El patrimonio fortificado pirenaico (S. XVI XIX)

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mains de la Municipalité. Déclaré Bien d'Intérêt Culturel, l'État se l'est approprié en 1965 pour le réhabiliter en Parador de Tourisme, il est aujourd'hui encore un Parador (Hôtel de Luxe public).

5. Karlos V.Aren Gaztelua (Hondarribia) Gaztelu edo etxe gotor hau, Karlos V.a enperadorearen gaztelu gisa ere ezagun dena, Hondarribiko Arma plazan dago, alde zaharreko kaleak dauden muinoaren gainean. Jatorriz, Erdi Arokoa da, eta Karlos V.aren erregealdian egin zen haren zabalkuntzarik garrantzitsuena, errege hark 1539an hiribildura egindako bisitaren harira. Horrela, eraikin honek Erdi Aroko erdigune bat dauka, patio karratu baten inguruan osatua, eta oraindik ere baditu ikusgai hasierako lau dorre zirkularretako biren egiturak. Karlos V.aren eraberritze-lanetan, artilleria-plataforma errektangular handi bat eraiki zuten, bai eta fatxada nagusi neurritsua ere. Azken horrek hiru ganga ditu, eta, haien barnean, lau solairuko zurezko egitura bat egon zen behiala. Teilatu-lauan, artilleria-bateria bat jarri zuten. Nahiz eta 1794an, Konbentzio Gerran, gazteluaren zati bat suntsitu zuen Frantziako armadak, haren egitura errektangularrak zutik eutsi zion. XX. mendearen hasieran, hondakinak besterik gelditzen ez zela, enkantean jarri zuten, eta esku pribatuetan egon zen harik eta 1928an Udalaren esku gelditu zen arte. Kultur Intereseko Ondasun izendatu zuten, eta Espainiako Estatuak beretzat hartu zuen 1965ean: turismoko paradore gisa birgaitu zuen, eta horretarako erabiltzen da gaur egun ere.

6. Walled Complex of Hondarribia TThe stronghold of Fuenterrabia (now Hondarribia) outranked San Sebastian in the 16th and 17th century due to its position right on the border;

the latter gained more importance in the 18th century. All the same, the Hondarribia fortifications in the Middle Ages were limited to a castle built on a mountainous rise on the left bank of the Bidasoa River. Over the years, the enclave prospered and extended its fortifications as its population and strategic importance grew. To begin with, a rudimentary wall was built around the town, and a 14th-century upgrade enabled it to resist the siege of 1476. The Catholic Monarchs carried out significant improvement and expansion works that were left in need of repair by various episodes of conflict, such as the Franco-Navarrese raids of 1521 and the Spanish one of 1524. Carlos V completely renovated the fortifications, and in the second half of the 16th century the engineers El Fratín and Tiburcio Spannocchi had a hand, too. Fuenterrabía was surrounded by an irregularlyshaped fortification (roughly pentagonal), dominated by the hills to the west and next to the sea in the other directions. Built in a clockwise direction were: the San Felipe bastion, some of whose structures remain; the Santa Maria (or imperial) turret, partially preserved; the San Nicolás and (partially reconstructed) Reina bastions; the Magdalena turret and the Munición Vieja tower, both now without visible structures; the Santiago bastion (limited structures remain) and the small Bamba tower, demolished in 1729. Between the San Felipe bastion and the Magdalena turret ran thick ramparts, typical of bastioned fortification, while the eastern end constituted the weakest area of the enclosure, given that the sea provided natural protection. The stronghold had two main gates, known as the Santa María and San Nicolás. The former, next to the San Felipe bastion, gives access into the walled enclosure via its main street. The latter is located between the Reina and San Nicolas bastions.

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