DAUGHTER …” Dear Gwendolyn: My sister, her friends, my friends and my church family keep telling my daughter to get a college degree. My daughter finished high school and the manager of a fast food restaurant. My nephew finished college and my cousin’s daughter finished college. They are both unemployed. So in my opinion my daughter is doing better than they are. Am I right or wrong? Phyllis

Dear Phyllis: Because of parents like you, children miss opportunities they later wish had been accomplished years earlier. Let me tell you this: The unemployment rate remains at an all-time high - degree or no degree. When the economic crisis is over, those with degrees will receive top offers with top pay. Your daughter is only making enough money to stay at home, ride public transportation or possibly purchase a “lemon” of a car - that’s all period. You don’t agree but your daughter needs to go beyond high school with her education. However, she can not get her mind together because your mind is small and one-sided. Phyllis, think about it. It is better to have a college degree when needed, than to need it ----and don’t have it.

PLACE AN ORDER TODAY! Makes A Great Gift for Friends & Relatives

Editor-In-Chief Theresa Thrash Lawd,Lawd,Lawd! I thought the big “press” establishment of America only went after successful Blacks to attempt to ruin their careers, and bring them down in shame, sort of like they did Michael Vicks. We, as Black people left Vicks out to hang by himself. We kept real quiet while Vicks was railroaded on something that had been going on in this country since the pilgrims landed. The only two things Vicks was guilty of was being Black in America and taking the dog fighting industry out of the “back woods” and turning it into a lucrative high price business. Vicks was so intelligent,

stopping animal injustices, and devil be gone when it comes to human beings. Now, I read an article by someone called “Daug” who was hating on Senator Dr. Bob Deuell. A real ugly story. I’m just going to share one paragraph to show you how this man is bad mouthing,hating and just down right belittling a very kind Christian man: Unbelievably, in 2007, Sen. Bob Deuell was named one of Texas’ Ten Best Legislators by the Texas Monthly magazine. Apparently, this was at least the second time that he was so honored. Based on this ol’ Dawg’s investigation of Sen. Bob Deuell it would appear that the folks at the Texas Monthly magazine are somewhat clueless in giving out such awards.

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is calling on frustrated voters to tell Congress they’re sick of gridlock and partisanship and want to see compromise to boost the faltering economy and create jobs.

The president used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to try to position himself on the side of the public and against a Congress with abysmal approval ratings in the wake of the bitter partisan bicker-

Willie T. Hobdy

Technology/Systems Rowland Strong

Subscription Agency Mgr. Suzette Hobdy


August 15-31, 2011

ing over the debt. Obama’s approval ratings aren’t so good either, but the president clearly sees a need to direct the public’s anger at Washington toward Continued Next Page

founded by Theresa Thrash

Pres. Phalconstar Newsgroup

Can ya’ll remember when he came to Carolyn Traylors’ record debut....he even played the drums? Remember when he presented about 500 Juneteenth T-shirts to the Greenville NAACP?. He has involved himself throughout the minority community. What other politician (city, county or state level) can you name that cares about what’s going on with minorities. Most politicians will only advertise with Black newspapers when it’s election time. Senator Dr.Bob Deuell advertises all year long. I say, “Thank you to the Texas Monthly Magazine for honoring someone who cares about the Minority community.


Established 1994

Business Development Tex Harris Legal Counselor Ronald Jones II

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that it’s alleged that to even enter your dog, the minimum fee was $5000. And, he had organized dog fighting throughout the country, yet he was the only one that went down for the crime. Don’t for one minute that those poor back woods dog fighters have stopped. Problem is....the are neither Black nor nobody cares about those fights. That’s when the powers to be got angry and went after him. I guess it’s going to take another successful (RICH) business oriented Black man to organize “chicken fights” before somebody society becomes haters of chicken fights.As for me, I feel that there is enough injustices against my race to defend. But some would rather take their energy and use it on

Editor In Chief Theresa Thrash Writer Diana Xavier Advertising Acct. Executives Suzette Hobdy Advertising & Promotions (903) 450-1393 Mail Center: The Kuumba Heritage News PO Box 24 Greenville, TX 75403 p (903) 450-1393 f (903) 450-1397

The Kuumba Heritage News

Contributing Writers: Gwendolyn Baines Ruby Grant Ryan McCurdy Patricia McCurdy Erin McCurdy Kuumba (koo-ummm-bah) is a swahilli word that means: to be creative. African Americans in the past and, to a great extent, in the present has had to derive and improvise special recreative ways to strive for the right to exist. Therefore, Kuumba represents the blood, sweat, tears and joy we have shared as we grew to know and love our new found land.The Kuumba Heritage News is published by Phalconstar Communications, LCC and reserves all rights to accept or refuse any articles to be printed in any issue of the newspaper. Views and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or our advertisers. The Kuumba Heritage News is published bi-monthly (1st & 15th, each month). Letters to the Editor are welcome. Only signed letters will be accepted. The Kuumba Heritage News assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Any use or reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher. Used under license agreement IDN 13-6401495.

Cover Page,international, national, state and local spotlight


MLK, JR. MEMORIAL Staff Reports

After 25 years of fundraising, planning and organizing the dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC is scheduled to take place at 11 a.m. on Sunday, August 28, 2011. According to organizers, the finale celebration promises to be a historic event

for the U.S. and nations around the world, as Dr. King’s vision and timeless beliefs continue to resonate with people of all lands. The dedication ceremony will be the culmination of a week of events, inspired by the establishment of a permanent honor to one of the nation’s greatest citizen leaders. World leaders, civil rights pioneers, citizens

who remember the hard days of segregation and those leading the next generation closer to Dr. King’s dream, will assemble together for the longawaited celebration and remembrance. Dr. King was a profound teacher, whose lessons were anchored in the primacy of human dignity. He enacted Continued Page 5

Time For Us From Page 2

lawmakers in Congress or risk being its target himself as the 2012 presidential campaign season opens. “You’ve got a right to be frustrated,” the president said. “I am. Because you deserve better. I don’t think it’s too much for you to expect that the people you send to this town start delivering.” “Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me - whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either - let them know.” The president listed several initiatives he’s been calling on Congress to pass

- among them free trade pacts, measures to improve the patent system and an extension of a cut in the tax that workers pay to fund Social Security - and told voters to add their voice to his to push lawmakers to get it done. “These are all things we can do right now. So let’s do them,” said Obama, who will repeat his economic message during a three-day Midwestern bus tour beginning Monday. “And over the coming weeks, I’ll put forward more proposals to help our businesses hire and create jobs, and won’t stop until every American who wants a job can find one,” said the president, without detailing specifics on what might be forthcoming. Republicans used their weekly address to criticize Obama on the economy, particularly government regulations that Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said were overly bur-

densome and therefore discouraging businesses from expanding and hiring. “Clearly, the policies of this administration are not working,” said Toomey, who is one of the lawmakers newly appointed to a congressional supercommittee charged with coming up with recommendations to cut the debt. “So, what went wrong? Well, a big part of the problem has been jobkilling regulations.” “Every day, small business owners, job creators and entrepreneurs are bombarded with new regulations and higher costs, discouraging these employers from expanding their businesses and hiring additional workers,” he said. Toomey said that America can still thrive, “but first, government has to get out of the way” - starting with eliminating harmful regulations like Obama’s health care bill.

The Kuumba Heritage News August 15-31, 2011

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Unity/Diversity, local houses of worship, Co-ED


Spiritual Encouragement

y b u R n. ANT i M R G


WHO IS THE GREATEST? The disciples asked who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven! Jesus replied the little children. (Matthew 18:1-4) There is no such thing as groan children when God gets hold of you. There is no such thing as want to them who trust the Lord. (Mark 11:24, Psalms 34:10) On any line of your principle of your faith you must have something established in you. (1 John 5:14-15) And there is no establishment outside God’s Word for you. Everything else is sand. (Matthew 7:26-27) If you build upon anything else but the Word of God, on imagination, sentimentality, or any feelings, or any special joy, it will mean nothing without you have a foundation, and the foundation will have to be in the Word of God. When we really get in the will of God, He can make our enemies to be at peace with us. (Proverbs 16:7) It is wonderful. We must grasp new realities, we must cease from our murmurings; we must get into the place of triumph and exaltation. It is true we are preaching to you divine power that can raise you up and God can set you free from all your weakness. God wants you to know how to take the victory and shout in the face of the devil and say, “Lord, it is done”. (Acts 4:24, 31) Dare you leap into the power of faith? Dare you take your inheritance in God? Dare you believe God? Dare you stand upon the record of His Word? If thou wilt believe thou shall see the Glory of God. “….all thing are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23). God will do great things for us if we are prepared to receive them from Him. The Bible is the Word of God: supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in valor, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interests, personal in application, inspired in totality. Read it through, write it down, pray it in, work it out, and then pass it on. Truly it is the Word of God. It brings into man the personality of God; it changes the man until he becomes the epistle of God. It transforms his mind, changes His character, takes him on from grace to grace, and gives him an inheritance in the spirit. God comes in, dwells in, walks in, talks through, and sups with him. Faith is the living principle of the Word of God. (Hebrew 11:1-6) You are strengthen because He is strong. You are made whole because He is whole. We are all receiving blessing because of the faith of Abraham. (Romans 4:18-20) Be Blessed Ruby Grant You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at (

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August 15-31, 2011

Carolyn Traylor, world renown Gospel singer, spoke the Word recently at Love of Faith Church. Evangelist Carolyn is well known for her singing, yet very few people know that she also is an anointed speaker. She can be reached at 903-268-5035. Starting with one of the most talented musicians of Texas is Minister “Ram” Davis, Evangelist/Singer -Carolyn Traylor, Greenville City Council Member-Betty Franklin, and Pastor Andre Williams of Greenville. I, Theresa Thrash, walked into the church and the musicians started playing my most favorite song....”I will bless the Lord at all times, cause He’s Good.” Many months ago, I wrote that this particular son was my prayer. It’s good to know that somebody out thee is reading the Kuumba. Thanks again to Minister Davis. (apologies to Sister Williams, the picture did not come out right)

Mt. Olive Baptist Church 4707 Washington Street ~ Greenville, Texas Rev. Robert L. Woodson, Pastor

OK, on August 20th, we have a coloring contest going on at the “Back to school Extravaganza” for kids 12 and under. The winner will win $50, so get there early and bring your own crayons. Please remember, I Will furnish the picture to be colored, but I WILL NOT furnish the crayons. Now for 13 and up, I want to introduce my favorite poet whom I loved reading when I was growing up, Langston Hughes. At the time, he was still living, actually he died the year I graduated from High School. Langston spoke a lot about the fact he was biracial. He spoke of living on a fence between two worlds, Black and White. Some of his poems showed the pain of be a mulatto,some were deep and made me think, but then some just made me laugh. Now, for all you 13 and up, on August 20th at 10:00 in the morning, if you can recite any one of these 4 poems below With Feeling and no errors, the you will

You’re Welcome at Pilgrim!

Pilgrim Tabernacle Church of Deliverance, Inc.








win $25. If you can recite all four with feeling and no errors, you will win $100. Below is some information about Mr. Hughes. Born in Joplin, Missouri, James Langston Hughes was the great-great-grandson of Charles Henry Langston (brother of John Mercer Langston, the first Black American to be elected to public office). He attended Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio, where he began writing poetry in the eighth grade. His father would discourage him from pursuing writing as a career, in favor of something ‘more practical’. Langston’s tuition fees to Columbia University were paid on the grounds that he study engineering. Langston Hughes died of cancer on May 22, 1967. His residence at 20 East 127th Street in Harlem, New York has been given landmark status by the New York City Preservation Commission. His block of East 127th Street was renamed “Langston Hughes Place” .

Sun. Morning 9:30

ACT 16:31


Sun. Evening 6:30


Wed. Family Prayer


1PETER 3:21


JAMES 2:24



7:30-8:30 pm Fri. Worship 7:30


~ Ser vice Times: ~ Sunday Sc hool 9:45am Mor ning Worship 11:00am Prayer Meeting/Bible Lesson (Wed.) 6:45pm Youth/Choir/Usher/Mission/”We Care Ministries” Churc h office #903.455.9841

The Kuumba Heritage News

Founder, Elder Wesley Pierce & 1st Lady Annette Pierce

3620 Washington Street Greenville , TX Office (903) 454-7144 Striving for Perfection Founded 1972


Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial From Page 3

irreversible social change and led our country forward, relying exclusively on nonviolent means. “The Memorial will be a lasting tribute to Dr. King’s legacy and will forever serve as a monument to the freedom, opportunity and justice for which he stood,” says Harry E. Johnson, Sr.President & CEO Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. “We are thrilled that we will be dedicating the Memorial to Dr. King and the Foundation looks forward, with great pride, to presenting this Memorial this dream - that we’ve worked to build, to the people. Dr. King, his life, his dream, and his legacy, will be a source of history and inspiration for all people, for all time,” said Johnson. “I’m very much looking forward to celebrating this momentous event with my fellow Americans and people around the world who understand what this memorial stands for, and the relevance of Dr. King’s message.” The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial is the first on the National Mall to honor a man of hope, a man of peace, and a man of color. Located on the Tidal Basin, the National Memorial creates a visual line of leadership between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. The memorial will be an engaging landscape experience conveying four fundamental and recurring themes throughout Dr. King’s life - democracy, justice, hope, and love - and features

You are invited to

12 Noon Community-Wide Bible Study Place: Cozine-Tarver Funeral Home When: Every Wednesday

This is a no non-sense study which deals with the Word of God, and how we can live that Word out in our everyday lives overcoming the issues that can come. Come out and be blessed.

Inspirational Songs of Gospel Music With Dr. Ed Jackson, Jr. is the Executive Architect of the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. PHOTO /HOON CHOI

the use of natural elements including water, stone, and trees. A 450-foot inscription

Harry E. Johnson, Sr. is the president and CEO of the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. PHOTO /TOBY MARQUEZ

wall will feature more than a dozen Dr. King quotes engraved into granite to

serve as a lasting testament and reminder of Dr. King’s Contimued Page 7

Rev. Ram DAVIS “The County Boy” Min. Frank STEPHENSON Min. Larry CLARK & Bro. Ray RAMSON

Sundays From 7am - 8am

KGVL Radio - 1400 am

Sponsored by

Sunday Mornings with

Sunday Morning Hometown

Give it a Shout!

To Find out about church and ministry outreach displays, call 903-450-1393 today! Email church news and announcements to: 2 to 3 weeks before event.

The Kuumba Heritage News

August 15-31, 2011

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Erica Bryant, Children’s Reference Associate accepts Richard Reese’s Adult Summer Reading program logs at the Walworth Harrison Library. Reese pushed the collective total to 1,010, 675 pages read. The Adult Summer Reading program runs until September 30th.

GREENVILLE- Adults and youth in Greenville and the surrounding area can look forward to several new programs at the W. Walworth Harrison Public Library beginning in September. Women’s Sports Camp 101 will be offered for those women who want to learn the basics about football, basketball and baseball. “We have wanted to do this program for awhile” said Adult Services Librarian, Sylvia Rodriguez. “You always hear about women who become “football widows” or “basketball widows” when their husbands go into sports season mode; I want

to try and help some of them enjoy the various sports seasons with their significant others because it can be such a great time to bond”. The class will start off with football, and follow the seasons through basketball and baseball. The classes will be for women only. Dates and times will be determined once an initial interest list is created. Healthy U! is a new series of brown bag workshops that will offer relevant nutritional information for many of today’s most pressing health issues. The first program will be held on Tuesday, September 27th at


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August 15-31, 2011

The Kuumba Heritage News

Noon. These programs are co-sponsored by the Hunt Regional Medical Center. (The class will actually run from 12:10pm and end at 12:50pm to allow those who wish to come during their lunch hour time to get to the library and back to work). The first program topic is Cancer Fighting Foods. “Libraries are all about enhancing the quality life for citizens and certainly promoting healthy living through education fits right in with our mission.” said Library Director Paul Phelan. “These workshops are ideal for those who are able to attend; however, we also have a wonderful website in our TexShare databases called Consumer Health Complete / Salud en Español It contains a wealth of information from numerous resources on all areas of health and wellness.” Future topics include heart disease, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s/ dementia. The Children’s department is beginning a Building Buddies club for youth ages 8-12. “We are also looking for donations of Legos or those types of building blocks so that we will have plenty for the kids to create anything their mind can dream up” said Children’s Librarian, Lisa Magenheimer. “Lots of people may have blocks sitting in their attics that their kids don’t play with anymore and we would love to give them a new home!” (Blocks should be age appropriate). The Building Buddies club runs

Tuesdays, beginning September 8th from 4:30pm5:30pm. Library staff is also taking calls for adults interested in Chess and Scrabble Clubs. Once enough interest is determined, dates and times will be set and patrons will be able to meet on a regular basis to play these old time favorites. Tournaments and league play are part of the planned club activities. For more information on any of the programs, contact Sylvia Rodriguez or Lisa Magenheimer at 903-457-2992. Adult Summer Reading Program Hits a Million Pages! 990,000 To Go!

The children’s summer reading program is over at the W. Walworth Harrison Public Library but adults in Greenville have about six weeks left to reach their two million page goal. Staff at the library has challenged the adults in Greenville to read two million pages this summer as part of a new initiative to encourage adults to read more as well as set good examples for the youth in the community. “We started the Adult Summer Reading (ASRP) program four years ago when some of our adult patrons asked why the adults couldn’t ‘play’ too during the children’s SRP” said Adult Services Librarian Sylvia Rodriguez. “The adults wanted to get in on the fun so we started a grown up version of the SRP”. Adults read books, magazines, newspaContinued Page 9

SCENIC "The Man, The Movement, The Message” From Page 5

humanitarian vision. The memorial will include the “Mountain of Despair” and the “Stone of Hope,” which will feature a 30-foot sculpture of Dr. King. The main entrance through the crescent-shaped inscription wall is aligned along the axis of the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, placing this memorial directly in line with the larger democratic ideals that form the context for King’s words and deeds. The memorial is envisioned as a quiet and receptive space, yet at the same time, powerful and emotionally evocative, reflecting the spirit of the message Dr. King delivered and the role he played in society. The King Memorial is intended to be personally transformative for visitors, building a sense of comContinued Page 11

Forecourt - Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.

The Kuumba Heritage News

August 15-31, 2011

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Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style



r Cu


ne i v ng i D ivi L





POP QUIZ As summer draws to a close, students, teachers and parents prepare for the annual back to school ritual. However, each group prepares for the return from a different perspective. For students, aside from returning to a day of organized instruction and structure, it means connecting with friends and classmates. It also means getting back to the grind of studying, learning and preparing for the many tests that they will take throughout the school year. While students may be prepared for the many expected encounters, there will also be those unexpected encounters. One such unexpected factor is the ominous ever surprising “pop quiz”. Just as the student goes to school and is constantly learning, constantly encountering situations, and constantly being tested, so is everyone who lives. It has been said that life is like school, one giant classroom. As we live each day, we are continually learning, constantly encountering different situations and are constantly being tested. And just like the student in school, we’re occasionally confronted with the ever foreboding “pop quiz”, that unexpected situation that catches us by surprise. And just like many students in school, our initial response is often a feeling of fear or inadequacy. God’s Divine Plans reminds us that we shall endure many trials in this life. 1 Peter 1:7 says, “These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure.” “It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold, and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold.” “So, if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” God’s word also tells us that we are not to be fearful of any situation, not even the “pop quizzes” in our life, but we are to put our trust in him. For God has not given us a spirit of fear. Scripture reminds us of all these things. Joshua 1:9 says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged.” “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” Finally, just as any good student must be ready and prepared for testing at any time, the Lord expects each of us to be ready for testing at any time, for we will be continually tested until Jesus returns.

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August 15-31, 2011

SKINTASTIC SUMMER SKIN THE STYLIST NOTEBOOK You can have fantastically beautiful summer skin! Proper skin care is important for everyone. Skin should be cleansed regularly and properly both morning and night to wash away dirt and impurities. Some recommended cleansers include Cetaphil, Neutrogena, Basis, Purpose, and Aveeno soap. Visit the dermatologist regularly. Maintain a healthy diet, moisturize and use sun block year round to protect the skin.

By Erin McCurdy and Ryan McCurdy

1. Wash

2. Moisturize

3. Use Sun block

RALLY ROUND GREENVILLE FESTIVAL GREENVILLE- With an increased focus on music, the Rally Round Greenville Festival is about to reach a crescendo as the Sept. 16-18 “Wow Weekend” approaches. Conceived six years ago as an adjunct to the Cotton Patch Challenge Bicycle Race, the festival has grown in new directions over the years. Sponsored this year by L-3 Communications - Mis-

sion Integration, the street festival will include three days of music, wine tastings, food of all kinds, kids¹ activities, a barbecue and chili cook-off and tour buses to see Greenville¹s latest attraction, the rare white buffalo Lightning Medicine Cloud. “We¹re proud that the festival continues to serve as a draw for the bicyclists and their families,” said Greenville Tourism Director Milton Babb. “In fact, the

largest number of cyclists ever, about 2,000, are expected due to some enhancements in the race. But music is playing an increasing role in the success of the festival.” An encore of one of last year¹s most popular attractions is scheduled for the evening of Friday, Sept. 16. Landon Winery will again sponsor a free concert and street dance with Dallas¹ top-rated Emerald City

Band. The 14-piece, 4 horn band regularly plays some of the Dallas area¹s top events and even played twice at the White House in Washington, DC. They will begin their performance on the Bud Light Stage on the Courthouse Square beginning at 8 pm. A Sock Hop is also planned at the Blue Armadillo Winery that Friday evening.

Continued Next Page

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DJ Service - All CD’s - $15.00 New Releases Open Mon. thru Sat. 3415 Stonewall St. Greenville, Texas

The Kuumba Heritage News

Bill Wright, Pres., Gen. Manager

Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

“Wow Weekend”

From Page 7

On Saturday, there will be an eclectic mix of musical performances, to say the least. Beginning at 10 am and continuing until noon, acoustic artists will be stationed all along Lee Street, which will be closed to vehicular traffic to better serve pedestrians and festival-goers. Scheduled to per-

form are Matthew Key, Brandon Callies and Erik¹s Parents (Bettina and David Zvanut). The festival zone will have stages at either end. At Lee and Stonewall, the Kids Alley Stage will feature performances from Burns Studio, Phoenix Charter School, THEO, AODMT, Continued Page 10

New Programs From Page 6

pers, eBooks, or even listen to audio books and turn their page totals into the library over the course of six months. “We go longer (than the kids) because our books are bigger” joked Rodriguez. The program runs from April 1st through September 30th each year. The first year, the adults in Greenville read just over 500,000 pages; last year it was almost 1.5 million. On August 17th, library regular Richard Reese pushed the total to over one million pages read putting the ASRP ahead of schedule from the same time last year where the count was at 600,000. “In the last month, we received almost 1 million pages from people who didn’t turn their totals in until the very end” said Rodriguez. “I am hoping for the same thing this year because the readers are the ones who set the goal at the Million Page Reader party last year and it would be so great for them to make it!” At the beginning of October, adults who participated are invited to a Million Page Reader party with refresh-

ments and door prizes to reward their efforts. Door prizes come from donations throughout the year from various events, etc. “Any business that would like to make a gift item donation is more than welcome to” hinted Rodriguez. “We had some great items last year such as a Laser Teeth Whitening Gift Certificate from Longbranch Dental and a cut and style from Michael’s Side Street Salon. Anything a grown up would like is welcome. Rodriguez said she “just wants to be able to reward her readers”. Adults can still participate as long as the item was read or listened to between April 1st and September 30th. Patrons can turn their page counts in via the official form found at the library or online at under the adult programs tab or submitted on a piece of paper with name, phone number, book title and number of pages for the book. If the pages are not known, they can be looked up by library staff. All items should be received by Friday, September 30th at 6pm.


QUESTION OF THE DAY Why is society so sex driven?

This scripture is regard to an individual level of faith in the Spiritual nature of God. Please read Mark 11:22-24. In all things that we desire, it also must be in God’s will, and that it will glorify God’s kingdom. Question: What we pray for, will it fulfill the desires of the flesh,(Carnal mind) or do we deny the flesh,(Read Matt. 16:24), and pray to help someone? Read Philippians2:1-11 Rev. Phillip Dukes Rev. G.J. Snipes It is very profitable and pleasurable so advertisers take advantage of its allure. This is not what God intended when he created it. It was to be used for procreation and pleasure only between a married man and women. The sex that is being pushed is that which is outside of marriage. This has had a devastating effect on our society. Teen pregnancies are up, abortions are up, rapes are up, molestation especially of minors are up. The only thing down is the number of people who believe that sex outside of marriage is wrong. Sex is just like fire…in a fireplace it can bring warmth and comfort but outside of the fireplace it can burn the whole house down.

Pastor Dorion Morgan Well, the first limitation is right there in the scripture. It says, “believe that you receive them”. Jesus often asks someone do you believe that I can do what you’re asking me to do. Faith is the Kingdom currency. Like cash, you can only buy as much as you have. Another limitation is in Matthew 18:18-19; John 14:13; 15:16, and 16:23. For your prayers to be answered, they need to be in Jesus’ name, which means that He needs to be in the midst of your prayers. If you are praying for things that Jesus is not “in” or ok with, then they won’t be answered. Opinion by Pastor Dorion Morgan

Tracy Johnson I believe our society has walked away from its ethical and moral standards of living and led astray by whatever grabs a consumer’s attention. The bible says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20). In our society “Anything goes.” Let us face it, “Sex Sales.” We cannot deny attraction, it’s embedded in us. In fact, our natural reaction is to be attracted to the flesh. Now, eating from that apple of attraction is a different story and marketers know this. It’s obvious God created us with a natural or basic biological drive and marketers engage in advertisements that cater to this biological drive (lust, passion, etc.). Marketers are also aware of the physical aspect of sex appeal and the emotions and feelings that are exceedingly involved. Our society is so sex driven due to big business, the media, and advertising agencies and it’s driven solely by the money and supply and demand. As long as the supply (goods & services) are being met by the consumers due to sexual advertisement campaigns, then our advertising agencies will continuously generate campaigns for mainstream media, magazines, newspapers, direct mail, etc. (both corporate & private sectors) with the idea of selling products & services by using sexuality. The media push sex appeal to all ages and they glamorize it, sugar coat it, and create an appeal that attracts you to that specific brand. I think it’s safe to say consumers (kids, teenagers, parents, & adults) are also responsible for our sex drove society. After all, the supply would not be there if there was not a demand. If consumers would reject those sex appeal ads then the big business, the media, and advertising agencies would have to involve a new marketing strategy. We as a society have walked away from our moral standards and yet put God on the back burner that is until we need Him again.

The Kuumba Heritage News

August 15-31, 2011

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Rally Round Greenville Festival

From Page 9

Matt Labrot, Colton Lewis and Dance Matrix. Kids Alley is sponsored by Hunt Regional Medical Center and Keep Greenville Beautiful. The main Bud Light Stage will be located at Lee and Oak Streets, facing east. The Blandelles take the stage at noon, followed by European Ensemble (a four woman string quartet), Josh Davis

(award-winning teen Elvis tribute artist), the Vince Lujan Project (Jazz/Blues band from Denton), Back Porch Mary, Jonathan Jeter and the Revelators, Yelba and Latin Fire (Latin crossover band from Houston) and headliner Ray Wylie Hubbard. The Bud Light Stage is sponsored by Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Compa-

nies, KETR Radio, Terry Driggers Real Estate and Ben E. Keith. If that musical assortment isn¹t enough, festival-goers can take a bus from the Municipal Auditorium out to Lakota Buffalo Ranch, where in addition to seeing the white buffalo, they can listen to Native American drums and flute music. Buses will run on the hour

beginning at 10 am. On Sunday, musical artists include rising country star Chastity Ross, The Napper Sisters (likely the only sister act you¹ll hear who are also practicing attorneys) and Bad Moon Rising, a Credence Clearwater Revival tribute band. For more information on Rally Round Greenville, contact the Greenville Chamber of Commerce/ Convention and Visitors Bureau at 903-455-1510.

GNCA BACK -TO - SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA GREENVILLE- The annual GNCA Back to School Extravaganza will be held on Sat., Aug. 20 from 9 am to 11:00 am at the Wesley Chapel CME Church parking lot located at 2100 Kennedy Street in Greenville in the Washington Heights subdivision. This event is an outreach program motivating and promoting education and continuous positive images within the north community which is often as targeted as being negative according to the group’s founder and president Emily Cozine Thompson. All students are welcome she says. “But, this is more than just a school supply giveaway program,” she went on to say. “Under the tent, motivational speakers will be on hand, as well as other entertainment. If you are your group would like to perform representing your church, organization, or group, please contact us.” The day will also include free games and food. The event also includes free haircuts and school

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August 15-31, 2011

supplies, back packs and school uniform giveaways. The event is for K-12th grade and for Pre K students

The Kuumba Heritage News

that need school supplies. More volunteers and barbers are needed. Contact Emily Cozine

Thompson at (903) 269-0349 to join in or for additional information.

Historic Event From Page 7

mitment to the promise of positive change and active citizenship. Drawing from Dr. King’s own rich metaphorical language, the themes of “the Man, the Movement and the Message” are intertwined into a larger experience of place. Dr. Martin Luther King is remembered as a great orator whose impact on the nation came from the eloquence and inspirational quality of his words. His

Keep Up with Your Child’s Education by Subscribing to the Kuumba Heritage news Call Today! (903) 450-1393

speeches, sermons and public addresses melded themes of democracy deeply embedded in the American conscience, and reinvigorated these messages with clear and insightful reflections on the true meaning of justice and equality. Within the memorial, quotes from Dr. King’s sermons and speeches, are inscribed at a large scale on the smooth surfaces of the inscription wall. These

Continued Page 12

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GEUS has the following position available. POWER PLANT MECHANIC I (Temporary Position) $15.10/HR. Applicant must have experience in the operation and maintenance of heavy equipment including diesel engines, high pressure turbines, generators, pumps, and boilers. Performs plumbing, pipefitting, carpentry and general repair work. Must be able to read blueprints and use computers. Prefer minimum two years experience as electric power plant mechanic and knowledge of major overhaul work. Requires high school diploma or equivalent. Welders experience helpful. Temporary position with expected duration of 6 months. Apply or send completed application form to City of Greenville Human Resources Office, P.O. Box 1049, 2821 Washington Street, Greenville, Texas 75403, or through E-Mail to, applications on website at: (903)457-3118 or for TDD (903)457-3128. Open Until Filled.




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The Kuumba Heritage News

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August 15-31, 2011

Page 11


Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial From Page 11

passages will be reinforced through the referential use of water, stone, landscaping and light as metaphorical elements that heighten an awareness of his message. All of the senses will be engaged through the experience of the memorial, and, foremost, through the visual

perception of space, using contrast and juxtaposition, scale and height and the bold display of carefully selected words expressing his spirit. The inspirational text and the mood created by the sound of the water, its cooling mists, and the visual complexity of the contrasting rough and smooth surfaces of stone, the gradual

changes in grade and the patterns of light and darkness will dramatically underscore the visual sense of the man and the qualities of courage, conviction and leadership that characterize his life and work. Added to these powerful sensory experiences will be a sculptural representation of Dr. King himself. This is not

conceived of as a pure figurative depiction of his physical being, separate and apart from other elements, but rather would give another dimension and layer of meaning to the experience of the memorial as a whole. Dr. King will appear as an integral part of the “Stone of Hope”, as if he embodies the stone itself. He will be

positioned on the side of the stone facing the Jefferson Memorial and will be gradually revealed as part of the procession towards the Tidal Basin. The official dedication will occur on the 48th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. King’s historic I Have A Dream speech, beginning with a


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August 15-31, 2011

The Kuumba Heritage News

pre-dedication concert at 10 a.m. The dedication ceremony will commence at 11 a.m. and a post-dedication concert will follow beginning at 2 p.m.

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