The Archives Magazine, Fall 2023, Vol. 1, No. 1

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The Archives F R A N C E S F I S H B U R N A R C H I V E S A N D S P E C I A L C O L L E C T I O N S A T P A R K U N I V E R S I T Y H T T P S : / / L I B R A R Y . P A R K . E D U / H O M E / A R C H I V E S F a l l 2 0 2 3 - V o l . 1 , N o . 1
06 Renovations Recent renovations in the Archives reading and research room CONTENTS 03 04 05 Library Director Message Associate University Archivist Message Interns Table of Contents THE ARCHIVES MAGAZINE 12 07 Dr. Eleanor Chesnut Life, missionary work and murder of Eleanor Chesnut, Class of 1888 35 Copley Hall (1884-1918) The first structure erected by student labor 41 The Presidential Dog Meet Laddie, the presidential dog that had ties to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Library Director Message

One of the most exciting and fulfilling aspects of my role as the library director at Park University is the chance to collaborate with the University's associate archivist, Dr. Timothy Westcott, to celebrate Park's rich history and continuing legacy.

This inaugural issue of The Archives magazine highlights two crucial components of that history. Student and alumni participation in building one of the first structures on the flagship Parkville campus, and the astonishing life of one of our most prolific alumni missionaries, Dr Eleanor Chesnut

The goal of The Archives is to engage members of the Park community--whether they're current students, alumni, long-time Parkville residents, or other constituents--with the University's almost 150 years of history.

To that end, I'm incredibly excited about several library and archival initiatives:

Park University's newly digitized Nisei (secondgeneration Japanese Americans) collection, which includes more than 1,700 documents pertaining to the acceptance of these students to Park during World War II

(https://www jstor org/site/park/archives/)

The George S Robb Centre's Valor Medals Review Project, led by Dr Westcott, which has launched a systemic investigation into minority servicemembers who may have been unjustly denied high-level valor awards due to their racial or religious backgrounds (

Thank you for connecting with The Archives, and, in turn, connecting with Park University's unique past, dynamic present, and exciting future Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at danielle theiss@park edu


Associate University Archivist Message

Park College (1875-2000) and Park University (2000present) has a rich history that encompasses the globe I have the honor to preserve the collections, promote the University's Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, and provide information and services as did my former colleagues and Park graduates Frances Fishburn, 1921, Dr Harold Smith, '44 and Carolyn McHenry Elwess, '71 did In addition to preserving, promoting, and providing, I have the task of implementing professional archival and museum procedures and standards

As an introduction, I grew up in northwest Iowa in the small towns of Early, Rembrandt, and Nemaha Following high school, I attended Rochester (Minn ) Community College and Northwestern College (Orange City, Iowa), but college wasn't doing anything for me. Eventually, small town life was boring, so I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served eight years. During my military service, I attended Avila University (Kansas City, Mo.), graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and secondary education. Upon graduating, I left military service and started my teaching career at Rockhurst High School (Kansas City, Mo.) and worked to complete my Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Missouri-Kansas City After approximately a decade at Rockhurst, I taught full-time at Baker University (Baldwin City, Kan ) before joining Park College in 1999 as director of the Weekend/Evening College on the flagship Parkville (Mo ) Campus I completed my doctoral work through the Union Institute and University Cincinnati My doctoral areas of emphasis were in U S history and archival/museum studies

Recently, while researching the enclosed article on Dr Eleanor Chesnut, 1888 Park graduate, I found mention that in 1908 "Park College museum has at last found a house for itself. . . (a) room in Mackay (Hall). The room has a double floor. The lower floor contains curious and interesting things of many kinds. The

upper floor is the natural history section." (Park College Record, November 1908). Park has committed for 115 years to preserve its history and I am proud to carry on my predecessors' commitments and continue that legacy.

The four "P's":

Preserve--A review is underway to identify collections, due to their preservation integrity or past use, for digitization

Promote--A Facebook page (search for "Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections") has been created which provides "Postings of the Past" related to stories from the Park College Record, and monthly posts related to "Building Spotlight," "Military Monday's," "Faith and Labor," "Document Dive," and "Faculty Focus " Provide--Informational and research services continue as in the past Future digitization projects and finding aids will be posted on the University's library website (https://library park edu/) for general public access

Professional Standards--Implementation of the Park University Records Retention Guidelines and Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Records Management and Archives Policy has been completed A re-organization of all areas of the archives has been completed to meet professional procedures and standards Interns are uploading collection data in professional collection management software for research, digitization, and preservation measures

Should you have any questions about Park University's Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at archives@park edu



Damon Grosvenor, senior history major (expected to graduate in 2025)

Grosvenor recently completed the 8-month Nisei digitization project funded by the Missouri Library Association His current project include assisting the associate archivist in researching alumni biographies for the new Park Encyclopedia and organizing the George S Park Collection for digitization He is a veteran of the U S Navy and continues his military service in the U S Naval Reserve Grosvenor is a resident of Kansas City, Mo

Stuart Paulsen, '23 (Bachelor of Science degree in military history)

Paulsen has diligently spent the past year organizing collections related to buildings that currently or have graced the grounds of Park University's flagship Parkville (Mo.) Campus. His project assists the associate archivist in writing and digitizing the narratives related to these buildings to be included in the new Park Encyclopedia. Paulsen is a resident of Kansas City, Kan.

Martin Roberson, sophomore secondary education/social science major (expected to graduate in 2026)

Robeson is organizing the McAfee family collection for digitization. He previously assisted in re-organizing alumni files and selecting artifacts for upcoming exhibits related to Findlay-Wakefield Science Hall and student "underground" newspapers. He is a member of Park University's Debate Team. Robeson is a resident of Kansas City, Mo.

Luke Wilkinson, '23 (Bachelor of Science degree in military history)

Wilkinson assisted in numerous projects related to re-organizing alumni files and selecting artifacts for upcoming exhibits related to the Findlay-Wakefield Science Hall. He also assisted the associate archivist in researching information for archives inquiries A resident of Republic, Mo , Wilkinson will pursue a Master of Arts degree in museum studies at the University of Kansas in Fall 2023

Rory Zetterlund, senior history major (expected to graduate in 2024)

Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation Ingredients and dishes vary by region Many dishes that were once regional, however, have proliferated with variations throughout the country

Zetterlund initially assisted in re-organizing alumni files, but is currently digitizing student publications, including The Stylus (pre-World War I), Literary Monthly, and Parkette In addition, she serves as a work-study student in Norrington Learning Commons on the Parkville Campus. Zetterland is a resident of Keokuk, Iowa.

Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine, with many variations and Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC) (regulated appellation) laws



The large public-accessible space of the Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, located in the academic underground on Park University's flagship campus in Parkville, Mo , was recently renovated, with the assistance of the University's facilities services team New signage has been installed and the large room has been separated into two areas: the Martha Jean Gray Research Room and the Thelma Jean Curl Reading Room Both areas also provide a workspace for digitization and archival projects

Gray was born to James Harvey Gray and Zella Roberts Gray in Davis Township, Mo , a twin and the youngest of three children Raised on the family farm, Gray and her siblings worked as teenagers at the Soil Conservation Office in Lafayette County, Mo , after graduation, near the start of World War II In 1942, she enlisted in the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), becoming an aviation machinist mate 2C (3rd grade) Her brother, Frank Roberts Gray also served in the U S Navy and was wounded in action during the war After her honorable discharge, Gray attended Park College (now Park University) where she became a member of the Aurora Literary Club (serving as president in 1950), basketball team, Women's Judicial Council, Future Teachers of AmericaMary Harrison Chapter, and Who's Who list of the senior class, graduating in 1950. She then attended Ohio State University, earning a master's degree in 1952, and immediately became a science teacher at Northeast Junior High School in Kansas City, Mo. Gray's tenure at Northeast lasted 30 years, culminating in her retirement in 1982. She spent time traveling with Curl before her death in Higginsville, Mo., on March 25, 2005.

Curl was born to Griffin Oscar Curl and Mary May Grubb Curl in Johnson, Ind., the third of six children. Raised on her parent's farm in Owensville, Ind., Curl graduated from Owensville High School in 1937, soon moving to Indianapolis to work as a stenographer and bookkeeper for the next several years She enlisted in the WAVES, serving as a specialist (control tower operator) petty officer 2C (5th grade) until 1945 Following her discharge, Curl attended Park College, where she became a member of the Aurora Literary Club (serving as president in 1949), Zeta Kappa Epsilon, Future Teachers of America-Mary Harrison Chapter, French Club, International Relations Club, Narva yearbook staff, and YWCA (serving as president in 1949), graduating in 1950 Curl was hired as an elementary teacher in the Kansas City, Kan , School District, remaining in that position until 1954 when she enrolled at the University of Kansas earning a master's degree In 1955, she began teaching at Wyandotte High School in Kansas City, Kan , remaining there until her retirement in the 1980s Curl remained active in the Wyandotte County Historical Society, Delta Kappa Gamma Association, and the Missouri chapter of the American Association of University Women in between her travels overseas with Gray She retired from social activities in the 2000s. Curl, 102 years old, resides in a retirement community.


Dr. Eleanor Chesnut


Three leaders in education, philanthropy, and religion, in 1875, united dynamism and subscribed to establish a Christian institution of higher education named Park College for Training Christian Workers in Parkville, Mo. [1] A foundational premise was that the, “best leadership of the church and state might come from those men and women who lacked financial resources ” [2] A Presbyterian church-allied institution, Park College (now Park University) selected the motto Fides et Labor (Latin for faith and work), denoting a Midwest adventure in education. [3] Furtherance of the motto was instilled in students and graduates that were, “inured to hardship, acquainted, and in sympathy with the people among whom they live and labor ” [4]

Cyrus Boyd Beckes lamented that the adventure was to provide, “ a distinctive Christian education to worthy and needy young men and women ” from across the nation and world. [5] Park students and alumni embodied the institution’s motto in domestic and foreign mission fields: “We know of no college where high Christian ideals are more faithfully presented or where better results are obtained (W)e believe that there are no educational institutions which can show a superior result in the percentage of graduates who devote themselves heart and mind and soul to self-sacrificing service and who show the evidence of true sterling character.” [6] Between 1880-1940, more than 370 Park College graduates served in foreign and home missions These missionaries espoused that, “practical sympathy can alone bridge the chasm between labor and capital practical sympathy once established and by wholesome training maintained will do far more than bridge it will abolish the chasm; it will institute in society the true community of life.” [7]

One of these graduates was Eleanor Chesnut

The Orphan

Eleanor “Nellie” Chesnut was born, a twin, on Jan. 8, 1868, to James and Ellinor (Cain) Chesnut in Waterloo, Iowa [8] James abandoned the family following Eleanor's birth to be reared, along with two older brothers and twin brothers, by their mother The Chesnut family struggled to survive, with Ellinor doing household washing and ironing as the sole source of income. [9] Records indicate that Ellinor, “had the sympathy and respect of her neighbors” during these difficult years. [10]

The family existed with the meagerness of Ellinor’s income until tragedy struck in 1872. Court documents indicate that in early February 1872, Ellinor completed her last will and testimony, citing Oliver Gable as executor and guardian to the children [11] Ellinor’s untimely death, in May 1872, was heartbreaking “In the center of a room that was already bare of furniture stood a tiny little girl. Her dark eyes seemed unusually big as they stared out into the emptiness around her. Too small yet to comprehend the fact that her mother’s death had left her alone in the world, Eleanor Chesnut, nevertheless, felt the loneliness that was ever to be a part of her life ” [12]

Ellinor’s death now orphaned her children “Then the door of the back bedroom opened, and the kind neighbor woman who had brought Eleanor back to her home, in order to gather up the child’s clothing, took the little girl by the hand ‘Come,’ the woman said, ‘ you will be my little daughter now ’ And so for the next nine years, Eleanor lived with the kind but poor neighbor.” [13] The neighbors, childless, thought an adopted daughter would fulfill their lives


Instead, “they found her [Eleanor] a care and a problem, for she was not the sort of child who settle[d] down amiably to the fate provided for her but was fierce, wild, untamable, filled with weird ambitions, and fighting against control She felt keenly from the time of her first understanding of her desertion, her lack of mother love or of a real home” and “she was wretched and lonely and early learned to lie freely to shield herself ” [14] A friend wrote later in life that she recalled seeing Chesnut, “often shut up in the tiny yard, peering through the pickets with her fierce black eyes and flying dark hair, with a suggestion of a caged wild beast ” [15]

Chesnut’s entire youth in Waterloo focused on school and her desire for an education However, at the age of 12, her “adopted” parents felt, “she need not go to school anymore but should stay at home and help with the work ” [16]

She rebelled and again was orphaned until 1880, “At the age of twelve she was sent to Missouri to live with relatives Their living conditions were even more meager, and the slender, quiet girl rebelled inwardly against the fate of ignorance and poverty that seemed to be her lot. School was her only comfort.” [17] Life and the prospect of education seemed no better in Missouri than in Iowa. “The home was a farm in a most densely ignorant ‘backwoods’ community, where school privileges were of the most primitive sort. Also, her aunt, brothers, and cousins had no sympathy for her ambitions and there was no money to spare for education if they had.” [18]

Park College

Chesnut remained resolute to further her education no matter the influences that surrounded her. Her awareness of Park College is lost to history, but “in characteristic fashion she wrote directly to Dr. MacAfee (McAfee), telling him her longings and difficulties ” [19] A reply from McAfee welcomed her to attend Park College In the fall of 1884, Chesnut arrived and “found an entirely new and congenial environment found many warm friends among the students, her surroundings were congenial and she became a Christian and was as zealously honest as she declared she had been before unreliable ” [20]

The surroundings and environment met upon arrival at Park were meager The college was poor and weekly sought support to remain open [21] The lives of students were difficult for they “did not always have enough food or sufficient nourishment for their active lives, for they not only studied but did all the work of the institution ” [22] Chesnut, writing later in life, mentioned that “ many meals consisted of sweet potatoes and sorghum Sometimes (we) even sat down to the table with only crackers and water but prayed for food which was sure to come before the next meal ” [23]

Chesnut engaged in the daily routines of study, activities, chapel, and work as the other students Early in the fall semester of 1886, she presented a devotional exercise titled “The Unhappy Lot of Mr. Knott.” [24] She was a member of the Cheever Literary Society and provided a recitation titled “To Labor is To Pray” in 1887. [25] Her spiritedness was exhibited in a psychology class during the fall semester of 1887 when she inquired of the professor, “Prof., if it is true that the mind and soul are one, then anyone losing the mind has lost his soul also, has he not?” [26] During commencement weekend exercises, in 1888, she provided an essay “Should Utah Be Admitted as a State?” [27] She remained in the Parkville area following graduation, where she had published in The Kansas City Times a story titled “The Border Ballads” and represented the Women’s Missionary Society during the ordination services of the Rev. Hugh Taylor and Rev. Frank Lonsdale. [28]

Chesnut’s time remained tough even though she participated in daily routines She received some financial assistance from her eldest brother, while clothing was provided to her by Anna McAfee The reliance upon others was “ a charity which she never could receive in any spirit of gratitude but which she accepted of necessity and with bitter resentment ” [29] The experiences of Chesnut’s young life “made her in afterlife full of understanding, gentleness, and tact for others who were poor and forlorn and proud ” [30] Chesnut’s four years at Park College had transformed her “miraculously from the silent, resentful girl to a young woman, still quiet and reserved, but with a determined purpose in life to erase from the lives of others the sorrow she had known ” [31]


“No One Needed Her Here”

During her senior year at Park, Chesnut decided that her life calling was service to others through the practice of medicine and missionary work “saying sadly that no one needed her here ” [32] She petitioned the Board of Missions of the Northwest and, being accepted, was selected to further her education as a medical missionary at the Woman’s Hospital Medical College in Chicago. [33] A posting in the Sept. 15, 1888, Park College Record mentioned “Miss Nellie Chesnut of the class of ’88 is well settled in Chicago, pursuing her medical course She writes of the pleasant manner in which she is received and treated ” [34] Her life changed dramatically from residing in a rural farm community of fewer than 500 residents to the fourth largest city in the U S , with more than 500,000 people Chesnut’s first year in Chicago was challenging in that, “she lived in an attic, cooked her own meals and almost starved ” [35]

Woman’s Medical College of Chicago

Source: Alumnae of the Woman’s Medical College of Chicago 1859-1896 (Chicago: H G Cutler, Publishers, 1896, 47)

Class Photograph of 1888 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Following her first year at the Woman’s Hospital Medical College, the Board sent Chesnut to the Illinois Training School for Nurses for additional medical training. [36] Her two years here were trying. She “always resented authority which hampered her own methods, also she was rather careless and inexact in her ways, and training school discipline was a continual thorn in her flesh ” [37]

Source: https://drloihjournal blogspot com/2019/03/illinois-training-school-for-nurses-cook-county-hospital-chicago html

Katharine DeWitt, her roommate and classmate at Illinois Training School, described Chesnut’s engagement with patients. “She loved the poor and suffering who were under her care and was tender and untiring in her care, faithful to the last detail where essentials were concerned She felt no sympathy for the rich who lay in bed and let themselves be waited upon Her own spirit was so indefatigable even in illness that she never could be anything but impatient with those who did not exert themselves to the utmost ” [38] Chesnut’s carving for motherly affection was noted by DeWitt saying “she was adopted as almost another daughter by my mother whose love and care were very precious to her starved heart. She always spent her half days and parts of Sunday at my home and grew to think of it as her home too.” [39]

After graduating from Illinois Training School in 1891, Chesnut resumed full-time studies at the Woman’s Hospital Medical College, where, unfortunately, the Medical College’s financial concerns affected her level of education “The medical college which had been an excellent one at first, was at that time slowly going downhill she did not have as good medical equipment as she should have had.” [40] Though she deplored the technical rigor of the curriculum, the opportunity furnished a revenue source, to provide care for patients, such as Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, when the Medical College was closed for summer breaks [41] Graduating from the Woman’s Hospital Medical College in 1893, Chesnut took an opportunity to assist the lead physician at Sherborn Reformatory for Women in Framingham, Mass , that was “ a very useful and happy experience ” She simultaneously enrolled in a short course of study at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago [42]

The old Cook County Hospital Student Room


In the summer of 1894, Chesnut returned to Chicago to attend Moody Bible Institute. [43] Her financial means to attend Moody was described as “ we have heard that Dr Eleanor Chesnut, who is to have the use for two or three months of Mrs Keop’s scholarship is to start for Chicago next week and will be ready to go to the institute by the last of the week I want to ask if she is expected to bring anything in the way of room furnishings, sheets, towels, table napkins, etc.? I hope not, for she has no supply of such things, but if it is necessary, we will have to make some arrangement for her to have them.” [44]

Chesnut, for some unknown reason, was delayed returning to Chicago “I had expected she (Chesnut) would be here by this time, but her plans have changed and she will not reach Chicago before the latter part of next week; but I think you may confidently count upon her being with you by Friday or Saturday, May 11th, or 12th, that is, this is her plan.” [45]

Notations in Chesnut’s Institute records described her as “ very attractive. Fine mind. Needs deeper experiences.”

[46] The indication of needing other experiences was explained, “I had meant to speak to you about a plan for Dr Chesnut doing some work this summer at the Eye and Ear Infirmary She will explain to you what the plan in mind is, but I wanted to say that of course what is in mind in her being at the Bible Institute is that these next few months should be spent in such a way as to best help her in her foreign work, and so we have thought that the arrangement which she will explain to you, might be made in connection with her duties at the Bible Institute proving a great help to her in her foreign medical work.” [47]

Reformatory for Women, Framingham, Massachusetts Source: https://www prisonpro com/content/mci-framingham 153 Institute Place
Source: Moody Bible Institute Crowell Library Archives

Turmoil in China and America

Chinese internal and external affairs were in turmoil when Chesnut arrived in China. The Qing dynasty (1644-1912) was forced to accept foreign economic control following the Opium Wars (1839-42 and 1856-60) and the SinoJapanese War (1894-95)

By the late 1890s, the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, a Chinese secret organization, had carried out attacks on foreigners and Chinese Christians Chesnut and another missionary, Jean Richardson Lingle, as described by Lingle, were attacked in April 1896 by Chinese ruffians “Dr Eleanor Chesnut, my husband and I started on our second trip to the province of Hunan When we reached Lin Wu a soldier was sent ahead to announce to the official that we were near the city and would like accommodation That night our door was almost broken in The streets were full of men armed with spears and tridents We stayed a week A great many stones were thrown at the house day and night One day Dr Chesnut and I were stoned Immediately after we left Lin Wu the crowd demolished our building and then went to the Christians’ houses, drove them out, stole their things and dismantled their homes ” [48]

The Chinese government’s continued concessions of territory and commercial rights to foreigners angered peasants and others, leading to the Boxer movement. Members of the Boxers blamed foreigners for their low standard of living. In early summer 1900, the Boxers took to Peking streets, killing Chinese Christians and Christian missionaries, destroying churches, and burning railroad stations and other property. On June 20, 1900, the Boxers laid siege to Peking’s foreign legation district, commencing the Boxer Rebellion (1900-01). In support of the Boxers, on June 21, 1900, Qing Empress Dowager Tzu’u Hzi declared war on foreign countries with diplomatic relations with China.

Western powers and Japan organized a multinational force in reaction to their diplomatic stations and personnel’s siege. [49] While the multinational force was organized, the Boxers and others continued laying siege, denying foreigners food and other accommodations and killing several hundred foreigners and thousands of Chinese Christians On Aug 14, 1900, the multinational force arrived in Peking with approximately 20,000 troops Over the next year, the multinational force battled the Boxers until finally, on Sept 7, 1901, all parties signed the Boxer Protocol [50]

Shortly after the Empress’s declaration, Chesnut wrote on July 30, 1900, “I cannot tell you what influence the political situation will have upon our little corner of the empire We trust we will be able to carry on the work as usual The council has urged me to go to the coast Our hearts are very sad over the afflictions that have befallen our fellow workers in the North, the persecution of the native converts and the destruction of mission property Our only comfort is that all we hear might not be true ” [51]

The Boxer Rebellion forced an evacuation of Lien Chow as described by Chesnut:


"None of us have felt of late like writing, as there seems to be no prospect of an immediate termination of this time of waiting and indecision The Machles and I left Lien Cehow the last week in August (1900) We did have great difficulty in deciding upon the right course Even now our hearts are divided It seemed so cruel to leave the poor Christians in their time of extremity We felt, however, that in case of an uprising of the Triad Society in Hunan we would be as straws against the wind, and would only increase the peril of the native Christians, since they would certainly risk their lives to save ours Then too, if we tried to procure a boat in time of disturbance, we might be obliged to pay a fabulous price The anxiety of our friends at the coast was great, and their frequent letters of warning kept us awake to our danger After nearly two months of resistance we left

The last letter from Lien Cehow pronounced the mission building intact, though Boxer placards were being hawked through the markets by men beating gongs to attract attention. While we have hopes that nothing serious will occur, nothing would surprise us in this time of lawlessness when men ’ s passions seem to have engulfed all their better judgment.” [52]

The internal and foreign policies of the U. S. should not overlook the causes of internal Chinese issues and perceptions. Chinese workers began migrating to the U. S. in the 1850s to work in gold mines, agriculture, and garment factories. Following the American Civil War, Chinese migrates were instrumental in the construction of transcontinental railroads. However, due to economic recessions, depressions, and loss of jobs, anti-Chinese sentiment grew among American workers who believed the Chinese migrates were being employed at lower wages, denying them employment opportunities Others in the U S believed that Chinese migrates “lowered the cultural and moral standards of American society and expressed concern about the integrity of American racial composition ” [53]

Based on continued social tensions and anti-Chinese sentiments, advocates of immigration restrictions finally pressured the U S Congress, in 1882, to enact the Chinese Exclusion Act, which suspended Chinese laborer’s immigration for 10 years and required Chinese laborers, scholars, diplomats and merchants to have a certificate of identification Congress enacted further restrictions, in 1888, with the Scott Act, which forbid reentry into the U S following a visit to China, even for legal residents In 1892 and 1902, Congress renewed the Chinese Exclusion Act The Chinese government protested all of these actions, and Chinese merchants reacted by organizing boycotts of American products

President William McKinley's administration was not going to be outdone by Congress. In 1899, Secretary of State John Hay proposed what was known as the Open Door Policy. The policy articulated the rights of nations to trade equally and freely with China in coastal trading ports or commercial markets, and avoidance of having to pay harbor or railroad fees.

News of these American actions was sent back to China in letters and other correspondences from Chinese residing in the U.S., which led to further resentment and objections from the Chinese government and people. Chesnut’s work and life interweaved within these cultural, economic, and political entanglements. [54]


The Sam-kong Mission Post (1894-1898)

The completion of Chesnut’s education and medical service found her submitting an application to the Presbyterian Mission Board for an appointment expressing “Am willing to be sent to whatever location may be deemed fittest. But having asked if I had a preference, my thoughts turned to Siam. It is a specially interesting field to me since I have always had throughout the country friends and correspondents I do not, however, set my heart on any one place, but rather pray that wherever it may be it will be the appointed one, that what powers I possess may be used to the best advantage ” [55] On Aug 7, 1893, she received an assignment as medical missionary in South China and sailed, in the fall of 1894, from San Francisco to Hong Kong aboard the steamship Oceanic.

“To Fight Back,” San Francisco Call (San Francisco, CA), 25 June 1894 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Reaching Hong Kong, Chesnut made her way to Canton, China, and then inland to Sam-kong Ella May Wood Machle described her arrival “Dr Chesnut arrived here on Saturday afternoon with our new missionary Miss Patterson we had been inquiring all week of the boats arriving whether their boat had been seen and where as we did not wish them to come in on us unawares ” [56] Chesnut remarked upon arrival, “The mission station consisted of one family, one self-supporting single woman and one single man There were a girls’ boarding-school, three churches and wards for the medical care of women and men, thought these were very inadequate.” [57]

Immediately, Chesnut began the task of establishing a women ’ s hospital and wrote, “The little hospital is nearly finished. I look out upon it with admiring eyes and fancy myself within it administering ‘yarbs’ and ‘ essences ’ at a great rate Being able to talk so little, I do not get as clear a history as I might at home Another obstacle is the scarcity of drugs. When I want one it never seems to be in the dispensary; and when it is, sometimes I can’t find it because many of the bottles are labeled in Chinese. The horrid tin cans instead of bottles!” [58] The hospital was not completed until June 1, 1896 [59]

The state of medical care and to further her study, Chesnut wrote in 1896 “I desired to spend a few months in Canton studying the methods of the Canton Hospital and the diseases common to Southern China I stayed in Canton from July to November and gained much useful experience.” [60]

Three years into Chesnut’s work at Sam-kong, she wrote “The dispensary practice is relatively larger than the in-practice This, owing to several reasons; the first of which is popular prejudice, another the difficulty of leaving home and its cares and the work which must be done in order to provide the necessary rice. Of our patients, many are afflicted with chronic diseases bronchitis, asthma, rheumatism, malaria and diseases of the eye and skin Rarely are we able to detain a woman as long as she should stay She must go home because of the sickness, death or marriage or to plant the rice or hoe the sweet potatoes or dig the peanuts ” [61]

The Oceanic

Dispensary Day back at Sam Kong, September 1905

Dr Chesnut and Elda Patterson with their ponies Brownie and Billy

Source: Woman’s Work, August 1906, 179 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

The language barrier overcame when “Immediately upon my arrival in Samkong I began the study of the dialect recommended by the Station, which was southern Mandarin I devoted my time faithfully to the Southern Mandarin until last February (1897) and do not regret having done so as I will doubtless to able to use it. The majority of the women here however understand but a few words of it, and I was not satisfied with a dialect which brought me nearer to these people I accordingly, began the study then of the Samkong colloquial dialect which is Hakka I found after having learned the tones and the changes in the vowel sounds that it was very easy to derive from the Mandarin Thus far it has given me more pleasure than the Mandarin and I have been enabled to work in fields where I could not have gone without it ” [62] She further commented that “One of its (treatment of women patients) most interesting features is the number of dialects and districts represented by the patients. Hunanese, Hakka, Samkongese, Sa tz Kang, and Cantonese mingle together on the sick list.” [63] DeWitt recalled that “Dr Chesnut never lost her love of study She learned more of Chinese than was expected or required, reading the classics from her interest in them and learning to talk in the local dialect that she might not have to approach her patients through an interpreter She did a good deal of translating One of her latest employments was a phrasebook she was compiling She was also translating a textbook on nursing from English into Chinese ” [64]

Patients in Samkong Hospital (1) Spoke Hunanese (2) Spoke Hakka (3) Spoke Cantonese (4) Spoke Sam Kongese and (5) Spoke Sa tz Kang
Source: Eleanor Chestnut, “Woman’s Medical Department at Sam Kong, S China,” Woman’s Work for Woman, October 1897, 271 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

The Lien Chow Mission Post (1898-1905)

Chesnut spent four years at Sam-kong Mission before being permanently transferred to Lien Chow in March 1898. [65] She was familiar with the small mission and medical facilities at Lien Chow due to her association with the Machle family and traveling to the mission on occasion. In 1883, Rev. Joseph C. Thomson and family established a dispensary and a school for boys at Lien Chow but soon departed due to Chinese fears and anti-foreign hostility Returning in 1889, Dr Edward C Machle established a permanent medical practice and reopened a dispensary in 1891 [66]

Following another trip to Canton in April 1897, Chesnut returned to Sam-kong to have the “pleasure of seeing the deeds to the Lien Chow property stamped.” [67] Knowing that her time at Sam-kong was drawing to a close, she "began to wonder what would become of these poor women of Sam-kong and neighboring villages many of whom have learned to rely upon a foreign doctor ” [68]

Empathy for these women pulled at her heart, and she decided, along with Machle “to have a dispensary in Samkong and two native physicians, a man, and a woman. Then arose the question of where we could get another woman physician. The problem was solved by the willingness of one of the young Christian women to study medicine ” [69] Before she departed from Sam-kong, Machle had purchased another piece of land at Lien Chow for a woman ’ s hospital He had commenced seeking funds, saying “I hope the Board will find it possible to grant this, not only for the sake of the medical but also the educational work The girls’ school is overcrowded into two or three tiny rooms and no more boarding quarters They are now packed in like sardines in a box The present hospital will make a very pleasant school building and the educators are gazing upon it with envious eyes. As regards the medical work, it will doubtless develop much more rapidly in Lien Chow than here (Sam-kong) being in a much more central position We think three thousand dollars is not too much ” [70]

Chesnut, writing in the fall of 1898, said “We did not get an appropriation for a woman ’ s hospital All we did get was a cut of thirty-three and third per cent Just now work in the Lien Chow Hospital is on the increase The patients are mostly men the poor coolie class. The patients sprawl around in every uncouth position. The space underneath their beds is a wilderness of pots, kettles, vegetables, wood, and etc. When I first came to China, I had stricter ideas of order, but now I think there is positively no use in warring against the inevitable crocks and saucepans ” [71]

Source: B Waugh, “John Rogers Peale, 1879-1905,” Presbyterians of the Past Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

A year following her arrival in Lien Chow, Chesnut wrote, “If you had received all the letters I have planned to write you, you would have been overwhelmed, as would the Society and the waste basket. I am at heart an excellent correspondent I am a living parable to the Chinese women, for I often point the illustration of the body as a garment, fresh, half worn or wholly worn out as the case may be The women who have been in the hospital this year are very teachable. The best evidence of their appreciation of western medicine is the small building they have erected It contains three rooms, one used as a meeting room and the other two as wards The entire cost of the building was something more than two hundred dollars, Mexican This money was contributed by the Chinese, excepting $10, presented by an English tourist.” [72]

Her Christian modesty may have had her admit that, “It is simply a one-story ward which, with another put up by Dr. Chesnut at her own expense, affords the only accommodation there for sick women and children.” [73] Rev William H Lingle further described “They thronged about the doctor and she (Eleanor Chesnut) could not bear to turn them off with mere dispensary treatment, so she herself built a ward for them the other side of the yard. It was soon full to overflow, and then the Chinese out of gratitude put up another small building. These quarters are only temporary. A hospital is necessary in order that Dr. Chesnut carry on her ministry to the sick suitably, efficiently, or with comfort to herself ” [74]

Source: International Mission Photography Archive, ca 1860-ca 1960, Historical Photographs from the Basel Mission http://cdm15799 contentdm oclc org/cdm/ref/collection/p15799coll123/id/7229

The building on the far right may be the structure built by Dr Chesnut

Source: “What is Needed at Lienchow?”, Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1900, 34. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Three American missionary lady doctors in Canton, with their pupils Women’s Hospital Ward at Lien Chow

In 1900, Dr Machle and his family returned to the U S for an extended furlough, leaving Chesnut in charge of medical treatments and the hospital Lingle related a story of his visit “I went to Lien Chow upon Dr Chesnut’s invitation, to assist in an unprofessional way in the amputation of a young man ’ s leg. It was amputated just below the knee I did not hesitate to let doctor wield the knife, but when it came to sawing the bone, I offered to do that for her, as that requires muscle as well as courage But, no, she was the doctor and I only a layman in this business, so all I could do was the holding, while she did the rest. The leg had to come off or the young man would die ” [75]

The medical profession consumed Chesnut’s daily routine, but she also was a Christian and a missionary espousing compassion as told by her:

“Noticeable among the regular attendants of the Lien Chow church for many years was Shan Yun Fuk His pallid countenance, silver hair and flowing beard made him a striking contrast to the dusky background of faces about him. It was therefore easy to miss him from his accustomed place on Sunday morning When two Sabbaths had gone by and he did not appear, we became anxious and the elder determined to visit him next day and ascertain the reason of his absence. He did not need to go, however, for early Monday morning a nephew came running, breathless and tearful, to tell us that Shan Yun Fuk had passed away during the previous night He had been ailing with what his relatives deemed some slight complaint. It was not till he failed to rise at the accustomed hour and open the door of his little cabin that they became alarmed They called, but no response came, so, forcing the bolt, they entered and found him lifelike but lifeless; not traces of suffering upon his face, only a radiant smile

As his village was distant, the pastor thought best to have the burial service at the house We reached it just at sunset In the open air under fragrant pines the coffin was placed, where the departing sun lighted the placid features with a last glow.

He was never married, but lived by himself in a tiny hut across the way from a brother’s house. He was by trade a tailor, but as his eyesight failed with advancing years he opened a small booth on a public highway where he sold refreshments to passersby He held no office in the church and was never in employ of the mission, but he was the source through whom more than thirteen members of the Lien Chow Church received their first knowledge of Christianity So poor was he that his coffin had to be provided by friends, his burial garments were a gift Quietly, they bore him to his tomb on the mountain side. None of the cheap and gaudy pomp of heathen rites was there to mare the scene; none of the wild wailing that follows the heathen bier ” [76]


A different story of her missionary work was written:

“She (Mrs. Lai) and some other former patients invited me into an open court to speak to the women who came flocking in from every direction. I could not imagine how so diminutive a village could contain so many; the number of children was still more surprising They crowded up to me, felt my clothing with their sticky little fingers, and peered into my face as if they had never seen before such a curiosity Amid the din of mingled conversation in an elevated key, and the crying of babies we started a hymn When we had finished I asked the children if they would like to learn some hymns.I then asked them if they would promise to study the words during the week, if I would come each Sunday afternoon and teach them the tunes They indicated their willingness The next Sunday found me at the village with a dozen giggling little urchins perched on some bed-boards before me Our place of meeting has been a small covered alley-way between two houses ” [77]

Chesnut’s dream of a completed woman ’ s hospital was noted in a letter to Dr. Frank Field Ellinwood “Though I have certainly been dilatory in acknowledging the appropriation of two thousand dollars for the Woman’s hospital, I was not so in disposing of it Before I was sure that it had been granted, I had begun building with the three hundred Mexican previously appropriated All that was necessary then was to enlarge the plan and continue the work already commenced The cost of building has increased considerably during the past year, yet by the employment of old bricks and other available secondhand materials to cheapen the cost, a very substantial and satisfactory building has been erected.” [78]

Woman’s Hospital – Lien Chow First Floor
Eleanor Chesnut to Dr [Frank Field] Ellinwood, 30 July 1900, Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Woman’s Hospital – Lien Chow

Second Floor

Eleanor Chesnut to Dr [Frank Field] Ellinwood, 30 July 1900, Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Woman’s Hospital – Lien Chow

Mrs G W Marshall, “Progress of Woman’s Work in Yeung Kong,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1902, 38 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Furlough Back to America

Following the completion of the women ’ s hospital at Lien Chow, Chesnut returned to the U.S. for a long-awaited leave, arriving in New York City on Sept. 6, 1902. [79] Her furlough included a European trip with DeWitt “Where during her first furlough we were in England together, I had to make her let me keep her money, for the beggars on the street wrung her heart and she wished to give to them all The disagreeable and undeserving appealed to her even more than others in need She would say: ‘It is so dreadful to be so disagreeable that no one loves you ’ All her actions were based not on common sense but on a yearning to help those who needed help” DeWitt said [80]


Chesnut also visited family in Missouri and friends at Park College, but within weeks was on the lecture circuit, “Dr Eleanor Chesnut, of Lieu Chow, China, will deliver an address on her medical missionary experience Thursday evening at 7:30 o ’clock in the Juniata Presbyterian Church.” [81] She spent her time impressing everyone “with her merry wit as well as her earnest devotion,” attending “post-graduate medical work, in caring for a friend, in raising money for a chapel in China” and back in Chicago, “in further study at Moody Institute.” [82] Her schedule so worried some women in New York City that they “generously threw their whole annual meeting offering into her lap, thus giving her respite and a great joy ” [83]

During her leave, an old friend gave her a personal gift to be used for purchasing a silk dress with “ruching around the neck and tastefully puffed sleeves. The bodice and skirt were cleverly designed, fancifully decorated with ruffles.” [84] Chesnut may have reflected on the elegance of the dress to her earlier experiences of having to borrow clothing from the donation bag for poor students while attending Park College

Chesnut’s year-long furlough concluded on Aug. 8, 1903, when she departed San Francisco. [85] Three months following her return to Lien Chow, she wrote “When at home, I felt very tired and not much like a person who was having a furlough, but now I feel all its beneficial effects and am convinced that furloughs are not a delusion and snare but all they should be Mine was an eminent success in regard to what I derived from it I am only sorry that I could not be more to other people After reaching Canton I waited some time I started up the river October 1 and reached Lien Chow the 16th. When (we) neared Lien Chow, two boats (were) coming toward us flying American and Chinese flags. Then we knew that rain and wind had not kept the missionaries and Chinese Christians from coming to meet us Oh, it was such fun! Wasn’t I glad to be back again?” [86]

Dr Eleanor Chesnut in her silk dress “The Martyr Band at Lienchow, China,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 6 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Chesnut’s furlough provided opportunities to raise donations for a chapel at Lien Chow “A letter from Lien Chow, China, desires that thanks of the Station, and of the Chinese who are to be benefited by the new church, be publicly expressed to all friends in America who, through Dr. Chesnut’s appeals, contributed funds towards its erection.” Also stated “While at home on furlough, Dr. Eleanor Chesnut had labored zealously to secure funds, and many self-denying friends gave liberally to its erection.” [87]

Unfortunately, toward the conclusion of the chapel’s construction, “Last mail from South China reports Dr Eleanor Chesnut of Lien Chow very ill with malarial fever Dr Mary Niles had come down and, on Dec 27 (1904), was starting back to Canton with the patient ” [88] Further communications indicated that Chesnut was “recuperating at Macao (China).” [89] Although ill, Chesnut wrote at the end of January 1905 “I hear that an organ has come for the Lien Chow chapel. I have not seen it, but Mrs. Noyes says it is not a ‘baby,’ and she thinks from the size of the box that it must be full sized I am very grateful for it The new chapel is completed Dr Niles pronounced it a ‘little gem ’ I never imagined that we could have such a pretty and commodious church The seating capacity is seven hundred ” [90] Chesnut further wrote “The chapel is finished, dedicated, and occupied Several officials were present at the dedicatory service of the new church The church is well filled on Sundays Christians constitute a considerable part of the audience, and there are some outsiders who are favorably inclined to Christianity.” [91]

The Lien Chow Massacre

Returning to Lien Chow in the fall of 1903, Chesnut sent two letters to the Board requesting the construction of a boys’ boarding school and an appeal for an additional doctor The request for the school was denied, but on the evening of Oct 27, 1905, the Machles returned from a two-month absence coinciding with the closing events of the Chinese celebration of Ta Tain (All Souls’ Day). [92]

The Church at Lien Chow, China Dedication Ceremony on March 1, 1905 Source: Rees F Edwards, “Lienchow Church and Schools,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 10 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Chinese officials had erected a mat shed on mission property, which had also occurred the previous year During conversations the previous year, village elders had agreed that it was the wrong location and promised that the error would not happen again. Finding the mat shed on mission property, Dr. Machle retrieved three of six small toy cannons and took them to the men ’ s hospital. The retrieval of the canons was a customary Chinese means of indicating that Machle desired to confer. The elders arrived when Machle reminded them of their previous agreement One elder commented, “This is our last day In the afternoon we have our great feast, and then we will take the shed down and not put it up again hereafter on mission property ” [93]

After the conference, a mob carrying weapons approached the elders The elders informed the crowd that there was a resolution, but the group desired trouble. The mob attacked the hospital by throwing stones through the windows, smashing doors, removing anatomical and pathological specimens and burning down the hospital. During the conversation between the elders and Machle, Chesnut arrived on the scene She decided to inform Chinese authorities, and might have escaped forthcoming events, but returned to the Machle’s residence, stating, “If they are to be slaughtered, I shall go and die with them ” [94]

When local Chinese authorities arrived, they were unable to control the mob. Noticing the increased mob and that authorities could not dismiss the group, Chesnut and the others fled out the residence’s back door. Fleeing to the river, a local ferryman refused to carry them across the river as the mob approached Around noon, the missionaries sought refuge in a Buddhist temple, where they hid in a cave opening in the temple’s back [95]



Dayun gusi (Big Cloud Ancient Temple) A limestone cave in back of the Dayun gusi (Big Cloud Ancient Temple)
https://digital library wisc edu/1711 dl/6ZZFLOFSMRYH58Q

Locating four of the six missionaries, the mob dragged them out The four initially were placed at the foot of a tree Chesnut pleaded for the lives of a recently arrived couple “If we have ever done you harm, kill us, but don’t kill these new missionaries, for they have never done anything to you. ” [96] Accounts describe that Chesnut was stripped naked and flung into the river, then speared with a pitchfork. [97]

An eyewitness described the scene:

“I arrived at the temple just in time to see the mob bringing Dr Chesnut down the temple steps to the foot of a large tree Some young fellows then went up to her and hit her with a piece of wood Four ruffians then dragged her from the tree, and pushed her down the steep bank leading to the river and threw her into the water. Then one of the men jumped into the river and stabbed her once in the neck, once in the breast, and once in the lower part of the abdomen.

The last service she rendered the Chinese was under this tree, when she noticed a boy who had an ugly gash in his head Dr Chesnut called him to her, tore off a portion of her dress and bound up the wound. It was her last patient.” [98]

The river in which Chesnut was killed Source: Rev Arthur J Brown, “The Story of the Lien-Chou Martyrdom” The Missionary Review of the World, February 1906, 88 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

Chesnut’s Last Patient Pan Fuk Lin, 17 years old

Source: “A Memorial to the Martyrs of Lien-chou, China,” Woman’s Work, August 1907, 176 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

The Chinese government, following the massacre, established an official commission to investigate The commission ultimately determined the number of causes where the finding of anatomical and pathological specimens in the hospital, anti-foreign feeling of the American boycott and the purchase of land for the erection of foreign buildings, the local Viceroy’s instituting a new form of lottery, the failure of authorities to arrest or punish individuals of the premise year, and the general antagonization against foreigners [99] Commission

Source: https://digital library wisc edu/1711 dl/C3TS7OYQFNLOP8K


The mission buildings destroyed included two residences, a reception hall, a church and both hospitals [100] Reports indicated that the total cost of the destruction was more than $26,000 [101]

Ruins of the Women’s Hospital


Ruins of the Men's Hospital

Source: 1711 dl/3IZCZHL3T56XP9D digital/AE5I5YDPKCP4LZ8P

The Woman’s Hall

Source: Rev Arthur J Brown, “The Story of the Lien-Chou Martyrdom” The Missionary Review of the World, February 1906, 89 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.


Source: https://digital library wisc edu/1711 dl/SWRLMSLKCG7OX9E


Women missionaries and their pioneering movements of evangelism and ecumenical spirit were an essential part of China’s missionary effort During Chesnut’s Park College memorial service, eulogizers commented that “She loved the loveless She befriended the friendless She sought out the lonely and gave them the companionship they longed for.” [102] Records indicate that in 1905 alone, she treated 5,479 patients. [103]

Chesnut embodied in life and death her alma mater’s motto of Fides et Labor (faith and labor). Students of the Canton Christian College wrote within weeks of the massacre, “This is a shame to our people, a shame to our race! It is a sad and melancholy spectacle to see our people become so degraded and debased mentally; for there is no excuse whatever for their savagery and brutality ” [104]


http://catalog history pcusa org/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail pl?biblionumbe

Ruins of the Lien Chow Church Tombstone of Dr Eleanor Chesnut at the Missionary Cemetery at Lien Chow Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA


[1] The three individuals were Rev John A McAfee, D D , of Highland, Kan ; George S Park of Magnolia, Ill ; and Rev Elisha B Sherwood of St Joseph, Mo

[2] Susan M Yohn, A Contest of Faiths: Missionary Women and Pluralism in the American Southwest (Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press, 1995), 89 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[3] Joseph Ernest McAfee A Mid-West Adventure in Education (Kansas City, Mo : Alumni Parkana Committee, 1937) Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections McAfee was the son of Dr John A McAfee, one of the founders of Park College

[4] Susan M Yohn, A Contest of Faiths: Missionary Women and Pluralism in the American Southwest (Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press, 1995), 89 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[5] Cyrus Boyd Beckes. “Park College and Missions,” The Missionary Review of the World, XXI, No. 9 (September 1908): 684. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections. Beckes was an 1893 graduate of Park College.

[6] “Park College Graduates.“ The Missionary Review of the World, XXI, NJo. 9 (September 1908): 701. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[7] Susan M. Yohn, A Contest of Faiths: Missionary Women and Pluralism in the American Southwest (Ithaca, NY.: Cornell University Press, 1995), 89-90. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections. The number of Park College graduates between 1880 and 1940 that served in foreign or home missions was 374 or more than 6 per graduating year. Graduates in foreign missions served: Africa, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Bogota, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Columbia, Guatemala, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Missionary to Jews, Persia, Philippines, Siam, and Syria Graduated in home missions served: Alaska, City Missions, Cuba, Freedmen, Hawaii, Hispanic Americans, Mountaineers, Native Americans, Puerto Rico, and Utah

[8] Records indicate that the family resided on Lower Franklin Street “Iowa Girl in China,” The Courier (Waterloo, IA), June 20, 1900 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Franklin Street is five blocks from the Cedar River and data denotes that this area of Waterloo remains one of the lowest income neighborhoods in America https://www neighborhoodscout com/ia/waterloo/franklin-st


1870 Federal Census

[10] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library DeWitt (1867-1963), acclaimed author, nurse, and businesswoman who worked for the American Red Cross, American Journal of Nursing, and American National Nursing Association Attending Illinois Training School for Nursing with Chesnut and graduating in 1891 together, the women became lifelong friends and confidants At the time of Chesnut's death, DeWitt held a collection of personal letters sent during Chesnut's missionary work in China. DeWitt could relate to many of Chesnut’s arduous circumstances-Abner DeWitt, Katharine’s father, had been a prominent preacher in New York until his untimely death in 1877, leaving his wife, Mary, to care for five children. Katharine, not unlike Chesnut, became a trailblazer for women in American professional health. She organized the Lakeside Hospital School of Nursing 1898, later the Western Reserve University School of Nursing (Cleveland) and Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing in 1903.

[11] Ellinor Chesnut, will dated Feb. 4, 1872, proved May 10, 1872, Vol I, 1867-81, Black Hawk County Registry of Probate, Waterloo, Iowa. The last will and testimony indicates that Oliver Gable (1833-1900) was a local railroad station agent.

[12] “Doctor Courageous,” The Girl’s Companion, Dec. 24, 1944, 2. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections


[13] Ibid

The neighbor family was that of Edwin (1834-1929) and Sarah (Brown) (1838-94) Merwin The 1880 Federal Census notes that Edwin was a seller of marble works and that Sarah had a disability, while Chesnut was listed as a servant Sarah appeared to suffer from regular bouts of "illness" before her passing; Edwin remarried in 1898 and moved to Los Angeles, California before his passing They had no children and appeared to be suitable foster parents for Chesnut, whom they expected to assist on the property Chesnut lived in the Merwin household from 1872 to 80, when she would join her twin brother James and older brother Henry Edward at their aunt and uncle’s farm in Callaway County, Mo

In correspondence from DeWitt to Speer in 1908, DeWitt noted that following Ellinor’s death in 1872, the three brothers were sent to her sister, Ann (Cain-Cannell) Moore (1827-97) in Callaway County Ann and her husband Edward (1831-1909), were born and raised in Braddock, Isle of Man, and moved to the U S in 1854 They would live briefly in Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa before settling in the Liberty-Hatton, Mo., area between 1870-80. The couple had six children, five of whom were still at home by the time Chesnut joined in 1880. Research finds some confusion of actual locations related to Liberty and Hatton. Federal census reports indicate Liberty, while general histories denoted Hatton. The difference between Liberty and Hatton is less than one mile.

The eldest Chesnut child, Henry Edward (1863-1944), by 1900, had married and settled in Fountain Creek, Ill., where he worked as a farmer. Though not formally educated past the third grade, Henry worked as a Pastor from 1907-40, passing away in Sedro Wooley, Skagit, Wash/, in 1944. He had no children.

Second-eldest George Chesnut (1866-1909) is shown in the 1880 Federal Census, as living in Fountain Creek as a laborer. It is assumed he made his way to the Moores in Missouri by 1893, as he marries in Mexico, Mo. In 1900, George was a patient at State Lunatic Asylum No 1 (now Fulton [Mo ] State Hospital) for an unknown ailment, but is released before his death in 1909 in Mexico He and his wife had two children

Eleanor’s twin, James David (1868-1935), was sent to the Moore’s in 1872, as is listed on the 1880 Census as a household member Joined by Eleanor briefly before her first term at Park College, James moves to Lavaca, Harris County, Texas, between 1880 and 1890 There he married in 1898, working for the railroad and as a carpenter According to James’ grandchildren, the family left Texas during the depression and moved back to Callaway County “He bought a farm near the people there who had taken him in as a child and raised him up ” (Charlene Chesnut, September 6, 1994), where he would live until he died in Columbia, Missouri in 1935 He and his wife had two children

[14] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[15] Ibid

[16] Ibid The work adopted is used in this context as unofficial because the legal adoption of Chesnut by the Merwin’s was not pursued via the Iowa court system. According to the 1880 Federal Census, Sarah Moore had a disability that may have influenced her desire for Chesnut to remain at home. DeWitt, in correspondence with Speer, mentioned that Chesnut remained in communications with the Merwin’s after departing and even sent some financial assistance from her missionary salary to assist Edwin following Sarah's death.

[17] “Doctor Courageous,” The Girl’s Companion, Dec. 24, 1944, 2. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections. The 1880 Federal Census has Chesnut still residing with the Merwin’s. Later in 1880, Chesnut moved to relatives named Edward and Ann Moore, farmers, in Liberty, Callaway County, Mo. Ann was Chesnut’s aunt. Previous research had Chesnut residing in Hatton, Mo., but based on federal census reports, Liberty is less than one mile from Hatton. [Editor note: not Liberty, in Clay County, Mo.]

[18] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library [19] Ibid

[20] Ibid



[21] Bill Beck, Fides et Labor: 140 Years of Pioneering Education The Story of Park University (Virginia Beach, VA : The Donning Company Publishers, 2015), 20 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[22] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[23] Ibid

[24] The Park College Record (Parkville, Mo ), Sept 11, 1886 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[25] Literary Monthly, June 1887, 47 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections The formation of literary societies was a critical aspect of student life The co-educational Cheever Literary Society was formed in 1877, named after Dr William M Cheever Cheever was a member of Park College’s Board of Trustees and pastor for Second Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Mo The literary societies met weekly on Friday evenings for devotional exercises, essay and poetry readings, debates, and orations. Between 1885-90, two literary societies Park and Cheever jointly published Literary Monthly, which contained original literary efforts and news.

[26] Literary Monthly, October 1887, 60. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[27] “Park College Commencement: The Essays Read by the Graduating Class at Parkville Yesterday,” The Kansas City (Mo.) Times, June 8, 1888. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[28] “The Border Ballads,” The Kansas City (Mo.) Times, July 16, 1888, and “Parkville,” The Kansas City (Mo.) Times, August 8, 1888 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[29] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[30] Ibid

[31] “Doctor Courageous,” The Girl’s Companion, Dec 24, 1944, 2 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[32] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[33] The Woman’s Hospital Medical College of Chicago was founded in 1870 by Mary H Thompson and Dr William Heath Byford to furnish equal educational opportunities for female medical students In 1879, the name changed to the Woman’s Medical College of Chicago, and in 1892, the College was taken over by Northwestern University and renamed the Northwestern University Woman’s Medical School Due to financial difficulties, the College was closed in 1902

[34] The Park College Record (Parkville, Mo.), Sept. 15, 1888. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[35] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E. Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library.

[36] Eleanor entered on May 2, 1889 and graduated May 21, 1891. Her course work included medical and surgical procedures, gynecology, obstetrical procedures, and nurse supervision. Eleanor Chesnut File

[CCSN 01 0022 0511 0291 and CCSN 04 0033 Chestnut], Illinois Training School for Nurses records, Special Collections and University Archives, University Library, The University of Illinois at Chicago.

[37] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E. Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[38] Ibid

[39] Ibid

[40] Ibid Also see, Grace Fay Schryver, A History of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, 1880-1929 (Chicago: The Board of Directors of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, 1930), 205 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections



[41] Robert E Speer, Eleanor Chesnut A Servant of the King (n c : Young Peoples’ Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada, 1909), 6 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[42] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library Also see, Marie J Mergler, Alumnae of the Woman’s Medical College of Chicago, 1859-1896 (Chicago: H G Cutler, Publisher, 1896), 115 and 141 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[43] Enrollment Card, Eleanor Chesnut Student Record, Crowell Library Archives, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago

Actual dates of attendance were May 15, 1894 to August 31, 1894 Records indicate that Chesnut appreciated her experience at the institute because she visited during her return to the U S in 1902-03

[44] Ellen Ward to Mrs Capron, April 28, [1894], Crowell Library Archives, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago Ward may have operated a boarding house and had some association with Chesnut because Chesnut lists Ward as a reference on her admission record to attend the Institute. Ward served as a missionary in China starting in 1906.

[45] Ellen Ward to Miss Strong, undated, Crowell Library Archives, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois.

[46] Student Identification Card, undated, Crowell Library Archives, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois.

[47] Ellen Ward to Miss Strong, undated, Crowell Library Archives, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois.

[48] Jean Richardson Lingle, “Entrance into Hunan Disputed and Re-established,” Woman’s Work for Women, March 1897, 74. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections. Jean Richardson Lingle was the wife of Rev. William Hill Lingle, and both were Presbyterian missionaries. No documentation exists that proves Chesnut’s party was attacked by the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, but other Chinese gangs did exist to threaten foreigners and Chinese Christians

[49] The Western powers included Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the U S

[50] “Boxer Rebellion” https://www history com/topics/china/boxer-rebellion

[51] Eleanor Chesnut to Dr [Frank Field] Ellinwood, July 30, 1900, Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Ellinwood (1826-1908) was the corresponding secretary for the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions between 1871-1906

[52] Eleanor Chesnut, “China,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1901, 50 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[53] “Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts” https://history state gov/milestones/18661898/chinese-immigration

[54] Other vital events related to Chinese-American relations: 1854: The California Supreme Court decision, People v Hall, ruled that Chinese cannot testify in court; 1858: California legally prohibits Chinese and “Mongolian” immigration; 1870: Congress approves the Naturalization Act, barring Chinese from obtaining U.S. citizenship. The Act also prevents the immigration of Chinese women who have marital partners in the U.S. Chinese and Japanese men must show evidence in support of a woman ’ s moral character in the case of prospective and actual wives of Chinese and Japanese descent; 1880: The U.S. and China sign a treaty that allows the U.S. to limit Chinese immigration; 1889: The U.S. Supreme Court decision, Chae Chan Ping v. United States, upholds Chinese Exclusion laws’ constitutionality; 1893: In Fong Yue Ting v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Congress has the power to expel the Chinese; 1904: Congress makes the Chinese Exclusion acts indefinite. Law enforcement officials arrest 250 allegedly illegal Chinese immigrants without search warrants; 1905: California’s Civil Code forbids intermarriage between Whites and “Mongolians”; 1924: The Asian Exclusion Act, which is part of the Immigration Act of 1924, excludes all Asian laborer immigrants from entering into the U S ; and 1943: Congress repeals all Chinese exclusion laws and grants Chinese the right to become naturalized citizens

[55] Robert E Speer, Eleanor Chesnut A Servant of the King (n c : Young Peoples’ Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada, 1909), 7-8 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Chesnut’s passport of June 19, 1904, noted that she was 5’ 3 ½” tall, eyes were light brown, and hair was dark brown



[56] Georgene Searfoss, Longings of the Heart: The Story of Elsie Machle White (n c : Georgene Searfoss, 2019), 63 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Ella May Machle was the wife of Dr Edward Machle, medical missionary at Sam-kong Their 10-year old daughter Amy accompanied her parents Elda G Patterson was a nurse missionary Ella May and daughter Amy were killed with Chesnut at the Lien Chow massacre on Oct 29, 1905

[57] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[58] Ibid

[59] “1896-1987”, Eleanor Chesnut to an unknown addressee Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[60] Ibid

[61] Eleanor Chestnut, “Woman’s Medical Department at Sam Kong, S. China,” Woman’s Work for Woman, October 1897, 271. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[62] “1896-1987”, Eleanor Chesnut to unknown addressee. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[63] Eleanor Chestnut, “Woman’s Medical Department at Sam Kong, S. China,” Woman’s Work for Woman, October 1897, 271. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[64] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E. Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library.

[65] John F. Piper, Jr., Robert E. Speer: Prophet of the American Church (Louisville, Ky.: Geneva Press, 2000), 231. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections The month of Chesnut’s arrival in Lien Chow is mentioned in a column Woman’s Work for Woman, July 1899, 180 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[66] Guangqiu Xu, American Doctors in Canton: Modernization in China, 1835-1935 (New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Publishers, 2011), 31 Local Chinese resistance to foreign missionaries remained a concern In 1895, Rev Walter H Lingle, who had settled in Lien Chow, was threatened Three Chinese accompanying Lingle were seized, imprisoned and beaten 500 blows each Woman’s Work for Woman, July 1899, 179 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Also see, “What is Needed at Lienchow,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1900, 34 “Lienchow officials were anti-foreign in those days Even so recently as four years ago, Rev W H Lingle was roughly handled there ” Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[67] “1896-1987”, Eleanor Chesnut to unknown addressee Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[68] Ibid.

[69] Ibid.

[70] Ibid.

[71] Eleanor Chesnut, “A Glimpse of the Doctors Life in South China,” Woman’s Work for Woman, October 1898, 273. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections. In the article, Chesnut mentioned her routine: Hospital patients, 7-9 a.m.; breakfast and prayers; operations; study letters; dinner; medical student recites; hospital rounds, 4 p.m.; dispensary patients; spend one day at Sam Kong dispensary; two afternoons teaching English; and one afternoon in school.

[72] Lien Chow, China, March 9th, 1899. Eleanor Chesnut to unknown addressee. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Also see, “China,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1900, 45 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[73] Woman’s Work for Woman, July 1899, 179 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[74] “What is Needed at Lienchow,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1900, 35 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections



[75] Ibid , 34

[76] Eleanor Chesnut, “A Lienchow Christian,” Woman’s Work for Woman, July 1900, 182 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[77] Eleanor Chesnut, “An Infinitesimal Success,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1902, 35-37 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[78] Eleanor Chesnut to Dr [Frank Field] Ellinwood, July 30, 1900, Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[79] “Since Last Month,” Woman’s Work for Woman, October 1902, 307 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[80] Katharine Dewitt to Robert E Speer, undated, Robert Elliott Speer Manuscript Collection, Princeton

Theological Seminary Library

[81] “A Coming Lecture,” Altoona (Pa.) Tribune, Oct. 8, 1902. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections. The lecture occurred on Oct. 9, 1902.

[82] “The Martyr Band at Lienchow, China,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 6-7. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[83] Ibid.

[84] Charlene Chesnut, Eleanor’s Book (Houston, Charlene Chesnut, 2014), 225. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[85] “Since Last Month,” Woman’s Work for Woman, September 1903, 217. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[86] Eleanor Chesnut, “Back After First Furlough,” Woman’s Work for Woman, February 1904, 39-40 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[87] Woman’s Work for Woman, April 1904, 74 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections Also see Rees F Edwards, “Lienchow Church and Schools,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 9 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[88] Woman’s Work, March 1905, 57 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[89] Woman’s Work, May 1905, 120 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[90] Eleanor Chesnut, “New Church at Lienchow,” Woman’s Work May 1905, 120 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections The church was designed similar to the one at Wei Hien The young women at the Forty-first Street Church in Chicago funded the organ Chesnut had spent some time during her leave at the church

[91] “Everything is Encouraging,” The Missionary Review of the World, April 1906, 303. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[92] Robert E. Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), 107. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[93] Rev. Arthur J. Brown, The Lien-Chou Martyrdom: The Cross is Still Upheld at Lien-Chou (New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, n.c.), n.p. Also see Robert E. Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), 107; Woman’s Work January 1906, 1; and “The Martyr Band of Lienchow, China,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 3. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[94] Rev Arthur J Brown, The Lien-Chou Martyrdom: The Cross is Still Upheld at Lien-Chou (New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, n c ), n p Also see Robert E Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), 107-108; Woman’s Work, January 1906, 1; “The Martyr Band of Lienchow, China,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 3; and Rev Arthur J Brown, “The Story of the Lien-Chou Martyrdom” The Missionary Review of the World, February 1906, 87-92 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections



[95] Robert E. Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), 108 and Woman’s Work, January 1906, 4. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[96] “The Martyr Band of Lienchow, China,” Woman’s Work, January 1906, 4 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[97] Helen Barrett Montgomery, Western Women in Eastern Lands (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910), 199

Also see Rev Arthur J Brown, The Lien-Chou Martyrdom: The Cross is Still Upheld at Lien-Chou (New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, n.c.), n.p.; “Some More of the Lien Chow Atrocity,” Dawson Daily News, Nov. 9, 1905; and “The Courage of Their Cultural Convictions: Women Missionaries in China,” https://womenofeverycomplexionandcomplexity weebly com/the-courage-of-theircultural-convictions---women-missionaries-in-china html Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[98] Robert E Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), 109. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[99] Rev. Arthur J. Brown, The Lien-Chou Martyrdom: The Cross is Still Upheld at Lien-Chou (New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, n c ), n p , and Woman’s Work, January 1906, 1 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[100] Woman’s Work January 1906, 1 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[101] Rev. Arthur J. Brown, The Lien-Chou Martyrdom: The Cross is Still Upheld at Lien-Chou (New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, n.c.), n.p. Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[102] Park College Record, November 1905 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

[103] Woman’s Work, January 1906, 7 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections.

[104] Robert E. Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1913), 110 Eleanor Chesnut Manuscript Collection, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections

All rights reserved The material contained herein has been created and designed for the purpose of information and are owned solely by the Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by an means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, social media, or otherwise with the permission of the Fishburn Archives and Special Collections The reader of this material is responsible for adhering to copyright laws of the U S Title 17, (U S Code)

Date: August 2023

By: Dr Timothy C Westcott

of History, Associate University Archivist, and Director, George S. Robb Centre for the Study of the Great War at Park University.


Buildings: Copley Hall (1884-1918)

A framed structure, Copley Hall, located above and to the north of Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel on Park University's flagship Parkville, Mo., campus, was the first building erected and constructed on the campus with the assistance of student labor The dormitory was named for Josiah Copley (1803-85), a longtime friend of Dr John McAfee and an early benefactor to what was then Park College.

Copley married Margaret Chadwick Haas in 1826 and from this union had nine children. The couple was married for 59 years

Following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in May 1854, which established the Kansas and Nebraska territories, Copley, a conservative abolitionist, advocated for no extension of slavery, for repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, and for restoration of the Missouri Compromise

Eventually, four of his sons would serve in the Union Army during the Civil War:

Pvt. John Sibbet Copley (1832-62) was killed at the Battle of Antietam, Md.

Pvt Albert Copley (1834-63) was wounded at the Battle of Stone River, Tenn , and later died in a Union hospital in Knoxville, Tenn.

Pvt Josiah,Copley, Jr (1836-1916) was captured at the Battle of Chickamauga (Ga /Tenn , 1863) and held, for 17 months, at: Libby Prison (Richmond, Va ), Castle Thunder Prison (Richmond, Va ), Danville Prison (Danville, Va ), and Andersonville (Ga ) Prison

Pvt Henry Weldon Copley (1844-99) enlisted too late for active service

Copley was a prominent newspaper editor of the Kittanning (Pa ) Gazette and Pittsburgh Gazette However, due to health reasons, he went into farming and the manufacturing of brick. He was a staunch Presbyterian and published a collection of religious articles for the Presbyterian Banner and United Presbyterian In 1877, he published "Gatherings in Beulah," a collection of religious articles. In 1866, following his death, Copley's daughter, Mary Sibbet Copley Thaw (benefactor to the current Copley-Thaw Hall on the Parkville Campus) published "Gathered Sheaves," which contained 69 of his articles related to religious subjects

Copley's association with Park College began as he was a member of the Highland (Kan.) University Board of Trustees and McAfee's position at Highland as chairman of the faculty, president, and operator of the Hufford Home. Highland's Board of Trustees, in 1870, hired McAfee "to develop a university program. " [1] McAfee had dreamed of educating youth by permitting them to work for an education Doniphan County, Kan , was decimated by the Panic of 1857 and the events of "Bleeding Kansas" (1854-1861), the Civil War (1861-1865), and agricultural droughts and plaques Thus, there were little to no financial resources to pay college tuition

McAfee, by 1873, had recruited 30 young men to attend Highland and compose themselves as a "family " By the end of the year, they had constructed Hufford House where the McAfee family and the students resided. However, the "family" program was not fiscally viable and Highland continued to struggle even though additional students were attending. Eventually, "Because of the financial problems, many members of the board became unhappy with McAfee, some also felt he was spending too much time working with the students at Hufford Home In the summer of 1874, he (McAfee) was asked to resign as president Finally, in March 1875, the executive committee of the board 'resolved that the chair recently held by professor McAfee be declared vacant.'" [2]

One board member continued to support McAfee and his "family" program--Josiah Copley--who pledged to support McAfee if he desired to continue in some other location. The turmoil at Highland provided an opportunity for McAfee, via Rev Elisha B Sherwood, to be introduced to George S Park and his dream for an educational institution on the American Frontier.


Following Copley's death in 1885, the Park College Record, in 1885, re-printed an article he had written for the Presbyterian Banner related to his association with McAfee and Hufford Home

"As these young people were all too poor to bear the cost of board and tuition, he (McAfee) gathered them into one family and gave them employment at gardening and other industries, to defray the cost of living. His house was large enough to accommodate fifty or sixty students who all lived as one family, and a more cheerful, harmonious family I never saw At the same time, these young people were regular students in the college But from my observation-and I was there frequently-these inmates of Hufford Home, under the kind, genial rule, instruction, and influence of Mr McAfee and his excellent wife, who was one with him in spirit, acquired more of that which molds, improves and develops character than they did in the college. This I attributed to the singularly magnetic power of that extraordinary man and the joyous power of his faith and piety. But there was a jar between him and the (Highland) college authorities, in relation to Hufford Home It was something like a wheel within a wheel It was like sewing a piece of new cloth into an old garment Indeed, it grew to be regarded as a rival institution, so the authorities of the college felt bound to break it up or cut off the connection between it and the parent institution About ten years ago (1875) the writer-then a resident of Kansas-was one of the Board of Trustees of Highland University. One day, while this question of Hufford Home was under discussion, Mr. McAfee asked leave to express his own views in relation to the matter to the assembled Board No others were present His address was calm and eloquent, and intensely impressive He spoke with such positive assurance that God had called him to the work which he was laboring to do in the Hufford Home-the training of choice young people in indigent circumstances as Christian workers, whether as ministers, evangelists, teachers, or heads of families-that he felt constrained to go on with it either there or elsewhere-that must be his life work. I listened in amazement, for I knew that he was himself utterly destitute of means, and for anything I could see, were he put out of his professorship, he must give up his work. He, however, expressed his assurance that God, who had given him this work, would open up the way and provide the means As I gazed at the calm and heroic speaker, the question rose in my mind, 'Is this man beside himself, or is this a degree of faith to which I have not attained ' Subsequent reflection led me to the latter hypothesis, although his way at that time seemed to be completely hedged up, for a majority of the Board voted that his connection with the college should cease. " [3]

Following conversations between McAfee and Park, Park agreed to provide McAfee the use of Park's Missouri Valley Hotel (known as "Old Number One") in Parkville to begin "Park College for Training Christian Workers " The first classes began on May 12, 1875, and the first graduating class occurred in 1879 Copley's initial support was by writing letters and visits to Presbyterian church leaders and wealthy Pennsylvanians One such Pennsylvanian and Presbyterian was bank, canal, and railroad millionaire William Thaw and Copley's son-in-law who had married his daughter Mary.

Missouri Valley Hotel

The continued increase in student enrollments brought issues of adequate housing on and off campus The housing concerns increased on Dec 29, 1883, with the "burning of the 'Rock House' which furnished lodging to our more than one hundred young men and three of our Professors. (U)tter destruction of the building upon which has been expended so much of thought, time, means, and skilled labor." [4]

McAfee immediately sought financial resources to replace the lost building Over the next weeks and months, McAfee took to the columns of the weekly Park College Record, "Now, friends, we expect to ask you to help us in this extremity"; [5] "Park College wants the raw materials with which to rebuild its recently burnt building-the boys will do the work"; "The new dormitory is not only to be built by the students' hands but all the plans and specifications have been made by a student"; and "On Jan. 29th the first load of lumber was deposited on the site of the new dormitory." [6] By Feb. 21, 1884, McAfee reported that "The-building is provided for" with $4,065 37 in the Building Fund [7] Weekly donations recorded in the Park College Record were by name and state only, without monetary amounts Though Copley's name is not listed, the Pennsylvania donations in January 1884 totaled $1,650 59 and the February 1884 donations totaled $1,008 25 [8]

The new dormitory was to house 80 men. The first floor included 10 student rooms, a head resident apartment (two rooms), two washrooms, a study lounge, and a linen closet; the second floor had 21 student rooms, one washroom, and an area for wash basins; the third floor held 22 students rooms and one washroom

Progress was noted in the Park College Record which offered opportunities for readers to suggest names for the new dormitory The most suggested name was "Phoenix" as a representation of the former "Rock House" rising from the ashes. Located on campus north of the current Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel. McAfee ultimately decided to name the new dormitory "Copley Hall."

"Years ago, when Hufford Home-an early and partial development of this family idea-was working in connection with Highland University there was a member of the board who-saw with concern the difficulties that were developing and about to destroy, the work there He foresaw that if success was to be obtained at all it must be in some other place. His warnings and friendly advice were of incalculable value and helped us to meet the pressure and demands of conservation which threatened the House. What he saw of promise in the plans of the Home attached him to it as a friend and supporter, while his clear judgment and ripe experience soon taught us to appreciate and love him, who has ever since been known to us as Father Copley

As a slight expression of our respect and love for this aged servant of our Master and as a monument to his fatherly concern and never failing interest in this family, we have taken the liberty of his name with the first house built by students' hands." [9]

Copley did not see his commitment to Park College; he died on March 4, 1885 Copley Hall opened in late fall 1885 and served hundreds of male students until 1918 By 1917, the structure had become unsafe and a replacement was needed

Scan the QR code for a detailed timeline of Copley Hall.



[1 ] Arlyn John Parish, History of Highland Community College (n c : A J Parish, 1983), 24

[2 ] Ibid , 32

[3 ] Park College Record, Vol VII, No 2, March 28, 1885, 2 Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo

[4 ] “Editorial,” Park College Record, Vol 5, No 1, January 3, 1884, 1 Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo The “Rock House” was located at Main and Mill Streets in Parkville

[5 ] Ibid

[6 ] Park College Record, Vol 5, No 4, January 31, 1884, 2-3 Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo

[7 ] Park College Record, Vol 5, No 7, February 21, 1884, 1 Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo

[8.] The January 1884 figures were reported in the Park College Record, Vol. 5, No. 5, February 7, 1884, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo. The February 1884 figures were reported in the Park College Record, Vol. 5, No. 9, March 6, 1884, Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo. The January 1884 figure of $1,650.59 equals $51,107 in 2023, while the February 1884 figure of $1,008.25 equals $31,203 in 2023.

[9.] “Copley Hall,” Park College Record, Vol. VI, No. 25, August 21, 1884, 2. Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, Parkville, Mo.

All rights reserved The material contained herein has been created and designed for the purpose of information and are owned solely by the Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by an means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, social media, or otherwise with the permission of the Fishburn Archives and Special Collections The reader of this material is responsible for adhering to copyright laws of the U S Title 17, (U S Code)

Date: August 2023

By: Dr Timothy C Westcott Professor of History, Associate University Archivist, and Director, George S Robb Centre for the Study of the Great War at Park University


c Unknown

Drawing of Original Design
c Unknown c. Unknown c. Unknown c Unknown McCormick Chapel is to the left c After 1902 The old Alumni Hall is to the right c. 1903 c Unknown c. 1911. Student room.
c. 1918. Copley is being razed.

Laddie, the Presidential Dog

The pets of our nation’s First Families are famous and occasionally receive media attention. Here is a story connecting the White House to Park University.

Pauline Hawley, wife of (then) Park College President Frederick William Hawley (1915-37 and 1944-45) wrote in the May 9, 1931, Park College Record an article reminiscing about Laddie, the companion of Spencer Cave, a man born into slavery at the start of the Civil War After moving to Parkville, Mo , Cave worked for the University for more than 70 years before his death in 1947

Mrs Hawley mentions Laddie’s lineage to an occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave , Washington, D C --the White House U S President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge had a famous white collie named Rob Roy during his term 1923-29

The Park Stylus had a column on Sept 25, 1924:

“A Scotch collie, named Laddie, holds a very important place in the White House (now University White House, the home of Park University's First Family) family now He is not only pure bred, but of a royal family as he is related to President Coolidge’s dog The pup ’ s mother is named Lady and his father, Laddie Laddie, Jr , like all of the young, is inclined to mischief and is subject to running away The (Park) White House family would greatly appreciate it if the students would unite in the effort to keep him at home Should you chance to see him strolling, very kindly direct him home.”

Now for the rest of the story (as told by Mrs. Hawley)--

“He came a freshman to Park about ten years ago. A pitifully sick little collie, the train ride having wracked his finely organized being woefully. Also, he had left his mother and brothers and was heartsick besides. So he laid down wearily on the bright green sod that beautiful spring day, closed his eyes and took no notice of the family group that stooped so anxiously over him.

It was Spencer (Cave) whose persuasive voice roused him after seemingly hours of watching. It was from Spencer’s kind brown hands that he finally sipped the warm milk we had prepared. Laddie then was to live-Gently son gave him a warm bath and fluffed the beautiful white hair, washed the fine long head, the pointed graceful nose, the pink ears, and about the crystal, clear eyes, ‘amber ecstasies,’ so very, very carefully. Then suddenly our little collie emerged from his apathy, jumped into the mound of freshly raked, clean grass by Spencer’s side and from then on he was at home

Laddie was of noble lineage, coming from kennels famous throughout the country Never was he of the proletariat, in appearance, or manner, or mien And being related to a beloved collie at the Nation’s White House, it seemed the most natural thing for us to call him, “Laddie ”

As Laddie grew in stature he grew in favor Gentle, loving, trusting, there was that about him that comforted

How many times have I seen him in the embrace of a student, their heads laid cheek to cheek--a boy and a dog-a communion that spoke of many things Of home to the homesick For in breaking home ties for the long college years ahead, there is oftener than not saying goodbye too to the family dog A goodbye that chokes and leaves a poignant ache


A freshman student once came to the President’s Office, his eyes filled with tears and pleadingly said: ‘You love dogs, Dr Hawley, you know how hard it would be for you to give up Laddie Won’t you let me have my dog?’ It hurt the president to deny that request -hurt hard So Laddie has had to represent the family pet, whether it be a dog or a cat, or a canary, or a parrot, or a goldfish, or what And his gentle heart responded to that loneliness and assuaged

Laddie loved the college feeds He was an honorary member of all clubs and organizations when these gala times were on A part of the laughing, colorful parade winding its way to the Lowell ceremonial grounds on the high bluff overlooking the river’s peaceful flow and within sound of its wash A loyal Lowell then true blue Or when the Parchies and Calliopeans wended their way to Observatory Hill Laddie followed the purple and gold Or was it the banner of green and white of the Websters and Eurodelphians? Laddie trotted gleefully in its wake Or the Student Volunteers, or a table feed when some fond mother had sent a marvel of a cake, basis of the festivities

Often I saw Laddie’s nose delicately sniff and wriggle and catching the scent lose no time in joining the party Not hat Laddie was a gourmand, for his ‘Table’ manners were irreproachable. Never did he gulp his food. Standing to one side he eyed his portion discriminately, then walking away, returned shortly for another survey. This procedure enacted several times, finally edging to the place, he delicately selected the morsels. It was therefore not the ‘weenies’ or the egg sandwiches that lured Laddie to the various ‘feeds’ but a highly developed social instinct, a love of friends.

At the crowning of the Queen on May Day, Laddie had officiated for years. Groomed till his white hair, powdered and brushed, looked soft and downy as new fallen snow, collared with a necklace of pink satin ribbon and a leash of the same, Laddie walked with his mistress to the coronation. Stopping here and there with a gentle tug of the ribbons to speak to some special friend in the May Day audience. Standing very quietly as his mistress bestowed the crown, and then at her whispered ‘Lie down Laddie -lie down,’ dropping by the Queen’s throne at the hem of her garment and remaining till the pageant and all the beautiful ceremonies were over The band fascinated him and he stepped proudly, head up and throat arched, as it played, Laddie Laddie

On warm moonlight nights he slept on the green mat of a gentle slope close by the house How often I went to see the white patch that was Laddie, sprawled in the silver of the moon, sleeping soundly; calling to him softly from my window, ‘Laddie Laddie ’

There was another function in which Laddie’s part, though inconspicuous, was big Those who are acquainted with college administration know the President’s home is often, often, a place of burden Times to be weathered for which there are no rules or precedents to guide--when problems wrack the soul So there is the picture of Laddie and his master--the President in absorbed thought, sitting side by side long evenings--Laddie’s cool nose rubbing the hand that now and then caressed him ‘I know it’s muddy outside but can’t Laddie come in anyway?’ Not even my rigorous housekeeping instinct could resist that appeal of Frederick William (Hawley) nor of Laddie, with his nose pressed to the screened door, his dark eyes shining luminously, eagerly, his tail wagging in request. Just a dog--but giving great love--just a dog--asking nothing, but giving so lavishly of loyalty and affection.


Discarded tennis balls were a passion with Laddie If one hit his nose there was no hurt Also he could get his teeth into it, which was another prime thing in its favor So we played ball--and Laddie was no mean Babe Ruth when it came to catching balls and making base. Very humiliated when he failed to catch, almost morose.

Was it prophetic that a few days ago Laddie lost his one remaining ball? To be sure it was pretty old and spongy but anyhow it was available and would do till the new consignment came from Chicago. So Laddie and I romped with the old ball--Laddie all agog over the new green and balminess of the early spring day Then, and this was really tragic to Laddie and me Though we were both too polite to speak of it, for Laddie did not even ‘wuff,’ a ‘kitchen boy’ came down from the Commons on an errand. The springtime had gotten into his bones too and as he trod blithely along he spied Laddie’s precious ball Picked it up, went whistling away, tossing the ball as he went along Laddie and I, dismayed, gazed mutely at each other and I patted the lovely head in sympathy It was our last game of ball.

A great Highway goes through our little Parkville, the Highway that brings so much joy brings also its great measure of sorrow. It has taken another toll, our Laddie, though how or where we do not know . . . Laddie . . . Laddie . . .

On the way to the college athletic field there is a tomb made by student hands and under it lie the bones of Old Kate, the faithful College mule on whom the water supply of the campus depended in those earlier days. Old Kate lives tenderly and gratefully in the memories of those who knew her and her worth to the College Laddie was a part of the every day life of the College and village One asked, ‘Was his name on his collar?’ But Laddie needed no collar. Like one who achieves distinction and thereby is known, Laddie trotted up the village streets and over the campus and by devious trails, a monarch of all he surveyed He belonged not only to those who live in the (Park) White House but to many generations of college students, to the villagers too, but mostly, I think, though on this fact the President (Hawley) does not like to dwell, to Spencer (Cave) who superceded [sic] everyone in Laddie’s affection and from whom Laddie never transferred his first allegiance

I look achingly in vain for the sprawling white patch in the silver light of the moon . . . Laddie . . . Laddie. ”

President Hawley and Spencer Cave and Laddie Laddie in front of Laddie Alumni Hall

All photographs are courtesy of the Frances Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University, 8700 NW River Park Drive, Parkville, Missouri The Copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U S Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries, and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction One of the specified conditions is that the copy is not to be "used for any purpose other than the private study, scholarship or research " If a user makes a request for or later uses a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use, " that user may be liable for copyright infringement This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve a violation of copyright law

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Date: August 2023

Professor of History, Associate University Archivist, and Director, George S Robb Centre for the Study of the Great War at Park University


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