The Difference Between Pennsylvania Act 534 and Workers’ Compensation Act

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The foremost difference between the two acts is that Act 534 applies only to a specific group of people employed under high-risk and specific governmental sectors. On the other hand, the Workers’ Compensation Act applies to all employees (governmental and private).

The other significant difference is the eligibility criteria. Workers’ Compensation covers employees injured in proximity to their work. But Act 534 only covers employees if they’ve been injured by an inmate, mental patient, or the public while offering public service.

Coming to benefits, Act 534’s benefits include complete payment of the employee’s salary and medical bills. However, workers’ compensation benefits are calculated over the employee’s average earnings before the injury.

The statute of duration also separates the two Acts from each other. The duration of Pennsylvania Act 534 extends as long as the employee is unable to work. But the duration of workers’ compensation benefits is limited and governed by several clauses.

Lastly, there’s job security. Act 534 awards its recipients complete job security even if the department no longer requires the position. The Workers’ Compensation Act, however, doesn’t do much in securing an employee’s job.

If you’re unsure about being eligible for Act 534 benefits, call (215) 206-9068 Cardamone Law. As one of Pennsylvania’s leading legal firms for employees, Cardamone Law offers a free and confidential review of your case.

Sometimes employers also act negatively and hit back at you by reducing your work hours, lowering your salary or demoting your position. There have also been cases when the employer fires you, not because you are not able to work but because of the claims you have filed. A work injury lawyer has the expertise and knowledge to get you fair and just compensation not only for the injury but for the harassment too.

The good thing about hiring a lawyer for workers Reading PA is that you will find that these lawyers offer contingency fee arrangements. This means you will only pay them a percentage of your claims after winning the case.

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