一條褲製作《香西法蘭港》Pas de deux à Hong Kong 場刊

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項目計劃資助 Project Grant 支持 Supported by 合作單位 Partner 節目內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見 The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Co-produced by 藝團伙伴 Artistic Partners

法國五月藝術節 2024

French May Arts Festival 2024

2024 年的法國五月藝術節策劃了一連串藝文活動,與觀眾細味法國文化,體會文化交流的力量。我們繼續 秉承使命,帶來包羅萬有的藝術體驗,到處與眾同樂! 法國五月匯聚東西文化,致力促進大型文化交流活動。我們今屆首度與 M+ 合作,舉辦「香港賽馬會呈獻系 列:黑白──攝影敘事」展覽,展出過百張法國國家圖書館及 M+ 珍藏的黑白照,讓觀眾欣賞過去一百年間 多位歐亞攝影大師的作品。

其他節目亦充分體現了多方合作的特色。音樂方面,來自法國的提耶里‧梅拉德及其他音樂人將夥拍本地樂 壇頂級人馬包以正及何卓彥,一連兩晚盡情演奏爵士樂。戲劇方面,尼古拉‧卡森鮑姆及胡海輝完成為期兩 年的「讓鏡子說」計劃,以兩部原創作品的亞洲首演總結成果。舞蹈方面,精於霹靂舞的卡菲舞團聯同港法 兩地的交響樂團攜手演繹《新世界交響頌》,正好配合霹靂舞於 2024 年巴黎奧運上大放異彩。

今屆節目類別多元,各有特色,讓觀眾及本地藝壇新秀走出演藝廳,親身動起來。Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels 除了呈獻伊曼紐‧吉特向八十年代時裝風格致敬的《愛情列車 2020》,又支持編舞 家克里斯汀‧赫佐及奧拉‧馬歇夫斯卡為本地演藝學院學生舉行工作坊。「法國藝匯@大館」系列將會迎 來 XY 劇團的雜技演出《Möbius in May》及親子馬戲工作坊,而愛好美食的你則記得參加法國五月美食薈 的互動嚐味工作坊,品嚐南法的美酒佳餚。


Continuing our mission to touch everything and be everywhere for everyone, the 2024 French May Arts Festival is packed with cultural events that celebrate the illuminating power of exchange and savour the joys of French heritage.

Our East–meets–West festival facilitates cultural exchange on a grand scale with collaborations like The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Noir & Blanc — A Story of Photography, a first–ever partnership between French May and M+. Featuring hundreds of black and white photographs from the collections of Bibliothèque nationale de France and M+, the exhibition spotlights more than a century’s worth of photographic icons from Europe and Asia. There’s no shortage of collaborations in other mediums. In music, France’s Thierry Maillard and friends team up with local virtuosos Eugene Pao and CY Leo for two nights of exhilarating jazz. In theatre, playwrights Nicolas Kerszenbaum and Wu Ho Fai close their two–year project, Let the Mirror Speak, with the Asian premiere of two original works. In dance, breakdance crew Compagnie Käfig shows down with French and Hong Kong orchestras in Symphony of New Worlds, timed for the debut of ‘breaking’ at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics.

Our unique, multi–genre line–up offers audiences and emerging local talents many opportunities to step out of the spectator’s seat and into the action. Alongside its presentation of Emanuel Gat’s fashion–fuelled eighties tribute LOVETRAIN2020, Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels hosts choreographers Ola Maciejewska and Christian Rizzo for workshops with local art students. For the French Rendezvous@Tai Kwun, Compagnie XY follows its acrobatics show Möbius in May with family–friendly circus workshops. Food lovers returning to the French GourMay can supplement their gastronomic tour of Southern France with interactive tasting workshops.

Nearly a hundred programmes to choose from, there’s bound to be something for everyone at our thirty–first French May!

Foreword by the Co–chairmen of the Board of French May Arts Festival 法國五月藝術節董事會聯席主席前言

董事會聯席主席 Co–chairmen of the Board

鄭陶美蓉女士 Mrs. Mignonne CHENG 何超瓊小姐 Ms. Pansy HO

法國五月藝術節是亞洲其中一個最盛大的文化盛事,過去一直擔當香港、澳門及法國的文化橋樑,為三地提供文 化交流的平台,培養市民對藝術的興趣。

2024 年是相當特別的一年,除了是中法建交六十周年,也是兩國的「中 法文化旅遊年」,這對法國五月別具意義。過去六十載,中法兩國透過豐富多彩的文化交流活動,建立了更緊密聯 繫,促進民心相通。


藝術節舉辦了三十一年,至今已是一個為期兩個月的年度文化盛會,每年吸引到三十五萬人參與文化活動,累計 接觸超過二千萬名觀眾。未來,我們將繼續促進本地藝壇的發展,並承諾將最出色的法國文藝創作引進來港澳地 區,讓文化及藝術成為市民日常生活的一部分。

我們深信藝術能夠鼓舞人心,為不同階層的人帶來幸福生活。因此,我們一直堅守使命,致力為觀眾呈獻各式各 樣的藝術表演,內容涵蓋展覽、演出、電影以至美酒佳餚活動,照顧不同社群的喜好及需要。

法國五月不只為觀眾帶來視聽之娛,同時肩負藝術教育的社會責任,透過舉辦文藝活動,讓年青一代認識藝術, 並藉此接觸弱勢社群和殘疾人士,和他們一起分享藝術帶來的喜悅。藝術節能有今天的成績,實在有賴香港特別 行政區政府、香港賽馬會、贊助商以及合作夥伴一直以來的支持。在此,我謹代表一眾藝術家及表演者,邀請大 家蒞臨藝術節聚首一堂,與我們展開一場發人深省的藝術交流對話。

French May Arts Festival is a cultural highlight in Asia. As a bridge between Hong Kong, Macau, and France, it provides a robust platform on which to promote cultural exchanges and art appreciation in the region. This year is particularly significant. To mark the sixtieth anniversary of Sino–French diplomatic relations, 2024 is the China–France Year of Culture and Tourism. Over the past six decades, the two countries have fostered a stronger bond and cultivated mutual understanding through cultural exchange events.

This year, French May will open audiences’ eyes to a wide spectrum of artistic experiences, from photography to breakdance to acrobatics. Having reached more than 20 million audience members over its thirty–one–year history, French May has now grown into a two–month annual cultural festival, attracting 350,000 people per year. It aims to nurture the local art scene and bring the best French creations to the territory while integrating art and culture into our everyday life.

With a belief that art has the power to inspire and bring happiness to people from all walks of life, French May stands firm in its mission to present every art form to the broadest possible audience. Through the rich diversity of its programmes – from exhibitions to performances, cinema to gastronomy – French May is continuously dedicated to serving our local communities by addressing a multiplicity of audiences and needs.

Thanks to the continued support of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, and our sponsors and partners, French May is today more than a local cultural institution dedicated to the enjoyment of its audience: it also fosters an ongoing mission to educate young people and reach out to under–resourced communities and people with disabilities. Once again, we thank you for joining us year after year in making the festival what it has become. Together with our artists and performers, we welcome you to enjoy our truly international and inspiring programmes!

委任自 Under The Patronage Of

香港盛事 An Event Of 主要合作伙伴 Major Partner

支持機構 Supported By

協辦機構 In Association With

金輝贊助 Grand Patron Gold

銀輝贊助 Grand Patron Silver

銅輝贊助 Grand Patron Bronze

and Sharon Li

紅鑽贊助 Patron Rouge

Dr Andrew S. Yuen

白鑽贊助 Patron Blanc

The Bank of East Asia, Limited Leitmotiv Private Equity

Hermès Kronenbourg 1664

藍鑽贊助 Patron Bleu

Landa Limited The Wharf (Holdings) Limited

Alain Paulette and George Ho Jessie & George Ho Charitable Foundation Ms. Susana Chou Mr And Mrs Robert W. Miller

特別節目伙伴 Special Event Partners

媒體伙伴 Media Partners

文化伙伴 Cultural Partners

支持 With the Support of

CIB Hong Kong

按英文字母排序 In alphabetical order

Indosuez Wealth Management Crédit Agricole








Artist residency (Hong Kong) and lecture


一月至四月 Jan – Apr


及工作坊 Artist residency (Hong Kong) and workshop

資料搜集及訪談 Research and interview


Play reading: Les français à Hong Kong


《美麗的陌生人》演出 A Beautiful Stranger performance


五月至六月 May – Jun

講座及讀劇 Talk and play reading

藝術家駐留(巴黎) Artist residency (Paris)


Artist salon

法國五月藝術節呈獻為期兩年港法劇場交流製作——「讓鏡子說」。計劃進行至最後階段,分別  來自港法兩地的編導——胡海輝及尼古拉.卡森鮑姆,已完成多階段的駐留,期間透過深入訪談、  觀察、城市散步等,搜集多方面素材,沉澱成兩個風格迥然不同的劇場作品。

《祈福》,混合香港民間信仰與都市傳說,踏進幽幻之境,卜算一個地方的前世今生;人種誌戲劇 作品《香西法蘭港》,聚焦居港法國人的生活經驗,探問何以此處是吾家。兩個原創劇作,映照城 市如幻本真的鏡像。

演出以外,兩位藝術家亦會主持一系列演後分享會、對談、戲劇工作坊,分享他們在異地交流期間 的所見所聞和創作過程,兩地文化互相映照,照見城市混雜而多元的面向。





Good Fortune world premiere

工作坊  Workshop

藝術家對談  Artist salon


十月至十一月 Oct – Nov


Film screening, talk, and workshop

《金童子》演出 Gweilo Performance

2023 交流計劃歷程



Good Fortune Theatre Workshop


Good Fortune Asia debut

藝術家對談  Artist salon


五月至六月 May – Jun

紀錄/人種誌劇場工作坊  Documentary Theatre/ Ethnotheatre Workshop


Pas de deux à Hong Kong world premiere

Through the looking glass, enter the parallel universe of theatre.

French May Arts Festival presents ‘Let the Mirror Speak’, a two–year Hong Kong–France theatre exchange project. In the final phase, playwright–directors Wu Hoi Fai (Hong Kong) and Nicolas Kerszenbaum (France) realise their new works onstage. Both works were developed using materials collected through interviews and observation during their respective residencies in Paris and Hong Kong.

Good Fortune attempts to read Hong Kong’s fortune through interweaving folklore beliefs with theatrical imagination. Pas de deux à Hong Kong is an ethno–drama shedding light on the lives of the French community in Hong Kong. These two original theatre productions present mirror notions of a city’s authentic character. Beyond the performances of their new works, the two artists will host a series of meet–the–artist sessions, salons, and drama workshops to share their creation processes and experiences during this project.


香港海納百川,無數海外僑民曾經或正計劃來港定居,其中法籍人士佔了不少。疫情前,居港法籍人士是 東南亞地區中最大的海外法國人族群。法國人來港定居的歷史悠久,自上世紀初以來,持續不斷,日戰之 時,更有人為香港捐軀,長埋異域,他們為甚麼飄洋過海來這蕞爾小島?今天香港又有甚麼吸引力,令不 同年齡及背景的法國人都寄居此地?

香港劇場編導胡海輝帶領一眾年輕創作演員,藉居港法國人的視角重新審視這個土生土長的家,思考甚麼 算是法式?怎樣才夠香港?當法國遇上香港又怎樣?寫成一封法式港味情書,給每一位曾經或當下以此為 家的香港人。

Hong Kong is an open, transnational city. Of the countless overseas nationals who’ve settled here, French nationals have historically made up a large percentage. Before the pandemic, French Hong Kong residents represented the largest French community in Southeast Asia.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, French people have been making their way to live in Hong Kong. During the Japanese invasion in 1941, many sacrificed their lives for the city. What motivated them to cross the sea to this small island? What continues to drive French people of all ages and backgrounds to come build a life in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong theatre director and playwright Wu Ho Fai leads a young creative team to reexamine the place where he grew up from the perspective of French Hong Kong residents. His quest leads to many questions: What exactly does it mean to be ‘French’? When does one become a Hongkonger? What happens when France meets Hong Kong? The answers unfold in this French–Hong Kong love letter addressed to every person who – past or present – has called Hong Kong home.


胡海輝 Wu Hoi Fai



梁儉豐 Kenny Leung


呂烺均 Lui Long Kwan

麥紫筠 Melodee Mak Chi Kwan

莫珏邦 Michael Mok Kok Pong

黃家峻 Wong Ka Chun

鄧永康 Tang Wing Hong

廖浩雯 Liu Ho Man*

謝慧思 Tse Wai Sze

譚安婷 Tam On Ting

盧萬悅 Michelle Lo Man Yuet#


阮漢威 Yuen Hon Wai


程凱雯 Ching Hoi Man


鄭可聆 Ling Cheng


周鍵聰 Keynes Chau Kin Chung


袁碩謙 Yuen Shek Him


何綺微 Faith Ho Yee Mei


鄺梓珊 Kwong Tsz Shan


吳卓妍 Elite Ng Cheuk Yin#

譚子樂 Tam Tsz Lok


黃俊龍 Wong Chun Lung


劉翠兒 Chui


謝達誼 Hsieh Tat Yi


陳麒匡 Mui Chan


陳承浚 Marco Chan


李晴藍 Li Ching Lam


潘藹婷 Grace Poon Oi Ting


林凱澄 Leona Lam Hoi Ching

高汶禧 Hailey Ko Man Hei

*「藝術人才培育計劃」由香港藝術發展局資助 The ‘Arts Artistic Internship Scheme’ is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council # 藝術人才見習配對計劃 2023/24 由香港藝術發展局資助 2023/24 The Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Wu Hoi Fai

先後畢業於香港中文大學及香港演藝學院戲劇學院,2008 年獲英國倫敦大學中央演 講及戲劇學院碩士,同年夏天獲亞洲文化協會基金獎學金前往美國考察研究。現為一 條褲製作藝術總監,近年銳意發展紀錄劇場。

胡氏為香港學校戲劇節首席評判及香港藝術發展局審批員,亦為香港演藝學院擔任兼 職講師。2017 年胡氏獲民政事務局局長嘉許,以表揚對紀錄劇場的貢獻。

Wu Ho Fai is the artistic director and co-founder of Pants Theatre Production, an examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and a head adjudicator of the Hong Kong School Drama Festival. Wu has degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (BA in English), the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (BFA in Drama – Directing), and the Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London (MA in Advanced Theatre Practice – Dramaturgy). He is a recipient of the Yiqingzhai Foundation Arts Fellowship, the Asian Cultural Council, Outstanding Young Director Award from the 2001 Hong Kong Drama Awards, and the Award of the Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme in 2017.

© Keith Sin © Pearlmi Tam

Director’s Note


我最覺得自己是香港人的時刻,反而不是我身在香港的時候,而是我在英國倫敦進修那 大半年。雖然唐人街的叉燒飯不便宜,但隔一段時間,便會不自覺的溜進一間中餐館, 開一壼中國茶,點一碟叉燒飯,享受一點異地香港人的時光。

旁觀者清,身在其中卻往往見樹不見林,因此我想聆聽一下那些「外人」的說話,為甚 麼他們要來香港?香港是他們的家嗎?

進行資料搜集,與居港法國人訪談期間,發現其實難分裡外。法國人來港的歷史悠來已 久,我父母都是內地來港的,我當初以為的「外人」與我這土生土長的香港人,出現在 香港,只是時間點上的先後分別而已,彼此共通的是此時此刻,我們都身處香港這片土 地,我們都喜愛這個城市。

感謝與我們分享的居港法國人,從你們的眼中,我再一次發現香港的美好,讓我找到這 刻仍然身處這裡的理由。

In recent years, these questions always linger in my mind, ‘What is Hong Kong? What are Hongkongers?’

The moment when I felt most like a Hongkonger was when I was not in Hong Kong. That was when I spent more than half a year studying in London. A dish of rice with Hong–Kong–style barbecue pork was not cheap in the Chinatown there but somehow, occasionally, I would naturally saunter into one of these Chinese restaurants, ordering such a dish and enjoying my time, with a pot of Chinese tea, as a Hongkonger in a foreign land. An outsider would most likely keep a clear head. So I wished to ask the outsiders, ‘Why did you come to Hong Kong? Is Hong Kong your home?’

During research, when I talked to the French people in Hong Kong, I realized it is not right to label them as ‘outsiders’. The French have had a long history with Hong Kong, while my parents were not born in Hong Kong. Both these ‘outsiders’ and my family chose to take roots in Hong Kong, only in different times. What’s in common between us is at present we are both in Hong Kong and we love this city.

My heartfelt gratitude to the French interviewees. You remind me how beautiful Hong Kong is and the reason why I am still here.

與胡海輝 訪談

問 可以分享一下中文和法文的劇名的意思,《香西法蘭港》和《Pas de deux à Hong Kong》?

答 上一個版本直接用《法蘭西香港》。「法蘭西」這個字雖然不摩登,是以前的音譯,但 我真的很佩服那時候翻譯的人,「法蘭西」本身帶有一種美和優雅,所以選擇這組字, 而不是直接採用「法國」。這次還是覺得太直接了,思考劇名時嘗試砌字,發覺如果 把「香港」拆開,中間放「法蘭西」,《香法蘭西港》似乎不太順口,但變成《香西法 蘭港》就挺有趣,香港就是這種 mix and match,將很多東西混雜在一起。「你 part 唔 par-ti-ci-pate」,香港人會這樣拆開英文字,十分「香港」的語言特色,拆開、重 組再放在一起。而英文劇名無法音譯,Pas de deux 在法文本身解作芭蕾舞當中的雙人 舞,芭蕾舞很「法國」吧。而且這個作品就像一場雙人舞,在香港這片土地,法國人怎

樣看香港,香港華人怎樣看法國,怎樣互相認識對方,大家怎樣在這個地方生存,一個 互相溝通的過程。

你期望這個作品對觀眾產生甚麼的影響? 答 我希望這個作品不只是做給香港人或者外籍人士看,希望這個作品能夠讓觀眾再想一 想:這一刻身處香港的你,無論是不是以香港為家,對你來說,香港是甚麼呢?對我來 說,香港一定是我的家,除了現實原因,感情上真的不捨得走,因為⋯⋯我現在最想 做的是戲劇,多得香港。離開香港我相信很難做到。做不到自己喜歡做的事,又何必走 呢?我以香港為家。

© Keith Sin

Interview with Wu Hoi Fai

Can you share a bit about the Chinese and French titles of the play: Hong Sai Faat Laan Kong and Pas de deux à Hong Kong?

The first version of the script directly used the title Faat Laan Sai Hong Kong –faat laan sai being the transliteration of the word ‘French’. Although this particular transliteration is not modern—it’s an older way to phrase it – I really admire the person who chose that translation. Faat laan sai – whose characters literally mean ‘way’ (法), ‘orchid’ (蘭), and ‘west’ (西) – evokes a sort of beauty and elegance. That’s why I chose it over the contemporary translation: faat guok –which literally means ‘way’ (法) ‘country’ (國) – was too direct for this story. While brainstorming the title, I tried scrambling the characters. If I tried inserting the transliteration faat laan sai between the two characters for Hong Kong (香港), Hong Faat Laan Sai Kong (香法蘭西港) still didn’t roll off the tongue. But turn it into Hong Sai Faat Laan Kong (香西法蘭港), and you’ve got something really interesting: Hong Kong is precisely this sort of mix–and–match, scrambling many different things together. Taking apart and rearranging syllables is a very ‘Hong Kong’ linguistic peculiarity – we’re not only willing to insert an English word into the Cantonese sentence, but we’ll also break up the syllables of the English word according to Cantonese grammar. For example, ‘Nei part ng par–ti–ci–pate?’ means ‘Will you participate?’.

However, there’s no way to effective transliterate the Chinese title Hong Sai Faat Laan Kong back into English and convey the same feeling. Pas de deux is the French term for a ballet duet, and I suppose that ballet itself is pretty ‘French’. Not to mention, the play is like a dance between two people: in this shared space of Hong Kong, how French residents view Hong Kong, how ethnically Chinese residents view France, how one recognises the other, and how everyone survives in this place are all processes of mutual communication.

How do you hope this work will impact your audience?

My hope with this work is not to reach a certain Hong Kong or international audience. My hope is that this work will lead the audience to reflect: For you who are currently in Hong Kong, whether or not you call Hong Kong home, what does Hong Kong mean to you? For me, Hong Kong is definitely my home. Beyond the practical reasons, emotionally I really couldn’t bear to leave because…What I most want to do now is theatre, thanks to Hong Kong. I’m certain that leaving Hong Kong would be very difficult. If I couldn’t do what I wanted to do elsewhere anyways, why would I go? Hong Kong is my home.


© Keith Sin


Lui Long Kwan

2022 年香港演藝學院畢業生,獲戲劇藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表演。

在校期間,憑《群盲》獲傑出演員獎,亦憑《群盲》獲第 13 屆香港小劇場獎最佳整體演出。

畢業後積極參與不同藝團演出:前進進戲劇工作坊《月明星稀》讀劇、《20XX 2XXX XXXX》、 《新文本 Fermata》讀劇;劇場空間《另眼》;藝君子劇團《牽牛花》讀劇;一條褲製作《文本大 世界──大屋》等等。

Lui is a freelance actress, drama tutor who graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) , majoring in Acting.


© Keith Sin



Melodee Mak Chi Kwan

畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,主修表演,在學期間憑《我要高飛》奪得傑出演員獎。最近演出是 演戲家族《男湯》音樂讀劇,飾演 Momoko-san 及《朝暮有情人》飾演 Flora,曾與超過二十個 本地劇團合作不同形式的舞台演出。


Melodee Mak graduated from the School of Drama at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a major in Acting. She received the Outstanding Actress Award for her performance in Fame the Musical presented by the HKAPA.

Her stage roles include Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream the musical (Actors’ Family), Jessica in Wild the Musical (City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong). Lolita in Lolita is Mine and Liesl in The Sound of Music (Spring–Time Stage Production). In 2015 she performed in the London West End production of The Sound of Music presented by Lunchbox Productions.

She is currently working as a freelance actress, singing coach and dubbing artist and she is passionate about discovering different forms of arts.


Keith Sin




Michael Mok Kok Pong

2023 年畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表演。在學期間曾獲多個 獎學金及傑出演員獎。早年畢業於香港科技大學工商管理學院,主修綜合商業管理學。

近期戲劇演出包括西九文化區×天台製作《天真與世故之歌》(重演);浪人劇場《緬甸歲月》(重 演)、西九文化區《自由爵士音樂節︰曳俠》;音樂劇作《空白頁》;劇場方程式《屋根裏》等。

校內演出包括音樂劇《夢想期限 tick, tick... BOOM!》、《海灘上的安蒂岡妮》等,並以《群盲》代 表學院先後前往台灣、廣州等地作演出交流。現為自由身演員。

Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Drama School in 2023 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) in Acting. During his studies, he received scholarships from Hong Kong Disneyland and the Grantham Scholarships Fund. Previously graduated from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business and Management, majoring in Integrated Business Administration. Recent theatrical performances include: Songs of Innocence and Experience (Re–run) (WestK and Rooftop Productions); Burmese Days (Theatre Ronin), Freespace Jazz Fest: Mischievous Boy (WestK); Blank Page (Musical Trio) and The Attic (Theatre Formula). Participated in school performances including: tick, tick...BOOM!, Antigone on the Beach. Awarded Outstanding Actor for the role of Michael in tick, tick...BOOM! and represented the academy for performances and exchanges in Taiwan, Guangzhou with The Blind. He is currently a freelance actor.

© Keith Sin


Wong Ka Chun

香港演藝學院戲劇學院 2022 年畢業生,主修表演,在校期間,憑《群盲》獲頒第 13 屆香港小劇場獎 最佳整體演出。校內演出包括《群盲亂舞》、《群盲》、《You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown》、

《飛吧!臨流鳥,飛吧!》等,並憑《飛吧!臨流鳥,飛吧!》隨戲劇學院赴台灣出席廣藝廳黑盒子 藝術節《香港週》。

畢業後積極參與不同劇團的演出。近年參與作品包括:同流《移家女孩》、浪人劇場《鯉魚門的霧》、 英皇娛樂《My Secret Live: ANOTHER SIDE》、一條褲製作《基地》、藝君子劇團《牽牛花——讀 劇》等。現為自由身演員。

Wong Ka Chun is an actor who graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2022.

During his study in the academy, he has been passionated about different forms of physical theatre, including contemporary circus, corporeal mime and mask. After graduation, he kept on exploring these art forms and work with different theatre companies in Hong Kong.


© Keith Sin


鄧永康 Tang Wing Hong

畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表演。現為自由身工作者。表演 以外,鍾情於研習武術。

演出作品包括同流讀戲劇場《製造基督》;Arts’ options《女人節,男人事──大圍彼得帕加》; 進劇場《三姊妹》。校內演出包括《放屁蟲》、《海灘上的安蒂岡妮》。

舞台演出外,亦有參與廣告、音樂影片、微電影等演出工作:包括 Edan 呂爵安《油麻地莎士比 亞》、《ChatMre》;MC張天賦《Overkill》;微電影創+作計劃《》;亦曾於RTHK 《凝聚香港》擔任主持等。

Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts Drama school in 2022 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors), majoring in Acting, He is now a freelance actor.

Recent works including Messiah (WeDraman – play reading), “大圍彼得帕加” (Arts’ option), Three Sisters (Theatre du pif), School performances including Hemispherical Red and Black and Antigone on the beach.

He is also active in Micro–films, Music videos and TV Adv shootings, including (WestHouse), Overkill (MC Cheung) and ChatMrE (Edan Lui).


© Keith Sin


Liu Ho Man 廖浩雯

廖浩雯完成鄧樹榮戲劇工作室「形體戲劇課程」後,對表演藝術的熱誠引領她在 2019 年到美國 Dell‘ Arte International School of Physical Theatre 進修,更與同學組成 Siren Ensemble, 於 2021 年在丹麥演出《A Woman’s Journey》,現為一條褲製作全職演員。

曾參演《讀癮起 2024──種族與戲劇》、《文本大世界》、《掂行掂過》、《摩訶婆羅多》、《Uni–Minds》、《離境大堂》、《閉目入神》、《小黑》、《阿爾的故事》、《仲夏夜之夢》、《礦井下的彩虹》 及《聖荷西謀殺案》等。

Sandy Liu Ho–Man is an actor–creator and drama educator who values humanity, respect, compassion and collaboration.

She has had the privilege of training with Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre in the United States and Tang Shu–wing Theatre Studio’s Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme. Her enthusiasm in ensemble work brought her and the newly established theater group “Siren Ensemble” to Denmark to perform A Woman’s Journey in 2021.

She had experiences in performing at the International Youth Drama Festival (Macao), collaborating with Hong Kong Federation of Drama Societies, Addoil Workshop and Jumbo Kids, etc. She also performs in film production and school projects.

She is currently a full time actress of Pants Theatre Production.


© Keith Sin


Tse Wai Sze 謝慧思

2021 年畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表演。校內演出包括《無言 劇》、《金龍》等,並憑《金龍》獲得校內傑出演員獎。

曾修讀 BTEC Level 4 一年制音樂劇課程及鄧樹榮戲劇工作室 PTI 專業形體戲劇青年訓練課程。  近年參與演出包括 : 前進進戲劇工作坊 《燃燒的星與迷的圖像》;劇場空間《作家出道殺人事件》;  艾菲斯劇團《離留之境》;香港教育大學《我不是霍金》重演;香港話劇團新戲匠系列《夜鶯玫瑰》; 中英劇團《金龍》等。

Sze Tse graduated from the School of Drama, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), majoring in acting. While in school, her performance in Der goldene Drache earned her an Outstanding Actor Award from HKAPA.

She has also completed BTEC Level 4 Musical Theatre and Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme (PTI) in Tang Shu–wing Theatre Studio.

Sze has participated in numerous performance, including: The Anonymous Many and Their Spotlighted One (On&On Theatre Workshop), House Of detectives Hong Kong remakes Writer Kills, Killer Writer (Theatre Space Foundation), UKR/HK play–reading Festival (A part of Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings) produced by Blank Space Studio, etc.


© Keith Sin



Pearlmi Tam 譚安婷

Tam On Ting

畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,主修表演。2019 至 21 年間擔任一條褲製作駐團實習演員。近年舞台 演出包括:起樂有限公司《文田一會》、No Discipline Limited《我們來真的》、風車草劇團  《三聖邨的 Little Mermaid》。

譚氏熱愛編寫,2023 年編劇作品包括風車草劇團《忙與盲的分離時代》、艾菲斯劇團《離留之境》、 獨立書店社區讀劇計劃《又係女司機》。曾參加普劇場主辦的「第三屆心之河土壤栽培計劃」憑  《不避風的港》獲得優異劇本獎。曾擔任英皇娛樂電影《阿媽有咗第二個》編劇助理。


Pearlmi is a freelance actress, drama tutor, and playwright, who graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors), majoring in Acting. She was a full time actress of Pants Theatre Production from 2019 to 2021.

© Keith Sin


Michelle Lo Man Yuet

2023 年畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院畢業,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修表演。熱衷於表演、 視覺藝術、欣賞世界、感受生命。

校內演出包括:《雪裡尋謊》首演(2021)及重演(2022)、《規劃香港》(2023)及《點解去咗莫 斯科?》(2023)。

在學期間,獲頒香港賽馬會獎學金(2019–2022)和 JK & Ingrid Lee Foundation「創意項目基 金」,作為《ME AMO(我愛我)擁抱獨我展能計劃》的策展人。在疫情期間舉辦網上自畫像體驗 工作坊,以小組形式帶領參加者創作。


Michelle is now a full time actor of Pants Theatre Production. Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Bachelors of Fine Arts (Honors) in 2023, majoring in Acting. Passionate in performing, visual arts, appreciating and experiencing life.

Performances during study: Moscow…Why? (2023), Planning Our City (2023), A Lie Of The Mind (2021) and rerun (2022).

During her studies, she was awarded The Jockey Club Scholarships (2019–2022) and JK & Ingrid Lee Foundation – Creative Project Fund, as the curator and facilitator of Me Amo Interdisciplinary Art Project. During the pandemic, she had curated an online self portrait drawing workshop (IG: @image.of.self_jpg) and led participants in groups to create their own self portrait.



Kenny Leung 梁儉豐

當代舞編舞、舞者及藝團 Common Ground 創團團長及藝術總監,先後畢業於香港演藝學院主修 中國舞,副修編舞,及台灣國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈系碩士主修當代舞表演。在台期間曾加入玫舞擊 舞蹈團和紙風車劇團任全職舞者。其創作喜於實驗跨領域的演出模式,並致力開發身體及表演的可 能性。近期作品包括 2021 年主辦展覽式劇場《身體印記 II:眾觀》即獲香港舞蹈年獎傑出小型場 地舞蹈製作提名、2024 年獲康文署委約《部落祭壇》,及西九文化區邀請策劃 Freespace Dance Night。

Choreographer, contemporary dancer, founding leader and Artistic Director of Common Ground. Kenny Leung first studied Chinese dance and choreography at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, then obtained a Master’s degree in performance from the Taipei National University of the Arts. While in Taiwan, he joined Meimage Dance and Paper Windmill Theatre as a professional dancer. He is interested in cross–disciplinary performance and exploring the possibilities of the body. His recent works include Body Codes II: Performscape (2021) which was nominated for Outstanding Small Venue Production by the Hong Kong Dance Awards and Imagined Altar (2024) commissioned by LCSD, as well as curating Freespace Dance Night for West Kowloon Cultural District.



Yuen Hon Wai

阮漢威畢業於香港演藝學院科藝學院藝術學士,主修佈景及服裝設計。現為自由身舞台工作者及劇 場教育工作者,同時亦為舞台攝影師,其舞台攝影作品曾分別在台灣及日本隨藝團展覽。2021 受國 際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)邀請收錄其舞台攝影作品於《一攝無邊:香港劇場影像紀錄數碼資 料庫暨教育計劃》。最近其舞台設計作品《羅生門》入圍世界劇場設計展 2022 專業競賽部份。

Yuen Hon–wai graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in set and costume design. In a career spanning two decades, he has created about 200 set designs for art performances. Yuen was also included in the professional exhibition shortlist of World Stage Design 2022, organised by The International Organisation of Scenographers.



作品集 Portfolio


Ching Hoi Man

畢業於香港城市大學並取得創意媒體學院理學士學位,隨後畢業於香港演藝學院,主修舞台佈景及 服裝設計。

近期服裝設計作品包括:一條褲製作《撒旦狂筆》;中英劇團《金龍》;風車草劇團《一粒金》;香 港藝術節《沉浸式歌劇 小狐狸 Vixen》;香港演藝學院戲劇學院《信心危機》、港中樂團《音 樂尋寶記 3》等。

同時亦積極參於其他製作的執行/助理設計:香港話劇團《親愛的.柳如是》;城市當代舞蹈團《和 光同塵》;任白慈善基金《蝶影紅梨記》(2018 澳門站);Project Roundabout《親親麗南》。

Cheryl originally studied for a Bachelor of Science in Creative Media at City University of HK. In 2016, she graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majored in set and costume design.

Current costume design work include: Quills (Pants Theatre Production), Der goldene Drache (Chung Ying Theatre), Vixen (Hong Kong Arts Festival), Trust (HKAPA School of Drama), A Musical Treasure Hunt 3 (HK Chinese Orchestra).

As associate designer in production include: Liu Rushi my Dear & Marriage (HK Repertory Theatre), Stream of Dust (CCDC), Cantonese Opera — Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom (Yam Pak Charitable Foundation).


Ling Cheng 鄭可聆


燈光設計作品包括第十屆華文戲劇節代表地區演出《馬克白》、香港演藝學院《兒欺》、演戲家族  《老子駕到》、一條褲製作《2047 的上半場與下半場》、《捌次二〇四七》、《長夜守燈》及《同行 尋光》等。

Ling graduated with first–class honours from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in lighting design.

Her theatre credits include Macbeth (the Hong Kong representative for the 10th Chinese Drama Festival), Luna Gale (The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts), Lo’s Here (Actors’ Family), the First and Second Half of 2047, 2047 × 8, Eternal Flame to the Dark, and Together in Search of Light (Pants Theatre Production).


Keynes Chau Kin Chung 周鍵聰

香港作曲家及作詞家協會成員。畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修音樂 監製。曾獲 2019 – 2023 香港特別行政區政府獎學金及 2023 古天樂傑出創意成就獎。曾為香港演 藝學院舞蹈學院 2023 年度夏季演出、一條褲製作《撒旦狂筆》擔任作曲及音響設計;香港演藝學 院《Interstage 2022 瓢》擔任聯合監製、音響設計及編曲。

除了參與本地藝術演出,其個人作品受邀至 0 // 2023 Public Visuals Tokyo 作參演;2019 及 2023 布拉格四年展擔任其中藝術家。近年亦逐漸參與流行曲、電影、電視劇及廣告之音樂製作。

Chau Kin–Chung (kChung) is an accomplished music composer, sound designer, and media artist. With a BFA in Theatre and Entertainment Arts, specializing in Sound Technology (Music Production) at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, he has received the HKSAR Government Scholarships (2019 – 2023) and the Louis Koo Outstanding Creative Achievement Awards (2023).

He has made significant contributions to the performing arts industry through his work as an associate producer and sound designer in Interstage 2022, a composer and sound designer in HKAPA – 2023 School of Dance Summer Performances, Pants Theatre Production’s Quills. Besides contributing to the local performing arts industry, his works are showcased on international platforms such as the Prague Quadrennial (2019, 2023) and 0 // 2023 Public Visuals Tokyo. As a member of CASH, he has also contributed to film, TV drama, and commercial music production projects.



Yuen Shek Him

畢業於香港大學文學院,主修語言學。修讀鄧樹榮戲劇工作室專業形體戲劇青年訓練課程。現就讀 於香港演藝學院,主修導演系。在校期間獲提名成龍慈善基金獎學金。

近期參與校內製作包括《茱麗葉與羅密歐》(導演助理)、《點解去咗莫斯科》(導演助理)、及《戲 論十牛》(戲劇助理)。

校外演出包括,香港話劇團風箏計劃 2023 – 2024《綑綁》(演員)。

Shek–Him is currently studying in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), majoring in Theatre Directing. Before studying at HKAPA, he studied at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Arts (Majoring in Linguistics). He has trained in Tang Shu Wing Theatre Studio’s Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme.

Recently involved school productions including Juliet & Romeo (Assistant to Director), Moscow…Why? (Assistant to Director), Ten Oxens of Our Time (Drama Assistant). Other production experiences include Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Project Kite (Actor).


Faith Ho Yee Mei 何綺微

自由身舞台工作者,曾參與多個舞台製作及擔任不同崗位,劇團包括:iStage、演戲家族、艾菲斯 劇團等。

A theatre backstage freelancer, who has been involved in different position of various stage productions including iStage, Actor’s Family, Fiesta Space, etc.





Tsz Shan


曾參與不同製作,如一條褲製作《金童子》、《撒旦狂筆》;一路青空《Hello~ 自己》;《點心兵兵大 暴走》;四蟲《各位起筷》;陳裕恆作品《如常》;劇場空間《神探福邇,字摩斯》、《夢綣塘西》;  香港演藝學院《You’re a good man, Charlie Brown》、《大刀王五》、《陳蕾 Orange & Blue Concert》等。

San received her Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) Degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, specialized in Stage and Event Management. She is currently a freelancer.

She has been involved in different productions, including Gweilo, Quills (Pants Theatre Production); Hello~ Dear Me, Dim Sum Power Up (The Radiant Theatre); Everybody, Pick it up (4bugssss); As Always… (As Always Theatre); Westside Twirling Dream (Theatre Space); You’re a good man, Charlie Brown, Ng Wong the Swordsman, Interstage Panther Chan Orange & Blue Concert for The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts etc.


Elite Ng Cheuk Yin 吴卓妍




近年參與製作包括:一條褲製作《長夜守燈》錄像放映、《讀癮起 2024 種族與戲劇》;榞劇場 《失場夜》等。


Elite is an actress, and currently the full–time production manager trainee of Pants Theatre Production.

She studied for the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Degree at Hong Kong Chu Hai College of Higher Education, majored in Creation in Chinese Literary Arts. And in 2024 she received the All Round Advanced Dramatic Arts Training Certificate from Radix Troupe.

Her stage performances include: One Last Gift (Emperor Entertainment Group), Shh!! (The Only Stage), Wonderwall (Radix Troupe).

She has also participated in several productions including: Eternal Flame in the Dark Screening (Pants Theatre Production), Playreading 2024: Race and Theatre, Tonight Sucks (Radix Troupe).

A Hong Konger.


Chui 劉翠兒

畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修服裝技術。曾於 2022/23 獲古天樂傑出 創意成就獎。現是舞台自由身工作者。

Chui graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Costume Technology.


Grace Poon Oi Ting 潘藹婷

畢業於嶺南大學文化研究系。過往曾擔任雜誌編輯、藝術活動統籌等工作,並先後於社區文化發展 中心、香港藝術發展局及香港藝術中心工作。2014 年獲「藝術行政人員海外培訓計劃」資助,於澳 洲「阿德萊德藝術節中心」實習。

近年參與製作包括﹕《同行尋光》、《流徙之女》(上海重演)、《長夜守燈》、《撒旦狂筆》、《愛的實 驗》、《第三屆紀錄劇場節》、《金童子》(載譽重演)。

Grace graduated from the Cultural Studies Department of Lingnan University. She has previously worked as a magazine editor, project coordinator, in organizations including Centre for Community Cultural Development, Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Hong Kong Arts Centre. She was granted the Fellowships for Arts Management Experience in 2014 to intern at the Adelaide Festival Centre in Australia. Her recent production credits include: Together in Search of Light, Sweet Mandarin (Re-run), Eternal Frame in the Dark, Quills, Harry Harlow-experiment of Love, Theatre of Society: 3rd Documentary Theatre Festival, Gweilo (3rd run).



Leona Lam Hoi Ching

畢業於香港科技大學,主修定量社會數據分析。現職一條褲製作行政。最近參與製作:《第三屆紀錄 劇場節》、《金童子》(載譽重演)及《讀癮起 2024 種族與戲劇》。

Leona graduated from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, major in Quantitative Social Analysis. Her recent production credits include: Theatre of Society: 3rd Documentary Theatre Festival, Gweilo (3rd Run) and Playreading 2024: Race and Theatre.


Hailey Ko Man Hei 高汶禧

畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院,主修視覺藝術。最近參與製作:《讀癮起 2024 種族與戲 劇》及《長夜守燈》錄像放映。

Hailey graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in Visual Arts. Her recent production credits include: Playreading 2024: Race and Theatre and Eternal Flame in the Dark Screening.

© Pearlmi Tam © Pearlmi Tam
www.frenchmay.com frenchmayartsfestival frenchmayartsfest

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