PAS Haggadah 2022

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Haggadahfor Young Families

Haggadah for Young Families

Family Siddur Project Haggadah for Young Families

Editorial Committee:

Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Rachel Brook, Josh Rosenberg, Cantor Mira Davis and Chris Mason

Design: Mirit Effi, Aaron Friedmann, Dov Abramson Studio

Illustrations: Elad Lifshitz, Julia Scherer and Ofer Winter

Typography on the cover: Yuval Gazuli

Music Director: David Enlow

Special thanks to the clergy, educators, staff, and lay leadership of Park Avenue Synagogue

© 2022 Park Avenue Synagogue. All rights reserved.

50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128

ISBN: 978-0-578-34846-9

חַסֶפּ ל הָדָגַּה

This publication has been made possible through the generosity of

Patricia Braun Silvers & David Silvers

in appreciation of the inspiring work of

Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Rachel Brook, Josh Rosenberg, Cantor Mira Davis, Eliana Light, Chris Mason and Marga Hirsch in creating the Park Avenue Synagogue Family Siddur Series

Why is this Haggadah different from any other?

This haggadah has been created with our young learners in mind, intended to be held by small hands with big questions, and shared around your seder table with your family. We hope that you will make this haggadah a part of your Jewish journey from year to year as you grow, learn, and continue to ask questions about the world around you. We believe in the power and meaning of sharing a prayer book containing the rich, diverse, and timeless liturgy of our people, whether in our siddur, mahzor, or haggadah.

This haggadah includes the traditional blessings, prayers, and songs to recite around your seder table. As you grow and change, your questions and ideas surrounding these texts will grow and change, too. The beautiful illustrations highlighting aspects of the seder will take on new meaning. While our texts remain the same, you do not, and our hope and blessing for you is that you will think about the role of this timeless ritual in your family’s life. In addition, you will enjoy listening to the music available for download. The musical selections include contemporary compositions commissioned recently by the PAS Music Center, as well as familiar melodies closely identified with Passover.

We hope you enjoy this Haggadah as much as we have enjoyed preparing it for you! We look forward to many meaningful and prayerful moments with you and your family for years to come, and may your Passover be a true festival of freedom and expansion from year to year.

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Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who has made us holy through mitzvot, and instructed us to light the [Shabbat and] festival candles.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh

ha-olam, asher kid’shanu

b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel [shabbat v’] yom tov.

Blessing over the Candles

,םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא י הָתַּא ךְוּרָבּ ,ויָתוֹצִמבּ וּנָֽשׁדִּק רֶשֲׁא ]ו תָבַּשׁ[ לֶשׁ רֵנ קיִלדַהל וּנָֽוִּצו .בוֹט םוֹי
Preparatory prayers 8


.ָךֶּנֻּחיִו ךָיֶלֵא ויָנָפּ

Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yishm’rekha.

Ya·er Adonai panav eilekha vihuneka.

May Adonai favor you and grant you kindness.

May Adonai’s countenance be lifted toward you and grant you peace.

Blessings for our Children םיִהלֱֹא

Preparatory prayers Preparatory prayers 10 11

Y’simkha elohim k’efraim v’khi-m’nasheh.

May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.

May God make you like Sarah, Y’simeikh elohim k’sarah, rivkah, rahel v’leah.

ךָמיִשׂי .הֶשַּׁנמִכוְ םִיַֽרפֶאכּ
םיִהלֱֹא ךְֵמיִשׂי .הָאֵלו לֵחָר הָקבִר הָרָשׂכּ
י ךָכֶרָבי
י רֵאָי
Yisa Adonai panav eilekha v’yasem l’kha shalom. י אָשִּׂי
.םוֹלָשׁ ךָל םֵשָׂיו ךָיֶלֵא ויָנָפּ
May Adonai bless and protect you.
Grownups place their hands on their child’s head Priestly blessing

We drink the first cup


Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who has given us life, sustained us, and brought us to this moment.

We wash our hands quickly without a blessing

Barukh atah Adonai

eloheinu melekh ha-olam, she-heheyanu v’kiy’manu v’higi·anu la-z’man ha-zeh.

We pour the first cup of wine. We cover the matzah

Make Kiddush Kadesh

Blessed are You Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Barukh atah Adonai

eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei pri ha-gafen.

ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ .הֶזַּה ןַמזַּל וּנָעיִגִּהו וּנָמיִּקו וּנָיֱחֶהֶשׁ
םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ .ןֶפָגַּה יִרפּ אֵרוֹבּ
Wash hands Urhatz 16 17 Kadesh, Urhatz Kadesh

We eat the Karpas after dipping it in salt water

Green Vegetable Karpas

Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who creates the fruit of the earth.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei pri ha-adamah.

breaking the middle matzah Yahatz

Split the middle matzah in two, and conceal the larger piece to use it for the afikoman.

,םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ .הָמָדֲאָה יִרפּ אֵרוֹבּ
סַפּרַכּ ץַחַי

אָינַע אָמחַל אָה

This is the bread of affliction Ha Lahma Anya

uncover the matzah and lift up the Seder plate.

.םִיָרצִמד אָערַאב אָנָתָהבַא

This is the bread of affliction that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.

Ha lahma anya di akhalu avhatanah v’arah d’mitzrayim.

וּלָכֲא יִדּ אָינַע אָמחַל אָה
20 Maggid

We pour the second cup of wine. The youngest member of the family asks:

?תוֹליֵלַּה לָכִּמ הֶזַּה הָל יַלַּה הָנּתּשִנּ הַמ ,הָצַּמוּ ץֵמָח ןיִלכוֹא וּנָא תוֹליֵלַּה לָכבֶּׁש

.הָצַּמ וֹלֻּכּ – הֶזַּה הָליַלַּה

– תוֹקָרי רָאׁש ןיִלכוֹא וּנָא תוֹליֵלַּה לָכבֶּׁש

.רוֹרָמ הֶזַּה הָליַלַּה

– תָחֶא םַעַפּ וּליִפֲא ןיִליִבּטַמ וּנָא ןיֵא תוֹליֵלַּה לָכבֶּׁש

.םיִמָעפ יֵתּש הֶזַּה הָליַלַּה

– ןיִבֻּס מ ןיֵבוּ ןיִבׁשוֹי ןיֵבּ ןיִלכוֹא וּנָא תוֹליֵלַּה לָכבֶּׁש

.ןיִבֻּס מ וּנָלֻּכּ הֶזַּה הָליַלַּה

How is this night different from all other nights?

On all other nights, we eat hametz and matzah; tonight, we only eat matzah.

On all other nights, we eat many different vegetables; tonight, we only eat maror.

On all other nights, we don't dip our food, even once; tonight we dip our food twice.

On all other nights, we eat either sitting up straight or leaning back; tonight we all lean back.

Mah nishtanah, ha-lailah ha-zeh, mi-kol ha-leilot?

She-b’khol ha-leilot anu okhlin hametz u-matzah, ha-lailah ha-zeh, kulo matzah.

She-b’khol ha-leilot anu okhlin sh’ar y’rakot, ha-lailah ha-zeh, maror.

She-b’khol ha-leilot ein anu matbilin afilu pa’am ehat, ha-lailah ha-zeh, sh'tey f’amim. She-b’khol ha-leilot anu okhlin bein yoshvin u-vein m’subin, ha-lailah ha-zeh, kulanu m’subin.

הָנּתּשִנּ הַמ Mah Nishtanah The Four Questions 23 Maggid: The Four Questions

וּניִיָה םיִדָבֲע

We Were Slaves Avadim Hayinu

!ןיִרוֹח יֵנבּ הָתַּע וּניִיָה םיִדָבֲע

We were slaves, now we are free!

Avadim hayinu, atah b’nei horin!

We leave the matzah uncovered during the story

.וּנָלו וּניֵתוֹבֲאַל הָדמָעֶׁש איִהו

אָלֶּא ,וּנֵתוֹלַּכל וּניֵלָע דַמָע דָבלִבּ דָחֶא אלֶֹּׁש

,וּנֵתוֹלַכל וּניֵלָע םיִדמוֹע רוֹדָו רוֹדּ לָכבֶּׁש

.םָדָיִּמ וּנֵליִצַּמ אוּה ךְוּרָבּ שׁוֹדָקַּהו

For our ancestors and for us now, in every generation, there have been many people wanting to destroy us, but The Holy One has always saved us.

V’hi she-amda la-avoteinu v’lanu. She-lo ehad bilvad amad aleinu l’khaloteinu, elah sheb’khol dor vador omdim aleinu l’khaloteinu, v'ha-kadosh barukh hu matzileinu mi-yadam.

24 25 Maggid

The Four Children K’neged Arba·ah yeladim

םיִדָלי הָעָבּרַא דֶגֶנכּ
26 27
The Four Children


Wild animals Arov

תוֹכַּמַּה תֶרֶשֲׂע

Aseret Ha-Makot The Ten Plagues


Locusts Arbeh


Lice Kinim


Frogs Tz’fardei·ah

Blood Dam


Hail Barad

תוֹרוֹכבּ תַכַּמ

Death of the firstborn Makkat b’khorot


Boils Sh’hin


Insects Dever


Darkness Hoshekh

28 29 Maggid Maggid

!וּנֵיַּדּ - םִיַרצִמִמ


!וּנֵיַּדּ -



30 Maggid

Ilu hotzi·anu mi-mitrayim - dayenu!

Ilu natan lanu et ha-shabbat - dayenu!

Ilu natan lanu et ha-torah - dayenu! וּלִּא
תָבַּׁשַה־תֶא וּנָל ןַתָנ וּלִּא
If God had only taken us out of Egyptthat would have been enough! !וּנֵיַּדּ
הָרוֹתַּה־תֶא וּנָל ןַתַנ וּלִּא
If God had only given us Shabbatthat would have been enough!
If God had only given us the Torahthat would have been enough!
That Would Have Been Enough Dayenu

We sing!


The people of Israel left Egypt, Jacob’s family left a foreign nation.

B’tzeit Yisrael mi-mitzrayim, beit ya·akov mei·am lo·ez.

The sacrifice, the matzah, and the bitter herb.

Pesah, matzah, u-maror.

We point to the items on the seder plate

.רוֹרָמוּ ,הָצַּמ ,חַסֶפּ
,םִיַרצִמִמ לֵאָרׂשִי תאֵצבּ .זֵעלֹ םַעֵמ בֹקֲעַי תיֵבּ
32 33
what's on our seder plate?

We wash our hands and say the blessing:


Wash our Hands Rahtza

,םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ לַע וּנָוִּצ ו ויָתוֹצִמבּ וּנָׁשדִּק רֶׁשֲא .םִיַדָי תַליִטנ

Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who has made us holy through mitzvot and instructed us to wash hands.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu al n’tilat yadayim.

Second Cup of Wine Kos shniyah

Blessed are You, Lord our God, who creates the fruit of the vine.

We drink the second cup

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei pri ha-gafen.

ךְ וּרָבּ םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא .ןֶפָגַּה יִרפּ אֵרוֹבּ
,ָיי הָתַּא
הָיִּנשׁ סוֹכּ
34 35 Maggid Rahtza

Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who brings bread from the earth. ,םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, ha-motzi lehem min ha-aretz.

We eat Matzah

Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who has made us holy through mitzvot and instructed us to eat matzah.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu al akhilat matzah.


הָצַּמ איִצוֹמ
םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ .ץֶרָאָה ןִמ םֶחֶל איִצוֹמַּה
ךְ וּרָבּ
ו ויָתוֹצִמבּ וּנָׁשדִּק
.הָצַּמ תַליִכֲא
36 37
bless the Matzah Motzi Matzah
Motzi Matzah

We eat the sandwich

Blessed are you Adonai our God, ruler of time and space, who has made us holy through mitzvot and instructed us to eat maror.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu al akhilat maror.

We eat Maror

,םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ לַע וּנָוִּצ ו ויָתוֹצִמבּ וּנָשדִּק רֶׁשֲא .רוֹרָמ תַליִכֲא
רוֹרָמ ךְֵרוֹכּ
Bitter Herb Maror
38 39 Maror Korekh
Hillel sandwich Korekh

We eat dinner

ךְֵרוֹע ןָחלֻׁש
Festive meal Shulhan Orekh Shulhan Orekh

Find the Afikomen Tzafun

Go find the afikomen, then take a bite to finish the meal!


Thank You for the Meal Barekh

Blessed are You, Lord, who sustains all.

Barukh atah Adonai hazan et ha-kol.

,ויָמוֹרמִבּ םוֹלָׁש הֶׂשֹע לֵאָרׂשִי לָכּ לַעו וּניֵלָע םוֹלָׁש הֶׂשֲעַי אוּה

.ןֵמָא ,וּרמִאו ,לֵבֵת יֵבשׁוֹי־לָכּ לַעו

May the one who creates peace in the heavens bring peace to us, to all Israel, and to everyone on earth. And we say: Amen.

Oseh shalom bim'romav, hu ya·aseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol yisrael, v’al kol yosh’vei teivel, v’imru: Amen.

,ָי י הָתַּא ךְ
.לֹכַּה תֶא ןָזַּה
44 Barekh


Third Cup of Wine Kos Shlishit

םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא ,ָיי הָתַּא ךְ וּרָבּ .ןֶפָגַּה יִרפּ אֵרוֹבּ

Blessed are You, Lord our God, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei pri ha-gafen.

We drink the third cup

46 47 Barekh

We open the door for Elijah

איִבָנַּה וּהָיִּלֵא

Elijah the Prophet Eliyahu Ha-navi

,איִבָנַּה וּהָיִּלֵא

יִדָעלִגַּה וּהָיִּלֵא יִבּשׁתַּה וּהָיִּלֵא וּניֵלֵא אוֹבָי וּניֵמָיב הָרֵהמִבּ

.דִוָדּ ןֶבּ ַחיִשָׁמ םִע

Elijah the prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, Elijah from Gilead— Come quickly, in our time, bringing in the Messiah, from David’s family.

Eliyahu ha-navi, eliyahu ha-tishbi, Eliyahu ha-giladi. Bimheirah v’yameinu yavo eileinu, im mashiah ben david.

49 Barekh

Sing Praise Hallel

Give thanks to God, who is good; God’s love and kindness will last forever!

Hodu ladonai ki tov, ki l’olam hasdo.

,הָּדָיבּ הָרמִזו זֹע הָאיִבנַּה םָירִמ

,םָלוֹע תַרמִז ליִדּגַהל וּנָתִּא דֹקרִתּ םָירִמ

.םָלוֹעָה תֶא ןֵקַּת ל וּנָתִּא דֹקרִתּ םָירִמ

וּנֵאיִבתּ איִה וּניֵמָיב הָרֵהמִבּ .הָעוּשׁיַה יֵמ לֶא

Miriam, the prophetess, strength and song are in her hands, Miriam will dance with us, increasing the world’s singing, Miriam will dance with us, repairing the world. Soon, in our days, she will bring us to the waters of redemption.

Miriam ha-n’viah, oz v’zimrah b’yadah. Miriam tirkod itanu l’hagdil zimrat olam, Miriam tirkod itanu l’taken et ha-olam. Bimheirah v’yameinu hi t’vi·enu el mei ha-y’shuah.

We lift up Miriam’s cup

הָאיִבנַּה םָירִמ
50 Barekh Hallel
Miriam the Prophetess Miriam Ha-Nivia
בוֹט יִכּ יַל וּדוֹה .וֹדּסַח םָלוֹעל יִכּ

Fourth Cup of Wine Kos r’vi·it

We drink while reclining to the left

,ָיי הָתַּא

Blessed are You, Lord our God, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei pri ha-gafen.

םָלוֹעָה ךְֶלֶמ וּניֵהלֱֹא
וּרָבּ .ןֶפָגַּה יִרפּ אֵרוֹבּ
תיִעיִבר סוֹכּ
52 Hallel



L’shanah ha-ba·ah birushalayim!

!םִיָלָשוּריִבּ הָאָבַּה הָנָׁש ל
Next year, let us be in Jerusalem! ל
Looking ahead to next year L’shanah ha-ba·ah
54 Nirtzah
Conclusion Nirtzah

!ַעֵדוֹי יִנֲא דָחֶא ?ַעֵדוֹי יִמ דָחֶא

תוֹבָא הָשׁוֹלְשׁ ;תיִרְבַּה ת וֹחוּל יֵנְשׁ ;ץֶרָאָבוּ םִיַמָׁשַּבּשׁ וּניֵהלֱֹא דָחֶא אָתָּבַׁש יֵמְי הָעְבִשׁ ;הָנְׁשִמ יֵרְדִס הָּׁשִׁש ;הָרוֹתּ יֵשְׁמ וּח הָשׁיִמֲח ;תוֹהָמִּא עַבְּרַא

אָיַרְּבִד הָרָשֲׂע ;הָדֵל יֵחְרַי הָעְׁשִּתּ ;הָליִמ יֵמְי הָנוֹמְשׁ אָיַּדִּמ רָשָׂע הָשׁוֹלְשׁ ;אָיַּטְבִשׁ רָשָׂע םיֵנְשׁ ;אָיַּבְכוֹכּ

Who knows one? I know one!

One is Hashem, one is Hashem, one is Hashem! In the Heaven and the Earth!

Two are the tablets that Moshe brought.

Three are the Fathers

Four are the Mothers

Five are the books of the Torah

Six are the books of the Mishnah

Seven are the days of the week

Eight are the days til the Brit Milah

Nine are the months til the baby's born

Ten are the ten Commandments

Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream

Twelve are the tribes of Israel

Thirteen are the attributes of Hashem

Ehad mi yodea? Ehad ani yodea!

Ehad eloheinu

she-bashamayim u-va-aretz

Shnei luhot ha-brit

Shloshah avot

Arba·ah imahot

Hamisha humshei torah

Shishah sidrei mishnah

Shiv·ah y’mei shabta

Shmonah y’mei milah

Tishah yarhei leidah

Asarah dibrayah

Ahad asar kokhvayah

Shneim asar shivtayah

Shloshah asar midayah

רָשָׂע דַחַא
56 57 Nirtzah

Had gadya, had gadya!

One little goat, one little goat!

Then came the Holy One, blessed be God, and slaughtered the angel of death, who killed the butcher, who sliced the bull, that drank the water, that put out the fire, that burnt the stick, that hit the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the kid that my father bought for two zuzim

Had gadya, had gadya!

!אָידַגּ דַח ,אָידַגּ דַח
!אָידַגּ דַח ,אָידַגּ דַח
58 59 Nirtzah
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