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Volume IX- Issue 226 November 15-30, 2011 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Phalconstar.com Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00


K AESNDOLYN S! E GW N I BA MY STEPMOTHER MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Dear Gwendolyn: I am 17 years old and I noticed that most of the people who write to you are adults. However, I hope you will take time to help me with my problem. This is it: When I was two years old my parents divorced. My father won full child custody. He soon remarried and they had a son. Our ages are three years apart. Last year I wanted to get my driver’s license, but my stepmother convinced my father to tell me no. When my half brother turned 13, they gave him an off-road dirk bike. Also, they gave him a cell phone. When I asked for a cell phone, I was told to get a part-time job and buy my own. Gwendolyn, please help me. I don’t want to grow into one of those evil bitter unhappy men who do harm saying “I didn’t have a happy childhood.” Jim

Dear Jim: And you don’t have to turn into one of those bitter men who put all blame on their failures saying ‘I didn’t have a happy childhood.’ That excuse is getting old and jurors in our Courts of Law are no longer being sympathetic about the issue. Let me tell you this: Do not make the mistake as many young people do - that is to seek a roommate and move from an unhappy home. Two small salaries cannot pay the rent. This is your best option: Get a good education. Aim for a career that pays six figures. This is where campus life is a blessing. Seek the assistance of your high school counselor to see what funding is available for you. Jim, I hate to inform you but the situation with your stepmother will probably remain the same. Your father does not appear to be ‘man enough’ to speak up in your behalf. Men claim to be so macho but when it comes to a woman, they are nothing but a jelly fish - just naturally weak. Think about it. I’m sure you read or heard how Eve persuaded Adam --- to eat that apple. ***Do you have a son or grandson age 10-17? Help him to choose college not jail. Order DECISIONS In The Life Of A Growing Male Youth. For ordering information write to Gwendolyn Baines at: P. O. Box 10066, Raleigh, NC 27605-0066 (to receive a reply send a self-addressed stamped envelope) or email her at: gwenbaines@hotmail.com or visit her website at: www.gwenbaines.com

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November 15-30, 2011

Ask Gwendolyn, News, Issues, Perspectives and Editorials

AFRICAN-AMERICANS WIELD CONSIDERABLE CONSUMER POWER WASHINGTON, D.C.- African-Americans’ buying power is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015, according to The State of the African-American Consumer Report, released recently, collaboratively by Nielsen, a leading global provider of insights and analytics into what consumers watch and buy, and The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), a federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers across the U.S. This growing economic potential presents an opportunity for Fortune 500 companies to examine and further understand this important, flourishing market segment. Likewise, when consumers are more aware of their buying power, it can help them make informed decisions about the companies they choose to support. “Too often, companies don’t realize the inherent differences of our community, are not aware of the market size impact and have not optimized efforts to develop messages beyond those that coincide with Black History Month,” said Cloves Campbell, chairman, NNPA. “It is our hope that by collaborating with Nielsen, we’ll be able to tell the African-American consumer story in a manner in which businesses will understand,” he said, “and, that this understanding will propel those in the C-Suite to develop stronger, more inclusive strategies that optimize their market growth in Black communities, which would be a win-win for all of us.” The report, the first of annual installments in a three year alliance between Nielsen and NNPA, showcases the buying and media habits and consumer trends of AfricanAmericans. The 41st Annual Legislative Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Conference week’s activities set the backdrop for the announcement. Flanked by civic, business and legislative leaders, Nielsen and NNPA executives spoke about the relevance and importance of the informa-

tion shared in the report and the fact that it will be distributed in NNPA’s 200+ publications, reaching millions of readers and online viewers. “We see this alliance with NNPA as an opportunity to share valuable insights, unique consumer behavior patterns and purchasing trends with the African-American community,” said Susan Whiting, vice chair, Nielsen. “By sharing, for example, that African-Americans over-index in several key areas, including television viewing and mobile phone usage, we’ve provided a better picture of where the African-American community can leverage that buying power to help their communities,” she said. “Likewise, the information points businesses in the right direction for growing market share and developing long range strategies for reaching this important demographic group.”

Consumer trends in the report include facts such as: · With a buying power of nearly $1 trillion annually, if AfricanAmericans were a country, they’d be the 16th largest country in the world. · The number of African-American households earning $75,000 or higher grew by almost 64%, a rate close to 12% greater than the change in the overall population’s earning between 2000 and 2009. This continued growth in affluence, social influence and household income will continue to impact the community’s economic power. · African-Americans make more shopping trips than all other groups, but spend less money per trip. African-Americans in higher income brackets, also spend 300% more in higher-end retail grocers more than any other high income household. · There were 23.9 million active African-American Internet users in July 2011 - 76% of whom visited a social networking/blog site. · 33% of all African-Americans own a smart phone. · African-Americans use more than double the amount of mobile phone voice minutes compared to Whites - 1,298 minutes a month vs. 606. · The percentage of African-Americans attending college or earning a degree has increased to 44% for men and 53% for women.


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PO Box 24 Greenville, TX 75403 p (972) 926-8503 f (903) 450-1397 phalconstar@sbcglobal.net The Garland Journal News is published by Phalconstar Communications, LCC and reserves all rights to accept or refuse any articles to be printed in any issue of the newspaper. Views and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or our advertisers. The Garland Journal News is published bi-monthly (1st & 15th, each month). Letters to the Editor are welcome. Only signed letters will be accepted. The Garland Journal News assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Any use or reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher. Used under license agreement IDN 13-6401495.


News, international, national, state and local spotlight

DMV BOARD SAYS NO TO CONFEDERATE PLATES Garland NAACP Branch President B.J. Williams called it a united battle. Will HOBDY GARLAND JOURNAL NEWS

Texas State NAACP Conference and Progress Texas officials called it a victory with a capital V as they stood last week after Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Board voted unanimously to reject license plates featuring the Confederate flag. The application had been submitted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. “We know that flag is a true symbol of people that hate,” said Gary Bledsoe, Texas State NAACP Conference president. State law allows the board to deny a specialty plate design if it is offensive to any member of the public. The license plate, had it been approved would have had an image of the Sons of Confederate Veterans logo that prominently features the Confederate flag. Garland NAACP Branch President B.J. Williams said, “Thanks to the united

Texas State NAACP Conference president Gary Bledsoe called the rebel flag logo a true symbol of people that hate.

statewide coalition led by Texas State Conference of NAACP Units President Gary Bledsoe, Black veterans of Texas, clergy, youth, state legislators, members of Congress and a diverse group of concerned citizens rejected efforts by Texas Land commissioner Jerry Patterson and the Tea Partybacked Sons of the Confederacy to disguise the true racist personality, character and history of the Confederate (rebel) flag. “No doubt, this was an issue that was able to resonate dissent from across the state,” said Dallas State Sen. Royce West. “But that should not come as a surprise. Yes it’s been 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, but reminders of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation are still fresh in the minds of African Americans as the testimony today bore out. However harmless supporters of this effort may have

Dallas State Sen. Royce West said it was an issue that was able to resonate dissent from across the state.

considered it to be, I think they either underestimated or were oblivious to the emotions still tied to matters related to racial injustice.” Several elected officials were present to testify against the proposal including Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee, Congressman Lloyd Doggett, Congressman Al Green and State Rep. Senfronia Thompson. Written testimony was submitted by State Sen. Rodney Ellis and State Rep. Ruth Jones-McClendon. Congressman Lloyd Doggett, a Texas Democrat whose great-great grandfather was a Confederate veteran, had also urged the board to reject the plates. “I can honor that past as the great-great-grandson of a Confederate veteran without doing something that is divisive and hurtful to many of our neighbors,” Doggett said. Texas Land Commissioner

Jerry Patterson and his agency sponsored the confederate license plate application and worked hard to sway the board by arguing that the license plate would “commemorate the soldiers, not the politicians.” Ray James, past commander of the Texas division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans also pitched the soldier’s angle. In the end, the full court press orchestrated by the Texas State NAACP Conference that the flag would be offensive prevailed. It was a 180 degree turn from when the nine-member

board met and voted into a 4-4 deadlock, with one member absent. Another ballot was set for June but it never materialized because voting was canceled when a member unexpectedly died. If the board was not really listening to the NAACP, lawmakers and pastors during the public hearing they did hear from the guy who appointed them, Governor Rick Perry. After first supporting the plates, he remained silent on the matter until confronted with it in Florida a few weeks ago. “We don’t need to be scraping

Garland Journal News November 15-30, 2011

old wounds,” Perry said, according to the St. Petersburg Times. “I am thankful for the board’s decision,” said Senator West. “Hopefully, this is a matter of state business that can forever be put to rest.” Now is not the time for an inappropriate and illconceived concept of a state issued confederate license plate in the second largest state in the union said Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee in a statement shortly before the vote.

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News, local houses of worship

For as the body is one, and has many members. And all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: So also is Christ. 1Corin. 12:18

Spiritual Encouragement


y b Ru ANT GR TRANSFORM YOUR SPEAKING Romans 12:2 says- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Jesus said in Mark 11:23-24, it was up to you to speak God’s Word in faith and move that mountain with your words. The Bible says that it isn’t by might or power but by the Spirit of God that mountains are moved (Zechariah 4:6). The spirit of God is waiting for you to speak, just like He waited for God to say,”Light be” before He released light to dispel the darkness that covered the Earth. Genesis 1:2-3 The Moment God spoke, the Holy Spirit turned on the the light. Today the Holy Spirit is still waiting for one thing: to hear the word of God declared in faith. This He is waiting to hear it spoken by the saints of God, so He can continue to bring God’s love and light and power to the people of the Earth. You are God’s mouthpiece. It is up to you to release God’s presence and power into this Earth just like all the prophets and Jesus did before you-with your words. The Holy Spirit is waiting and wanting to move, but it you never believe Him and speak His Word, He can’t do anything. Your voice gives Him permission to do what God has wanted to do all this time: bless you, provide for you, and use you to bless, protect, and provide for others. Acts 10:44-48 says- While Peter spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believe were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then Prayed they him to tarry certain days. The Holy Ghost was just waiting for Peter to speak the Word of God so He could fall on those Gentiles, save them, and fill them. We don’t know how the Word does what it does. We don’t know how the Holy Spirit turns water into wine, raises the dead, or parts the sea. But we don’t have to know how. All we have to do is believe the truth: the Word Works! You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at (armstrongfamily3@yahoo.com)

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November 15-30, 2011

Harry and Harriette Moore died following the dynamiting of their Florida home six decades ago.

MONTGOMERY, Ala.Every time we think we’ve seen the last of the trials for civil rights-era atrocities, it seems, prosecutors will parade some stooped, whitehaired defendant before the cameras in shackles. Byron de la Beckwith. Sam Bowers. Bobby Frank Cherry. Edgar Ray Killen. James Ford Seale. There is no statute of limitations on murder, and age and infirmity offer no refuge for the guilty, these cases have proved. But if justice has an enemy, it is time. And now, officials are conceding that the spectacle of juries passing judgment on such aging killers is just about past. The Department of Justice, under its 5-year-old “Cold Case Initiative” and the 2007 Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, has combed through that dark period of American history, seeking any cases that could still be prosecuted. Isolating 111 incidents involving 124 deaths, investigators have sought to determine whether those who died were victims of racially motivated crimes and then whether there’s anyone left to charge. In about two-thirds of those cases, FBI agents have hand-delivered letters to next of kin, informing

them that the government had taken things as far as they could. In some cases, all of the suspects are dead; in others, suspect individuals have been acquitted in the past and cannot legally be retried. In a few, the agency can find no evidence that a crime was racially motivated or even that the death resulted from foul play. “We regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed further with a federal criminal investigation of this matter,” a DOJ official wrote to the daughter of Harry and Harriette Moore, who died following the dynamiting of their Florida home six decades ago. “Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of your parents.” Roughly three dozen of the reviewed investigations including the oldest, the Florida lynching of Claude Neal in 1934 remain open. Civil rights activist Alvin Sykes, who did as much as anyone to push for this effort, is disappointed. “I said, `The American people won’t believe you made a full-faith effort if there wasn’t a manhunt,’” says the head of the Emmett Till Justice Campaign, named for the 14-year-old black boy whose lynching in Mississippi helped spark the modern civil rights move-

Garland Journal News

ment. “They made some efforts, but they didn’t make an outreach, a manhunt.” But Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center says it was clear from the outset that “most of the cases that were solvable have been solved.” Even without new prosecutions, he says, a page has been turned. During the darkest days of the civil rights struggle, when all-white juries acquitted obvious perpetrators or Southern, including Texas, state officials flat refused to prosecute racial killings, families could still turn to the federal government for some modicum of justice. A few years in prison for a federal civil rights violation was better than no punishment at all. Decades later, when prosecutors in the “new South” began reopening some of those old cases, the Department of Justice again stepped forward. Although the statutes of limitations on most federal crimes had long since run out, the FBI’s files were filled with yellowed statements from witnesses or informants, some long dead, that might help locals build a case. These collaborations combined with the work of some

dogged reporters, activists and persistent family members produced some stunning convictions in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century. The most recent was the June 2007 conviction of Seale, a reputed former Ku Klux Klansman whom many had believed long dead. A federal jury in Jackson, Miss., convicted Seale, then 72, of kidnapping and conspiracy in the torture and drowning of two black youths in 1964. He was sentenced to three life terms and died Aug. 2 in an Indiana prison. On the still-open list are a couple of cases that fall into a peculiar category: Ones in which someone was acquitted by an all-white jury but has now admitted to the killing. So the possibility of vigilantism is among considerations in deciding when to close such cases, says FBI Special Agent Cynthia Deitle, who until recently was in charge of the coldcase effort. “How does the Department of Justice write a letter that says that?” she asks. “The person that killed your father is very much alive, still lives in the hometown where you live, and admitted doing it and there’s nothing that we can do or the state can do.”


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News, local houses of worship For as the body is one, and has many members. And all the members of that one body, being many, are one


body: So also is Christ. 1Corin. 12:18

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Garland Journal News

November 15-30, 2011

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John Carlos (far rt.) qualified for the 1968 Olympic games and placed third in the 200-meter dash, where his protest against African-American poverty in the United States with gold medalist teammate Tommie Smith and silver medalist Peter Norman from Australia has become one of the most iconic sports moments in history.

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John Carlos, 1968 Summer Olympic bronze medalist and former Texas A&M Commerce track star returned “home” to the university and a near capacity filled Ferguson Social Sciences Building auditorium last week. He came there to discuss and promote his new book The John Carlos Story: The Sports Moment That Changed the World. Hundreds waited patiently long after a short film and presentation by

November 15-30, 2011

coauthor Dave Zirin, a talk by Dr. Shannon Carter and words by Carlos to buy his book, shake his hand, take a picture, or just to thank him. Until recently, his freshman year stay at the then East Texas State University had gone largely unnoticed. A fact attributed to deep lingering institutional racism in the region’s culture. Even more so, after he, Tommie Smith and Australian silver medalist, Peter Norman who wore an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge made headlines and became sports

Garland Journal News

icons around the globe after protesting poverty in the United States with the gloved black power salute on the medals platform at the 1968 Summer Olympics. Still, he says he has no regrets about how much the protest cost him. Lingering effects of the gestures included death threats against the three and their families. “I loved my flag,” he said to the audience in his presentation. “I just wanted my flag to love me back.” And, 1968 was

a turbulent year. The US Mint stopped buying and selling gold, college students across the country were seizing campus buildings, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, US Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated, Rev Abernathy lead the “Poor Peoples March” into Washington DC, the Supreme Court banned racial discrimination in the selling and renting of housing, the My Lai massacre took place in Vietnam, Pres. Johnson signed the 1968 Civil Continued Next Page



Rights Act, anti-war demonstrators clashed with police in Chicago during the Democratic Convention and US law enforcement officers were gunning down members of the Black Panthers in open warfare. It was also the year Otis Redding posthumously received a gold record for “Sittin’ On the Dock of the Bay.” Lost in it all, was the fact that Carlos had competed for East Texas State as a freshman in 1966-67, winning both the 100 and 200-meter dashes. He was also a member of the Lions 4x400-meter relay team that had captured the 1967 Lone Star Conference Championship. “He came here only two years after the university was integrated,” says Carter, associate professor of English. It was Carter’s research that led to the university’s recent public acknowledgements of Carlos’ study at the university. The Harlem native says he was lured to the school by a track coach who had never shown an ounce of racism in phone calls and letters to the recruit. That was until he stepped off the bus in Dallas. He started calling me ‘boy’ Carlos told the audience. “Here I am with my wife and child - getting off the bus to come to Continued Page 9

Carlos competed for East Texas State as a freshman in 1966-67, winning both the 100 and 200-meter dashes. He was also a member of the Lions 4x400-meter relay team that had captured the 1967 Lone Star Conference Championship.

John Carlos (center) and coauthor Dave Zirin at book signing. Carlos arrived at the university only two years after it was integrated.

Garland Journal News

November 15-30, 2011

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Heavy D was leader of the hip-hop group Heavy D & the Boyz. photo /Ben Rose/ WireImage


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Heavy D, leader of seminal hip-hop group Heavy D & the Boyz and the voice behind such key rise-of-agenre tracks as “Now That We Found Love,” “Who’s the Man,” and “Somebody For Me,” as well as the iconic theme song to In Living Color, has passed away at the age of 44. The rapper was rushed to a hospital in Los Angeles after being found unconscious, and passed away shortly after his arrival. No foul play is suspected, though his cause of death is currently

unknown. Heavy D was born Dwight Myers in Jamaica in 1967 but emigrated to Mount Vernon, New York with his parents as a young boy. After discovering rap music in junior high, he teamed up with backing crew the Boyz in high school. Alongside his cohorts DJ Eddie F, Trouble T-Roy, and G-Wiz, he recorded a demo that found its way to the desk of Def Jam executive Andre Harrell, who alongside Russell Simmons had help launch the careers of LL Cool J, Beastie Boys, and Run-DMC. Harrell signed Heavy D & the Boyz to his newly-launched Uptown Records label, and he released the group’s debut album Living Large in 1987. Living Large was not a runaway success, though it was readily embraced by the hip-hop community, thanks in part to the somewhat novelty-ish hit “The Overweight Lover’s In the House.” But the group really hit its stride with 1989?s Big Tyme, which found Heavy D marrying his considerable lyrical skills with a sound that more mirrored contemporary R&B than N.W.A. or Public

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Page 8

November 15-30, 2011

Garland Journal News

Enemy. It was something that hadn’t been heard since the early days of hip-hop: Music that was both party-ready and also accomplished in its delivery and presentation. In short, Heavy D had skills, and he wasn’t afraid to rap about relationships and spit over dance-worthy grooves like “Somebody For Me. Heavy hit his commercial peak in 1991 with the release of Peaceful Journey, which featured crossover smashes like “Now That We’ve Found Love” and “Is It Good To You,” both of which continued Heavy D & the Boyz’ permanent residence on MTV. That fall, Heavy also rapped on Michael Jackson’s “Jam,” the first single from his massively successful Dangerous album. “Now That We Found Love” is a particularly impressive accomplishment, bringing together a phenomenally catchy sing-along hook with Heavy’s lightning-quick delivery. In many ways, Heavy D predicted both the hip-hop-inflected R&B of Mary J. Blige and Jennifer Lopez, as well as every rap song that featured a chest-banger crooning the chorus.

Though he was regularly cited as an inspiration by the generation of rappers who followed him (Notorious B.I.G. being the most obvious example; the two dudes even sort of sounded alike), Heavy D wasn’t able to maintain the same level of fame or success after Peaceful Journey. But all of his subsequent albums (especially 1997?s Waterbed Hev and 1999?s Heavy, both of which were released without the Boyz in tow) stayed true to his original innovative sound and continued to mine his considerable talent as a rapper. Like his contemporary Ice-T, Heavy D found work as an actor as the millennium turned, and only came back to the recording game in 2008 with the reggaekissed Vibes. He made his return to performing only a few weeks ago with a onetwo punch, performing at the Michael Jackson tribute concert (he broke out his verse on “Jam”) and knocking out a set at the BET Hip-Hop Awards, where he ended his 15 year absence from the stage with a medley of some of his signature hits.


Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

Sports Moment That Changed the World body, our student-athletes, and the Commerce community to have a chance to meet someone who has championed his life fighting for human rights.” The John Carlos

Story:The Sports Moment That Changed the World, is co-written by Dave Zirin with a forward by Cornel West. The discussion with Carlos and Zirin was free to the public.

(l-r) A&M- Commerce professor Dr. M. LaVelle Hendricks, coauthor Dave Zirin and A&M-Commerce Athletic Director Carlton Cooper. From Page 7

school here and he’s calling me boy in front of wife and child. So, I started referring to him as boy - and then he started calling me niggra. I didn’t know what that was.” “When I was coming in, he was headed out,” says Belford Page, an alumni who was familiar with Carlos achievements at A&M Commerce. “Belford took over where I left off, said Carlos. Texas A&M-Commerce was among the last two state universities to finally integrate its student body. “John Carlos was

a gifted athlete who made history on the track and in the broader arena of social justice,” said A&M University-Commerce President Dr. Dan Jones. “We welcome him back to the university and community where he spent a formative time of his life.” Given all that was going on in the world, Carlos’ life after the 1968 Olympics was not exactly lived in exile. He would go on to tie the world record in the 100-yard dash in 1969 and he helped his transfer school, San Jose State win to the NCAA title. He played a few seasons

Treat Her Like A Lady

A&M Commerce Athletic Association president Belford Page and former Commerce Mayor Ivory Moore.

of football in the NFL and Canadian Football League before a knee injury cut short his career. Following his retirement from football, Carlos worked for Puma, the United States Olympic Committee, the Organising Committee of the 1984 Summer Olympics and the City of Los Angeles. Currently, he is the track and field coach, and an





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In-school suspension supervisor for Palm Springs High School in Palm Springs, California. “We were excited to have John Carlos back on campus at the place where his track career truly began,” said Athletic Director Carlton Cooper. “This was a great experience for the A&M-Commerce student



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November 15-30, 2011

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Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

e n i g v i D ivin L



Cu Mc

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By Patricia R. McCurdy

During the time when I was a first grade teacher, my students always loved the many art projects we did as a class. Believe me when I say that there were many projects. There were projects for every season and holiday. One project that stands out most in my mind is the making of “Turkeys and Cornucopias” in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. Of course these were paper turkeys and paper cornucopias. They were typically the kind that every proud first grader brings home to show off to his or her parents. They were the kind that loving parents looked beyond all the little imperfections of the artwork, but rather at the meaning behind the artwork. The turkey’s feathers were made with many bright colors of construction paper that represented every color of the rainbow. The cornucopias, representing baskets of plenty, consisted not only of a bountiful harvest, but also included those things that each child was thankful for. The kids paid close attention to every detail of the cornucopia, making sure to show off their neatest coloring and highlighting skills. However with all the attention to detail and the colorful beauty of those paper turkeys and cornucopias, the main idea of the project was a celebration of giving thanks! The kids were very perceptive and basically knew all the things that they were thankful for. These were specific things that included things beyond the obvious such as food, home and family, but included their friends, school, teachers, learning, pets, toys or anything that was special to them. The kids understood the importance of giving thanks. They understood that they should be thankful for all things. Although the “Turkeys and Cornucopias” project was meant for fun, the project provided a thought provoking impact on each student. It was truly learning while having fun. It provided the students an opportunity to show gratitude. Thanksgiving provides a wonderful opportunity for each of us to give thanks, however, unlike six year olds making paper turkeys and cornucopias, we should not wait until the annual celebration of a holiday observance to give thanks, but like these perceptive six year olds we should give thanks to God our Father daily for all things!

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November 15-30, 2011

Air Force Lt. Col. Gavin Marks examines a P-51C Mustang in markings of the 332nd Fighter Group, the “Tuskegee Airmen” of World War II fame, at Randolph Air Force Base last month. photo/ Billy Calzada

“Double Victory” is the gripping documentary of America’s first all-Black aerial unit The Tuskegee Airmen (like the two unidentified pilots above), who challenged racial barriers and challenged stereotypes by serving their country in World War II.

BALTIMORE- During a recent event, Dr. Roscoe Brown, a Tuskegee Airman,

said, “I flew 68 missions. I got shot at, and I shot up a lot of airplanes and trains.

When you are 22, you feel you can do anything. They said we couldn’t do it, but we knew we could do it.” Brown who noted that baseball great Jackie Robinson was a friend of his, added, “Black men can learn from this – pursuit of excellence and discipline. Once you do those things, you can

get anywhere.” Dr. Brown sat alongside fellow Tuskegee Airmen Charles McGhee during a recent screening of the Tuskegee Airmen documentary “Double Victory” and a sneak-peek presentation of select scenes Continued Page 12


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Garland Journal News November 15-30, 2011

Plaza Theatre 521 W. State Street, Garland 972-205-2782

Granville Arts Center Facilities The Theatres At The Granville Arts Center The Atrium At The Granville Arts Center

300 N. Fifth Street, Garland Rental 972-205-2780 Box Office 972-205-2790

November 19 Hispanic Heritage Awards

7:00 pm The Atrium

The Garland Association for Hispanic Affairs (GAFHA) is proud to host the 4th Annual Hispanic Heritage Banquet. GAFHA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting higher education by providing educational scholarships for G.I.S.D. students. GAFHA has been providing scholarships for over eleven years. More than $40,000 has been awarded to deserving high school seniors. As a non-profit, the main goal is to ensure continued education for graduating seniors who aspire to earn a college degree and become future leaders in our community. The banquet is the primary fundraiser for awarded scholarships. The event will also recognize leaders who have contributed to the Hispanic community. We request your support. Please contact Javier Solis 972-487-3262 jsolis@garlandisd.net if you have any questions or need additional information.

November 26 “Summer’s Christmas Wish”

2 pm & 7 pm Brownlee Auditorium – Granville Arts Center. Come see this Gospel stage play adapted from the memoir “When Water was Free” by Patrice Kissentaner Walker. The stage play boasts a star-studded cast which includes Amber Renae and national Gospel recording artist Tommye YoungWest. To purchase tickets or for more information please visit www.SummersChristmasWish.com

Page 11


"Double Victory” Called Gripping Documentary

Actor Terrence Howard plays in Red Tails From Page 10

from the upcoming film “RED TAILS.” Both men exuded pride, wisdom, stateliness, great intelligence, fearlessness, heroism, patriotism, and other qualities, which have become synonymous with The Tuskegee Airmen. “We wanted to support our country, but be recognized as Dr. King said, “’for the content of our character,’” said McGhee. “RED TAILS” is a highflying action epic inspired by the heroic exploits of

the first all-African-American aerial combat unit, and is a project of producer George Lucas. The film is set to open in theaters January 20, 2012. “Double Victory” is the gripping documentary of America’s first all-Black aerial unit The Tuskegee Airmen, who challenged racial barriers and challenged stereotypes by serving their country in World War II. As told first-hand by the pilots themselves, Double Victory begins with

their training in Tuskegee, Alabama and follows these unsung heroes through World War II, where they were beset by foreign threats and domestic discrimination. While the fighters battled Nazi jets over Berlin, the pilots back home had to take on the U.S. military itself – fighting against the blatant racism of their white commanding officers. Lucasfilm, founded by Lucas, notes that this year is the 70th Anniversary of The Tuskegee Airmen, and that the film and entertainment company is committed to doing everything it can to shine the spotlight on their remarkable contributions, particularly on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2011. Lucasfilm notes that of the 1,000 pilots that began training in 1941, roughly 50 are alive today, and all are over the age of 80. The Tuskegee Airmen were dedicated, determined young men who enlisted in the U.S. Air Corps to become America’s first black military airmen. They accepted the challenge at a time when many people thought that Blacks lacked skill, courage, intelligence, and patriotism. The first aviation class with 13 cadets began July 19, 1941 with ground school

training in subjects such as meteorology, navigation, and instruments. On March 7, 1942, five of the 13 cadet in the first class completed the Army Air Corps pilot program, earned their silver wings, and became the nation’s first black military pilots. They were second lieutenants Lemuel R. Custis, Charles DeBow,

Mac Ross, George Spencer Roberts and Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. a West Point Academy graduate. Davis later became the leader of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II and the first Black to become general in the Air Force.

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November 15-30, 2011

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