Portfolio design1 (English)

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Port folio Paula García Jiménez Rozo Quimbaya

Ancestral taste for design

Since my Quimbaya´s ancestors, taste and pleasure for design has been marked by a number of generations and is now expressed, explored and exploited by me. Graduated from “Universidad de los Andes”(Bogota-Colombia) as designer with emphasis on "Communication" and "Product".

Specialized in the communication part with brand identity projects and launches of brand new lines. Skilfully in information design, integrating the infographies and services that requires communication. Great taste for editorial design, for the diagram part, typography and good management of graphic language. Ability to develop product projects, especially market research and development of the concept part, user analysis and marketing.



Degree Thesis/ Communication Pieces

Brand extension



Line product extension

Brand new product


Polititcal system

Children books

Work 2012-2014/Designer company introduction

Catalog ECA 2013

Catalog Blachere-City Lights 2013


Cartagena Christmas lighting

Christmas lighting proyects


- Degree Thesis/Communication pieces Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

Bogota a wetland 2011 Degree Thesis “Supermarkets�


...working with the great problem of flooding in Bogota.

My project came from the idea of working with the great problem of flooding in Bogota. I focus primarily in a neighborhood called Villa Gladys in Engativa (Bogota/Colombia), in where the investigation were done to find the causes are and some solutions for the floods, in this case not only from the point of view of the neighborhood (Botton up), but also the State agencies that have worked on this issue (Top down).

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From the observation and research, was identified the big problema of ownership and the sense of belonging of the waste in a space (since people only collects garbage in their house and not beyond the walk).


...the big problema of ownership and the sense of belonging of the waste in a space...

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Through observations and interviews they were recognized the habits and behaviors of the people in the neighborhood, in order to create 5 profiles of people, that helped us to better understand the problem and make several prototypes.

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In a prototype was found that people DO NOT know anything about Jaboque wetland, which is located in their neighborhood and also the don´t know about the 12 wetlands that exist in Bogotå. The problem lies in that there is no information to give for the people about the benefits and functions of wetlands..



The problem lies in that there is no information to give for the people...

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...the place to convey this information, are the small shops and bakeries...

It was found that the place to convey this information, are the small shops and bakeries, where everyone meets so this place is called MEETING POINT, becoming this aspect in the axis of the project, in other words the concept.

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In this "meeting point" it was identified that the transmission médium of the message is placed on the spatiality elements, such as trays and cups.

These items (cups and trays) and "meeting point" were scaled to a place in the city, which we identify as the food courts on the hypermarkets such as Carulla, Carrefour and Exito, places that have a social responsibility to create ecological lines.


These items (cups and trays) and "meeting point" were scaled to a place in the city...

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In these places it will be presented some communication pieces, that are: 12 placemats with match messages between the wetland and the city, 12 placemats of questions of multiple choice about the different wetlands. These 24 placemats start to creat recognition and provide information of wetlands. In the back of these ones, it will creates appropriation of the wetland using origami of some animals and plants of wetlands.

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The cups are a communication piece where people have the surprise factor wondering what's inside the cup, and slowly they find an analogy of the flooding in the cup, closing with a message in the botton that gives a recognition of the people and the garbage we produce.


...it will creates appropriation of the wetland using origami...

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- Brand extension Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

Estudios by Q. 2010 Branding Quality Color


Through the creation of a design studio called Be.design, the company Quality color, specializing in photography studios, we assigned the branding design for Studies by Q, with a full manual and brand strategy short and in medium term.


...we assigned the branding design for Studies by Q...

The objective of this project was to provide consumer profiles by Q Studios, creating 3 sub-brands Study by Q, in order to obtain a brand manual that describes all the full experience of outlets, creation of naming and logo of the studies, and the explanaition of how we break the paradigm of traditional photo studio that handles Quality Color, creating a completely new alternative positioning them on the market.

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stage studios* box* Qstudios: A photography studio especially for children, with projections of different environments in opaque glass, in which you can make business cards, invitations, calendar and albums. Qbox: A studio in places of passage, such as concerts, nightclubs, restaurants, shopping malls, airport among others, where people can take their own pictures to either print or digital medium, Color Quality linking with Facebook. Qstage: Create an alloy between Misi, an academy of musical art and Color Quality, so the people have a suvenir to remember the musical presented.

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With these three proposals we expected that the people think in Quality Color as capture of emotions. They are scenarios that people need and can not recreate by themselves.

- Campaign Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

Campaign “Nacional de Chocolates” 2011 Editorial design “Nacional de Chocolates”

As a design studio, we intend to create a hypothetical advertising campaign for the Colombian company “Nacional de Chocolates” to promote an increased consumption in some products.


...recurring themes in this stage of life, such as love, heartbreak, classes and exams....

It was determined that the target of our campaign would be Young people of college or university. Through situations that they are identified, recurring themes in this stage of life, such as love, heartbreak, classes and exams, also doing emphasize and in the same way the properties and benefits of cocoa (chocolate) was expected that young people will be identified with a product with a small packing because they can eat at any time and have a low price.

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We made 4 pieces of communication and these are: 2 flyers that were delivered to young people in schools and universities. These show how a typical situation can be solved by a chocolate and includes a free sample of the product. A poster showing that when you eat a chocolate before a test causes that the neurons work better and the result is greater. In this case, it is not possible to test chocolate, however it specifies what product should be consumed. The fourth piece is a much more specific brochure, which speaks of the properties and has some history of chocolate. It is here where we realice that the Aztecs and Mayas predominates in the design of the pieces, because they are the ones who initiated the consumption of cocoa in many different ways.

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Su nombre botánico es theobroma cacao que significa



"alimentos para los dioses”

Para algunos, es una obseción; para la mayoría, irresistible.

EL CHOCOLATE... Finally it is expected that these communication pieces where they show a variety of colors, a Mayan and Aztec design, benefits of chocolate and product testing, making youth prefer and put first the company “Nacional de Chocolates”.


...making youth prefer and put first the company “Nacional de Chocolates”.

Parece que...

El chocolate tiene Anandamina, un compuesto que activa receptores cerebrales, que producen placer y lucidez mental.

ADEMÁS... Tiene triptófano, el contenido del cacao en este aminoácido favorece la producción de serotonina, un neurotransmisor que lleva una señal nerviosa que produce felicidad en todas las personas, hombres, mujeres, niños.

El chocolate es un antioxidante, protege al cuerpo del envejecimiento causado por los radicales libres, que producen daños y enfermedades cardíacas.

Sabías que...

En los primeros tiempos el consumo del chocolate era en forma de “cerveza” la cual estaba basada en la fermentación de la pulpa del cacao. Tenía una función ritual y es probable que en los matrimonios támbien. Los Mayas celebraban un festival para honrar a su Dios del cacao “Ek Chuah”

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Product design

- Line product extension Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

Alpinette Kidmix 2011 Study 7-Innovation Alpina


Created an office with 3 designers and 2 administrators, the Colombian company Alpina (producer of food and dairy derivative) contact us for to conduct an investigation that would lead us to propose a new versión of the old product “alpinette”(mixed of a fruit cream and natural yogurt) designed for a different target. A research about the market position of Alpina, competitive products, what was really alpinette and who were the people who knew it and who consumed it. After that we realized that the new product would be designed for children between 8 and 14 years old.

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The observation and research that was realized on the users involved in the purchase of this product, these are children and mothers. Where was obseved how is the time of purchase, why the kids like it? what attract the children to consume it? What are the habits that have to eat? and many more things that led us to differentiate by creating 5 different profiles. After several prototypes with the user about the packaging, flavors, textures, the ritual to eat and other things. Were able to propose a new product of the same alpinette line, called "Alpinette Kidmix".

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...how is the time of purchase, why the kids like it? what attract the children to consume it? What are the habits that have to eat?...



...in which the sweetness and nutrition play an important role in the purchase of the parents and the liking of children...

The packaging aims to be practical for take to school in the lunch box, also has to be of a suitable material that will not break on the way and it doesn´t has to be a normal package because a child takes anything as a game, in this case, is create for the art of mixing and making your own food.

Alpinette Kidmix is an indulgent dairy refrigerated product, where by 5 different blends between natural yogurt and fruit syrup, in which the sweetness and nutrition play an important role in the purchase of the parents and the liking of children, and more tan a sweet product that becomes the prize and the connection with children. With these three mixtures make children enjoy having a product at different times of the week. At school, at recess to share the mixture of colors, flavors and textures with their friends, and for the weekend, share a moment with family or friends, to mix the product and freeze to make their own ice cream.

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- Brand new product Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

“Loto” young people 2010 Study 5-Art direction Loto



We work together with Loto, which is a company that sells natural products for the body. We create a new line of products for Loto, in this case for young women between 12 and 16 years. The opportunity of design, comes when we realize that young people between 12 and 16 years, need various products and special moments to feel good at the time of puberty and youth

...need various products and special moments to feel good at the time of puberty and youth.

It was investigated and observe thoroughly, how this girls are in their schools, with their friends, at home, with his family, what they do on the weekends, which clothes and products used, how is thier rooms, and other things that make us identify their needs, how many types of girls are, but also what unifies them.

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3 different sublines were made, which each identified with a state in which these girls life daily. Each line has a color, a design, a name and phrases that complement what they are feeling. “Oye mírame" (Hey look at me) is the yellow line which seeks to attract attention, and products the products of this line complemente with warm colors and allusive phrases so people turn to look them. The second line, "Todo me importa 5" (I don´t care about nothing), is with pink colors and is for when young people feel safe, but at the same time do not care what happens around them, phrases that complement show their rebellion to the world. The last line called "Soy lo máximo"(I´m blast) shows the time when they feel attractive, positives and know they are very good people, phrases that makes allusion at how happy they feel about themselves


...each one makes part of a daily necessity that they have on this age

The products realized were 5, and each one makes part of a daily necessity that they have on this age. A deodorant, roll-on, which makes them feel comfortable and is applied in an easy way, a scrub for the face with applicator included, a gloss to moisten the mouth, some wipes for make up remover and finally a rice paper for face grease.

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Information design

- Political system Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

From Voice to Vote 2011 Study 6-Information design “Congress (Senate and House of representatives)�

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

information De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto


De voz y voto


De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto

De voz y voto


De voz y voto

In Study 6- information design, hypothetically work for the Congress and its relationship with the civilians. Our design team is focused on the lack of communication between the bills of politicians for the civilians in order to have a conscious vote.

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The problem is that Congress does not know how to reach the people intended for each bill...

This project was created to solve the bad communication between the Congress (Senate and House of representatives) and civilians, causing a positive impact on the vote, because people do not know the proposals or bills of any politician and people ends voting for anyone. The problem is that Congress does not know how to reach the people intended for each bill, as each proposal is not inclusive, so here is when the design opportunity born, in which is to achieve to transmit the political proposals to the target group.

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De voz a voto


De voz a voto


De voz y voto

De voz y voto

Rural Urbana

Empleado Desmpleado Pensionados Independiente Sin vida laboral

De voz a voto

De voz a voto

-Turismo -Infraestructura – obras públicas -Medio ambiente -Bienes, presupuesto y recursos a deportes y salud -Derechos humanos -Educación y cultura -Políticas para la paz -Defensa nacional y fuerza pública


-Infraestructura y tecnología -Acceso a servicios, salud, educación y vivienda -Brecha social -Trabajo

Beneficios -Cubrimiento total de servicios -Subsidios a vivienda, slaud y educación -Administración de recursos públicos -Incentivos a economía

De voz a voto



-Alto porcentaje de desempleo -Alto porcentaje de informalidad -La mayor concentración de tierras está en una gran minoría


-Recuperación de actividad financiera -incentivos a nuevos trabajos y empresas -Mejorar calidad de tecnología para mayor competencia -Promoción de igualdad de oportunidades de empleo

-Alto porcentaje de deserción


-Subsidios a las familias -Garantías de educación

De voz a voto


Was designed a card kit so the Congressmen can able to identify your target audience and with them can know what kind of media they have to use to reach out to them.


Estrato Bajo Estrato Medio Estrato Alto

De voz a voto








-Educación y cultura -Seguridad social -Vivienda -Asuntos de familia -Deportes y salud -Derechos humanos

-Falta de recursos para educación, salud y vivienda -Desigualdad social -Maltrato -Ciclos de pobreza -Acceso a educación, servicios públicos y vivenda -Oportunidades laborales iguales -Infraestructura y cultura -Acceso a tierras

De voz a voto

...can able to identify your target audience and with them can know what kind of media they have to use ...

De voz a voto

EDUCACIÓN -Educación -Cultura

De voz y voto

Madres cabeza de Familia

De voz a voto


-Actividad financiera -Impuestos y contribuciones - Reforma laboral


De voz y voto

Básico Bachiller Profesional Analfabetismo


De voz a voto

De voz a voto


De voz y voto



De voz a voto


De voz a voto

-Educación y cultura -Seguridad social -Vivienda -Asuntos de familia -Deportes y salud -Derechos humanos

-Gran porcentaje de pobreza y miseria -Falta de oportunidades y beneficios -Falta de Incentivos comerciales a nive local, nacional e internacional -Creación de empleos -Mayor movimiento económico

De voz a voto

The kit "De voz a voto" (From Voice to Vote) consists of 8 kinds of cards, 5 of them are designed for the Congressman so he can define the profile of his target group, the cards has general topics such as population, labor, education, family and economic situation. Each of these topics has different cards that complement the profile. Another class of cards, is the Media cards, and finally the other 2 types of cards are for Evaluation and Creation.

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De voz a voto

De voz a voto


De voz a voto


De voz a voto


EVALUACIÓN Precio Tiempo

De voz a voto


Es un medio audiovisual masivo que permite a los publicistas desplegar toda su creatividad por que pueden combinar imagen, sonido y movimiento. Pueden encontrarse las estaciones independientes y locales; o las que abarcan mayores sectores de la población, como las satélitales. Ventajas: Buena cobertura de mercados masivos; costo bajo por exposición; atractivo para los sentidos. Desventajas: Costos absolutos elevados; saturación alta; exposición efímera, menor selectividad de público

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Televisión -1 Radio -2 Periódicos -3 Revistas -4 Internet -5 Cine -6 Eventos -7 Publicidad Exterior -8 Publicidad Interior -9 Publicidad Directa -10

Televisión -1 Radio -2 Periódicos -3 Revistas -4 Internet -5 Cine -6 Eventos -7 Publicidad Exterior -8 Publicidad Interior -9 Publicidad Directa -10

Televisión -1 Radio -2 Periódicos -3 Revistas -4 Internet -5 Cine -6 Eventos -7 Publicidad Exterior -8 Publicidad Interior -9 Publicidad Directa -10


De voz a voto

De voz a voto

De voz a voto


De voz a voto


Es un medio "solo-audio" que en la actualidad está recobrando su popularidad. Además, los radioescuchadores tienden a prender la radio de manera habitual y en horarios predecibles Ventajas: Buena aceptación local; selectividad geográfica elevada y demográfica; costo bajo. Además, es un medio adaptable, es decir, puede cambiarse el mensaje con rapidez Desventajas: Canal sólo de audio; exposición efímera; baja atención.


De voz a voto


Son medios visuales masivos, ideales para anunciantes locales. Proyectos en los que el anuncio que requieran de costos más bajos Ventajas: tienen flexibilidad; actualidad; buena cobertura de mercados locales; aceptabilidad amplia; credibilidad alta Desventajas: Vida corta; calidad baja de reproducción; pocos lectores en el mismo ejemplar físico y no es selectivo con relación a los grupos socioeconómicos

Impacto Conclusión

De voz a voto

De voz a voto


De voz y voto

De voz

a voto

The kit brings some instructions to give explanation of what should be done and what steps you have to follow to get a result. Congressman having the bill seeks to the first 5 kinds of cards so he could define the profile of the target group.

Instrucciones Identificar A partir del proyecto de ley se identifican las partes interesadas que puedan y sean afectadas por el proyecto.


Se escogen las tarjetas de audiencia necesarias, se seleccionan los subtemas de interés, con sus respectivas tarjetas. Leer e identificar sus intereses, problemas y beneficios


Al final de las tarjetas seleccionadas se encuentran unos números en orden jerárquico, los cuales muestran los medios de comunicación adecuados para esta audiencia. Se escoge el número que más se repite en las tarjetas seleccionadas y si no se repite, escoger el tema más importante y seleccionar el primer número.



Regresar Cuando el proyecto no es adecuado para continuar con el proceso de aplicación (elaborar), se espera NO dejarlo atrás, sino volver a analizar primero los medios de comunicación (combinar) o volver a la selección de las tarjetas de audiencia (seleccionar).


Ya teniendo la audiencia y el medio de comunicación se espera evaluar la propuesta y proyecto por medio de la tarjeta de “Evaluación”, que contemplará el precio, el tiempo y el impacto.

El proyecto está listo para ser elaborado y sobre todo para realizar la carta de “Creación de tarjeta”, ya que es una tarjeta efectiva y será de gran ayuda para otros proyectos de ley.

With these cards, you look at the bottom of the cards chosen the number(s) that more repeat and this indicates the media card you have to use. This card should be explain how you can communcate the bill to the people. Finally is expected to assess and record the process card. If this is right you must continue with the process, and if the process till here is bad you can return all the cards and choice again the first 5 cards.

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Editorial design

- Children books Proyect name: Proyect year: Class Name: Client:

Habits with Toby and Maja 2008 Estudio 2 “Publishing houses”


...what attracts them, how is the way they learn, what are the things they like, what is the proper way to transmit the message...

In the class Studio 2 was made some books for children between 3 and 6 years old, where it was created some habits that throughout life are needed. As part of the books two characters were created, in which they are part of the complete edition, and are the main characters in all the stories.


Several tests were conducted to find what attracts them, how is the way they learn, what are the things they like, what is the proper way to transmit the message, what is the perfect material, size and other things so that the books are attractive and achieve the principal objective: that children learn good habits.

We found that the age at which children begin to take habits is between 3 and 6 years old, and not only they learn at home but also in the garden with friends.

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3 books were designed, which are intended to tell a story where you show the children what is right to do, to be well and happy. To ensure that children have a greater identification, were created two characters, "Toby and Maja" where they tell their story through pictures and plane colors.planos.

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As a result, was created a line that includes 3 books, where the first book is called "Wash your hands", a story where Toby teaches children to wash their hands, so not vegetables were grown instead of hands. The second book is titled "Take care your Hair" where Maja teaches them to take care of their hair, to wash it properly and wash it well, these things are for don´t let the birds create some nests in it.

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Finally, the last book is "No more snot" where Toby tells his story where if you don´t clean the snot with toilet paper, you will have a pig nose.



...sell the books to gardens, nurseries and parents seeking to solve and teach their children to have good habits, in a simple and fun way...

In the final presentation was created a stand reliving the world of Toby and Maja, where you could find the 3 books, a brochure that pretend to sell the books to gardens, nurseries and parents seeking to solve and teach their children to have good habits, in a simple and fun way. Also some stickers of the characters and big objects of the book, so the children identify more with the books and the characters.

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Blachere City Lights INTRODUCTION work 2012-2014



...one of the most recognized companies of Christmas lighting in all the country.

Blachere is a French company that since 1973 is known worldwide for Christmas enlightenment in more than 150 countries around the world. In 2009 Blachere joined City Lights S.A.S in BogotaColombia, a company that since 2004 has been one of the most recognized companies of Christmas lighting in all the country.

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Currently Blachere-City Lights Colombia has been recognized for decorated cities around the country as Itagui, Tulua, Cartagena among other cities and big shopping centers throughout Colombia. Additionally it has been open to an international market in Latin America, as in 2013 decorating Curaรงao.

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Editorial design

- Catalog ECA 2013 Blachere-City Lights Proyect name: Proyect year: Client:

Catalog ECA 2013 2013 Electribaribe (Caribbean power company)

It was made a catalog of Blachere products, for the power company in the caribbean called Electricaribe (ECA), in which is responsible for decorating projects all around the Caribbean coast in Colombia. The catalog was created to offer products that are designed for the year 2013, additionally with all prices and product details for better communication between business and customers.

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Catalog ECA 2013

It is divided into 9 sections, each of these shows the type of product they are designed. -Basic Lighting Product -Trees -Three-Dimensional -Interiors -Street figures/Facades –Pole figures –Flat figures -Thermoformed -Photos.

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Each product has a photo, and a data sheet with: product name, color, size and consumption, reference, and prices depending on the type of product wanted (hire or purchase, with or without installation). Also we want to show some pictures of projects with the products so the customer can see its use in real life.

- Catalog Blachere-City Lights 2013 Blachere-City Lights Proyect name: Proyect year: Client:

Catalog 2013 2013 Blachere-City Lights

Catalog 2013

For the year 2012 was made a catalog for customers around Colombia (except the Caribbean coast) and in Latin America in which some products continued proposed for 2013, so in addition was created a catalog with NOVELTIES with different and new products offered for the year 2013.

Blachere France turned 40 in 2013, for this celebration a catalog was created thinking in the best products made and also some novelties and trends for this year was presented.

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Catalog 2013

This catalog or light magazine is divided into three sections. –Cities –Interior -Facades. Where are variety of products fulfilling its primary function, depending on what the customer needs. Besides having a data sheet with basic specifications of each product also there are pictures of some products already applied in projects around the world.


a catalog was created thinking in the best products made and also some novelties and trends for this year was presented.

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Project manager & lighting design

- Cartagena Christmas Lighting Blachere-City Lights Proyect name: Proyect year: Client:

Cartagena 2013 2013 Cartagena´s Mayor

As desig project manager I expected that the city had a new air of Christmas, looking to decorate with different designs from other years, achieving more points and lighting the most important places of the city to create a Christmas atmosphere throughout Cartagena city.


... lighting design in over 25 major sites ...

Cartagena city is the No. 1 touristic place in Colombia. On 2013 was made the Christmas lighting design in over 25 major sites around the city for local people and tourists.

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With some digitals programs, Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and After effects among others, is intended make a photomontage of the differents places, to create a final presentation to the client with all the lighting simulation.

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As design project manager I expected that the city had a new air of Christmas...


...The abstract shapes and in large sizes were the main concept ....

The main colors this year was the cold white (white) and warm white (yellow pastel). The abstract shapes and in large sizes were the main concept, noting the city brightly, sober and on a modern way. Also apart from the principal places, were chosen to decorate three parks in low-income neighborhoods, in which with a tree, giant figures and lot of lights was lived a happy Christmas.

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Lighting design

- Christmas Lighting proyects Blachere-City Lights Proyect name: Proyect year: Client:

Itagui-ECABogotรก-Curaรงao 2012-2013 Mayors and Shopping Centers

Christmas Lighting

It was developed the design and the proyects in several cities in Colombia, abroad in Curaçao and big shopping centers of the major cities of Colombia. Bringing trends proposals from France to Colombia, was expected to decorate these places with different things, retaining the classic figures of Christmas season and especially with a lot of light and brightness.


...in several cities in Colombia, abroad in Curaçao and big shopping centers of the major cities of Colombia.

For itagui in 2012 and 2013 the color was the center of Christmas. Red, green, blue, purple, pink and orange in big objects and figures that cover as much space they can, this decoration makes one of the most named places in the country.

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With the power company of the caribbean, Electricaribe (ECA) since 2012 an agreement was made, they have been decorated the main places of more than 15 cities around the Caribbean coast, the mixture of colors, large trees and parks that are representatives of this area.

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Curaçao, a Caribbean island where all the glamor of the coast towards the sea was decorated with lots of light to contrast with the sea water.

Christmas Lighting


Many shopping centers in Bogota and other major cities have taken as an option on the 2012 and 2013 ...

Many shopping centers in Bogota and other major cities have taken as an option on the 2012 and 2013 Blachere figures, some with white design around the cold concept, others with different theme figures and more colors, always focus to decorate the void areas and the facades.

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Paula GarcĂ­a JimĂŠnez paulis149@hotmail.com paulis148@gmail.com

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(57)3112374230 (57)(1)6270904

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