Pure Design Teen Mag Winter 2013

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Religion vs.

Relationship Winter Issue 2013

A product of Pure Design Ministries

Letter from Pam Lozano executive director Dear Designers, I can hardly believe we are in another holiday season. While I really enjoy this time of year, I don’t love the hustle and bustle that comes with the long “to do” lists to make everyone happy. Christmas can be a fun time but it is also filled with mixed emotions, tension and stress for so many. In this issue “Religion vs. Relationship” we hope to shed new light on these topics. While the word religion may sound old and outdated, there is a rich past that is powerfully inspiring when tapped into. History tells stories of men and women laying down their lives for the sake of the gospel. Young people devoted their entire lives to preach the Gospel and call the lost into a relationship with Christ. They lived radically because they were compelled by their love for God and others. In Matthew 22:36-38 Jesus is asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” We are called into a relationship with God and our love is demonstrated by how we love him. We obey God’s instructions for our lives not simply as a list of duties or ways to earn His acceptance, but simply because we love Him. We are also called to love others. John 13: 35 says: “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. ” We are called to love radically; help the poor, lost and broken, embrace the hurting, and care for those in need. God SO loved the world that He gave His Son is the very crux of the gospel. Jesus came that we would have eternal life in Him. He desires that we would know Him not just know about Him. Often times Christians take on a “form” of religion. We believe we have to act certain ways, go to church every week, and perform our duties in order to make God happy. However, God is much more concerned about the condition of our hearts and that we are in relationship with Him. Do we love what He loves and hate what He hates? Do we SEE people the way that He sees them? Do we value the things He values? Do we make time in our busy lives to love others around us? Do we make time to help and serve and be present to their needs? Or are we simply marching through life performing our religious duties in order to fulfill our religious obligations? God desires that we participate in His Story of redemption. He is about inviting every person - young and old into a personal relationship with Himself. He desires every teenage guy and girl or every college student you encounter to notice a difference in you and desire what you have! He hopes to empower you to live radically and make a difference in the world around you. He wants YOU to open your mouth and speak to those who are hurting and lost. Jesus came for the lost, dying and broken. He invites us to reach out and love them as well. We hope that as you read this issue, you will be challenged to slow down, enjoy the season and love those around you in a radical way! May you embrace God’s heart for others and truly begin walking in an authentic relationship with Him in a brand new way! Thank you for reading and supporting this magazine. Please continue to share it with your family and friends! Merry Christmas Everyone! Affirming His Design! Pamela Lozano Founder/Executive Director



winter fun

5 team! 7 religion 13 Christmas meet the

relationship vs.

16 all in 22 35 local artisans 37gift

carols and stories

wild winter wear

An unearned

39supper 41 DIY a simple


true religion

is this

F o r t o u s a C h i l d i s b o r n , t o U s a s o n i s g i v e n , a n d t h e g o v e r n m e n t w i l l b e o n H i s S h o u l d e r s . And he will be Called W o n d e r f u l C o u n s e l o r , Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. I s a i a h 9 : 6

Winter Fun


1 - Eat a Red Apple Day 4 - Santas' List Day - hope you are on the "Nice" list 7 - Letter Writing Day 7 - National Cotton Candy 8 - National Brownie Day 9 - National Pastry Day 15 - National Lemon Cupcake Day 16 - National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 17 - National Maple Syrup Day 18 - Bake Cookies Day 19 - Oatmeal Muffin Day 20 - Go Caroling Day 21 - National Flashlight Day 24 - National Chocolate Day 25 - Christmas Day 25 - National Pumpkin Pie Day 27 - Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day 31 - New Year's Eve


1 - New Year's Day 6 - Cuddle Up Day 8 - Bubble Bath Day 14 - Dress Up Your Pet Day 15 - National Hat Day 18 - Winnie the Pooh Day -The Birthday of Winnie's author A.A. Milne 19 - National Popcorn Day 21 - National Hugging Day 23 - National Pie Day 24 - Compliment Day 27 - Chocolate Cake Day 28 - National Kazoo Day 29 - National Puzzle Day 31 - Inspire Your Heart with Art Day


2 - Ground Hog Day 4 - Thank a Mailman Day 5 - National Weatherman's Day 7 - Send a Card to a Friend Day 7 - Winter Olympics Opening ceremony 10 - Umbrella Day 11 - Make a Friend Day 14 - Valentine's Day 15 - National Gum Drop Day 17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day 19 - National Chocolate Mint Day 22 - Walking the Dog Day 23 - Winter Olympics ends 24 - National Tortilla Chip Day 26 - Tell a Fairy Tale Day 28 - Floral Design Day

Meet the Pure Design Team Nicole


Ruth Pam Katelin Hannah

Maddie Caeilen sophia

Olivia Natalie




welcome to the team baby Olive!



Carrie Kerry

Introducing Carrie Case! Carrie is a new designer who lives near Seattle, WA. She is a mom of three girls, and a talented graphic designer. We are so thrilled that Carrie has joined our Pure Design Team!

Relationship vs. Religion Growing up in a Mormon home brought some very interesting dynamics into my life at a young age. My family was in the church of the Latter-Day Saints because that was my dad’s religion. Many beliefs and values of the Mormon church are similar to the Christian faith and if you read through their materials, it may sound confusingly similar. The Mormon church embraces the teachings of the Bible, but has added three additional books to it. They also revere and respect Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism as a modern day prophet who was appointed by God in 1820 to restore the church on earth. Having been a part of both Mormonism and Christianity, I have experienced firsthand the difference between being in a religion versus walking out a relationship with Jesus. My initial teachings of Jesus were very rule-based and legalistic. I believed that there was a heaven, but that the only way for me to get there was if I obeyed every rule. I thought I must look and act like a “good religious person”, attend church regularly and do good works for others not because this was the right thing to do when you love God, but because I had to in order to get to heaven. I did not know the free gracious gift of salvation offered by Christ. When my parents divorced, my mom, siblings, and I stopped going to church. My mom wanted us to seek a real relationship with Jesus and find Him amidst all the differing religious opinions out there. We weren’t exactly sure what we were looking for, but we knew it was different than what we had been experiencing. Then my mom met my step-father who is a Christian and has a relationship with Christ. At this point in my life I was viewing every religion as a chore. I only followed Christianity because I felt obligated. I called myself a Christian because my parents were Christians and because I was going to a private Christian school. What I didn’t realize, was that I was living off of other people’s religions and did not have my own personal relationship with the Lord.

Paige is a 16 year old sophomore at Delaware Christian School. She enjoys writing, spending time with friends and family, youth group, cheerleading, choir, and baking. She is the oldest of 5 siblings and wants to pursue a Master’s in elementary education. Her favorite verse is 1 John 3:1, which says “What marvelous love the Father has extended to us!” That’s who we are, God’s children!

In reality, this is not hard to do; in fact many of us may realize that we have done this at one time or another. We go to church because it is part of our routine or our parents make us. We go to youth group, spiritual retreats, conferences or camps only because our friends will be there or we want to have fun. Our motive is not that we want to grow spiritually. We are not relationship Christians. We look to God during our troubles and when we are in need; but when it comes to everyday life, God is distant. In Exodus 34:14 (NIV) it states “... for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” The Lord is jealous for our absolute full attention. He wants us to be so in love with Him that He is central in our thinking. He does not want to be just a part of our lives but the center of it. God doesn’t want our relationship with him to feel like a chore. He wants us to think of Him as a friend. Think of your best friend. You would not want to hurt them or ignore them; you would want to please them and spend time with them. You do not think about how your best friend loves you, but how you love your best friend. Think of our Lord this way. He wants YOU. He wants you to develop your own personal relationship with Him. Once you realize that God wants a relationship with you and you want a relationship with Him, you will want to obey Him. Christianity will no longer be a duty for you, it will be a pleasure. You will not want to lie or cheat or gossip or dress inappropriately because you will want to strive to please God. God will be your friend, and you will not want to let Him down. I am not saying that once you develop a relationship with Christ your life will be perfect. I am saying that once you surrender your life to Him and seek a relationship with Him, following the rules as well as discerning which rules to follow becomes easier and more enjoyable. Surrendering your life to Him can be terrifying; but once you give your life over to Him, He will start writing His inspired story for your life.

“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out— plans to

take care of you,

not to abandon you,

plans to give you the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah 29:11 MSG)

“Trust in the Lord with all

your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11 says “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not to abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (MSG)” God knows the desires of your heart. He loves you and wants to take care of you. He is your Father, your Provider, your Redeemer, your Love, your Shelter, and Hope. He wants you to surrender your life to Him, walking out a relationship with you. In Proverbs 3:5-6 it says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (NIV)” Trust Him. Give Him the pen to your life so He can start writing! He will make your paths straight. He will show you what to do. He will start revealing things to you that only He can. He will comfort you in times of trouble, just like a friend. Developing this personal relationship can be difficult and will take time. It is not an automatic bond just like when you meet someone new. You have to take time to get to know a new friend. Find something that makes you feel close to God. It could be praying, worshipping, writing, or talking with a friend. I like to use a prayer journal which is a simple notebook to write out my prayers to God. I write to God like I am writing a letter to my friend. I am completely open, not holding anything back. It has really helped me connect with God and feel closer to Him. I also use social media as a platform for ministry. It is my own little missionary field. I am always posting Bible verses and uplifting quotes and song lyrics on my Facebook page to share with others. This not only encourages me in my walk with Christ but hopefully strengthens others as well when they see my relationship with Him. He truly is my best friend, Savior and Lord. I pray you personally know Him too. From Pure Design: If you have any questions on how to receive Jesus as your own personal Savior, please email us at pam@puredesignministries.com and one of our team members will get in contact with you.

Gluten Free Vanilla Pound Cake INGREDIENTS

By Mady O.

2 CUPS sugar 1 CUP butter, melted 4 Eggs 4 TEASPOONS gluten-free vanilla 3 CUPS gluten-free flour blend (see below) 2 TEASPOONS gluten-free baking powder 1 CUP milk GLUTEN-FREE FLOUR MIXTURE To make flour blend, combine 2 cups rice flour, 2/3 cup potato starch, 1/3 cup tapioca flour, and 1 teaspoon xanthan gum. Use appropiate amount for recipe, store remainder in container with tight fitting lid. Stir before using.


Heat oven to 350. Grease 12-Cup Bundt or 10-Inch angel food cake pan; sprinkle with gluten-free flour blend. set aside. Combine sugar and melted butter in large bowl. Beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until creamy. Add 1 egg at a time, beating well afer each addition. Add vanillal beat until well mixed. Stir together gluten-free flour blend and baking powder in small bowl. Gradually add flour blend mixture alternately with milk to butter mixture, beating at low speed until well mixed. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes, remove from pan. Garnish with seasonal berries and whipped cream.

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31


A few favorites to sing along to while hanging with family and friends!

Silent Night by Jackie Evancho Home this Christmas by Band Perry and Justin Beiber White Christmas by Bing Crosby It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas by Bing Crosby First Noel by London Symphony Orchestra O Holy Night by Josh Grobin O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips Brooks The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole Deck the Halls by Debbie Ryan O Come, O Come Emmanuel by The Piano Guys

Christmas Stories

Looking for a good book to curl up with by the fire with some cocoa? Here are a few of the Pure Design Team’s favorite Christmas Stories!

Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clark Moore Drummer Boy by Katherine Davis A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Gift of the Magi by O. Henry Christmas Rose by Lizzie Deas Nutcracker by E.T. Hoffman The Indescribable Gift by Richard Exely Christmas Gift by Donna Vanliere The Quiet Little Woman by Louis May Alcott Mary’s first Christmas by Walter Wangerin Jr



We Need You Won’t you prayerfully consider joining our team by contributing financially towards this cause?

Family Mat Winter Issu

e 2012


Pure Design Magazine is a product of Pure Design Ministries which was started in 2012. Our team is made up of volunteer teens and adults who brainstorm, develop and design a well-written, quality magazine for you!! Our mission is: To inspire girls in the areas of purity, modesty, self image, and self worth. Through articles and stories of real life teenagers, fashion and photos we desire to be a voice motivating youth in the choices they make! Since we have started, Pure Design Magazine has been a free online publication, and we are committed to continue this for a season. In order to keep producing however, we are praying for Partners to join our team to financially support Pure Design Magazine! Any and all contributions made to the magazine go directly towards the costs incurred to publish future issues. Donations can be sent to: Pure Design Ministries - P.O. Box 123 Sunbury, Ohio 43074. Please write the check to Pure Design Ministries, but designate Magazine in the memo or on the envelope. Thank you for your generosity - people who give help keep Pure Design Magazine going, and will allow us to expand further and grow our team. If you have any questions, please contact our Founder/Executive Director, Pam Lozano at pam@ puredesignministries.com.

I’ve always had a tremendous appreciation of nature, having lived more than half of my life with wild flowers, cornfields and expansive groves of trees right outside my bedroom window. Gratefully, I wake up each morning with rays of sunshine warming

by Kate D.

“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” [Mark 12:30]

my face, magnificent tones of a sunrise splashing across the

from the Bible, such as Matthew 28:20, where Jesus says, “...I

surrounding countryside, and I go to bed each night being

am with you always, to the end of the age.” Yet somewhere in

able to gaze at a star-filled sky, amazed as each little twinkling

my walk with God, I let go of his hand and started going in the

light begins to appear. I look at all of the splendor and beauty

other direction.

of nature, and I cannot help but see God in it all. I see his creativity, care and compassion as the earth brings forth

By the age of thirteen, I had begun to feel that I had to speak,

flowers from tiny seeds each spring, as leaves turn from green

look, and act in a certain way in order to please others and

to yellow, orange and red in Autumn, and as frozen flakes of

to please God. I’d think, “What if I just try harder, then

snow gently cascade from the sky in winter.

maybe God will be closer with me.” Not that I believed he was angry - I just thought that there was more to be had in

However, there was a time when, although I could so easily

my relationship with God and that it all relied upon me.

see God all around me, I did not understand that I could also

News flash: “what if’s” and “maybes” can be really dangerous.

be with him. Don’t get me wrong — I knew all of the truths

The more a person compares themselves to others, the more

they feel either superior or inferior to those around them;

have wandered away and done something wrong; it means

and neither of those options honor God. All the while I was

understanding that I am just as capable of doing bad as anyone

thinking I could work my way into a great relationship with

else. Even more, it is about trusting that God will forgive me.

God, I didn’t realize that God had already done all the work;

After all, his ministry was love, and love he showed when he

all he wanted was me. Not something I could do or what I was

died on the cross for us. When we fall to the ground, Jesus is

known for: but simply me.

right there ready to pick us up. But like a child who trips and scrapes her knee on the hard floor and stubbornly will not

Jesus says in Mark 12:30 to “Love the Lord your God with

let her mom or dad help her, we have a choice as to whether

all of your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and

or not we will allow ourselves to be picked back up by Christ.

with all your strength”. Basically, Jesus wants us to love him with everything we’ve got. He doesn’t just want part of us,

My hope is that you are beginning to see that God loves

such as our time, thoughts, our words, actions, desires, or

differently than people love.

church attendance - He wants all of who we are. My friends, that


surrender, and

although surrender is not always pleasant (to be quite honest most of the time it’s really difficult), it IS incredibly worth it. When I first realized that I didn’t have

“You see, at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man... but God demonstrates His love in this: that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” [Romans 5:6]

to please God in order to receive his love, I felt so free. However, I soon recognized that I had created some rather strong patterns that needed to be broken.

As I like to say, He loves “despite”- despite what we have done,

The breaking of them was, and is only possible by being with

what we are doing, or what we may do. You may be feeling as

the Lord himself. It involves giving God a life you have taken

though you have wandered miles away from God, or perhaps

control of, asking God to change it, and allowing him through

you can feel him with you right now. No matter where you

belief to do so. Here’s where a learning curve began to take

are, God is ready to pick you up and start walking again. The

place in my life: in order to learn how to perceive myself and

choice is yours: stay down on the ground, or get back up. It

others differently, I needed to spend time with God and let

takes faith and trust, but let me tell you, not one person or

him tell me how he viewed me, and allow him to love me.

thing is more trustworthy or worthy of you than the Lord. We are called to be all in, to choose to walk with Him, because HE

In Luke 15, Jesus tells three stories to a listening crowd of

is all in this relationship with you!

tax collectors and other people of that time whose lives were really messed up. All three stories carry a theme of redemption which is defined as “the action of being saved from evil, sin,

just one sheep, the shepherd cared so much about it that he

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they with me.”

left the ninety-nine sheep to go find and save the one that

[Revelation 4:20]

or error”. In each story, something or someone was lost while the other people or things were found. For example, in the parable of the lost sheep, one sheep out of 100 wandered away while ninety-nine were safe and sound. Although it was

was lost. Jesus concludes the story by saying, “I tell you the truth, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Surrender involves recognizing that we

Pure Design Teen Magazine Gala 2013 O What a Night!

Our Pure Design Gala was a hit! Lindsey Turner put on an AH-mazing fashion show from her own collection of thrifting finds and inspired us all how to look affordably fabulous during the fall and holiday seasons! Former OSU Kicker, Ben Buchanan shared how his faith and walk with the Lord kept him strong during hard times at Ohio State and the importance of remaining connected in order to remain true to your beliefs. He encouraged each person to go after the dreams in their heart. Heather Evans concluded the night with some wonderful original songs. Her amazing passion and talent for music filled the room and powerfully impacted us as we listened! Here are a few pics from this fun-filled night!


Faith like Potatoes - PG Based on a true story, this inspiring drama centers on white farmer Angus Buchan, who -- weary of the conflict in Zambia -moves his family to South Africa, where they try to transform a bare plot of land into a working farm.

Love Comes Softly Series – PG For those who loved Little House on the Prairie, you will enjoy Janette Oke’s saga of the Davis family as they find love and build strong families on the American Prairies. This is a fun 10 part series.

One Night with the King – PG This movie chronicles the life of the young Jewish girl, Hadassah, who goes on to become the Biblical Esther, the Queen of Persia, and saves the Jewish nation from annihilation at the hands of its arch enemy while winning the heart of the fiercely handsome King Xerxes.

A Walk to Remember – PG For the Romantics: The story of two North Carolina teens, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, who are thrown together after Landon gets into trouble and is made to do community service.

The Ultimate Gift – PG Jason thought his inheritance was going to be the gift of money and lots of it. Was he ever in for a big surprise. This film is based on the best-selling book “The Ultimate Gift” by Jim Stovall.

Soul Surfer – PG Teenage surfer Bethany Hamilton overcomes the odds and her own fears of returning to the water after losing her left arm in a shark attack.

The Nativity Story – PG For the holidays: A drama that focuses on the period in Mary and Joseph’s life where they journeyed to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus.

Wild Winter Wear

MIXED PRINTS For holiday festivities, try mixing lace and knits with touches of sparkle and faux skinned accessories!

ANIMAL INSTINCTS To add a pop to a minimal outfit, opt for an animal print scarf and colored beanie to keep cozy and warm!

GRAY FACES Winter is the best season for gray-centered outfits. Try a fun leopard skirt with some other animals and top it off with a pop of pink!

MAD HATTERS No matter what sweater you're in, we love a fresh accent of cheetah for this hibernation season! Don't be afraid to go bold with a fun flat bill hat!

FISHY FEELINGS Maroons and neutrals are a big must for the winter along with tasteful chandelier earrings and a fun animal necklace!

FUR COATS Whether you're on the way to school or a fabulous holiday get together, a fur printed jacket with a belt is a hit that's sure to please!

l a c o L san i t Ar

From the day I could hold a pencil, I have been drawing. Art is my passion! I love being able to create something out of a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Whatever I do with my life, art will be greatly involved.

Cassandra Sage

“I am Ironman” Character: Ironman

“I’ll Never Let You Go” Characters: Percy & Annabeth

“The Emerald Archer” Character: Green Arrow

“Equivalent Exchange” Characters: Edward & Winry

“Superman” Character: Superman

“Gotham’s Finest” Characters: Batman, Robin & Nightwing


summer night while

attending Vacation Bible School, I gave my heart to Jesus. I vaguely remember walking out the front church doors and standing outside looking up at the sky. Even though I was only seven, I realized something big had just happened. I didn’t quite understand it, but something felt different inside. God had made Himself known to me and my simple heart responded.

Have you ever stood in church

and wondered exactly what happens when someone gives their heart to Jesus? I have. I have looked around and imagined “a piece of God” dropping into someone’s

heart when they raise their hand to accept Christ as their


Savior. I’m not sure exactly what occurs or how it happens,


but I know by experience that something does take place


spiritually when we surrender our lives to God.

believe them.

Many of us have had that experience at one time

felt like Jacob in the

or another in our lives, but often over time we forget how

Bible who wrestled

amazing this gift of salvation is. We begin adding to the

with the Lord.

simplicity of having a personal relationship with Jesus. We

kept trying to earn

start making “to do” lists in order to please God and keep

favor and acceptance, not

Him happy with us. We believe we have to earn our salvation

realizing I already had it.

by doing certain things or not doing others. We embrace a

mentality that is far from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

felt a new freedom and peace inside that I have not known

Performance has been one of the biggest struggles

for years. I finally believe that God really does love me as His

throughout my Christian walk. As a firstborn daughter, I

daughter just the way I am. I don’t find myself struggling or

wanted to please my parents, teachers and leaders around

trying to earn anything from Him. I am embracing that He

me. I had a passion to do everything right. I got good grades,

doesn’t require anything of me but to love Him. I am grateful

stayed out of trouble and led in various ways within my church

for this new revelation and a deeper understanding of grace.

youth group. As a teen, my parents became pastors and I was always aware that I represented them and the church. I had a responsibility to live as a leader because others were always watching. I never drank, smoked or attended parties where others were drunk. I stayed pure before marriage and barely dated anyone until I dated my husband Jake. Sheltered you say? Maybe. But this truly was my choice and I am grateful for the decisions I made.

I know I was kept from a lot of

heartache and mistakes.

However, somehow in the midst of those good

I really I


Within the past year, I have

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is

the gift of God –

not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 I am realizing more and more that there is

decisions, I began believing that I had to earn my salvation.

I thought that God required certain things of me as a leader

nothing I can do that will make God love me any more

and that I had to “perform” and live a certain way in order

than He does right now and thankfully there is nothing

to be worthy of it. I believed that I should always be strong

I can do to make Him love me any less. He loves us in a

and full of faith. Because I was a leader, I didn’t want to show

deeper way than we can truly understand, and for that I am

weakness. This led to a big fear of failing. When I did fail,

truly grateful.

I was embarrassed and tried even harder to earn acceptance

and love from others. I constantly felt a need to prove myself

don’t try to earn anything from God. Salvation is a free gift

to those around me. This led me to strive - always trying to

that you cannot earn. Serve God with all of your heart. Do

earn my place in the church.

the things He asks you to do. Read the Word so that you can

This all lead to a lack of inner peace. Often I felt like a

get to know Him better. Pray because you desire to speak

circus performer trying to spin a hundred plates to keep them

to Him. Go to church in order to encourage and love others

from falling. I would have prayers prayed over me about resting

who are walking this same journey with you. And do the

in the fact that God loved me as His daughter and all I had to

works of the kingdom because you love Him and desire that

do was simply be me. But I couldn’t embrace or receive these

others would know Him too!

I’d encourage you in your own walk with the Lord -

aSimple Supper by Kate D.

Stuffed Butternut Squash Ingredients: • 2 butternut squash, cut in half with seeds removed • 2 cups of cooked wild rice • 1 cup of cooked vegetables (your choice! I like a mixture of lima beans and fennel) Ready, set, go! Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Arrange the squash halves on a baking sheet. Warm the rice and vegetables in a small saucepan at medium-low heat. Once the mixture is warm, spoon it into each squash. Carefully place baking sheet in oven, and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the squash is soft (test by poking one with a fork or butter knife). Serve warm! P.S. Top the stuffed squash with a little shredded cheese 5-10 minutes before you take them out of the oven for a yummy addition.

Ingredients: • 3-5 medium apples, cut into slices using an apple slicer or knife • 3 tablespoons of maple syrup • Cinnamon Let’s do this! Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare a medium sized baking pan by coating the bottom of the pan with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. Arrange the apple slices in the pan. Drizzle the remaining tablespoon of maple syrup over the slices. Evenly sprinkle the cinnamon over the slices. Place the pan in the oven, and bake the apples for 25-30 minutes, or until the slices are slightly crispy outside, and soft inside (test by poking a slice with a fork). Remove the pan from the oven, and allow to cool for about five minutes. Serve warm. P.S. This dish pairs well with a dollop of ice cream or greek yogurt!

Baked Mushrooms, Carrots, Asparagus

Baked Apple Slices Ingredients: • About 15 small mushrooms, washed and cut into smaller peices • About 15 asparagus stalks, washed and cut into smaller pieces • Carrots, washed and cut into smaller pieces • Olive oil • Sea salt & pepper To start, preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. In a mediumsized bowl, toss the vegetables with the oil, salt and pepper. Then, arrange the mushrooms and asparagus on a baking sheet. Place baking in the oven, and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until veggies are tender. Serve warm, and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 3 cups of milk • 3 teaspoons of vanilla extract • 2-3 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup • 3 teaspoons of cinnamon or cocoa powder

Warm Vanilla Cream

To begin, heat the milk in a saucepan on medium heat. Once the milk is warm, add the vanilla and honey (or maple syrup). Continue heating for about 2 minutes. Pour into mugs, and top with a dash of cinnamon or cocoa! P.S. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the mixture to turn the tasty vanilla cream into yummy hot chocolate!

Exfoliating Brown Sugar Face Scrub Ingredients: • brown sugar (1 tablespoon) • olive or coconut oil (1 teaspoon) 1. Place the sugar in your hand or a small dish, then add the oil. 2. Mix with your finger or a spoon. 3. Apply to your face, and massage into skin. 4. Rinse off with warm water. 5. Dry face with a washcloth, and apply a moisturizer.

Dry Shampoo


Ingredients: • cocoa powder • cornstarch 1. Combine the cocoa powder and cornstarch into a bowl. 2. Store in a small jar or plastic squeeze bottle for best application. 3. To use, apply to your roots and then brush out. This mixture absorbs excess oil, giving your hair a sleek look on days you don’t wash your hair. Tips: • For black hair: use more cocoa powder than cornstarch. • For brown hair: mix equal parts of cocoa powder and cornstarch. • For blond hair: use much more cornstarch than cocoa powder.

All-Natural Foundation Ingredients: • arrowroot powder, tapioca flour, or cornstarch • nutmeg • cinnamon • cocoa powder 1. Start with a base of arrowroot powder, tapioca flour, or cornstarch and slowly add in the other ingredients until you reach a shade that matches your skin tone. 2. Store in a small glass jar or plastic container. 3. Add in a few drops of olive oil if you prefer a more compact foundation.

H a ir & Sk in Care


Ornament Stuffers “Stuff” an ordinary Christmas bulb with ordinary items from around your house. Here’s 3 simple ideas to inspire you to make your tree a little more fab! Supplies: • Clear glass ornaments (Most craft stores like Michael’s, Joanns and Hobby Lobby carry them!) • Beads • Tissue paper • Old magazines or paper from an old book • Confetti

Confetti stuffing: Who doesn’t Beaded inserts: Beads are a fun idea to use in clear ornaments! Try getting creative and mixing the size, color and texture of your beads for a really vibrant look. You could even try adding some small rhinestones or sequins for some holiday sparkle!

love a little confetti? Confetti is great for putting in clear ornaments, it gives a lot of texture and really fills up the ornament. Another idea you could use instead of confetti is ribbon or glitter!

Tissue paper and old magazine fillers: Something you always have around the house during the holidays is tissue paper. Cut strips of tissue paper (or old articles from a magazine or book if you like) half an inch wide and 2 inches long and roll it tightly and gently place it inside the ornament. If you’re going for a tighter look, you can tape or glue the ends down to keep it from unraveling.

These are some fun and simple ways to use the materials you already have and create fun ornaments for the holidays!!





And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. James 1:27

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.






Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Ephesians 4:2


True Religion is this...

Lovee By Maddie L.

Does one week really make a difference? This is the question I get asked over and over when I share about my experiences with Royal Family Kids Camp (RFKC). Can one week really help mend broken hearts and a ruined childhood? The answer is yes. One week is all it takes to plant a seed of hope, joy and God’s love in the lives of these kids and to shine a light in such a dark world. RFK is a Christian organization that takes the kids’ ages 7-11, with the worst experiences in the foster care system and brings them to camp for a week. Most of the children we work with have been abused or neglected by their parents never to see them again. They will remain in the foster care system bouncing from home to home until they are adopted or age out of the system at 18. For most of these children, kids camp is the best 5 days of their year. It is a happy, safe place where they are loved on constantly, and treated like royalty. They have tons of fun. It is also somewhere where they get to hear about and experience God’s love. Not only is camp wonderful for the kids, but as a staff member it is an amazing experience as well. It is definitely a very tough week; seeing kids come in broken and hardened by their life experiences is UTTERLY heartbreaking. Sometimes you walk around fighting back tears as you observe kids who have done nothing to deserve the hand life has dealt them. You want nothing more than justice for them and you find yourself dealing with a lot of their issues as well. In spite of this, there is nothing better than walking away knowing that through it all, the tears, the frustration and struggle were allowing you to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Sometimes you feel as if you’re not making an impact when in reality you are touching the life of someone who needs it more than ever. Even during the simple moments that happened over the course of camp, like saying good morning, or giving a high five was enough to put a smile on their faces. Loving on these kids for 5 days, the unseen and neglected ones, the ones who’ve been through so much, the orphans - that is what Jesus called us to do. Love the unloved, defend the forgotten, be a voice for the voiceless. James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” God loves when we are his hands and feet to those in need. I’m honored that I get to be a part of something so wonderful and impactful. This camp has radically changed my life and opened my eyes to so much. I have fallen in love with every single child; all 49

of them. They are so precious and deserve so much more than they have. I will gladly spend 5 days with them if that means I get to be a part of bringing God’s love and light into their lives while putting a smile on their faces. My experience at camp has shown me that there truly are so many unseen hurting people around us. These children are just one example. They have fallen through the cracks and there is no one to show them love and treat them like they deserve to be treated. My challenge to you is to pray a daring prayer with me. “God, open my eyes to see others the way that you see them. To love what you love and hate what you hate.” God hates injustice, and we should too. Ask God to allow you to see what He sees and to give you His heart for those around you. Be “Jesus with skin on” to those who need it most. Be willing to love the unloved when no one else is. These people come in many forms as they may be the kids at your school, youth group, the kids with many friends or the kids who don’t have any friends. Defend those who need it; stand up to those who are gossiping, being judgmental or bullying others. Watch for the ones who seem to have it all but are secretly lonely. Actively speak and encourage those around you. If one week can change the life and perspective of a child at RFKC, imagine what a word of encouragement or a simple act of kindness can do for someone around you who is hurting. Be watchful… be kind… be compassionate… be God’s love. For more information on the Royal Family Kid’s Camp, check out their national website at: http://royalfamilykids.org or find the local Ohio RFK camp supported by Starfish Alliance at: http://www.starfishalliance.org.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...” (James 1:27)

Behind the Scenes With the Pure Design Team!

SNEAK PEAK AT ISSUE 7! Keep an eye out for the Spring 2014 issue coming on March 1st! We are so excited about this issue entitled “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”. We all battle with feeling bad about ourselves. We feel overweight or too skinny, we have pimples or noses we don’t like. We are too outgoing and overbearing or too shy and withdrawn. Not many of us like ourselves just the way we are. Join us as we take a look at beginning to love ourselves just the way God has made us, and how to not fall prey to the many temptations that come along with insecurity and poor self image. We hope you will catch a glimpse of God’s heart for you - that He loves you and created you with a purpose and plan in mind. He is the master artist and He doesn’t make mistakes! Please stay tuned to our quarterly magazine and blog. We hope to begin updating our blog more often. We would love to hear from you – what topics would you like us to discuss? Send us a FB message or email us at: pam@puredesignministries.com. Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram! We value each and every reader! Pass on our information to all of your friends!

What to Expect This Spring • Real life articles from teens and young adults • Fun spring fashion and pre-summer looks • • Scriptures and quotes to encourage and inspire you • Spring room make-overs •

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All contents copyright Š 2013 by Pure Design Teen Mag. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of the publisher. Please write to Pam Lozano at P.O. Box 123 Sunbury, Ohio 43074 or e-mail Pam@puredesignministries.com

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