Parsippany Focus Magazine - October 2023

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Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Candidate Matt McGrath, Mayor James Barberio, Councilman Paul Carifi, Jr., Resident Patrick Minutillo and Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Candidate Adam Kandil

Community Celebrates with Spirited Runs and Family Fun at the 12th Annual SAX 4 Miler

The 12th Annual SAX 4 Miler took place on Saturday, September 30, at the modern headquarters of Sax LLP, located at 389 Interpace Parkway, with the noble aim of raising funds for St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital.

Since its inception in 2012, the event has raised nearly $800,000, with this year’s goal being to cross the $1 million mark. At the point of this article, Sax LLP has successfully raised $97,594 for the year, and contributions continue to flow in.

Sax LLP is a staunch supporter of St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, allocating 100% of the proceeds from this event directly to the hospital’s Child Life Department. This department specializes in offering holistic therapies to children, relying entirely on external support, including the funds generated by the 4 Miler. Helena Lynch Achieves Top Individual Fundraiser, Securing $650; Margaret Henn, Carly O’Connell, and Richard Kotkin each garner $500 at the annual event.

Sax, LLP emerges as the top

corporate team with $6,150; Team St. Joseph’s Health secures $762.77, Cardiopulmonary raises $675, and Felician University School of Nursing raises $345.

Stuart Berger, CPA, and partner at Sax LLP, who founded the event twelve years ago, expressed, “The 4 Miler is one of our key

events, allowing us to support our communities and assist the extraordinary team at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, ensuring pediatric patients receive crucial programs and services.” Achieving $1 million in raised funds is a significant milestone, made possible by the participants, donors, and sponsors.

This year’s 4 Miler showcased a 4-mile run on a scenic, USA Track and Field Certified (USATF) doubleloop course and also featured a two- and four-mile walk. There were kids’ dashes designed for ages 2-11, ranging from 25 to 200 yards, along with a plethora of familyfriendly activities including a DJ, a face painter, and a balloon artist.

Attendees had the opportunity to experience the newly introduced 4-mile run on a picturesque, USA Track and Field Certified (USATF) double-loop course, and families were invited to participate in the Kids’ dashes, tailored for children aged 2-11, with distances varying between 25 to 200 yards.

October 2023 3 Community Events
Ready Set Go! The current year’s 4 Miler highlighted a 4-mile run on a picturesque, USA Track and Field Certified (USATF) double-loop course and also included options for a two- and four-mile walk. The children enjoyed delightful moments with face painting and the creative works of the balloon artist.

Serving 56,162 Households of Parsippany-Troy Hills

October 2023

Publisher Frank L. Cahill


Nicolas Limanov

Contributing Writers

Patrick Minutillo

Stephen Pellegrino

Christine Mercado

Sharon Maroldi

Distribution Manager

Luis A. Matos

Design and Layout

Zoomus Marketing, LLC

90 East Halsey Road, Suite 304

Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 (973) 559-6000


This year, there are three Parsippany-Troy Hills Township council seats up for grabs.

The incumbent Paul Carifi, Jr., is seeking re-election with his running mates, Adam Kandil and Matt McGrath.

Important Dates to Remember:

October 17: Last day to register to vote.

October 25: Mailing of Sample Ballots.

October 31: Last day to apply for a Mail-in Ballot application (This is for those who have moved within Morris County, or did not receive a Mail-in ballot.)

October 28 - November 5: Early voting period for early In-Person Voting.

November 6 - by 3:00 pm: Last day to apply for a Mailin Ballot application

November 7: General Election Day.

3 Community Celebrates with Spirited Runs and Family Fun

The 12th Annual SAX 4 Miler took place on Saturday, September 30, at the modern headquarters of Sax LLP, located at 389 Interpace Parkway, with the noble aim of raising funds for St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital.


Message from Mayor James Barberio

October is all about those crisp days, changing leaves, pumpkin spice and everything Halloween. Who doesn’t love this time of year when raking leaves feels invigorating, and hot apple cider is waiting to warm you.



About Parsippany Focus

Parsippany Focus was founded on October 1, 1989 by Publisher Frank Cahill. Parsippany Focus is the only dedicated news source, publishing local news and information for over thirty-three years exclusively for Parsippany-Troy Hills.

Parsippany Focus Magazine is published monthly by Zoomus Marketing, LLC, 90 East Halsey Road, Suite 304, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

©2023 Zoomus Marketing, LLC.

No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.

Articles and advertisements contained herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.


Message from the Superintendent: Dr. Robert S. Sutter

HICUP – Hearing Inclusion Continually Uniting Parsippany. The PTHSD Deaf Education Department proudly created HICUP (Hearing Inclusion Continually Uniting Parsippany). HICUP began 17 years ago to support students who were often the only deaf or hard of hearing students in their class or school.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Hosts Spooktacular Trunk or Treat

Get ready for a spooky and fun filled evening as the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills invites everyone to its Trunk or Treat event! It promises to be a spooktacular gathering, scheduled for October 31, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Veterans Memorial Park, come rain or shine.

UmaSofia of Parsippany Named Miss Teen USA

UmaSofia Srivastava was named Miss Teen USA. She competed against other young women in the pageant, which assesses contestants in personal interviews, athletic wear, and evening gowns. UmaSofia, 16, of Parsippany, is a high school Junior at the Academy of St. Elizabeth. UmaSofia Srivastava is the first MexicanIndian Miss New Jersey Teen USA and hopes to become a UN ambassador.


Eli’s Eatery: Korean Fusion Cuisine with a French Culinary Twist

In a landmark event for Parsippany’s Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 173, Eli’s Eatery (the former site of the OoLaLa! Vietnamese Kitchen) perched on a hill in the Galleria 10 Plaza, can be easy to miss as you travel along the highway, so keep your eyes peeled for the Plaza entrance, which is located between Power Mill Road and Route 53.

30 Passage of Time - Then and now....

Parsippany Focus Magazine presents “The Passage of Time,” a spotlight on a “then and now” photo series. Spearheaded by Parsippany local and contributing editor, Stephen Pellegrino, this curated collection showcases the town’s transformation. Readers are encouraged to contribute their own snapshots. Forward your pictures to This month, we’re featuring Mount Tabor: From Methodist Camp to Victorian Charm.

4 Parsippany Focus Magazine P A R S I P P A N Y

Message from Mayor Barberio

important era in the beginning of our American heritage. By commemorating those who have contributed to the legacy of America, along with those of indigenous descent we can observe and appreciate the best of both groups. We can all learn from history although we may not always agree with it; but what we mostly must learn is tolerance when we have differing opinions.


A.A. Milne, famous for his stories about a most lovable bear, Winnie the Pooh, aptly commented about the month of October as “Crisp and sparkling days, long pleasant evenings, cheery fires – the end of summer is not the end of the world. Here’s to October.” October is all about those crisp days, changing leaves, pumpkin spice and everything Halloween. Who doesn’t love this time of year when raking leaves feels invigorating, and hot apple cider is waiting to warm you. Best of all, the month culminates to the spookiest time of year and makes everyone feel like a kid again. October lets us enjoy autumn in all its colorful glory before winter brings its own stark beauty.

October is, of course, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage residents to educate themselves about this terrible disease so they can recognize symptoms in the early stages. Support friends and loved ones by participating in cancer walks and fundraisers to help fund research to eradicate breast

cancer once and for all. The Parsippany community always comes together as one to participate in these events.

If you haven’t had a chance to take advantage of our Farmers Market yet, I recommend you doing so before it closes for the year. The last week of October will mark the end to our successful Farmer’s Market. It has been great seeing everyone coming out to shop, taste the various foods and listen to great bands. We are already looking forward to and planning for next year’s market. Having music at the market made it like a mini festival every Friday and was something I think everyone truly enjoyed.

October will also bring the celebration of Columbus Day.

Over the past few years this holiday has become a source of contention for some people.

I think Columbus Day is an opportunity to embrace an

Please remember to join us for Trunk or Treat! This has become an annual Halloween tradition and one that is loved by both the kids and the adults who decorate their vehicles and distribute candy. It’s always great fun to see the kids in their costumes and their excitement as they go car to car collecting their treats. I look forward to seeing this year’s ghouls and goblins and of course the assorted princesses and super heroes!

I’d like to remind everyone that October is also a wonderful time to take advantage of our parks before the really cold weather comes. Our numerous parks provide the opportunity to observe the trees in all their colors while enjoying the cool fall weather.

Or even come out and support our local football teams! Football seems to go hand in hand with autumn and its always nice to take in a game and share in good times with fellow residents. Whatever way you choose to spend your time I hope you enjoy it to its fullest.

6 Parsippany Focus Magazine
Message from Mayor
Mayor James R. Barberio
Come in & taste the difference OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun.-Thurs. 10am - 9:30 pm Fri/Sat 10am - 10pm VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO ORDER ONLINE! Dine In v Take-Out vDelivery vCatering 756 Route 46 West, Parsippany (Inside Arlington Plaza) 973-335-4450 @parsippanysbestpizza $2 OFF purchase of $20 or more One time use only Use code: two10 Parsippany’s Best Pizza 973-335-4450 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases Expires 11/30/2023 Parsippany’s Best Pizza 973-335-4450 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases Expires 11/30/2023 Parsippany’s Best Pizza 973-335-4450 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases Expires 11/30/2023 $5 OFF purchase of $30 or more One time use only Use code: two20 $10 OFF purchase of $55 or more One time use only Use code: two30 FREE DELIVERY *********** To Parsippany, Lake Hiawatha, Montville, Mountain Lakes, Pine Brook, Boonton, Whippany, Morris Plains, Mount Tabor, Hanover, East Hanover, Fairfield, West Caldwell, Caldwell, Roseland Enroll Automatically in our New Loyalty Program ****** v$5 off for signing up vEarn points for every dollar you spend vEarn double points on Mondays and Wednesdays v100 points = $10 off vFree Nutella pizza on our birthday Text “JOIN” TO 877-221-5726 TO RECEIVE EXCLUSIVE TEXT OFFERS FULL MENU TAKE YOUR LUNCH TO THE NEXT LEVEL ALL 7” PARM SANDWICHES JUST $6.99 • Chicken • Meatball • Sausage • Eggplant Monday’s & Tuesday’s Only For A Limited Time

HICUP – Hearing Inclusion Continually Uniting Parsippany

Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of communicating with Mrs. Jennifer C. Shollenberger and Mrs. Hannah Frankenbushboth teachers in the ParsippanyTroy Hills Township School District. Our communication centered on the challenges associated with hearing loss. We are truly lucky to have Jennifer Shollenberger and Hannah Frankenbush employed as Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the PTHSD.

As background, Mrs. Jennifer C. Shollenberger has been in Parsippany for 17 years with 27 years as a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TOD). Mrs. Hannah Frankenbush proudly joins our team this year with 15 years as a TOD (Mrs. Shollenberger and Mrs. Frankenbush wanted to graciously thank Mrs. Linda Puso for her three years serving Parsippany’s deaf/hh students before her June 2023 retirement).

Mrs. Shollenberger and Mrs. Frankenbush explained that continued advances in hearing technology have increased the number of deaf and hard of hearing (deaf/hh) students in mainstream classrooms across our country. Over 75% of deaf/ hh students are in mainstream classrooms and we are proud to say that Parsippany is wellequipped to meet the needs of these students. Their mission is to help make the Parsippany school environment a more accessible and inclusive place for our students with hearing loss.

The PTHSD Deaf Education Department proudly created

HICUP (Hearing Inclusion

Continually Uniting Parsippany). HICUP began 17 years ago to support students who were often the only deaf or hard of hearing students in their class or school. HICUP serves to bring all of Parsippany’s deaf/hard of hearing students and their families together as one group. PTHSD middle and high school students meet regularly across our four secondary schools while our younger students are supported by parent workshops and shared resources. Most recently HICUP proudly hosted The American Red Cross to share their details for the free smoke alarm distribution program. As a result of this meeting, the PTHSD Teachers of the Deaf are proud to share that many of our deaf/hh students’ homes are now equipped with bed-shaker and strobe light fire alarms, free of charge! HICUP has some great plans for this year and they are very excited to get the year started!

Through Teacher of the Deaf services, PTHSD staff are trained to properly use hearingrelated equipment and are provided with best practices to

make their classrooms/schools more accessible for students with hearing loss. This is done through in-person and virtual training(s) and emailed “Weekly Tips” shared on the Hearing Loss in Parsippany Google Site.

In addition to their “Weekly Tips” both Mrs. Shollenberger and Mrs. Frankenbush use their website to share endless resources including but not limited to: people with hearing loss in media and books, hearing-related equipment tutorials, accessibility outside of the school environment and, of course, the successes of our amazing deaf/hh students. The accessibility offered to our Deaf and Hard of Hearing students is not only of immeasurable value to this group of students, but universally helpful for our students at large. Whether you have deaf/hh students in your classroom or not, please take a moment to view their Google Site, Hearing Loss in Parsippany. Kudos to Mrs. Shollenberger and Mrs. Frankenbush for all they do for our PTHSD students. We hope you find these resources to be helpful.

8 Parsippany Focus Magazine Message
from Dr. Robert S. Sutter
Message from Superintendent Dr. Robert S. Sutter
Dr. Robert S. Sutter

Ann is constantly upgrading the Clerk's office and has created interactive websites to access records, programs, and services.

Award-winning Passport and Notary Department.

Free Property Fraud Alert System.

Election Night Reporting via website and full mobile app.

"Operation Give Back" Veterans Discount Program.

"On the Road" Program, touring municipalities and bringing services to residents.

Licensed New Jersey Attorney.

Former Morris County Freeholder (Commissioner) and former Parsippany Township Council President.

Ann is a proven leader with years of legal and administrative experience.

Paid for by EFO Ann Grossi, 131 Northfield Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054

Parsippany-Troy Hills Hosts Spooktacular Trunk or Treat

Get ready for a spooky and funfilled evening as the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills invites everyone to its Trunk or Treat event! It promises to be a spooktacular gathering, scheduled for October 31, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Veterans Memorial Park, come rain or shine.

A Community Endeavor

The township calls upon residents, local organizations, and businesses to come together to make this event a booming success for the children. Attendees are encouraged to come with their vehicles decorated in festive and spooky themes. For those preferring a stationary setup, 8 ft tables will be available for

displaying treats.

Registration and Contributions

Registration is mandatory for those setting up trunks or tables, ensuring a well-organized and smooth-running event.

Children attending are required to contribute one bag of factorysealed candy or a sealed bag of non-food treats, ensuring a safe and enjoyable treat collection for everyone. There’s no admission fee, making it a fun, accessible event for all families in the township.

Trunk & Table Registration

To register your trunk or table, please visit

Join the Frightful Fun

This event is not just about treats; it’s about community bonding, fun, and creating delightful memories. So, gear up with your spookiest decorations and join the township in making this Halloween a memorable one for the children!

Community Events 10 Parsippany Focus Magazine

UmaSofia of Parsippany Named Miss Teen USA

UmaSofia Srivastava was named Miss Teen USA. She competed against other young women in the pageant, which assesses contestants in personal interviews, athletic wear, and evening gowns.

UmaSofia, 16, of Parsippany, is a high school Junior at the Academy of St. Elizabeth. She attended Mt. Tabor Elementary School, Brooklawn Middle School, and her freshman year at Parsippany Hills High School. She was a GRO student since first grade and was involved in many school activities and clubs.

UmaSofia Srivastava is the first Mexican-Indian Miss New Jersey Teen USA and hopes to become a UN ambassador. She works with the Lotus Petal Foundation to help underprivileged children in India receive a well rounded education, proper nutrition and healthcare.

UmaSofia also collected over 1000 books for the Bridge of Books Foundation to donate to inner-city kids in New Jersey.

She authored and illustrated her book, The White Jaguar, to inspire people of all ages to embrace what makes them unique. Throughout the book there are four languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, and French – all of which she speaks.

Empowered Humanitarian 12 Parsippany Focus Magazine
UmaSofia of Parsippany Named Miss Teen USA
•Stopped Higher Property Taxes 4 Years in a Row •Proven Conservative • Successful Businessman Delivering for Us! Vote for the Republican Team - Column 2 - Tuesday, November 7 PAID FOR BY THE ELECTION COMMITTEE OF TAYFUN SELEN Tayfun Selen - MORRIS COUNTY COMMISSIONERTAYFUN SELEN FOR MORRIS COUNTY COMMISSIONER

Coyne Public Relations Named Agency of Record for Edible Brands

In a significant move for the gourmet food and gift sector, Coyne Public Relations (Coyne PR) was chosen as public relations agency of record for Edible Brands (Edible), the world’s largest franchisor of stores offering fresh fruit arrangements, baked goods, flowers, gourmet chocolates and more. This strategic alliance is set to transform and elevate the brand’s prominence in an increasingly competitive gifting marketplace. Through the partnership, Edible and Coyne PR jointly seek to position Edible as the epitome of innovative gifting, with the aspiration to enhance shared moments.

“Today’s Edible is not just a brand; it’s a statement. It represents modern gifting imbued with fresh, globally-inspired treats designed to elevate every moment,” said Kevin Keith, Chief Marketing Officer at Edible Brands. “Having worked with the team at Coyne PR before, I am confident their strategic approach and creativity will help accelerate

our vision for the next-generation Edible brand with our loyal fans and a whole new generation of gifters.”

Edible, known for its iconic arrangements, is continuing to diversify and contemporize with an ever-expanding palette of offerings. From mouthwatering cookies and brownies to captivating flower arrangements and socially sharable boards, the brand is redefining its space in the market. While the emphasis is on broadening the scope for significant occasions, Edible and Coyne RR will focus on a reinvigorated approach that highlights everyday moments.

“Our objective for our work with Edible is more than just public relations representation. It’s about weaving a story for a progressive brand that carries a legacy,” added Jennifer Kamienski, Executive Vice President at Coyne PR. “Our partnership marks a fresh opportunity to engage consumers and redefine the category. We are

honored to be part of this brand evolution!”

This partnership signifies a promising chapter for Edible and Coyne PR, as they embark on a journey to elevate the brand’s reputation, expand its reach, and foster even stronger connections with customers and stakeholders alike.

Edible® is the world’s largest franchisor of stores offering fresh fruit arrangements, baked goods, flowers, gourmet chocolates, and more. Since its founding in 1999, the company has grown to nearly 1,000 locations and is uniquely capable of reaching more than 80% of households within one hour or less for delivery. The brand has been recognized as an industry leader in Entrepreneur’s annual “Franchise 500,” “Fastest Growing Franchises,’’ and “America’s Top Global Franchises,” as well as Inc.’s list of the fastest-growing privately-held companies. For more information, visit

Business Briefs 14 Parsippany Focus Magazine


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• Arthritis

• Auto Injuries

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• Bursitis

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Cervical Spine Injuries

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• Elbow Injuries

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• Golfers Elbow

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• Hip Injuries

• Joint Replacements

• Knee Injuries

• Labral Tears

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• Bell’s Palsy

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• Plantar Fasciitis

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• Post Reconstructive Surgery

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• Whiplash

• Work Related Injuries

• Wrist Injuries


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• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Upper Extremity Fractures

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• Shoulder/Elbow Injuries

• Tendon and Nerve injuries

• Lateral Epicondylitis

• Medial Epicondylitis

• Post-Operative

• Hand/Elbow Dysfunction

• Orthopedic Conditions:

Post-Operative and Nonsurgical

• Adaptive Devices/Equipment Recommendations and training

• Activities of Daily Living Training/ Retraining

• Neuromuscular Reeducation

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Eli’s Eatery: Korean Fusion Cuisine with a French Culinary Twist

This past August 12, Eli’s Eatery celebrated its Grand Opening in The Galleria 10 Plaza, on Route 10 East in Parsippany.

Among the many dignitaries and guests on hand was Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio, who proclaimed, “I’m happy to welcome another distinctive restaurant to Parsippany.  Parsippany has become a destination dining location.”  And in fact, Eli’s Eatery, a Korean Fusion restaurant, adds another exciting dimension to Parsippany’s already diverse and growing culinary scene, and another opportunity to continue our gastronomical adventures.

Eli’s Eatery (the former site of the OoLaLa! Vietnamese Kitchen) perched on a hill in the Galleria 10 Plaza, can be easy to miss as you travel along the highway, so keep your eyes peeled for the Plaza entrance, which is located between Power Mill Road and Route 53. Another visual landmark would be the large, prominent clock that towers over the small strip mall. Although Eli notes a Morris Plains address it is in fact located in the Township of Parsippany.

In November of 2022, I had the opportunity to review a wonderful new

restaurant in Morris Plains: Woodham Korean BBQ. I was extremely impressed with Woodham, so when I learned that the new owners of Eli’s Eatery, Chef Eleazar “Eli” Martinez and proprietor David Oh, were opening their newest venture here in Parsippany, I immediately put it on my calendar.  I arrived at Eli’s with my usual group of

fellow wannabe connoisseurs with high expectations.

On arrival, there is ample parking, and the attractive glass-fronted restaurant with the restaurant’s name emboldened in large red letters makes it easy to locate. On entry you encounter a contemporary, stylish,

(Continued on Page 20)

Restaurant Review
16 Parsippany Focus Magazine
Eli’s Eatery, perched on a hill in the Galleria 10 Plaza, can be easy to miss as you travel along the highway, so keep your eyes peeled for the Plaza entrance, which is located between Powder Mill Road and Route 53.
September 2023 17 Keep the Pride in Parsippany! Paul Carifi, Jr. • Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team Commander • 50+ Year Resident Adam Kandil • Civil Engineer • Proud Husband & Father Matt McGrath • Business Leader • Youth Sports Coach Vote on November 7th! Early Voting: Oct 28-Nov 5 Paid for by Carifi, Kandil, McGrath for Council

Meet Matt

Hello, my name is Matt Kavanagh and I have been a Parsippany resident since 2012; first living in Lake Parsippany and now currently in the Powder Mill Section of town. I am running for town council to represent you, our community friends and neighbors. Alongside my running mates, Judy Hernandez and Bernard Clarkin, we have many goals to improve and enhance our living experience in Parsippany. My wife and I have two young children in the Parsippany school system and are active within the community. I have volunteered in the town for five years, along with coaching soccer in the Parsippany Soccer Club.

My work in the Community

I started volunteering in the town after I raised my hand at a Parsippany master plan town meeting, calling out the need for the formation of a Green team. At that time, there were several sustainability aspects of the town that needed work. I reached out to Judy Hernandez and we passed

Message from Matt Kavanagh:

a resolution to start the Parsippany Green Team and seek certification in the Sustainable Jersey program for the municipality. Over several years, attending weekly meetings with volunteers in the town throughout the pandemic, as well as working with municipal department heads and the mayor, we were able to complete a rigorous program and achieve a Bronze Award certification for Parsippany. We amassed 200 points of awarded initiatives spanning land use and transportation, waste management, innovative community projects, community partnerships and outreach, natural resources and emergency response and resiliency. We also pledged Parsippany to be a carbon neutral town by 2030 and had full mayoral support at the time.

Many initiatives on the table were related to energy savings improvement plans and clean infrastructure projects across all the municipal facilities. We were pursuing the top credentials in the program for Gold Certification in water and Gold Certification in Energy. Some of the programs were zero cost to the town, could be subsidized, and cash flow positive from day one, by law. Other programs, such as installing solar and renewable energy at the sewer plant, would reduce one of the most expensive costs for the town and add resiliency features to this critical infrastructure. We grew a roster of over 40 volunteers and had many towns calling us for advice. We also started the Morris County Sustainable Jersey Hub, a grouping of towns seeking Sustainable Jersey certification.

When the new administration took office, we had several meetings with the mayor to explain the program and the current commitments on the table, as well as the cost saving benefits to the town. We had a group of initiatives lined up with an easy path to silver certification. Unfortunately, the mayor did not embrace the green team; therefore, the sustainability efforts and

all of the great initiatives were stalled. This, in turn, has cost time and money to the citizens of this town as well as delaying critical sustainability projects for the town.

I was inspired to become more involved, step out of a volunteer capacity, and run for town council. I want to ensure sustainability is not forgotten and we can work toward these important projects. We can vote on laws that would make our town more livable, have cleaner air, have cleaner streets, manage waste better, improve water infrastructure, add survivability features for natural disasters and improve features that would generate revenue for the town. We can better utilize the great location we have in New Jersey for clean transportation.

I learned early on how valuable and important local government is to ensuring that we are doing the right things to protect the long term future of our communities. I’m running with the motivation to make a positive difference in our community.

As a volunteer head coach in the Parsippany Soccer Club for over five years, I have seen all of the young kids grow up and learn how to play this sport. What I have observed, as a parent and a coach, is how kids can learn from adults regarding how we behave, act, and teach. We need to teach our kids in the community to protect, embrace and enhance the aspects of the town around them. We need to be role models and exemplify to them how to create a secure future through community and environment.

My professional experience

I have been in the energy industry for over 20 years, beginning as a reliability engineer for a power utility company, after leaving the Navy, protecting low/ medium voltage grid infrastructure. I have been in renewable energy for 15 years with experience in large hydropower, small wind, ground source

18 Parsippany Focus Magazine Paid for by Hernandez, Clarkin and Kavanagh for Council Political Scene
Elect Judy Hernandez, Bernard Clarkin and Matt Kavanagh for Parsippany Township Council Matt Kavanagh

Candidate for Parsippany Town Council

heat pumps, energy storage, solar PV (commercial and residential) and transportation energy services. I have served many roles in the Distributed Energy Resources industry from project management, procurement, program management, product development, logistics, operations, project engineering and senior supply chain roles.

I most recently served at a national solar + energy storage company in senior operational roles including leading key projects to decarbonize the supply chain and transportation network. Core responsibilities included cost reduction, cost management, operational efficiency, and accuracy. Running cost reduction programs is a specialty, whereby proper management and continuous improvement can be applied to expose inefficiencies and costs that can be managed and reduced over time.

In my supply chain role, year after year, I was able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for transportation, saving millions of pounds of carbon emissions, optimizing networks, using trains and cutting out miles of freight movements.

In my current role as Chief Operations Officer, I am leading sales, project management, engineering and business operations for their building and transportation decarbonization verticals.

I am also the acting Chief Financial Officer, managing company financials, budgets, operational expenses, and cost management. I am a proud graduate of the US Naval Academy with a Weapon Systems Engineering degree, a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University, and a Navy veteran of 5 years.

My passion and lifelong mission is to decarbonize and accelerate the transformation to a clean energy world.

We need to think differently

We are at a juncture in time where communities need to think differently about our long term future. Continuous expansion, unsustainable growth and overconsumption are not long term strategies for a healthy community. They lead to the depletion of natural resources and negatively impacts everything around us. Parsippany, as a community. needs to think decades ahead and plan for the management of water, waste, energy, community diversity and critical infrastructure; this would ensure our town is affordable and liveable in the long term. We want to stay in the town, we want our kids to stay in the town, and we should be thinking now about 2030, 2050 and beyond.

In the Navy, I was working to protect the country. As the co leader of the green team, I am working to protect this community. And, as your town council representative, I will work on cost management, cost reduction and implementing sustainability features so

that in the long term, the community we love remains clean, green, and livable.

With three council seats up for election this November, I am running to bring a new voice with a new perspective to the town council. I want to work for our families and think towards a brighter future for our children. As a father and husband, I am committed to ensuring that other Parsippany families, like mine, can feel safe and financially secure. Over twenty years of experience, in the field of renewable energy and successful management of large corporate responsibilities, has given me the knowledge and tools I need to effectively administer a large town like Parsippany. My unique perspective will benefit the town in many ways including goals around sustainability, a healthy environment, and a cost-effective way to lower our town’s expenditures. I ask you, the voters of Parsippany, to elect me, Judy Hernandez, and Bernard Clarkin, to the town council on November 7th.

Paid for by Hernandez, Clarkin and Kavanagh for Council October 2023 19 Political Scene
Elect Judy Hernandez, Bernard Clarkin and Matt Kavanagh for Parsippany Township Council

Eli’s Eatery: Korean Fusion Cuisine with a French Culinary Twist

(Continued from Page 16)

casual, modern-designed dining area; impeccably clean, bright, and airy. The natural ambient lighting from the full-sized front windows, along with the well-spaced seating arrangements and classy décor set the mood and ambiance for what was to be a warm, comfortable, and inviting dining experience.

Fifteen or so sparkling tables are thoughtfully spaced throughout the dining area.  The textured marble appearance of the tables adds a touch of elegance and is accentuated by the soft, black leather seating. The color scheme is coordinated and cozy with soft beige walls, recessed ceiling lighting, and a faux wooden plankdesigned floor. Décor is simple, but classy, with Asian-themed pictures adorning the walls, along with a few thoughtfully placed plants and accent pieces. A large screen TV takes

center stage on one wall, displaying rotating photos of the restaurant’s various dishes, while relaxing music plays, almost unnoticeably, in the background. It is obvious that interior design requires a lot of thought, planning, and experience.

We were graciously greeted by a smiling David Oh, immediately as we entered the restaurant. Mr. Oh offered us our choice of seating and quickly arranged two tables together to ensure our comfort. As we uncorked our wine (did I mention that Eli’s is a BYOB) and in my case, opened my Kloud Original Gravity beer; a popular Korean beer brewed in Seoul; water had arrived, along with chopsticks, utensils, and menus.  Mr. Oh was our server and he could not have been more accommodating, helpful, or knowledgeable. By this time Chef Eli had taken a moment to come out to welcome us to the restaurant, which I thought was a nice touch.

As always, the debate over shared appetizers began. Mr. Oh patiently answered any questions we had and offered recommendations, as we requested. Our eventual choices included the Korean Fried Chicken; double-fried chicken wings tossed in honey chili glaze and served with white daikon (squares of sour, vinegary, crunchy pickled radish that married with the fried chicken perfectly). WOW! Dukbokki; soft, chewy, rice cakes, sauteed in a sweet, savory, and spicy red chili sauce, with vegetables and beef. (A popular Korean street food), Korean Buns; hot, fluffy, soft, and moist steamed buns, loaded with coleslaw and shredded cucumber. Bursting with flavor! Not surprisingly, everything was devoured quickly, and every plate was clean. Every appetizer was outstanding, and a great kick-off to our yet-to-bedecided-upon entrees.

My entrée was Kalbijim; simmered beef short ribs on the bone, in a ginger soy garlic sauce, served with daikon and carrots. Kalbijim is an iconic Korean dish with a deep, savory, yet sweet flavor. The tender, juicy, fall-off-thebone meat, served with an umamipacked broth, was loaded with mouthwatering flavor and melted in my mouth. You could taste the freshness in every bite.  An excellent and satisfying choice. The Kalbijim came with sides of brown rice, crispy Kimchi, pickled chayote, and broccoli. The broth also served as a wonderful gravy for that rice side dish. Lots of delightful flavors and textures pleasantly stimulate those taste buds.

Mike F. went with the Bokkeumbap; wok-fried rice (brown or white), with egg, bean sprouts, corn, scallions, soy, and sesame. I’d like to add that all these entrees can be adjusted to add tofu, beef, or chicken, or you can make it vegetarian if you like, as well as your preferred spice level.

Mike Z. chose to go with the Bulgogi; a powerfully flavored and marinated ribeye tossed with zucchini, broccoli, and onions in a soy-sesame sauce, while Vin tried the Dol Sot Bibimbap; served in a sizzling hot stone bowl,

(Continued on Page 24)

Restaurant Review
20 Parsippany Focus Magazine
Dol Sot Bibimbap: served in a sizzling hot stone bowl, with mixed rice, and assorted fresh and marinated vegetables, all mixed together with a spicy bibimbap sauce.

Mayor’s Action Center

Mayor James R. Barberio

What The Mayor’s Action Center Does For You (973) 263-4262

Listens: The Mayor’s Action Center welcomes any request for service or information. No matter what the problem or question, every effort is made to give a prompt response. Please use GovPilot to report a concern, the concern can be reported at any time via online form or through the Gov-Pilot App.

Records: All requests for service, received through the Mayor’s Action Center, are automatically logged-in to ensure that every request is on file and can be easily retrieved. Requests are forwarded to the appropriate department and the requester will be updated along the process.

Resolves: The Mayor’s Action Center attempts to address residents’ concerns in a timely manner. Every request for action is tracked from inception to completion. Upon completion, residents will receive notice that the issue or complaint was addressed.

Examples of Requests:

Repairing of potholes; Drainage problems; Requests for signs; Litter; Icy road conditions; Illegal dumping; Housing maintenance problems; Animal control and removal; Street lighting; Curb repair;

October 2023 21
Sponsored by Unity Bank

Dive deep into the world of ambulance transportation with Brian L. Ulery, the leading figure and Chief Executive Officer at Saint Clare’s Health.

On October 12, Brian invites the community to pull back the curtain and discover the intricacies of what transpires when those three pivotal digits, 9-1-1, are dialed for an ambulance.

The ‘Let’s Talk Health’ initiative is more than just an informative session; it’s a commitment to community well-being. This free community series aims to dispel myths, alleviate fears, and ensure every individual is armed with accurate and up-to-date health information.

Whether you’re cozy on your

couch or on-the-move, you can be part of this enlightening event. Stream it live on Facebook at @ SaintClaresHealth or tune in on YouTube at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 12.

Keen on joining the Facebook event? Register here: https://

And remember, your queries and concerns matter! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the provider.

Direct your emails to: SCNJCommunications@ Let’s foster a well-informed community, together.

Saint Clare’s Health is located at 25 Pocono Road, Denville and


Saint Clare’s Dover, located at 400 West Blackwell Street.

For more information visit their website at

22 Parsippany Focus Magazine Health News 9-1-1: Where Emergency Care Begins… ‘Let’s Talk Health’ Morris County Office 385 Route 24, Chester, NJ (908) 888-2547 - Mention Parsippany Focus for a FREE 30-Minute Consultation
A Firm You Can Trust Reliable and Responsive Legal Counsel Employment Law p Commercial Litigation Local Government Law pBusiness Law
1236 Route 46, Suite 100 Parsippany (973) 335-1850 Accessible, Reliable, and Personable healthcare providers near you Dr. Santhosh Chakilam, MD
Brian L. Ulery, the leading figure and Chief Executive Officer at Saint Clare’s Health

Eli’s Eatery: Korean Fusion Cuisine with a French Culinary Twist

(Continued from Page 20)

with mixed rice, assorted fresh and marinated vegetables, all mixed together with a spicy bibimbap sauce. Each dish was beautifully prepared, plated, and presented, and the consensus among the group was that each and every dish not only met but exceeded expectations.

Following my meal, I took the opportunity to discuss the restaurant, and the menu, with both David Oh and Chef Eli, both very amiable individuals who are enthusiastic about their joint venture.  Their origin story goes back over 25 years. A friendship and partnership that developed at Woo Lae Oak in Soho continued at Bann in midtown Manhattan, then the Woodham in Morris Plains, and now Eli’s Eatery. On their website, they state, “Eli and David’s latest venture is the muchloved Eli’s Eatery in Parsippany. This restaurant has become a testament to their gastronomic prowess and their commitment to bringing joy through food,”. After dining at their beautiful new eatery and speaking with both Mr. Oh and Chef Eli, I see the validity and sincerity in those words.

Chef Eleazar Martinez, or Chef Eli, as he likes to be called, is a trained culinary chef and a true artisan of food, which explains his unique, creative, and innovative approach to modern Korean fusion cuisine.  French cuisine is identified by the dining experience and is considered by many to be the most prestigious and respectable cuisine in the world. It requires careful presentation, elegance, and community. It is this knowledge, along with years of extensive training that has enabled the Chef to develop his own personal concept of Korean Fusion cuisine.

Even though the restaurant’s menu offers a large selection of traditional Korean classics, it is this French culinary influence, along with Chef Eli’s innovative concepts, that makes Eli’s Eatery stand out from the crowd.

As I understand it, “traditional Korean flavors, with a French culinary influence, and a modern twist.”

And for those of you looking to go out for a nice dinner, but the kids want chicken tenders, a cheeseburger, PB&J, or the like, not a problem.

Eli’s Eatery offers a Kids’ Menu offering those delicacies, along with enough other kid favorites that should please everyone

For those unfamiliar or intimidated by Korean cuisine, you’re honestly missing out if you don’t try it.

David Oh and/or Chef Eli will be more than happy to guide you along on your new culinary adventure. I highly recommend you stop in this beautiful

new venue and enjoy the experience. I’m confident once you discover this cuisine, packed with flavor, you will be back.

(Korean Fusion Restaurant)

2569 Route 10 East Morris Plains

(In Galleria 10 Plaza) (973) 206-1717

Hours: 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (7 days a week); Dine In – Take Out

– BYOB; Free Parking – Free Wi-Fi –Outdoor Dining. Catering.

Restaurant Review
24 Parsippany Focus Magazine
Chef Eleazar Martinez, Patrick Minutillo and David Oh
Eli’s Eatery

Professional Physical Therapy Hosts Ribbon Cutting Celebration

Professional Physical Therapy proudly opened its doors with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, on Saturday, September 23, offering guests an inside look at their cutting-edge facility equipped with the latest in rehabilitation technology.

Meera Bajaj, Clinical Director of Professional Physical Therapy, shared, “This state-of-the-art facility is a testament to our commitment to delivering tailored and impactful care to our patients. We’re excited to introduce our services to the community.”

Attendees enjoyed guided tours of the facility, highlighting the sophisticated equipment and spaces optimized for patient care. The event also allowed them to interact with the skilled team of therapists and gain insights into the range of services provided, spanning pain management, postoperative rehabilitation, sports injuries, workplace injuries, chronic conditions, fall prevention, and balance training.

Mayor James Barberio commended Meera Bajaj on the opening, noting the vital role such services play, from aiding student athletes to assisting adults in their fitness journeys. “Your offerings fill

a significant gap in our community, and I foresee a bright future for Professional Physical Therapy here.”

Key community figures, including Councilman Justin Musella, Frank Neglia, Chairman Frank Cahill of Parsippany Economic Development, Parsippany Area

Chamber of Commerce President Robert Peluso, and board members Nicolas Limanov and Ildiko Peluso, graced the occasion.

Chairman Cahill conveyed his congratulations, stating, “We’re grateful you chose Parsippany for your venture. Wishing you tremendous success. You’ve added to our community’s pride.”

Offering both physical and hand therapy services, each patient at Professional Physical Therapy is assured personalized care tailored to their needs, delivered by seasoned therapists.

Situated at 333 Littleton Road, the center is a proud member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce.

October 2023 25 Economic Development
This state-of-the-art facility is a testament to our commitment to delivering tailored and impactful care to our patients. We’re excited to introduce our services to the community. Dave Grancagnolo, Regional Director of Operations, Denna Swanson, Occupational Therapist, Alex Bua, Vice President Operations NJ, Mayor James Barberio, Meera Bajaj, Clinical Director of Professional Physical Therapy, Parsippany-Troy Hills Development Chairman Frank Cahill, Councilman Frank Neglia, Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce President Robert Peluso, Councilman Justin Musella and Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce Board Member Nicolas Limanov.
Their signature dish, the Molcajete 26 Parsippany Focus Magazine Dr. Mandeep Mini Veterinarian Community RESOURCE DIRECTORY Advertise Here Call (973) 559-6000 for details 1576 Littleton Rd Morris Plains Laura’s Pet Spa Full Service Dog & Cat Grooming Day Care and More (973) 599-1133 Happy Paws House Calls Call (862) 285-7799 Dr. Mandeep Mini Veterinarian -Vaccines & Sick Visits -Acupuncture -Chiropractic -International & Domestic Health Certs -Western & Holistic Medicine -Euthanasia Palliative Care Waste and Recycling Removal, Hauling, and Disposal Services for All Sectors CALL (973) 242-8008 Providing companionship and assistance to those facing life’s challenging transitions as we age, while safely encouraging remaining active and independent in the comfort of one’s home, wherever that may be. Care@CaredForAtHome.Com (973) 440-5710 3651 Hill Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 Amodeo Music Productions Parsippany/Denville Recording Studio Facility - Original Music - Voice Over - Radio and TV Commercials - Song and Demo Productions -All Media Content Voice: (973) 625-2390 CONNECTING MORRIS COUNTY #SHOP LOCAL THE WORKS MOBILE AUTO DETAILING SPRING SPECIAL Cars $160 Trucks $200 Includes Full Interior Detail; Exterior Wash and Tire Dressing Based in Parsippany Book Now (973) 953-2360

Sunny Skies and High Spirits: Fall Festival Attracts Multitudes of Attendees

The buzz was intense in northern New Jersey as residents flocked to North Beverwyck Road on Sunday, October 1, to immerse themselves in the 20th Annual Parsippany Fall Festival. With pristine fall weather setting the perfect backdrop, attendees indulged in a variety of activities that the festival had to offer.

This annual gathering is more than just a festival; it’s a testament to the township’s community spirit, highlighting its programs, services, organizations, and businesses. The continued support and generosity from the business community have been instrumental in elevating the festival’s success year after year. And this year, the Parsippany Fall Festival outdid itself, offering something for everyone. Kids reveled in the joy of various rides and attractions while adults basked in the entertainment and camaraderie.

From the tantalizing scents of bacon on a stick, sliders, Pad Thai, Gyros, and gigantic pretzels, the festival was a food lovers’ delight. The day was further enhanced with face painting, exhilarating games, slides, and the rhythm of Street Hassle performing on stage. Moreover, it was heartwarming to see representatives

from local nonprofits, businesses, and restaurants, all contributing to the festival’s vibrancy.

One noteworthy mention was the Parsippany Rescue volunteers, who were stationed at Lake Shore Drive at Minnehaha. They served attendees

with their mouthwatering freshly squeezed lemonade, buttered popcorn, cotton candy, and chilled water.

All in all, the 2023 Parsippany Fall Festival was an event to remember, a celebration of community spirit and unity.

October 2023 27 Community Events
The day was further enhanced with face painting, exhilarating games, slides, and the rhythm of a live band.

Born on November 11, 2022, Curly is a tender-hearted eleven-month-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a zest for life. Although she’s slightly reserved, she’s yearning for a warm-hearted family that can offer patience and love. Having another canine companion in her new home would be beneficial for her to learn and adapt quickly.

Traits: Curly, who had a challenging start in life, craves affection and companionship. Her petite stature makes her the perfect lap dog, always seeking a cozy spot in your arms or with her dog pals. Beyond the cuddles, Curly enjoys frolicking in the garden, leisurely walks, and bonding with

other dogs. If you wish to win her heart instantly, treats are the secret! They not only please her but also aid in building her confidence and trust.

House Habits: Curly has mastered the art of crate training. She peacefully slumbers in it during the night and retreats for daytime naps. Plus, feline friends are welcome, as Curly adores mingling with them and her canine siblings alike.

If Curly’s journey strikes a chord with you, consider offering her the love-filled home she deserves.

Connect with WISE ANIMAL RESCUE and discover the charm of Curly, who’s patiently waiting for her forever family.

For further details, visit www.

Puppy Love
Loving Spaniel Seeking
Forever Home 28 Parsippany Focus Magazine Happy Paws House Calls Dr. Mandeep Mini Veterinarian -Vaccines & Sick Visits -Acupuncture -Chiropractic -International & Domestic Health Certs -Western & Holistic Medicine -EuthanasiaVPalliative Care Call (862) 285-7799
Offer Expires 10/31/23

Sons of Italy Welcomes Trio in Latest Induction

The Order Sons of Italy in AmericaLodge 2561 of Morris County recently welcomed three new members: Justin Musella, Len Del Gaudio, and Nick Rafanello.

Each year, the Sons of Italy passionately organizes a variety of fundraisers driven by charity and community involvement, with all proceeds directly benefiting numerous charitable causes.

The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is a national organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States. The organization aims to promote Italian culture, traditions, language, the legacy of Italian ancestors, and their contributions to the U.S. and the world.

The installation of new members involves a formal ceremony where the individuals are welcomed into the organization, take an oath, and make a pledge to uphold the values and objectives of the organization. After the induction, the new members

partake in the various activities, events, and initiatives organized by the Sons of Italy. During the monthly meeting, Sons of Italy donated $2,000 to Jersey Battered Women Shelter and $2,000 to

the Interfaith Food Pantry.

For more information on Morris County’s Order Sons of Italy In America – Lodge 2561, visit

October 2023 29 Volunteering
Justin Musella, Len Del Gaudio, and Nick Rafanello take the oath of office

Mount Tabor: From Methodist Camp to Victorian Charm

The village of Mount Tabor (located in Parsippany-Troy Hills Township) began as a Methodist camp meeting location just after the Civil War. As the community matured, the original tents gave way to picturesque Victorian cottages, many of which still survive to this day.

This is 46 St. John’s Avenue with all of its splendid Victorian millwork intact.

Since then, the house has been heavily remodeled, and it’s hard to believe this is actually the same house.

Dormer windows were added at some point, and some original trim was replaced with elements that remain true to the spirit of the Victorian design. Exploring the winding and hilly streets of Mount Tabor is a visual treat if you like the quaint and unexpected, along with scenic views and picturesque landscapes. Bring your phone and I’m sure you will take many interesting pictures to share!

30 Parsippany Focus Magazine
By contrast, this 1878 cottage at Morris Avenue and Wesley Place has retained much more of its artistic charm. Pictured is Mrs. Isabelle Hedden along with a nanny who is caring for Mrs. Hedden’s son Harold R. Hedden (in the baby carriage).
October 2023 31 Redevelopment • Land Use & Development • Real Estate • Affordable Housing • Property Tax Appeals • State & Federal Court Litigation • Governmental & Municipal Litigation • Commercial & Business Litigation • Complex Civil Litigation • Professional Liability • Products Liability • Premises Liability • Municipal Defense • White Collar • Criminal Defense • Insurance Defense • Healthcare • Aviation • Labor & Employment • Consultation Services for Executives • Education Law • Alternative Dispute Resolution • Licensing, Professional Discipline & Ethics • Corporate and Business Transactions • Trademark • Immigration 600 Parsippany Rd., Suite 204 • Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: (973) 947-7111 • Fax: (973) 887-2700 WHEN RESULTS MATTER COUNT O N US.

Nicolas Iannucci Begins First Semester at Eastern

undergraduate and graduate-level programs.

Among them is Nicolas Iannucci, a 2023 graduate of Parsippany Hills High School, a first-year student who is majoring in Business Administration.

The most popular majors for the new students include psychology, business administration, health sciences, computer science, art and biology. The students come from nearly all of Connecticut’s 169 towns and 21 other states. Outside of Connecticut, the biggest feeder states for the new students include Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island.

More than 900 new students are in their first semester at Eastern Connecticut State University this fall 2023. The new admits include 696 first-time students and 254 transfer students who are enrolled in

These students join a student body of nearly 4,000 who are enrolled for the 2023-24 academic year. In total, 30 states are represented among them and approximately 30% are the first in their families to attend college.

Eastern Connecticut State University

is the state of Connecticut’s public liberal arts university, serving upwards of 4,000 students annually on its Willimantic campus. In addition to attracting students from 160 of Connecticut’s 169 towns, Eastern also draws students from 30 states and eight countries. A residential campus offering 41 majors and 68 minors, Eastern offers students a strong liberal arts foundation grounded in a variety of applied learning opportunities. Ranked among the top 20 public institutions in the North by U.S. News & World Report in its 2022-23 Best Colleges ratings, Eastern has also been awarded ‘Green Campus’ status by the Princeton Review 13 years in a row. For more information, visit


School Scene 32 Parsippany Focus Magazine
Submit your pictures for August 2022 to Submit your pictures for upcoming issues.
Did you know Parsippany Focus has the largest events calendar in the area. Visit today
Nicolas Iannucci
October 2023 33 Your Local Network of Professionals MADIN & MADIN ATTORNEY AT LAW 84 Washington Street, Morristown, N.J. 07960 (862) 283-0012 Fax: (973) 521-8565 Said Shamsudin Phone: 973-334-5111 Fax: 973-718-2483 342 Parsippany Road Parsippany English Spanish Arabic STAY HOME... WELL COME TO YOU! Tile v Vinyl v Carpet v Laminate v Area Rugs v Hardwood v Natural Stone v Pet Friendly Options 908-396-7333 NJ HIC # 13VH11660400 Scan here to Book a Free In-Home Consultation

• 4 Swordfish “steaks”

• 4 t capers

• 1 lemon, juiced.

• 4 T butter

• 12 grape tomatoes

• 1 T grape seed oil

• 1.5 oz white wine.

• Chopped parsley.

• 1 cup vegetable stock

Take the swordfish steaks and remove the skin and bloodline, creating two medallions per steak.

Dust the medallions in flour

Swordfish Piccata

and remove the excess. Pan sear in a large non-reactive sauté pan. When the first side is seared golden brown, flip and remove the excess oil. Away from the flame, deglaze with the wine. Add the butter, capers and half of the stock, simmer two minutes. Add lemon juice

Chef Matthew Pierone

Gourmet Café Restaurant

136 Baldwin Road

Parsippany, New Jersey (973) 316-0088

and add more stock if needed. Spoon the liquid over the fish, as the stock reduces and the butter melts, the sauce comes together. Add chopped parsley and plate with your favorite rice and veggies. In a separate pan, sauté and season the grape tomatoes, place on top of the fish, as an edible garnish.

Cooking times for swordfish is 8 minutes per inch of thickness, so if you have half inch medallions the fish will be done in just 4 minutes! That is why it is so easy to overcook.

Chef Matt’s Favorite Recipes 34 Parsippany Focus Magazine
Dr. David Caggiano 973.887.8780 272 Parsippany Road, Parsippany Most Insurance Plans Accepted Every smile is backed by our 100% CAGGIANO SMILE WARRANTY October 2023 35
Zoomus Marketing, LLC. 90 East Halsey Road, Suite 304 Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDDM RETAIL ECRWSS Local Postal Customer A Sweet Deal is Right at Your Doorstep! Inventory is Low, and Demand is High! Call Today to Get Your Home SOLD! Your Neighborhood Real Estate Experts! Top 1% of NJ Real Estate Agents PLATINUM AGENTS 973-887-0095 973-886-2626 973-214-3316 Parsippany - Under Contract Parsippany - $550,000 Denville - Under Contract Lake Hopatcong - $300,000 Rockaway - Under Contract Wanaque - Coming Soon! HaveaSafe&HappyHalloween! A n d re a & Pa u l Look For Us at: Boonton’s Trick or Treat Trail on 10/21 Rockaway’s Dark Lake Event on 10/28 Parsippany’s Trunk or Treat on 10/31

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