The Evangel 44th Edition

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THE EVANGEL North Bahamas Conference

E D I T I O N N O 4 4 | D E C E M B E R 1 0 T H , 2 0 2 2
Sabbath Greetings President's Desks Shiloh Invite Social Media Training Camporee Article Writing Words from Inspiration Health & Happiness Further Announcements C O N T E N T S Ta b l e o f

The President's Desk December 10, 2022.

Life begins once Jesus becomes the reason you live it. In God’s presence there is fullness of joy. Psalm 16:11.

Happy Sabbath and greetings to everyone. Welcome to the house of the Lord. Welcome to worship of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We give God thanks for each day that He allows us breath to praise Him. This is an excellent time to recommit ourselves to the Lord. Four (4) Sabbaths to go in 2022. Some persons should not let this year come to a close without giving God first place in their lives. There are some persons who need to be baptized; family members, friends, coworkers, former members. It is not too late to square up and give God His due. Don't let this year end and you still owe God or is unfaithful in your

We thank God for 153 persons baptized to date in this 2022. We rejoice with these precious, in God’s eyes, new believers. The Church is asked to be the Spiritual Guardians of these new babes and prepare them to be soul winners for the kingdom.

The President's Desk December 10, 2022. We have some exciting goals for next year, but we have to live one day at a time. We look forward to Convention in Grand Bahama with Dr. Carlton Byrd for the last weekend in January. The Sabbath School Lesson Study has been a tremendous blessing to the body of Christ. Please read and study the Lessons. They will bless you and shed light on our path.

Church Improvement.-We continue to support the Abaco District in their ongoing building programs. Marsh Harbour is grateful for the support of their fund raising efforts this past weekend, as they continue towards their trek to complete their foundation. Please feel free to assist wherever you can, in Abaco or in Grand Bahama, the onward progress of the cause of God. Our school, Grand Bahama Academy - is still challenged but they push on and God is blessing. The committed teachers and staff make the work easier. We ask for your continued support.

We report that the Administrators attended the Turks and Caicos Conference Session (3,4 December) The Officers were all returned to office. The South Bahamas Conference Session (13,14 November) saw a new treasurer, namely Bro Okell Demastus. We report also that the Interamerican Division elected on Monday past, a new treasurer, Sis Ivelisse Herrera who replaces retiring CFO, Elder Filiberto Verduzco. All Elders are asked to register at

Efforts are ongoing for the completion of the Hurricane Shelter and Soup Kitchen. Please lend a helping hand as you are able. “Christ was treated as we deserved, that we may be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His.”

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SocialMedia EvangelismTraining Mark the date! Every Sunday 6:00pmto7:00pm Join now! 1809 985 3257 1809
to know, please feel free to write an article that may inspire the saints, send through your Communication Director. Call/ Whatsapp Us For More Information +1 242-804-4930 SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!
local church have something


How shall we encourage you to have faith in God? You say, "How can I talk faith, how can I have faith, when clouds and darkness and despondency comes over my mind? I do not feel as though I could talk faith; I do not feel that I have any faith to talk". But why do you feel in this way It is because you have permitted Satan to cast his dark shadow across your pathway, and you cannot see the light that Jesus sheds upon your pathway. But another says; "I am very frank; I say just what I feel, I talk just as I think." Is that the best way to do? No; God wants us to educate ourselves so that we shall speak right words, words that will be a blessing to others, that will shed rays of light upon their souls. Suppose that at times we are destitute of the joy we should like to experience, can we not feel assured that the promises of God are still yea and amen in Christ Jesus? The promises of God do not rest upon feeling. They have a foundation as distinct from feeling as light is from darkness.

We must learn to move from principle, and when we learn to do this, we shall move understandingly, and not be controlled by varing emotions. Christ has said, "If ye abide in me, my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. " Brethren, can you explain why we are not more efficient in ministering to others, and why we are not better able to help the church, than we were ten years ago? There is no reason why we should not be growing in efficiency and power to do the work of God. The Lord wants us to use every iota of the ability He has given us, and, if we do this, we shall have improved and increased ability to employ. God desires that we shall have a thorough understanding of the truth as it is in Jesus. We should dig in the mine of truth for the rich treasures of knowledge that are hidden in God's word. If we employ our talents in searching the Scriptures, and in imparting knowledge to others, we shall become channels of light.

December 10th 2022 @ 5:16pm
guard carefully the edges of the Sabbath.
Health and Happiness Bible Lessons are still available! Please contact your local Elder or Personal Ministries Director for copies to share.


Beachway Dr , Freeport,The Bahamas 242-374-2052

http://nbcadventist org/

N o r t h B
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Nekeisha Alexis Pastor Peter Watson Jháda-Nicole Been let’s get in touch
a m a
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e r e n c e Produced by: 11/04/22
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