Preventive Measures & Monsoon Health Tips to Keep Your Children Healthy

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Monsoon Health Tips For Children

The rainy season is a time when many people suffer from various diseases. Children's, in particular, have lower immunity than adults, making them more susceptible to infection. During the rainy season, parents are always concerned about protecting their children. In this case it is very necessary for parents to be updated and educated about the preventive measures and monsoon health tips for children to avoid any monsoon Ailments.

Precautions and Monsoon Health Tips to keep your Child away from Rainy Season Ailments A Healthy Diet and Proper Hydration •

The rainy season is a reason for several water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea and typhoid fever. Therefore, you should always use filtered or boiling water.

Diets should contain all sorts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially food rich in vitamin C, which should be adequate to boost immunity.

It is recommended that children should consume probiotics such as yogurt, buttermilk, and homemade pickles. Probiotics are good for gut health, strengthen the digestive system and support nutrient absorption.

Herbal tea made of herbs and spices like tulsi, cinnamon, ginger, etc., would be comforting during the rainy season. These herbal drinks are high in antioxidants, and their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help boost immunity, keeps seasonal infections away and soothe digestion.

Keeping the House Clean and Dry • • • •

Make sure the baby's room is clean and dry. To avoid the growth of germs and bacteria, you should regularly wipe the floor with baby-friendly disinfectants. Avoid stagnant water in houseplants as it becomes a favourable condition for mosquitoes to breed. Ensure the home drainage system is fully functional and properly sealed to reduce the chance of infection.

Precautions Against Mosquitoes • • • •

Removing stagnant and polluted water around the house can prevent from Malaria, dengue fever and chikungunya in the rainy season. Always apply a mosquito repellent cream prescribed by your doctor. It is recommended that your child wear long sleeves and long pants when going out. Use mosquito nets.

Proper Vaccination •

Check your child's immunization schedule with your doctor and ask about the vaccines your child needs during monsoon to avoid Waterborne and related diseases. During the rainy season, flu, hepatitis, typhoid, malaria, dengue fever, and food poisoning increase, and children are more susceptible to infection during the monsoon, so parents should vaccinate their children before or during the rainy season to prevent any infections. While every threatening disease doesn't have a vaccine available, but there are vaccines available against flu, typhoid, hepatitis A, and Japanese Encephalitis. Parents should make sure their children get these vaccines to avoid any severe ailments

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