Volume 8 Issue 14

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32 Pattaya Today PATTAYA TODAY PROPERTY 10/32

Vol. 8 No. 14  1 - 15 April 2009

A warm welcome to Phillip of P. & N. Poolshop and his popular professional advice section on swimming pool. P. & N. Poolshop was formed in 2005 by Phillip & Nittaya. Philip worked as a competent building contractor for 20 years, mostly building private propert-ies including swimming pools. Now, he’s the company’s director, sales, swimming pool design, pool construction supervisor, quantity surveyor and pool structural engineer. While Nittaya used to be a photographer before she became the company’s director, administration, purchasing officer and pool maintenance supervisor. Many residents and property developers in and around Pattaya are benefiting from Phillip’s many years of experience, expertise and knowledge in swimming pool design, build and maintenance. Dear Pattaya Today Readers Hello again. Now, I’m back to answer all your questions regarding pool maintenance. You can send your questions at phil@pnpoolshop.com. For my first issue, I would like to share some tips regarding grout problems. From Robert Mabprachan Hi Philip, I am getting fine dirt

coming back into the pool during vacuuming and after I carryout a backwash, could you please help because this is making my pool continuously cloudy. Dear Robert, There are a number of reasons 1. Whilst you are vacuuming you pool you may be getting air into the system, check and bleed out the excess air. But always prime the vacuum line pri-

or to vacuuming. 2. There may be a problem with the filtration medium What kind of medium is in your filter? How long since this was last changed? Most mediums last a maximum of 2 years I would recommend that when you next change your filter medium you use Zeolite, This medium comes from Australia, it is made

from volcanic rock, it is very hard and specially graded for the use in filtration systems, it is very good for removing many metals from source water, and also this medium will last up to 7 years. 3. Check your M.P.V. check to make sure that the seal is not dirty or damaged; also check to make sure that the return spring on the M.P.V. is functioning as normal, ie making a positive seat. 4. After you have carried out all of the above, then I would suggest you use a coagulant, Cleartrine is what I use with great success.

Good luck Robert From Oliver Nongplalai, Hi Phil, I have heard from various people about a chemical that screens the pool from the sun, could you please give me more information. Hi Oliver, Yes we do have such a product its trade name is Focus chlorine stabiliser, it is in fact isocyanuric acid, This product protects chlorine from ultraviolet rays, Focus Chlorine Stabiliser is a free running white powder and when added to the swimming pool water at the correct dosage, will control

or condition the chlorine which has been added to the swimming pool. This chemical absorbs ultraviolet radiation which enters the pool and rapidly destroys the chlorine. The addition of stabiliser ensures longer protection of chlorine against harmful bacteria and algae. This results in lower cost of chlorine to keep the pool in a sparkling clean, safe and hygenic state for swimming. My persomal opinion is, for those with chlorine or salt water pools, one just cant help but save on costs. Regards Phil wwwwwww

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