Thanks for checking out our 4th Online Bull Sale. You may think we started recently, but our first purebred cows were purchased in 1976.
Our goal has always been to raise sound fertile bulls, grown on a sensible ration so they will be around for many years.
Checkout the herdsire page, some of the top genetics available.
Give us a call, come for a visit, have alook at the pen of calving ease to performance bulls. You will be pleased.
Raymond & Betty
Welcome to the 4th Annual Online Bull Sale for Pine Bluff Charolais & Fern Simmentals. I know guys always say that this is the best pen of bulls they have ever had, but it is true here. This program has been producing top quality performance bulls in Northeast Saskatchewan for over 30 years and this is the best set yet. Consigning to the Lloydminster Bull Sale for many years, they developed some great repeat customers in that area because the bulls have worked.
The bulls were pictured on January 5th and I was very impressed with the performance, the structural soundness and consistency of the bulls. They are quiet, well haired and solid footed. Videos will be available a few weeks before the sale as well.
The cowherd has been selected for udder type and milking ability. This is a no-nonsense operation that culls heavy to ensure the quality is high. The bulls combine calving ease with performance and by utilizing both AI and some top herd sires they have purchased you are getting a great product in everyone’s price range. Charolais or Red or Black Simmental, the quality is here.
If you can take a drive and see for yourself, I know you will find the trip worth it. If you can’t make it, look the offering over and give Raymond a call. He will give you an honest assessment of the bulls. Complete bidding instructions are here for you, so register early and enjoy the sale.
If Candace or I can be of any assistance before the sale or on sale day, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would be happy to find you bulls that are right for your program.
Helge & Candace By, By Livestock
Videos of the bulls are available at www.bylivestock.com
Raymond Paschke 306-812-9002
Corey Paschke 306-812-9288
Helge By 306-536-4261
The bulls are available for viewing at the farm anytime until sale close. Pine Bluff Charolais is located 3 miles north of Love, Saskatchewan. If you can’t see the bulls personally and would like someone to discuss specifics with you, please feel free to call any of the sale day phones.
The sale starts on Wednesday, March 4, at 9:00 AM and ends, March 5, at 7:00 PM CST.
The DLMS Farm Gate Timed Auction will be a timed Racehorse Style Time Sale. For any assistance, contact Mark Shologan 780-699-5082 markshologan@gmail.com
These can be found on the inside back cover of the catalogue.
Delivery is available for $75 for up to 300 km, there will be a minimal addition over that distance. Delivery will take place towards the end of April, unless needed sooner. After May 1st, a $5/day boarding fee will be assessed.
At birth A-D, E-Sel, Calfguard 2 weeks old Toltrazuril and Nasalgen
Spring Vista Once SQ and Vision 8 Somnus
Pre-wean Safeguard and Vision 8 Somnus
Post-wean Safe Guard and Clean Up
January Delice
Bulls were weaned September 21, 2024
Bulls are fed a high roughage TMR ration to promote moderate growth, and good feet and legs.
Bulls will be semen tested before the sale. Occasionally, because of their age, some may be decision deferred but will pass given a little time.
Invoices will be emailed following the sale to the email address used to bid during the sale. Payment directions will be on the invoice.
The animals become your responsibility as soon as sold. We request that bulls staying at Pine Bluff be insured.
Canadian Charolais Association January 2025 Breed Averages
Canadian Simmental Association Breed Averages
The high selling bull in the 2022 Lindskov’s LT Ranch Bull Sale. A powerful, Homozygous Polled bull that ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW & TSI. Used across North America his sons will ad performance and pounds to your calf crop.
A son of the great Turnbull’s Duty-Free 358D he combines calving ease and performance. His first sons are working well and his first daughters are now calving here. He adds length and growth and his sons will add pounds to your calves.
Incredible EPD profile with top 1% in 8 of the 9 traits and more in the carcass side. Not often do you get a bull ranking #1 for Milk and Performance. In December Capitalitst semen sold for $1,350 to $1,400. There are very few sons available this spring and here is your opportunity to get in early.
“Our Proveta team met the Paschke family this fall to learn what their goals were for their bulls, cows, and heifers. Once we had a plan in place, we then analyzed their water and feed test results.
After understanding their operation as whole we then were able to formulate a custom mineral and supplement that would both complement their rations and achieve the targeted average daily gains.
We are extremely satisfied with the results Paschke’s are getting and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the future!”
This Governor son will be massive when he matures. His 12-year old dam constantly raises bulls selling in the top end.
FCPC Plenom ranked 2nd with a 111 ratio at weaning, and ranked 1st at yearling. Easily the longest bull. His dam is one of the largest cows, who has had all daughters that are working in the herd.
Big volume with lots of hair and lost his dam when she slipped on the ice. Did a great job on his own and showed what he could do when he got on feed.
A smooth front end and huge middle. From a cow family with longevity. His 13-year old grand dam is still producing and has lot 16 in the sale.
Big spread from birth to weaning. From our biggest cow family that always has bulls in the sale. A moderate built bull that looks a lot like his sire from a good SVY Fortress dam.
Another performance bull. His dam and lot 1’s dam are full sisters. He is a twin.
Another bull with extra length. Number 1 at weaning and 2nd at yearling.
Reliable birth weight and lots of performance. Eye appealing and correct. His dam has a bull in the sale every year.
and correct from a big Fortress daughter.
Calving ease, lots of depth and thickness.
Our favorite Capitalist son. His dam has three generations of calving ease sires behind her.
The cleanest, most correct bull from a 13-year old dam. Her grandson is lot 4.
framed cows from same cow family as lot 8.
stout bull from a smaller cow that is built like a barrel.
Another bull with built-in calving ease, from a smaller framed dam with perfect feet and udder.
Calving ease on both sides of his pedigree, in an attractive easy keeping package.
Heavy muscled from a moderate, easy-keeping dam.
Moderate birth weight, a bigger bull with lots of performance.
Another sound, free-moving bull, his Combustible dam is a solid producer.
His dam is a big, easy keeping, Combustible cow. Good feet and good udder.
Thick and fleshy in a smaller package. His sire is probably the easiest keeping bull we have owned. Calves easy, used on our heifers.
Attractive bull from calving ease Start of War dam.
His dam is moderate framed, big volume,
Lighter boned bull from a smaller attractive cow.
12K was purchased by a neighbor who let us use him on our heifer pen. He was a sleep easy calver. They will be moderate framed, easy keeping females. We are offering all the 12K daughters to be fair, we couldn’t pick just a couple. They are like peas in a pod.
Jack Lange
Parker Getzinger
Brian Dietrich
Fleming Livestock Corp
TN’T Cattle Co. Ltd.
Richard Nakonieczny
Audrey Seib
Jerrad Schollar
Stop by anytime to view the bulls prior to the sale. THANK YOU TO LAST YEAR’S
Devon & Jayelle Sales
McKenzie Ranch
Blanchette Ranch Ltd.
Spotted Hide Industries Ltd.
Derek Shankowsky
Erik Rasmussen
Meyers Ranch
HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DLMS FARM GATE TIMED AUCTION WITH EXTENDED BIDDING: Technical Support: Mark Shologan 780-699-5082 markshologan@gmail.com
1 Visit https://farmgatetimedauctions.ca, click the LOGIN/ REGISTRATION button. First time users will select the REGISTER button from this page. Fill out the registration form to signup for a free user account and it allows you to select a username and password for use on all Farm Gate Timed auctions. This program will send you text and email messages whenever there is activity on your favorite lots or someone challenges your proxy bid and this is why you will be asked for both your current email and cell phone number. If you are a past participant in the Farm Gate Timed auctions, simply enter your user name and password to continue. This takes you to a list of both current and upcoming Farm Gate Auctions.
2 You can choose your favourite lots in this sale at this time and the program will allow you to open either all sale lots or just your favorite lots on your screen. Any time there is active bidding on a lot you have identified on your favorite list you will get a text and/or an email noting this activity.
3 The program allows you to place a proxy bid on any sale lot. This in fact protects your interest in any lot of interest for you to a specified dollar value you set, when you may not be able to give 100% attention to the sale. If the lot has a $2000 bid on it, and you place a proxy bid of $3500 into the system, the computer will bid $2100 for you, but if some one else bids $2200, the computer will again bid for you, this time at $2300. The system will look after your interest to a maximum of $3500. If another bidder is on at $3600, your proxy will no longer be
effective and you will no longer have the winning bid on this lot without once again logging in and bidding again, or moving your attention to a second lot of interest.
4 At closing time of the sale, the entire sale will extend bidding for 5 minutes, if a bid is placed on any lot in the sale. Any bid received after close time will extend the sale by 5 minutes from the time of that bid. When no bidding occurs for 5 minutes, the computer will declare the sale finished.
5 Within 24 hours of the sale close, the Sale Manager will contact all winning bidders to arrange payment, transfer of pedigrees and delivery/pick up of your lot.
Racehorse style sale close is when the entire sale stays open in extended bidding. This type of sale allows you as the bidder to change to a different lot within the same sale if the bidding has gone in to extended bidding.
When we get to the close out end time, the clock for close extends with any bid placed with less than 5 minutes on the clock. This type of extended bidding turns the end time to more of a soft time. Extended bidding allows bidders to compete in lots like a real auction and gives all bidders the same time to make a decision. Always follow the clock to see how much time remains in the sale you are interested in.