PCPC Life: Winter/Lent 2025

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www.palmaceia.org 813-253-6047


Instagram: @pcpchurch


Sun., Jan. 26: Elders Ordination &

Installation Service at 6pm

Sun., March 2: Transfiguration

Sunday; Pancake Sunday

Confirmation Service at 6pm

Wed., March 5: Ash Wednesday

Services at Noon and 6:30pm

Wednesday Night Dinner Upcoming Menus*

Jan. 29: Picadillo & Yellow Rice

Feb. 5: Beef Stew and Veggies

Feb. 12: Greek Roasted Lemon Pork

Feb. 19: Tuscan Chicken w/ Spinach

Feb. 26: BBQ Pork Sandwiches

March 5 (Ash Wednesday): Red Beans and Sausage with Rice

March 12: Corned Beef & Cabbage

Sun., March 9: First Sunday of Lent

Sun., March 30: Strawberry

Shortcake Sunday

Sun., April 13: Palm Sunday

Sun., April 20: Easter Sunday

March 19: Yellow Rice & Chicken with Black Beans & Plantains

March 26: Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes

April 2 (80+ Birthday Bash!): Fried Chicken

*always subject to change pending grocery availability


Pg 2: Upcoming Classes of Adult Faith Formation

Pg. 3: Children & Families’ Save the Dates

Pg. 4: Saying Goodbye to Facilities Manager Doug Brown

Pg. 5: Music Notes

Pg. 6: Thank You for your Christmas Outreach

Pg. 7: Current Outreach Opportunities

Pg. 8: Sanctuary Entrance Update

Pg. 9: Bel-Mar Fund & Welcoming New Elders

Pg. 10: Life of the Church: Weddings, Births, Baptisms, Deaths, New Members

Pg. 11: Lenten Steps Toward a Richer Faith

Pg. 12: Youth at PCPC

Adult Faith Formation


Calvinism in the Last Vegas Airport

Sundays, February 2-23

10-10:50am in Eastminster 307/308

Richard Mouw’s book, “Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport: Making Connections in Today’s World” encourages us to live every aspect of life “before the face of a generous, sovereign God” Rev Chuck Jones will lead us as we seek to explore how Reformed theology can speak relevantly and compellingly today.!

From Water to the Table: The Sacraments

Sundays, March 2-23

10-10:50am in Eastminster 307/308

Have you ever wanted to learn more about our sacraments? Join Revs. Ken Hubbell and John Reiter as we explore in greater detail Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Paul: In Fresh Perspective

Sundays, March 30-May 11

10-10:50am in Eastminster 307/308

Paul is one of the most influential persons in our faith. Using new research and reflections in N.T. Wright’s book by the same name, Marsha Rydberg will lead us in a renewed exploration of how his encounter with Christ redefined Paul’s life, mission, and hope for the world

Presbyterian Women meet the 2nd Monday of each month. Choose your favorite of THREE time options: 10am at a member's home, midday (currently experimenting with different times and locations), and/or 6:30pm at a member's home. For current books being studied and locations, email SusanFrost@palmaceiaorg All are welcome, anytime!


Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms Wednesdays, March 12-April 16 6:15-7:15pm in the Hospitality Room

Utilizing the devotion book Elizabeth Caldwell, this class will invite us to take up the spiritual practice of encountering and deeply engaging with one psalm each week during Lent and Holy Week. Our Lenten journey will include various prayer and reflection practices. Taught by Rev. John Reiter


A First Look at the Lectionary with the pastors, recorded Monday, about the coming Sunday's lectionary reading, is available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify

The Lectionary Call-In Podcast, a weekly recording where pastors and laypeople gather together each week to consider and reflect on the gospel reading for the coming Sunday. You can watch on YouTube, Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Children & Families

God’s Gift of Human Sexuality, Feb. 23rd, is a workshop for fourth/fifth grade girls and boys along with their parents designed to address puberty and vocabulary for conversations around sexuality as a gift from God. An informational meeting for parents will be held on Feb. 2nd from 4:00-5:15 p.m. during Justice Seekers. Email Allison Kelly for more information or to sign up: Allison@palmaceiaorg

Play Groups on the Playground: All are welcome to this open play time on the PCPC playground (facing Cardenas Ave) where we simply open the church/preschool playground to provide a fun and safe environment for all children aged 0-6+ years Parents/caretakers should stay and can enjoy fellowship while children enjoy free play

Upcoming Play Group dates are as follows, all from 4-5:30:

Thursday, January 23

Monday, February 3

Tuesday, February 11

Thursday, February 20

Monday, March 3

Tuesday, March 11

Thursday, March 20

Monday, April 7

Thursday, April 24

Tuesday, April 29

Monday, May 5

Tuesday, May 13

Justice Seekers for 4th & 5th graders meets every Sunday from 4-5:15 except January 19 (MLK Day Weekend), February 9 (Super Bowl), February 23 (Human Sexuality Workshop), March 16 (Spring Break), and April 20 (Spring Break)

Music & Movement continues to meet on Wednesdays from 5:10-5:40 in WM 202/204, except March 19 and April 16.

Save the Dates:

March 5: Ash Wednesday (stations in Courtyard to receive ashes)

March 23: Spring Break Service Hour Sunday, 10-11am

VBS 2025 will be June 9-13 Stay tuned to palmaceiaorg/kids for registration to open!

July 28-Aug 1, PCPC will be providing daily transportation to Cedarkirk for a week of day camp This is open to completed Kindergarten to completed 8th grade Sign up at palmaceiaorg/kids

Facilities Manager Doug Brown to retire to Michigan in march

This spring, Doug Brown will be closing his chapter as Facilities Manager of Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church and embracing a much-deserved season of retirement.

Doug, a native of the Tampa area, is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and has been the Facilities Manager at PCPC since July 2019 when he took the reins from Wally Wilcher. He and his wife Deb live in Oldsmar, and suffered a near-total loss of their home in Hurricane Helene. The devastation nudged them to expedite a move they’d been contemplating, although they thought it would be several years down the road still—retiring to Michigan to be closer to their four children and eight grandchildren who live up north.

When it speaks of taking care of the Temple, the Bible reports the Lord says, in Ezekiel 44:14, "I will make them keepers of the charge of the house, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein." Doug Brown has served for 5.5 years as the Chief Keeper of the Temple at PCPC. The work of his hands and the life of his mind have been a great blessing to the church. He brought to bear his considerable competence and experience to repair, maintain, and power the church in every aspect of its facility and operation, and he did it with integrity and cheerfulness. On his watch we weathered some tough hurricanes, replaced the roof, and kept the church running and open nearly 16 hours a day for thousands of people and hundreds of programs. Doug says one of his most satisfying projects was replacing the 20+ year old phone system! He also installed an updated campus-wide Wi-Fi system, plus sept up for and kept track of facilities logistics details for MusiCamps, VBS’s, Living Nativities, Christmas Eve services, and many concerts, including one on the roof! Doug’s service has been a vital gift to the whole community.

Doug’s last day will be March 21, 2025, the day after his 65th birthday.

Doug Brown says, “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at PCPC. From a Facility Manager standpoint, it is a beautiful group of buildings that have been connected together over several decades and the challenges it presents keeps me on my toes. From the work environment standpoint, I don't believe one could find a better group of caring, loving, funny, knowledgeable, just overly friendly, to work with. It is truly a joy to come to work and be around some of the best people there are.”

Doug, we wish you and Deb the best on the next chapter in your journey Thank you for your sservice to PCPC.



6:00 PM

Florida Wind Band Ensemble Presents

“Why the Owl Flies at Night” Concert Through flute, piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, and narration, the Florida Wind Band Ensemble takes us on an aural journey of the Portuguese Folk Tale "Why the Owl Flies at Night

Secure your free ticket at floridawindband.org.


3:00 PM

Bach Bash in the Sanctuary

The Tampa chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) presents a Bach Bash! Join the Tampa Oratorio Singers as we celebrate the birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach and delight in his music!

The Tampa Oratorio Singers will be among many guest artists participating in this concert

Pathway Ringers

In addition to the Trinity Adult Handbell choir, which plays regularly in the Traditional Worship services, Bonnie Givens has developed an “outreach” group that frequents area assisted living facilities.


7:30 PM

“Keeping it Keyboard” Concert A Benefit Concert for Tampa Oratorio Singers

Enjoy a varied evening of music, ranging from the romantic essence of Brahms to the “Carillon de Westminster,” a fantasia on the Westminster chimes, written for organ by Louis Vierne This concert will spotlight the piano and organ talents of four TOS members


4:00 PM

The Tampa Oratorio Singers present Brahms’ German Requiem

The Brahms German Requiem is one of the most important and well-loved of the choral masterworks of the Romantic period. The Requiem spans a full spectrum of human emotion and is often cited as the pinnacle of Brahms’ career, showcasing his love for both voice and orchestra

In December, the Pathway Ringers played at Gandy Crossings, where PCPC member Karin Miller lives, and Ramon Chang Adult Family Care Home, where Bonnie Givens’ mother and PCPC member Lorena MacGregor lives

Gratitude for the JOY OFFERING

Thanks to your generous support of the Christmas Joy Offering, a total of over $13,600 has been given to the Beth-El Farmworker Ministry in southern Hillsborough County! Your faithful support continues to enable the valuable services that Beth-El offers, reaching hard-working farmworkers and others in need We continue to deliver donations of clothing, food items as well as financial support throughout the year to Beth-El. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and is making a real difference for Beth-El!


PCPC’s all-electronics donation drive continues to support Hillsborough Education Foundation (HEF) and our Feeding Every Disciple (FED) families. HEF distributes working computers to public school students and also gets credit for recycled equipment towards refurbished computers Since November 2020, we ’ ve collected thousands of pounds of used computer and electronic equipment, both working and not, for recycling or euse. HEF then puts refurbished laptops into the ands of needy students in Tampa!

s always, please remove passwords and personal ata prior to donating In the meantime, omputers and any related equipment are still eing accepted at the Church office. Thanks so much for caring for our neighbors and for the arth!

Thank you from “Christmas Around the World”

Christmas is a time of sharing with another the most precious gift one can give, the gift of love For this gift is priceless Your gifts to Christmas Around the World have changed lives for so many and will continue to give hope and healing throughout the year to come. In Haiti, malnourished children will receive care, a small clinic and hospital will continue to do its work, clean water and food will be available, deliveries will be safer, school children will receive supplies, and so much more In Honduras, medications will be made available, the clinic will continue its work, children will be helped with school and hope will be shared.

Each of you has made this possible with your gifts this year, and we are so grateful for your sharing, your caring, your love This church, with its amazing congregation, continues to share God’s love with others in need in so many ways Thank you for helping this love grow and making Christmas Around the World part of this outreach

GIVING TREE gifts brought Christmas joy

Youth will be collecting for SOUPer Bowl at church Sunday, February 9. You’re invited to bring spare change to donate to help tackle hunger locally.

Extending the Table

PCPC recently began a program of elders taking communion to members who are unable to get to church. If you know of a member who would like to have communion brought to them, please call or text Jeanne Rowe at 813-833-5270.

If you are an elder (you don’t have to currently be on the Session) and would like to be part of this mission, reach out to Jeanne as well.

Sanctuary Entrance Update

Months before the hurricanes of Fall 2024, the Building and Grounds Committee had begun searching for a suitable manufacturer to replace the original 1947 decorative ionic capitals and columns on the church’s portico. Following Hurricane Milton, the capitals and columns showed significant signs of further deterioration.

The four capitals were removed, exposing a severely degraded support structure on top of the columns, and no inner support column, as we expected to find. The portico truss system also has extensive drywood termite damage, although we’ve seen no indication of current activity.

Also, rainwater entering the black steeple vents over many years and draining down on the balcony ceiling underneath caused the metal lath in the plaster to rust away. While there were several existing cracks in the balcony ceiling before Hurricane Milton, significant wind-driven rain entered the steeple vents and drained onto this plaster ceiling, making this situation much worse. On January 6, 2025, repairs to the plaster and painting of the balcony ceiling began.

Meanwhile, thanks primarily to the responsiveness and support of Sinclair Construction Services, the portico was stabilized. The structural engineer did a thorough inspection and repair engineering and design work is almost complete. This final design will be submitted to the city for the construction permit, and after receiving approval the recovery work can begin in earnest!

Furthermore, the balustrade railing around the steeple was damaged and the steeple cross was tilted towards the southwest. The plan is to remove at least the compromised portions of the railing for future replacement. The cross will be removed temporarily to inspect its support and repair any steeple damage before reinstallation. A completion date hasn't been forecasted for all of this work but will continue as expeditiously as possible.

As many in our community know, recovery work takes a lot of time and effort! Thanks for your prayerful support and patience as we restore our beautiful Sanctuary.

Bel-Mar Fund Accepting Requests Through February 28

The Bel-Mar Fund's "grant portal" for the upcoming year has been open since November 2024. As you likely know, the Bel-Mar Presbyterian Church merger with Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church provided a sizeable influx of funds from the sale of the Bel-Mar church property that accrued to the Bel-Mar Corp under the guidance of PCPC. That property is the site of Casa Bel-Mar which is complete, open for business and will provide 100 units of much needed affordable housing in South Tampa. The funds received are being put to use in a thoughtful and measured philanthropic way each year in order to align with the visions and missions of our church:

"To promote the charitable, religious and Christian educational purposes of PCPC"

In the coming weeks, the Bel-Mar Committee will consider requests from organizations familiar to members of our congregation that do work aligned with this mission and that would benefit from incremental funding. If you know of such an organization and would like to receive the Grant Application - or if you have questions about the Bel-Mar Fund process - please contact Rick McClintock at rick.mcclintock@verizon.net. We will accept and review requests received through February 28, 2025. Thank you, and the Committee looks forward to putting these funds to good work!

Welcome to New Elders Being Ordained and Installed

January 26 Class of 2027:

Ray Charles Jr.

John Dicks

Marcia Dolby

Jon Goding

Hannah Ketchey

Erin Malone

Julianne McKeel

Erin McKenney

Robert Smedley

Sarah Stichter

Kem Toole

Renee Vaughn

The congregation is invited to the New Elders Service of Ordination and Installation at PCPC January 26 at 6:00pm.



























July 29, 2024 - Jan 9, 2025

Lindsay Garcia & Bryan Griffin

Madelyn Sullivan & Eric Sutliff

Paige Muller & Collin Dugo

Sally Gorrie & Joshua Young

Jodi Traster & Alexander Lekanides

Sarah Coleman & Charlie Luger

Ashby King Little, son of Ryan & Emily Little

Cameron Taylor O’Connor, son of Austin & Rachael O’Connor

Georgiana Marie Cloud, daughter of David & Gabriela Cloud

Louisa Dorothy Millisits, daughter of Christopher Millisits & Kelsey Jarrett

Everley Katherine Graham, daughter of Justin & Jaclyn Graham

Peyton Allyson Schroeder, daughter of Blair Martin & Chris Schroeder

Mary Clark Margaret Hovick, daughter of Michael & Charlotte Hovick

John Whorley Palmer, son of Drew & Bri Anne Palmer

Ashby King Little, son of Ryan & Emily Little

We were thrilled to see Cretora Biggerstaff, PCPC’s oldest member, in church in December at age 105! She has since turned 106 on January 16th. Happy Birthday, Cretora!

Troy Brown

Dorothy A Williams

Dorothy G (Dottie) Williams

Margaret J. Stevens (E)

Lois Smith

Nancy Dickson


8/11/24 Charles Luger

8/11/24 Sarah Coleman

10/20/24 Rainey & Colleen Booth with Rainey, 5, and Henry, 3

10/20/24 Jack & Jess Kasting with Gunnar, 1.5

11/17/24 Price McKeon

12/15/24 Gail Corcoran

12/15/24 Judy Rodgers

Lenten Steps Toward A Richer Faith

Lent is March 5 – April 19

Lent runs from Wednesday, March 5 (Ash Wednesday) – Saturday, April 19 (the day before Easter). This year at PCPC a variety of opportunities are available for those desiring to strengthen their Christian practices during the forty days leadi to Easter:

-Worship: In addition to the Sunday morning worship services and the Sunday Evening Vespers Service, there will be a Midweek Midday opportunity in the Chapel at noon each Wednesday during Lent. This service of prayer and meditation will last 20 minutes each week.

-The Sunday Evening Vespers Services across Lent will occur at 6:00 PM in the Chapel (off the Courtyard) and last approximately 30 minutes. These services will include the sacrament of communion, group prayer, scripture readings, and, on occasion, baptism. There will be prayers for healing for oneself and others, the opportunity to renew baptismal vows, and the opportunity for extended silent prayer.

-Bible Study: Sunday Mornings, 10:00-10:50am, Eastminster 307/308 – See pg. 2 for Class Listings

-Wednesday Evenings at 6:15 in the Hospitality Room, March 12-April 16. See pg. 2 for Class Description

-Online: www.palmaceia.org/watch

-The Lectionary Call-In Podcast: A Bible Study considering the Gospel reading for the Sunday coming posted each Tuesday, led by PCPC Bible teachers in dialogue with each other. Available on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

-A First Look At the Lectionary: A Briefer Bible Study posted on Mondays where the pastors read aloud the Bible text for the Sunday coming and share their first responses as they encounter The Word. Available on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

-Compassion: Lent will find PCPC sharing in The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, received on Palm Sunday, April 13. This offering goes to fight poverty locally and around the world. The offering will be publicized in bulletins and newsletters in March.

Also in Lent PCPC will be collecting canned and dry food goods for the Beth-El Farmworker Ministry food pantry for farmworkers and their families.








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Summer Trips for rising 7th, 8th, & 9th: Disciple Now Service Week: June 2- June 6

'The Great Escape' at Southwind with PCPC Youth: July 15 - July 20

Summer Trip for rising 10th, 11th, 12th, & CO25': The Great Adventure in Blue Ridge, GA (full): June 14 - June 21

Click 'ok' when the site says no more tickets and scroll down to the waitlist link in the description

What if a trip is full?

When a trip reaches capacity, a waitlist form will be added to the original trip link. We encourage you to get on the waitlist ASAP as it is not unusual for plans to change and spots to open!

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