Pure Design Summer Issue 2014

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TIME IS TICKING summer issue 2014

A product of Pure Design Ministries

P Dear Designers!

Summer is finally here and with it comes warmth, sunshine and outdoor activities! After a LONG and COLD Ohio winter, I am looking forward to a slower paced summer. For most of us, summer brings a more relaxed schedule and pace. We try to include fun activities such as picnics, bike rides, or strolls in the park to enjoy being outside. It is a season of no school where we enjoy sleeping in and staying up late. We drive around with the windows down and music cranked to our favorite tunes. It’s a time to relax and be a little less stressed, hopefully. But when schedules aren’t as rigid, often times it’s harder to focus on our daily disciplines as Christians. We wake up late, and before we know it hours are wasted surfing the internet or playing games and we wonder where the day has gone. Through this issue, Time is Ticking, we hope to remind you that time is precious and valuable. It is something we can never get back. How we spend our time really matters, especially to God. Enjoying life is important. We all need to relax and unwind or go shopping with a girlfriend.But we must not forget to incorporate activities throughout our summer that are meaningful. Find ways to include God into your summer by making time to be with Him. Included in this issue is a daily devotional for the summer. We hope this can be a tool that will help you get into a daily routine of reading God’s Word. Prayer is another discipline that will help you build a strong relationship with God. Tell Him the thoughts and concerns you are carrying. He already knows them, but longs for a real relationship with you. In addition to this, consider ways you may serve. Is there a kid’s camp you could participate in? Vacation Bible Schools are always looking for energetic leaders. Nursing homes are filled with people in need of a simple smile or hug. Each summer our youth group participates in a mission’s trip to take a week to go and serve. Every time, we are reminded to look outwards to the needs of others and not be self absorbed. We have cleaned yards, paved church parking lots, painted homes, served food, danced with children and been impacted greatly by those we encounter. We hope this issue inspires you to use your time wisely over the summer. Value the time you’ve been given and ask yourself - How can I show others the love of Jesus in my everyday life? Look for ways to cooperate with God to make a difference this summer. Time is Ticking – How will you use yours? Thank you again for supporting Pure Design Magazine! Please continue to share our magazine with your family and friends. Affirming His Design,

Pamela Lozano Founder/Executive Director

Pam Lozano executive director

Favorite worship song currently: This is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham

Favorite book this season: Growing as a Prophetic Singer by Anna Blanc

Favorite summer outfit: Mid-thigh length shorts with a sleeveless flowy top;dressy flip flop sandals with a French manicure on my toes;pony-tail and sunglasses

Favorite Bible verse currently: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

What’s inside?

3funsummer 5team! 7 my meet the



never had time to say


13 17fitness

summer devo guide




time wasters

23communication 25 tribal tracks 37 living right now the art of

SUmmer Fun

summer fun


1 - Flip a Coin Day (heads or tails?) 2 - National Rocky Road Day 3 - Repeat Day (I said “Repeat Day”) 4 - Applesauce Cake Day 5 - World Environment Day 6 - National Doughnut Day 6 - National Yo-Yo Day 7 - Chocolate Ice Cream Day 8 - BFF’s Day 12 - Red Rose Day 13 - Friday the 13th 14 - Flag Day 15 - Father’s Day 17 - Eat Your Vegetables Day 20 - Ice Cream Soda Day 21 - First day of summer! 22 - National Chocolate Eclair Day 26 - Forgiveness Day 27 - Sun Glasses Day 29 - Hug Holiday 30 - Meteor Day


1 - Canada Day 2 - I Forgot Day 4 - Independence Day 6 - National Fried Chicken Day 7 - Chocolate Day 9 - National Sugar Cookie Day 10 - Teddy Bear Picnic Day 15 - Tapioca Pudding Day 17 - Peach Ice Cream Day 19 - Raspberry Cake Day 20 - National Lollipop Day 23 - Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24 - Cousins Day 26 - Aunt and Uncle Day 27 - Parent’s Day - fourth Sunday in July 30 - National Cheesecake Day 30 - Father-in-Law Day


1 - Raspberry Cream Pie Day 2 - Daughter’s Day 3 - Friendship Day 3 - Sisters Day 9 - Book Lover’s Day 10 - National S’mores Day 13 - Left Hander’s Day 14 - National Creamsicle Day 17 - National Thriftshop Day 20 - National Radio Day 21 - Senior Citizen’s Day 26 - National Dog Day 30 - Toasted Marshmallow Day 31 - Trail Mix Day

partners PureDesignTeenMag






Pure Design Magazine was launched in 2012 as a free online teen girls’ magazine. The publication is “for teens by teens” and every quarter, passionate students come together with their mentors to produce a magazine that will inspire their peers in purity, modesty, faith, self-image and self-worth. Through mentoring articles and stories of real-life teenagers, plus top-notch fashion spreads, Pure Design Magazine is motivating young women to evaluate the choices they make and the influences they look to!



Pure Design Magazine was started by a mother-daughter team Pam and Caeilen Lozano as a vehicle to impact young women. Without prior experience in publishing, they stepped out in faith on a journey to inspire and encourage teen girls. Merging their gifts for writing and fashion, the Lozanos recruited several designers and photographers to volunteer their time. Together, they have led their team in creating an outstanding magazine to motivate teenage girls. PURE DESIGN TEAM

In a world that says you must look a certain way to be beautiful and role models are stick thin, Pure Design Magazine encourages girls that beauty comes from within and is a quality we all possess. Pure Design Magazine is a positive voice of truth to a rising generation of women, encouraging them to embrace who God made them to be and walk in confidence. Tackling real-life issues like depression, suicide, eating disorders and family matters from a Biblical perspective sets Pure Design Magazine apart from other publications that solely focus on beauty and fashion. When a young woman picks up this magazine, she will be challenged to look at every aspect of her life from God’s point of view.


Currently, Pure Design Magazine is a free publication available only online. We are exploring opportunities to move to a print format as well, while still offering the magazine at no-cost. To support this effort, you can partner with us financially in one of two ways. Contributions may be taxdeductible.

Pure Design Sponsors: Sponsors receive ad space in the magazine. Various sponsor levels are available, starting as low as $100. Email pam@puredesignministries.com for more detailed information.

Pure Design Partners: Give monthly or one-time to support the magazine’s ongoing needs. See Partner Card for details.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, EMAIL: pam@puredesignministries.com.

Pure Design team Kate art appreciator, fitness buff

Caeilen fashion guru

Pam founder, executive director

Katelin media enthusiast

Avery photo director assistant

Hannah photographer, design apprentice

Book Review Contributor: Abby K. is 16 years old and a junior in high school. She is an avid reader who began reading around 4 years old. The very first book she remembers reading was about an invisible kid and his friends trying to find the Bermuda Triangle. Check out her book reviews on page 42. Ashley designer, editor

Nicole publicist, events coordinator

Gabby photo shoot hair stylist

Maddie thriftaholic, master crafter

Katherine crafting assistant

Carrie editor, designer

Ruth photo director

Laura fashion mentor

Morgan editor, designer

Sarah editor, designer

Kerry creative writer

Sophia photographer, editor, designer

Natalie marketing director, copy editor

About Her

Maddie Maddie is 17 years old and loves being creative and serving others. Her dream is to be a light in a dark world and work with kids who have been abused and neglected. She is looking forward to what the next year holds for her in regards to going to college and growing more in Christ. Check out her space!

Never Had Time to Say

Goodbye By Katelin C.

DJ was my big brother. He was five years older than me but it never felt like it, because we were so close. I adored him and he adored me. Even though we had different mothers, we were always together. He was an artist who drew pictures of horses and cars for me. We loved spending time together riding bikes and building robots, among other things. I really miss those times. I remember when DJ came to live with us in Ohio eight years ago. That summer we went to Atlanta to stay to visit our grandparents. We had a great summer together going to the amusement park, riding bikes and swimming. When school started that Fall, DJ would meet me and my sister to walk us home. I loved having a big brother. DJ’s favorite day was Halloween because it was his birthday. His last birthday with us was so much fun. Even though he was 14, he still went trick-or-treating with us and wore a big Afro. When we got home, we had cake and ice cream and he opened his presents. Just a few weeks later, we ordered pizza on a Friday night, just like always, and watched Disney movies. It was a Friday night on December 1st – the worst night of my life. DJ’s friend stopped by and invited him over to play basketball and spend the night. Before he left, I gave him a hug and said good-bye. While playing ball in an alley with his friends, another guy showed up wanting to go toss eggs at cars. DJ didn’t participate in the egg throwing but rode along with his friends. One of his friends hit a car that happened to be driven by a career criminal. According to the police report, the criminals were on their way to commit a robbery, but stopped when hit with the eggs. One of the men chased the boys, and DJ got left behind when his friends jumped a fence. While climbing the fence, DJ was shot and killed. I woke up the next morning and heard my Dad crying, which was unusual. The police were in our house and I was very confused. Eventually my parents told me my brother was dead, but I don’t really remember the details. All I remember is that I was sad, mad, and confused all at the same time. I also remember my grandparents coming to get us kids. I didn’t cry at DJ’s funeral. I’m not sure why. I was afraid to look at him lying in the coffin because he didn’t look like himself with all of the makeup they used. Despite the horrible circumstances, our family tried to interact and laugh

But as soon

I’ve noticed that I have strong attachments to people,

as we came home, we walked right into another

especially with my friends and siblings, because of all I’ve been

crazy situation. Someone had broken into our house and

through. It makes you appreciate what you have. In some

tampered with our mail, making us feel violated and afraid.

ways, losing my brother changed me and how I look at people

We immediately moved for fear that something bad would

and how I understand the meaning of love, but in other ways

happen to us.

my siblings and I are just like everybody else. We still fight and

together, making things seem normal.

we still get on each others nerves, but we love each other. I try Once we moved into our new house, everything was different.

to remind myself every day that life is a gift, and that I need to

There was a lot of sadness and anger. My parents wouldn’t let

be thankful for every moment with the people who are most

us go anywhere, and our friends always had to come to our

important to me, because you never know when things could

house. My parents also told the school staff what happened

change forever.

so people weren’t always asking me about DJ, but truthfully,

“...losing my brother changed me and how I look at people and how I understand the meaning of love...”

I didn’t mind the questions or answering them. We talked openly about DJ at home, and I liked to talk about him. My Mom said that after DJ passed, I tried to fill his shoes. I did a lot of the things he had always done, like drawing and building with blocks. I guess I tried to act like the oldest sibling would since DJ was gone. My Mom also said I came home from school day one day saying I felt DJ with me on the playground. I don’t remember that. The truth is I don’t remember much from that year. I have never been deeply emotional about losing my brother, which I don’t really understand. My sister Gabrielle cried often. I was sad and mad, but didn’t know how to express what I was feeling because I felt very confused by it all. I do remember being happy when the shooter was finally caught and sent away, though. A lot changed for us as a family. My Dad became, and still is, super protective. My siblings and I spent so much time together after DJ’s death that we became like best friends in many ways. We learned to have fun together. I still don’t cry much, and when I do it’s seldom about DJ. But I do get very frustrated with God that my brother isn’t here. A year after DJ’s death, we started attending the Vineyard Church of Delaware County. We received lots of prayer and started to find peace about what had happened. We were finally able to find something good in losing DJ—his death brought my parents and our family back to church. As thankful as I am for that, I wish we could’ve come to know God without losing my brother.

Every year on DJ’s birthday and the anniversary of his death, we celebrate his life in different ways. It is really special, and I’m thankful we do that. But honestly, I’d rather celebrate with him. He was my best friend, and his life was just too short.

Delightful Dips Delightfully, sunshine is at that lovely point where it peeks out from behind the clouds most of the day (at least where I live that is!). Something I’ve noticed is that when the sun comes out, so do I- and I really enjoy being outside in it with friends. Now, when dear friends come over, there comes a time when everyone gets a tad bit hungry. These well-known dips were designed for those times, and are more nutritious and made with fewer ingredients than store bought dips. Each one makes enough for 5 – 8 people to share (unless you’re REALLY hungry). Chopped or sliced veggies, pita, tortilla chips, crackers, and pretzels pair fabulously with these recipes. Savor the moment!

Mango Salsa - 1 mango, skinned and diced -1/2 cup of chopped tomatoes -1 clove of garlic, minced (1/8 tsp garlic powder ) -1/4 teaspoon of salt -1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice In a medium sized bowl, mix together all of the ingredients, and you’re done.

classic chip and veggie dip

- 1/2 cup of mayonnaise -1/2 cup of non-fat Greek yogurt -1 tsp of dried dill -1 tsp of soy or Worcestershire sauce -1 tsp of curry powder -1/2 tsp of spicy mustard (optional) Using a spoon, mix together all of the ingredients in a bowl. Serve with pretzels, veggies, or tortilla chips. >> Garnish with fresh dill if you like! I used a heart shaped cookie cutter as a stencil.

traditional hummus

- 1 can (15 oz.) chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) - 1 finely diced garlic clove or 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder - 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice - 3 tablespoons of oil (preferably olive) - 1/4 cup of water - 1/2 tsp. of salt - Ground pepper First, drain the chickpeas and rinse them out in a colander. Then place all the ingredients, except the pepper, into a food processor or blender. Blend or process mixture until smooth. Place in a bowl to serve, or in an airtight container to store for later. Top with a dash of pepper, and enjoy with crackers, pita, or chopped veggies!

Chocolate Cupcakes GLUTEN FREE




1 1/3 Cups of flour substitute (I used 3 tablespoons softened butter and a blended “Artisan flour” from Costco) ¼ teaspoon baking soda 1 ½ cups white sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder ¾ teaspoon vanilla extract ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup milk


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (175 degrees C.) Line a muffin pan with paper or foil liners. Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa and salt. Set aside. 2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well with each addition, then stir in the vanilla. Add the flour mixture alternately with the milk; beat well. Fill the muffin cups ¾ full. 3. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Frost with your favorite frosting when cool.


Summer Devo Guide A STUDY TO DEVELOP:

WISDOM, COURAGE, & LOVE Recently a visiting pastor shared a lifelong daily prayer he says to the Lord. He prays every day that the Lord would give him wisdom, courage and kindness. He asks for the following: wisdom to face the challenges that will come every day in his personal, family and ministry life; courage to stand for the truth in a chaotic world as laid out in the Word of God, and love towards others unconditionally. We thought these three words, wisdom, courage and love, would make great goals for a summer devotional guide. In June, we will take a look at the book of Proverbs which was written by the wisest man who ever lived – King Solomon. Solomon asked for wisdom and God was pleased with his request and granted it to him. For July, we will go through the book of Joshua. Joshua was a strong, courageous leader whom God often commanded to have courage. In August, we will focus on the book of John. John was written by the Apostle John who called himself “the Beloved”. To end off the summer, we will dive into Song of Solomon – a look at Jesus as the Lover of the church and the church as the Beloved. Each day this summer, we are encouraging you to read a few Psalms as well. David was known as a man after God’s own heart who poured out his thoughts and feelings honestly before the Lord. So often we can identify with the comments David writes about and our hope is that you can too! We pray these devos will help you make time each day this summer to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord! Read the following passages each day and write down anything that stands out to you in a journal or notebook. After you are done, ask the Lord to show you what He is saying to you in the phrase or scripture you wrote down. Look for other times when God may speak that same word or scripture to you throughout your day or week!

JUNE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th


Proverbs 1; Psalm 1-2 Proverbs 2; Psalm 3-4 Proverbs 3; Psalm 5 Proverbs 4; Psalm 6-7 Proverbs 5; Psalm 8-9 Proverbs 6; Psalm 10 Proverbs 7; Psalm 11-12 Proverbs 8; Psalm 13-14 Proverbs 9; Psalm 15-16 Proverbs 10; Psalm 17 Proverbs 11; Psalm 18 Proverbs 12; Psalm 19 Proverbs 13; Psalm 20-21 Proverbs 14; Psalm 22 Proverbs 15; Psalm 23-24 Proverbs 16; Psalm 25 Proverbs 17; Psalm 26-27 Proverbs 18; Psalm 28 Proverbs 19; Psalm 29 Proverbs 20; Psalm 30 Proverbs 21; Psalm 31 Proverbs 22; Psalm 32-33 Proverbs 23; Psalm 34 Proverbs 24; Psalm 35 Proverbs 25; Psalm 36 Proverbs 26; Psalm 37 Proverbs 27; Psalm 38 Proverbs 28; Psalm 39 Proverbs 29; Psalm 40 Proverbs 30-31; Psalm 41

JULY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st


Joshua 1; Psalm 42 Joshua 2; Psalm 43 Joshua 3; Psalm 44 Joshua 4; Psalm 45 Joshua 5; Psalm 46-47 Joshua 6; Psalm 48 Joshua 7; Psalm 49 Joshua 8; Psalm 50 Joshua 9; Psalm 51 Joshua 10; Psalm 52 Joshua 11; Psalm 53-54 Joshua 12; Psalm 55 Joshua 13; Psalm 56 Joshua 14; Psalm 57 Joshua 15; Psalm 58 Joshua 16; Psalm 59 Joshua 17; Psalm 60 Joshua 18; Psalm 61-62 Joshua 19; Psalm 63-64 Joshua 20; Psalm 65 Joshua 21; Psalm 66-67 Joshua 22; Psalm 68 Joshua 23; Psalm 69 Joshua 24; Psalm 70-71 James 1; Psalm 72 James 2; Psalm 73 James 3; Psalm 74-75 James 4; Psalm 76-77 James 5; Psalm 78 Jude; Psalm 79-80 Psalm 81-82

AUGUST 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st


John 1; Psalm 83-84 John 2; Psalm 85-86 John 3; Psalm 87-88 John 4; Psalm 89 John 5; Psalm 90-91 John 6; Psalm 92-93 John 7; Psalm 94-95 John 8; Psalm 96-98 John 9; Psalm 99-101 John 10; Psalm 102-103 John 11; Psalm 104 John 12; Psalm 105 John 13; Psalm 106 John 14; Psalm 107 John 15; Psalm 108-109 John 16; Psalm 110-112 John 17; Psalm 113-115 John 18; Psalm 116-118 John 19; Psalm 119:1-58 John 20; Psalm 119: 59-117 John 21; Psalm 119: 118-176 John 22; Psalm 120-122 John 23; Psalm 123-126 John 24; Psalm 127-130 Song of Solomon 1; Psalm 131-134 Song of Solomon 2-3; Psalm 135-136 Song of Solomon 4; Psalm 137-139 Song of Solomon 5; Psalm 140-142 Song of Solomon 6; Psalm 143-145 Song of Solomon 7; Psalm 146-147 Song of Solomon 8; Psalm 148-150

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Tesslynn My name is Tesslynn, I’ve been drawing since I was very little and I absolutely love it! Art is my expression, its how I cope and how I speak, I’m also a novelist but sometimes artwork is louder than the written word. Every piece has a story and a meaning and I hope that my


artwork evokes thoughts and emotions. Never ever stop expressing yourself!



Stephanie is 17 and a junior at Orange High School. She loves music, specifically playing her clarinet, bunnies and jewelry making. She is the owner and founder of Shadow Owl Jewelry which can be found on etsy.com and facebook, as well as this year’s July Powell Street Market!




orking out can be very W difficult to do regularly, but creating a habit and routine while you are young is one of the best things you can do for yourself! As a 27 year old, I can tell you that it only gets more difficult to begin a regimen as you age! There are plenty of things you can do to exercise without having to drop the cash for a gym membership. Walking, running, riding your bike - as long as you can get your heart rate up for 30+ minutes a few times a week, you are good to go! But what if it's raining outside? What if you hate running and don't have a bike?

Why not try Tabata? It's a fun fitness training that helped me drop all my pregnancy weight in record time. The basis of it is Interval Training: 20 seconds of high intensity work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 5-15 minutes. The most amazing thing about Tabata is the science behind why it blasts calories more efficiently than 45 minutes of steady-state cardio. 45 minutes on the treadmill at one level of intensity will give you 45 minutes of metabolism boost. 20 minutes of interval training will create a 12, 24, or even 36 hour metabolic boost AFTER you have finished your workout! Not to mention the 15 calories per minute a Tabata

session will burn. On average, a run will burn about 10 calories per minute. Calories are most certainly not the reason we should be exercising, and striving for the body of someone you see on TV is not what Jesus wants for us, but the Lord wants us to take care of our bodies in a loving way so that we are healthy. If you find that you are very hard on yourself and your body, try making your exercising a time of prayer and talking with Jesus. I have had some of the most powerful times with the Lord on long runs while listening to worship music.

SAMPLE TABATA INTERVAL TRAINING What you will need: an open space (inside or outside), a timer*, small hand weights or some slightly heavy objects you have around the house. FIRST: 20 seconds: Jumping Jacks 10 seconds: Rest 20 seconds: Squats 10 seconds: Rest Repeat for 5 minutes THEN MOVE DIRECTLY INTO: 20 seconds: Right-Left Jabs with Weights 10 seconds: Rest 20 seconds: High Knees 10 seconds: Rest Repeat for 5 minutes THEN MOVE DIRECTLY INTO: 20 seconds: Mountain Climbers 10 seconds: Rest 20 seconds: Jump-Twist 10 seconds: Rest Repeat for 5 minutes YOU'RE DONE! You've just completed 15 minutes of Tabata and burned about 225 calories!


DIY Craft:

Tie -Dying Shirts Summer time is a great time to experiment with tie-dying! Here’s a step by step instruction on how you can do it yourself!


Start with sharpie markers, rubbing alcohol,

and a piece of clothing (just about anything cotton will work).


Protect your work surface with an old or dark towel. Use the markers to draw any design you like (keep in mind that the edges will be blurred).


Once you’re done sketching, it’s time to add the alcohol. Use an eyedropper if your bottle doesn’t have a drip tip lid.


Drip alcohol slowly onto the edges of your design. Then watch as the colors smear and shift across the shirt.


Let the alcohol fully dry — this step is important because alcohol is flammable — and then set the color by running it through your dryer.


Experiment! If you want more smear, use more alcohol.

-One last note...

If you want the design to just be on the front, put a plastic grocery bag inside the shirt so the alcohol and marker won’t bleed through to the back.


by Natalie Babbert

Summer – time to relax, hang out with friends and enjoy the sun. Many times we begin our time off with grand plans, just to wonder where it all went as we begin to start another year in school. Quality relaxation, while key to keeping you healthy and your stress levels low, can quickly morph into laziness when allowed to keep you from valuable daily activities. Here are some things that have the potential to become big time wasters if you’re not careful.

Top Time Wasters 1. Social Media. In the summer, social

media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, can be a great way to catch up with friends and stay in touch. However, when used in non-productive ways such as to gossip, snoop, obsess over old friends or boyfriends, is a waste of time that can leave you with ill feelings towards others.

2. Friends.

Summer is prime time to spend with friends, socialize, meet new people and engage in interesting conversations. However, make sure you are hanging out with the right types of people. Some friends will cause you to question your beliefs, the rules you follow, or the faith you profess.

3. Parties.

Having fun with friends or celebrating a special occasion are great reasons to have a party. But when those parties start unhealthy behaviors, such as putting yourself in morally compromising situations – such as lying or hiding things you are involved in, you need to reevaluate how you are spending your time and who you are spending it with. Keep in mind that all these decisions will affect your life. Maybe not today, but every decision you make is crucial!

4. Cell Phone. Email. TV.

These are all great ways to stay in touch with friends, apply for that job or send that college application and stay up on daily news. However, when you allow these things to invade your life by checking your email every couple minutes or snap-chatting, texting or watching your favorite mindless episodes that just released to Netflix, you are hindering yourself from performing tasks that will further your personal development. In fact, procrastination will just make your daily activities more rushed which in the end will create higher levels of stress.

5. Not getting enough sleep.

I don’t think there are any productive uses of not getting enough sleep??!! Staying up too late on a regular basis can lead to non-functional days and will even mess with your physical, mental and emotional states!

Now that we’ve touched on a few of society’s top time wasters, let’s look at a few ways to maximize the time you DO have.

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Your Time 1. Spend time with God! Begin your day by

spending time with him. Pray, let him know your thoughts, be still and listen to anything he may have to say to you! Make the summer count by investing time into your relationship with God.

2. Get a job. This gives you skills to help build

your resume that will eventually land you that job you’ve been wanting while helping you save extra pocket money.

3. Serve others. Use extra time to serve others by volunteering in your community. This is a great way to meet new people and let God use you – maybe even to those who do not know Christ.

4. Learn something new. Challenge yourself! Take Spanish classes; learn to play the guitar…

get outside your comfort zone. Adventure is a great part of life!

5. Relax appropriately. Meditate on

scripture, do your devotionals, go for a swim or try yoga!

6. Build the “right” habits. Don’t stay up

too late. Eat a good breakfast. Stay energized by exercising. All of these habits will help you to have the most productive summer you can!

7. Schedule your day. Know what has to get

done in a particular day. If you have chores that are expected to be done, schedule them when you know you are most apt to do them. For instance, if you know you would like to go to the pool, but you need to take the trash out and vacuum, do your chores first thing in the morning so you can enjoy the rest of the day at the pool.

8. Use “idle” time to your advantage.

Read a book, do your devotionals, volunteer your time, exercise, try a new recipe… attempt to use all your moments in the best way possible.

9. Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is

never a good thing as it will only increase stress and decrease your productivity. Give yourself enough time to do a task properly, so that it’s done accurately and well.

10. Know what your own “time wasters” are and avoid them. If Facebook is your

time waster, allow yourself a certain amount of time a day to be on the computer. If it is too much TV, plan on watching shows at the end of the day after you’ve done all you need to do. If you can plan specific amounts of time to spend on certain habits, you are less likely to abuse them!

As this summer kicks off, remember that our time belongs to God. How will you glorify God with your time this summer?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: A time to be born and a time to die… a time to plant and a time to uproot… a time to weep and a time to laugh… a time to embrace and a time to refrain… a time to tear and a time to mend… a time to be silent and a time to speak… a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.


COMMUNICATION “My belief is that communication is the best way to create strong relationships.” - Jada Pinkett Smith Communication is often a hard topic to “talk” about… It becomes even more difficult between guys and girls because we are so different. We thought we’d ask Luke some general questions about communication and relationships with girls to get his perspective and thoughts.


Luke is 17 years old and lives in Nashville, TN. Luke is homeschooled and will enter his senior year of high school this fall. He enjoys sports and being with friends. He is passionate about seeing his generation live for Christ and seeing people walk according to God’s purpose and plan for their lives. He is the founder of a website called Know What You Believe – check it out at: http://knowwhatyoubelievenow.blogspot.com/


1 PD: What are you most drawn to in a teenage girl? Or what would make you want to be friends with her? LL: I am most drawn to a person, whether it’s a guy or a girl, when we share common interests. It could be that we have the same sense of humor or similar hobbies and enjoy the same activities. Mutual interests draw me to people.

PD: Do you find it difficult or easy to communicate with teen girls in general? Why/Why not? LL: It really depends on the girl. Some are easy to communicate with and some aren’t. Most of the time, I find it fairly easy to talk with girls my age. The fact that I have a sister has made it easier for me to relate with girls and have meaningful conversations. I think the reason I find it easy to talk to and have relationships with girls my age is because I just try to be myself. If you try to be someone you’re not, you will find communication to be a lot harder than if you just try to be yourself.

Pure Design Guy is an article we will feature in various issues to gain a “guy’s perspective” on different topics that relate to teen girls. We will typically choose a teen guy that is a friend of one of our team members and ask him several questions that can be helpful to high school girls.

Our team would love to hear from you, our readers, for questions and topics you might want to have in future issues of Pure Design. Simply submit your thoughts by email at pam@puredesignministries.com or leave us a FB message on our Pure Design Teen Mag. Facebook page.

3 PD: When you find yourself in that “awkward silence” when hanging out with a girl, how do you break the ice and begin a conversation? LL: It kind of comes back to my answer to the first question. When there is a lull in a conversation, I look for something that we have in common. If you can steer the conversation to your common interests, you will find that you have a lot to talk about.

4 PD: What is the most frustrating thing to you when communicating with girls? LL: I think what I find to be frustrating when communicating applies to both guys and girls. When you are talking to someone and they seem disinterested in what you are saying, it can really kill a conversation. Guys and girls are different, so something I find interesting may not be interesting to the girl that I’m talking with. However, I think conversation would be less frustrating if both sides made an effort to show interest in what the other person finds interesting.

5 PD: What inner qualities are important to you in friends that are girls? LL: I want to surround myself with people who are on fire for God; that is first on my list. I want to be friends with people who are more focused on those around them than on themselves. Girls, who are more concerned with including others, instead of being concerned about themselves and what everyone thinks of them, are the type of girls I want to be friends with.


PD: What do you wish you understood more about girls?


LL: Even though I am a 17 year old guy, I don’t date and don’t pursue girls attention or relationships right now. That’s not to say I don’t have any friends that are girls or hang out with girls, but I’ve decided to wait until I am actually at a stage of life where I am at a marriageable age to pursue a real relationship with a girl. Because of that, I am not really dwelling on “understanding girls” at this point in my life. I just approach friendships with girls the same way I approach them with guys. On a side note: I would like to know girls’ answers to these questions. I would like to understand what girls think we as guys do that makes conversation and relationship difficult.

PD: What advice would you give to girls who really want to have a real friendship with a guy, but maybe they are insecure or unsure of how to go about it? LL: I know it sounds cliché, but the best advice I could give is to just be you. You don’t have any need to feel insecure unless you are trying to be something you’re not. Also, if you want to be in a friendship with a guy, I wouldn’t approach him one-on-one right off the bat. I would hang out with him along with a group of friends and begin an authentic friendship that way.

Tribal Tracks

NATIVE VIBES Bring some balance to summer with a throwback chambray tievest and braided headband.

BRAIDED DAZE A fun tribal dress works for any summer outing, try a cute fishtail braid for a great summer “do”.

TRAVEL THREADS Summer fun includes road trips! Opt for a printed chiffon top for lightweight fun; add a hat to “top off” your look. Grab a small case to your ensemble and your ready to go!

TRIBAL TUNES Perfect summer vibes include printed maxi skirts with crocheted tops and lace! Colorful necklaces always complete a look!

Sandals are always in as hot weather makes it’s entrance, whether it’s gladiators, flip flops, wedges or heels.

A TOUCH OF DENIM Denim goes with everything, whether it’s a vest or a tunic top. Add a tribal scarf and a belt and you’re on your way!!

THE WILD WEST Colorful printed tops and bags make summer fun. Add some bright jewelry, sandals or cowboy boots and you’re ready to roll.

Living Right Now

By Pam Lozano One of the hardest things to do these days is to be present in the moment. We are constantly distracted by everything around us. Our to-do lists grow immensely while text messages, Facebook updates, and phone calls interrupt us constantly. We allow friends and family to disrupt our lives any time, day or night. We have trained ourselves to multi-task in everything we do. We walk and text, drive and talk, or work and surf the net. It can almost feel impossible to focus on doing ONE thing at a time. Recently, while walking through the mall I began to watch how many people were on their cell phones. Almost everyone had devices in their hand. Most people were highly distracted, not noticing what was going on around them. It was amazing to observe our new “normal.” Groups of friends traveled side by side with heads down clicking away on their phones. Many of them were dodging people or nearly running into walls, not paying attention to where they were going. It was rather comical to watch. Very few were actually interacting with the people they came to shop with. Put yourself in almost any situation today and see how distracted we are. We work distracted, drive distracted, even

talk distracted. We sit at red lights and check our email, wait in line and post on Instagram, sit at the doctor’s office and Tweet our friends. We leave no time to stop and BE STILL. A favorite verse of mine is “Be Still and Know that I am God.” It’s short and simple, but very hard to do. In reality, we are actually commanded to be still. Maybe God was looking forward in time to our culture today when He had that verse penned? Have we forgotten that our species is called human beings? We often live like human “doings.” Believe me, I am just as bad as the rest. Last month I had to go a few days without my cell phone and it was awful. I could not believe how dependant I had become on “human interaction” over this little machine. How were my friends going to get a hold of me? What if someone was texting and I couldn’t get it? I truly went through withdrawal and realized how crazy my life had become. So why do we allow our cell phones to rule our lives and invade our time every single day? I believe there are a few reasons:


We gain a sense of importance by having so many “friends” in our lives. We feel as if we truly matter to our 1,233 Twitter followers, forgetting that a tweet only has a lifespan of 30 seconds. It matters for only 30 seconds! These followings create a false sense of being needed and wanted by everyone. Are we really so self-centered to think that our lives really matter to THAT many people?

distractions and get things done. Even this summer, what things do you hope to accomplish? Do you need to get a job to save money for college? Do you want to make time for your friends to reconnect and build your relationships with them? Do you prioritize daily time with the Lord to see what He wants for your day, hour and week? What must you do in order to make things happen?


Our friendships are based on communication between these handheld devices. It’s amazing to think that only one generation ago, there was no such thing as an iPhone or tablet. That personal connection with others meant talking face to face with family or friends. Sure there were other forms of communication as well, but now we often read words on a screen to connect and communicate the way we think or feel. We often don’t “hear” one another; we simply read what they are saying. This cripples our ability to communicate with human beings on a personal, interactive level. There is so much communicated when we look into someone else’s eyes. We see what they are saying by body language, inflection, tone and facial expressions – all of which are lost in text messages or Facebook posts.


We gain a sense of belonging by being connected to a global world that is accessible at our fingertips. While being able to communicate across the globe is absolutely amazing, sometimes it keeps us from authentically developing relationships within our own neighborhoods or schools. We don’t “need” to know what’s going on in our neighbor’s life, because we care about what our friend in Africa is doing today. Both are valid and important, but often we are too busy for the people standing right in front of us.


We feed our ego by sending messages that interrupt a person’s life day or night, expecting an immediate response or reply. Often when friends don’t respond to our requests, we feel offended or hurt. We think, “can’t they just take 30 seconds to respond to MY question?” It forms a sense of urgency about EVERYTHING in our lives, and then nothing is truly urgent. In this fast paced day and age, we must remind ourselves to focus our lives on what really matters. What do I want to accomplish in life? Who do I want to become? Where do I want to go? In order to get there, we must learn to set aside

“Be still and know that i am god.”

If you’re feeling this way, I’d encourage you to try a couple of practical things: Practice being present by slowing your pace of life. Make certain times of the day electronic-free and enjoy nature. Go for a walk in the park or sit by yourself to write, sketch or read a book. Be creative and make music. Take time to stop and smell the roses, or listen to the wind rustle the leaves in the trees. Sit and watch the colors of the sky as the sun sets to end another day. Focus your mind on the person you are talking to in order to build your relationship. Truly listen by using your eyes and ears to hear what they are saying. Watch their facial expressions and notice emotional responses when you communicate with your friends or family. This creates an emotional connection that we need as human beings. Create an active plan for things you want to accomplish by setting goals for yourself. Even though summer is a time where you don’t want to live by a regimented schedule, giving yourself a few goals every week will help you feel you have had a productive summer. Do a couple things each day towards your goal, then choose to go have fun, rest or play. So much of life is to be experienced, and we miss out on a great deal of it, if we concentrate solely on electronic devices. Ephesians 5:16 says – “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men (women) but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” How can you make the most of your time each day? Even now, how can you be present to what’s really going on inside of you if you don’t take a few minutes to stop and reflect on how you feel?

Ephesians 5:15-17 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. “THE PAST IS A GHOST, THE FUTURE A James 4:13-15 DREAM AND ALL WE EVER HAVE IS NOW.” Now listen, you who say, BILL COSBY “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business Matthew 6:24 and make money.” Why, you Therefore do not worry do not even know what will about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about happen tomorrow. What is itself. Each day has enough your life? You are a mist that trouble of its own. appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. “YOU MAY DELAY, BUT TIME WILL NOT.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN



“The best things are never arrived at in haste. God is in no hurry; His plans are never rushed.” Michael Phillips



1 P eter 5:6-8 H umble yourselves , therefore , under G od ’ s mighty hand , that he may lift you up in due time . C ast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you . B e self - controlled and alert . Y our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour .


Worship Tunes

Summer is a great time to roll down the windows and crank some tunes! Or when you’re rolling out of bed and only half awake, worship is a great way to start the day! Here are a few worship songs by some of our favorite artists.

Oceans Where Feet May Fail Hilsong United This Is Amazing Grace Phil Wickham joyful,Joyful laura Hackett Like A Lion David Crowder Open Up Our Eyes Elevation Worship Our God Is Greater Chris Tomlin Happy Day Tim Hughes My Soul Longs for You Misty Edwards You Are Good Cory Asbury Oh Praise Him David Crowder Band

Summer Stories The In Between series

BY JENNY B. JONES It’s surprisingly difficult to find light, romantic Christian fiction that still has a core of strong faith, and Jenny B. Jones is one of my go-to authors for that type of writing. When Katie is taken in by a religious foster family, she needs to learn how to deal with a new town, a new family, and new friends, all of whom believe in something she doesn’t. If you’re in the mood for a fluffy summer read that still has some heart in it, give this series a try. If you like this, check out: Jones’s adult novel, Save the Date, is a fun, clean romp through a romanticcomedy that also manages to deal with themes of grief and faith. Her Charmed Life series, while less serious, is still the perfect pool read. (It has cows and explosions).

The Defiance trilogy

BY CJ REDWINE In the mood for something a little darker this summer? If your answer is yes, give the Defiance trilogy a shot. Journey with Rachel and Logan, two teens who have their world torn out from under them when Rachel’s father disappears. What starts as a quest to find her dad, who is also Logan’s mentor, quickly escalates into a full-out war to save their world from two competing, despicable governments. And dragons. (That’s right: dragons.) It’s the perfect time to start the series, too: the third book Deliverance comes out at the end of August, and I for one am counting down the days. (CJ is a Christian author, too, so don’t worry. The romance is squeaky-clean.) If you’re more here for the dragons, give Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George a try. It’s a fun romance with—you guessed it—dragons.

Many Waters

BY MADELEINE L’ENGLE If you haven’t read Madeleine L’Engle’s Time quintet yet, you are missing out. Although my personal favorite is A Wind in the Door, Many Waters is definitely the most summery of the bunch. The story of Sandy and Denny, Meg Murry’s twin older brothers, takes place thousands of years ago, during the time right before Noah’s flood. There’s romance, laughter, family, and lots of desert heat you’ll be able to empathize with. If you like this, check out: Do you like the heart-breaking historical qualities of Many Waters? Then give The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak a shot. It’s not light or fluffy by any means, but it’s a prime example of language use and character development.

Behind the Scenes With the Pure Design Team!

SNEAK PEAK AT ISSUE 9! Autumn will be here before we know it with the crisp cool temperatures, beautifully bright leaves, and the routine of school. Stay tuned for our fall issue of Pure Design Magazine which will be published on September 1st, marking 2 full years of publication!! As we dive into fall this year, we want to take a look at “The Power of Words”. Many young people deal with negative words every day – being told “You’re a Loser”, “You’ll Never amount to anything,” or “You’re not pretty enough”. On and on these vicious words sink into our souls leaving marks that we carry into adulthood. We want to look at the real pain that words can cause and help speak out against some of it. We hope it will be an issue that brings healing and hope to many who are suffering. Stay connected to our issues by following our quarterly magazines and periodic blog. We would love to hear what you would like us to discuss and cover in our future issues. Send us a FB message or email us at: pam@puredesignministries.com. Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram! We value all of our followers! Make sure to tell your family and friends!

What to Expect This Fall Real life stories from teen girls like you • Comfy fall fashion • Pure Design Guy Article • Fall Fitness

Keep connected with Pure Design on: www.puredesignteenmag.com Youtube.com/PureDesignTeenMag Pinterest.com/PureDesignTeenMag

Instagram: PureTeenMag



All contents copyright Š 2013 by Pure Design Teen Mag. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of the publisher. Please write to Pam Lozano at P.O. Box 123 Sunbury, Ohio 43074 or e-mail Pam@puredesignministries.com

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