2019 Webster Town Guide

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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


31 Thompson Road Nipmuc Plaza, Suite 2

Webster, MA 01570

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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

Dear Members of the Webster Community, The Town of Webster has seen a lot of progress over the last year. In closing out my second year as Town Administrator, we have has an incredible year of improvements and changes. I look forward to continue the momentum to make a community an even better place to live. Here is a brief overview of some of the headway we made in the past year. Our Police Department underwent a lot of change in 2018. First, we’d like to congratulate departing Chief Tim Bent on his retirement and thank him for his many years of dedicated service. With Chief Bent’s departure, we’d like to recognize the promotions of Deputy Chief Shaw to Chief of Police, Lieutenant Tobby Wheeler to Deputy Chief and Sergeant Wentworth to Lieutenant. These men will continue to dedicate their time and energies to improving our community. The department hired four new offi cers this past year—Offi cers DiBuono, Melhouse, Ochocki and Trainor. Additionally, Francheska Cedeno will be attending the Police Academy in June. The Town has continued its efforts to curb the opioid and other substance abuse epidemic. Our Opioid Taskforce continues to be active and has hired a part-time outreach worker to reach those struggling with addiction and overdose. They continue to hold Narcan trainings and public support meetings. The Town also joined a class action opioid litigation lawsuit to assist in the recovery of municipal costs resulting from the opioid crisis. The Town has increased the quantity and quality of its community events. This past year the Town sponsored the following: WinterFire, Spring Clean-up, Independence Day Fireworks, Summer Concert Series and Market, Duck off Races, Touch-a-Boat, Jet Ski Races, National Night Out, Shakespeare in the Park, Community Shredding Day, Car Show, Trunk-or-Treat, Holiday Bazaar, Tree Lighting, Winter Wonderland, Christmas Light Contest. We love putting on these activities and the sense of community it builds. We hope you all enjoy them too. We continue to make improvements at the beach too. This past year the community graciously donated over $14,000 for the construction of a new picnic structure at the beach. This will start construction in early spring. Thank you all who made generous donations. The beach also started accepting online payments. There is an active beach planning committee that is making plans for additional improvements to the beach. Last year the Town hired a new Accountant, Tim Bell. Tim has been hard at work organizing and improving our fi nancial system. In addition to Tim, the Webster Retirement System recently hired Kristin LaPlante to replace our long-time administrator Gerry Wentworth. We wish Gerry well in her retirement and Kristin well as she begins her new job. Congratulations to Jim Chauvin as well, who recently retired as Treasurer/ Collector. We wish Tina Landry well as she embraces her new role as Treasurer/Collector In addition to some personnel changes, the Town has made some operational changes as well. Over the past year the town adopted fi nancial policies and created an audit review committee. The implementation of these policies has and will continue to ensure our fi nancial reporting measures and adequate and up to date. (Continued on next page)

Webster Town Hall 350 Main Street Webster, MA 01570 (508) 949-3800

Hours: Monday 8am-7pm Tue-Thu 8am-4pm Friday 8:30am-12pm This Webster Town Guide is published and distributed by:

31 Thompson Rd. | Unit G Webster, MA 01570 508-943-5300 www.SmartShopperAd.com submitads@smartshopperad.com



EMERGENCY 911 Webster Police Department Webster Fire Department Webster EMS Poison Control Water Department Sewer Department Highway Department Harrington HealthCare Animal Control Board of Health Winter Parking Ban Hotline

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

508-943-1212 508-949-3876 508-943-2218 800-222-1222 508-949-3861 508-949-3865 508-949-3862 508-943-2600 508-340-5189 508-949-3800 Ext. 4002 508-949-3859


This past year the Town has been aggressive in fi nding additional cost saving measures. As you have probably noticed, the Town converted all the streetlights to LED. This is estimated to save almost $170,000 annually. The Town also rebid its insurance coverage and saved $180,000 by switching to a new insurance company. Additionally, we are currently creating a consortium to purchase employee health insurance. As we work with the employee’s unions, we hope that with the increase in bulk buying power we should see a signifi cant savings in premium costs. We have also consolidated positions, increased our electricity net metering credits, adjusted retiree health insurance and used the State’s bonding authority to save additional money. Along with cutting down on the expenditures, we are aggressively pursuing other revenue options, including grants. The Town has been very successful, receiving over $500,000 in grant funding so far for the 2018 calendar year. Town Meeting voted to allow retail marijuana facilities in town and we have been working to allow these facilities in appropriate locations. This will allow us to take advantage of the revenue that can be generated through taxing the sale of adult-use recreational marijuana. In April, we entered into a $100,000 host agreement with Curaleaf, Inc. for the cultivation of recreational marijuana. The Town has been aggressive in improving the business climate in Town. Most notably, the Town adopted a single tax rate for the fi rst time in 36 years. As small businesses look to move into town, this will be a big selling point. We are also working on cleaning up the Town, especially the downtown area. We have made a concerted effort to clean up the litter and weeds in public spaces. You may have noticed how much better the public parking area behind Main Street on Davis Street looks. The Town passed a nuisance property and a vacant property bylaw this past June. We are more aggressively monitoring code enforcement issues such as trash removal, overgrown brush, lawn cutting, ice on sidewalks, etc. Additionally, residents are encouraged to report vacant or nuisance properties for us to follow up on. The local Webster post offi ce has been very helpful assisting us identify vacant properties for the Town to register and inspect. Furthermore, we created an economic development fund to provide resources and grants to public projects that advance the local business climate and grants to businesses moving into town or improving their business. We hope as this program gains momentum that it will be the catalyst for further improvements. We applied for additional funding from the State to hopefully sustain this program well into the future. Some future projects include a mural downtown and “Welcome to Webster” signs. The Town is marketing properties that have a high potential for development or redevelopment. We hope to attract investors that are willing to make signifi cant investments in our community. One of the tools we were able to secure to help us in this effort was having a large portion of East Main designated as an “Opportunity Zone.” Opportunity Zones are a new development with the passage of the revised federal tax code last year. It allows investors/developers to invest in designated low-income census tracts with generous tax deferral and forgiveness components. In what must be the Town’s biggest accomplishment this past year, the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library was completed and opened to the public. (Continued on next page)

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The CodeRED® system will be used to send critical and time-sensitive communications ranging from evacuation notices to missing child alerts. Caller ID When you see the following displayed, you will know the call is from us. If you would like to hear the last message delivered to your phone, simply dial the number back. Emergency Notifications 1-866-419-5000 or Emergency Comm General Notifications 1-855-969-4636 or ECN Community Privacy Your contact information remains private and will only be used for community notifications. Join Our Database To make sure you receive notifications, please register at www.webster-ma.gov.

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

This beautiful edifi ce will be an anchor to our community for the next 100 years. The Town is indebted to the hard-working individuals on the Library Building Committee, Library Board of Trustees, and Friends of the Library that worked to secure funding, oversee construction and manage the project from start to fi nish. We are very pleased with the response from the community and hope that the library continues to be a gathering place for all residents. Another long-awaited project is the construction of the water fi ltration plant. The project began this past year and will be completed in summer 2019. The fi ltration plant, along with cleaning and relining prioritized water mains, will drastically improve the water clarity. Town Meeting approved over $620,000 for cleaning and relining water mains this past year. That project has been bid out and will begin in the spring. While we wait for these improvements to take effect, the Town adopted an interest free loan for residents to install water fi lters in their homes. The Offi ce of Community Development is hard at work expanding the French River Walk. The next phase of the master plan will begin in the spring. Community Development also funded the reconstruction of Dresser Street this past year. The Highway department was very effective in improving other roadways this past summer. One of the most notable was repaving Main Street after NGrid replaced many of their gas lines. There are many other smaller infrastructure projects in the works. Town Hall is slowly seeing improvements with the basement currently being remodeled. We have applied for grant funding for historic preservation work to the auditorium in Town Hall. The old Senior Center will be opening in January as the new Head Start school on School Street. The School Department submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority for major renovations to Bartlett High School. Bartlett High made it to the short list of projects that they are evaluating for funding. Also, a new fi re engine was approved for purchase at our June Town Meeting. As we look to the future, We are grateful to the local media outlets, both print and radio, that help us spread the news of town events and progress. We are also working to install electronic message boards at Town Hall to better share local news and information. As usual, we have several openings on Town Committees and boards. We welcome all residents to join us as we move towards the future. Moving forward, we plan on prioritizing our efforts to focus even more on economic development. This includes both improving the visual aesthetics of town as well as attracting and retaining businesses. As we continue to deal with shrinking budgets and increased expectations, we will work hard to make sure we have sustainable fi nancial plans and reserves for the future. With a revamped police department, we will continue to focus on assisting those with substance abuse addictions and make our community safer through data-driven, aggressive policing. Furthermore, we’ll continue the plans in place to improve the quality of Town water. It is my pleasure to work with all of you, and I encourage you to contact me if I can help you at any time. I am proud to be your Town Administrator and I thank you for your continued support. You are the backbone of Webster: you are the ones making the real change. Sincerely, Doug Willardson - Town Administrator, dwillardson@webster-ma.gov

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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL



French River Summer Concert Series Join us on Wednesday Nights

at 5:30pm during July and August at French River Park, Davis St. in Webster for a series of great summer concerts! Music starts at 6:00pm. These concerts are free and all are welcome! Sponsored by Fallon Health and the Recreation Department. Come down, bring a lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy some great music down by the river. These are rain or shine events. If it does rain, the concerts will be held upstairs at KBC Brewery & Beer Garden.

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Wednesday, July 10th:

Pulaski Brass Band The Summer Concert Series begins at the French River Park. We will be starting the season with a local favorite, The Pulaski Brass Band. The Pulaski Brass Band of Webster, Massachusetts, was formed in 1889 and performs throughout Southern New England. The Pulaski Band rehearses weekly on Tuesdays at the United Church of Christ on Main St in Webster, next to the Town Hall. We welcome all instrumentalists with two or more years of performing band experience. From its large library of traditional marches, concert selections, show tunes and polkas the band presents a varied palette of music for parades, ceremonies, and summer park concerts. Concerts are sponsored by local organizations and are generally open to the public free of charge.

Wednesday, July 17th:

Grey Whisker Pickers

Your acoustic honky-tonk good timin’ band. A blend of outright honky tonk..with a dash of folk...and some good ol’ rock n’ roll attitude.... Born from the rich American tradition of making music around kitchen tables and front porches, The Grey Whisker Pickers are about friends and family getting together to make music and have fun...sharing good times.

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Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-11pm • Sun 10am-10pm

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

French River Summer Concert Series Wednesday, July 24th:

Wednesday, August 7th:

James Keyes

The Cosby Sweaters

Occupying his own unique space in American music somewhere between the throaty junkyard stomp of Tom Waits and the wild mercurial ramblings of Dylan, James Keyes is a musician whose own sound is just gritty and earthy enough to scare away casual listeners in these times of manufactured pop and just easy enough to make the adventurous a listener for life.

This fun dynamic acoustic duo performs favorites from the 80s and 90s. Winners of Best Pop Act in the 2013 Worcester Music Awards, The Cosby Sweaters always bring humor and energy to their performances. Come enjoy a night of laughs and great music.


to delight fans again with their production of Measure for Measure. This is a free event sponsored by the Cultural Council and the Recreation Department.

Thursday, August 15th:

Shakespeare in the Park

Brownbox Theatre is back with Shakespeare in the Park. This was a defi nite crowd pleaser last year and this year is sure 55 East Main St. Webster, MA 508-949-6232

Wednesday, August 14th: Wednesday, July 31st:

Hang 5

July 31st 6pm at French River Park, the Summer Concert Series brings you Hang 5. Hang 5 is a band from Webster, MA that plays Surf, Rockabilly, and Classic Blues/Rock/R&B. They are a new addition to the Summer Concert Series. Bring your chair and good vibes down to the park for a great time.

www.bookloversgourmet.com Tuesday-Friday 10am-6:30pm Saturday 10am-5pm

Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards


The Summer Concert Series brings you Mark Mandeville and Raianne Richards for the season closer! On September 28th, 2017 Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards were mentioned in the Congressional Record by Senator Edward Markey for their continued community efforts illustrated by the annual Massachusetts Walking Tour. For eight years, Mark and Raianne have walked across the state each June, performing community concerts along the way which aim to celebrate local arts, culture and recreational trails. They have been joined by musicians Amy Alvey and Mark Kilianski since 2013. Visit their website at www.markmandeville.com for more info.

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Schedule is subject to change. For up to date information, please check the town website at webster-ma.gov under the events calendar, or email recreation@webster-ma.gov

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


safe environment in which to hang out and play basketball together and with police officers. The program is held at the Park Avenue Elementary School at no extra cost to the teens. Pizza is served on one of the nights, and there will be an end of the year cookout August 24th for kids and The Webster Public Safety Team parents! invites you to a night of FREE family fun at our 36th Annual Senior Cook Out National Night Out on Tuesday, Once again the Webster Police August 6th from 5:00-8:00 PM at Department will break out the Memorial Beach in Webster. FREE grills and don their aprons as they food and fun for the whole family! conduct the annual Senior Cookout Day. This fun filled day will be held on August 20th at the Webster Summer Basketball The Webster Police Department will Senior Center. Servings will start at also be holding its annual Hoops for 11:00 am. Spots are limited to 100, Hope summer basketball program. and sign ups will be at the Webster This program runs on Thursday, Senior Center. Friday and Saturday evenings from June 20th through August 24th. Webster Police Department The main concept of the program 357 Main Street is to break down the barriers that Webster, MA 01570 exist between youth and police. It Phone: 508-943-1212 is an opportunity for all involved Fax: 508-949-3898 parties to interact and bond. The Crime Tips: 508-949-3874 crimetips@websterpolice.com program provides teenagers with a www.websterpolice.com Services while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring members of Webster’s Public Safety Team and the people they serve together under positive circumstances.

Webster Police Department

11th Annual Junior Police Academy First we would like to extend a Thank You to the parents, students and citizens of Webster for allowing the Webster Police Department to conduct such a great event. The cost of this event is FREE.

For the Junior Police Academy, your son/daughter will be introduced to many different assets the Webster police Department has to offer to the community. All of the instructors are full time officers with the Webster Police Department. In accordance with the rights During the Junior Police Academy and protections afforded by the these students will see, hear and Constitution and in accordance even participate in many different with the town charter for the aspects of law enforcement. Town of Webster, the Webster Police Department is committed National Night Out to improving the quality of life and National Night Out is an annual enhancing public safety by working community-building campaign in partnership with the community that promotes strong Public to deliver law enforcement and Safety-community partnerships related services that focus on and neighborhood camaraderie to innovative methods to preserve the make our town safer, more caring peace, safeguard lives and property, places to live and work. National and minimize the fear of crime. Night Out enhances the relationship

Webster Police Department 11th Junior Police Academy July 8th - July 12th • 7am-3pm Ages 13-17

between residents and Emergency

Open to Webster Residents, however teens from surrounding towns will be accepted if seats become available.

Registration deadline is June 1st Applications packets are available at the Webster Police Department, 357 Main Street or go to www.websterpolice.com

CASH ONLY! 471 S. Main St., Webster • 508-949-1756 Mon.-Wed. & Fri 8am-5pm • Thurs. 12pm-6pm • Sat. 8am-12pm


For any questions please contact:

Officer Bruce Hamm at 508-943-1212 Ext. 1250 bruce.hamm@websterpolice.com

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

with three firefighters to provide initial response to all emergencies. During all other hours, the station is unstaffed and department members must respond from their home.

Webster Fire & Rescue Department

To date, the Webster Fire Department consists of 32 members including the Chief and members of the Board of Fire Engineers Headquarters is located at 55 Thompson Rd. It was built in 1968 with 10 bays for apparatus, a radio/ control room, Chief’s office, kitchen facilities, meeting room, officers room, hose washing/air compressor room, members recreation room and Emergency Operations Center. The Webster Fire Department is a It has a 40kw diesel emergency combination Career/Paid Per Diem generator piped to a 10,000 Fire Department consisting of a gallon fuel tank. Headquarters is Fire Chief, 2 Deputy Fire Chiefs, 2 Captains, 8 Lieutenants, 35 Firefighters, and a Chaplain.

staffed from 7am to 12 midnight daily. In 2015, Headquarters was renovationed following the relocation of the Webster Police Department to a new building on Main Street, Webster. The Fire Department is expecting the delivery of a new Fire Engine to replace the current Engine 5 (a 1995 Sutphen). The new Engine will be a 2019 E-ONE EMAX with a Typhoon Cab and will become the new first due unit. It is configured with 1,000 gallons of water and will be able to handle an array of tasks. Delivery will be the end of August. Webster Fire Department 55 Thompson Rd. Webster, MA 01570 Business: 508-949-3875 Dispatch: 508-943-1212

Dial 9-1-1 for Emergencies

Fire Headquarters is staffed Monday through Friday from 7am-3pm by career firefighters. Per Diem Firefighters staff the station Monday through Friday from 3pm-12am and Saturday and Sunday from 7am-12am


June 20th-23rd


Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


2019 2020

SCHOOL CALENDAR www.webster-schools.org


Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL



Town Wide Events Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd Starting at 10am

Jet Ski Races Memorial Beach the Jet Ski races are back! East Coast Watercross will be back for their second consecutive year for some fun in the water. Indy 500 has nothing on this group! Have you ever seen a car do a backflip? Come see the talented jet skiers show off their skills at the beach. The event is free but beach entry fees apply. Boat ramp will be open. Brought to you by the Recreation Department.

Thursday, June 6th 5-8pm

“Fun Around the Water” Event Lakeview Marina will be at Memorial Beach hosting a Kid’s Event, “Fun Around the Water”. Come learn about water safety while having fun. You may even be able to sneak in a boat ride! Free event. Brought to you by Lakeview Marine and Recreation Department.

Wednesday, July 3rd

4th of July Celebration Join the Town of Webster at Memorial Beach for the fireworks celebration! Pulaski Brass Band will be performing their patriotic songs and then the fireworks take off ! The fun starts at 7pm but the beach opens at noon. $10 entry to the beach for everyone all day. Brought to you by the Town of Webster.

Monday, July 8th – Friday, July 12th 7am-3pm

11th Annual Junior Police Academy The 11th annual Junior Police Academy is here again for ages 13-17 at Webster Police Station. Applications must be submitted by 11am on June 1st. Brought to you by the Webster Police Department.

Thursday, June 20th-Sunday, June 23rd

Annual Fire Deparment Carnival The Fire Department will be hosting their annual carnival at the walking track at Memorial Beach. Cotton Candy, Fried Dough games and rides! What more can a person ask for? This weekend long event helps to benefit the Fire Department. Entry fees apply. Brought to you by Webster Fire Department.

Thursday, June 20th 7pm-10pm

Hoops 4 Hope Summer 2019 For Webster youths ages 13-17 you can come out and enjoy a night of hoops and other fun games on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays during the Summer at Park Ave Elementary School. This is a free event brought to you by Webster Police Department. 14

Tuesday, August 6th 5-8pm

National Night Out Come to Memorial Beach for the National Night Out. This annual event is always a great time. Free food, free fun, vendors, demonstrations and much more! Free event, brought to you by WinnCompanies and Webster Police Department. CHECK OUT THE FRENCH RIVER SUMMER CONCERT SERIES ON PAGE 8 STARTING JULY 10TH!

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


Town Wide Events

Saturday, October 12th Time To Be Determined

2nd Annual Webster Police Car Show The Webster Police will be hosting their 2nd Annual Car Show. Their first was a great success and this has promise of becoming one of the town favorite events. Free event, brought to you by Webster Police Department.

Friday, October 25th 4-6pm

Tuesday, August 20th Starting at 11am

Senior Center BBQ “Free Lunch” day at in honor of senior citizen day! Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and many other goodies. There is a 100 person limit. Please sign up at the senior center by August 12th. Brought to you by the Webster Police Department.

Saturday, September 21st 10am-2pm

Kid’s Fest Come to French River Park for a special Kid’s Fest! With games, entertainment and refreshments this event is sure to set up your kids for a great day that will tire them out. Free event, brought to you by the Webster Cultural Council and the Recreation Department.

Saturday, September 28th 6-9pm

Senior’s Dance Webster Recreation Department will be hosting a Senior’s Dance at the Town Hall Auditorium! With music and light refreshments to keep you going your dancing shoes will definitely get a work out. Free event brought to you by the Recreation Department.

Wednesday, October 2nd 7am-10am

National Coffee with a Cop Day Visit the Webster Police Station, Dunkin Donuts at 128 Main St or 170 Thompson Rd, or Honey Dew Donuts at 113 East Main St or 188 Gore Rd. Sit down and chat with your local officers over a cup of coffee. Brought to you by the Webster Police Department.

Main Street Trick or Treat Halloween season starts off with Main Sreet Trick or Treat. Get your goblins in their favorite costumes and visit the local businesses on Main St. Free event brought to you by local businesses and Webster Police Department.

Wednesday, October 30th 5-7pm

2nd Annual Trunk or Treat 2nd annual Trunk or Treat is back at Memorial Beach! Do you have a creative streak? Decorate a car to promote your business or just for fun. Bring it to the beach and get ready for the line of people coming through. Free event sponsored by Place Motors, Police Department, Fire Department and Recreation Department.

Saturday, December 7th 9am-1pm

3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar Get some holiday shopping done at our 3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar the Town Hall. Last year we had over 25 vendors with unique gift ideas for you to choose from. Entry is free and brought to you by the Recreation Department.

Starting at 6pm

Tree Lighting Ceremony Join the Recreation Department at the Town Hall for the 2nd Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. With music from the school choruses, hot chocolate and Santa to light the gazebo and tree! It is sure to be a night of fun for all. Free event, brought to you by the Recreation Department.

Saturday, December 14th 5pm-8pm

Winter Wonderland At the Town Hall we close out 2019 with Winter Wonderland. A town favorite with crafts, refreshments, music and outdoor activities this event is always a crowd pleaser. Free event, brought to you by the Webster Police Department and the Recreation Department.

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


Memorial Beach

Last year was the first year and We can’t wait to see everyone Facebook for information and a great time was had by all! this summer at Memorial updates on events through the Beach! Weather permitting year or visit www.websterThursday, June 6th Lakeview we are hoping to open the m a . g o v / 4 9 9 / R e c r e a t i o n Marine will be having a kids gate on weekends in May this Committee. event at the beach called “Fun year and remain open through Around the Water”. Adults September. Follow the WEbster Carole Marchand and children can come learn Arts/Recreation Group on Recreation Director First I am happy to report that about boating and speak with a the daily visitor rates have not variety of community groups. increased from last year. We have also added something Also in June, the weekend of new... a category for rooftop the 20th through the 23rd the Webster Fire department will boats! be sponsoring a carnival that We have a lot planned already will be set up in the walking RETAIL HARDWARE SINCE 1908 this year for the beach. Our track area. HardwareStore.com events this year will include: a Tri-State Firefighter’s Meet on Our Annual 4th of July Aubuchon Hardware Sunday, May 19th where you Celebration will be held on 118 East Main Street, #7 can bring your family to see a Wednesday, July 3rd. The Paints Webster, MA 01570 wide variety of firetrucks and evening will be full of vendors, equipment, both new and old. food, fun and fireworks. Be sure Ph: (508) 949-2500 On the weekend of June 1st and to get to there early, because eFax: (774) 272-8729 2nd we will be hosting the 2nd the parking lot and beach fill up Annual Eastcoast Watercross fast and we would hate to have Open Everyday... Call for Convenient Store Hours!! group again for jet ski races. to turn you away at the gate! Memorial beach is one of Webster’s most beautiful attractions. With the long stretch of sand and the clear water it is a beautiful place to spend a summer day with the family.

We will not accepts bills over $50 at the Memorial Beach entrance.

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 7AM TO 7PM • No Alcoholic Beverages • No Glass Containers of Any Type • Grilling Allowed with Propane (no charcoal) • Only Coast Guard Approved Life Jackets Are Allowed • No Motor Vehicles or Motorcycles Allowed in the Beach Area • No Ground Fires • No Loitering or Disorderly Conduct • No Washing, Changing Oil, or Cleaning Motor Vehicles Within Parking Lot Area • NO ANIMALS OF ANY KIND • No Flotation Devices or Ball Playing in Water or Within 50 Feet of Water Edge • Swimming is Confined to the Designated Areas Under Supervision of Life Guard • No Boats Allowed Within Buoys • No Boating Allowed Within 50 Feet of Buoys • No Soaping or Washing Any Type Allowed Within Memorial Beach Property • No Profane or Indecent Language Allowed at Any Time • No Refunds • Fishing Allowed in Designated Areas Only • No Swimming in Boat Launch Area • No Jumping Off Boat Dock There are no concessions at Memorial Beach at this time.







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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

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Board of Selectmen

Chairman Andrew Jolda

Vice Chairman Randy Becker Selectman Earl Gabor Courtney Friedland, Executive Secretary

Selectman Donald Bourque

Selectman Lisa Kontoes

Board of Selectmen 350 Main Street • Webster, MA 508-949-3800 x 1041 selectmen@webster-ma.gov MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC DUCTLESS SPLIT HEAT-PUMPS HEATING AIR CONDITIONING

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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


Webster SENIOR Center Progressive Pitch: Every Monday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. No need to commit to a league, come and play when you can make it. Every Tuesday, starts at 1:00 pm promptly. Please plan to arrive by 12:45 pm to allow time to buy your bingo K n i t t i n g / C r o c h e t i n g sheets. Social: Mondays 10:00 am Tri-Valley Lunches: Served Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11:30 am. Please call (508) 949-3845 at least 48 hours in advance to reserve your meal or to cancel a reserved meal. Suggested donation: $3.00.

5 Church Street Webster, MA 508-949-3845 Open Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm


Like the Webster Senior Center Facebook page to view our photo’s, news and announcements!

11:30 am – 12:30 pm Monday & Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 pm on Fridays. Instructor: Forty Arroyo. Cost: $3.00 each class.

Birthday celebration on the third Wednesday of every month at 12:00 pm, sponsored by Brookside Rehabilitation & Healthcare Dessert Social on the first Center. Soup Social on the first Wednesday of every month Monday of every month at 12:00 pm. Sponsored by 13 Card Pitch every at 11:30 am. Sponsored Life Care Center of Auburn. Thursday at 1:00 pm. by Christopher Heights of Webster. You must sign up Mahjongg every Wednesday 9-Card Pitch every Friday at by calling (508) 949-3845. at 1:00 pm 1:00 pm. SHINE Counselor available on the first Tuesday of every month. Please call (508) 949-3845 to schedule an appointment.

Chair Dancing 10:00 – Cribbage every Friday at 11:00 am every Monday, 1:00 pm Wednesday, and Friday. Move While You Groove


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508-943-4900 · www.websterlakegifts.com 154 Thompson Road

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

Webster SENIOR Center Free Blood Pressure Screenings on the second Thursday of every month at 10:30 a.m. sponsored by Webster Manor.

Fridays: 9-Card Pitch at 1:00 pm.

S.C.M. Elderbus Inc. Passengers: Please note that you need to call 1-800Ice Cream Social on the 321-0243 at least 48 business second Thursday of every hours (2 days) in advance to month at 12:00 pm sponsored schedule a ride. by Webster Manor. Please call the Senior Center Root Beer Float Social at 508-949-3845 for a on the fourth Thursday complete list of additional of every month at 12:00 activities and upcoming pm, sponsored by Lanessa events and trips. Extended Care.



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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

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on to All Star Tournaments. Be sure to visit our newly renovated and upgraded concession stand to help support our league! More info and complete schedules at www. WebsterLittleLeague.com or find us on Facebook!

Webster Little League Webster Little League Baseball. Founded in 1947 to provide kids of all skill and experience levels not just the opportunity to have Fun and play Baseball but more importantly to learn the values of Teamwork, Sportsmanship, Character, Courage and Loyalty. This year we celebrate our 50th year of Incorporation in Webster. Come catch a gameweeknights Monday thru Thursday at 5:45pm on Little League Lane in Webster (off of West Ave). Regular season runs from April 28th through June 22nd, then it’s

Watch for fundraisers throughout the year as well, starting with our second annual Comedy Night Fundraiser Saturday, May 25th at the PACC in Webster! Doors open at 6 and show starts at 7. Come enjoy a very funny adult night out while supporting our league. All proceeds go to the league to help further improve the experience for our kids! Tickets and info on how to become an event sponsor at https:// www.funny4funds.com/events/ webster-little-league-comedynight-fundraiser/363 Also, save the date for our long running, Annual Golf Tournament which is always the Saturday after Labor Day (Saturday, September 7th, 2019). Thanks to our many annual local sponsors who help us keep the costs down for our Little League families, covering most of the

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uniform costs for each team. Booster Athletic Club, D. Mason Paving, Webster Fire, Webster Police, MVP Technology, Place Motor, Choice1Temps, Webster First Federal CU, MAPFRE, Lake Pizza, TSKK, Pete’s Tire & Oil, Hometown Bank, PAV, Wormtown Brewery and Kosciuszko Society. This year we have also been fortunate to receive many additional donations for specific field improvements such as a new batting cage net courtesy of East Coast Metal Roofing. Hanks Liquors sponsored a beautiful new sign for our fields (done by Dave Laabs at the Airbrush Shack), M&P Lawn Care has contracted with us to completely re-build our pitching mounds and improve our infield playing surfaces, also with dirt provided by Rampco and new bases donated by Motorsports International. Our common areas are getting an upgrade as well thanks to Josh Fasshauer and EMM Financial’s donation of picnic tables. They have also

paid for all new led lightbulbs for our scoreboards which will be significantly improved this year as well, thanks to Mark Rubin / REMAX and Aubuchon Hardware’s donation of paint and supplies. Significant donations for upgrades to our concession stand have been pledged by Price Chopper, the Red Sox Foundation and The Capano Family Foundation as well. And last but certainly not least, thanks to our 12 volunteer board members and 30+ volunteer coaches who make this all happen. We are a 100% volunteer run, independent, non-profit organization. Every penny raised through fees, sponsorship or fundraising goes right back into running the league and trying to improve it each year. Contact League President, Bobby Phillips via email anytime for more info or general questions: websterlittleleague@gmail.com. It’s been a long, cold winter and we are excited for Spring to finally be here... PLAY BALL!

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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

Webster Fast Pitch Softball provides an opportunity each Spring and Fall for girls of all ages to play in a fun and competitive travel Softball league with many surrounding towns. Stop by Slater Street in Webster most nights and you can see one of our teams in action while enjoying an affordable snack or dinner from our concession stand. All proceeds benefit the league which is 100% non-profit and volunteer run! Our regular Spring season runs from April 15th through mid June, then it’s on to a very bus Tournament Season. This year we introduce our new 14U travel team – the Webster Wrath! None of this could be accomplished without an

amazing group of players, coaches, volunteers and of course financial support from many local sponsors. Our largest donors include Page Chiropractic, Pete’s Tire & Oil, Lake Pizza, Galaxy Development, JV Mechanical, EGC Commercial Snow Removal, Hazard Marine and Lundgren Honda. Thank you to them and all of our sponsors for their generosity! Complete schedules for games and Tournaments and more info in general can be found at www. WebsterFastPitchSoftball.com. Find us on Facebook or contact League President, Jim Baca at 508864-0168 with any questions. See you at the field!

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL



Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

The purpose of Webster Youth Soccer (WYS) is to promote and enhance the game of soccer for the youth of Webster. Webster Youth Soccer is affiliated and complies with the soccer program defined by Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA), the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) and Midland Area Youth Soccer (MAYS). WYS was started in 1976 by Donald Cushing and Dick Skrocki. WYS was part of the Town of Webster

Recreation Department until Proposition 2.5 hit in 1978. Mark Sutor continued the program and as a self-funded organization until 1989 when he passed the torch to a new leadership team. From 1976 to 1989, player participation grew from 26 to 500 players illustrating the growing interest in the sport. In 1996, WYS formally organized as a corporation led by then President Joseph Dalimonte. WYS Soccer has serviced thousands of youth players during its 43-year history. Its success is due to the army of volunteers who have served in Board and Coaching roles. This Program would not have survived without the dedication of so many involved residents who have given their generosity of time and talent to town. The deadlines for Spring are the youth of Webster. We thank all January 1 for Travel and March 15 of our past and current volunteers! for In-Town. The Fall Season runs from late August to early November WYS has two divisions; an In- and the Spring Season runs from Town for U6 and U8 and a Travel late March to mid-June. for U10 and up. We field teams in both the Fall and Spring. The WYS is a non-profit, self-funded deadlines for the Fall are July 15 organization. We are extremely for Travel and August 15 for In- grateful for the long-standing

support of local businesses who have sponsored the organization and have helped to defray the cost of In-Town uniforms. Please visit our website at www. WebsterYouthSoccer.org for more information or like our page on Facebook. We welcome new players and volunteers to keep the program thriving!


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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL



Local Organizations and Clubs American Legion Post 184

French River Connection

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans. The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives.

The French River Connection is a non-profit founded in 2005, headquartered in Webster. The organization is dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of the French River corridor in the towns of Webster, Dudley, and Oxford. Visit our website to learn more about our projects.

9 Houghton St. • Webster, MA • 508-943-9039

Community Cat Connection

www.thecommunitycatconnection.org 289 Thompson Rd. • Webster, MA • 508-949-0779

Our mission is to operate and maintain a community-based, no-kill cat rescue and shelter to benefit cats which have been abandoned, abused, and are at risk for starvation, disease, and overpopulation. We strive to educate the public to the benefits of spay/neuter, low cost veterinary care, alternatives to euthanasia, and to raise public awareness through workshops and programs.


Webster Education Foundation www.websteredfoundation.org

The mission of the Webster Education Foundation is to promote community support and partnerships that enhance the innovative educational opportunities for students by providing resources for creativity and excellence within the teaching and learning environment of the Webster Public Schools.

Webster Dudley Business Alliance PO Box 821 • Webster, MA • 508-949-6232 contact@thewdba.org www.thewdba.org

The Webster Dudley Business Alliance is a non-profit organization formed in 2006 and dedicated to supporting & promoting local businesses through educational programs and networking events. All local businesses are invited to join!

Places of Worship St. Josephs Basilica 53 Whitcomb Street 508-943-0467

First Baptist Church 33 E. Main Street 508-943-3554

United Church Christ Federated 4 Church Street, Ste 1 508-943-0061

Holy Trinity Rectory 68 Lake Street 508-943-0608

Sacred Heart Rectory 18 E. Main Street 508-943-3140

Church of Reconciliation 5 N. Main Street 508-943-8714

Saints Constantine & Helen Church 35 Lake Parkway 508-943-8361

Life Church 1 Nelson Street 508-266-5344

Chapel Blessed Sacrament 17 E. Main Street 508-949-7001

Sharing God's Love Ministry 14 E. Main Street 508-461-6166 24

St. Louis Rectory 15 Lake Street 508-943-0240

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


Local Organizations and Clubs Blessed Backpack Brigade

www.facebook.com/blessedbackpackbrigade blessedbackpackbrigade@gmail.com

There are 610,042 homeless people in America each year. 1 in 30 children are homeless. Help save lives and make a difference. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in need within our very own community. We work to provide guidance and support for the local homeless, elderly, disabled, veterans, unemployed, underemployed, impoverished, and beyond. From providing free fellowship meals to supplying backpacks filled with everyday essentials, we rely on donations and volunteers to continue our mission.

Webster MA Lions Club International

Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world. Our 1.35 million members - who perform community service in 208 countries and geographic areas - are different in many ways, but share a core belief: community is what we make it. When you join Lions, you join a global service network. So, at the same time you’re doing local community service, you can also contribute to Lions volunteer efforts around the world.

by providing boat rides for students in the program. The WLA organized and offered the first annual Senior Lake Outing in 2014. The WLA water testing team has offered a workshop in testing techniques. The workshop was open to interested persons in the area. The WLA has also helped to organize and participate in periodic environmental cleanup activities around the lake. In the ICE-OUT Contest, the WLA partners with the Webster Education Foundation in order to support both organizations. The WLA has also sponsored or presented a number of educational and informative programs in the community. Subjects for recent presentations have included Birds of Prey, the Webster Lake Eagles, Turtles, the History of the Lake, the Last Green Valley, and the Biology of Lakes and Streams. These presentations have all been open to the public.

Webster Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce

131 Main Street • Webster, MA • 508-943-9700 www.wdochamberma.com

The Webster Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce provides a network of business professionals to support local businesses through referrals, education, and more. As a member of WDO your business is also a member of the Worcester Chamber of Commerce with access to those programs, events, and services.

All monies raised by the Lions Club are donated to local, state and international charities. The continued support of the community will allow the Lions to reach there goals, and they thank everyone in advance for there consideration. Please contact Dr. John Kalinowski at jkalinowski00@aol.com or call 508-943-7434.

Webster Lake Association

PO Box 156 • Webster, MA Email: Info@WebsterLakeAssociation.org

The WLA is, essentially, a public service organization. Weed control, testing, and monitoring all help to protect a wonderful resource for everyone to use. WLA has helped with public service community events. Members have assisted with “Book-A-Cruise”



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Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


Farmers Markets Brimfield

Hitchcock Academy 2 Brookfield Rd. Saturday 9am-2pm Open April 13th October 26th


MASS PIKE Eastbound Service Plaza Fri - Sun 9am-4pm Open May 18th October



MATCHSTICK MARKET 55 Sterling St. Sunday 10am-2pm




Douglas Orchard Farm 36 Locust St. Saturday 9am-12pm Open June 15th September 28th


Town Common Rt. 140 & Upton St. Wednesday 2pm-6pm Open June 19th October 9th

Town Common Barre Rd. & Common St. Sunday 11am-2pm Open June 3rd October 28th

Damon House Lot Corner of Rt. 31 & 122A Tues. 1:30pm-7pm Open May 7th October 29th


Southbridge Big Bunny 942 Main St. Saturday 9am-2pm Open May 25th October 12th


Town Common Main Street Sunday 9am-1pm Open June 9th October 6th

Next to CVS 104 West St. Saturday 9am-1pm Open June 10th October 7th

West Brookfield




Behind Town Hall 98 Main St. Wednesday 2:30pm-6:30pm Open June 12th September 25th

Town Common Rt. 67 & Rt. 9 Wednesday 3pm-6pm Open June 5th October 9th

Canal District Kelly Square 200 Harding St. Saturday 9am-12pm

Brooklyn, CT

Danielson, CT

Brooklyn Commons Shopping Center 564 Providence Rd. Wednesday 4pm-6pm Starting June 12th 26


OPEN YEAR ROUND Killingly Library 25 Westcott Rd. Saturday 9am-12pm Open May 4th October

Castle Restaurant 1230 Main St. Saturday 9am-2pm Open June 22nd October 26th


Beaver Brook 306 Chandler St. Monday & Friday 9am-1pm Open June 17th November 8th

University Park 965 Main St. Saturday 9am-1pm Open June 22nd November 9th

Putnam, CT

Harrisville, RI

Putnam Riverside Marketplace 18 Kennedy Dr. Sat. 10am-1pm Open June 1st October 26th

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL

Stillwater Mill Pavilion 75 Tinkham Ln. Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm June 1st - Sept. 28th

Webster, Massachusetts • Town Guide • ANNUAL


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