PetConnections Magazine Vol. 6 Issue 5 SUMMER 2018

Page 34

Wellness For Guardians



By Courtney Moffatt Animals speak to us all the time but we are not getting the messages. Why, you might ask? It is because of the constant chatter of the mind. From the moment we wake to the time that we fall asleep, our minds constantly run. Dealing with work, school, exercising, activities, child care, cooking dinner, yard work, etc. is the underlying cause of such chatter and technology does not help. Being constantly on our phones and glued to the TV, we feel the need for continuous stimulation. Even when we have a few minutes of down time, we need to entertain ourselves with our phones! It’s sad to say that so many of us don’t know how to just sit in silence. However, regular moments of silence have a healing benefit to the mind. As many know, the best way to clear one’s mind is through meditation. Meditation has many health benefits such as reducing stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia – just to name a few. Those who have attempted meditation know its challenges. Ironically, thinking of nothing is hard! When trying to think of nothing, the thought of thinking of nothing pops in your mind – and before you know it, you are thinking of something! I always advise people to start with five minutes of meditation. After mastering five minutes of successful nothingness, then try it for ten minutes, and so on and so forth. The objective is to block thoughts as they bombard ones consciousness through tranquil persistence. In order to connect with animals, one’s consciousness must truly become awoken through the use of all senses, including the sixth, being intuition. Really pay attention to all senses, sharpen them like never before and analyze the data. Before being are around pets, assess yourself. How do you feel mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? Then, when being around your pet, assess how you feel again. Any different feelings you get – good or bad – will determine what your pet is feeling. For example, if you have pain in your right knee, take note of it. Then, if you felt pain in your right knee, an upset stomach and a racing heartbeat around your pet, you can discern your pain from your pet’s sickness and anxiety.


Keep in mind that some animals communicate better than others. In some respects, they are like people. Some are more outgoing with lots of things to say, while others are more quiet and reserved or even shy. With quieter pets, one may have a harder time getting messages from them. Understanding them may require more work. If you have read my article in the last issue of PetCon Magazine, you might have learned that animals see things by the mental pictures we send to them. Whatever we are speaking, listening to or reading about, it plays out like a movie in our minds. For example, if I imagine my horse running full speed, on a hot summer’s day, through the pasture to plunge into a pond’s cool water, your mind’s eye immediately paints that image as you read. And if your awareness is open, you can feel this by using all of your senses; not just imagery. This is the path of telepathy. Telepathy is remotely sending thoughts, images and emotions. It’s one of the oldest forms of communication. Anyone can be telepathic. You just need to learn how to practice it. Since creation, animals have been masters of telepathy. One way animals use telepathy is by knowing when their owners are coming home. They check in on us throughout the day, wanting to know what we are doing so they know when to expect us to come home. There are so many animals out there that do this; not just dogs. Some people might argue that they only know when their owners are coming home because they can hear their vehicle or maybe because their owner routinely comes home at the same time every day. Others say that there is something that is done right before they come home, such as someone starting to cook

supper. All of that could be true, no doubt. But that doesn’t explain all the times when it’s not routine and when they don’t hear that vehicle. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake from Cambridge University did an experiment on this. He had a large group of dogs that were well known for knowing when their owners were coming home. Wanting to rule out routine and hearing the vehicle, he had the owners come home at all different times though out the day and into the evening. He also had them come home either in their own vehicle or someone else gave them a ride. Sometimes they rode a bicycle or they walked home. Sheldrake mixed it up as much as he could and did the experiment over and over again with the dogs. The results were amazing because those dogs still knew when their owners were coming home! This proved that they were tuning into their owners and seeing what the owners were doing when they were not around their dogs. Once the mind is able to become less cluttered and more open to receiving information, awareness will increase. This will not only benefit in communicating with animals, but in all aspects of life. Intuition will become stronger and the confidence in trusting it will intensify. Also, the health benefits are well worth it. Too often we turn to easy solutions, but an easy solution is not always the best solution. Getting in the right state of mind and sharpening the awareness will not happen overnight, but given enough time and daily practice, success will come. We owe it to our animals to listen to them, because they are always talking to us! I would love to hear from you! E-mail me at or you may visit my website to find out more information about animal communication. www.

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