Garland Journal April 15, 2012 Edition

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Volume X- Issue 236 April 15-30, 2012 Published 1st & 15th Each Month Garland, Texas Phone (972) 926-8503 Fax (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00


K AESNDOLYN S! E GW N I BA MY BROTHER’S BABY LOOKS LIKE HIS BEST FRIEND! Dear Gwendolyn: I have two brothers and no sisters. I am the spoiled girl. My family is going through a crisis. This is the problem: Last year my brother met a girl and he claims it was love at first sight. Two months ago she and my brother came by and that was the first time we saw the baby. The two of them got an apartment together three months before the baby was born. My mother is upset, my younger brother is upset, and I am upset. You see…my brother is rather slow. When we tried to tell him he needs a DNA test, he became furious. He says we are just jealous that finally he met a woman who truly loves him. Gwendolyn, what should we do? That lady is playing him for stupid. His used-to-be best friend left town immediately after the baby was born. Everyone was telling my brother’s best friend the baby looked too much like him. Therefore, he fled the city. Ann

Dear Ann: I agree your brother should request the DNA test. But let me tell you this: He is gloating over the fact he has a woman. Some men have no problem whatsoever getting a date or a wife. Not true with all men. Your brother falls in the latter. Human features can be a strange thing. Until there is a DNA test, you cannot go by the looks of the child. People often resemble people and many times are not related even as a distant cousin. It can happen that way. Many men know or have an idea that their baby is not their baby. But they want the woman and that’s what love is all about. I just hope he does not go ‘ape crazy’ when they have their first big argument and she tells him --- It’s not your baby anyway. ***Do you have a son or grandson age 10-17? Help him to choose college not jail. Order DECISIONS In The Life Of A Growing Male Youth. For ordering information write to Gwendolyn Baines at: P. O. Box 10066, Raleigh, NC 27605-0066 (to receive a reply send a self-addressed stamped envelope) or email her at: or visit her website at:

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April 15-30, 2012

Ask Gwendolyn, News, Issues, Perspectives and Editorials

GARLAND FIREFIGHTERS ENDORSE CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES GARLAND- The Garland Firefighters Association has publicly endorsed candidates in the upcoming Garland City Council race. District Two and District Four each have a contested race with three candidates running in each district. After meeting with each candidate and sharing their views on the issues and opportunities that Garland faces, the GFFA has decided to endorse Anita Goebel in District Two and B.J. Williams in District Four. “We were impressed with all candidates in both districts, however, these two stood out due to their extensive experience in

community service.” stated Paul Henley, President of the Garland Firefighters Association. These two endorsed candidates are concerned, not only about public safety, but also making Garland a First-Class city. “By endorsing these candidates, we hope to build a solid relationship and partnership to make Garland a better place to live, work and play.” Henley added. The Garland Firefighters Association is a Non-profit organization that is dedicated to enriching the lives of the citizens of Garland and to ensuring the safety and positive working conditions of the members they represent.

SENATOR WEST SEEKS NEW APPROACH IN CASES WHERE DEADLY FORCE IS USED DALLAS -- State Senator Royce West (D-Dallas) announced his intentions to file legislation that addresses the use of deadly force by armed citizens. This comes in the wake and controversy surrounding the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin by an armed neighborhood watch volunteer. The shooter claimed to have acted in self-defense, invoking use of a Florida “Stand Your Ground” law that provides a defense in situations involving the use of deadly force in response to an attack presumed to be life-threatening. Texas passed a similar law in 2007 commonly referred to as the Castle Doctrine. “Texans believe strongly in the right to bear arms and I share that belief” said Senator West. “But when tensions escalate and situations turn fatally tragic, we should have a thoughtful, consistent and thorough procedure in place to examine the incident in question. “While another young man’s life has been lost under what are questionable circumstances is tragic in itself, what has caused both alarm and outrage across this country is how the matter was handled by local police,” Senator West added.

Eventually, in the wake of public pressure neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman was formally charged and arrested for the shooting that took place February 26. His semi-automatic weapon used in the shooting was not initally taken into evidence by Sanford, Fla. police. Reports say the 17 year-old victim was tested for alcohol and drugs. Zimmerman was not. The victim’s family was not contacted for several days after his death. In major cities across Texas, any firearm used in a shooting involving the use of deadly force by a private citizen would be secured by law enforcement. In several of those cities, including Dallas, those cases would be forwarded for grand jury review regardless of whether or not an arrest had been made. Senator West’s bill will call for presentation of all deadly force cases to a grand jury for disposition. Also under the proposal, any weapon involved in a shooting fatality would be taken at the scene and held by police pending investigaContinued Page 8

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Jones (above center) says he has recent, firsthand experience on such topics as bullying, achievement gaps, innovative approaches to math and science, and the need to empower teachers and students. DIANE XAVIER

Lawrence B. Jones says he has a great vision for Garland ISD. He wants to help take the Garland School Board along with its students and staff to the next level. Jones should know best since he is a recent graduate of Garland High School. Mr. Jones is running for the Garland School Board as a trustee this May. The thing that makes him unique is that he is only 19 years-old and a student at the University of North Texas studying for a double major in political science and criminal justice. “The Garland Independent School District (GISD) is the 13th largest school district in Texas and has over 58,000 students and 7,300 plus employees. There are many opportunities to serve as a volunteer in GISD but, I believe the Place 6 position on the School Board is the ideal position for me,” Jones said. “This is a major task for me

but I believe is not beyond my reach and abilities.” Jones said that his whole life has prepared him for office. “I have long been motivated by public service. I am dedicated to GISD since I am a product of this outstanding school system,” he said. He has attended Garland schools since the fourth grade and graduated from Garland High School. He was an all around student excelling in sports and academics. Lawrence was President of the Avid Pro-

gram at Garland High School. Jones is an active church member and has served as Youth Minister at New Life Fellowship in Rowlett. At age 15, Lawrence founded an organization called “Organizing for Texas” that allowed him to be ready to implement his desire for public service. Public service is not new to Lawrence. In 2009, He served as Youth Mayor for Garland Texas. His term of two years allowed him to understand the time and dedication needed for

public service. In 2011 after being selected as one of the top 700 boys in Texas to attend Boys State in Austin, Lawrence was also appointed by the Texas Governor as Junior-Senator. During his 1st year, he fought for public education when they wanted to cut the education budget . “When you look at the school district at this point, we are heading in the right direction. However there is a generation gap on the school board. It’s time for a new generation of leadership. A lot has changed since the youngest member on school is 46

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years old. I believe in transparency for actions by the School Board. I understands the diversity among all the stakeholders of GISD.I have recent, firsthand experience on such topics as bullying, achievement gaps, innovative approaches to math and science, and the need to empower teachers and students. I bring a real world perspective and realistic solutions to these issues,” he said. His experience with GISD goes beyond that of student. In summer of 2010 the GISD Superintendent appointed him as Student Advocate. His responsi-

bilities in this position included directing juvenile programs, facilitating mentoring programs and interceding between the students and the courts that reduced court appearance by the students. Jones said he has many goals and visions for the Garland School Board. “My goals include the effective use of both state and local funding for education along with having an effective use of parents and business leaders in the educational process,” he said. “I would also like to foster policies Continued Page 11

Garland Journal News April 15-30, 2012

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News, local houses of worship

For as the body is one, and has many members. And all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: So also is Christ. 1Corin. 12:18

Spiritual Encouragement

THE MOUNT” GIVES AWAY $5,000 IN GAS CARDS Service Station, on the corner of Highway 66 and Country Club Drive. Their Evangelistic task….to give away $5,000 in gasoline gift cards!

y b Ru ANT GR

Members evangelistic task….to give away $5,000 in gasoline gift cards! PHOTO/COVENANT MEDIA GROUP

GARLAND - On April 7th, while many people were in retail stores shopping for Easter outfits, or in grocery stores, shopping for Easter

dinner, a team of more than 30 members from Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist church in Garland, gathered at the Country Club Race Trac

April 15-30, 2012

MESQUITE – Dream it, learn it, live it … at Eastfield College. Maymester and Summer registration will begin soon! Returning students can register beginning Apr. 17; new student registration begins Apr. 23. Don’t wait until the lines are long; register now! Returning students may register one of the following ways: On campus with an advisor or program

specialist or online at New students must register in person by seeing an advisor. Maymester begins on May 14. Summer credit classes begin June 6; continuing education classes have various start dates throughout the semester. Registration/ Admissions hours are Mon. – Thu. from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Fri. from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.



A Church With A Vision Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. (NIV) Pastor C.E. Looney Pastor Andre Looney

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You can write to Ruby Grant at c/o Garland Journal News, PO Box 24, Greenville, TX 75403 or email her at (

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From Page 7


GOD IS BIGGER THAN THAT! Make God bigger than all your problems. Actually make God bigger than all your biggest problems. The Spirit of God has been dealing with me about the greatness of who God is. Rahab being a prostitute honored the messengers of God by recognizing that the God of Israel was bigger than her problems and the Government. (Joshua 2:8-10) Abraham knew God was bigger than his old age and dead body. Abraham made God bigger than all. (Romans 4:17-21) Moses knew God was bigger than the Pharaohs army and the red sea. (Exodus 14:13-16) Enoch, who never died, walked with God. He was translated without dying Enoch years in heaven to date about 5,310 (Gen 5:21-24) Smith Wigglesworth said, “I don’t live by what I see or by what I feel, but what I Believe.” For Paul and Silas God was bigger than the prison they were placed in. They learned to praise God through all the beating and persecution. God become the bigger than current circumstance. (Acts 16:25-26) For Peter and John at the gate of beautiful there was lame man looking for alms. Peter reached down to him and said silver in gold have in none but such as I have rise and walk. Peter knew God was bigger than the lame man problems. (Acts 3:6-7) When you see people in the crises of their life do you say such as I have I give to you, Jesus Christ our savior? Daniel Knew God was bigger than the politicians and the new laws. King Darius soon found out how big Daniel’s God is. (Daniel 6:10-22) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego new God was bigger than any new laws. They knew God was bigger than the fiery furnace. Soon King Nebuchnezzar found out how big the Hebrews God really is. (Daniel 3:16-25) A widow’s debt was paid; God became bigger than her bills. The Prophet Elisha knew God was bigger than the widow’s debt. Now she knows how big her God really is. What do you have in your house? (2 Kings 4:1-7) God will use the smallest things to pay your bills. Example God used the fish to pay the taxes for Jesus. (Matthew 17:27)

Reverend Cedric Wheaton, pastor of evangelism and missions at The Mount

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News, local houses of worship For as the body is one, and has many members. And all the members of that one body, being many, are one


body: So also is Christ. 1Corin. 12:18

Give it a Shout!

To Find out about church and ministry outreach displays, call 972.926.8503 today! Email church news and announcements to: 2 to 3 weeks before event.

North Garland Baptist Fellowship Where Every Race Can Experience God’s Grace

5840 N. Garland Ave. Garland, TX (972) 414-1494

Sunday Worship 8am & 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Dr. Tony Mathews, Sr. Pastor


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SAVE 50%-80% EVERYTIME YOU USE IT! NO EXPIRATION! Sr. Pastor Leonard O. Leach

1233 State Hwy. 66 Garland, TX 75040 972.276.5218 visit on the web at:

Garland Journal News

April 15-30, 2012

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FASHION COLUMNIST TO COMPETE IN MISS DALLAS 2012 COMPETITION GARLAND - Fashion Columnist Ryan Ashley McCurdy has been selected as a contestant in the Miss Dallas USA 2012 Pageant. The pageant will be held Sunday, April 22, 2012 at the Eisemann Center in Richardson, Texas. The Miss Dallas Pageant motivates young women to strive to be their best intellectually with poise and confidence. Pageant contestants also serve as positive role models in the community to young women and girls of all ages. Contestants are judged on interviews, swimsuit and evening gown competitions. Ryan graduated with a BA degree Continued Page 9

Carlos (above) attended A&M-Commerce (then East Texas State University) from 1966 to 1967 on a full scholarship for track and field. Photo courtesy of the A&M-Commerce Public Relations office

COMMERCE, Texas -Texas A&M UniversityCommerce will honor John Carlos with an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree at 3 p.m. Saturday, May 12 at the Spring 2012 commencement ceremony for masters and doctoral graduates. He will also serve as the keynote speaker for the event at the A&M-Commerce Field House. Carlos attended A&M-Commerce (then East Texas State University) from 1966 to 1967 on a full scholarship for track and field, winning both the 100 and 200-meter dashes and was a member of the 4x400-meter relay team as the Lions captured the 1967 Lone Star Conference Championship. The following year, after earning a bronze

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medal at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, the former track star from Harlem joined Tommie Smith on the medal stand, raised a gloved fist in silent protest and made world history. “John Carlos is not only one of the finest athletes ever to have competed for our university, he is also an internationally recognized crusader for human rights for people the world over,” said President Dr. Dan Jones. “John Carlos is a history maker, and we are proud that he is an important part of the history of A&M-Commerce.” Carlos commitment to the worlds ongoing struggles for human rights has been unwavering and his impact

April 15-30, 2012

Phalconstar Communications Fashion Columnist Ryan McCurdy.

beyond measure. He believes in the rights and dignity of every human being. It is this core value that drove him to risk everything he had to stand up for social justice atop that medal stand in 1968 before millions of viewers around the world. “I am honored to receive such prestigious acknowledgment since I have history here at A&M-Commerce,” Carlos said. “There were good and bad times along the way, I like to think about the good that has come about over the years. This honorary doctorate will be accepted on behalf of my family and my fellow classmates of my era.”

Garland Journal News



The ACT-SO program was founded by Vernon Jarrett. Vernon Jarrett wanted to develop a program for gifted and talented youth who could excel academically and win the same types of accolades and recognition as gifted athletes.

ACT-SO Garland 2012 Competition will be held at Richland College Saturday, April 28, 2012, 8am, Brazos Gallery. High School students who would like to compete in this Scholarship program should contact Dr. Joyce Miller

at or 972-345-5386. Individuals and corporations may join past corporations like Awards to Go, State Farm, Dee Dee Bates, CEO, and Wal Mart in serving as donors for this program by contacting Dr. Miller.

Gas Cards said, ‘This was a vision of our Senior Pastor, Leonard O. Leach. Our church understands that the economy is sluggish and many families are struggling. We just wanted to be a blessing to families in need, and, provide an Act of Love and Kindness during Resurrection season”.

From Page 4

By 9 a.m., team members were posted at each pump and as people drove up for their gas, they were handed a gift bag, which contained information about “Resurrection Sunday” and what it really means, brochures about the

Continued Page 8

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April 15-30, 2012

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Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

$5,000 In Gas Cards






From Page 7


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tion. While the case is being investigated, a concealed handgun license held by the person in question would be temporarily suspended. Senator West has also asked Lt. Governor David Dewhurst to assign an interim charge to the appropriate committee to study the use of deadly force by citizens and the manner by which such cases are investigated.

Goldie Locke Scholarship Fund C/o NAACP Garland Branch #6256 Synergy Bank Downtown Center 603 W. Main Street - Suite 101 Garland, Texas 75040 OR Synergy Bank South Garland Center 987 Centerville Road Garland, Texas 75040

Please make checks payable to: NAACP Garland Branch #6256 with note “Goldie Locke Scholarship Fund”.

GARLAND BRANCH - P. O. BOX 460944 Garland, Texas 75046 972-381-5044/FAX 972-733-7637 website: email:

April 15-30, 2012

Deadly Force

From Page 2


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ministries at The Mount and a $20 gas card. Word quickly got out and it wasn’t long before there was a line of cars wrapped around the station and down Highway 66. The service station was jammed packed and many of the members had to help direct traffic, to get people in and out. A Church Information table was set up in front of the station and Ministers and Ministry leaders were on hand to pray with people, lead people to Christ, answer questions about God, and encourage those who needed it. There were many testimonies. Church member, Meikel Cobb says, “Everyone was so grateful to receive the cards. One lady pulled up to put her last $3 in her gas tank and was so elated to be able to get $20 of gas instead”. All who came to the station were invited to attend the FREE Community Easter Egg Hunt that was being held later on that day at the

church as well as the Resurrection Sunday Services. When asked if The Mount will do this again, the response was, ABSOLUTELY! Stay tuned…. Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, where the Senior Pastor is Leonard O. Leach, is located at 1233 State Highway 66. The church, which has nearly 4500 members, is one of the oldest African American Churches in Garland and recently celebrated its 54th Anniversary. Mount Hebron’s staple projects include Mount Hebron Urban Community Housing (M.U.C.H.), Mount Hebron Christian Academy (MHCA), and international ministries in Zambia, Mexico, Pakistan and Haiti. For more information, or to make a donation, call 972-276-5218, or go to, LIKE us on Facebook at Mt. Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, follow us on twitter at @Mt_Hebron_MBC, and sign up to be on our mailing list at

Garland Journal News


Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style


Goebel says her goals are to work with City staff in order to secure much needed services for District 2 residents. DIANE XAVIER

Anita Goebel has always called Garland home. For 41 years, Goebel has lived and served the Garland community. That is why she feels she is the best candidate to represent the Garland City Council District 2 seat. “My goal is to enrich and maintain a good quality of life for everyone in District 2, Goebel said. “I have lived in District 2 for 41 years, also, I have lived and paid taxes on my home for 37 years, retired from Texas Instruments after 34 years, started my own business U-RN-Focus Mobile Photography, I am the founding member of Chandler Heights Neighborhood Association and have been elected president for 8 years.” Goebel says her goals are to work with City staff in order to secure much needed services for District 2 residents. “I would like to help in areas such as public safety, code enforcement, street and sidewalk maintenance, along with assisting the development and redevelopment of vintage neighborhoods,” she said. “Furthermore, my goals involve stabilization, management, and maintenance of Rental Property in District 2 and also working on the devel-

opment and re-development of Garland’s Historic Downtown Square.” She feels she is the best candidate for this position due to her extensive involvement with the City. “I fully understand the needs of the District and I can be an effective leader and representative on the Council for District 2 and all of Garland. I have been actively preparing myself for the job for the past eight years. “ Goebel said she has accomplished many things as a resident of Garland such as being a board member of the Housing Standards Board for 8 years. She also graduated from the Garland Citizens Police Academy in 2004 and the Garland Firefighters Academy in 2006. “I am so proud and thankful for the Fire Fighters Associations endorsement of me for Garland City District 2,” Goebel said. Other accomplishments of hers include working with city officials to ensure boundary lines of District 2 in 2006, receiving a Garland Neighbor-

hood Management Academy Pinnacle award in 2011 and also being named a Black History Month Honoree in 2009 along with receiving the Mayor’s Good Neighbor Award in 2009. Goebel said she has many visions for the City of Garland. “The city calendar will dictate my first accomplishment as a representative from District 2. The annual city budgeting process will soon begin shortly after the election. I will work to ensure that city staff has prioritized expenditures relative to our limited income. District 2 citizens have told me they cannot afford more new property taxes, so I will support a budget with no new taxes, and no increases fee in city services. I would also like to continue the development of Garland’s Historic downtown square. Citizens are asking for a grocery store in district 2 and I will work with the city Chamber of Commerce to find a store that will fit the needs of our citizens.”

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Fashion Columnist Miss Dallas 2012 Contestant From Page 8

in 2011 from the University of North Texas School of Journalism with minors in Political Science and Fashion. She works as a Commercial Copy Writer and Account Manager at a Global Media Company in Plano, Texas. Having worked as a model, Ryan along with her sister Erin, have been Fashion & Style writers for Phalconstar Newspapers for the past 5 years. Ryan has competed in

previous Miss Teen Dallas Contests were she placed in the top 5 and top 10 finals. Her sponsors for the Miss Dallas 2012 Pageant include V’s Bridal of Greenville (Velma Del Bosque), Dermatologist, Dr. Raymond Blackburn of Dallas, Dr. Benedict Homer, D.D.S. Inc. of Garland, Phalconstar Newspaper Group Pres. Willie Hobdy, family and friends. Ryan is the daughter of Elvin and Patricia McCurdy of Rowlett, Texas.

Garland Journal News

April 15-30, 2012

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Arts & Entertainment, Education, Health, Style

e n i g v i D ivin L y rd


Cu Mc

THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY I grew up in a large close knit family with both parents and lots of brothers and sisters. We had very little material resources, but my father always said, “You’re rich fella and don’t know it”. Daddy told us that having a large family was a blessing. He said we had love which was the most important thing, and it was love that made us rich! Both parents told us that family was valuable and that we could always depend upon family when we couldn’t depend on anyone else. They told us that if we married someday, we would be wise to have children because having a family is important. Daddy also said that the blessings children bring to a family are realized more the older one gets. Funny, it seems that all the things I couldn’t understand back then are crystal clear today! What constitutes a family? If we go by today’s definition relatively anything goes. However, Webster defines family as a group living together consisting of parents and children. What makes a family important? There is much to be said about family life. First and foremost, a family is love and a family is forever. It is the first social unit, first teachers, first friends and key to helping you become the person you are. Family is someone to share in all your dreams, hopes and milestones in life. Family is there for the good times and bad times. They provide a built in support system in times of need, sorrow or crisis. As Christians we are all a part of God’s family. It is the most important family. This family consists of God our Father and his children, those who have repented and received Christ as their Lord and Savior. “Long ago, even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.” “His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.” “And this gave him great pleasure”, Ephesians 1:4-5. As his children we are to remain faithful to his word, fellowship with the Son, the Father and enjoy the eternal life he has promised (1 John 2:24-25) So, just as my earthly father always reminded us as kids, “You’re rich fella and don’t know it!” We as children of God’s family are rich! We are rich because of God’s great love for us, and his many promises and blessings. We are rich because as children of God, we can always depend on Him during our trials and tribulations. He is our support system in times of need, sorrow or crisis. Finally, we are rich because it is through our great inheritance in Jesus that we will be in His family forever!

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April 15-30, 2012


Tournament Benefit’s Youth Scholarships GARLAND- On May 5th the North Garland Baptist Fellowship church (NGBF) will be holding its 9th annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at Firewheel Golf Park (Old Course) in Garland. The proceeds from

the event will benefit the youth of the church by providing scholarships. The tournament format is a four-member team scramble. The cost to play is $90. ($80. if paid by April 10) per each team member. In addition

to the golf, there will be food and prizes. Individuals and/or teams are invited. Competitions include Hole-n-One, closest-to-pin, straightest drive, longest drive for men and women and a putting contest. The tournament will have a shotgun start beginning at 8:00a.m. FEES and/or DONATIONS may be made

payable to NGBF and sent to: North Garland Baptist Fellowship 5840 North Garland Avenue - Garland, Texas 75044 - Attn: Golf. Or, register online at For more details, call: ( 972) 978-8926 or (972) 414-1494 .



By Erin McCurdy and Ryan McCurdy ERIN MCCURDY Why not brighten up your spring wardrobe this season with beautiful sophisticated prints! Prints can add that fresh crisp look you’re searching for after a season of sweaters and boots. They are the


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Garland Journal News

must have of the season and can be mixed and matched with solids and even other prints. Prints are very versatile and can be used boldly in blouses, skirts, dresses, scarves, handbags and shoes!


Community Calendar/Events, Career and Educational Opportunities, Buy & Sell Markets


FREMONT, CA-The transition from breastfeeding to bottle can be difficult for both parent and child. Since breastfeeding is the preferred way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth, babies may be reluctant to switch to bottles. Comotomo has developed a helpful solution by creat-

ing a bottle that mimics a natural breast in look and feel, and is helpful when parents embark on the task of switching to bottles. According to the World Health Organization survey in February 2012, less than 40% of infants fewer than six months were exclusively breastfed, while most transition to bottles. Comotomo makes this process both easy and effective with their one of a kind baby bottles. Parents will be amazed at how unique the Comotomo bottles are. Many are already amazed by its skin-like texture, which makes holding on appealing to both baby and feeder. A Comotomo parent recently said, “My

little one refused to take a bottle, any bottle, but he latched right on to this one!” What is more, the Comotomo bottle is ranked #1 by buyers. Unlike older baby bottle products, Comotomo bottles do not need to be replaced. This silicone designed bottle doesn’t scratch, which means bacteria cannot be captured in tiny cracks. Not only can parents feel safe in choosing the Comotomo bottles because they are FDA approved and BPA free, but it also makes time spent with baby more prevalent with the ease of cleaning since they are dishwasher safe.

Lawrence B. Jones From Page 3

that set a positive educational environment for administrators, teachers, and students in the classroom. I would also like to see support for sports, athletics and extracurricular activities that enhance the educational experience, develop student leadership, and reduce the dropout rate. And finally, let us think globally but locally so that we can adequately prepare our students to compete.”

Jones said he knows he can make a difference. “I believe that all the schools are doing an admiral job at this point. However we need parental involvement, business supplying tutor and administrator and teachers to continuing to do their job. It is going to take all of us to insure our students are successful.” I’m an ordinary guy that was raised by a village of community people. It’s time

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for a new generation of leadership, and I am positive that my new perspective of Garland can help it become an even greater school district. I’m a team player and it’s going to take all of us for our children to be successful.” “Although Lawrence is a young man, he brings a lot to the table,” said former garland City Councilwoman Annie Dickson. “I’m confident he’ll do a great job.”


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Review Competitive Opportunities at 972-205-2415

Garland Journal News April 15-30, 2012

Plaza Theatre 521 W. State Street, Garland 972-205-2782

Granville Arts Center Facilities The Theatres At The Granville Arts Center The Atrium At The Granville Arts Center

300 N. Fifth Street, Garland Rental 972-205-2780 Box Office 972-205-2790

April 20 Garland Symphony Orchestra Concert VII 8:00 pm Granville Arts Center Brownlee Auditorium The Garland Symphony Orchestra continues its 2011-2012 Season, “The Bard and The Band” in Brownlee auditorium at the Granville Performing Arts Center. The season continues with “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears…” Join the GSO as we explore the orchestral literature written for, about, and in response to the plays of William Shakespeare! The GSO will be performing Schumann’s Overture to Julius Caesar, Handel’s Overture to Julius Caesar in Egypt, and the Seventh Annual Movie Scores Quiz, just to name a few! In adding… this concert will feature clarinetist, Jonathan Jones, performing Rossini’s Variations for Clarinet and Orchestra. Tickets may be purchased for $15, $25 and $35 by calling 972-205-2790. For more information visit

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