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Viktoria Poleva composer Ukraine

Born in 1962 (Kiev, Ukraine), in 1989 she graduated in composition with Prof. I. Karabyts from Kiev State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire (now National P. I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy of Ukraine) where she completed her postgraduate studies under Prof. L. Kolodub in 1995. Her early work was related to the aesthetics of the avant-garde and polystylistics. Since the late 1990s her music became identified stylistically with ‘sacral minimalism’. In 2010 she took part in violinist G. Kremer’s international project Art of Instrumentation devoted to J. S. Bach and G. Gould. In 2011 she was an invited composer-inresidence at the 30th Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival (Austria). A Laureate of L. Revuts’kyj Prize (1995) and B. Lyatoshyns’kyj Prize (2005). A Winner of the All-Ukrainian Competition Psalms of the Third Millennium (2001, 1st Prize). In 2009–2010 she was the supervisor of classical music programs at the International Festival GogolFest. A Member of the National Ukrainian Composers’ Union and Association New Music.

Denis Prisyazhnyuk composer Russia

Born in April, 1973 (village of Smolino, Gorky, now Nizhniy-Novgorod Region, Russia), in 1997 he graduated from Nizhniy-Novgorod State M. I. Glinka Conservatoire as a composer with Prof. B. S. Getselev and as a musicologist with Prof. B. F. Yegorova. After finishing his post-graduate studies with Prof. B. S. Getselev in 1999, he maintained his PhD thesis and began teaching at NizhniyNovgorod State M. I. Glinka Conservatoire (Composition and Orchestration Department), since 2005 as Associate Professor. Simultaneously, from 1994 to 2000 he lectured at Dzerzhynsk Music College (from 1997 to 2000 being the Head of Music Theory Department), and since 2004 at Nizhniy-Novgorod M. A. Balakirev Music College. He is a member of the Russian Composers’ Union and a member of the Board of the Nizhniy-Novgorod organization of the Russian Composers’ Union.

Volodymyr Runchak composer, conductor Ukraine

Born in 1960 (Luc’k, Ukraine), he graduated from Kiev State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire (now National P. I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy of Ukraine) as an accordionist, conductor (1984) and composer (1986). He attended Brandenburg New Music Colloquium with P. H. Dittrich, K. Huber, V. Globokar, and E. Denisov (Germany, 1992, 1993, 1995). The 1st-Prize Winner of the Ukrainian Accordionists’ Competition (1984) and many Ukrainian and international competitions. He has actively worked as a conductor, particularly performing contemporary music by Ukrainian and foreign composers. As conductor he founded the New Music in Ukraine Chamber Orchestra (1989) and later the same-named Chamber Ensemble. He has toured with many orchestras. He has done more than 300 World and Ukrainian premieres of contemporary composers’ works. In 2005 he was awarded a cultural award L’ORDRE DU MÉRITE CULTUREL by the Minister of Culture of the Polish Republic. In 2007/2008 and 2011/2011 seasons he was appointed Chief Guest Conductor of the Azerbaijan State Kara Karayev Chamber Orchestra. A Member of the National Ukrainian Composers’ Union and the Association New Music.

Aleksandr Ryndin composer Russia

Born in 1962 in Astrakhan (Russia), he has linked all his professional and creative life to his native city. He graduated from the Astrakhan Music School (1981) and the Astrakhan State Conservatoire (1989) as a musicologist (with Prof. M. Etinger) and a composer (with Ass. Prof. A. Blinov). In 1997 he had an internship with Prof. B. Getselev at Nizhny-Novgorod State M. I. Glinka Conservatoire (now Academy). He has taught at the Astrakhan M. P. Musorgsky Music College (since 1986), sung at the Astrakhan Municipal Chamber Choir Lik (1998), and participated in many festivals and concerts. A Member of the Russian Composers’ Union (2000) and the Head of the Board of its Astrakhan regional organization (2001).



Anastasia Sadomski composer Israel

Born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1984, in 2002 she graduated from Odessa Prof. P. S. Stoljars’kyj Special Secondary Music School and entered the Odessa State A.V. Nezhdanova Music Academy to study piano (Prof. Yг. Dykyj) and composition (Prof. J. Gomelskaya). A Laureate of Ukrainian (2002) and International (2003) competitions. In 2007 she continued her education at the Rimon Jazz School in Israel, later she went to Bar Ilan University to study composition with Prof. Betty Oliviero. She created her own ensemble which performs only original music by Anastasia Sadomski. Currently, she lives and works in Tel Aviv (Israel).

Ludmila Samodaieva composer, pianist Ukraine

Born in 1951 (Ussurijsk, Russia), she graduated from Odessa State A. V. Nezhdanova Conservatoire (now National Music Academy) as a pianist with Prof. L. Ginzburg and as a composer under Prof. O. Krasotov. Her works were performed at the Kiev-Music-Fest (1995, 1997), Two Days and Two Nights of New Music (Odessa, 1996–1999, 2002–2006), Musica Humana (Zaporizhzhja, 2000) and at numerous abroad festivals (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, Russia, incl. Tatarstan). She is a Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Music Theatre Leo Vitoshyns’kyj Prize (1998) and M. Verykivs’kyj Prize (2003). A member of the National Ukrainian Composers’ Union, Association New Music and Ukrainian Theatrical Union.

Ihor Shcherbakov composer Ukraine Born in 1955 in Dnipropetrovsk, he graduated as a composer under Prof. V. Kireiko from Kiev State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire (now National P. I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy of Ukraine) where now he is Professor for composition. In 1999 he was awarded the Ukrainian National T. Shevchenko Prize. He was titled the Honoured Arts Worker of Ukraine. He organized and has been the music director of the festivals International Youth Music Forum and Music Premieres of the Season. From 1999 he was the Head of the Board of Kiev Organization of the National Ukrainian Composers’ Union; since 2010 he has been the Head of the Board of the National Ukrainian Composers’ Union. A Corresponding Member of the Ukraine National Arts Academy (2013). Oleksiy Shmurak composer Ukraine

Born in Saint Petersburg (Russia) in 1986 and moving to Kiev in 1988, he graduated from Kiev V. Kosenko Music School no. 3, Kiev M. V. Lysenko Special Secondary Music School as a pianist (with B. Arkhimovych) and as a composer (with A. Zahaikevych) and from Kiev National P. I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy as a composer (with Prof. Yu. Ishchenko). He participated in Kiev master-classes of the Freiburg Ensemble Recherche (Germany) and Israeli composer Yuval Shaked. He was awarded prizes at International Composers’ Competitions in Russia: Alfred Schnittke (Moscow, 2002), Valeriy Gavrilin (Vologda, 2004), Step to the Left (St. Petersburg, 2009), and in Ukraine: Maestro (Simferopol, 2003). In 2007 he co-founded and hereafter has been co-ordinator and pianist of the Ensemble Nostri Temporis specializing in music of the 20th–21st centuries, incl. music by young Ukrainian composers. He is a member of the Artistic Council of the International Youth Music Forum. He was a co-founder and Music Designer of the International New Music Festival Bridge of Friendship: Ukraine–Russia (Moscow, 2009); a founder and supervisor of International Composers’ Competition Connecting music (Kiev, 2009).



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