Business Resource Guide 2025

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R E S O U R C E G U I D E 2025 2025

Empowering business to succeed, while enriching the community.

2024 Impact Summary

The Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce is here to make sure your business has a voice and the support it needs to grow. We advocate for local businesses and connect you with opportunities, community events, and resources that increase your visibility and profitability. When our community thrives, it attracts residents and brings in a stronger workforce plus, people are more likely to spend locally.

Your Chamber membership isn’t just a benefit to your business; it’s an investment in a stronger, more vibrant local economy.

Produced & Distributed an Advocacy & Key Priorities pubication.

Held a Legislative Forum with Congressman Seth Moulton and National Federation of Independent Business on pending legislation and the impact to businesses.

Conducted several meetings to connect MassDOT with businesses and property owners on Route 114 to provide input/feedback on proposed changes. Participated in Small Business Day at the MA State House on May 15th to promote the interests to legislators Held virtual meet & greets with elected officials including: Rep Tom Walsh, City Council President, Stephanie Peach, Councilor at Large Jon Turco, Ward 1 Councilor Craig Welton, Ward 2 Councilor Peter McGinn, Ward 4 Councilor Julie Daigle to represent business interests Held a forum to discuss impact of Ballot Question 5 Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers with the MA Restaurant Assn. Connected minority businesses to the Roads Business Accelerator Program/Grant

Advocacy Business

Advocated for pro-business voice on issues:

Ltr to US House of Rep re Small Biz Prove It Act

Ltr to City Council Re:Parking Ordinance

Ltr to Editor on Housing Crisis

Ltr to Editor on Peabody Tax Classification

Represented business interests on the City of Peabody’s Master Plan Vision 2035 Committee.

Championed businesses affected by the Central Street road construction project

Created a Resource Guide to help businesses locate programs and opportunities available to them. Provided board training on governance. Welcomed 70+ new members

Offered monthly Navigating the Chamber workshops to educate members on the role of the PACC and help them get the most out of their membership. Held 36 networking events for members to connect, learn and grow their referral base.

Successfully secured media features for chamber members, boosting their visibility and showcasing their contributions to the community in local publications/news outlets.

Conducted a leadership workshop on duties involved with serving on a non profit board

Co-sponsored the Off Shore Wind series to educate businesses on how to be part of the future supply chain.

Held Office Hours with Mass Office of Business Development and MassDevelopment for businesses to learn about resources available.

Ribbon cuttings for 14 new businesses/new members.

Supported the Mass Clean Energy program partnership with the Roads Group to connect local businesses with bid opportunities

Obtained grant from No. Boston Convention & Visitor Bureau to promote restaurants/dining scene.


Health & Wellness Expo in March at Northshore Mall and produced Healthy Living Guide to promote businesses

Awarded $7,000 in high school scholarships with proceeds from the annual Torigian Golf Classic.

Coordinated the Pride in Peabody seasonal flower basket and holiday wreath programs to beautifu downtown and promote members.

Represented the Chamber at the Danvers Rewind Event and Danvers Summer Concert

Held the 2nd annual INCredible Awards to highlight success stories of local businesses and community members

Represented business community interests on future workforce needs as part of the PVMHS CTE Advisory Board. Created the successful ‘Business Pavilion’ at the International Festival to feature local businesses.

Represented business community on the Peabody CARES advisory group to connect newly arrived immigrants to job opportunities

Provided support to PVMHS Cosmetology program seeking grant. Summer Barn Bash at Smith Barn at Brooksby Farm for PACC members and community Promoted chamber member businesses to employees at the Brooksby Village Employee Benefits Fair

Created opportunities for businesses to participate in Nightmare on Main Street and in the Holiday Stroll.


ThePeabodyAreaChamberofCommerceismorethanjustthefaceofthelocalbusiness community we ’reyouradvocate,yourconnector,andyourchampion.Everyday,weworkto ensurenothingstandsinthewayofyoursuccess Whetherit’sspeakingoutagainstantibusinesslegislation,simplifyingburdensomeregulations,ornavigatingachallengingeconomy, we ’reheretosupportyou.

OurGovernmentRelationsCommitteeworkstokeepthevoiceofbusinessfrontandcenter.By fosteringcollaborationbetweenelectedofficials,governmentagencies,educators,andcivic groups,weadvocateforpoliciesthatstrengthenthelocaleconomyandcreateamore competitiveenvironmentforourmembers.

Weaddressissuesthataffectthebusinesscommunityasawhole,impactthemajorityofour members,influenceeconomicdevelopment,oraffectentireindustrieslikemanufacturing, services,andtourism/retail.

Whenanissuemeetstheseguidelines,wetakepublicpositionstosupportyourinterests For otherissues,weprovideresources,networkingcontacts,andconnectionstokeystakeholders, helpingyoufindthesupportyouneed.

ThePeabodyAreaChamberisheretohelpyourbusinessthrive everystepoftheway.

US Congressman Seth Moulton joined us for the annual Legislative breakfast held in 1st quarter of the year to address upcoming issues, bills and ballot questions, including the Advocacy Guide outlining helpful resources for business owners.

What Does This Mean for You?

Well, it depends on what your business needs or what issues come up over the course of a year, but you can count on us to:

Speak out on issues that impede commerce or economic development. Respond to policies, regulations, or events that are detrimental to the business community. Ensure a business perspective is represented in municipal, state, and federal discussions

Public actions taken are made available on our website under ‘Advocacy’ or scan the QR code.


Weknowthataskingforoutsidehelpcanfeellikeabigstep(whoneedsanothervoiceinthe mix,right?),buttrustus theseresourcesareheretomakeyourlifeeasier,notcomplicateit. FromfreeconsultingoneverythingfrommarketingtoHR,theseservicesarelikehavingateam ofprosinyourcorner.Soifyou'rereadytosavetime,solvechallenges,andmaybeevenlearna trickortwo,divein.We’veroundedupthebestofthebest,andthey’reallheretohelpyou succeed.

Small Business Development Center

The Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network is committed to helping your business succeed. Get free, confidential, one-to-one business assistance and free or low-cost educational training programs to prospective and existing small businesses. Areas of assistance include, but are not limited to: business plan development, preventure feasibility, buying or selling a business, cash flow analysis, personnel and organizational issues, conventional and nonconventional financing, and marketing. Learn more at

Enterprise Center at Salem State University

The Enterprise Center is an entrepreneurial hub that offers business owners office space, education, and access and connections to small business resources. They offer CEO groups, business plan competition, workshops and speaker opportunities among many other resources. Learn more at

SCORE - Service Corp of Retired Executives

SCORE mentoring is a free service offered to U S based business (or business idea).Partnering with you one-on-one or in small group sessions, SCORE mentors support your success by providing experienced advice, consulting on best practices, and educating you on small business topics. SCORE mentors are retired business executives or professionals and know what it’s like to be a small business owner. Get matched with a mentor at

The BizWorks' model offers assistance to employers for every stage of the business cycle. Services are available for business growth, expansion, maintenance, and downsizing.

DUA and MassHire Programs & Services are funded in full by US Department of Labor (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration grants.

Free Job Postings

Recruiting and Hiring

Registered Apprenticeship

Training Grants


On-the-Job Training

Tax Credits for Hiring

Tax Incentive Programs

Economic Growth Support

Rapid Response

WorkShare Program

Dept of Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

Free job postings, job matching, candidate, and job fair calendar search are available on MassHire JobQuest.

MassHire Career Centers can assist businesses with candidate recruiting, screening and job fairs.

Employers can receive assistance with registered apprenticeships and provide trainees with hands-on experience in a structured environment.

Several types of employee training grants are available for employers of any size.

Grants are available for up to $25,000 for workplace safety training which provides funded preventative safety training.

OJT programs help businesses with the cost of hiring and training employees.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) incentives are available to companies through hiringemployees from certain target populations.

Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP) Potential state and local tax incentives are available for businesses investing in, locating to, or expanding in Massachusetts.

A wide range of financial and real estate development services are available to Massachusetts entities through MassDevelopment.

Rapid Response can provide alternatives to closing a facility, and reduce layoffs to mitigate the impact they have on companies.

WorkShare provides employers assistance with pay payroll costs and maintaining staff during a temporary business downturn.

DUA offers several programs designed to support businesses during times of hardship including the unemployment insurance (UI) program.

To learn more, visit


MassDevelopmentoffersuniquefinancingandreal estatesolutionstogrowcompanies,create opportunity,andenergizecitiesandtownacross Massachusetts.

Creativefinancingsolutionsofferarangeof flexible,low-costfinancingtoolsthatyoucan’t findanywhereelse.





Uniquerealestateexpertiseofferingcrucial assistanceyouneed,fromplanningandpermitting todevelopmentandmanagement.

Customizedsolutionsforbanks,manufacturers, developersandindustriesofalltypes



The U.S. Small Business Administration helps small businesses get funding by setting guidelines for loans and reducing lender risk. These SBA-backed loans make it easier for small businesses to get the funding they need.Competitive terms: SBA-guaranteed loans generally have rates and fees that are comparable to non-guaranteed loans.

Competitive terms: SBA-guaranteed loans generally have rates and fees that are comparable to non-guaranteed loans.

Counseling and education: Some loans come with continued support to help you start and run your business

Unique benefits: Lower down payments, flexible overhead requirements, and no collateral needed for some loans.

Get $500 to $5.5 million to fund your business

Loans guaranteed by SBA range from small to large and can be used for most business purposes, including long-term fixed assets and operating capital. The SBA partners with lenders to help increase small business access to loans.

The Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce has a number of SBA certified lenders as members Email us at president@peabodychamber com and we can help match you with a local lender who can help you understand the best SBA loan for your business needs.


Exclusively for Peabody based Businesses:


TheCityofPeabodythroughtheCommunityDevelopmentAuthority(CDA)andthe DepartmentofCommunityDevelopmenthaveestablishedaFacade&Signage ImprovementProgramtoprovideloansupto$10,000topropertyownersand/or businesstenantsseekingtorenovateorrestoretheirexteriorsignage,lightingor commercialbuildingfaçades Thismayincludetherestorationofarchitecturaldetails, betterwindowsanddoorsandwellproportionedsignage,awningsandlighting



TheBusinessLoanProgramisaflexiblesourceofloanfundsforcommercialand industrialprojects,thepurposeofwhichistoencouragethecreation/retentionof qualityjobsandtoincreasethetaxbase.TheCDAisabletoprovidebelow-market, low-interestloanstobeusedtohelpbridgethegapbetweenthecashandassetsofa businessownerandtheequityrequirementsneededtoobtainacommercialloanfrom abank.


TheSmallBusinessLoanProgramprovides lowinterestloansupto$50,000to purchaseequipment,buildout,etc.


Grants can be a fantastic boost for your business, and the best part?

As a chamber member, you'll get the scoop on new grants as they’re announced, helping you to take advantage of any funding that fits your goals.

We’ve listed a few that are generally available AND have members that have successfully utilized these programs.

Workforce Training Fund

The Workforce Training Fund Program helps address business productivity and competitiveness by providing resources to Massachusetts businesses to fund training for current and newly hired employees.The Workforce Training Fund has two paths to funding for eligible businesses: the Express Program and the General Program.

Businesses can create a customized plan to address needs of their business or industry. Employers, employer organizations, labor organizations, training providers, and consortia of such entities are encouraged to apply for funds to train current and newly hired workers You may use a training provider of your choice. Courses that a company is legally mandated to provide (such as OSHA training) are not eligible for funding under this program. Training programs must be completed within two years.

TheExpressProgramisdesignedtohelpbusinesses respondquicklytochangeandkeepemployeesengaged. Withbite-sizegrantsforjust-in-timetrainingandno waitingperiodsbetweengrants,Expressisourfastestpath tofunding.Plus,itcomeswithaflexibledirectoryof trainingoptionsandjustsixquickstepstosuccess.Bestof all,thistrainingcancoverjustaboutanytopicthatwillhelp yourbusinessthrive fromleadershipskillsforownersto technicaltrainingforanyemployee.Whateveryourneeds, Expressoffersafast,straightforwardwaytoinvestinyour teamandkeepyourbusinessontrack.

The Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce has secured the services of GROWTHco, a registered training provider with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

GROWTHco will assist chamber members from application to reimbursement and they have a 100% approval rate!

Contact: Jim DesRosiers:

“The training we were able to access was top notch! Worth every minute. We received over $30,000 in grants the past 2 years to train staff on change management, sales and marketing, and culture and leadership. GROWTHco handled all of the paperwork from applying to reimbursement Thank you to the Peabody Area Chamber for letting us know this program existed”

CAmille Bartlett, Executive Director Peabody TV

Next Stage MBE Academy

NextStage MBE powered by Interise is a dynamic business growth education program designed to empower business owners who have survived the startup phase. Through the award winning Interise StreetWise 'MBA' curriculum, participants gain invaluable insights into business development, access to key resources and relationship building opportunities, and completion of a 3-Year Strategic Growth Action Plan.

Interise’s proven model has worked to create an inclusive economy by supporting small businesses that are in low-income communities or are minority owned. This is a 12-week program offered at no cost to those accepted into the program.

This program has been offered the past few years and we anticipate it will be offered again in 2025. Contact the chamber office if you want to be notified when the application process is open.

“The Peabody Area Chamber connected me to the Streetwise MBA program which has been really helpful Out of all the various programs I have been part of, including the Babson Business School Cohort, this experience has been the most practical and thought provoking Jose Perez, the instructor is great at what he does.”

tina paine, owner wicked healthy vending co


We are bringing in the experts in to help you get the information you need to grow and market your business! Check our Events Calendar for exact dates to be announced

Social Media Workshop Series - January

Jan 8th - Facebook: How to build brand awareness and connect with your community

Jan 15th - Instagram: Utilizing visually compelling content to showcase services and products

Jan. 22nd - LinkedIn: Build your network and engage a community of professionals

Jan 29th - Incorporating Social Media into Brand Strategy

Cash Flow Your Way to Success - March 7th

SEO for Small Business - March TBD

Destination Creation - TBD

Trails & Sails Workshop - May 16th

Halloween Marketing Workshop - June 2025

What topic would you like to see a workshop on?


As a Peabody Area Chamber member, you ’ ve got a powerful partner in your corner, ready to help your business thrive! Throughout the year, we offer a variety of marketing tools and promotional opportunities designed to boost your visibility and connect you with the community and we ’ re here to work with you to make sure you ’ re taking full advantage of every opportunity. Let’s collaborate and keep your business growing!

Chamber Website Features & Tools

Website Banner Ads - Boost your business’s visibility with a web banner ad! This tool increases brand awareness, drives traffic to your website, and promotes your products or services to a wider audience. Banner ads are a highly cost-effective marketing option, providing valuable visual exposure while allowing easy tracking and measurement of impact. Included in most levels of membership and most sponsor opportunities.

Local Offers - Reach more local residents by featuring your business in our weekly email at no extra cost! By creating a Local Offer, your business gains increased community visibility, builds stronger customer loyalty, and demonstrates your commitment to the local economy This approach strengthens your connection with your audience, helping drive sales and increase brand recognition within the area. Included in ALL levels of membership.

Job Postings - Have a job position you are trying to fill? Post your job description for FREE on our website Included in ALL levels of membership

Community Calendar - Hosting an event and need to get the word out? Post the details of your workshop, gala, or special ev

Member to Member Discounts - Encourage other chamber member businesses to do business with you by offering a unique or special discount/service or add-on.

Email Blast Messages

We will help you get your message directly into the inbox of fellow Chamber members with our exclusive weekly email blast! This is a powerful way to spotlight your business, promote an event, or share special offers with an engaged audience. An email blast is a targeted opportunity to connect and grow your impact within the Chamber community Cost $129 per message Limited to 1 sent per week. (Email Blast is included in Investor/Diamond membership levels)


Trails & Sails 2025

Trails & Sails is an event series that brings awareness and appreciation for heritage resources around Essex County, Massachusetts, which is a federally designated National Heritage Area. Historically, Trails & Sails has focused on outdoor activities such as guided hikes and excursions on the water, but over the years it has grown to include historic house tours, lectures, community celebrations, special exhibitions, craft demonstrations, and many other diverse activities.

The chamber will host a workshop in Spring 2025 to help you create an offer, experience or event and become part of the digital and print promotion of the entire series including the publication of a printed guide, an online and mobile-friendly website for event listings, and social media advertising - at no cost! Workshop on May 16th to help you create an offer and get listed!

Small Business Season Marketing Program

Be part of a Global Chamber of Commerce marketing campaign - at no cost.

Small businesses need more than one day focused on them. They need an entire season! That’s why we are encouraging chambers of commerce, neighbors, business owners, and community leaders to support the call to action to "Shop Small this Small Business Season". The ' season ' runs 10/31-12/31 but the materials can be used all year long, too. Free images, articles, checklists, calendar, hand-outs, and more are ready made and available to use. Email for details

Graphic Design Services

Need a sign, price list, notice or poster for your business? Are you sponsoring an event and need an ad created for a program?

Not every business is in a position to work with a creative design agency, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be professional.

The chamber will create an ad for you for as little a $25 design fee. From social media posts to newspaper ads and website banner ads - we are here to make you look good. Email for more information.


Mass Office of Travel & Tourism

MOTT promotes Massachusetts as a Year-round leisure and business travel destination. Our state has a lot to offer both domestic and international visitors, including history, culture, cuisine and outdoor activities.

MA250 Campaign

The 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution in Massachusetts has a unique opportunity to inspire and engage communities across the Commonwealth. Consider hosting an event or exhibit dedicated to the battles and events that unfolded in Massachusetts between 1774 and 1776 and be included in this campaign. Scan the QR code to get access the field guide on how to get involved.

This website is marketed to visitors coming to Massachusetts on places to eat, stay and play. Create a FREE profile and add your business and/or events.

North Shore Alliance for Economic Development

Diversity Directory

In an effort to improve equity and diversity in both the public and private sectors, the No Shore Alliance for Economic Development has created the North Shore Small Business Diversity Directory. The online and printable directory is a marketing tool for businesses that would like to offer their services or products to other businesses and institutions within the North Shore region. Scan the QR code to see eligibility requirements and list your business for FREE.

Chamber Visibility Options

We’ve put together the ultimate guide to events and opportunities available throughout the year crafted specifically to benefit the local business community.

Scan the QR code to get the details!


If growing your customer base or boosting your community presence is a priority, joining one of our monthly events—free with your membership—is your VIP ticket to success!


An informal meet up designed to help you get connected without presentations, dress codes or apprehension. Each attendee is given 60 seconds to introduce their organization so everyone knows who is in the room


Short on staff and can’t leave the office? An Introvert that doesn’t like networking? Quick Connect is for you! We use a speed networking format via Zoom to connect you with oneon-one ‘meet ups ‘ for a quick 5 minutes - just enough time to discover if there is an opportunity to work together or help each other out


You can call it ‘work’ but our After Hours are designed to showcase a member business AND offer you a chance to build business relations while having fun A great way to get to know, like and trust!

Limelight Sponsorship of these monthly events is available for small businesses to have access to the same type of exposure and visibility of organizations with much larger budgets. See Marketing Resources section for details.


Whether you are a sole proprietor, have a handful of employees or a large employer, your Chamber membership can add valuable employee benefits!


Health Services Administration

Looking for an easier way to access group health insurance? Skip the Connector and take advantage of the Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce’s exclusive partnership with Health Services Administration.

As a member, you can explore a variety of affordable group health insurance options from a wide selection of major carriers and tailored to meet the needs of your business. This valuable benefit allows you to simplify the process and ensure that you and your employees are covered with quality healthcare

One stop-shop for health, dental and other employee benefits Whether you are self employed, run a small business, or are an individual, HSA will help chamber members find the best option for you at the best price $125 annual fee WAIVED for Peabody Area Chamber members!

Aflac Supplemental Insurance

Health insurance wasn’t designed to cover everything Aflac can help you or your employees take care of the expenses health insurance doesn’t cover, so you can take care of everything else. Accident, Cancer, Dental, Critical Illness - even Pet Insurance. Employee paid benefit; no direct cost to business

401k for Small Business

Human Interest

Human Interest makes it easy and affordable for small and medium size businesses to help your employees save for retirement. Get up to $16,500 in tax credits for starting a new plan with auto-enroll.

Get discounts special offers to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels and much more


Job Postings

Our Chamber’s online job posting feature offers members a convenient, no-cost way to reach qualified local candidates, increase visibility for open positions, and promote their business as a desirable place to work.

By sharing job openings on our website, your organization gains direct access to a community audience, enhancing your recruitment efforts while saving on advertising costs. This benefit is included at all membership levels and is designed to support members in finding the right talent within our local area.

Mass Talent for Employers

MassTalent brings together resources across government to lengthen Massachusetts’ lead in life sciences, health and human services, advanced manufacturing, clean energy, and technology. As an employer, you can tap into Massachusetts' world-class workforce to recruit, hire, and retain skilled talent

Employers can post job openings and directly invite candidates to apply on MassHire JobQuest, Massachusetts’ online job board. This online tool seamlessly connects employers with qualified workers, driving Massachusetts' economic growth.

Post Job Opening Search Available Candidates Register for Job Fairs Request Lay Off Prevention Assistance Access Labor Information


In today's environment, businesses need to think outside the box when looking to fill open positions. Providing job training and opportunities can promote an inclusive work environment, help build a future workforce and convey a strong sense of community.

High School Student Programs

Dependingonthetypeofassistanceyouneedorcommitment,thereare3waysto "employ"alocalhighschoolstudentfromPeabodyVeteransMemorialHigh:

CommunityService:Studentsarerequiredtoperform40-50hoursof communityserviceasaminimumgraduationrequirement.Thisassistanceis idealforongoingprojectsneedingseveralhoursofsupporteachweekorfor specificonetimeneedsuchasanevent,mailing,etc.

Internship:Studentscanperformapaidorunpaidinternshipthatwouldlook goodontheircollegeapplication.Thishelpisgoodforongoingprojectsthat requireseveralhoursaweekorforaspecificperiodoftime.

WorkProgram:Studentscanbescheduledforearlyreleaseasearlyas12:30p duringtheweek.Studentsmustbepaidandsubmitpaystubstoschooltoearn credittowardgraduation.Somestudentshavespecialtytrainingin cosmetology,culinaryarts,medical,criminaljustice,etcSchedules/hourstobe mutuallyagreedupon.



Registeredapprenticeshipprogramscanberundirectlybyemployersorthrough sponsororganizations,suchasunions,employerassociations,orcommunity-based intermediaries.Apprenticeshipsrunthegamutfromtraditionaljobssuchas carpenters,electricians,andpublicsafetyofficialstonewtechnology-focused occupationsincludingthoseincloudcomputing,advancedmanufacturing,and healthcare.

TheRegisteredApprenticeTaxCredit(RATC)promotes expansionofregisteredapprenticeshipintohealthcare, tech,andmanufacturingsectorsinMassachusetts. Employersinthesesectorsmaybeeligibleforuptoa $4,800creditperqualifiedapprentice.


Thisunitprovidesemployerswithmotivatedjobcandidateswhowereformerly incarceratedandarereadytobeproductivecitizens.Employershaveaccesstoa poolofscreenedandjoob-readycandidatestointerviewandhire.

Businessesareinsuredupto$5,000againstany potentialtheftorlossofmoneyresultingfrom hiringanex-offender.Businessesarealsoeligible foraWorkOpportunityTaxCredit.

Federal Tax Credit

A Federaltaxcreditincentivethatemployersmayreceiveforhiringindividualsfromcertain targetgroupswhohaveconsistentlyfacedsignificantbarrierstoemployment.Themainobjective ofthisprogramistoenablethetargetedemployeestograduallymovefromeconomicdependency intoself-sufficiencyastheyearnasteadyincomeandbecomecontributingtaxpayers,while participatingemployersarecompensatedbybeingabletoreducetheirfederalincometaxliability

Employersmakethehiringdecision,andthereisnolimitto thenumberofnewhireswhocanqualifytheemployerforthe taxsavings,butindividualsmustbeidentifiedasmembersof oneofthesetargetedgroupsbeforeajobofferismade. ScantheQRcodeforalistoftargetedgroups:


Getting involved in community events is a great way to enhance your business’s image, boost visibility, and connect with new customers. When your business shows up and supports local happenings, people take notice you ’ re not just a logo, you ’ re part of the community. Whether it’s sponsoring an event, setting up a booth, or simply volunteering, being part of local activities helps put your business in the spotlight.

Community Events- Peabody


Thefestivalisacelebrationofunique,ethnicheritageand traditionsthroughfood,music,andart.Businesseswhichdo notmeetthefood,music,artcriteriahavetheopportunityto becomeasponsoroftheeventorparticipateintheChamber’s NEWInternationalPavilion.September14,2025


AnannualtrickortreatingeventindowntownPeabodythat attractsthousandsoffamilies.Businesseslocatedoutsideof thedowntownarea,areinvitedtoparticipateandshowcase theirbusinessbyjoiningtheChamberandhostinga table/activityattheKnightsofColumbusHall.Thisevent typicallyhappenss1weekbeforeHalloween.October22, 2025(tentative)


AdowntownPeabodytraditioninconjunctionwiththecity’s treelightingeventthatattractsthousandsoffamilies Businesseslocatedoutsideofthedowntownarea,areinvited toparticipateandshowcasetheirbusinessbyjoiningthe Chamberandhostingatable/activityattheKnightsof ColumbusHall.November29,2025

Community Events- Danvers

Downtown Rewind

There are many chamber members who participate in the Downtown Rewind hosted by Danvers Falcon Fest and we had a crew of volunteers to join the fun in helping to host games, karoake, face painting, etc. June 2025

Summer Concerts

The Danvers summer concert series is the perfect opportunity to show support for local bands, businesses and community spirit!

Our Community Involvement Committee is looking for businesses to join us as well as events to get involved with in Danvers, Lynnfield and Middleton!


Pride in Peabody

Sponsoring a flower basket or wreath on the antique lampposts in downtown Peabody is more than just a way to beautify the area it’s a great way to get your business noticed! With your name proudly displayed, it’s a visible reminder to the community that your business cares. Plus, it’s a simple yet powerful display of civic pride that shows you ' re invested in making Peabody shine. These efforts don’t happen on their own; it’s up to us as business leaders to make it happen and your sponsorship plays a key role in bringing that extra charm to our city!

Flower Baskets

On display from

Holiday Wreaths

On display from May 30-mid-October mid November-mid January

Chamber for Good

For Businesses

Supporting local nonprofits means supporting the community. Almost everyone has a cause they are passionate about or a desire to help someone in the community. By volunteering on boards, committees, and attending community events, you’ll meet others who share your passion for making a difference. Plus, your business will build a reputation for being one that truly cares, which is a huge plus for any business owner.

For Non-Profit Organizations

The Peabody Area Chamber is pleased to offer a 30% discount off any membership level to non-profit entity that are formed and operated for charitable or socially beneficial purposes. In addition, each month we highlight one organization through our ChamberForGood program which includes promotional awareness through email blast, news release, billboards, etc This opportunity is made possible by our ChamberforGood sponsors.

To get connected with volunteer opportunities or become a Chamber for Good sponsor, email for more details.

Community Calendar

Boost your event’s visibility by posting it on our community calendar a free benefit for Chamber members! It’s the perfect way to get more eyes on your event, attract a broader audience, and showcase what your business or organization has to offer Don’t miss out on this easy opportunity for increased exposure and community engagement!

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