Compass Magazine | Your Health & Wellbeing Guide | Summer Edition 2024

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HEALTH Consultations

stretching AT WORK

World Wellbeing Week

Navigating Alcohol's Impact on Physical and Mental Wellbeing in the UK

LGBTQIA+ community in the Workplace

C O MPASS Your Health and Wellbeing Guide SUMMER 2024
to expect from a virtual DSE Assessment PLUS... MORE+
Migraines at work: guidance for employees The health benefits of cycling in the UK What

Training Programmes at PAM Group

We deliver quality, organisation and people – focused services with a vision of being the best and not the biggest.

We believe in innovation, agility and quality and to achieve that, our colleagues are supported to be the best they can be.

We have over 50 colleagues attending PAM funded University courses.

We deliver over 40 training, development and awareness sessions every month to our colleagues on a range of different topics.

Our colleagues are supported in developing their writing skills and getting published is part of the achievement.

Our e-learning platform is going from strength to strength, with a wealth of on-demand webinars for our colleagues from every avenue in the business.

We would like to talk to you if you are interested in joining the Occupational Health business here at PAM Group, please contact our recruitment team at to arrange a call.

The world of Occupational Health and workplace wellbeing is constantly developing. Encouraging our colleagues to keep abreast of developments, means our clients and their employees get the best and most up to date advice.

PAM Academy facilitates the growth and development of all colleagues at PAM Group and supports the wider management team with evidence based learning, client focussed insight and delivery of recognised industry acceditations. pam-academy

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World wellbeing week Page 4-9

Enhancing occupational health consultations by integrating health promotion activities for workers with chronic Illness

Page 10-13

Navigating alcohol's impact on physical and mental wellbeing in the UK

Page 14-15

What to expect from a virtual DSE Assessment

Page 16-17

Pedal power: The health benefits of cycling in the UK

Page 18-19

Effective MSD management and prevention advice for managers Page 20-21

LGBTQIA+ community in the workplace

Page 22-23

Migraines at work: guidance for employees

Page 24-27

Stretching at work

Page 28-29

How assistive technology can support neurodivergent colleagues at work

Page 30-31

Strengthen your body: Essential physio tools for building strength

Page 32-34

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Your Health and Wellbeing Guide SUMMER 202 4 10-13 30-31 Compass Magazine is published by PAM Group Ltd. Contact us: 73-75, Sankey St, Warrington WA1 1SL All rights reserved - Reproduction is strictly prohibited - Copyright 2022 © For more information visit

World Wellbeing Week

June 24th to 30th 2024

World Wellbeing Week began in Jersey in 2019 and is now celebrating both its fifth year and the incredible global reach to the 58 million people who took part around the world last year.

Wellbeing and mental health are intrinsically linked; it is increasingly important for managers to ensure they have support and training to gain the skills and confidence needed to use their voice to challenge mental health stigma and to promote and model positive wellbeing behaviours inclusive mental health and wellbeing discussions in the workplace.

Poor mental health is linked to lower productivity and an increase in absences from work. A report from Deloitte 2022 stated that mental ill-health costs UK businesses £56 billion annually.

Wellbeing and mental wellness in the workplace has become an imperative focus for employers. (Business ITN Oct 2023 Skills and Work).

World Wellbeing Week offers managers a focused platform to inspire and empower staff to explore their wellbeing; a chance to co-create opportunities in which employees can actively engage in new activities together or individually to improve their wellbeing. It’s a chance to shine a spotlight, to encourage employees to reflect on their wellbeing goals. The focus of this week can be used to foster motivation, curiosity and agency in seeking

new ways to boost wellbeing across the psychological, mental, emotional, physical and social aspects of employees lives.

"The workplace is a key setting where transformative action is needed” — a finding reported in the World Health Organisation’s 2022 ‘World mental health report: Transforming mental health for all'.

The Global Wellbeing Week initiative is a great conversation starter for managers, an inspiration for new ways of working, for individuals to open up about challenges or issues at work that might be negatively impacting their wellbeing, a chance to lead by example and a focussed opportunity to create a safe space for opening up feedback on the culture of the workplace and any issues that may be contributing to poor wellbeing, and therefore negatively impacting mental health.

“The leading cause of absence is mental health issues” - Dr Van Ommeron- WHO Mental health expert-(2022 Report World Health Organisation).

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Employee engagement and wellbeing are closely linked, stress levels of employees have increased in recent years due to external factors such as the cost of living crisis. Therefore, employees’ domestic lives are, in general, becoming more challenging

Depression and anxiety have increased 25% since pandemic – WHO 2022 World mental health report.

The workplace can be a welcome break and respite from home stress, somewhere that employees can feel their skills and achievements are recognised, where they can experience a sense of satisfaction and an increase in confidence and self-esteem. Managers are in a unique position to lead by example, to recognise achievements, to promote wellbeing and create an inclusive culture that values and respects all staff members.

Recognition does more than fuel employee wellbeing: It promotes a more positive outlook and mitigates burnout. (Amplifying Wellbeing at Work and Beyond-Through the Power of Recognition) GALLUP/Workhuman Report 2023.

It is important that managers have support to engage in training and to develop skills to confidently use their voice to talk positively about mental health and wellbeing to employees, to encourage openness and create a safe space to discuss issues so that employees feel comfortable reaching out when needed.

It is thought that approximately 40% of today’s workforce are neurodiverse. There is a societal and medical rise in awareness of neurodiversity and therefore diagnosis, particularly amongst women and girls which means that a significant number of the current and future workforce are and will be neurodivergent and may need specific adjustments, more flexibility and diversity aware and inclusive employers.


Many neurodiverse people are excellent at “masking” to more easily fit in and function at work in a neurotypical society. (Nerenberg, 2020). “Masking” can be exhausting and lead to symptoms of burn out, so raising awareness and educating workforces in terms of neurodiversity may support employees to feel able to discuss their needs and any issues.

The majority of human beings are what is termed neurotypical, while research indicates that between 15 and 20% are neurodivergent (Doyle, 2020).

Managers who focus on getting to know staff, truly demonstrating care and a genuine interest in staff wellbeing, as well as offering robust organisational wellbeing strategies are increasingly attractive to employees, in particular the Gen Z workforce, who place more value on mental health and wellbeing and a positive work-life balance.

“Generation Z are three times more likely to rank wellbeing at work as important compared to the older workforce”. 2022 Gympass State of Work-Life Wellness report.

Employee wellbeing has emerged as a top priority for organisations seeking to attract and retain top talent. In 2024, companies will place a greater emphasis on holistic wellbeing programs that go beyond physical health. Mental health support, stress management initiatives, and flexible work arrangements that promote work-life balance, will become integral components of the workplace culture.


A report by the CIPD (Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development) highlighted that employee assistance programmes (EAPs) continue to be the most common wellbeing benefit offered, followed by access to counselling services.

"People are at the centre of it all. If we want the best performance from our organisations, we have to look after our people." Peter Cheese, Chief Executive CIPD

Here are some ideas to try in World Wellbeing Week to boost employees wellbeing:

Daily Mindful Walk

Mindfulness walking encourage employees to build a healthy habit over this summer’s World Wellbeing Week, individually or perhaps as a group so that it becomes easier to continue during the winter months having seen and felt the benefits. Walking and being outside is a fantastic way to boost wellbeing and improve mental and physical health. Just twenty minutes outside a day boosts our levels of Vitamin D which helps to keep bones, muscles and teeth healthy, and is thought to improve the production of feel good hormones. Mindfulness walking really tunes into the here and now, noticing how we engage with all of our senses, becoming fully present in the world around us, the sounds we hear, the plants, trees and birds, practise being in the moment to alleviate stress and anxiety.

HSBC has noticed a 30% reduction in stress levels amongst staff who have taken their mindfulness programme, and are now running around 40 sessions a week, globally. (

Meditation and gratitude journaling

Morning or evening are great times to practise a short session of meditation or gratitude journalling. Both these activities are excellent exercises to boost mental health and wellbeing. Even a few minutes each day can help to reduce stress and improve concentration and mood. There are plenty of apps or online short free meditations – Calm/Headspace Apps. Choosing three things each day to write down that we are grateful for is a great way to begin to more easily notice the glimmers of positivity and to train the brain to tune in more easily to the happy moments in busy days.

Noticing our Digital habits

A good exercise to begin with is to consciously notice how often each day we find ourselves reaching for the mobile phone and how easy it is to be unaware of how much time has passed when we have picked it up. Set a personal or group challenge to not pick up the device immediately, and in that moment decide when to engage with it and how long for and schedule that time. Set a timer on devices or unplug from all digital devices for a set period daily/weekly/monthly.

Set up a positive feedback space/system

Where employees are encouraged to compliment each other and to notice the positives in each other. A positive comment from a colleague can really boost mood and wellbeing and increase self-esteem in individuals as well as boost team morale.

Make sure employees have regular meetings with their managers

To talk about any problems they're having, provide resources to support open conversations about mental health, increase awareness of mental health through training and campaigns and appoint mental health 'champions' who are trained to listen and tell staff where to get support. (ACAS – Managing employees Wellbeing).

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Set a team eco-friendly challenge for world wellness week

This could be improving recycling in workplace or doing a local litter pick, encourage eating plant based lunches or bring a plant into the office space. Perhaps swapping to energy efficient lightbulbs and single use items. All these activities can support wellbeing by becoming more aware of the environment, more involved in community and increasing our awareness of our daily impact and how easy it is to make small changes that boost our sense of wellbeing and connectedness with our world.

Whatever you decide to do in this wellbeing week you will not be alone. 58+ million people around the globe will be joining together to celebrating wellbeing and raise awareness, sharing ideas and inspiring positive change. Whatever you do, have a very happy world wellness week!

Here’s a link to 2024-Wellbeing calendar link:

The Rise of Gen Z in the workforce: Embracing mental health and wellbeing- Report -Linkedin rise-gen-z-workforce-embracing-mentalhealth-well-being.

How can PAM Wellness Solutions help?

Our comprehensive wellbeing services can help to reduce mental health issues in your organisation with the following support services:

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Access to a 24/7 confidential helpline answered by qualified counsellors for in-themoment emotional support. As well as wellbeing resources to support a variety of personal and professional issues.

Enhanced Psychological Services

Access to professional counsellors through management referrals, providing employees with proactive support to effectively manage their mental health challenges.

Mental Health First Aid

By implementing Mental Health First Aid to support employees, we can help you reduce the prevalence of mental health issues. All our mental health first aid training is delivered by qualified professionals with experience in workplace mental health.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Webinars

Increase awareness of mental health in the workplace by booking our workshops and training on specialist topics relating to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

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Enhancing Occupational Health Consultations BY

Integrating Health Promotion Activities for Workers with Chronic Illness

Occupational health consultations provide opportunities to address the complex needs of employees, particularly those with chronic illnesses. Involving health promotion activities within these consultations ensures a holistic approach to workers' well-being which in turn helps to achieve improved health outcomes and enhance the quality of life for the workers with these challenges.

Occupational health consultations stand as a crucial station in the delivery of healthcare for employees, offering a unique point to discuss and address health concerns that may impact work, particularly in the context of chronic illnesses.

This article aims to show the significance of incorporating health promotion activities during occupational health consultations. By exploring key focal areas of needs, from diabetes management programs to stress management interventions, this article advocates for a holistic approach to promoting health and well-being in the workplace.

In recent years, health promotion activities have been mainly inculcated as part of organisational

wellness programs, and they may not address individual health needs. Workers become lost in data while pursuing the core functions of the organisation. Given that non-work-related factors also contribute to individual health and well-being, occupational health consultations may be a key source of information and one-to-one discussion on the individual’s health needs and how to improve functioning at work.

Importance of Health Promotion Activities in the management of chronic illnesses

Health promotion activities are interventions aimed at empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards improving their health. Chronic health conditions are the leading cause of death in Europe and are defined by the World Health Organization as health problems requiring ongoing management for years or decades. They are usually non-communicable diseases of long duration and slow progression which impact the quality of daily life and have implications for health, social care systems and employers.

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Esan | Occupational Physician at PAM OH Solutions

For workers living with chronic illnesses, health promotion activities play a significant role in managing their conditions effectively and reducing associated risks. By addressing modifiable lifestyle factors such as diet, healthy weight, physical activity and exercise, stress management, adequate rest, and sleep, drinking less alcohol and smoking cessation, health promotion activities can enhance overall health outcomes, and employees’ productivity, and foster a culture of wellness within the workplace.

In the long term, health promotion activities enhance workers' well-being, promote a culture of health: reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, lower healthcare costs, and support long-term employment:

Key Focus Areas

Diet and Nutrition:

Diet plays a crucial role in managing chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Maintaining a healthy weight remains the key target of most dietary interventions. Occupational health consultations provide an opportunity to educate workers about the importance of a balanced diet and offer personalized dietary recommendations tailored to their specific health needs.

For instance, workers with diabetes may benefit from guidance on carbohydrate counting, portion control, and meal planning to optimize blood glucose control. A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is crucial for bone health for workers with osteoporosis. Nutritional needs may vary for cancer patients, but generally, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is advised.

A balanced diet with controlled portion sizes, combined with regular physical activity, is essential for weight management.

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In addition, occupational health clinicians can make a case for flexible work hours and timed breaks to allow workers with chronic illnesses to adhere to diet specifications. This applies mostly to shift and night workers. These workers often face challenges maintaining a healthy diet due to irregular eating patterns and limited access to nutritious food during night hours. Interventions targeting diet, physical activity, and particularly sleep problems specifically developed for these workers could potentially reduce the adverse health effects associated with shift and night work.

Physical Activity:

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining optimal health and managing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders. Occupational health consultations can assess workers' current activity levels, identify barriers to exercise, and provide tailored recommendations to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines. This may include prescribing specific exercises, recommending workplace ergonomics adjustments, or facilitating access to fitness resources.

Stress Management:

Chronic stress can exacerbate existing health conditions and contribute to a host of physical and mental health problems. It can disrupt nearly every system in the body, potentially leading to health issues such as heart disease, diabetes,

depression, gastrointestinal problems, and obesity. Occupational health consultations offer an ideal platform to recognise the harmful impact of stress (either work-related or non-work related), educate workers on the need for stress management and signpost workers to stress management programs which teach mindfulness techniques, relaxation exercises, and cognitive-behavioural strategies. By equipping workers with mental health resilience techniques and effective coping mechanisms, healthcare professionals can help mitigate the detrimental effects of stress and improve overall well-being.

Smoking Cessation:

Smoking remains a significant risk factor for various chronic diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, metabolic disease, and respiratory disorders. Individuals with chronic illnesses who smoke are at high risk of disease progression, treatment complications, and poorer health outcomes.

Occupational health consultations offer an ideal platform to recognise workers’ smoking habits, and the harmful impact of smoking, educate workers on health risks associated with smoking and the benefits of cessation and signpost workers to smoking cessation interventions. By addressing tobacco use in the workplace, employers can create a healthier environment and reduce the burden of smoking-related diseases.

Alcohol Use Management:

Alcohol consumption is a prevalent behaviour with significant implications for health, particularly among individuals with chronic illnesses. Alcohol consumption has been linked to numerous chronic illnesses, including liver disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mental health disorders. Individuals with chronic illnesses may be particularly vulnerable to the negative health effects of alcohol due to impaired metabolism, medication interactions, and compromised immune function. Moreover, alcohol consumption can exacerbate symptoms and complications associated with underlying chronic conditions, leading to poorer health outcomes and reduced quality of life.

In the context of occupational health consultations, addressing alcohol consumption is essential for managing chronic conditions effectively and improving overall well-being. Occupational health clinicians can routinely screen workers using validated screening tools such as the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) for early detection of harmful use of alcohol. The clinician can also educate workers about the health risks associated with alcohol consumption, particularly in the context of chronic illnesses.

Workers with problematic alcohol use or alcohol use disorders can be referred to specialized treatment services, such as alcohol counselling, support groups, or rehabilitation programs


The integration of health promotion activities within occupational health consultations holds immense promise for enhancing the wellbeing of employees, particularly those living with chronic illnesses.

By addressing modifiable lifestyle factors and providing tailored support, workers can be empowered to manage their conditions effectively and improve their overall quality of life.

For more detailed guidance, The NHS has a library of healthy living resources (https:// while The European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP) provides a guide to good practices for managing workers with chronic illness, emphasizing the benefits of such initiatives for economic growth, gainful employment, and increased productivity. doc/2018/04/20/enwhp_guide_ph_work_ final.pdf

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Spirits, Pints, and Health: Navigating Alcohol's Impact on Physical and Mental Wellbeing in the UK

Alcohol Awareness Week is a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change, and more. Alcohol Awareness Week 2024 will take place from 1 to 7 July on the theme of 'Understanding alcohol harm'.

In the United Kingdom, a pint of ale or a dram of whisky is often seen as a social lubricant, a way to unwind after a long day, or an integral part of celebrations. However, behind the convivial clinks of glasses, it's important to recognise the impact of alcohol consumption on our health. From the physical toll on our bodies to the effects on mental wellbeing, understanding the science behind alcohol is crucial. Let's delve into the facts to make informed choices about our drinking habits.


Physical Effects: Liver, Heart, and Beyond

At the forefront of alcohol's impact on health is its relationship with the liver. Regular and excessive drinking can lead to liver diseases such as fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. The liver, responsible for metabolising alcohol, can become inflamed and damaged over time, impairing its ability to function properly. According to the British Liver Trust, liver disease is one of the leading causes of premature death in the UK, with alcohol being a significant factor.

Moreover, the heart is not immune to alcohol's influence. While moderate alcohol consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking has the opposite effect. The British Heart Foundation warns that heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, cardiomyopathy (weakening of the heart muscle), and an increased risk of stroke.

Beyond these immediate concerns, alcohol contributes to weight gain due to its high calorie content and can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, including breast, liver, and throat cancer.

The British Medical Journal reports that alcohol use was responsible for an estimated 15,000 cancer cases in the UK in 2020.

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The impact of alcohol on mental health is a complex interplay of short-term effects and long-term consequences. In the short term, alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or depression. It can initially provide a sense of relaxation and euphoria, which is why many turn to it in times of distress.

However, this relief is often temporary and can mask underlying mental health issues. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate anxiety and depression, leading to a vicious cycle of drinking to cope with negative emotions, which in turn worsens mental wellbeing.

The Mental Health Foundation points out that alcohol is a depressant, which means it can disrupt the balance of chemicals in the brain, affecting mood and cognition. Binge drinking, in particular, is associated with an increased risk of mental health disorders, including alcohol-induced psychosis, memory impairments, and alcohol use disorder.

Guidelines for Safer Drinking

So, how can we enjoy alcohol responsibly while minimising its impact on our health?

The UK Chief Medical Officers' guideline for both men and women advises limiting alcohol intake to no more than 14 units per week, spread across several days. This equates to roughly 6 pints of beer or 7 glasses of wine.

It's also recommended to have at least 2 alcohol-free days per week to give the body a chance to recover. "Pacing" drinks by alternating alcoholic beverages with water or non-alcoholic options can help reduce overall consumption and prevent dehydration.

For those who choose to drink, understanding individual limits is crucial. Factors such as age, weight, metabolism, and tolerance all play a role in how alcohol affects the body.

Being mindful of one's own reactions and knowing when to stop can prevent unintended harm.

Seeking Support and Making Informed Choices

For those concerned about their alcohol consumption or its impact on their health, seeking support is essential. The UK offers a range of resources, including helplines, counselling services, and support groups for those looking to cut down or quit drinking.

Remember, it's okay to say no to that extra round or to opt for alcohol-free alternatives. Moderation and awareness are key to enjoying the occasional tipple without compromising our health.

In conclusion, as we raise our glasses in the UK, let's also raise awareness of the effects of alcohol on our bodies and minds. By understanding the science behind alcohol consumption and making informed choices, we can toast to good health and wellbeing.


British Liver Trust. (n.d.). Liver Disease Statistics. British Heart Foundation. (n.d.). Alcohol and Heart Disease. Cancer Research UK. (2020). How Many Cancer Cases in the UK Are Linked to Alcohol? Mental Health Foundation. (n.d.). Alcohol and Mental Health. UK Chief Medical Officers. (2016). Alcohol Guidelines Review. uploads/attachment_data/file/545937/UK_CMOs__report.pdf

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Mental Health and Alcohol: A Complex Relationship

What to expect from a virtual DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Assessment: What you need to know

In today's digital age, many of us find ourselves spending long hours in front of screens, whether for work or leisure. However, prolonged screen time can lead to various health issues, including eye strain, neck pain, and repetitive strain injuries. That is where Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments come in. At PAM Physio Solutions and PAM Ergonomics, we understand the importance of adapting to the virtual landscape. Here, we will guide you through what to expect from a virtual DSE Assessment, ensuring you optimise your workspace for comfort and productivity.

HSE (Health and Safety Executive) Requirements:

It is a legal requirement that all workspaces comply to HSE Display Screen Equipment (DSE) requirements, under the screen equipment regulations 1992. Regulations cover any employees who use DSE for over one hour at a time, and require they have a DSE assessment by a suitable ergonomic specialist when employees are;

• New to a business

• Change workstations or working location

• Raise a related health concern.

Understanding Virtual DSE Assessments:

Virtual DSE Assessments offer the convenience of evaluating your workspace remotely, without the need for an in-person visit. This approach allows our trained DSE Assessors to assess your workstation setup and provide personalised recommendations tailored to your needs from the comfort of your current office or homeworking set up.

Pre-Assessment Preparation:

Before your virtual DSE Assessment, it is essential to prepare your workstation as you would for an in-person evaluation. Ensure adequate lighting, a comfortable chair, and proper positioning of your monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

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Additionally, have any relevant documents or equipment ready to share with the assessor.

Some top tips for pre-assessment preparation are:

• Bring a tape measure. It might not always be required to be used, but it is useful to have readily available

• Ensure you attend the assessment at the agreed time. It is important that we make the most of the time we have planned in to really understand any improvements we can make to your workstation set up.

• Note down any questions you may have for us at the end. This will allow us to answer any that have not been covered as part of the assessment.

The Assessment Process:

During the virtual assessment, our trained ergonomic specialist will guide you through a series of questions and visual observations to assess your workspace setup. They will ask about your daily work routine, any discomfort you experience, and your existing equipment. They will deep dive into any specific problem areas and assess the environment you work in to create a thorough picture of your day-to-day experience.

Virtual Assessment:

Our virtual DSE Assessments utilise video conferencing platforms like Microsoft Teams to facilitate real-time communication between you and your assessor. This allows for a thorough evaluation of your workspace, as the assessor can see your setup and provide immediate feedback and recommendations.

Interactive Assessment:

You can expect the assessment to be interactive, with the assessor guiding you through adjustments to your workstation in real-time. They may suggest changes to your chair height, monitor positioning, or keyboard placement to optimise ergonomics and reduce strain.

So, what are the benefits of a virtual assessment?

• You will get a thorough understanding of the correct, recommended positions at your workstation, either at home or the office from a DSE Assessor.

• You will learn the importance of these positions and how they prevent exacerbating any pains or symptoms you are currently experiencing.

• We will advise you on any adjustments or modifications that can be made during the assessment, if possible, as well as recommend more suitable equipment for your workstation if necessary.

Personalised Recommendations:

Based on the assessment findings, the assessor will provide personalised recommendations to improve your workspace ergonomics. This may include adjusting your chair settings, using ergonomic accessories, or implementing software solutions to reduce eye strain or repetitive movements. Your assessment will be written up as a detailed report, with bespoke workplace adjustments that would improve comfort, as well as recommendations for any products that could enhance your workstation set up.

Post-Assessment Support:

After the assessment, you will receive a detailed report outlining the recommendations discussed during the session. Additionally, our team is available to provide ongoing support and assistance with implementing the suggested changes to ensure your continued comfort and well-being and help with purchasing any recommended products. Virtual DSE Assessments offer a convenient and effective way to optimise your workspace for improved comfort and productivity. By understanding what to expect from the assessment process, you can confidently take steps to create a healthier and more ergonomic work environment. If you are ready to enhance your workspace, schedule a virtual DSE Assessment with us today.

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Pedal Power: The Health Benefits of Cycling in the UK

National Cycle to Work Day is approaching us on the 1st August 2024, and we turn our attention to the health benefits of cycling, not just to work but in everyday life too.

In recent years, the humble bicycle has been making a powerful comeback as a mode of transportation and a tool for improving health. From bustling city streets to serene countryside paths, cycling in the UK offers a myriad of benefits for both body and mind. Let's delve into the science-backed advantages of this two-wheeled wonder and explore why hopping on a bike might just be the pedal-powered prescription we all need.

Cycling for a Stronger Heart

One of the most significant benefits of cycling is its positive impact on cardiovascular health. Engaging in regular cycling has been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and overall cardiovascular mortality. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that cycling to work was associated with a 41% lower risk of dying from any cause, compared to non-active commuters. The aerobic nature of cycling helps to strengthen the heart muscle, improve circulation, and lower blood pressure, all of which contribute to a healthier heart.

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Weight Management and Cycling

In a nation where obesity rates are a growing concern, cycling presents itself as a fun and effective way to manage weight. Whether it's a leisurely ride through the park or a daily commute, cycling burns calories and boosts metabolism. According to research from the University of Glasgow, cycling to work can help shed those extra pounds, with regular cyclists having a lower body mass index (BMI) than non-cyclists. The combination of calorie expenditure and increased muscle mass from pedaling contributes to improved body composition and weight loss.

Mental Wellbeing on Two Wheels

Beyond the physical benefits, cycling has a profound impact on mental health. The rush of endorphins released during a ride can elevate mood and reduce stress levels. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Essex found that just a 30-minute bike ride can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and increase overall feelings of wellbeing. In a fast-paced world where stress is a constant companion, cycling offers a welcome escape, allowing riders to clear their minds and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

Building Stronger Muscles and Bones

Cycling isn't just good for the heart—it's also a fantastic way to strengthen muscles and bones. The repetitive motion of pedaling engages various muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. This not only tones and firms the legs but also helps to build overall muscle strength. Furthermore,


cycling is a weight-bearing exercise, which is crucial for maintaining healthy bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

Let's not forget the wider-reaching advantages of cycling. Choosing to ride a bike instead of driving a car reduces air pollution, eases traffic congestion, and lowers carbon emissions. The UK government has been actively promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transport, investing in cycling infrastructure and initiatives such as cycle-to-work schemes. Moreover, cycling is a cost-effective option, saving individuals money on fuel, parking fees, and public transport fares.

Embracing the Cycling Culture in the UK

As cycling gains popularity across the UK, communities are embracing this eco-friendly and health-promoting activity. Cities like London, Bristol, and Manchester are investing in cycling lanes, bike-sharing schemes, and cycling events to encourage more people to pedal their way to better health.

So, whether you're commuting to work, exploring scenic countryside routes, or simply enjoying a leisurely ride through the park, remember that cycling offers a wealth of benefits for your health and the environment. With each pedal stroke, you're not just moving forward—you're investing in a healthier, happier you.

So, let's pedal our way to a brighter, healthier future—one revolution at a time.

Celis-Morales, C. A., et al. (2017). Association between active commuting and incident cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mortality: prospective cohort study. British Medical Journal, 357, j1456. Flint, E., et al. (2014). Change in commute mode and body-mass index: prospective, longitudinal evidence from UK Biobank. The Lancet Public Health, 2(5), e221-e231. Wood, C., et al. (2010). The effects of exercise on affective responses to acute stress in recreationally active participants. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32(4), 555-573.

Pacheco, L. C., et al. (2020). Effectiveness of cycling as an osteogenic activity in premenopausal women: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 30(8), 1389-1400.

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Effective MSD management and prevention advise for managers

To truly understand the impacts of a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) on employees, its important to first demystify what MSDs truly entail.

In essence, a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) encompasses any injury, damage, or disorder affecting the joints or tissues in the upper limbs, lower limbs, or the back. These can manifest as a consequence of sudden injuries or the gradual accumulation of strain over time. Understanding the intricacies of MSDs is paramount for effective management and proactive prevention strategies in the workplace.

So, where to employees get MSD’s?

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Who is at Risk of Developing MSDs?

All employees, regardless of their role, are susceptible to developing Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). However, the manifestation of these disorders can vary depending on job responsibilities and individual characteristics. How we address and manage MSDs is crucial in mitigating their impact on workplace wellbeing.

Contributing Risk Factors to MSDs:

Personal Factors:

• Poor physical fitness

• Engaging in static and awkward postures

• Lack of flexibility

• Insufficient strength

• Poor coordination

• Inadequate nutrition and diet

• Stress and mental health concerns

• Unhealthy work habits

Workplace Factors:

• Inadequate ergonomic work design

• Engaging in highly repetitive tasks

• Excessive lifting of heavy objects

• Lack of job rotations

• Organisational factors affecting workload

• Poor manual handling techniques

• Insufficient process control

• Continued engagement in static or awkward postures

Understanding and addressing these personal and workplace factors is essential in effectively managing and preventing MSDs in the workplace.

Managing MSD’s:

Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is a critical aspect of workplace health and productivity. While MSDs are common, effective prevention strategies can significantly reduce their occurrence. However, it's essential to acknowledge that complete prevention may not always be feasible. Therefore, adopting efficient management practices becomes imperative to mitigate their impact on both employees and the organization.

The Consequences of Poor Management:

When MSDs are inadequately managed, the consequences can be far-reaching:

• Employees may experience persistent pain and functional limitations.

• Productivity may suffer due to presenteeism and decreased performance.

• Increased absenteeism adds to operational disruptions.

• Financial burdens escalate through decreased profitability and potential legal ramifications.

The Benefits of Effective Management:

On the flip side, implementing robust MSD management protocols yields numerous benefits:

• Enhanced employee health and wellbeing contribute to a positive work environment.

• Improved performance and productivity translate into tangible gains for the organization.

• Reduced sickness absence minimizes operational disruptions.

• Financial savings accrue from decreased costs and increased profitability.

How can managers help prevent MSD’s?:

Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is a shared responsibility between managers and employees. By implementing proactive measures, managers can create a safer and healthier work environment conducive to preventing MSDs.

Effective Prevention Strategies:



Managers should familiarise themselves with ergonomic principles and invest in ergonomic solutions tailored to their workplace environment. This includes optimizing workstations, tools, and equipment to minimize strain on employees' musculoskeletal systems.

Encourage Effective Manual Handling in All Roles: Promoting proper manual handling techniques is crucial in preventing MSDs. Managers should provide training and resources to ensure employees understand how to lift, carry, and move objects safely to reduce the risk of injury.



Encourage Personal Responsibility to Risk Assess Job Roles/Tasks: Empowering employees to take personal responsibility for risk assessment fosters a proactive approach to MSD prevention. Encourage open communication and feedback channels where employees can report hazards or concerns related to their job roles or tasks.

Promote Workplace Exercise/Movement: Encouraging regular exercise and movement breaks throughout the workday can help alleviate musculoskeletal strain and improve overall well-being. Managers can organize workplace exercise programs or provide resources to support employee fitness initiatives.


Promote Health & Wellbeing Campaigns (In and Outside Work): Supporting health and wellbeing campaigns both within and outside the workplace reinforces the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent MSDs. Managers can facilitate workshops, seminars, or initiatives focused on nutrition, stress management, and physical activity.

Compass Magazine 21

LGBTQIA+ community in the Workplace

Pride Month commemorates the ongoing struggle for civil rights and equal treatment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.

The significance of Pride being held during the month of June is to remember the event that sparked the flame of the international LGBTQIA+ rights movement, the Stonewall Uprising. On June 28th 1969 during a raid on The Stonewall Inn activists fought back against their oppression. Lesbians and trans women of colour including Marsha P Johnson, Sylvia Rivera and Stormé DeLarverie were at the forefront.

A study by Stonewall (2018) on LGBTQIA+ mental health & wellbeing in the UK found:

Pride is a chance to remember the power of standing together in solidarity against discrimination as well as celebrate everything about our LGBTQIA identities that makes us proud.

The years since have seen great advancements in acceptance and equality for LGBTQIA+ people. However some of those hard won rights are currently being threatened and many LGBTQIA+ people still face challenges to living a happy fulfilling life. Being from a marginalised gender or sexuality comes with higher risk of mental health problems due to experiencing discrimination, rejection, and hate crimes.

52% of LGBTQIA+ people said they experienced depression in the last year.

2% of LGB people reported they had attempted to take their own lives, significantly higher for transgender people at 12%.

LGBTQIA+ people deserve acceptance and fair treatment in all areas of our lives including our workplaces. The concept of ‘coming out’ is stereotypically viewed as a onetime event. In fact it is a continuous decision making process on which spaces we feel safe to be open about our identities in. The workplace can be one of the riskiest environments to come out, LGBTQIA+ people fear negative comments, bullying, discrimination and even assault. 35% of LGB staff have reported they hide or disguise their identities at work, this number rises to 51% for transgender people (Stonewall, 2018).

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To create a supportive workplace for marginalised people here are some steps organisations can take:

Develop, implement and enforce zero tolerance policies on homophobic and transphobic bullying, harassment and victimisation.

Employees report that even if their workplace appears generally supportive lacking targeted LGBTQIA+ discrimination policies can leave them feeling left behind. Clearly communicate the process of reporting homophobia & transphobia to all staff. Managers should be supported in taking swift action to acknowledge and deal with problematic behaviour. Whistle blowing services should be implemented so employees can choose to disclose in a confidential manner.

Support staff awareness through training.

Provide opportunities for all staff to receive diversity and inclusion training which will help them to understand what homophobia and transphobia look like. Including more covert instances like microaggressions (brief exchanges that send demeaning messages to a marginalised group, often coming from an otherwise well-intentioned person unaware of the impact of their words or actions).

Specifically target inclusion of transgender people.

Transgender people are facing the toughest battles to live a life free from discrimination and harassment right now. Create and implement support policies for transgender employees just starting their transition, including how to go about changing their name in workplace correspondence. Loudly speak up about trans inclusion as an organisation and remember key dates like Trans Day of Visibility on 31st March.

Promote the use of inclusive language.

Create a norm where gender or sexuality is not automatically assumed and everyone can feel comfortable expressing their identity. Openly share your own pronouns and ask staff to do the same, include them in email signatures, on lanyards and online profiles. Look out for language in the workplace that assumes heterosexual and cisgender identities are the default. If there are policy documents that apply broadly consider using neutral language like ‘they’ pronouns, ‘partner’ instead of husband/ wife and ‘parent’ instead of mother/father. If collecting and storing personal data consider if its relevant to business needs to ask gender assigned at birth, include an option besides male/female which allows people to explain their own gender and titles like ‘Mx’.

Offer mental health & emotional wellbeing support to employees.

Offer employees an Employee Assistance Programme, an EAP is a workplace benefit that provides employees with access to counselling, wellbeing resources and a confidential helpline supporting a variety of personal and professional issues. Promote visibility of LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace, encourage staff to form LGBTQIA+ peer support networks and advertise this prominently, get involved in events like Pride and LGBT history month.

Workplaces where LGBQTIA+ people feel safe and confident to be themselves get the best from everybody and improve mental health outcomes.

To find out how PAM Wellness Solutions’ EAP and wellbeing services can support your workforce, you can call us on 01925 976111 or email

Compass Magazine

Migraines at Work: Guidance for employees

Migraine is a common, debilitating but manageable condition. It has a significant, but addressable, cost on people’s working lives and business performance. As an employee, understanding migraine and how it can impact health, productivity and job satisfaction is crucial.

This guide will cover what is migraine, workplace accommodations, and supportive measures to help individuals with migraine improve their experience and contribution at work.

Compass Magazine 24
| Occupational Physician at PAM OH Solutions

What is migraine

A migraine is usually a moderate or severe headache felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head that can last between 4 hours and up to 72 hours.

About 1 in 3 people with migraines have temporary warning symptoms, known as aura, before a migraine [ NHS Scotland: Migraine. Updated March 2024 Retrieved April 2024 ].

Symptoms may include disturbed vision, sensitivity to light, sound, and smells, feeling nauseous and vomiting, feeling very hot or very cold, and poor concentration.

Some people have frequent migraines up to several times a week. Other people only have occasional migraines. It’s possible for years to pass between migraine attacks.

Migraine triggers

There might not always be a trigger. However, people with migraine may find it helpful to keep a migraine diary to help identify triggers and support needs. Common triggers are1:

• Not enough or changing sleep patterns

• Irregular mealtimes

• Being dehydrated

• Artificial light and glare e.g. screens

• Loud noise

• Strong smells

• Tiredness

• Additives, caffeine, and alcohol

• Emotions: stress, anxiety, tension, excitement

• Lack of exercise

• Hormonal changes

Fact sheets

The impact of migraine and headaches on work is often unseen, underestimated and misunderstood by employers and can be underplayed by sufferers to hold on to jobs.

Migraine affects one in seven people in the UK.

Approximately 10 million people live with migraine in the UK.

25% had to change careers because of their migraines and/or headaches.

16% lost their job because of migraines and/or headaches.

3 million workdays are lost every year due to migrainerelated absenteeism costing almost £4.4 billion

Chronic sufferers lose 16.8 days of work per year due to headache-related conditions.

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Preventative measures

Remember that there is no permanent cure for migraines, but with a combination of lifestyle adjustments, medications, and preventive measures, you can better manage them. If your migraines are severe or worsening, consult a GP for personalized advice. Lifestyle Changes [NHS England Migraine Updated September 2022 Retrieved April 2024]:

One of the best ways of preventing migraines is to recognise the things that trigger an attack and try to avoid them.

Keep a Migraine Diary: Tracking your migraines can help identify patterns and triggers.

Dietary Adjustments: Avoid known triggers such as certain foods or drinks (e.g., caffeine, alcohol, aged cheeses).

Regular Eating Patterns: Eating at consistent times can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Stay well hydrated and Limit Caffeine: Reducing caffeine intake may be beneficial.

Stress Management: Techniques like relaxation exercises or mindfulness can help.

Avoid Loud Noises and Bright Lights: These sensory stimuli can trigger migraines.


Painkillers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or paracetamol can help during migraine episodes.

Triptans: These medications specifically target migraines and can be effective.

Anti-Nausea Medications: Some migraines cause nausea, so these drugs can be helpful. Preventive Medicines: Taken daily to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

Complementary Therapies

• Acupuncture

• Relaxation Techniques

Useful links:

NHS gives a medical overview of migraine, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, complications, and prevention.

Migraine Trust is a charity providing information and support for people affected by migraine in the UK, including an Employment Advocacy Toolkit. www. employment-advocacy toolkit-the-migraine-trust.pdf

ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees. Helpline: 0300 123 1100 www.

GOV.UK offers guidance on employing disabled people and people with health conditions and the Equality Act 2010. people-with-health-conditions/ employing-disabled-people-and-people-with healthconditions


1NHS Scotland: Migraine. Updated March 2024 Retrieved April 2024

2A National Migraine Centre factsheet Retrieved April 2024

3NHS England Migraine Updated September 2022 Retrieved April 2024

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Common support measures at work

With the right information and support, most workers with migraine can manage their condition and work effectively.

To create a healthy workplace culture, organisations need to:

• promote good health and wellbeing, encouraging workers to live a healthy lifestyle

• support workers to take preventative action, such as regular exercise

Speak to your manager about your condition and how it affects you

Access to a quiet room

Flexible working hours & location

Regular food & water breaks

Time off for medical appointments

Well-ventilated environment

Ergonomic assessment of work environment and display screen equipment

Seek occupational health expertise.

Compass Magazine 27



Taking short pauses to stretch and reset can be a game-changer for workplace productivity and health. Check out some of these simple stretches to help alleviate workstation fatigue by releasing tension and improving posture.

Keeping your head central, take 1 ear towards your shoulder and use your arm to increase the stretch. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on both sides.

1 2 3 4

Extend one arm out in front of you with elbow straight. Using your other hand, pull the hand upwards and repeat downwards. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on both arms.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lunge laterally to your left side while rotating and reaching both arms forward towards the opposite side. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on both sides.

Stand upright with your hand on your hips. Bend your back backwards, arching the lower back, and keep your chin tucked in whilst looking forwards. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.

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Standing tall roll your shoulders backwards 10 times and repeat forwards.

6 7

Place one foot in front of the other, pressing your heel into the ground and toes towards your shin. Keeping your back straight, push your hips backwards and rest your hands on the knee for support. Lower the torso until there is a slight pull in the back of the front thigh. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on both legs.

9 5

Stand in front of chair/table and hold for support. Grab the top of one ankle with the hand opposite from teh leg and pull your foot towards your buttock until you feel a gentle stretch in front of the thigh. Ensure your knees are aligned and push hip forwards. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times on both legs.

Stand straight with your feet hip width apart. Loft one arm up above your head and slowly bend sideways while reaching down with the opposite hand until you feel a stretch at teh side of your trunk. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat both sides.


Stand and cross one leg in front of the other. Bend forward as far as possible without bending your knees. Slightly turn your body towards teh side of the front leg until you feel a stretch on the exterior side of the back leg. Hold for 20 seconds.


Stand and place both hands on wall/bench, with your feet about half a meter from teh wall. Place one leg behind the other and lean your body forward without bending the back knee until you feel a stretch in your back calf. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times on both legs.

Compass Magazine 29

Breaking Down Barriers – How Assistive Technology can support neurodivergent colleagues at work

Championing diversity in the workplace comes in many forms; prospective employees, suppliers, clients, and customers are taking note of how representative organisations are of society.

This includes neurodiversity, which encompasses a wide range of neurological differences including Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, DCD/Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.

With 1 in 7 of the population estimated to be neurodiverse it is a topic which has gained huge traction in recent years.

Demonstrating strengths in areas such as creative thinking and problem-solving, the value neurodivergent individuals can bring to the workplace is well documented.

However, neurodivergent individuals may also encounter some challenges with certain tasks at work, particularly those which involve executive functions – this is the control panel of the brain and part of its function is to helps us organise, plan, remember and remain focused. Assistive technology is one solution which can be crucial in supporting neurodivergent employees to perform tasks accurately or in a timely manner. The positive benefits for the individual include greater autonomy, independence, and confidence in the work they produce.

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Technology has developed which can help support executive functions and literacy:

Support with organising and planning.

• Digital calendars and Task Apps - These apps can break down tasks, schedule in times for meetings, set reminders, and colour code tasks so they are easy to identify.

• Visual organisation and planning software - Mind mapping software creates a pictorial version of a workflow in a nonlinear format, which can be a great tool for project management. The software can make it clearer for a neurodivergent individual to plan and organise. Seeing the ‘bigger picture’ in a visual way appeals to a neurodivergent brain.

Literacy support

• Speech to text software – If a person has challenges with writing, spelling, or grammar this can be alleviated by using speech to text software in real time, via a built-in microphone or headset connected to a PC. The software will transcribe speech into text and autocorrect along the way, meaning less time spent checking, so the user quickly becomes more productive.

• Screen-readers - These are another excellent tool for people who have challenges with reading or who are visually impaired. The software converts digital text to speech, so the user is less reliant of reading the text, but it remains accessible in a verbal format.

Support with focus

• Minimising distractions - Some software can turn off notifications, block websites and set time limits on screen time to minimise distractions and maintain concentration.

• Screen tinting – As well as tinting the whole screen, the typing line or reading line can be tinted in a colour so the user can stay focused on the text. It is also a useful tool for people who suffer with visual stress, which often co-occurs in neurodivergent individuals.

Assistive Technology can make an enormous difference to an individual’s productivity at work. By enabling access to assistive technologies organisations are paving the way for greater inclusion within the workplace.

for details

Compass Magazine 31 Offer ! New clients 5%
Tech webinar
discount on MindView, TextHelp and Dragon Professional V16 orders by using the code AT05. Expires on 30 June 2024. Look out
of our next Assistive
on 5th June. Contact your account management team for more information.

Essential Physio Tools for Building Strength strengthen Your Body

Within the realm of physiotherapy, the journey toward strength often involves a diverse array of tools and techniques aimed at fortifying the body from within. From the simplicity of resistance bands to the dynamic challenge of kettlebells, each piece of equipment plays a vital role in sculpting muscles, enhancing stability, and fostering functional movement. Read on to uncover the benefits, techniques, and sample exercises associated with some of the most trusted tools in the field.

1Resistance Bands:

These versatile tools help add an extra challenge to strength building workouts. They work by providing external resistance to muscles, helping to increase their strength and endurance over time. One of the key benefits of resistance bands is that they are portable and affordable meaning they are accessible to people of all fitness levels.

There are three main types of resistance bands:

1. Loop Bands: This style band form a closed loop and are commonly used for the lower body exercises such as squats, lunges, and glute bridges.

2. Tube Bands: This style of band consists of a flexible tube with handles on each end and are great for a wide range of upper body exercises such as bicep curls and shoulder presses.

3. Dynamic Bands: This style of band comes in multiple lengths to suit most exercise, ranging from 1.5m to 46m and beyond. They also come in a range of resistance levels.

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Some simple exercises for resistance bands include:

Bicep Curls:

1. Stand on the centre of the resistance band with feet shoulder-width apart

2. Hold one end of the band in each hand

3. Keep elbows close to your sides

4. Curl the bands towards your shoulders

5. Slowly lower them back down

6. Repeat


1. Place the resistance band around the thighs, just above the knees

2. Stand with feet hip-width apart and perform squats as usual

3. Focus on pushing against the resistance band as you rise back up

4. Repeat



Lateral Leg Raises:

1. Secure one end of the resistance band to a sturdy object at ankle height

2. Attach the other end to your ankle and stand sideways to the anchor point

3. Lift your leg out to the side against the resistance band

4. Return to starting position

5. Repeat

A classic strength-training tool, they can be used in a wide range of exercises to target various muscle groups. They provide greater freedom of movement than barbells, and the allow for unilateral exercises, meaning each side of the body can be worked independently.

Types of dumbbells:

1. Fixed-weight Dumbbells: Available in the range of weights, they are typically made of metal, or rubber coated materials.

2. Aqua Floatation Dumbbells: This style of dumbbell adds extra resistance to poolbased exercises and can be used to strengthen and tone the upper body

Some simple exercises for dumbbells include:

Dumbbell Press:

1. Lie flat on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward

2. Press the dumbbells up towards the ceiling until the arms are fully extended

3. Lower the arms back down to chest level

4. Repeat


1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand

2. Step forward with one leg and lower the body until the knees are bent at a 90-degree angle

3. Push back up to the starting position

4. Repeat for each leg

3 Exercise Balls:

Shoulder Raises:

1. Stand with feet hip-width apart

2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand

3. Keeping a slight bend in the elbows, lift the dumbbells out to the side until they reach shoulder height

4. Lower them back down

5. Repeat

Large inflatable balls used for stability and core strength exercises. They provide an unstable surface, forcing your muscles to work harder to maintain balance and stability. Incorporating exercise balls into your strength-training or rehabilitation routine can help improve core strength, balance and posture.

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1. Core Activation: Exercises balls engage deep core muscles, helping to improve core stability and strength.

2. Balance and Coordination: Performing exercises on an unstable surface helps challenge your balance and coordination, enhancing overall body awareness.

3. Versatility: They can be used to target a wide range of muscle groups, making them suitable for beginners and more advanced users.

Some simple exercises for Exercise Balls include:

Plank on Ball:

1. Begin in a plank position with hands on the floor

2. Rest shins on the top of the exercise ball

3. Engage the core and hold the plank position for 30-60 seconds

4. Keep the body in a straight line from head to heels


1. Stand with back against a wall

2. Place an exercise ball between the lower back and the wall

3. Lower into a squat position, keeping the knees aligned with the ankles, and thighs parallel to the ground

4. Press through the heels to return to a standing position

5. Repeat


These cast iron or steel weights and include a handle for ease of use. Their a great tool for building strength, power and endurance. Kettlebell exercises often involve dynamic movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously making them a time-efficient way to improve overall fitness.

The benefits of Kettlebells include:

1. Full-body Conditioning: Many kettlebell exercises involve swinging movements that require coordination and power from the hips, engaging different muscles throughout the body

2. Functional Strength: Kettlebell exercises mimic real-life movements, making them valuable for improving functional strength and mobility.

3. Cardiovascular Fitness: Performing high-intensity kettlebell workouts can elevate heart rate and improve cardiovascular health in addition to building strength.

Some simple exercises for Exercise Balls include:

Kettlebell Swings:

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in front of the body with both hands

2. Hinge at the hips and swing the kettlebell back between your legs

3. Forcefully drive your hips forward to swing the kettlebell up to check level

4. Allow the kettlebell to swing back down between the legs

5. Repeat

Goblet Squats:

1. Hold the kettlebell by the handle close to your chest with elbows bent

2. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly turned out

3. Lower into a squat position, pushing the hips back in bending the knees, keeping the chest lifted and heels grounded

4. Press through the heels to return to a standing position

5. Repeat

Compass Magazine 34
benefits of Exercise Balls include:

from PAM Groups businesses:

PAM OH Solutions is a national Occupational Health provider. We work with clients across all industry sectors, delivering a flexible range of high quality, pro-active and cost-effective services. Combining the traditional values of professional integrity and good customer service with a modern progressive approach to service delivery.

We deliver efficient and fit for purpose Occupational Health solutions to improve attendance and reduce absence in full compliance with legislation. Our approach extends beyond simply providing a reactive management referral service, we aim to forge strong working relationships with our clients, working in partnership to deliver tailored absence management solutions.

PAM Wellness Solutions was born out of a need to support our customers and their employees from a holistic health and wellbeing perspective in 2009, expanding on the physical health and rehabilitation services that our occupational health sister company has expertly provided since 2004.

Our suite of corporate health, neurodiversity, psychological and wellbeing solutions enables organisations the option to engage with a strategic wellbeing partner to support their employee’s whole health and wellbeing needs, and for their employees to benefit from the multidisciplinary expertise of our extensive team. We work strategically to implement proactive workplace health and wellbeing solutions, to help organisations and their people thrive.

• Corporate Health Assessments

• Psychological Services

• Employee Assistance Programme

• Trauma and Critical Incident Support

• Neurodiversity diagnosis and screening

• Menopause Support

• Drug and Alcohol Programme

• Mediation and Whistleblowing

• Workplace Needs Assessments

• Assistive Technology & Ergonomics

• Management Coaching

• Wellness Training, Workshops & Webinars

• Corporate Blood Testing

We are a specialist business under PAM Group and are proud to offer an extensive range of high-quality services, focussing on all of the five pillars of wellbeing.

PAM Physio Solutions provide a variety of physiotherapy solutions and specialist services to ensure speedy, proactive, and early intervention with a focus on clinical excellence and healthy outcomes for clients. We’re committed to client and customer wellbeing and offer comprehensive, end-toend physiotherapy solutions bringing clinical excellence and product-based solutions to our client’s workspaces.

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