OZIP August 2018

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Daftar Isi 06 LIPUTAN UTAMA Makna Nasionalisme bagi Diaspora Indonesia 08 LIPUTAN UTAMA Merdeka itu Apa, Sih? 10 LIPUTAN UTAMA Cara Anak Muda Mencintai Indonesia 11 EVENT Ngobrolin Indonesia Bersama Ridwan Kamil 12 EVENT Gamelan Workshop bersama AIYA 13 EVENT Indofood Bagi-Bagi Indomie di Chadstone Shopping Centre 14 EVENT Menelisik Hubungan Islam dan Nasionalisme di Indonesia bersama Muhaimin Iskandar 15 PRE-EVENT Yuk, Ikuti Lomba Pidato Bahasa Indonesia NAILA 2018 16 PROFIL Konfir Kabo : Chinese, Bugis, Makassan and proudly Indonesian 18 TRENDING Tips Adaptasi Pelajar Indonesia sebagai Mahasiswa Internasional 20 PRE-EVENT Indo Famfest 2018 21 COMMUNITY Berkenalan dengan Komunitas Monash Music (MoMu) 22 PROFIL Genevieve and Audrey: Two talented Indonesian kids in Premiere Program, Orlando, USA 23 FINANCE Proactive Steps for Living Safely in the Digital Age 24 OPINI NUIM Sang Juara : When You Win Some, You Lose Some 26 FASHION Perjalanan Batik Nusantara 28 TRAVEL Mengintip Budaya Ngopi di Turki 30 IMMIGRATION Immigration News and Skill Select Update 31 WHAT’S ON 32 TRAVEL Maluku, Paradise of Far East Indonesia 34 INFO Melbourne Galang Dana untuk Korban Gempa Lombok 34 FOOD REVIEW Amazing Degustation Journey ala Vue De Monde 37 PRE-EVENT Soundsekerta 2018: Serenade for the Nation 39 PRE-EVENT Springnation 2018 42 PRE-EVENT Serenata 2018 45 EVENT Kegiatan KKI merayakan ulang tahun ke 31 46 FOOD Comfort Food di Kala Winter





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