Garland Journal News Dec. 1, 20011 Edition

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Volume IX- Issue 227 December 1-15, 2011 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00


K AESNDOLYN S! E GW N I BA MY SON FOUND HIS FATHER AND NOW DISRESPECTS ME! Dear Gwendolyn: A year ago my son came in from school and asked me about a certain man (his name I will not give). Apparently my son’s father had seen him walking to the bus stop. He stopped his car and told my son he was his father. Later I found out my son was being picked up by his father. He had taken him to meet his other family - grandmother and all other cousins etc. I was furious because when I informed his father years ago I was pregnant, he walked away - laughing and dropped a dime on the ground telling me “That’s all you will ever get.” When I approached my son telling him to stay away from his father, he cursed me and pushed me to the floor. A week later when I came home from work, my son had packed his belongings and left. He has been living with his father’s parents for the past year. His cousins robbed a liquor store and were arrested. My son was arrested along with them but claims to be innocent. The family got a good lawyer and paid for the release of his cousins, but my son remains in jail. I don’t have the money and now his father is telling me that he wants nothing to do with my son. Greeta

Dear Greeta: What are you talking about, your son? I thought his father had taken possession of your son to the point where he was considered “his” son. Girl, let me tell you this: I know you have the mother’s love and that is to care for your child whether he be good or bad. But think about it. Your son needs to have this horrible experience. A mother goes through too much to not be honored and respected always. Let him stay incarcerated long enough to appreciate having had a loving mother. Another thing Greeta, don’t continue to put all extra money on your son. The best lesson a mother can learn is not to become so engrossed in her children that she fails to have --- some happiness for herself. ***Do you have a son or grandson age 10-17? Help him to choose college not jail. Order DECISIONS In The Life Of A Growing Male Youth. For ordering information write to Gwendolyn Baines at: P. O. Box 10066, Raleigh, NC 27605-0066 (to receive a reply send a self-addressed stamped envelope) or email her at: or visit her website at:

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December 1-15, 2011

Ask Gwendolyn, News, Issues, Perspectives and Editorials

HOW TO CUT A DEAL By Clarence Page

An old joke says that a camel is a horse designed by committee. That’s more than I can say for the so-called congressional supercommittee. It was supposed to come up with a proposal to cut the deficit. It didn’t even produce a camel. Just a lot of the stuff horses and camels leave behind. The failure was enough to make me long for the days of the smoke-filled room, although without the smoke. The original smoke-filled room of legend was in the Blackstone Hotel, where a small group of powerful senators gathered to arrange the nomination of Republican Warren G. Harding for president in 1920. I’m not saying he was the best choice they could have made (he wasn’t), but at least they got it made. The difference is that the old elitists knew how to cut a deal. In the smoke-free rooms of today’s politically polarized Washington, the art of compromise seems for now to be all but lost. The supercommittee was created to break a deadlock between Democrats and Republicans over raising the national debt ceiling, a matter that used to be pretty routine. But today’s divided Congress agreed to raise the debt ceiling only after referring the larger deficit problem and its thorny tax issues to a new Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, popularly known as the supercommittee. The 12-member supercommittee, evenly divided between the parties and two houses of Congress, apparently received its catchy nickname from lawmakers who wanted to make it sound like something more than an excuse to avoid making tough decisions. In short, it was doomed from the start. It was long on partisans and lacking independent deal-makers. Worse, the supercommittee’s much-vaunted “trigger” isn’t much of a trigger. Nothing concentrates the mind like a firm deadline. But the supercommittee’s Wednesday deadline to avoid automatic across-the-board budget cuts was not much of an incentive in the Washington sense. The

actual cuts would not go into effect until 2013, after a new Congress and, if President Barack Obama’s luck runs out, a new president. In Washington, that’s a lifetime away. The supercommittee faced no fear of a government shutdown or default. Why hurry? After the supercommittee’s supercollapse, the blame storm began. Each party blamed the other, and Republicans blamed Obama for lack of “leadership.” He stayed away from negotiations partly at the request of Democratic committee members. Yet if Obama had been more engaged, would it have made a difference? If his effort failed, he would bear some of the blame anyway, and Republicans had little wish to help him succeed. President Obama vows he will veto any effort to circumvent the trigger’s automatic cuts with anything less than a full deficit-reduction package. He’s still pushing the “balanced” approach he proposed months ago, a mix of taxes and cuts, which polls show most voters prefer to the Republicans’ all-cuts, no-new-taxes approach. That’s the approach upon which activist Grover Norquist, the head of Americans for Tax Reform, insists. He threatens to serve any Republican who breaks his anti-tax pledge with two of an incumbent’s least favorite words, “primary challenge,” and other efforts to unseat them. Expressing a view widely shared by Democrats, supercommittee member Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts called Norquist the “13th member of this committee without being there.” Of course, Norquist, smiling innocently, humbly insisted in a CBS “60 Minutes” interview Sunday that it was “the voters,” not him, who were holding Republican feet to the fire. We’ll see. Nobody likes taxes. But for a government that works, delivers the services we want and balances its budgets, polls indicate that most of us would be willing to pay the price. That shouldn’t be too much to ask. In fact, it really would be super. Clarence Page is a member of the Tribune’s editorial board and blogs at

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PO Box 24 Greenville, TX 75403 p (972) 926-8503 f (903) 450-1397 The Garland Journal News is published by Phalconstar Communications, LCC and reserves all rights to accept or refuse any articles to be printed in any issue of the newspaper. Views and opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or our advertisers. The Garland Journal News is published bi-monthly (1st & 15th, each month). Letters to the Editor are welcome. Only signed letters will be accepted. The Garland Journal News assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Any use or reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the express written consent of the publisher. Used under license agreement IDN 13-6401495.


News, international, national, state and local spotlight


GAFHA President Tony Torres says GAFHA members serve and have served on countless city and school district committees, boards and advisory groups. Photo/GJN Will HOBDY GARLAND JOURNAL NEWS

The Garland Association for Hispanic Affairs (GAFHA) last month marked its 20th anniversary at its 4th Annual Hispanic Heritage Banquet. GAFHA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting higher education by pro-

viding educational scholarships for GISD students. So far, more than $40,000 has been awarded to more than 50 high school graduates over the last eleven years. The banquet is the primary fundraiser for awarded scholarships according to GAFHA’s banquet marketing team leader Javier Solis. The main goal

of GAFHA, says Solis, is to ensure continued education for graduating seniors who aspire to earn a college degree and become a future leader in our community. The banquet was held the Atrium located in the downtown Garland arts district. GAFHA also used the event to recognize leaders who have contributed to the Hispanic community. Recognized this year was: Dr. Curtis Culwell Superintendent of Schools for GISD and the Garland Police Department’s David R. Swavey. Dr. Culwell has created a climate of expectations that promoted reaching out to the needs of Hispanic students and their families say GAFHA officials. He has promoted and hired more Hispanic administrators than any previous administration. From only eight when he came on board in 1999 to 43 today.

Fourteen are principals. Dr Culwell’s engagement with Hispanic civic organizations has allowed for parents to not only be heard but more importantly got them involved in their child’s education say GAFHA officials. Swavey, a department lieutenant is best known for establishing the Garland Police Boxing Program that was designed to provide Garland kids the opportunity to “stay off the streets” build self confidence, enhance self esteem and improve school attendance and performance. Dr. Culwell was presented the Excellence in Education Award and Lt. Swavey was presented the Community Service Award. Also appearing on the banquet program that spotlighted Hispanic Heritage Month were: Garland Mayor Ronald Jones, GISD’s Mariachi Estrellas

and State Rep. Angie Chen-Button. Eastfield College professor and Garland ISD Trustee Dr. Cindy Castañeda was guest speaker. GAFHA vice president Michael Gonzales

gave closing remarks. GAFHA has come a long way in the last 20 years. It is far cry from the small band of citizens who gathered in little tortilla factory

Continued Page 6

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News, local houses of worship

For as the body is one, and has many members. And all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: So also is Christ. 1Corin. 12:18

Spiritual Encouragement

y b Ru ANT GR


USING RADICAL LOVE While we are familiar with the term “love” is used, sometime the use (and overuse) of this word can blunt its real significance. Jesus teaches us about love. However, this is no ordinary love Jesus discusses. On the contrary, the kind of love Jesus teaches about is a radical love, a supernatural love, a love that screams that the Creator and Sustainer of the universe gave His Son for all of humanity. Matthew 5:43-44 You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy: [Lev.19:18; Psalms 139:21, But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. [Proverb 25:21-22] The term Matthew uses to speak of this love is agape, which is generally translated as an unconditional love or “unmerited favor.” Agape is generally regarded as the highest type of love. In essence, it is God’s love. Agape simply wants the highest good for another person. Moreover, agape keeps no record of right and wrong; rather, it hopes all things and believe all things. Agape never fails. Jesus love is radical because it goes far beyond the expectations of ordinary love. Jesus calls believers to do more than like those who like us; He calls His followers to love their enemies and bless those who curse them. It is important to note that this call to love our enemies and adversaries is not a suggestion or simply good advice; it is a command. Jesus commands His followers to love those who do not necessarily have our best interest at heart. [Matthew 5:45-48] (45) To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]. (46) For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that? God has called us to demonstrate a love that is markedly different from the love of the world.

Interview with Bill Wright, GM of KKVI Radio. Valencia King SPEC TO GJN

When Bill Wright walks in to the KKVI Radio Station for our interview he is his usual laid back with smiles self as he prepares for our interview. He laughs at me as I ask him my first question. Let’s talk about who you are and what you do?



A Church With A Vision Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. (NIV) Pastor C.E. Looney Pastor Andre Looney

You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at (

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December 1-15, 2011

Well my name is Bill Wright, I am the President and General Manager of KKVI Radio and a survivor of cancer. Born and raised right here in the heart of Texas. What has your journey been like since becoming a cancer survivor? It’s was difficult. I personally still struggle with it; to this day I feel guilty

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for my family's losses. I often wonder why I was the one who survived and not my brother, my sister, my uncle, my aunt or my niece. Why was I spared? They are gone and are in a much better place, yet I still am unable to wrap my mind around it all. How has cancer affected you and your family? My family has always been healthy over all from as long as I can remember. I’m from an very unusually blessed family that was able to go a rather long time before we had any deaths in my family. Then in a span of 3-4 years is when the deaths of my family members began to occur. When this happened I named it the “wave of death.” This wave took some of my closest relatives, not only away from me, but also from our entire family. Because of these lifechanging events I became close friends with the gentlemen who directed/ organized our family funerals, we still have lunch occasionally to this day. After the death of your brother, did you see life or

do things different? Yes, when things hit close to home like that you tend to look at it as a wake up call. I admire my brother; Junior stepped up to the plate and fought his battle with cancer but he NEVER let them operate on him once. My brother Junior (there is 10 years between us) was from the old school. His mindset was: if I am not sick, why would I go to the doctor - Even though he suffered from back problems for many months leading up to his diagnosis - he simply thought he had an injury from his job. However, he and the whole family soon found out that a simple injury on the job wasn’t the case: it was indeed prostate cancer. Since he never agreed to have any operational procedures done, the prostate cancer took his life. His death affected me tremendously; to the point that a simple “ You’re going to be okay” meant the world to me at the time. My brothers’ death reminded me that death is inevitable.

Continued Page 9

News, local houses of worship For as the body is one, and has many members. And all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: So also is Christ. 1Corin. 12:18

HOLIDAY SEASON CHEER GARLAND-Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church of Garland (The Mount) expects to serve hundreds of people this Holiday Season through their evangelism ministries, which include its God’s Closet Food Ministry, Under The Bridge Project and its Angle Tree Program. Senior Pastor Leonard O. Leach says, “Giving is God’s design for meeting the needs of the world. God demonstrated the efficacy of giving when He gave His only begotten Son, in order to save the world (John 3:16). God asks us to join Him in the ministry of giving, not because of what He wants from us, but because of what He wants for us (Luke 6:38)”. God’s Closet Food Ministry will give out food baskets to families in need for Christmas. Baskets will include turkeys, hens, chickens, vegetables and more. The ministry, which gives out food year around, is headed by Lillie Hopkins. The 85 year old Mother at the church has been over

the ministry for more than 16 years. She has seen thousands fed and says the faces of the people who come have changed over the years. When asked what she meant by that she said, “I use to could tell that the people coming to get the food baskets were from low income families. Now, there are families of all income levels coming, whom have hit hard times, due to the Recession. They have lost their jobs, lost their homes, and need to feed their families. I get a chance to minister to some of them and hear their stories. I am so glad that we are able to help people in need through this ministry. Sometimes, we even cook their meals for them”, says Hopkins. The Mount will be distributing winter clothing items and toiletries through its Under The Bridge Homeless Project. Blankets, jackets, sweaters, hats, gloves, shoes, socks and more for men, women and children will be given out to families


Give it a Shout!

To Find out about church and ministry outreach displays, call 972.926.8503 today! Email church news and announcements to: 2 to 3 weeks before event.

North Garland Baptist Fellowship Where Every Race Can Experience God’s Grace

5840 N. Garland Ave. Garland, TX (972) 414-1494

Sunday Worship 8am & 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Dr. Tony Mathews, Sr. Pastor

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Continued Page 10

Greenville Avenue Church of Christ 1013 S. Greenville Ave. — 972-644-2335— Richardson, Texas 75081

Prayer & Praise

Wednesday 7:30 p.m.

Fax 972-644-2335

Genesis of Praise Children’s Worship ~ ages 4-11 10:00 a.m.

True Praise Youth Worship ~ Grades 6-12 10:00 a.m.

Sr. Pastor Leonard O. Leach

1233 State Hwy. 66 Garland, TX 75040 972.276.5218 visit on the web at:

Garland Journal News

December 1-15, 2011

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GAFHA Twenty Years

Dr. Curtis Culwell Superintendent of Schools for GISD talks following the banquet. Photo/GJN

Guest Speaker Eastfield College professor and Garland ISD Trustee Dr. Cindy Castañeda talks to students following banquet. Photo/GJN From Page 3

on Forest Lane in Garland in late 1991. Leaders were faced with a growing Hispanic population on no voice in the city’s largest government institutions. Right from the beginning the group decided to be a

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December 1-15, 2011

Garland Journal News

local grass roots organization that would deal with local matters on a local basis says Tony Torres, the organization’s president. Back then, the issues they brought up to local school and government officials fell on deaf ears. Today, GAFHA members

serve and have served on countless city and school district committees, boards and advisory groups said Torres. “Over the last twenty years we all have come to understand that inclusion, not exclusion is the key to survival and betterment,” he said.


Hispanic Heritage Banquet From Page 6

The banquet is the primary fundraiser for awarded scholarships. Photo/GJN

NAACP's Gwen Daniels talks with guest speaker Dr. Cindy Casta単eda. Photo/GJN

GAFHA members serve and have served on countless city and school district committees, boards and advisory groups. Mayor and Mrs Ronald Jones talk with GAFHA official. Photo/GJN

Garland Journal News

December 1-15, 2011

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DALLAS- A new program was recently launched to help employers reduce inadequate productivity that’s caused due to employees’ financial-stress. This program provides personal finance education and mentoring for company employees. The goal: To help financially-stressed employees resolve stressful financial situations such as, credit and debt problems, cashflow problems, and foreclosure or bankruptcy. In a troubled economy, more consumers are distracted by personal financial woes. Their money problems not only undermine job quality and productivity, but sometimes leads to broken families, mental illiness, and other health problems. “The No. 1 cause of stress in the workplace and at home is related to financial issues” said Ray Williams, Founder of Greenway Capital Management. “These worries can prevent employees from adequately doing their jobs, and poten-

tially destroy their families. In order to off-set this trend, many employers are becoming proactive and providing their employees with access to financial education and mentoring as a benefit. Its been proven that when employees pocess financial knowledge they are happier and more productive. Many private firms like Greenway Capital Management as well as some nonprofit organizations offer education and mentoring programs that employers can make available to employees. These programs include on-site financial workshops, on-line tutorials and oneon-one telephone mentoring from finance professionals. Companies typically charge a monthly fee per person. At Greenway Capital Managemet, for instance, businesses with100-149 employees pay $6.00 per person, per month. When shopping for financial education and mentoring providers, keep in mind that employees struggling with


“STILL WORK TO DO” IN MEMORY OF MS. GOLDIE LOCKE, A CIVIL RIGHTS LEGEND IN HER OWN TIME - CHAMPION FOR EDUCATION EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE! Goldie Locke Scholarship Fund C/o NAACP Garland Branch #6256 Synergy Bank Downtown Center 603 W. Main Street - Suite 101 Garland, Texas 75040 OR Synergy Bank South Garland Center 987 Centerville Road Garland, Texas 75040

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Page 8

December 1-15, 2011

GARLAND BRANCH - P. O. BOX 460944 Garland, Texas 75046 972-381-5044/FAX 972-733-7637 website: email:

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their finances may be embarrassed to attend workshops with co-workers, therefore, private telephone and online mentoring can benefit employeess who might otherwise ignore workshops. Make sure your company work with unbiased companies that don’t try to sell any additional products or services. Finally, ask whether family members can also use the services. Other family members may need the ser-

vices offered. Check the company’s web-site to evaluate the dept of each company’s services. Some firms such as Greenway Capital Management in Fort Worth, Texas offers a mixture of services. “Because of the economy we’ve seen a sharp increase in companies requesting our services,” said Theodis Johnson, marketing director at Greenway Capital Management. For information call (817) 489-0922.

MLK PLANNING MEETING The NAACP Garland Branch is inviting all churches, GISD, civic and community group leaders to join them in planning the the 2012 MLK holiday celebration in Garland. This, the group’s second meeting, will

be held on Sat., Dec. 10 from 8:00 - 9:00 am in the fellowship hall at Sims Chapel Missionary Baptist Church located at 317 Parker Drive in Garland. Phone number is 972.276.0014. Additional information regarding the 2012 MLK holiday weekend will also be available during the one hour meeting. More details regarding January’s MLK Choir Workshop will be released during the meeting.


Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

CULINARY ARTS SCHOLARSHIPS DALLAS - Brinker International, Inc. one of the world’s leading casual-dining restaurant companies and the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the nation’s largest education assistance organization, have announced a new partnership with the creation of the Brinker International/UNCF Scholarship Program. The program will help reduce financial barriers to higher education for low-income, diverse college students majoring in culinary arts or other foodservice-related industries. Scholarships valued up to $2,000 will be awarded to qualifying students who apply by Thur., Dec. 29. “UNCF is sincerely grateful to Brinker International for their support of our higher education mission,”

said UNCF Area Development Director Diane Stephenson. “This scholarship will help ensure deserving, yet financially disadvantaged students can attend college and obtain the skills and knowledge to have successful careers in the foodservice industry. We salute Brinker for their investment in our nation’s youth.” UNCF’s mission is to serve youth, the community and the nation by supporting students’ education and development through scholarships and other programs; strengthen its member colleges and universities; and advocate for the importance of education. Since its inception, UNCF assistance has enabled more than 350,000 students to graduate from partnering colleges and universities.

“Brinker’s commitment to diversity and inclusion at a company-wide level inspires our team members’ dedication to each other, our guests and the communities we serve,” said Doug Brooks, president, CEO and chairman of Brinker International. “Our partnership with UNCF furthers this commitment, while serving to encourage students’ continued interest of pursuing careers in the foodservice industry.” Eligible students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, be enrolled full-time at a UNCF or other accredited four-year college or university, have a financial need and submit an essay on their interest in the foodservice industry. Contact UNCF Program Services at (800) 331-2244.

Bill Wright Interview I decided to make the most of my life. As a Cancer

From Page 4

I’m going to die one day.







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Survivor I give back and stay associated with cancer by providing media coverage and participation in programs such at Rowlett Relay for Life and so on. How is your health now? Before my brother past he said to me with his finger pointed in my direction “…You beter get in there in get checked out!” And that’s just what I did. I’m all clear for any health problems outside of aging aches and pains - I’m all clear, no problems. My wife and daughter make sure I stay on top of that. I go every six months to a speContinued Page 11

Garland Journal News

December 1-15, 2011

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Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

e n i g v i D ivin L



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By Erin McCurdy and Ryan McCurdy

A MOST VALUABLE GIFT By Patricia R. McCurdy The gift giving season is here at last and what a beautiful season it is! It is the time of year when many celebrate and enjoy the season through the spirit of giving. Sadly though, we’ve witnessed in the media recently the unbelievable measures some people have resorted to in the name of gift giving. Most of us enjoy the experience of purchasing and giving gifts as well as receiving them. However, how did we get to a place where giving someone a gift means harming others? Why are people shooting, spraying or trampling over others to purchase things of no lasting value in a tight economy with money that could be used more wisely elsewhere? Could it be that many of us are misguided and have lost our focus for the true meaning of the season? While material gifts are special, perhaps we should also consider giving intangible gifts. Why not give the gift of God’s word? It is the most valuable gift. Unlike material gifts, this gift has lasting eternal value. This gift can be used by those who receive it now and forever. God’s Divine Plan provides that gift giving should be done in a wonderful selfless spirit with God as our model. Scripture reminds us that God gave the ultimate gift when he gave us His son. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” God gives us the awesome opportunity of telling others about His Son and the magnificent gift he offers to all who will receive him. There is no better way to show someone love this gift giving season, than to tell them about the word of God. It is the perfect gift that should be given to family, friends and strangers. You can also invite them to your church or bible study. In addition, since the cost of telling others about God is free, it is certainly economical! However, if spending money on a tangible gift makes you feel better, a bible makes a Most Valuable Gift!

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December 1-15, 2011

Pictures courtesy of and


Scarves are the perfect complement to just about any outfit. In the past, scarves were tradition-

ally associated with cold weather. But now they’re a chic accessory piece that can be worn year-round. Choose a scarf with a burst of color to liven up a dull outfit. Pair them with tanks, sweaters,

dresses or coats for a fashionable update this season. So go ahead, add subtle elegance to your outfit by styling it with a trendy new scarf!

Holiday Cheer From Page 5

who live under the bridges in Dallas. Over a thousand people have benefited from this ministry. More than 300 children, who have a parent incarcerated, will receive clothing and toys from THE MOUNT. The church proudly participates in the Angel Tree Program. Reverend Cedric Wheaton, oversees the Missions and Evangelism Ministries at the church and helps coordinate the holiday giving efforts. “Here at “THE MOUNT” we believe that God has blessed us in order that we may bless families who are in need, and, we are excited about being able to pass God’s blessings on to others”, says Wheaton. The motto of Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church is, “We’re Into What God Is Up To”. God is “Up To” giving...and so is The Mount.

Garland Journal News


Community Calendar/Events, Career and Educational Opportunities, Buy & Sell Markets


DALLAS- Turner Construction Company, one of the largest general construction firms in the U.S., recently graduated 51 participants from the 2011 Turner School of Construction Management (TSCM). The firm began the TSCM program in 1969, with Turner Dallas launching the program locally in 1995. The free, 10-week training program provides insightful and meaningful tools for local and minority- and women owned businesses (M/WBE), while offering

them an opportunity to develop strategic business skills, while networking with peers, instructors and others in the construction industry. The program is designed to provide M/WBC contractors with the tools necessary to pursue work in the private and public sectors of the construction business. Students learn the essentials of managing a business, including how to develop a business plan, estimate and bid a larger job, obtain bonding, enforce safety principles and

establish and manage credit in order to become better equipped to compete for progressively larger contracts. The secondary goal of the program is to develop a pool of minority contractors with the necessary skills to perform work on future Turner projects. The 2011 graduates were honored at a reception in the UT Dallas Student Services Building, Faculty Dining Room.

Bill Wright, KKVI Radio

From Page 9

cialist in Dallas at Baylor Medical Center. With my wife being a nurse at a Hospital in Dallas and the

School system in Garland there is no leeway for me to miss any appointments. My wife and I take it even further by staying on top of our

daughter, Jasmines’, health. Jasmine is my legacy and I want to live healthy for her.

Calendar Of Upcoming Events

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ONLINE: Garland Journal News December 1-15, 2011

Plaza Theatre 521 W. State Street, Garland 972-205-2782

Granville Arts Center Facilities The Theatres At The Granville Arts Center The Atrium At The Granville Arts Center

300 N. Fifth Street, Garland Rental 972-205-2780 Box Office 972-205-2790

Nov. 17-Dec. 10

GCT presents “Hairspray” Granville Arts Center – Small Theatre Garland Civic Theatre presents “Hairspray” through November and December. “Hairspray” delighted audiences by sweeping them away to 1960’s Baltimore, where the 50’s are out -- and change is in the air! Loveable plus-size heroine, Tracy Turnblad, has a passion for dancing, and wins a spot on the local TV dance program, “The Corny Collins Show.” Overnight she finds herself transformed from outsider to teen celebrity. Can a largerthan-life adolescent manage to vanquish the program’s reigning princess, integrate the television show, and find true love (singing and dancing all the while, of course!) without mussing her hair? This production is directed by Kyle McClaran and costumes are by Ryan Matthieu Smith. Visit the GCT website at or call 972-485-8884 for additional information.

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December 1-15, 2011

Garland Journal News

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