KLPG / 25

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Kylie Lila Parker Goldberg June 2, 1997


ylie Lila Lou, Toots, Sweetness, Pretty, Prittle,

a feat that reminded me of your beautiful work doing

Sis, Kylou, Prittlysweet, Tootles, Pritzle,

the same for me when I graduated from university.

Tootlysweet, Sissle, Susan, Pritts, Tootsle,

You continue to be a compassionate and giving

Kylotta. You are an advocate, leader, comedian, artist,

sister and friend. While the focus of the prompt was

reader, caring mother of Harriet, TikTok celebrity,

to offer you wisdom as you embark on this twenty-

small business shopper, social justice fighter, and

fifth year, the pictures and words from your family

so much more. We are fortunate to call you our

and friends throughout life is a testament to the

daughter, sister, and life-long best friend. In honor

continous impact you have on us. We all love being

of your twenty-fifth birthday, your mother crafted

with you because of who you are and how you make

the idea of collecting advice and photos from your

us feel. Love ya so much!

loved ones. Mom also charged your friends with either providing a photo with you or a self portrait at twenty-five (which you will see throughout this book, along with some additional pictures from throughout your life). Curating all these words and pictures was

Happy 25th Birthday! Adam, Mom, and Dad





If you do what makes you happy, and you think of yourself first, and it doesn’t hurt anybody else around you, I believe only good can come from it. Grandma Sharon, May 21, 1983



Do what you enjoy. Don’t go take classes for something you don’t know if you want to do. Grandma Shirley

Put money in a savings account that you can’t take out. If it’s only $25 a month, just do it. Papa



Don’t get married at 25. You’re too young. Grandma Mary

We wish we would have asked more questions

At 97 how the hell would I remember?

of our parents before they died.

Aunt Sis

Grandma Shirley and Grandma Mary





25 things to have more of in your life starting at 25: 1. Sleep 2. Music 3. Books 4. Walks 5. Sunrises/sunsets 6. Laughs 7. Dreaming 8. Journaling 9. Goal setting 10. Exercising 11. Doing 12. Living 13. Hobbies 14. Time in nature 15. Cooking 16. Volunteering 17. Donating 18. Podcasts 19. Appreciation 20. Plants 21. Self love 22. Drink mixing 23. Mountains 24. Beaches 25. Your fav lil cuz, Abbie Bear 7


When I was 25, I wish I knew how quickly I’d be 30


2) life is ever-changing - roll with the punches and ride the waves. Be open to new experiences and enjoy cheaper car insurance (I believe it goes down at 25 ) - but savor the moment bc in the blink of an eye you’ll be 30 and I’ll be 35 and we can’t have that too quickly



Love you Ky! Jon

Don’t worry about being cute - you’ve got that in spades! Live unabashedly and confidently. Continue to find and refine what you love and brings you joy. Take risks cause you’ve got so much life left to live. At 25, I let in the love of my life. Hard to believe how far we’ve come in what feels like so little time. Cannot wait to see where you take yourself, Kylie Lou!! Zac



Be alright with your priorities changing. This can apply to several different facets of your life; career goals, self-image, relationships, spirituality, etc. It has been drilled into us that if you make a decision, you need to stick with it until the very end. However, that’s bullshit! Life isn’t that black & white. When we’re younger, we have all these ideas about what we want from life and how to achieve it, but sometimes as you get closer to certain milestones, you’ll realize that what you thought you wanted actually isn’t making you happy. And, that’s okay. What is important is reassessing what you want from life if you’re unsure and then taking the steps in order to make it come to fruition. Then, if you realize you’re unhappy again, rinse and repeat! We shouldn’t be afraid to listen to ourselves when we know our own desires best. Andrew Daniels

Celebrate who you were when you turned 21, and how far you’ve come turning 25. 25 is a great age to reflect not only where you’ve been, but where you are going. Shelby and Matt



Be who you want to be, not what others expect; be patient, the only thing you have for sure is the moment you are in and the memories you have so live in the present, the future will get here soon enough; surround yourself with people that make you laugh; choose a life partner who loves you with abandon and you can’t stand to be away from; and, most important of all, love yourself because you are the one person for sure you will go to bed with every night. I love you Kylie, Happy Birthday!! Wendy Parker

Stay as debt free as you can cause then you have more money to sock back. Thinking about the future as far as investing in retirement. Save as much as you can. Larry





You with Zac’s baby, Rosie

Dad with baby Zac



Mom with baby Zac

Grandma Sharon with Mom



Toots, happy 25th birthday!!! I’m so proud of everything you’ve been able to accomplish, from moving to a new city, getting a new job, and even becoming a TikTok star. You can do it all!! I have no advice for you other than keep being yourself! Harriet and I both appreciate all you do for us and don’t know where we’d be without you:) hope you have a wonderful birthday and can’t wait to celebrate the whole year with you! Love you! Sean



Happy birthday Kylie! Wishing you a year full of exploring KC, brunching with Harriet, Dakota & me, and espresso martinis. So happy that you live here & can’t wait for all the memories we will make this year!


Ashley Gassmann 15


I really have no wiser words to pass on to Kylie for her 25th birthday than those of her mother, father, the rest of her family and friends. She is so loved by all, a delightful young woman who we all love and respect for who she is and who we know she will become in the future. Love you so much Ky Grandma Nov

Look to the future. Let go of the past! My advice is one of my favorite quotes of all time...which I have posted in my office for years.... from Jon Kabat-Zinn: “Guess what? When it comes right down to it, wherevr you go, there you are. Whatever you wind up doing, that’s what you’ve wound up doing. Whatever you are thinking right now, that’s what’s on your mind. Whatever has happened to you, it has already happened. The important question is, how are you going to handle it? In other words, ‘Now what?’” Love and kisses...and Happy, happy b-day, Ky Ky! Love, Uncle Ron 16


Proudly and boldly advocate for yourself and what you know to be true. Or, more explicitly, when you know you’re right, tell the authoritative figure, “you’re full of shit.” Grandpa Goldberg

At 25. I’m finally not afraid to be me. I’ve found the love of my life. I’ve got a great job and friends that are still great friends of mine. I think at 25 or 26, you are living for you. You’re not comparing yourself to the people you can never be; those popular kids, the rich kids, the skinny girl with the guy you always wanted to look at you. You have discovered yourself and your worth. You know there will still be times you will be disappointed and hurt and sad, but you can handle it. You are the person you should be, not the prom queen, not the elusive popular girl; you have arrived. Love, Aunt Micki



Don’t let anyone keep you from your hopes & dreams. Scott Pantel


First off so glad you aren’t married at 25 You have your entire life to be married. Go out and explore this big world! Dream big and do not let your fears hold you back! Jane


You have the sweetest, old soul even though you are only a young 25. Keep traveling and exploring and living life to the fullest! I know you’ll continue to do great things! Love you! (and so do Lincoln and Blakely) Happy birthday!!! Jaymie Lamaak Happy Quarter Century Birthday Kylie!! At 25 I had traveled over seas and still had a few more big trips to come. I’m thankful for what traveling taught me about the world and about myself. I encourage you to travel as far around the globe as you can when you can! Enjoy your 25th birthday and all of the wonderful things to come! Bree Oxley








Always remember not to over stir your batter. When in doubt, slow down and pause for the cause. Over stirring things toughens it’s up too much. We want to stay soft, but firm.

Kylie I was gonna suggest that you Live, Love and Laugh. You have that mastered. Proud of you. Cherish all the precious moments because life flies by. Glad we are pals.

Teresa Dybevik

Alisa Ajango


Move home! Love ya! Helaina


We are the same person. Cheers to you, cheers to us! Happy Birthday! Love, Jope

Learn to laugh at yourself, if you don’t laugh you’re not gonna make it. Good memories can be just as toxic as bad memories. Luke Simons



Happy {25th} Birthday Kylie! A true celebration of all the years we have been lucky enough to have you on this earth. It’s easy to say each passing year has been my favorite but it’s true — I loved 25 deeply. It taught me how precious and valuable life is; change happens in the blink of an eye. Embrace every moment, love deeply and do what makes you happy. I can’t wait to watch you continue to grow and become more yourself each day. LYLAS, Mic 23


KPG-welcome to year 25! You’re closer to 30 now and that sounds horrible, but I think it’s better. Some days you officially feel like an adult, but that’s just one big joke. Year 25 was one of my best ones yet, and I know it will be for you too! I think 25 is the age where you start to truly not give a single shit what other people think about you (most of the time at least ) You’ve had so many new adventures in year 24, but I have a feeling year 25 will beat it. If I could give you one piece of advice from a very wise 27 year old Paige—take time to enjoy the little things. It may seem like the biggest trips and nights out are the best, but it’s really the days you look back on and just think “I was happy doing nothing with people I love.” Keep that in mind when things seem way big and scary. Scale it down and focus on what makes you feel happy and loved. I hope our friendship is one of those things ILYSM smol girl and I can’t wait to watch you kick 25 in the ass!!!


Paige Belting

Something I have always been happy about in my decision making right before turning 25 is putting myself in an environment and community where I could thrive. I see that so much in your move to KC and am so excited for the adventures you will have. stay busy. -G 24




Stop drinking so much, hangovers at 25 are brutal. Maci Reeg

25th Birthday Advice! Kylie, don’t take life too seriously and don’t be too hard on yourself. Growing older is a learning process and you’ll learn more about yourself and how to navigate the world daily! Keep a smile on your face and make the most of it all!

Be crazy, act crazy, participate in crazy, we only live once and being normal is sooooooo boring.


Bryce Medinger



My dearest friend Kylie!! Can you believe you are 25?!?! Looking back at our friendship, we have done it all! It’s been an absolute blessing having you in my life, and I can’t wait to grow old with you by my side. I’ve taken life lessons from you, and I’m sure you might have learned a little something from me. Here’s 10 things I’ve compiled that I have learned from our friendship: 1. Don’t buy it unless you are DYING to wear it out the store. If you don’t want to put it on right there, it’s not worth it. 2. If you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine - light up the room when you walk in 3. Love your job or get a new one. It’s not worth it to not love what you spend every day doing. 4. There’s plenty of fish in the sea, and it’s okay to wait for the right one (looking at you Sean) 5. It’s okay to take risks and change the course of your life at ANY point. (Harriet, buying and selling a house, moving cities)


6. Learn from the past, but don’t let it affect your future. 7. Long distance friendships can last a lifetime. 8. Everyone’s middle name can be Susan. 9. Take random photos, they will be fun memories later on. 10. Life is too short to pretend you like vodka waters. Drink the sugary drinks and live with the hangover in the morning. It’s worth the headache and the calories.


Love you lots my sweet friend. I can’t wait to make more weekend trips to KC to visit Harriet’s house (since it’s her world and we are all living in it) Happy 25th Kylie Susan! You deserve the world! Love, Brittany







When I was 25 I wish I was more confident and knew how dang fabulous I am! I also wish I spent less time worrying and more time enjoying the moment. Love Li! Lisa Goldberg





Kylie, when I turned 25 I got the worst hangover in my life and threw up in a mall food court the next day. Then 2 months later hopped on a plane for my first trip outside the US and Matt and I traveled to London. I guess if I can give you any advice it would be to have fun, try not to take yourself too seriously, and, if you’re able, travel with those you love. HBD2KPG! Liz Smith

Kylie birthdays are still fun at 25 and you don’t feel old and they aren’t meaningless. Now I ask Liz how old we are at least once a month. Do not waste this time! HBD! Matt Scott



Kylie, HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY, BABY! Here is some advice that I have learned over the past twoish years and wish I had known sooner. Our early-mid twenties can feel, well, weird. One friend is getting married, another has a baby, and maybe your best friend just got a big promotion. It is important not to compare your life to others in these early stages of life. The best life advice I have ever received is DON’T RUSH. Life isn’t a race. Take one step at a time and enjoy each one. Remember, Vera Wang designed her first dress at 40! Be BOLD, take risks, start a business, go to yoga, go on a European tour, go visit your Tri Delta Mom in Chicago for a weekend ;)!!! There’s no substitute for experience and no time like NOW! Keep it creamy sugar, Paige Shirk (Mom) :)



As I turned 25, there was one question that became more relevant than ever before: What are you waiting for? It ignited a lot of motivation and ambition inside of me. I reflected on the past and the present, and realized that I have been spending so much time living up to the dream of others that I barely made any progress towards my own. Truth be told, many people don’t accomplish their goals simply because they don’t start them. 25 has inspired me to start them. 25 has inspired me to truly “Do you, for you”. That means, with every step you take, reflect on why you’re taking the step. Ask yourself, “Is it something I want for myself, or something somebody else wants for me?” At the end of the day, you have to do you, for you, no matter how big or small the action may be. It’s your canvas — paint it how you wish. Happy Birthday, Fatima 34


Happy Birthday Kylie!!!!! Thank you so much for being a great friend for all these years (and thanks for sharing June 2nd with Nina as bday buddies). Nina’s (almost) 25 year old advice: enjoy life to the fullest and continue to do things that make YOU happy. Also, book some flights out to NYC more to see Mango and Milo


Jacob’s 25 year old advice: Sleep more, Worry less



Whenever you are feeling judgmental, get curious. Continue to be willing to try new things. Remember the moments of your life and record the memories as the years will start passing more quickly. Pay attention to, hone , and trust your intuitive self! Love, Kathy Good



Celebrating you and 25 years of sweetness. From our cupcake-welcoming Q Ave neighbor to mother’s helper and babysitter extraordinaire, it has been a JOY watching you grow up. We cherish the fun and memories you’ve made with our family and thank you for loving the not-so-little anymore Dillboys.


HaPpY, HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Ky! Cheers to the next 25 years of shining bright!


Love you! Jorie & the Dillfam



Keep finding ways to step out of the comfort zone, wish I’d have moved out of Iowa at 25 and I’m happy you’re doing that in KC! Never stop never stopping!


Austin Wilson

I wish I knew almost no one cares about your personal life. Which is very freeing if you think about it. I’m grateful I started saving and investing. Carly Beastrom



There is no “right” way to dress, act, talk or interact in the world. Don’t worry about what you think other people want. Accept who you are and do what you think is right and what makes you happy. You are an amazing, bright, beautiful woman exactly as you are and I love ya so much! Love ya prittle, Mom

When I was 25… I wish I had taken every advantage to meet as many people as I could and I wish I had joined more volunteer groups/ activities. Your father is coolest. And your dad knows everything! Love ya sweetness, Dad



“Quarter century” seems monumental to say yet I think the celebration actually feels significant because this marks the first four-year (or, for you, three-and-one-half-year) period after life defined by academic structure. And, since graduating, you continue to live a flourishing, loving, beautiful life! Debating whether to remain on a phone interview that lead to your first job, adventures with friends, adopting Harriot, buying a house, spontaneous trips to visit me in Minneapolis, accepting a new job, meeting Sean, selling your house, moving to Kansas City, scoring a new job, meeting new friends, and so much more within and beyond. You continue to influence my life and I am so grateful for all the ways we connect - iMessage and FaceTime and Instagram and Twitter and TikTok and our adventures together. I feel like I learned from you, “ground yourself in this reality.” And I interpret this to mean: celebrate often, explore boldly, bask in the sunshine, buy yourself the Trader Joe’s Cheery Juice, share gifts and meals and laughter and tears and time with friends, advocate for yourself and your beliefs, and exercise your civic duty in fighting for the moral good. I’m so grateful to have you in my life! Happy birthday! Love ya Kylotta, Adam 39





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