The Parish News Vol.1 No.12 May 1986

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be invited to join, and that Mr. Davis should be asked to be a sidesman. The Hon. Treasurer produced the accounts and said how important it was that fund-raising efforts should be continued. The satisfactory state of church funds was due in great measure to the generous donations given by Mrs. W. Davis and Mrs. H. Tabor after the funerals of Mr. Davis and Mr. Tabor. They had both been life-long supporters of the church and the parish had good reason to be grateful to them both and to have regarded them with respect and affection. Mr. Rainey expressed his thanks to all concerned in the work of the parish, and the meeting felt also that thanks should be given to the churchwardens and to Mr. Alan Hoskins for running affairs so efficiently in the absence of a rector. One important point raised was the Diocesan rule of no plastic flowers in the churchyard. It was voted unanimously that this ruling must be upheld.

SUTTON £10 winners: Future event:


100 CLUB

March: No. 91 Mrs. J.B. Lea April: No. 54 Mrs. G. Brooks Friday, 16th May, 7.30 p.m. Spring party and £50 draw.




Luckily, the afternoon of Saturday, April 5th., was fine, at least long enough for the competitors in the pram race to complete the gruelling three laps of the course. Many and varied were the vehicles entered (some of which, unfortunately, needed attention in the pits) and also the costumes of the pushers and pushed. The Winners of the race were: in the senior section, Louise Ball and Tammy Roylance, and in the junior section, Darren Lawrence and Nicola Wall. The total sum raised from sponsorship and from the activities in the Parish Hall, is not yet accurately available, but will probably be in the region of £200. Congratulations to all who helped to organise the event, especially Mrs. Rosalind White, and to all who entered the race itself. as well as those who came along to support it. The following letter has been received from Queen Camel School:Dear Mr. & Mrs. White, Thank you and all your friends for Saturday'S sponsored pram race and bring and buy sale. It was most encouraging to see the effort you are all making on behalf of our swimming pool appeal. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by us all. Staff and Children of Queen Camel School.

DAY OUT? Southern National are again running their monthly coach to Salisbury, on the first Tuesday in each month up to and including December. The coach picks up at Sparkford Bus Shelter (opposite Church Road) at 9.40 a.m. arriving in Salisbury at 10.55 a.m., and leaves Salisbury for the return journey at 3.30 p.m. arriving in Sparkford at 4.35 p.m. No need to book in advance, pay on the coach. Leaflets with full details are available from the Post Office.




There is still a great deal of work to be done in the playing field area - fencing to be completed, ground levelling and preparing, etc. - before any suitable play equipment can be installed. The Association would be grateful if those who volunteered to help, and anyone else who has some free time and would like to assist, will contact Alison Roylance, Joss Cottage, Church Road (North Cadbury 40577).




Annual Parish Meeting, 2nd April 1986, at South Cadbury. Mr. Cluett and Mrs. Cottier kindly attended and gave accounts of District and County Council business affecting the Parish. Chairman's Report: Major Weber gave a summary of the main business of the Parish Council during the year, viz:Old Peoples' Housing: The District Council is continuing negotiations for the purchase of sites for two dwellings in the projected development next to the Red Lion in S. Cadbury. Sparkford Bypass/Chapel Cross: The present planning intentions appear to satisfy the representations of North & South Cadbury Parish Councils, providing at Chapel Cross junctions to East and Westbound carriageways and a bridge to take the N. Cadbury/S. Cadbury road over the carriageway.

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