Palm Beach Atlantic University 2022-2023 Fact Book
The Palm Beach Atlantic University Fact Book is a collection of current and historical information designed to make frequently requested data readily available to students, faculty, and staff at PBA as well as to others with an interest in the university. More general information about PBA can be found at the University home page
Published by: Office of Institutional
Brandon D. Branson, Senior Research Analyst
Phone: (561) 803-2055
Mailing Address: PO Box 24708
West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4708
Street Address: 901 S. Flagler Dr. West Palm Beach, FL 33401
This book is intended as a reference. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, material, and data contained within this document, absolute accuracy is not guaranteed. Reproduction of complete tables, figures, or text should include a PBA 2022-23 Fact Book notation and page number.
2022-2023 Fact Book Table of Contents PBA Facts 4-7 AcademicProfile 4 AcademicPrograms 4 Accredita on 4 Enrollment 5 Faculty 5 FulbrightAwards 5 FinancialData 5 CampusOrganiza ons 5 Awards&Accolades 6 PBAValues 6 2022-23PBATheme 6 AmericanFreeEnterprise 6 GuidingPrinciples 6 StatementofPurpose 7 Worship,Workship,Wordship 7 ContactUs 7 Undergrad First- me & Transfer Sta s cs 8-10 EnrollmentbyGenderandEthnicity 8 EnrollmentbyTopHomeState 8 EnrollmentbyTopReligiousPreference 8 2022First- meinCollegeLivingonCampus 9 TrendonResidentsandCommuters 9 TrendonFirst- meinCollegeSupperHonors 9 TrendonFirst- meinCollegeAthletes 9 2022First- meSAT/ACTScoreRanges 10 TrendonAverageSAT/ACTScores 10 TrendonFirst- meinCollegeReten on 11 TrendonFirst- meinCollegeGradRate 11 Overall University Sta s cs 12-26 EnrollmentbyGenderandDivision 12 EnrollmentbyGender,Ethnic,andDivision 12 EnrollmentbyReligiousPreference 13 UndergradEnrollmentbyClass&Residence 13 FallDegree-SeekingEnrollmentTrend 14 12-MonthEnrollmentTrend 14 FallHeadcountEnrollmentTrend 14 FallFTEEnrollmentTrend 14 Athle csPar cipa onTrendbySport 15 EnrolledVAStudentsTrend 15 VAStudentsbyEthnicityTrend 15 Degree-SeekingFallEnrollmentByMajor 16-24 Fall2022UGEnrollmentbyMajorandClass 16-18 Fall2022GradEnrollmentbyProgram 19 10-yearViewUGEnrollmentbyMajor 20-22 10-yearViewGradEnrollmentbyProgram 23-24 UniversityDegreeComple ons 25 2021-22AwardsbyLevel,Gender,Ethnicity 25 TrendonAwardsbyGender,Ethnicity 25 FallCoursesandInstruc onalAc vity 26-27 UndergraduateSec onsandSubsec ons 26 TrendonTotalSec onsandSubsec ons 26 TrendAverageClassSize 26 TrendonCreditHoursTaughtbySchool 27 PercentofCreditHoursTaughtbySchool 27 Trendon12-monthInstruc onalAc vity 27 FallInstruc onalFaculty 28 Fall2022FacultyDemographics 28 TrendonFacultyDemographics 28 UndergraduateFTEStudent-to-FacultyRa o 28 PBA’sEconomicImpactonPalmBeachCounty 29 GlossaryandDefini ons 30-32
2022-23 PBA Facts
Palm Beach Atlan c University, located in West Palm Beach, Florida, is a comprehensive, interdenomina onal Chris an university founded in 1968. PBA has approved off-site instruc onal sites in Orlando and West Palm Beach and offers classes online.
Academic Profile
Academic Programs:
• 70 undergraduate majors
• Evening undergraduate degree programs in nursing and human services.
• Online undergraduate programs in community psychology, business administra on, business data analy cs, communica on, digital storytelling, gaming and interac ve design, global leadership (in Spanish), organiza onal leadership, ministry, chris an studies, and nursing.
• Graduate degree programs in community development, accountancy, business data analy cs, business administra on (specializa ons in accoun ng, enterprise systems, finance, global development, marke ng, project management, and generalist), clinical mental health counseling, computer science, chris an studies, divinity, philosophy of religion, intercultural studies, educa on leadership, interna onal development, leadership (on campus and online), health science, nursing, and prac cal theology.
• Professional degree programs in nursing prac ce and pharmacy.
• Degrees offered: B.A., B.G.S, B.S., B.Mus., B.F.A., B.S.N, D.N.P., M.A., M.Acc., M.B.A., M.Div., M.S., M.S.N., D.N.P., Pharm.D., and Ph.D.
• 423,000+ library volumes (books and audio-visual material)
Accredita on
Palm Beach Atlan c University is accredited by the Southern Associa on of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award following degrees: bachelor’s, master’s, doctor of pharmacy, doctor of nursing prac ce, and doctor of philosophy. For ques ons about the accredita on of Palm Beach Atlan c University, contact the Commission on Colleges at: 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500. You may also visit Persons wishing to review documents related to the accreditaon of Palm Beach Atlan c University should contact the Director of Accredita on and Assessment at (561) 803-2059.
Palm Beach Atlan c University has received specialized accredita on, cer fica on, or licensure from the following organiza ons:
• Accredita on Council for Pharmacy Educa on (ACPE)
• The Palm Beach Atlan c University Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy program is accredited by the Accredita on Council for Pharmacy Educa on (ACPE), 135 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 4100, Chicago, IL 60603-4810; (312) 664-3575; FAX (312) 664-4652, website
• Associa on of Chris an Schools Interna onal (ACSI), website h p://
• Associa on of Theological Schools (ATS)
• The PBA School of Ministry Graduate Department is accredited by The Commission on Accredi ng of the Associa on of Theological Schools (ATS). The following degree programs are approved by the Commission on Accredi ng: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts (Chris an Studies, Intercultural Studies, and Philosophy of Religion), and Doctor of Philosophy (Prac cal Theology). These degrees are offered at the West Palm Beach campus. The Associa on of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada is located at 10 Summit Park Drive, Pi sburgh, PA, 15275-1110, (412) 788-6505.
• Commission on Collegiate Nursing Educa on (CCNE), website h p:// on
• The Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, and the Doctor of Nursing Prac ce program at Palm Beach Atlan c University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Educa on (CCNE), One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 887-6791.
• Florida Board of Nursing, website h p://
• Florida Department of Educa on (FLDOE), website h p://
• Interna onal Assembly for Collegiate Business Educa on (IACBE), website h p://
• Palm Beach Atlan c University has received specialized accredita on for its business programs through the Interna onal Assembly for Collegiate Business Educa on (IACBE), 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, USA.
• Na onal Associa on of Schools of Music (NASM), website h p://
• Palm Beach Atlan c University is an accredited ins tu onal member of the Na onal Associa on of Schools of Music located at 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21, Reston, Virginia 20190-5248. Telephone: (703) 4370700, Facsimile: (703) 437-6312.
• Na onal Strength and Condi oning Associa on (NSCA), website h p://
• In addi on, Palm Beach Atlan c University is a Business Educa on Alliance member of the Associa on to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Enrollment - Fall 2022
• Total 3,829:
• 2,233 tradi onal day
• 21 undergraduate evening
• 20 undergraduate Orlando
• 130 undergraduate online
• 482 master’s face-to-face
• 29 master’s online
• 197 professional pharmacy
• 51 professional nursing prac ce
• 42 Ph.D. in prac cal theology
• 624 dual-enrolled students
• 1,422 residen al students
• 19,000+ alumni
• Undergraduate student-faculty ra o: 11 to 1
• Average class size for the undergraduate day program: 17
• 89% of undergraduate classes have fewer than 30 students
• 82% of full- me teaching faculty hold the highest degree in their field
• 154 full- me instruc onal faculty
Fulbright Award Recipients
• 10 Fulbright award recipients since 2018
• 11 Fulbright awards earned
Financial Data
• Undergraduate annual tui on: $34,900
• Evening undergraduate tui on: $400 per credit hour
• Graduate tui on: $535-$875 per credit hour
• Doctor of nursing prac ce tui on: $875 per credit hour
• Pharmacy annual tui on: $33,976
• RN-BSN Online: $320 per credit hour
• $114.3 million opera ng budget
• $100.5 million endowment
Campus Organiza ons
• Member of the Na onal Collegiate Athle c Associa on (NCAA) Division II, Sunshine State Conference
• School Colors: blue and white; School Mascot: Sailfish
• 18 men’s and women’s intercollegiate sports
• Dynamic intramural program
• 100+ student music and theatre performances annually
• Student newspaper The Beacon (
• Opportuni es for involvement and leadership in 50+ social, professional, and religious clubs and organiza ons
• Ranked in top 25% of overall student crea ve achievement (Broadcast Educa on Associa on’s Ins tu onal Excellence in Media, 2022).
• Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy received #4 place for NAPLEX pass rates in Florida (2022).
• Ranked among the Top 25 MBA Programs in Florida (Top Management Degrees, 2021).
• Ranked among the 2023 Best Regional Colleges (The Princeton Review, 2022).
• Ranked among the Top 25 Best MBA Programs in Florida (University HQ, 2021).
• Ranked among the Best Bachelor’s Degrees in Forensic Science (Best Accredited Colleges, 2022).
• Ranked among the Best Nursing Schools (Nursing Schools Almanac, 2022).
• PBA’s Fall 2022 growth outpaces all na onal averages among private nonprofit 4 year universi es (Na onal Student Clearinghouse Research Center, 2022).
PBA Values: Accountability, Excellence, Integrity, Love, Respect, Unity
2022-2023 PBA Theme: Rejoice in the Lord Always
American Free Enterprise
Palm Beach Atlan c University confidently affirms the values and ins tu ons that historically have informed American society— religious liberty; tradi onal Judeo-Chris an morality; limited, cons tu onal government; the Rule of Law; personal and poli cal accountability; and capitalism—the system of free enterprise. We believe that America is truly an excep onal na on, which was founded and has flourished under the guiding providen al hand of God. We aim to develop in each of our students an apprecia on for the unique American achievement in its many dimensions—social, poli cal, economic, moral, legal, and religious.
Our general educa on curriculum, required of all students, includes a course en tled “Freedom in American Society,” which examines the meaning and significance of freedom in the American experience. Students explore such topics as the historical roots of American liberty, with special emphasis on the close link between liberty and Chris anity, and the nature of freedom as understood by the chief architects of the American poli cal order. They examine the interdependence between poli cal and economic freedom, in par cular, the significance of free-enterprise capitalism for the preserva on of liberty. They learn about the structure of American cons tu onal democracy and the tradi onal meaning of jus ce and the Rule of Law.
These studies help students recognize the various threats to individual freedom, religious liberty, and other tradi onal American rights and values that have emerged over the past several centuries, as well as contemporary challenges to their preserva on.
Cicero remarked of the declining Republic of his era: “Our age . . . inherited the Republic like some beau ful pain ng of bygone days, its colors already fading through great age; and not only has our me neglected to freshen the colors of the picture, but we have failed to preserve its form and outlines.” Palm Beach Atlan c University strives to ensure that a similar fate does not befall the noble American experiment in ordered liberty. We regard the transmission of the American cultural heritage to the rising genera on as not only a profound joy, but also a profound duty.
Guiding Principles
(These principles were adopted by the University’s founders and they serve as the preamble to the PBA bylaws.)
Palm Beach Atlan c University is a comprehensive Chris an university with a significant core emphasis in the liberal arts. Its purpose is to offer a curriculum of studies and a program of student ac vi es dedicated to the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives and the perpetua on of growth in Chris an ideals.
Founded under the providence of God with the convic on that there is a need for a university in this community that will expand the minds, develop the moral character and enrich the spiritual lives of all the people who may come within the orbit of its influence, Palm Beach Atlan c University shall stand as a witness for Jesus Christ, expressed directly through its administra on, faculty, staff, and students.
To assure the perpetua on of these basic concepts of its founders, it is resolved that all those who become associated with Palm Beach Atlan c University as trustees, officers, members of the faculty, or of the staff, must believe in, and affirm in principle and prac ce, the divine inspira on of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments; that man and woman were directly created by God; that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin; that He is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior; that He died for the sins of all and therea er arose from the grave; that by repentance and the acceptance of and belief in Him, by the grace of God, the individual is saved from eternal damna on and receives eternal life in the presence of God; and it is further resolved that the ul mate teachings in this University shall always be consistent with, and not contrary to, these principles.
Our Purpose
Palm Beach Atlan c University is a Chris an university that equips students to lead fulfilling lives through learning, leadership, and service.
Our Vision
The vision for Palm Beach Atlan c University is to be a premier Chris an university offering whole-person educa on that prepares students from around the globe to tackle the problems of their day with godly character, open arms and a servant’s heart.
Our Mission
Palm Beach Atlan c University equips students to grow in wisdom, lead with convic on and serve God boldly.
Worship, Workship, Wordship
Worship is the prac ce of honoring God with who we are and everything that we do.
Workship: A Tradi on of Service
Workship is a dis nc ve community service program that responds to the human needs with Christ-like ac on in the community and the world. Through community service, students can discern their voca on and develop life-long habit of servant leadership. To date, Palm Beach Atlan c students have volunteered 3.7 million hours. Ins tuted when PBA was founded in 1968, each tradional undergraduate student contributes at least 45 hours of community service annually at more than 350 nonprofit agencies, schools and churches.
Wordship is the cul vated prac ce of using our words wisely to edify others, including those with whom we disagree, as a form of worship. It includes spoken word as well as wri en words.
Together, these three prac ces are the founda onal, three-legged stool upon which the integra on of faith and academics rests.
Contact us:
Palm Beach Atlan c University
901 S. Flagler Drive
P.O. Box 24708
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4708
Telephone: (561) 803-2000
Admissions Contact Informa on:
Telephone: (561) 803-2100
Toll-Free Telephone: (888) 468-6722
Facsimile: (561) 803-2115
Online applica on link: h ps://
Fall 2022 New First-Time and Transfers
There are 709 (79.3%) first-time in college students and 185 (20.7%) transfer students.
Based on 70% of First-time and Transfer students reporting religious preference.
Enrollment by Gender and Ethnicity 52.63 22.04 7.24 8.55 .99 1.32 5.26 .33 59.49 18.98 7.12 5.42 2.71 2.20 4.07 0 80604020020406080100 White Hispanics of any race Black or African-American Nonresident Alien Two or more races Asian Race and Ethnicity unknown Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Percent % Female % Male 365 324 61 116 Outside Florida In Florida 33 32 24 23 24 17 13 16 14 14 8 2 5 2 1 6 6 3 1 1 New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Illinois Michigan Texas North Carolina Maryland South Carolina Minnesota First-time Transfer 149 70 74 14 14 15 19 16 10 11 42 32 26 9 7 5 0 1 6 4 Non-Denominational Catholic Baptist None Church of Christ Presbyterian Christian Missionary Alliance Other Protestant Pentecostal First-time Transfer
2022First-TimeStudentsLivingOnCampusFirst-TimeResidentsandCommuters 81% (577/709) of First-time Students Reside On Campus NumberinSupperHonorsProgramNumberofAthletes Statistics
Fall First-Time Enrolled 89 75 98 89 94 20182019202020212022 Baxter 185 Oceanview 136 Rinker 113 Johnson, 109 Weyenberg 26 Pembroke, 7 Watson, 1 56 54 46 40 84 20182019202020212022 442 416 389 409 577 84 104 137 96 132 20182019202020212022 Residents Commuters
Statistics on Fall First-Time in College Students
Average SAT scores are based on the math and evidence-based reading and writing (EB R&W) components of the exam. In Fall 2022, there were 247 (34.8%) of PBA first-time in college students who reported SAT scores and 168 (23.7%) who reported ACT scores.
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing SAT Math 700-800 8.50%1.62% 600-699 30.77%25.51% 500-599 46.56%44.53% 400-499 13.77%22.67% 300-399 0.40%5.67% 200-299 0.00%0.00% Totals100.00%100.00% ACT CompositeACT EnglishACT Math 30-36 8.93%14.88%4.17% 24-29 35.12%30.36%29.17% 18-23 43.45%38.10%39.88% 12-17 11.31%14.29%26.19% 6-11 1.19%2.38%0.60% Below 6 0.00%0.00%0.00% Totals100.00%100.00%100.00% 25th Percentile50th Percentile75th Percentile SAT EB R&W 520570640 SAT Math 480540600 ACT Comp. 192326 ACT Math 172125 ACT English 192326 ACT Writing N/AN/AN/A Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EB R&W)
Percent of
Students Who Submitted Test Scores 1068 1059 1051 1060 1050 1106 1095 1093 1090 1120 20182019202020212022 National PBA 212121 2020 2424 25 24 23 20182019202020212022 National PBA
Fall 2022
Full-time Enrollment with Retention Rate Six-Year Graduation Rate Trends by First-Time Bachelor's Cohort 439 578 523 547 499 533 520 514 516 502 698 73% 74% 75%75% 76% 75% 76% 73% 71% 76% 25% 35% 45% 55% 65% 75% 85% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 20122013201420152016201720182019202020212022 First-Time, Full Time Fall to Fall Retention Rate 44% 51% 54% 54% 59% 57% 61% 56% 42% 51% 53% 53% 57% 58% 61% 56% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 C o h o r t Bachelor's Degree Seeking Grad Rate Overall Grad Rate 76%ofFall2021First-Time,FullTimestudentsretainedtoFall2022
Retention and Graduation Rates on Bachelor's Cohorts First-Time,
University Enrollment
Note: Full-time and part-time are calculated above using IPEDS definitions of full and part-time students
MenWomenMenWomenUnknown 244454380709 1271927160342 411855305001346 7821501407402397 412793389631 786150231941293028 7861502106.3137.332534.7 3210130530216 121248871210577 300508 1563491171790801 1563493959.70 603.7 942185143659193829 9421851145.319733138.3
MenWomenUnknownMenWomenMenWomen American Indian or Alaska Native 82 0 000010 Asian1043 1 2161679 Black or African American75153 0 3063630357 Hispanics of any race179346 2 20612753688 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 21 0 00014 Nonresident Alien9498 3 424214284 Race and Ethnicity unknown89124 1 18131115271 Two or more races2354 0 251388 White6251093 2 8417023512048 Total Enrollment110519149198355751733829 Total Enrollment - West Palm Beach 7771472 0 177261751722934 Total Enrollment - Online programs 4784 0 72201161 Total Enrollment - Orlando site218 0 117100102 Fall 2022 enrollment at other locations includes 548 dual enrolled, 74 dual enrolled online, 4 at Florida Memorial University, 4 enrolled through PBA's Boynton Beach Fire-Rescue partnership, and 2 enrolled through PBA's partnership with the Church by the Glades. Total Fall 2022 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Total undergraduate Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Total graduate Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Part-Time
Fall 2022 Institutional Enrollment Total All other degree-seeking Total degree-seeking All other undergraduates enrolled in credit courses Total undergraduate Fall 2022 Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Category, Division, and Gender Undergraduate Full-Time Degree-Seeking, first-time in college Other first-year, degree-seeking Graduate Degree-seeking, first-time All other degree-seeking Total Fall 2022 Enrollment All other graduates enrolled in credit courses Total graduate Grand Total UndergraduateGraduateProfessional
FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorAdd.Bach 908390442521222283 311015526114 939400457573282397 66927723920011386 510107 67427823920111393 23911320332121897 26915516107 265122218372271004 Fall 2022 Institutional Enrollment by Top Religious Preference 19 20 4 5 UndergraduateGraduateProfessional 54 Religious Preference Non-Denominational Baptist Catholic Presbyterian Church of Christ Methodist Other 79 53 7 Pentecostal None University Enrollment 12 5210 4 7 16 1 637159 20 38876 9 32699 32 2 Christian Missionary Alliance Protestant Assembly of God Evangelical Free Church Christian Reformed Church 8 3 9 1 Part-Time Students Total Degree-Seeking Full-Time Degree-Seeking Part-Time Total Full-Time Students Part-Time Students Total Undergraduate On-Campus Residents Undergraduate Commuters Full-Time Students Classification 51 51 48 50 12 6 Fall 2022 Institutional Enrollment Undergraduate EnrollmentTotal 2 4 2 3 1 33 34 35 44 5 Lutheran
Degree-Seeking Enrollment12-month Enrollment EnrollmentHeadcountFull-TimeEquivalent(FTE)Enrollment University Enrollment 3,705 3,691 3,704 3,687 3,829 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 3,127 3,118 3,109 3,004 3,138 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 2,215 2,150 2,137 2,058 2,233 156 205 203 195 151 365 360 364 388 400 270 257 251 230 197 143 105 106 116 102 108 112 103 81 51 Fall 2018Fall 2019Fall 2020Fall 2021Fall 2022 Day UG Evening/Online UG Master's Main Campus Pharmacy Orlando Nursing Practice 3323 3290 3239 3250 3287 1005 1014 941 957 1012 2017-182018-192019-202020-212021-22 Undergraduate Graduate Read chart legend from left to right, e.g. Day UG, Evening UG, etc.
University Enrollment
Athletics Participation
Club Sport: -Cheerleading
-Ultimate Frisbee
-Flag Football
-Indoor Volleyball
-Beach Volleyball
-Floor Hockey
PBA providesthe following programs and services for Servicemembers and Veterans: Yellow Ribbon Program, Credit for Military Training, Student Veteran Organization, Member of Department of Defense Voluntary Educational Partnership Memorandum of Understanding, and Dedicated point of contact.
44 52 47 4949 50 48 44 45 48 Fall 2018Fall 2019Fall 2020Fall 2021Fall 2022 Female Male
Fall 2022
Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment by Major and Classification
FTIC OFY SO JR SR AB School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of ScienceBENBehavioral Neuroscience45.0101122443-25 Bachelor of ScienceBIOBiology 26.01017518224236-193 Bachelor of ScienceCHMChemistry40.0501312---6 Bachelor of ScienceMBCChemistry - Medicinal and Biological40.0599146779-43 Bachelor of SciencePSYEVCommunity Psychology (evening)42.0101-53310-21 Bachelor of ScienceCMRComputer Science11.07012071055-47 Bachelor of ArtsENGEnglish 23.0101338109-33 Bachelor of ArtsESEEnglish/Secondary Education13.1305423-2-11 EXPExploratory24.010268205---93 Bachelor of ScienceFORForensic Science40.05101142-2-19 Bachelor of ArtsHISHistory 54.010122563-18 Bachelor of General StudiesIDSInterdisciplinary Studies30.9999------0 Bachelor of ScienceMATMathematics27.010131211-8 Bachelor of ScienceMECMathematical Economics30.4901------0 Bachelor of ScienceMSEMathematics/Secondary Education13.13111-----1 Bachelor of ArtsPHLPhilosophy38.010112-12-6 Bachelor of ArtsPLSPolitics 45.100152263-18 Bachelor of ArtsPPEPolitics, Philosophy, and Economics30.510162331-15 Bachelor of ArtsPLWPre-Law22.000112-334-22 Bachelor of SciencePSYPsychology42.01014320263539-163 Total 283 97 107 126 129 0 742 Rinker School of Business Bachelor of Science ACG Accounting 52.0301 6 5 6711 1 36 Bachelor of Arts BAB Business Administration 52.0201 3 - - 3 Bachelor of Science BSB Business Administration 52.0201 50 21 2810 - 91 Bachelor of Science FIN Finance 52.0801 22 12 151116 - 76 Bachelor of Science BUI International Business 52.1101 15 9 151011 - 60 Bachelor of Science BUM Management 52.0201 36 21 294334 - 163 Bachelor of Science BUSDA Business Data Analytics 30.7102 2 1 - 3 Bachelor of Science BUE Business Economics 52.0601 4 1 - 5 Bachelor of Science BUR Marketing 52.1401 44 18 171734 - 130 Total 182 88 84 96 116 1 567 School of Education and Behavioral Studies Bachelor of ScienceHUSHuman Services44.0000 - - ----0 Bachelor of Science ELE Elementary Education 13.1202 26 4 91313 1 66 Bachelor of Science EXS Exercise Science 31.0505 32 11 201724 - 104 Bachelor of General Studies BGS General Studies 24.0102 1 1 --10 - 12 Bachelor of Science HPS Human Performance and Sport 31.0501 7 5 6513 - 36 Bachelor of Science PHE Physical Education Teaching (K-12) 13.1314 2 2 -12 - 7 Total 68 23 35 36 62 1 225 Classifications: FTIC (First-Time in College); OFY (Other First-Year); SO (Sophomore); JR (Junior); SR (Senior); AB (Additional Bachelors) Degree Major Code DescriptionCIP Code Total UG Undergraduate
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment by Major and Classification
FTIC OFY SO JR SR AB Degree Major Code DescriptionCIP Code Total UG Undergraduate College of the Arts Bachelor of Arts CIN Cinema Arts 50.0699 9 4 1258 - 38 Bachelor of Arts COM Communication 09.0101 11 16 131710 - 67 Bachelor of Arts DMP Digital Storytelling 50.0102 - - 212 - 5 Bachelor of Arts CINF Film Production 50.0602 - - -11 - 2 Bachelor of Arts GIMD Gaming & Interactive Media 50.0411 4 1 2-1 - 8 Bachelor of Arts JRN Journalism 09.0401 6 1 424 - 17 Bachelor of Arts CPR Public Relations 09.0902 2 4 774 - 24 Bachelor of Arts SPB Sports Broadcasting 09.0906 6 2 344 1 20 Bachelor of Arts THE Theatre Arts 50.0501 2 - 127 - 12 Bachelor of Arts ART Studio Art 50.0702 - 1 134 - 9 Bachelor of Arts AED Art Education (K-12) 13.1302 2 2 1-2 - 7 Bachelor of Arts DAN Dance 50.0301 5 2 133 - 14 Bachelor of Arts GDS Graphic Arts 50.0409 2 1 -46 - 13 Bachelor of Arts MUS Music 50.0901 1 1 114 - 8 Bachelor of Music MCP Music Composition 50.0904 - - -11 - 2 Bachelor of Music EDM Music Education (K-12) 13.1312 2 1 -15 - 9 Bachelor of Music MIP Music Instrument Performance 50.0903 2 1 1-- - 4 Bachelor of Music MKP Music Keyboard Performance 50.0907 - - -11 - 2 Bachelor of Music MVP Music Voice Performance 50.0908 3 - 112 - 7 Bachelor of Music WLD Music Worship Leadership 50.0901 - - 224 - 8 Bachelor of Fine Arts CNF Cinema Arts 50.0699 2 - -21 - 5 Bachelor of Fine Arts DAF Dance 50.0301 3 2 312 - 11 Bachelor of Fine Arts GDF Graphic Design 50.0409 3 - 113 - 8 Bachelor of Fine Arts THF Theatre 50.0501 5 1 677 - 26 Bachelor of Arts POP Popular Music 50.0999 6 4 215 - 18 Total 76 44 64 68 91 1 344 The Catherine T. MacArthur School Bachelor of Science ORL Organizational Leadership 52.1003 1 5 11111 - 29 Total 1 5 1 11 11 29 School of Ministry Bachelor of Arts APL Apologetics 39.0601 1-----1 Bachelor of ArtsBIBBiblical and Theological Studies39.02016-224-14 Bachelor of ArtsCCDChristian Community Development19.0707------0 Bachelor of Arts ACC Christian Studies 39.0201 -3-21-6 Bachelor of Arts LSP Global Leadership 52.0213 1164--324 Bachelor of Arts ICS Intercultural Studies 39.0301 31438-19 Bachelor of Arts MIND Ministry Leadership Studies 39.0601 62332-16 Bachelor of Arts MIN Ministry - Online 39.0601 148919-41 Bachelor of Arts Theological Studies 39.0201------0 Total 28 16 21 19 34 3 121 School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing NUR Nursing 51.3801 1 13 2282 7 107 PRN Pre-Nursing 51.3801 70 55 36 50 42 5 258 Bachelor of Science in NursingRNBSNNursing (online for RN professionals)51.3801 - 12---3 RNMSN Nursing (evening for RN professionals to MSN degree) 51.3801----1-1 Total 71 69 40 52 125 12 369
Fall 2022
Enrollment by Major and Classification
FTIC OFY SO JR SR AB Degree Major Code DescriptionCIP Code Total UG Undergraduate Other DUAL Dual Enrolled 622 ND Non-Degree/Undecided 9 Total 631 PBA UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 709 342 352 408 568 18 3028
are 70 Undergraduate majors
FTIC (First-Time in College); OFY (Other First-Year); SO (Sophomore); JR (Junior); SR (Senior); AB (Additional Bachelors)
Fall 2022 Graduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment by Major
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Master of Science MSCD Community Development 44.0201Master of Science CSMS Computer Science 11.0701 2 Master of Science MSHS Health Science 51.0000 4 Master of Science DEV International Development 30.2001 18 Total 24 Rinker School of Business Master of Accountancy MACC Accountancy 52.0304 13 Master of Science BUSDA Business Data Analytics 30.7102Master of Business Administration BUS Business Administration 52.0201 74 Total 87 School of Education and Behavioral Studies Master of Science CADD Addictions Counseling 51.1501Master of Science CMH Clinical Mental Health Counseling 51.1508 195 Master of Science EDLDR Educational Leadership 13.0401 3 Master of Science CGCS General Counseling Studies 42.2803 1 Master of Science CMF Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling 51.1505 2 Master of Science CSC School Counseling 13.1101 13 Total 214 The Catherine T. MacArthur School Master of Science LDR Leadership 52.0213 71 Total 71 School of Ministry Master of Arts MACS Christian Studies 38.0203 6 Master of Arts MAIS Intercultural Studies 39.0301 14 Master of Arts MAPR Philosophy of Religion 38.0001 14 Master of Divinity MDIV Divinity 39.0601 54 Doctor of Philosophy PTH Practical Theology 39.0601 42 Total 130 School of Nursing Master of Nursing MSN Health Systems Leadership 51.3818 21 Doctor of Nursing Practice DNP Nursing Practice 51.3818 49 Total 70 Gregory School of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy PHR Pharmacy 51.2001 187 Doctor of Pharmacy/ Master of Business Administration PHMBAPharmacy/Business Administration51.209910 Total 197 Other ND Non-Degree 8 Total 8 PBA GRADUATE TOTAL 801 There are 18 master's and professional programs. Degree Major Code DescriptionCIP CodeGR
Fall Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment Trend by Major
2013201420152016201720182019202020212022 School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science BEN Behavioral Neuroscience 45.0101 6 8 9 9 15 25 23% Bachelor of Science BIO Biology 26.0101 182 227 229 255 223 211 204 213 195 193 1% Bachelor of Science BIE Biology/Secondary Education 13.1322 5 4 1 * Bachelor of Science CHM Chemistry 40.0501 6 * Bachelor of ScienceMBCChemistry - Medicinal and Biological40.05991181099372696262594643-9% Bachelor of Science PSY Community Psychology 42.0101 51 83 86 47 40 51 55 48 51 21 -8% Bachelor of ScienceCISComputer Information Systems11.01014121143* Bachelor of Science CMR Computer Science 11.0701 23 29 33 43 36 46 37 38 36 47 7% Bachelor of Arts ENG English 23.0101 26 21 30 31 38 36 35 32 36 33 2% Bachelor of Arts ESE English/Secondary Education 13.1305 11 14 15 13 13 12 7 9 7 11 0% EXP Exploratory 24.0102 56 53 54 72 54 54 51 58 60 93 5% Bachelor of Science FOR Forensic Science 40.0510 14 15 20 30 32 29 31 23 28 19 3% Bachelor of Arts HIS History 54.0101 28 25 24 17 18 23 27 15 20 18 -4% Bachelor of General StudiesIDSInterdisciplinary Studies30.99991113200110-100% Bachelor of Science MAT Mathematics 27.0101 17 13 18 18 15 9 4 7 4 8 -7% Bachelor of ScienceMCMR Mathematics and Computer Science Dual Major 30.080113342431* Bachelor of ScienceMECMathematical Economics30.4901 0* Bachelor of ScienceMSEMathematics/Secondary Education13.13115333365531-14% Bachelor of Arts PHL Philosophy 38.0101 10 8 5 5 4 5 5 7 4 6 -5% Bachelor of Arts PLS Politics 45.1001 18 15 17 19 24 23 16 16 21 18 0% Bachelor of ArtsPPEPolitics, Philosophy, and Economics30.5101471211121521% Bachelor of Science PEN Pre-Engineering 14.0101 5 3 2 * Bachelor of Arts PLW Pre-Law 22.0001 27 22 26 26 24 18 21 26 23 22 -2% Bachelor of Science PSY Psychology 42.0101 171 169 166 149 152 160 142 143 149 163 0% Total 768 815 826 810 773 773 731 726 712 742 0% Rinker School of Business Bachelor of Science ACG Accounting 52.0301 42 47 57 58 54 43 37 41 41 36 -1% Bachelor of Arts BAB Business Administration 52.0201 2 3 Bachelor of Science BSB Business Administration 52.0201 3 9 8 7 11 14 91 53% Bachelor of Science FIN Finance 52.0801 33 47 57 66 80 64 62 73 71 76 8% Bachelor of Science BUI International Business 52.1101 57 75 73 68 65 71 59 55 65 60 0% Bachelor of Science BUM Management 52.0201 164 148 159 159 187 188 162 178 171 163 0% Bachelor of Science BUSDA Business Data Analytics 30.7102 3 * Bachelor of Science BUE Business Economics 52.0601 5 * Bachelor of Science BUR Marketing 52.1401 57 68 75 100 98 104 108 108 106 130 8% Total 353 385 421 454 493 478 435 466 470 567 4% Degree CAGR Major Code CIP Code Description Fall Enrollment Counts
Fall Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment Trend by Major
2013201420152016201720182019202020212022 Degree CAGR Major Code CIP Code Description Fall Enrollment Counts School of Education and Behavioral Studies Bachelor of ScienceAXT Athletic Training/Concentration in Exercise Science 51.091354564838383820117* Bachelor of Science ELE Elementary Education 13.1202 111 127 127 105 111 93 97 86 76 66 -5% Bachelor of Science EXS Exercise Science 31.0505 14 63 66 64 85 97 101 106 104 22% Bachelor of General StudiesBGSGeneral Studies24.0102781301287914125% Bachelor of ScienceHUSHuman Services44.0000 0* Bachelor of Science HPS Human Performance and Sport 31.0501 11 36 38 48 31 39 41 41 36 13% Bachelor of SciencePHEPhysical Education Teaching (K-12)13.1314653814910157887-18% Total 237 254 301 256 283 270 267 256 252 225 0% College of the Arts Bachelor of Arts/BFA CIN Cinema Arts 50.0699 37 44 35 33 35 37 40 32 39 45 2% Bachelor of Arts COM Communication 09.0101 72 97 93 93 81 65 64 52 52 67 -1% Bachelor of Arts DMP Digital Storytelling 50.0102 1 2 5 50% Bachelor of Arts GIMD Gaming & Interactive Media 50.0411 2 6 8 41% Bachelor of Arts JRN Journalism 09.0401 20 26 23 28 29 18 13 12 15 17 -1% Bachelor of Arts CPR Public Relations 09.0902 16 38 36 38 36 31 30 24 24 24 4% Bachelor of Arts SPB Sports Broadcasting 09.0906 1 16 19 23 31 20 53% Bachelor of Arts/BFA THE Theatre Arts 50.0501 44 41 41 39 38 38 47 52 46 38 -1% Bachelor of Arts ART Studio Art 50.0702 14 7 4 5 6 7 11 9 7 9 -4% Bachelor of Arts AED Art Education (K-12) 13.1302 10 6 5 5 6 9 4 5 4 7 -3% Bachelor of Arts/BFA DAN Dance 50.0301 23 25 16 21 24 28 31 22 22 25 1% Bachelor of Arts/BFA GDS Graphic Arts 50.0409 39 37 34 28 36 29 31 30 23 21 -5% Bachelor of Arts MUS Music 50.0901 21 19 19 23 17 13 12 14 7 8 -8% Bachelor of Music MCP Music Composition 50.0904 10 8 8 7 3 3 1 1 2 2 -14% Bachelor of Music EDM Music Education (K-12) 13.1312 25 24 20 19 18 13 11 13 10 9 -9% Bachelor of Music MIP Music Instrument Performance 50.0903 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 4 7% Bachelor of Music MKP Music Keyboard Performance 50.0907 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 7% Bachelor of Music MVP Music Voice Performance 50.0908 15 11 8 9 8 9 9 6 6 7 -7% Bachelor of Music WLD Music Worship Leadership 50.0901 3 9 8 28% Bachelor of Arts POP Popular Music 50.0999 26 18 21 22 15 16 22 20 12 18 -3% Total 376 404 366 372 356 335 350 324 321 344 -1%
Fall Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment Trend by Major
2013201420152016201720182019202020212022 Degree CAGR Major Code CIP Code Description Fall Enrollment Counts The Catherine T. MacArthur School Bachelor of Science ORM Organizational Management 52.1003 178 171 120 85 54 45 57 60 50 29 -15% Total 178 171 120 85 54 45 57 60 50 29 -15% School of Ministry Bachelor of Arts APL Apologetics 39.0601 1 * Bachelor of Arts BIB Biblical and Theological Studies 39.0201 36 36 38 33 26 25 22 21 15 14 -8% Bachelor of Arts CCD Christian Community Development 19.0707 0 Bachelor of Arts CSM Christian Social Ministry 39.0301 5 1 * Bachelor of Arts ACC Christian Studies 38.0203 1 5 10 6 6 35% Bachelor of Arts LSP Global Leadership 52.0213 9 17 24 39% Bachelor of Arts ICS Intercultural Studies 39.0301 42 40 51 48 47 35 29 29 24 19 -7% Bachelor of Arts MIND/MLS Ministry Leadership Studies 39.0601 73 79 76 67 73 70 65 54 35 16 -13% Bachelor of Arts MIN Ministry - Evening UG 39.0601 76 67 58 36 30 35 57 49 63 41 -5% Bachelor of Arts Theological Studies 39.0201 0 * Total 232 223 223 184 176 166 178 172 160 121 -6% School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing NURNursing51.3801108108116651471391621451381070% PRNLower Division Nursing51.38011411251111641171431461691582586% Bachelor of Science in Nursing RNBSNNursing (Online RN to BSN)51.3801261521181035% RNMSNNursing (Online RN to MSN)51.3801 2231-13% Total 249 233 227 231 270 297 331 334 309 369 4% PBA UNDERGRADUATE TOTAL 2393 2485 2484 2392 2405 2364 2349 2338 2274 2397 0% CAGR - Compound annual growth rate
Fall Graduate Degree-Seeking
Enrollment by Major 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Master of Science MSCD Community Development 44.0201 1 0 * Master of Science CSMS Computer Science 11.0701 1 2 * Master of Science MSHS Health Science 51.0000 0 4 * Master of Science DEV International Development 30.2001 9 16 26 19 14 18 10% Total 9 16 26 19 16 24 15% Rinker School of Business Master of Accountancy MACC Accountancy 52.0304 4 6 11 18 16 15 13 16% Master of Science BUSDA Business Data Analytics 30.7102 0 * Master of Business AdministrationBUSBusiness Administration52.02011051069985616478857874-3% Total 105 106 99 89 67 75 96 101 93 87 -2% School of Education and Behavioral Studies Master of Science CADD Addictions Counseling 51.0913 1 3 2 4 13 17 14 2 3 * Master of Science CMH Clinical Mental Health Counseling 31.0505 182 173 166 126 103 93 102 107 174 195 1% Master of Science EDLDR Educational Leadership 13.0401 16 6 3 -34% Master of Science CGCS General Counseling Studies 24.0102 10 9 6 6 3 1 2 1 5 1 -19% Master of ScienceCMFMarriage, Couple, and Family Counseling13.1202453202925171852-6% Master of Science CSC School Counseling 36.0108 21 18 21 28 24 21 9 8 24 13 -4% Total 218 208 198 184 172 157 144 152 217 214 0% The Catherine T. MacArthur School Master of Science LDR Leadership 52.0213 80 61 67 64 53 69 55 49 77 71 -1% Total 80 61 67 64 53 69 55 49 77 71 2% School of Ministry Master of Arts MACS Christian Studies 38.0203 2 4 3 4 5 7 6 15% Master of Arts MAIS Intercultural Studies 39.0301 8 14 * Master of Arts MAPR Philosophy of Religion 38.0001 12 14 * Doctor of Philosophy PTH Practical Theology 38.0001 36 42 * Master of Divinity MDIV Divinity 39.0601 19 29 37 38 38 39 31 28 43 54 10% Total 19 29 37 40 42 42 35 33 106 130 19% Degree Major Code CIP Code CAGR Description Fall Enrollment Counts
Fall Graduate Degree-Seeking Enrollment by
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Degree Major Code CIP Code CAGR Description Fall Enrollment Counts School of Nursing Master of Science in NursingMSNHealth Systems Leadership51.3818728143014232115% Doctor of Nursing PracticeDNPNursing Practice51.381843656894828981491% Total 43 72 96 108 112 103 104 70 6% Gregory School of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy PHR Pharmacy 51.2001 311 307 300 294 278 266 250 244 215 187 -5% Doctor of Pharmacy/Master of Business Administration PHMBAPharmacy/Business Administration51.20994332147 715109% Total 315 310 303 296 279 270 257 251 230 197 -4% PBA GRADUATE TOTAL 737 714 747 745 718 737 725 708 843 793 1% CAGR - Compound annual growth rate
Degrees Awarded
2021-2022 Degree Totals by Award Level, Gender, and Ethnicity
Award Level Nonresident alien Hispanic Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more Races Race/ethnicity unknown Total Bachelor's degree - first major Men 14 15 0 1 10 0 90 0 8 138 Women 11 37 0 8 24 0 206 3 16 305 Total 25 52 0 9 34 0 296 3 24 443 Master's degree - first major Men 14 8 0 3 4 0 19 0 2 50 Women 2 35 0 5 24 0 69 2 5 142 Total 16 43 0 8 28 0 88 2 7 192 Doctor's degree- professional/research - first major Men 1 4 0 0 1 0 11 0 2 19 Women 0 15 0 6 17 0 20 1 8 67 Total 1 19 0 6 18 0 31 1 10 86 Nonresident alien Hispanic Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more Races Race/ethnicity unknown Total 2021-2022 Total Men 292704150120012 207 Total Women 1387019650295629 514 2021-22 Total 42 114 0 23 80 0 415 6 41 721 2020-2021 Total Men 24 32 0 2 17 2 150 2 18 247 Total Women 11 105 0 11 65 0 289 22 23 526 2020-21 Total 35 137 0 13 82 2 439 24 41 773 2019-2020 Total Men 19 36 0 8 22 1 133 13 14 246 Total Women 18 86 0 17 74 2 271 26 19 513 2019-20 Total 37 122 0 25 96 3 404 39 33 759 2018-2019 Total Men 15 38 1 8 26 0 158 5 2 253 Total Women 21 111 1 16 86 1 293 20 6 555 2018-19 Total 36 149 2 24 112 1 451 25 8 808 2017-2018 Total Men 17 29 0 9 25 1 147 4 2 234 Total Women 23 99 1 14 84 1 309 27 3 561 2017-18 Total 40 128 1 23 109 2 456 31 5 795 Five-Year Total Men 104 162 1 31 105 4 708 24 48 1187 Five-Year Total Women 86 488 2 77 374 4 1457 101 80 2669
Trend on Total Degrees Conferred by Gender and Ethnicity
Undergraduate Class Size
Class Subsections2-910-1920-2930-39
Class Sections: A class section is an organized course offered for credit, identified by discipline and number, meeting at a stated time or times in a classroom or similar setting, and not a subsection such as a laboratory or discussion session. Undergraduate class sections are defined as any sections in which at least one degree-seeking undergraduate student is enrolled for credit. Excludes distance learning classes and noncredit classes and individual instruction such as dissertation or thesis research, music instruction, or one-to-one readings. Excludes students in independent study, co-operative programs, internships, foreign language taped tutor sessions, practicums, and all students in one-on-one classes. Each class section is counted only once and is not duplicated because of course catalog cross-listings.
Class Subsections: A class subsection includes any subsection of a course, such as laboratory, recitation, and discussion subsections that are supplementary in nature and are scheduled to meet separately from the lecture portion of the course. Undergraduate subsections are defined as any subsections of courses in which degree-seeking undergraduate students enrolled for credit. As above, excludes noncredit classes and individual instruction such as dissertation or thesis research, music instruction, or one-to-one readings. Each class subsection only counts once and is not duplicated because of crosslistings.
Class Sections2782571545324160782 Class Subsections103215000057 Fall 2022 2782571545324160782 Fall 2021185174137411720556 Fall 2020169230151461770620 Fall 2019182240143491920635 Fall 2018180219163491830632 Fall 2022 10 32 15 0 0 0 0 57 Fall 2021 13 27 11 1 0 0 0 52 Fall 20209398100057 Fall 20196140100000111 Fall 20184940130000102 Average Class Size for Traditional Day Program17171716 17 0 2022 5-Year Change
Class Sections
Fall 20222-930-3940-4950-99100+Total 10-1920-29 Five-Year Trend of Total Sections and Subsections Class Sections2-930-3940-4950-99100+Total 10-1920-29
and Subsections
2018 40-4950-99100+Total
Class Size 201920202021
Instructional Activity
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences14,91214,88014,48815,07916,55711% Rinker School of Business4,9794,9635,3345,5986,20025% College of the Arts5,0545,1845,1515,1235,63612% School of Education and Behavioral Studies4,3504,2324,0793,8003,758-14% School of Ministry3,6913,5673,7183,8504,19514% School of Nursing2,9613,3363,2653,1393,0704% The Catherine T. MacArthur School1,4471,4749361,1011,122-22% Orlando Campus1,173859859855774-34% Gregory School of Pharmacy4,4384,1734,0973,6263,152-29% First Year Experience53753553649868227% Total43,54243,20342,46342,66945,1464% School of Liberal Arts and Sciences34%34%34%35%37%2% Rinker School of Business11%11%13%13%14%2% College of the Arts12%12%12%12%12%1% School of Education and Behavioral Studies10%10%10%9%8%-2% School of Ministry8%8%9%9%9%1% School of Nursing7%8%8%7%7%0% The Catherine T. MacArthur School3%3%2%3%2%-1% Orlando Campus3%2%2%2%2%-1% Gregory School of Pharmacy10%10%10%8%7%-3% First Year Experience1%1%1%1%2%0% Undergraduate level74,90574,16572,68571,99470,130-6% Graduate level8,61811,79111,15112,31413,88952% Total83,52385,95683,83684,30884,0191% Percentage - Undergraduate level90%86%87%85%83% Percentage - Graduate level10%14%13%15%17% 2021 2021 2020-21 2022 2022 2021-22 School 5-Year Change 5-Year Change 2018-19
Credit Hours Taught by School (Fall Semesters) Percentage of Credit Hours Taught by School (Fall Semesters) Count and Percentage of Credit Hours Taught (12-month) 5-Year Change School 2020 2020 2017-182019-20 2018 20182019 2019
Instructional Faculty
Total number of instructional faculty
Total number who are members of minority groups
Total number who are women
Total number whose highest degree is a master's but not a terminal master's Total number whose highest degree is a bachelor's
Total number whose highest degree is unknown or other
Total number in stand-alone graduate/ professional programs in which faculty teach virtually only graduate-level students
154243397 335487 74119193 8093173 7310 126112238 22105127 51520 11112 273158 Total number of instructional faculty3733713603513976% Total number who are members of minority groups 666172698732% Total number who are women1901951821831932% Total number who are men182177178168173-5% Total number who are nonresident aliens (international) 1211121310-17% Total number with doctorate, or other terminal degree 244287241231238-2% Total number whose highest degree is a master's but not a terminal master's 1136810410212712% Total number whose highest degree is a bachelor's 131413132054% Total number whose highest degree is unknown or other 322512300% Total number in stand-alone graduate/ professional programs in which faculty teach
graduate-level students 6868655458-15% FTE Undergraduate Faculty198196185185 224 13% FTE Undergraduate Students2316230322812180 2428 5% Undergraduate Student to Faculty Ratio12121212 11 -8% 2022
virtually only
Total number
number who are nonresident aliens (international) Total number with doctorate, or other terminal degree
Faculty Demographics Full-TimeTotalFallPart-Time 2022 2021 Five-Year Trend of Faculty Demographics 2019 5-Year Change 20182020 2018 Five-Year Trend of FTE Faculty and Students with Student-to-Faculty Ratio 2019 5-Year Change 20202021
who are
The university spends 98% of the budget in the area.
Staff Faculty and Staff spend 98% of their salaries in the area.
All students would have left the area to attend college elsewhere if not for PBA. Includes average housing, meals, transportation, and miscellaneous.
Includes business, recreational, and educational visitorsfood and accommodations.
Category Inclusions/Assumptions Expenditures Not Included Traditional On-Campus ($12,420 per student) $14,643,180 Tuition, books, and fees Traditional Off-Campus ($18,290 per student) $15,930,590 Evening Undergraduate ($23,394 per student) $1,005,942 Graduate/DNP ($23,394 per student)$10,971,786 Pharmacy ($32,933 per student)$7,574,590 Admissions
Entertainment, transportation Athletics (2,088
$232,148 Development/Community Service (14,236 visitors) $2,178,299 Music/Dance/Theatre (5,318 guests)$35,825 Workship hours for
academic year (106,717) $1,600,755 Grand total
$166,242,923 Indirect (Multiplier) 2.5 Total Impact $415,607,308 $38,509,618 Other
members Students
(6,445 visitors)$760,510
athletes, 297 overnight spectators)
of Workship hours since 1968 (3,764,982) Total visitors - 28,384
sources of faculty income and income of other household
$72,799,680Employee salaries Workship
The Expected Annual Economic Impact of PBA on Palm Beach County Faculty/
PBA Fact Book Definitions
American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and maintaining tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Bachelor’s degree: An award (baccalaureate or equivalent degree, as determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education) that normally requires at least four years but not more than five years of full-time equivalent college-level work. This includes ALL bachelor’s degrees conferred in a five-year cooperative (workstudy plan) program. (A cooperative plan provides for alternate class attendance and employment in business, industry, or government; thus, it allows students to combine actual work experience with their college studies.) Also, it includes bachelor’s degrees in which the normal four years of work are completed in three years.
Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Commuter: A student who lives off campus in housing that is not owned by, operated by, or affiliated with the college. This category includes students who commute from home and students who have moved to the area to attend college.
Credit: Recognition of attendance or performance in an instructional activity (course or program) that can be applied by a recipient toward the requirements for a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award.
Credit hour: A unit of measure representing an hour (50 minutes) of instruction over a 15-week period in a semester or trimester system or a 10-week period in a quarter system. It is applied toward the total number of hours needed for completing the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award.
Degree: An award conferred by a college, university, or other postsecondary education institution as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies.
Degree-seeking students: Students enrolled in courses for credit who are recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or formal award. At the undergraduate level, this is intended to include students enrolled in vocational or occupational programs.
Doctor’s degree-professional practice: A doctor’s degree that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both preprofessional and professional preparation, equals at least six full-time equivalent academic years. Some of these degrees were formerly classified as “first-professional” and may include: Chiropractic (D.C. or D.C.M.); Dentistry (D.D.S. or D.M.D.); Law (L.L.B. or J.D.); Medicine (M.D.); Optometry (O.D.); Osteopathic Medicine (D.O); Pharmacy (Pharm.D.); Podiatry (D.P.M., Pod.D., D.P.); or, Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.), and others, as designated by the awarding institution.
Dual enrollment: A program through which high school students may enroll in college courses while still enrolled in high school. Students are not required to apply for admission to the college in order to participate.
First-time in college student: A student attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term. Also includes students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school).
First-year student: A student who has completed less than the equivalent of 1 full year of undergraduate work; that is, less than 30 semester hours (in a 120-hour degree program) or less than 900 contact hours.
Freshman: Any undergraduate student with less than 30 earned hours.
Source: Common Data Set
PBA Fact Book Definitions
Full-time student (undergraduate): A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more contact hours a week each term.
Graduate student: A student who holds a bachelor’s or equivalent, and is taking courses at the postbaccalaureate level.
Hispanic or Latino: A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
Honors program: Any special program for very able students offering the opportunity for educational enrichment, independent study, acceleration, or some combination of these.
Internship: Any short-term, supervised work experience usually related to a student’s major field, for which the student earns academic credit. The work can be full- or part-time, on- or off-campus, paid or unpaid.
Master's degree: An award that requires the successful completion of a program of study of generally one or two full-time equivalent academic years of work beyond the bachelor's degree. Some of these degrees, such as those in Theology (M.Div., M.H.L./Rav) that were formerly classified as "first-professional", may require more than two full-time equivalent academic years of work.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Nonresident alien: A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely.
Part-time student (undergraduate): A student enrolled for fewer than 12 credits per semester or quarter, or fewer than 24 contact hours a week each term.
Post-baccalaureate certificate: An award that requires completion of an organized program of study requiring 18 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s; designed for persons who have completed a baccalaureate degree but do not meet the requirements of academic degrees carrying the title of master.
Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma: Includes the following three IPEDS definitions for postsecondary awards, certificates, and diplomas of varying durations and credit/contact hour requirements—
Less Than 1 Academic Year: Requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level (below the baccalaureate degree) in less than 1 academic year (2 semesters or 3 quarters) or in less than 900 contact hours by a student enrolled full-time.
At Least 1 But Less Than 2 Academic Years: Requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level (below the baccalaureate degree) in at least 1 but less than 2 full-time equivalent academic years, or designed for completion in at least 30 but less than 60 credit hours, or in at least 900 but less than 1,800 contact hours.
At Least 2 But Less Than 4 Academic Years: Requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level (below the baccalaureate degree) in at least 2 but less than 4 full-time equivalent academic years, or designed for completion in at least 60 but less than 120 credit hours, or in at least 1,800 but less than 3,600 contact hours.
Private nonprofit institution: A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in control receives no compensation, other than wages, rent, or other expenses for the assumption of risk. These include both independent nonprofit schools and those affiliated with a religious organization.
Race/ethnicity: Category used to describe groups to which individuals belong, identify with, or belong in the eyes of the community. The categories do not denote scientific definitions of anthropological origins. A person may be counted in only one group.
Race/ethnicity unknown: Category used to classify students or employees whose race/ethnicity is not known and whom institutions are unable to place in one of the specified racial/ethnic categories.
Source: Common Data Set
PBA Fact Book Definitions
Resident alien or other eligible non-citizen: A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who has been admitted as a legal immigrant for the purpose of obtaining permanent resident alien status (and who holds either an alien registration card [Form I-551 or I-151], a Temporary Resident Card [Form I-688], or an Arrival-Departure Record [Form I-94] with a notation that conveys legal immigrant status, such as Section 207 Refugee, Section 208 Asylee, Conditional Entrant Parolee or Cuban-Haitian).
Semester calendar system: A calendar system that consists of two semesters during the academic year with about 16 weeks for each semester of instruction. There may be an additional summer session.
Transfer student: A student entering the institution for the first time but known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate). The student may transfer with or without credit.
Undergraduate: A student enrolled in a four- or five-year bachelor’s degree program, an associate degree program, or a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate. White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Source: Common Data Set