Palace la Rocca

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La Rocca palace is located at the beginning of the Capitano Bocchieri street, behind the right side of St.George’s Cathedral, along the street called “Ciancata”. The building was built at the behalf of Don Saverio La Rocca Baron of St. Hippolytus, in 1765.


The palace was built after the earthquake, which was on January 11, 1693. It is a rectangular but irregular building. There are 8 balconies, but only 7 balconies are decorated.

Going to the Cathedral we find:  Balcony of the Cherubini  Telamone  Amorini  Fantesca - The Mandola Player - The Lute Player - and the knight one.

Balcony of the Cavaliere

On the balcony of the knight are represented several characters for example: a masked man, a face with grinning look symbolizing the astuteness and the knight.

The Mandola Player and The Lute Player

On the second and third balcony are represented mandola and lute players who represent the importance and presence of music and dance in that era.

Balcony of Fantesca

Are represented a woman who takes care of a child, and their expressive looks give a moment of life.

Balcony above the entrance

Is very simple and is decorated with only a shell in the center.

The Balcony of Amorini are represent three pairs of puttini hugging each other.

Balcony of Telamone

Represents a canvas with a wrinkled look that seems to be lifting the balcony.

Balcony of the Cherubini

Towards the cathedral, angels are d with a tender looks represent the balcony of the cherubini.


There are two flight of stairs made of asphaltic stone leading to the upper floor.

The paviments are made of asphaltic or majolica stone.

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