OZIP May 2019

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06 COVER STORY Berterima Kasih kepada Para Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa 07 EVENT Catatan Najwa Goes to Melbourne 08 LIPUTAN UTAMA Perkembangan Studi Indonesia di Australia 10 LIPUTAN UTAMA Vox Populi: Guru yang Menginspirasimu 12 GALLERY AUTUMN 14 EVENT The Sexy Killers A Deeper Look into Indonesia’s Coal Mining Industry 15 EVENT LCelebrating Easter Through Sports with Mudika Cup 2019 16 EVENT Welcoming the Indonesian Satay Festival Back in 2019 17 EVENT Celebrating Multiculturalism in Melbourne 18 EVENT Reflecting on the Success of the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival 20 EVENT Cerita Silat di Indonesia: Fantasi, Identitas, dan Komunitas 21 EVENT Walking Down the Memory Lane with Alun Alun 2019 “Tempoe Doeloe” 22 TRAVEL Surabaya, Kota Pahlawan 24 OPINI NUIM Manusia 26 EVENT Discussing the Legacy of Ibu Raden Adjeng Kartini in Melbourne 28 INFO Coach Potato, A Character Building Platform for Youth Empowerment 30 IMMIGRATION 870 Temporary Sponsored Parent (TSPV) visa - 17 April 2019 32 MOTIVATION Enam Penyebab Kegagalan dan Solusinya 33 FINANCE 4 easy ways to make your business environmentally friendly 34 TRAVEL Heli Hike, Petualangan Tak Terlupakan di New Zealand 36 GALLERY Pemilu 38 FOOD REVIEW Garam Kitchen, The Heavenly Padang 42 EVENT Basa-Basi AIYA: Looking Back at the 2019 General Election 43 EVENT Unpacking the Future of International Students in Melbourne 44 PROFIL Meeting the Indonesian Delegate of CAUSINDY 2019, DONI MARMER 45 PROFIL MMeeting the Australian Delegate of CAUSINDY 2019, JANE LOUISE AHLSTRAND 46 INFO Causindy 2019





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Lydia Johan Edward Tanoto Destari Puspa Pertiwi Patricia Vonny Inez Johan Pratiwi Utami Tim Flicker Evelynd Siti Mahdaria Rachel Melisa Edward Tanoto Destari Puspa Pertiwi Johannes Warsono Aloysius Donny P. Devina Krismarina Grace Art Windu Kuntoro

Advertising Related Inquiries Lydia Phone: 0430 933 778 E-mail: lydia@ozip.com.au

Articles and Media Partner Inquiries Destari Puspa Pertiwi Phone : 0422810555 E-mail: ozipeditor@gmail.com

Column Contributors: Andrie Wongso | Jane Lim | Nuim Khaiyath Dewi Anggraeni | Ineke Iswardojo Yapit Japoetra | Bintang Marisi Akbar Rhamdhani | Nadya Octaviani | Maseta Pratama Fiyona Alidjurnawan | Asril Wardhani | Rio S. Migang

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FROM THE EDITOR Basa-Basi Redaksi Pembaca yang budiman, Salam hangat semuanya. Kembali OZIP menyapa Anda di edisi Mei 2019 ini. Kali ini, OZIP ingin mengupas lebih dalam tentang besarnya peranan guru dalam mendukung dan mengembangkan diri dan budi pekerti siswa-siswi mereka. Dalam rangka menyambut Hari Pendidikan Nasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 2 Mei 2019, pantaslah kalau kita mengenang kembali kontribusi dan peranan guru-guru yang senantiasa memotivasi kita untuk kelak menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik dan berkarya untuk bangsa. Oleh karena itu, di edisi ini OZIP ingin mengakui jasa para guru yang selalu bekerja keras dalam mengembangkan minat belajar dan budi pekerti murid-muridnya. Jangan lewatkan liputan utama yang membahas tentang perkembangan Indonesian Studies di Melbourne dan yang mengupas lebih dalam tentang guru-guru favorit mahasiwa-mahasiswi Indonesia di Melbourne. Silahkan juga menyimak kilas balik Indonesian Film Festival (IFF) yang mengulas kembali pelaksanaan festival film Indonesia di Melbourne dari pihak panitia IFF. Selain itu, OZIP juga turut menyajikan informasi lain yang tidak kalah seru. Mulai dari kupasan film dokumenter Sexy Killers, perayaan festival Indonesian Satay Festival, kehadiran influencer Titan Tyra dan Youtuber Guntur dan Pao Pao dari channel Last Day Production hingga profil delegasi peserta CAUSINDY 2019. Dalam rangka menyambut kedatangan musim gugur ini, silahkan juga menikmati galeri foto-foto pemandangan musim gugur di Melbourne. Bagi Anda yang tengah bingung memutuskan destinasi pariwisata selanjutnya, jangan lewatkan cerita wisata Heli Hike di Selandia Baru. Selamat membaca!


VICTORIA: ABBOTSFORD: Ying Thai Rest | CARLTON: Killiney Kopitiam | CAULFIELD: Nusantara Rest | IPC Church | CITY: KJRI Melbourne, Laguna Oriental Market, Nelayan Indo Rest, Garuda Indonesia, Blok M Express, Salero Kito, Extragreen, Kaki Lima, Killiney Kopitiam, Oko-Oko | CLAYTON: Pondok Bamboe Noodle House, Hongkong Supermarket | FOOTSCRAY: KFL Groceries | DONCASTER : Bakmie Kitchen | HAWTHORN: Laguna, Nelayan Rest | GLEN WAVERLEY : Astee Sp Mkt, Extragreen | MT WAVERLEY: Alfamart | POINT COOK: Glory Asian Grocery | SOUTH MELBOURNE: Sambal ijo, Meetbowl Rest, Ayam Penyet Ny. Ria | RESERVOIR: Broadway Asian Toko | SURREY HILLS: Famili Ria | GLEN IRIS: MPC Church | KOOYONG: Gereja Indonesia Anglican | OAKLEIGH : Warung Kartini | NOBLEPARK: Garam Kitchen SYDNEY: CITY: Shalom Indo Rest, Garuda Indonesia | KINGSFORD: White Lotus Grocery, Shalom Indo Rest, Ayam Goreng 99, Rest Indorasa | MAROUBRA: KJRI Sydney, Mie Kocok Bandung Rest | RANDWICK: Randwick Oriental Supermarket CANBERRA: Indonesian Embassy ADELAIDE: CITY: 5EBI Radio Station, Pondok Daun, SPT Tax Office | SOUTH ADELAIDE: Bakulan Indonesian/Asian Groceries | ROSE PARK CafĂŠ Gembira | ST.MARYS Bakulan Cover foto: Roby Marlina ozip.com.au



Berterima Kasih kepada Para Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa menerapkan kebijakan wajib belajar 12 tahun di Indonesia mulai dari jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) hingga jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) guna memastikan keberlangsungan masa depan anak-anak bangsa. Dengan banyaknya waktu yang dihabiskan setiap anak dalam menimba ilmu, tidak mengherankan kalau peranan guru menjadi kian penting dalam membentuk kebiasaan dan budi pekerti siswa-siswi. Seperti halnya ayah dan ibu, guru pun memegang tanggung jawab besar dalam membentuk perilaku anak-anak didiknya. Oleh karena itu, guru pun bertanggung jawab dalam mengembangkan kebiasaankebiasaan baik dalam diri anak didik mereka. Meskipun demikian, jasa-jasa para pahlawan masa depan bangsa ini kerap tidak banyak dibicarakan dalam masyarakat. Hal ini tentu sangat disayangkan karena bagi sebahagian murid, ajaran dan didikan dari guru mereka menjadi sebuah teladan yang selalu mereka pegang erat sampai dewasa. Oleh karena itu, pentinglah sekiranya kita mengakui jasa dan kontribusi para guru seraya mewariskan disiplin dan teladan mereka kepada anak-anak kita sendiri. Ambil saja contoh Roby Marlina yang telah mengabdikan diri di dunia edukasi selama 15 tahun. Bergelar Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary), Master of Education (TESOL) dan PhD, ia juga mengajar sebagai dosen di bidang Applied Linguistics (World Englishes and Intercultural Communication) di Monash University. Kini, beliau menjadi pendidik bagi para guru TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) dan mengajarkan pedagogi kemampuan berbahasa kepada guru-guru di Singapura. Roby dengan bangga menyatakan bahwa menjadi seorang guru menjadi pencapaian dan panggilan tersendiri baginya, “Menjadi seorang guru menjadi sebuah peluang bagi saya untuk menginspirasi dan mewariskan pengetahuan kepada anak-anak muda. Seorang guru juga memiliki peranan penting dalam memajukan kemampuan berbahasa dan mengajarkan keadilan dan budi pekerti kepada anak-anak didiknya sendiri.�

Selain rumah, sekolah adalah tempat kedua untuk muridmurid paling banyak menghabiskan waktu mereka. Mulai dari tingkat Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) hingga tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa siswa-siswi Indonesia menghabiskan rata-rata delapan jam per hari menimba ilmu di sekolah mereka. Hasil tersebut belum pula mencakup waktu yang dihabiskan murid dalam kursus privat mereka. Pentingnya ilmu pengetahuan dalam menunjang masa depan seorang anak dan bangsa kini telah diakui oleh banyak pihak. Pemerintahan Indonesia pun telah



Kenyataan bahwa Australia kian kekurangan guru untuk menjadi pemandu anak-anak didik mereka merupakan sebuah bukti yang kuat akan besarnya peranan guru di mata masyarakat dan pemerintah. Kepada para guru yang telah senantiasa mengabdikan diri dalam memajukan anak-anak bangsa, ketahuilah bahwa jasa-jasa Anda akan senantiasa diingat dan diabadikan oleh murid-murid didikmu. Kepada para pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, terima kasih atas dedikasi dan didikan Anda kepada anak-anak bangsa. Teks: Edward Tanoto Foto: Roby Marlina


Catatan Najwa Goes to Melbourne Lalu, apa yang berbeda di Catatan Najwa Goes to Melbourne?

Siapa yang tak mengenal Mata Najwa? Program talkshow yang dipandu oleh Najwa Shihab ini berhasil mewawancarai beberapa tokoh nasional seperti Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Boedono, Susilo bambang Yudhoyono hingga Presiden Indonesia, Joko Widodo. Tak hanya berhasil mewawancarai tokohtokoh besar, Najwa Shihab terkenal sebagai presenter yang lugas dan berani mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang provokatif. Atas pencapaian ini, Mata Najwa berhasil mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan, salah satunya adalah menjadi program Talkshow terbaik pada KPI Awards 2018. Dan walaupun Mata Najwa berhenti tayang pada 2017, Najwa Shihab membuat channel Catatan najwa di social media yang kurang lebih mempunyai gaya talkshow sama seperti Mata Najwa. Catatan Najwa sangat digemari oleh berbagai kalangan di Indonesia, termasuk millennials.

Selain menghadirkan Najwa Shihab, Catatan Najwa Goes to Melbourne akan menghadirkan dua narasumber nasional, yaitu Mohammad Mahfud MD dan Anies Baswedan, serta Muhammad Tulus sebagai stage performer. Mahfud MD adalah seorang politisi serta akademisi terkenal di Indonesia. Ia pernah menjabat sebagai ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dari Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa serta Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia pada zaman Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid atau Gusdur. Pada tahun 2014, Mahfud MD merupakan Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa, sedangkan tahun ini beliau lebih memilih untuk tidak mendeklarasikan kepada siapa beliau memihak, seperti yang beliau katakan dalam cuitan twitternya, “Saya takkan mendeklarasikan dukungan atau mengampanyekan yang mana. Kita kan sudah pintar-pintar”.

Oleh karena itu, LPDP Monash Community berserta IDN Victoria mengundang Catatan Najwa pada Sabtu, 6 Juli 2019 mendatang di Monash University, Melbourne Australia. “Belajar Move On” dipilih menjadi tema besar talkshow bersama Najwa Shihab.

Berbeda dengan Mahfud MD yang memulai karirnya dalam ilmu hukum, Anies Baswedan adalah seorang akademisi yang bergelut dalam ilmu politik. Dalam perjalanannya, ia menjabat sebagai rektor termuda di Indonesia ketika menjabat sebagai Rektor Universitas Paramadina. Karirnya secara nasional dimulai ketika ia ditunjuk oleh Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menjabat sebagai Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada tahun 2014-2016. Pada tahun 2017, Anies Baswedan terpilih sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta yang diusung oleh Partai Gerindra dan Partai Keadilan Sosial (PKS). Pada pemilu 2019 kali ini, beliau mengimbau masyarakat Indonesia untuk bersikap lebih kritis dalam menerima informasi yang divergen.

Tema ini menarik untuk dibahas karena masyarakat Indonesia telah melaksanakan kontestasi demokrasi pemilu 2019 secara serentak. Kondisi sosial masyarakat paska pemilihan umum tentunya sangat divergen. Dengan diusungnya tema ini, diharapkan masyarakat tidak lagi terpolarisasi dalam situasi politik yang berbeda, melainkan mampu untuk move on, sehingga dapat berkontribusi dan memandang Indonesia dengan tatapan masa depan.

Tidak hanya Mahfud MD dan Anies Baswedan, talkshow kali ini juga akan melibatkan Muhhammad Tulus atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Tulus. Musisi yang mengeluarkan debut albumnya pada 2011 ini dinobatkan oleh Rolling Stone sebagai “top chart of Indonesia’s Best Album” pada tahun 2013. Album keduanya, Gajah, yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2013 terjual 88.000 kopi, dan termasuk sebagai penjualan album CD terbanyak di Indonesia

Najwa Shihab sendiri adalah seorang jurnalis dan presenter yang aktif serta interaktif dalam membawakan dialog dan talkshow di layar kaca. Alumni Ilmu Hukum Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2000 ini didaulat sebagai Jurnalis Terbaik Metro TV pada tahun 2006. Beberapa tahun berselang, ia berhasil memperoleh penghargaan sebagai Pembaca Berita terbaik Panasonic Awards pada tahun 2015 dan 2017.

(2013-2014). Pada kesempatan ini, Tulus sebagai representasi anak muda akan memberikan pandangannya tentang politik dan anak muda. Sehingga anak muda tidak mudah terjebak dalam perdebatan politik secara terus-menerus dan tetap berfokus pada karya. Oleh karena itu, Catatan Najwa Goes to Melbourne sangat direkomendasikan bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang telah melaksanakan kontestasi pemilu 2019. Selain belajar move on paska pemilu, kita juga bisa belajar dengan pemateri-pemateri nasional yang luar biasa yang dipandu oleh presenter yang tidak kalah hebatnya, Najwa shihab. Belum lagi, ada Tulus yang siap menghibur kita semua. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Catatan Najwa yang diadakan di Monash University Clayton pada 6 Juli 2019, teman-teman dapat menghubungi Indra (0452562181) dan Diana (0407506243). Sekilas tentang LPDP Monash Comunity dan IDN Victoria LPDP Monash Community adalah komunitas independen yang terdiri dari mahasiswa penerima beasiswa Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) Republik Indonesia yang tengah melanjutkan studi di Monash University, Australia. Mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam LPDP Monash Community terdiri dari mahasiswa S2 dan S3 dari berbagai jurusan dan fakultas. Komunitas ini berfokus pada pengembangan minat minat, bakat, akademik dan sosial para anggotanya. IDN (Indonesian Diaspora Network) Victoria merupakan jaringan independen yang berfokus pada pengembangan dan advokasi para diaspora Indonesia yang berada di Victoria, Australia. Selain itu, komunitas ini juga berperan sebagai penghubung kerjasama baik antar pemerintah maupun non-pemerintah kepada sesama diaspora dalam berbagai program. Teks dan foto: Diana Pratiwi




Perkembangan Studi Indonesia di Australia Sebagai negara tetangga terdekat Australia kedua setelah Selandia Baru, Indonesia memegang peranan penting dalam mempengaruhi ekonomi, adat istiadat dan sentimen bisnis Australia. Kerjasama dan hubungan bilateral Indo-Australia pun menjadi kian penting dan berharga. Sebagai negara berkembang, Indonesia dapat menjadi sumber ekonomi dan keuangan utama bagi sektor ekspor dan impor Australia (dan sebaliknya). Sebagai negara yang maju, Australia dapat menjadi teladan dan contoh bagi Indonesia dalam mengembangkan infrastruktur, fasilitas umum dan

undang-undang yang memastikan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Walaupun masih terdapat perbedaan pendapat dan kesalahpahaman antar kedua negara ini, tidak dapat disangkalkan bahwa kepentingan relasi Indonesia dan Australia menjadi faktor besar

dalam memastikan keberlangsungan kesejahteraan kedua negara ini. Guna membina kedekatan hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dan Australia, komunitas-komunitas masyarakat lokal Australia dan pihak-pihak universitas turut mendukung inisiatifinisiatif lokal dalam memperkenalkan adat dan budaya Indonesia di tanah Australia. Salah satu inisiatif tersebut adalah melalui studi bahasa dan sejarah Indonesia. Memberikan kesempatan bagi pemuda-pemudi dan masyarakat Australia dalam mendalami pengetahuan mereka tentang Indonesia akan menjadi sebuah wadah yang turut mendukung kecintaan dan ketertarikan terhadap Indonesia. Ke depannya, tentu hal ini dapat membantu menghindari kesalahpahaman dan meningkatkan rasa hormat antarbudaya. Perlu pula diingat bahwa budaya dan kebiasaan hidup Indonesia dan Australia sungguh berbeda. Oleh karena itu, edukasi kebudayaan turut membantu membukakan mata masyarakat kedua negara dalam mengemban perbedaan budaya tersebut. Salah satu pendukung gerakan edukasi budaya ini adalah Yacinta Kurniasih. Yacinta telah lama




mengukir prestasi di bidang studi bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Ia pertama diundang untuk datang ke Tasmania pada tahun 1994 dimana ia bekerja sebagai Indonesian Guest Teacher di sekolah-sekolah wilayah Tasmania Utara, termasuk di University of Tasmania. Sembari mengajar, ia juga berhasil menyelesaikan studi gelar M.ED. In Applied Linguistics, TESOL and LOTE dari University of Tasmania. Di bulan Februari 1997, ia bergabung dengan Monash Indonesia Program dimana Yacinta mengajarkan bahasa Indonesia dan Jawa kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang tertarik dengan budaya Indonesia. Kini, ia masih tetap aktif dalam mengajar dan menginspirasi anak-anak Indonesia dan Australia untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan dan aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang dipelopori oleh mahasiwa-mahasiswi Indonesia. Yacinta berbagi pengalamannya bahwa studi Indonesia di Australia telah berkembang sejak ia pertama menginjakkan kaki di tanah Australia. Semakin banyaknya organisasi mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang mendukung integrase budaya Indonesia di Australia memperluas wadah yang dapat digunakan pemuda-pemudi Australia untuk lebih banyak belajar tentang budaya dan tradisi bangsa Indonesia. Hal ini tentu akan menjadi pendorong semangat belajar anakanak lokal Australia guna mendalami pengetahuan mereka tentang Indonesia.

mampu melihat lebih dari sekedar warna kulit dan corak budaya. Alhasil, Indonesia dan Australia pun dapat menjalin hubungan yang harmonis dan rukun untuk masa depan generasi muda mereka sendiri. Teks: Destari Puspa Pertiwi Foto: Yacinta Kurniasih

Ia juga menambahkan bahwa kehadiran masyarakat Indonesia di Australia merupakan sebuah aset yang dapat digunakan untuk lebih memfasilitasi pengajaran dan pendalaman studi Indonesia kepada orang-orang Australia. “Hal ini terutama karena masyarakat Indonesia di Australia memiliki kemampuan untuk mempromisikan budaya Indonesia secara langsung. Berbekal ilmu dan budaya Indonesia, masyarakat Indonesia dapat memegang peranan yang lebih aktif dan proaktif dalam membantu masyarakat Australia semakin mengemban prinsip hidup Indonesia,� jelasnya. Oleh sebab itu, Yacinta berharap agar masyarakat Indonesia menyadari besarnya peranan yang mereka miliki dan menjadi lebih aktif dalam melibatkan diri dengan masyarakat Australia yang tertarik mempelajari budaya bangsa. Ia juga menyatakan bahwa dirinya sangat senang melihat adanya ketertarikan oleh anak-anak lokal yang tetap bersemangat mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia. Dalam wawancaranya, Yacinta berkata, “Mereka inilah yang akan menjadi penerus masa depan pendidikan Australia. Oleh sebab itu, libatkanlah mereka dalam acara-acara dan pendidikan bahasa Indonesia setempat. Hal ini tentu menjadi salah satu alasan kuat perlunya pendidikan bahasa Indonesia di Australia.� Kenyataan Indonesia sebagai negara terdekat kedua Australia pun dapat menjadi sebuah contoh bagi negaranegara lain. Jika kedua negara berhasil mengesampingkan perbedaan dan menjunjung kerjasama, hal ini tentu akan menjadi sebuah kebanggaan tersendiri kedua negara yang ozip.com.au



Guru yang Menginspirasimu Pada tanggal 2 Mei 2019 ini kita kembali merayakan Hari Pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia. Tanggal ini bertepatan pula dengan tanggal kelahiran Ki Hajar Dewantara, salah satu pahlawan pendidikan Indonesia yang mendirikan Perguruan Nasional Taman Siswa pada tanggal 3 Juli 1922. Lembaga pendidikan tersebut kemudian menjadi cikal bakal konsep pendidikan nasional yang mencakup tiga prinsip utama. Hingga hari ini, prinsip-prinsip tersebut tetap dipegang teguh dan senantiasa mencerminkan besarnya peranan seorang pendidik kepada siswasiswinya. Sebaliknya pula, pandangan siswa-siswi terhadap guru mereka pun sama pentingnya. Mahasiswamahasiswi Indonesia di The University of Melbourne dengan ini menceritakan kisah-kisah guru yang menginspirasi diri mereka:

Yudistira Adipratama “Sosok guru yang menginspirasi saya adalah Ibu Nina Rahayu Kusdiana, seorang guru yang mengajar saya saat saya masih seorang siswa SMA. Beliau merupakan sosok inspiratif yang berani bertindak adil, tegas dan objektif. Bagi beliau, kejujuran adalah hal yang tidak dapat dibeli. Bukan kata-kata arahan beliau yang mengajarkan saya ilmu tentang hidup, namun perilaku beliau terhadap siswa dan rekan guru sejawat. Ibu Nina mengajarkan saya bahwa rasa hormat bukanlah sesuatu yang diwariskan, namun merupakan sesuatu yang harus diperoleh melalui ketekunan, keberanian dan kerja keras.”

Aji Sofiana Putri “Ketika saya masih di bangku SMP, saya sempat diajari oleh seorang guru matematika bernama Pak Rusli. Beliau sangat perhatian dengan muridnya. Beliau menyediakan rumah dan waktunya untuk mengajar kami agar kami dapat diterima di sekolah pilihan masing-masing. Beliau sangat tulus dan tidak pernah meminta bayaran. Beliau juga selalu memiliki cara untuk mengajar matematika dengan mudah dan menyenangkan. Ketulusan beliau selalu menginspirasi saya hingga hari ini.”

Alif Timur Ghifari “Pak Latif merupakan guru Bahasa Indonesia kelas dua dan tiga SMA saya. Sebagai seorang guru, Pak Latif selalu aktif mencari kesempatan untuk mengembangkan diri sekaligus mengembangkan muridnya. Salah satunya, Pak Latif mengikuti pilot program Bridge yang merupakan pertukaran guru antar SMA di Indonesia dan SMA di Australia. Kemudian, Pak Latif pun mendedikasikan diri untuk memulai program pertukaran pelajar antar sekolah di Indonesia dan Australia yang kemudian berhasil memberikan international exposure kepada siswa-siswi di Indonesia. Pak Latif sendiri selalu berpegang kepada dua prinsip penting yang selalu saya ingat: selalu memanfaatkan peluang yang ada dan jangan takut memulai sesuatu hal




yang baru. Pengalaman pertukaran ini memotivasi teman-teman saya untuk pergi dan mengenyam pendidikan lanjutan di luar negeri. Saya rasa itu adalah legacy dari Pak Latif yang akan selalu ada dalam hati kami.”

sebelum keinginanmu mencari uang merusak tubuhmu.’ Sampai sekarang, nasihat beliau senantiasa saya pegang.”

menerima gaji dari ilmu yang dibagikan dan memilih untuk menyokong hidup dengan cara bertani. Hingga saat ini, keikhlasan dan semangat mengajar beliau selalu menginspirasi saya untuk membagikan pengetahuan yang saya miliki.” Teks: Siti Mahdaria Foto: Yudia Adiparatama, Alif Timur Ghifari, Joan Christie Wijaya & Ibrahim Malik

Ibrahim Malik Joan Christie Wijaya “Bu Dewi adalah guru Bahasa Inggris saya di bangku SMA. Beliau selalu meluangkan waktu untuk memberikan nasihat hidup kepada saya dan temanteman setingkat. Beliau berpesan, ’Jangan sampai kamu membiarkan uang mengendalikan hidupmu hingga kamu melupakan teman, keluarga dan kesehatan kamu. Jika kamu sampai jatuh tertidur di tengah doa, kamu sudah mencapai batasmu. Kenali batasmu

“Seorang guru yang sangat menginspirasi saya adalah Ustad Sharif Abadi. Beliau adalah guru agama saya sewaktu saya duduk di bangku SMA dua dan tiga di Gontor. Kesederhaan beliau selalu membuat saya tersentuh. Walaupun beliau tidak berkuliah, ilmu yang beliau miliki jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan orang-orang yang bergelar mahasiswa. Di usia beliau yang sudah cukup lanjut, beliau selalu mengajar dengan tulus dan ikhlas demi memajukan ilmu pengetahuan. Beliau bahkan tidak

Indonesian Ad - 15(h) x 23(w)cm




Merahnya Melbourne di Musim Gugur Teman-teman, musim gugur telah tiba! Di musim yang penuh keindahan dan ketenangan ini, ayo beramairamai menikmati kesejukan angin dan keindahan pemandangan seputar tanah Melbourne! Daun-daunan pohon yang berguguran dan berubah warna menjadi merah membuat sepanjang kota Melbourne seakan menjadi sebuah lokasi syuting film drama Korea yang indah. Di musim yang penuh warna dan cinta ini, jangan lupa mengajak keluarga dan teman-teman Anda untuk berlibur dan piknik di taman-taman seputar kota Melbourne. Kapan lagi akan ada kesempatan untuk menikmati pemandangan yang seindah ini? Tidak percaya? Ayo simak keelokan pemandangan musim gugur melalui galeri OZIP edisi Mei ini! Teks: Edward Tanoto Photo: Devina Krismarina & Grace Art







The Sexy Killers A Deeper Look into Indonesia’s Coal Mining Industry The wind blows gently across the walkway as the leaves sway to the touch of the breeze. It was a cool evening on 11 April 2019. Making your way around the Professors Walk at Melbourne University’s Parkville campus, one could not help but take in the fragrant waft of freshly brewed coffee from the nearby cafe. As you passed by the towering Arts West Building, it might seem like another uneventful evening. However, inside this modernly chic building, a documentary titled Sexy Killers was being played and it was unlike any you have ever seen before. Sexy Killers delves deep into the coal and mining industry by portraying the implications of the industry from the public perspective. The documentary opens with a vibrant portrayal of metropolitan Indonesia and an enamoured couple. Soon, however, the mood turns more serious as the camera shifts to the primary locality of the coal mining - the suburban district. The documentary teases on the fact that the simple supply of constant electricity to the city may have disastrous (and sometimes) fatal consequences for the suburban residents. The screening itself ran for approximately one and a half hour before an open floor session was conducted with Ms Lilis Mulyani, Dr Richard Chauvel and Ms Max Walden as the speakers. The quest for coal has brought about the woes of farmers and fishermen alike. For the farmers of East Kalimantan, coal mining deprives them of their land and pollutes the surrounding water. Coal mines have taken away huge patches of and that used to be the land of the local farmers, taking away their territory and cordoning off areas for mining purposes. Protests fall of deaf ears as the farmers struggle to put their case forward for trial. The presence of coal mine has also made it hard for local farmers to gain access to clean water for drinking purposes.

Pollutants discharged by coal mines and their surrounding power plants have contaminated the clean water source in the Mahakam River and the locals are left with unhygienic water for their daily use. Even when the mines are no longer functional, the coal quarries are not properly restored to its original state, leaving dangerous open holes around the settlements where kids may inadvertently fall down whilst playing. For the fishermen, the presence of huge tankers around the water has brought about a devastating effect on the coral reefs and their livelihood. Huge numbers of coal-carrying tankers often anchor around the ocean area, blocking access to the water and damaging the coral reefs with their anchor. The damage to the reefs scares and discourages fishes from coming back, resulting in a lesser catch for the fishermen. There are also a few instances where tankers capsize due to overload, further polluting the water. Met with so many difficulties due to the presence of tankers, it is unsurprising for the fishermen to launch a protest against the mining industry. As the documentary concluded and the floor was open for a Q&A session, the audiences engaged in a deliberative session where they each expressed their own views of the documentary. Among others, there were questions on why maintaining an environmentallyfocused party had been a challenge in Indonesia and questions on the plausible alternative energy sources to coal which were not addressed in the film. With so many questions abound, a particularly strong one stood above the rest - should Indonesia abolish coal mining altogether, are the alternative energy sources and infrastructures in Indonesia able to support the country’s electric demand for the unforeseeable future? Perhaps this can be food for thought in itself. Text and photo: Edward Tanoto




Celebrating Easter Through Sports with Mudika Cup 2019


he April month of Easter brings together a whole package of fun and festive events all around Melbourne. It is a month of togetherness and gratitude as we cherish the time we have with our friends, families and colleagues. Among the many festivals and gathering found around Melbourne, there was the Mudika Cup 2019 held in Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on 13 April 2019. Aside from being held as a fundraising event for the Mudika 2019 annual retreat from 25 to 28 April 2019, the competition was also held to foster camaraderie and togetherness among the diverse community in Victoria. Taking place on the same day of the 2019 general election date had its own perks as well - it could accommodate people who had just finished voting to come down and have some fun together. Indeed, there were many folks who came down after the election to sit back and enjoy the match. After all, there were three games up for match for your own preference: badminton, (male double and mixed), futsal and basketball 3 on 3. Â As the whistle blew signalling the start of the game, the players started preparing for the games. The intensity rose up as each side gathered themselves for the match. During the badminton match, each side gave a good serve and returned the badminton cock with intense fervour.

Several matches and many more close smashes later, the victorious team emerged proud with their achievements and thanked their rivals for a match well played. Right beside the badminton court, however, two other matches were being played - futsal and basketball and the heat was picking up. The futsal match was an interesting one as well. Two five-players teams competed against each other on scoring the most points with each side giving no intention of backing down. There were several close calls but even so, both teams maintained a high level of sportsmanship by playing fairly and avoiding fouls as much as possible. It was an intense professional match that reflected the spirit of both teams and even though only one could emerge victorious, both teams congratulated each other on a match well played.

both teams differed only by 3 points. A leap of faith was taken as the countdown began from 5...4...3...2...1 before the match concluded. Although the shot had missed, both teams were satisfied with the outcome and were more than happy to accept the result. Both sides hugged it out in an excellent display of sportsmanship as the match ended. The afternoon was definitely an exciting and memorable one. For you who had missed the chance to witness the match, be sure to note it down on your calendar for the coming year. Text and photo: Edward Tanoto

Right next to the futsal court was the badminton match. Being the last one to finish definitely did not diminish the spirit of the players as each team strived for the next points on the court. It was a really close match with each round seeing different sides leading. The final round had never been so important as each team mustered up their last strength and stamina for one final fight. Even all the way until the final moment, ozip.com.au



Welcoming the Indonesian Satay Festival Back in 2019 This year, Indonesian Satay Festival returned once again to provide you with everything Indonesia. The festival, organised by PERWIRA (Perhimpunan Warga Indonesia di Victoria) now in its 32nd year since its first inception, opened the door to the public promptly at 11:00 A.M at Box Hill Town Hall to welcome everyone into an afternoon of delicacy and entertainment. The festival itself wished to bring together the many varieties of food, culture and celebration of Indonesia here in Melbourne. True to its purpose, one could easily come to appreciate the beauty of the Indonesian culture with the upbeat songs, beautiful dances, powerful martial art display and deep poetry recital held onstage. To make the day even better, the fragrant smell of freshly cooked food lingered in the air, further tantalizing you to place your order and enjoy some succulent sate or nasi campur. With the band concluding their opening performance, the 2019 Indonesian Satay Festival kicked off into yet another year of festivity and togetherness.

The 2019 Indonesian Satay Festival brought back many familiar friends and performers back onto the stage. Among the many performers, both singers and dancers,



you could see the Angklung group of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) bringing yet another beautiful angklung rendition of modern pieces. This year, Orkes Jawi Waton Muni (OJWM) returned with many new catchy tunes for the audiences to choose from. The group filled the hall with laughter and smile as they play and dance to the music alongside fellow audiences. The festival also welcomed familiar fellow dancers such as the Bonapasogit, Sanggar Sari Widya Luvtari and Sanggar Sari Maria Leeds in bringing many other dances in their repertoire. Of course, new dancer such as the Baytul Makmur dancer is also much welcomed as the group brings in their own choreography for the audiences.

Aside from familiar performances and performers, the festival also featured returning food stall owners setting up their booths around the hall. A selection of different dining options ranging from sate, lontong, nasi campur, nasi bakar all the way to empek-empek could be found being sold at the festival. With so many options to choose from, it was not surprising to see the booths crowded with visitors coming in and out of the hall who are eager to land the first bite on the delicious treats. Even when the festival concluded, you could still see some people visiting the booths to get some last-minute purchase before going home. This year, Indonesian Satay Festival also saw a larger volume of visitors than previous years. With such high positivity, it will not be surprising should there be even more visitors in the upcoming year. So be sure to mark it on your calendar, folks! Text: Edward Tanoto Photo: Windu Kuntoro

Then, there was the Pencak Silat display by two martial arts academy – Domas and Asad. The intensity of the techniques and the one-on-one fight itself were more than enough to catch the eyes of the audiences as the hall burst into thundering applauses. Of course, after an intense match, nothing calmed the mind more than some poetry recital by Jembatan Poetry Society. Poetry lines were written and read to commemorate the Kartini Day that fell on 21 April 2019 and to express condolences on the recent shootings in Christchurch and Sri Lanka. The room was silent and the audiences were attentively listening to the words spoken by Mr. Anton Alimin in a moment of silent acknowledgement of the tragedy.


Celebrating Multiculturalism in Melbourne The slightly chilly wind welcomed the coming of autumn in Melbourne. Alighting the train at Glen Waverley Station and taking an 850 numbered bus, you would soon arrive at Menzies Hall located at 41 Menzies Avenue after an approximately 34 minutes’ journey. In the hall, a festival was ongoing – the Indonesian Multicultural Festival of Victoria 2019. As its name suggested, the festival brought you a range of beautiful performances by different community groups. Be it a colourful dance of Cambodian and Indonesian culture, a Chinese song sung by the performers on stage or the showcasing of the Indonesian Pencak Silat martial art, all the audiences were sure to be mesmerized by the vibrant clothing and alluring performances held onstage. Held on 28 April 2019, just one day after the Indonesian Satay Festival, this multicultural festival was organised by the Indonesian Women’s Friendship Network. Graced also by the presence of Councillor Roz Blades AM, the Mayor of the City of Greater Dandenong and Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa, The Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne (Victoria and Tasmania), the afternoon promised to be a lively one indeed. As the clock struck 12:00 P.M., the Indonesian Multicultural Festival of Victoria (IMFOV) 2019 officially started.

The day was focused on cultural discovery and exchange. It was such a refreshing sight to see a lineup of performances onstage, each one brought by different community group to showcase the richness and diversity of their different roots. Even more than that, the festival also featured nasi tumpeng into the equation. Ms. Spica explained to Cr. Roz Blades AM the significance of nasi tumpeng during celebrations, including how the different ingredients signify different components of a country – the conical yellow rice represents the mountain while the vegetables and meat signify the jungle, humans and many other symbols of a country. It was such a touching sight to see the culture of Indonesia being embraced in a faraway land. Once the nasi tumpeng was sliced, the ceremony was complete. It did not stop there. The day went on with many more colourful performances featuring Orkes Jawi Waton Muni (OJWM), Sanggar Sang Penari Maria Leeds, Pencak Silat, Mahindra Bali by Anak Agung Widnyana and Nyoman Suka Arsini and many more. One could easily enjoy the beautiful performances and lose track of time while nibbling on some Indonesian local delicacy sold during the festival. Be it the coconut-cream-laden bubur ketan hitam, the sumptuous bakso sapi or the succulent risoles ayam, you would find a selection of local food and snack not usually found around the area. For you food hunters out there, the festival was a definite food haven of delicious and rare treats.

If you happened to miss out on this wondrous celebration of diversity, worry not. This annual event will still be held next year and will still bring out all the best in customer favourite. So be sure to keep an eye on the announcement for the next one and come on down for some good afternoon treat. Text & photo: Edward Tanoto




Reflecting on the Success of the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival The much anticipated 2019 Indonesian Film Festival (IFF) came to a spectacular close on 10 April 2019. It was indeed truly refreshing to see a lineup of new short films being screened here in Melbourne. Ranging from the action packed ”Foxtrot Six”, the adrenaline filled ”Night Bus”, the heartwarming ”Keluarga Cemara”, the inspiring “Terbang: Menembus Langit”, the emotion roller coaster of “Ave Maryam” and the intriguing story of “Turah”, the 2019 IFF made sure that the screening was able to cater to the different preferences of its audiences.

workload and the timely deliverance of the inter-division deadlines. All of these were completed in a short timeframe of eight months.

Amidst the huge success was an untold story of unsung heroes who made it all possible – the committee members of the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival. That was why we decided to interview Vincent Prasetio, the Project Manager of the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival, on his personal reflection of the festival:

Are the goals achieved? Yes. We believed that the increasing presence of local Australian audiences during the 2019 IFF meant that our ultimate goal in introducing the Indonesian culture to the local people was met. It was encouraging to see more Australians coming into the festival this year when compared to the previous year.

Can you tell us about the journey you have undertaken during the preparation phase of the 2019 IFF? My primary responsibility after being selected as the Project Manager of the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival was to assign the coordinator roles to the different divisions. The latter included the Program Media & Marketing, Logistics, Liaison, Creative and Sponsorship divisions. Once I settled on the members for each division, they designed the timeline and coughed out the priority list for every checkpoint of our work. Some divisions had their own weekly meeting to discuss any further update on their work. This was to ensure the smooth progression of the



What are the goals that the committee wishes to achieve through the 2019 IFF? We wished to bridge and enable a cultural exchange between the Indonesian and Australian culture. We hoped to showcase the diversity of the Indonesian culture and showed that Indonesia is so much more than what they know.

Can you tell us more about the challenges you faced during the screening of the 2019 IFF and how you overcame it as a team? During the screening itself, our primary problem was crowd control. Our limited number of staffs coupled with the committee members’ own individual responsibility made it hard for us to balance our time between crowd control and committee responsibility. The torrent of audiences coming in during every screening session did overwhelm us but we were thankful that everything was able to go according to plan.


Do you have any message you would like to share to the audiences and partners who have come and supported the 2019 IFF? We would like to thank you for your support and participation before and during the festival. Without the support of the audiences, sponsors, media and the Indonesian government themselves, none of this would have been possible. We are sincerely grateful for the support and trust that you have placed upon us in making the 2019 IFF a huge success. Folks, the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival may have ended, but the legacy of the festival is still far from over. Only time can tell how the 2020 Indonesian Film Festival will be, but we are certainly looking forward to it with brimming excitement. Text: Edward Tanoto Photo: 2019 IFF committee




Cerita Silat di Indonesia: Fantasi, Identitas, dan Komunitas Cerita silat pernah menjadi salah satu bentuk literatur fiksi populer yang amat digandrungi di era awal kemerdekaan Indonesia. Masyarakat Indonesia angkatan lama pasti mengenal nama SH Mintardja (1993-1999) dan Kho Ping Hoo (1926-1994), dua pengarang cerita silat paling terkenal di masa itu. SH Mintardja terkenal dengan karya cerita silatnya Nagasasra Sabuk Inten (selanjutnya di artikel ini disingkat dengan NSSI). Sementara Kho Ping Hoo alias Asmaraman Sukowati, putra Sragen yang juga keturunan Cina, mengarang cerita Kungfu Bu Kek Sian Su (BKSS). Dengan keahliannya menulis, Kho Ping Hoo berhasil membuat cerita silat yang bisa dibilang sama persis dengan cerita Kungfu asal Cina. Keunikan perjalanan cerita silat ini dan bagaimana ia menjadi bacaan favorit di era 1950-1960-an diulas dalam acara Monash Indonesia Seminar Series (MISS) bertajuk “The Memetics of Cerita Silat”, Kamis 11 April lalu. Adalah Prof. Edward Buckingham, professor di bidang manajemen yang menjadi pembicara dalam seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh Monash University Library berkolaborasi dengan Monash Herb Feith Indonesia Engagement Centre. Meski berkecimpung di bidang yang jauh dengan sastra dan literatur, Prof. Edward Buckingham memiliki minat dan kecintaan pada cerita silat karena dikenalkan oleh kawannya ketika belajar di Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (MIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada, beberapa tahun lalu. Saat kuliah di UGM (melalui sebuah



penyebaran cerita silat di Indonesia, ketiga kriteria tersebut diperkaya dengan nilai-nilai dan konteks lokal yang relevan dengan situasi saat itu.

program pertukaran mahasiswa) itulah, Edward berkenalan dan langsung jatuh cinta pada cerita silat. Bukan hanya membaca dan menikmati kisahnya, namun hingga meneliti tentang perjalanan cerita silat di Indonesia. Dalam paparannya, Edward menjelaskan bahwa cerita silat adalah produk migrasi literasi yang berkembang dari berbagai sumber seperti mitos lokal, cerita hero fantasi Cina, dan legenda India. Akarnya adalah tradisi kuno tentang mitos-mitos kepahlawanan dan legenda-legenda asli Indonesia. Lalu, tradisi literasi berkembang seiring dengan perkenalan bangsa Melayu dengan budaya India, Timur Tengah, dan Barat. Pengaruh luar yang tak kalah besar adalah cerita Kungfu Cina yang masuk ke Indonesia dalam bentuk terjemahan. Para penulis seperti SH Mintardja dan Kho Ping Hoo memilih gagasangagasan yang bersumber dari kearifan lokal dan berbagai hikayat dari luar negeri tersebut, kemudian membuat replikanya dalam bentuk cerita silat yang kemudian kita kenal di Indonesia. Secara teoretis, ujar Edward, rangkaian aktivitas “memilih” (selection) dan “mereplikasi” (replication) tersebut sesuai dengan konsep meme – yang secara harfiah berarti “yang ditiru”. Mengutip Susan Blakcmore (1999), Edward menjelaskan bahwa aktivitas memetic yang mencakup selection dan replication terjadi ketika suatu gagasan dianggap disukai banyak orang (fidelity), berpotensi untuk berkembang (fecundity), dan dapat berumur panjang (longevity). Pada perjalanan dan

SH Mintardja, misalnya, meminjam konsep Mahabharata dalam NSSI. Hanya saja, ia memasukkan nilai dan kultur lokal Jawa yang kental dalam ceritanya. Secara pribadi ia ingin menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal Indonesia adalah materi penting yang layak diangkat ke dalam cerita silat. Kisah NSSI ingin merepresentasikan sosok ideal pria Indonesia – yang disebut dengan ksatria – berdasarkan pemahaman masyarakat Jawa. Sementara itu, Kho Ping Hoo menulis cerita Kungfu bergaya Cina. Alihalih menerjemahkan, ia menulis kisah Kungfu orisinil yang mengambil latar di Cina, lengkap dengan penokohan dan jalan cerita yang sangat Cina. Serial BKSS adalah pengejawantahan rasa frustrasinya sebagai bagian dari kelompok minoritas sekaligus definisi mengenai identitas nasional. Ceritacerita yang ia tulis banyak mengarahkan pada ajaran untuk mencintai sesama dan tidak menjadi orang yang rasis. Selain membahas perjalanan dan makna cerita silat bagi literatur Indonesia, acara yang dihadiri sekitar 50 orang itu juga memamerkan sejumlah koleksi buku cerita silat koleksi Monash University Library. Teks dan foto: Pratiwi Utami


Walking Down the Memory Lane with Alun Alun 2019 “Tempoe Doeloe” When nostalgia strikes, it is hard to ignore the pure bliss of reminiscence coursing through your mind. As you walk down the memory lane, you rekindle and rediscover who you were and who you have become over the years. Such was the emotion felt when you first step into the ground of The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne located at 72 Queens Road, Melbourne VIC 3004. It was Saturday, 20 April 2019 and ‘tis 10:00 A.M. in the morning when Alun Alun 2019 officially started. This event itself is held every year by PPIA (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Australia) Victoria in order to introduce the student-led organisation to newcomers and current university students alike. The event also provides an opportunity for each of the PPIA branch to promote its upcoming event to students. This year, the theme of Alun Alun 2019 took you deep into nostalgia with Tempoe Doeloe as the surrounding was beautifully decorated with colourful ribbons and the stalls were putting up Indonesian local delicacies for sale. It truly felt like coming back home to the days of old.

Whenever you were feeling hungry, you could also pick your lunch from the stalls. Run by the respective PPIA branches from different universities, each stall offered a range of drinks and food for you to grab. If you were feeling thirsty, you could order some Milo Dinosaur for some out-of-the-ordinary drinking experience. If you were craving for some good meatball, there were some beef meatballs up for grabs as well. The stalls also featured some of the more popular dishes such as nasi geprek and nasi padang for you to choose from. Coupled with affordable prices and some on-thespot entertainment, the afternoon was perfect for an outdoor picnic with your friends. So folks, the next time you are trying to decide on a festive autumn picnic with your friends, you will definitely have to consider Alun Alun as a plausible destination. After all, it’s not every day that you get to satisfy your craving for Indonesian food - especially when it comes to street vendor food. As a plus point, you would also get to listen to band covers of popular songs such as My Heart Will Go On and Mission Impossible. So what are you waiting for? Text and photo: Edward Tanoto

Making your way around, you first saw a collection of pictures outlining the progress of Indonesia from 1945 onwards. In 1945, Indonesia first achieved independence; in the 1950s, the first general election was held to elect the House of Representatives and constituent members; in the 1960s, Tugu Selamat Datang was built to welcome the athletes of the 1962 Asian Games; in the 1970s, Monas was opened to the public; the 1980s saw the publishing of Petisi 50 and the 1990s was marked by the flourishing entertainment industry in Indonesia. It truly felt like you were revisiting past memories that made up the young nation of Indonesia. Accompanied by student bands jamming to Indonesian music and songs, one could not have asked more for a home away from home.




Seri ke-32 Catatan Harian Wisata Indonesia

SURABAYA, Kota Pahlawan

Surabaya pernah disejajarkan dengan kota internasional seperti Hongkong atau Shanghai. Kok bisa? Sejarahnya dimulai dari kisah kemenangan pasukan Majapahit terhadap invasi pasukan Kubilai Khan di tahun 1923 yang diperingati sebagai hari jadi kota Surabaya setiap 31 Mei dan menjadi memori sejarah keberanian dan kepahlawanan arek-arek Suroboyo. Pada masa kemerdekaan, siapa yang tak tahu orasi bersejarah Bung Tomo saat melawan invasi tentara Inggris dan mengobarkan semangat perjuangan? Pada masa kini, walikota Risma, seorang arsitek dan reformis pembangunan kota yang penuh semangat mengembangkan kota Surabaya jauh lebih maju. Estafet spirit perjuangan untuk terus berubah ke arah yang lebih baik inilah yang mendorong kota ini disejajarkan dengan kota besar dunia lainnya. Tata kelola kota yang baik, dengan latar budaya dan sejarah yang panjang tentu saja menjadi daya tarik wisata kota Surabaya kini. Ambil contoh seperti revitalisasi Gedung Siola (Museum Surabaya) yang dulunya adalah perusahaan



tekstil Inggris bernama White Laidlaw, Jembatan Merah Kalimas yang menjadi area khusus kompleks pemukiman penduduk Eropa, Gedung Internatio (Internationale Crediten Handelvereeniging), Gedung Cerutu, Gedung museum House of Sampoerna (HOS) yang diawal tahun 1862 merupakan sebuah panti asuhan, Hotel Yamato (Majapahit) yang terkenal karena peristiwa penyobekan bendera Belanda menjadi merah putih, Rumah Sakit Darmo yang dulu bernama Soerabajasche Zieken Verpleging (SZV), Gereja Katolik Santa Perawan Maria, Menara Syahbandar Kalimas, hingga ikon kota yang sangat terkenal, Tugu Pahlawan dan Museum 10 November. Pengembangan kota berbasis kawasan hijau juga berkembang sangat baik, taman-taman kota diperbanyak menjadi area wisata bagi publik yang aksesibel bagi siapa saja terutama ramah bagi anak-anak. Misalnya, Taman Bungkul, Taman Surya, Taman Jayengrono, Taman Paliatif, Taman Lansia di jalan Kalimantan, Taman Teratai, Taman Sakura, Taman Undaan Kulon, Taman Pakal, Taman

TRAVEL Persahabatan Korea, Taman Mundu, Taman Pelangi, Taman Apsari yang berada di area sekitar gedung Grahadi, Taman Bambu Runcing, dan puluhan taman menarik lainnya. Untuk kuliner khas Surabaya juga sudah dikenal mendunia. Gado-gado, Rawon, Soto Lamongan, Rujak Cingur, Lontong Balap,Tahu Campur Kalasan, Tahu Tektek, Soto Ambengan, Kupang Lontong, , hingga desert manis seperti Bubur Madura Pasar Atom. Bagi yang tinggal di Australia dan luar negeri tentu familiar bukan dengan sebagian besar kuliner maknyus di atas? Ayo berwisata ke Wonderful Indonesia.



Oleh: Rio S. Migang (EcoPlan Australia | www.eco-plan.com.au) Foto: Istimewa (berbagai sumber)



meninggalkan desa tersebut, para wanita malang yang telah ternodai pun keluar dengan busana compangcamping sembari meraung, menangis dan meratap. Namun, seorang wanita keluar dengan keyakinan hati yang kuat dan keberanian yang membara.

MANUSIA Mengapa umat Islam diajarkan untuk berpuasa di setiap bulan Ramadhan? Apakah hanya semata-mata karena berpuasa merupakan kewajiban setiap umat seperti yang dikupaskan dalam Kitab Al-Qur’an? (QS II: 183). Tentu saja tidak. Selain merupakan sebuah kewajiban, berpuasa juga memiliki manfaat-manfaat lainnya. Berpuasa dapat membantu menguatkan hati nurani, mengajarkan kedisiplinan diri dan melatih kejujuran dalam diri setiap umat yang berpuasa. Ketika berpuasa, seseorang juga tengah melatih diri untuk menahan godaan makanan dan minuman serta mengukuhkan keyakinannya kepada Allah SWT. Tentu saja mudah bagi orangorang yang berpuasa untuk melanggar amanah dan tergoda oleh makanan dan minuman sebelum waktunya berbuka puasa. Namun, ketakutan akan Allah SWT dan keyakinan akan ajaran kitab suci mencegah ia untuk melanggar amanah Al-Qur’an. Keteguhan hati inilah yang kerap dicoba dan dikukuhkan setiap kali seseorang berpuasa menjelang Ramadhan. Kesucian dan keteguhan hati ini pun dapat melatih seseorang untuk menjauhkan diri dari ketidakjujuran. Rasa malu akan perbuatan yang tidak jujur dan melanggar hukum Islam dapat pula menjadi sebuah pegangan hidup untuk senantiasa tidak melanggar hukum negara. Rasa takut akan dosa perbuatan tidak terpuji akan mencegah seseorang dari godaan kejahatan seperti korupsi, mencuri, berdusta, memfitnah, menganiaya dan membunuh. Rasa takut terhadap Allah SWT pun menjadi pedoman hidup dalam mengarahkan tindakan dan budi pekerti seseorang. Dengan berprinsip teguh, kita pun dapat menjauhkan diri dari pikiran dan perbuatan jahat serta mengukuhkan keyakinan terhadap ajaran Islam. Walaupun demikian, tidak mengherankan jika masih ada yang khilaf di bulan puasa ini. Sebagai seorang manusia, kekhilafan adalah sesuatu yang merupakan bagian dari kemanusiaan. Namun, kekhilafan yang dilakukan oleh mereka yang telah



mengabdikan diri untuk berbuat baik tentu menjadi sebuah dosa yang sangat berat. Pandangan ini tertumpahkan dalam ungkapan Bahasa Latin yang berbunyi “Corruptio Optimi Pessima” yang bermakna “Kekejian oleh yang terbaik adalah pelanggaran yang terbesar”. Ungkapan tersebut ramai digunakan ketika menyangkut skandal pelecehan seksual terhadap anak-anak yang terjadi di sejumlah negara (termasuk Australia) di beberapa waktu silam. Sungguh tidak disangka bahwa yang melakukan pelecehan tersebut adalah orang-orang yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai orangorang yang bertabiat baik dan yang telah mengabdikan diri untuk menjalankan perintah Tuhan. Tentu saja pelanggaran ini pun menjadi cerminan akan kezaliman yang dapat dilakukan oleh seseorang tanpa memandang siapapun dirinya dan apapun keyakinannya. Filosof Yunani Aristotle pernah berkata bahwa manusia adalah makhluk sosial. Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak akan pernah terlepas dari orang lain. Hal ini didukung oleh John Done, penyair asal Inggris yang berkata bahwa tidak ada seseorang yang mampu berdiri sendiri bak pulau ditengah laut. Cepat atau lambat, seseorang akan selalu terlibat dengan orang lain dan menjadi tolak ukur orang lain. Ironisnya, tidak selamanya perbuatan yang terpuji akan selalu diacungi jempol. Letnan Jenderal (P) Kiki Shahnakri pernah menuturkan suatu tamsil dalam bentuk sebuah cerita yang sangat menarik dan menggugah. Berikut kisah ceritanya: “Tentara musuh memasuki sebuah desa. Mereka kemudian menodai kehormatan seluruh wanita di desa itu, terlepas dari seorang wanita yang selamat dari penodaan. Dia melawan, membunuh dan kemudian memenggal kepala tentara yang akan menodainya. Ketika




Dia keluar dari rumahnya dengan busana rapat dan bersimbah darah sambil membawa kepala tentara yang terpenggal di tangan kirinya. Para wanita bertanya: “Bagaimana engkau memiliki keberanian untuk melakukan hal itu dan selamat dari bencana ini?” Ia menjawab: “Jika aku harus memilih untuk berjuang membela diri atau mati dalam menjaga kehormatan, aku akan selalu memilih berjuang membela diri.” Para wanita mengaguminya, namun kemudian rasa was-was merambat dalam benak mereka. Bagaimana jika para suami menyalahkan mereka karena tidak melawan seperti wanita pemberani ini. Mereka khawatir sang suami akan bertanya, “Mengapa kalian tidak membela diri seperti wanita itu, bukankah lebih baik mati daripada hidup ternodai?” Kekaguman ketakutan.




Mereka beramai-ramai menyerang wanita pemberani itu dan akhirnya membunuhnya. Ya, mereka membunuh kebenaran agar mereka dapat bertahan hidup dalam aib, dalam kelemahan, dalam ilusi kehormatan bersama. Beginilah keadaan kita saat ini. Orang-orang yang tercela menghina, mengucilkan, menyerang dan bahkan membunuh eksistensi orang-orang yang masih berani menegakkan kebenaran agar hidup mereka tetap terlihat berjalan dengan baik. Walau sesungguhnya penuh aib, dosa, kepalsuan, pengkhianatan, ketidakberdayaan, dan menuju pada kehancuran yang nyata, mereka memilih untuk tetap berpegang kepada pemikiran mereka yang salah. Sebelum terlambat, pastikan Anda berani berpihak kepada KEBENARAN.” Perilaku para perempuan yang

melakukan serangan terhadap rekan mereka yang gigih mempertahankan kehormatannya mengingatkan kita akan penilaian yang pernah dilakukan diktator Adolf Hitler terhadap kemanusiaan. Dalam karyanya, Mein Kampf, Hitler terkesan membalikkan anggapan umum sebelumnya bahwa yang didambakan setiap manusia itu hanyalah “kesenangan, keamanan dan penghindaran dari rasa sakit.” Di dalam bukunya, Hitler menambahkan bahwa manusia tidak hanya mendambakan kenyamanan, keselamatan dan penghindaran dari rasa sakit; manusia juga menghendaki perjuangan dan pengorbanan diri untuk negara dan orang lain. Ketika mengupas ideologi-ideologi seperti kapitalisme dan sosialisme yang menawarkan keamanan dan kesejahteraan hidup, Hitler mengatakan bahwa ideology tersebut hanya akan membawa mara bahaya dan kematian. Sayangnya, di kala Jerman tengah bersusah payah membangun kembali ekonomi negaranya di tengah krisis ekonomi dunia, tidak sedikit orang yang menggandrungi pandangannya. Dengan kekejian dan kekejaman Pol Pot, sulit bagi kita untuk membayangkan dan memahami kenyataan bahwa dirinya juga sangat dikagumi oleh warga Kamboja/Kampuchea ketika dirinya menjabat sebagai perdana menteri negara tersebut di tahun 1976 - 1979. Namun hal ini merupakan suatu bukti lain bahwa manusia tidak selalu berpikir dengan akal yang sehat. Ketika Giuseppe Garibaldi hendak mempersatukan Italia di abad ke-19, dia menyatakan kepada pengikutnya: “Aku sama sekali tidak bisa menawarkan upah, penampungan ataupun makanan. Yang dapat aku tawarkan kepada kalian hanyalah kelaparan, kehausan, perjuangan, pertempuran dan kematian. Biarlah mereka yang cinta dengan tanah airnya menumpahkan darahnya dengan sepenuh hati dan tidak hanya berbuah bibir yang manis-manis. Marilah engkau semua mengikuti aku.” Ketika itu, tanpa memandang kesulitan yang akan dialami, rakyat Italia berduyun-duyun menghadap ke arahnya seraya memekikkan kata “Siap!” kepadanya. Giuseppe Garibaldi pun kemudian terkenal sebagai pahlawan yang berhasil memersatukan Italia. Meskipun Al-Qur’an berfirman, “Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagi kamu dan Dia tidak menghendaki kesulitan bagi kamu…” (QS II: 185), namun banyak manusia yang lebih memilih kesulitan, secara sadar atau tidak sadar. Oleh karena itu, agama pun diperlukan untuk membantu melurukan mereka kembali ke jalan yang benar. Dengan demikian, diharapkan mereka dapat kembali membangun kehidupan yang baru. Ramadhan Mubarak! Wallahu a’lam#

Penulis: Nuim Khaiyath




Discussing the Legacy of

Ibu Raden Adjeng Kartini in Melbourne

The April month of 2019 brings us two special days on the calendar - Easter and Kartini Day. As it so happens, both occasions fall on the same week as well! On 20 April 2019, the Bhinneka room of The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne located at 72 Queens Road was crowded with visitors coming in and out of the room. Ladies donned in colourful and beautiful kebaya and batik thronged the room as they caught up with one another and enjoyed their reunion. The gathering was to commemorate Kartini Day that falls on 21 April every year and to introduce the new members and committees of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) in Melbourne. Aptly themed Kartini-



Kartini Melbourne, the day featured a talk show unpacking the roles and contributions of Indonesian women in Melbourne and what it meant for the community. As the guests settled down and took a seat, the session began with a gamelan performance by members of Dharma Wanita Persatuan. With melodious tune permeating throughout the room, the talk show session would soon start. For the talk show, there were three speakers invited to the discussion: Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa, Dr. Sony R. Simanjuntak and Ms. Elina E. Simbolon. Moderated by Mrs. Karina Fajrin, the talk was in session at promptly 10:00 A.M.

The topic of the talk was on woman emancipation and how it had evolved throughout the year and centuries. Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa chronicled how she has seen the effort of many Indonesian women here in Melbourne in their attempt to give back to the community. It warmed her heart to see the many achievements and hard work put in by Indonesian women here in Melbourne despite being far away from their land of birth. Dr. Sony R. Simanjuntak added by relating the effort of women today and the movement started by Ibu Raden Adjeng Kartini when she first championed education for women in Indonesia. She stated that despite the challenges of being a migrant, one should not be afraid to dream big and should always give back to the community. Ms. Elina E. SImbolon also shared her own journey in breaking new ground. Her fine art journey had seen her using industrial equipment such as pipes and cement in her craft. She hoped that by doing this, she could send a message that women are more than capable of making use of unconventional materials and methods to create something beautiful and meaningful.


Flavour Burst

As the floor was open for Q&A session, audiences were encouraged to ask their burning questions to the speakers. One question stood out among the rest: How is it possible for women in Aceh to pursue their own emancipation given the state law governing women in the province? Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa answered by stating that while it might seem almost impossible due to the state law enforced in Aceh, there might be hope for coming generations should there be more women in the governmental office. Having more women in the governmental office would make the collective voices of women more powerful and there might come a time where the voices would be strong enough to encourage changes in the law. She encouraged women to always motivate their daughters to be

educated and be involved in the law as they will be the one to change the future. Almost immediately, the crowd applauded, lending further credibility to the audiences’ approval of the powerful answer. There is much to learn from a seemingly simple morning talk. So the next time you show up, be sure to ready yourself for a session of wisdom and reflection. Text and Photo: Edward Tanoto




COACH POTATO A Character Building Platform for Youth Empowerment Inspired by her concern in realising young Indonesians’ great potentials in improving themselves for the betterment of the society and of the nation, Siti Mahdaria, or more c o m m o n l y known as Ria, initiated Coach Potato. Coach Potato is a social enterprise which focuses on the empowerment of young Indonesians, particularly in the latter’s character building efforts. Currently, there are three main programmes conducted by Coach Potato: mentoring, training, and workshop. The mentoring will provide students with industrial skills and expertise; the training will focus on leadership, networking, and public speaking; and the workshop will be about essay writing and CV writing. The inspiration for Coach Potato was sparked when Ria first observed that many young Indonesians do not realise their own potentials. Some of them even said that they felt that they do not have any potential worth developing in the first place. Having observed this pessimism permeating amongst the youth, Ria managed to develop a medium to help these young people find and believe in their dormant potentials.



She started by setting up an Instagram account for Coach Potato and sharing her concerns with her friends. Soon afterwards, she found two of her friends, Annirrahmah and Barita Bram, having the same interest. The three of them then created a mentoring program for Indonesian youths who wished to pursue a global educational experience. The initiative itself was a huge success. They received 54 applicants in a short timeframe of two weeks since they first run the program. Out of all 54 applicants, 15 of them were selected to participate in the program. After 12 weeks of mentorship program, they received the good news that one of the mentees was awarded a scholarship from Erasmus to continue her master degree in Europe. This good news came while the other 14 were still waiting for their scholarship application results. It was during this time that Tartil Baiq, Titus Restuaji and Yanri Ramdhano joined the team and made the team even stronger. For you who may be wondering why the programme is called “Coach Potato”, Ria explained during the interview that “It’s actually a word-play of Couch Potato, a term to describe a lazy person. While potato is a source of energy, it becomes less valuable when left unexposed to any further value-adding process. It will increase in value if we process it into our favourite food.” Guided by this philosophy, Coach Potato wants to be a medium enabling young Indonesians to transform themselves into better individuals. It is about nurturing them into developing noble characters, selfconfidence and being able to contribute to their nation.


Ria herself was born in a small village in Muara Dua, South Sumatra. Growing up, she witnessed many intelligent youngsters chained by the practice of an early marriage. Despite the intelligence of the many young people in the village, they had no access to better education, or even adequate information for them to be educated in the first place. She also observed a gaslighting tendency practised by the community, a phenomenon she described as a psychological attempt by someone in trying to convince another that he/she is worth nothing. She believed that there should be an intervention to help them acknowledge the many opportunities for their self and community development. She thought that this movement should start with university students living in the urban area with wider access to better education. Today, she hopes that the young educated students will help their fellow youths living in the rural area in providing greater access to education and self-improvement.

There are two groups which are actively participating in the Coach Potato’s programmes – mentors and mentees. The mentors do not have to be restricted to Indonesian based mentors as well. There are mentors from around the world, including Thailand and Turkey. The current mentors include Annirrahman, Tartil Baiq, Barita Bram, Ibrahim Malik, and Ria herself who regularly meet at Melbourne University to discuss further plans in carrying out Coach Potato’s programmes. Currently, Coach Potato aspires to, at least, keep its presence. It is always open to those who want to join the programmes, either as mentees or mentors. The programmes aim to facilitate knowledge transfer from mentors to mentees, with the goal of helping them be more confident with their

potentials, become a wise executors, while simultaneously setting milestones for the mentees to achieve. To join Coach Potato as a mentee, candidate first needs to pass a selection process. The selection process includes the submission of documents, a selfintroduction video and an interview process. Coach Potato is also open to everyone who wants to join as mentors. The selection for mentors will focus on Coach Potato’s needs and effectiveness. Text: Titus Restuaji Photo: Personal Documentation

Ria sees the wide gap in education access among Indonesian youths as a cause for concern. She believes that it is essential for young people to contribute to the betterment of Indonesia’s education, a belief that is currently met with three problems: the quality of the teachers or educators, classroom design, and curriculum. However, these are also the areas where youths are able to utilise their knowledge and change the status quo. One of the advantages that Indonesia has nowadays is the youth-dominated demographic posture. Young people should thus be the main thrust for the development of different sectors – including education. One of the ways that they can contribute is by sharing their knowledge to fellow youths via the volunteering programme.

ozip.com.au ozip.com.au



870 Temporary Sponsored Parent (TSPV) visa - 17 April 2019 • have a minimum household taxable income threshold of $83,454.80 • have no debts to the Commonwealth or outstanding public health debts • the family sponsor must be approved before the visa application can be lodged.

Temporary Sponsored Visa features • Limited to 15,000 visas per year • Maximum 10 years cumulative stay permitted • Parent not required to depart during validity of the visa • Multiple entries permitted • May be eligible for a second TSPV, however, sponsor must also re-apply to be family sponsor • Must leave Australia for 90 consecutive days before making the second TSPV application, although sponsor can request the applicant be permitted to lodge onshore in specific circumstances • Condition 8103 - ‘no work’ will be applied to the visa Application charges • Sponsorship - $420 • Three year validity visa - $5000, with first instalment $1,000 and second instalment prior to visa grant of $4,000 • Five year validity - $10,000, with first instalment $1,000 and second instalment prior to visa grant of $9,000 Family sponsorship framework The parent sponsor must be: • at least 18 years old • be the biological, adoptive, or step child of the parent, may also include the parent of a deceased spouse or de facto parent • be an Australian citizens, PR or eligible NZ citizen and not be an ineligible sponsor • only sponsor two parents at any one time



Sponsorship obligations of the parent sponsor Obligations remain in effect for the life of the visa and beyond in some cases, and include: • liability for any outstanding public health debts incurred by the parent before they depart Australia or are granted a permanent visa.to support sponsored parents financially and provide accommodation • to keep and provide records when requested • to notify the Department when certain events occur e.g. if the sponsor is charge with or convicted of an offence, becomes the subject of an AVO or incurs a debt to the Commonwealth • prior to sponsorship approval, agree to disclose the sponsor’s criminal or family violence history or conviction to the sponsored parent. • agree to sharing of information with other Commonwealth and State and Territory agencies Other features and requirements • sponsored parent must also have genuine access to funds sufficient to meet the costs and expenses of their intended stay in Australia (NB amount not yet specified) • no balance of family test will be applied • no sponsorship bond will be required • sponsored parents will be required to maintain adequate health insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia • sponsors will be required to pay in full any outstanding public health debts incurred by their parent • the sponsored parent will also be required to disclose any criminal history particularly offences related to family violence

• sponsorship or visa refusal will be reviewable - Part 5- reviewable decisions under s338 of the Migration Act Not a pathway to permanent residence To prevent this visa being used as a pathway to permanent residency, Subclass 870 visa holders or previous holders who have not departed Australia, are prevented from applying for the following visas: • Parent – Class AX • Aged Parent – Class BP • Contributory Parent – Class CA • Contributory Aged Parent – Class DG • Contributory Parent (temporary) – Class UT This article is written only as general information from information from the Migration Institute of Australia until 30 April 2019 and not as a substitute for immigration advice. If you need more accurate information about the possibility of obtaining an Australian visa, you can contact Yapit Japoetra, MARN 0213101 (YNJ Migration Consultants) at (03) 9650 0895 or other registered migration agents. Yapit Japoetra (MARN 0213101) is a registered migration agent since 2002 from Indonesia and has more than 16 years of experience in immigration law and can assist you in visa application process or provide advice on how to obtain permanent resident and other visas in Australia. For more information, please contact Yapit Japoetra at YNJ Migration Consultants at (03) 9650 0895 or email yapit@tpg.com.au. Yapit Japoetra – MARN 0213101 - YNJ Migration Consultants




Enam Penyebab Kegagalan dan Solusinya Ada sebuah pepatah yang berbunyi “Kegagalan adalah sumber kekuatan untuk meraih kesuksesan”. Saya setuju, sebab dengan adanya kegagalan, solusi kemudian dapat dicari dan Anda pun menjadi kian terdorong untuk memoles diri dan menjadi lebih baik lagi. Namun dalam beberapa kasus, jika kegagalan terus berulang dengan corak yang hampir sama, berarti ada “sesuatu yang salah”. Apa saja? Bagaimana solusinya? Bagi Anda yang tidak tahu sebabnya, mungkin beberapa factor di bawah dapat menjadi alasan yang dicari: Ketidaktahuan Sering kali, seseorang menerjemahkan pepatah semacam, “Gantungkan citacitamu setinggi langit”, dengan hanya menetapkan cita-citanya yang tinggi tanpa pernah tahu usaha spesifik yang semestinya dilakukan. Ketidaktahuan semacam itu bisa diatasi dengan cara mencari mentor yang sudah terbukti sukses. Pelajari apa yang sudah dilakukannya dan minta nasihatnya untuk dijalankan. Seorang mentor akan memberikan solusi dan strategi yang harus dilakukan dalam perjalanan menuju kesuksesan diri sendiri. Namun Anda juga tidak harus selalu bulatbulat menerima sarannya karena ada kalanya syarat-syarat menuju kesuksesan Anda dan mentor Anda berbeda. Karena itu carilah orang sukses lain yang juga bisa dijadikan mentor. Semakin banyak mentor yang Anda miliki, semakin besar kesempatan Anda untuk turut sukses. Carilah kesamaan-kesamaan tertentu yang telah mereka tempuh dan terapkanlah kebiasaan-kebiasaan tersebut.



Misalnya, jika Anda ingin mengukir prestasi sebagai penulis buku yang sukses, cari tahulah apa yang dilakukan oleh mereka yang telah berhasil mencapai prestasi tersebut. Ingatlah kebiasaan apa yang mereka lakukan dalam perjalanan mengukir pencapaian mereka. Jika Anda ingin menjadi seorang atlet yang sukses, tirulah apa yang dilakukan atlet-atlet sukses. Ikutilah cara latihan, kebiasaan latihan, kerja keras dan dedikasi mereka. Menemukan seorang mentor tidak selalu harus dilakukan secara langsung. Anda bisa juga menemukan teladan Anda dengan membaca riwayat hidupnya atau karyakaryanya secara mendetail. Kurang Berambisi Setiap orang memiliki kemampuan untuk menjadi orang yang sukses. Namun, sebelum seseorang dapat mengukir prestasinya, dia harus pertama menemukan passion yang cocok untuk dirinya. Passion inilah yang akan menjadi factor pendorong prestasi dan menjadi perbedaan antara yang mungkin dan yang tidak mungkin. Dengan adanya passion atau ambisi ini, seseorang juga akan senantiasa terdorong untuk bekerja lebih keras dan lebih lama dari biasanya. Passion juga dapat menjadi inspirasi dalam mengembangkan ide-ide kreatif, serta memberikan keyakinan kuat dalam mengatasi berbagai hambatan menuju kesuksesan. Bagaimana caranya agar seseorang memiliki dorongan ambisi yang kuat? Pertama-tama, temukanlah tujuan hidup yang ingin Anda capai. Untuk menemukan tujuan hidup tersebut, pelajarilah apa yang Anda inginkan, apa yang Anda sukai, apa yang baik bagi Anda, apa yang suka Anda bicarakan, apa yang akan Anda lakukan di waktu senggang sampai akhirnya Anda menemukan apa tujuan hidup Anda. Selanjutnya, kembangkanlah keinginan dan semangat bekerja keras serta tekad yang kuat. Kurang Yakin Alasan ketiga mengapa seseorang gagal adalah kurangnya keyakinan terhadap diri sendiri. Dengan kata lain, di dalam hati mereka, tersimpan ketidakpercayaan bahwa mereka bisa berhasil. Dalam meraih kesuksesan, seseorang harus memiliki keyakinan penuh. Keyakinan bukan hanya semata-mata berharap agar sukses atau hanya duduk berdoa disertai dengan usaha yang berarti. Keyakinan adalah kepastian akan keberhasilan diri sendiri tanpa harus bergantung kepada orang lain. Kepercayaan diri inilah yang akan menjadi faktor pendorong kesuksesan seseorang.

Orang yang memiliki keyakinan tidak akan melihat orang sukses sebagai seorang dewa. Mereka akan melihat orang sukses sebagai seorang “pemimpin” yang telah sampai lebih dulu di saat yang lain tengah beramai-ramai berlomba menempuh jalan menuju kesuksesan. Untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, Anda dapat melakukan visualisasi kesuksesan Anda sendiri. Sugesti semacam ini akan membantu menumbukan keyakinan diri Anda terhadap diri Anda sendiri. Waktu yang Kurang Tepat Kegagalan pun dapat terjadi karena waktu yang kurang tepat atau kesempatan yang belum matang. Masih ingatkah Anda bahwa ketika Internet menjadi sensasi dunia yang baru, semua orang turut berbondong-bondong mencoba peruntungan di bisnis dunia maya? Akibatnya, karena sekadar melihat “emas” di bisnis ini, tanpa mengetahui cara meraup keuntungan darinya, banyak bisnis yang bangkrut karena tidak mampu mendukung infrastruktur yang diperlukan. Lantas, apa yang terjadi saat ini? Seraya belajar dari kegagalan masa lalu, banyak perusahaan dunia maya (online) yang kembali bermunculan berbekal konsep yang lebih baik dan dasar yang lebih kuat. Cara yang Dilakukan Cenderung Salah Jikalau Anda sudah berusaha keras, berjuang dengan segenap usaha, namun belum mampu meraup hasil yang maksimal, mungkin cara Anda ada yang salah. Jika Anda gagal karena kesalahan sendiri, dengan evaluasi menyeluruh, Anda akan bisa mengoreksi kesalahan tersebut. Jika benar-benar diperbaiki, kegagalan yang terjadi akan jadi sumber inspirasi untuk meraih sukses sejati. Kurang Ulet Penyebab kegagalan yang paling sering dilakukan—disadari atau tidak—adalah karena kurang ulet. Banyak orang yang justru menyerah di saat kesuksesan sudah di depan mata. Padahal, hanya dengan menahan diri sekeras mungkin dan dengan berjuang sekali lagi, pintu sukses pun akan terbuka. Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh James J. Corbett, sang juara tinju kelas berat dunia, “Orang yang bertarung satu ronde lagi, tidak pernah bisa dikalahkan!” Semoga bermanfaat. Salam sukses luar biasa!

Andrie Wongso


easy ways

to make your business environmentally friendly

These days, there’s an increasing focus on reducing our environmental impact. Many businesses offer recycling programs and even have composting, while some companies encourage carpooling, offer parking spaces for hybrid vehicles, or move their operations into environmentally friendly buildings.

save energy and save your business money. Conference rooms, for example, often have lights on all the time but are frequently empty. Bonus idea: If you can’t switch to sensors, switch to energy efficient light bulbs. It’s an easy switch that will save you money and help the environment.

There are many things you can do as a business owner to make your business more environmentally friendly, but it’s important to take steps that represent permanent change rather than doing something large that winds up being unsustainable for your business or employees.

4. Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products Your office must be kept clean, but that doesn’t mean you have to use toxic chemicals to do so. There are many natural cleaning products out there that aren’t expensive and still do an excellent job. Plus, they make your office smell fantastic. Bonus idea: If you have a cleaning service, ask if they use environmentally friendly products. If they don’t, ask if they’ll use the products you provide, or switch to an environmentally friendly company.

Here are four small changes you can make that have a huge environmental impact, without altering your parking structure or moving to a new building across town: 1. Buy reusable pens Straws and plastic bags aren’t the only items that clog up the environment. Millions of disposable pens are thrown away every year. We wouldn’t suggest you stop writing altogether—although it would also cut back on paper use— but switching to reusable pens has a massive impact on the environment. First, by reusing pens you’re preventing disposable pens from winding up in landfills. Second, refilling the ink involves less packaging than buying new pens, further saving the environment. There’s a bonus for your business, too. Although at first reusable pens are pricier than disposable pens, in the long run it’s less expensive to refill them than it is to buy new disposable writing implements. You’ll save money and help the environment at the same time. Bonus idea: stop using disposable kitchenware. 2. Conserve energy People think that computers that are on stand-by (or in sleep mode) don’t use any electricity. They do. Turning computers off for the night saves your company energy. It might take a few moments to get the computers started in the morning, but you’ll be saving money by not paying for electricity to keep the computers on overnight or on the weekends. Even better, unplug workstations so your business isn’t drawing phantom power while no one is there. Bonus idea: Make sure other electrical items are also shut off or unplugged when not in use. Coffee makers are frequently left on even if no one is around to use them. 3. Invest in sensors If your business can afford it, investing in sensor-activated lights for your bathroom, kitchen or communal spaces will

Final thoughts Your company’s environmental impact can easily be reduced with a few easy steps. Not only do these steps help the environment, they often have an added bonus of saving your business money, improving employee health and impressing your customers. These changes are also small enough that they’re sustainable. You’re not asking anyone to change ingrained habits or alter their lifestyle. With so many potential bonuses, there’s no reason not to make some environmentally friendly changes to your business today. Contributor: Virda Ersan MPA Disclaimer: The Materials are provided for general information purposes only and are not intended as professional advice and should not be substituted for, or replace, such professional advice.

E virdaersan@seaaccountants.com.au P 03 9689 8895 M 0434 378 718 A 17/31 Queen Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 ( With Appointment Only)




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Tidak hanya kepopuleran film The Hobbit yang mendorong saya untuk berpetualang ke New Zealand. Keindahan salju di The North dalam film Game of Throne juga membuat saya berhasrat untuk mencari setting serupa. Meski New Zealand bukan lokasi syuting Game of Throne, tetapi teman-teman bisa merasakan nuansa serupa yang dipenuhi salju dan es biru di banyak kawasan di New Zealand. Saya pun memutuskan untuk mengunjungi Franz Josef.



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Franz Josef diapit di sebelah Barat oleh Pegunungan Alpen Selatan dan di sebelah Timur oleh Laut Tasman, wilayah Pantai Barat adalah hamparan tanah dan hutan asli yang terjal, danau, gunung, tanah pertanian, garis pantai liar membuat pemandangan di sekitar Franz Josef sangat indah. Penjelajahan langsung dengan helicopter membuat Anda mampu melihat yang biasanya hanya dilihat oleh para pendaki gunung berpengalaman. Gletser yang mengalir, Perbukitan terjal, dan Gunung es menjadi pemandangan yang tidak terlupakan.

Total durasi dari proses persiapan penerbangan hingga pendaratan kembali adalah 3 jam. Berangkat dan kembali dari Pangkalan Helicopter Line yang terletak di Main Road (State Highway 6), Gletser Franz Josef, 7856. Tur hiking ini biasanya berangkat pada pukul 09:30 pagi, 12 siang, dan 14:30 (Musim Panas Oktober-Apr) dan 11:00 & 13:30 (Musim Dingin Mei-September). Petualangan tak terlupakan ini dibandrol dengan harga $ 469,00 untuk dewasa usia 15 tahun ke atas dan $ 439,00 untuk anak usia 8 hingga 14 tahun. Sangat disarankan bagi para pengunjung untuk membeli tiket online jauh hari sebelum hari tur. Tingginya peminat petualangan ini yang hanya didukung oleh dua agen penerbangan helicopter,

TRAVEL dikhawatirkan Anda akan kehabisan tiket. Sehingga Anda terpaksa harus memperpanjang stay Anda disana. Saya mengunjungi Desa Franz Josef pada musim semi di bulan November dan telah membeli tiket satu minggu sebelum perjalanan. Begitu sampai di lokasi, saya sempat khawatir dengan suhu di atas gunung es tersebut. “Akan sedingin apakah?� pikirku. Meski ada kekhawatiran bahwa akan sangat dingin untuk hiking di daerah gunung es, ternyata suhu diatas gunung es ini sama dengan suhu desa di bawah gunung. Beberapa diantara kami bahkan belum diberi jaket tambahan sebelum terbang. Kami diberi pinjaman sepatu, kaos kaki, celana, tas, dan lain-lain sesaat sebelum briefing penerangan. Namun hanya beberapa diantara kami yang memperoleh jaket sebelum penerbangan. Dari pangkalan Desa Franz Josef, kami terbang ke Gletser Franz Josef di Taman Nasional Westland. Kami mendarat di bagian gletser sepanjang 12 km dimana telah dinilai keamanan

kondisi aliran es yang bergerak cepat ini. Dilengkapi dengan jaket, sepatu bot gletser, dan crampon, kami berjalan selama dua jam di antara formasi es dan di dekat puncak gunung. Kami menyaksikan langsung warna-warna luar biasa dari aliran es. Menelusuri goa es biru yang terbentuk dari endapan salju yang terbangnn dalam periode tertentu menjadi tantangan tersendiri yang sangat mengasyikkan. Yang tidak kalah menarik adalah kesegaran udara yang kami hirup di area pegunungan es tersebut. Kami ditemani oleh dua pemandu Gletser Franz Josef yang berpengalaman. Kami dibawa melewati medan es yang luar biasa ini. Mereka memiliki catatan keselamatan yang sempurna dan menggunakan peralatan berkualitas yang menjamin keselamatan dan kesenangan Anda selama hiking. Teks dan foto: Siti Mahdaria




Semangat memilih, sukseskan Pemilu! Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2019 tentu merupakan sebuah momen yang tidak mudah terlupakan. Meskipun hanya datang sekali dalam lima tahun, Pemilu tetap menjadi topik pembicaraan yang seru dan hangat. Suasana Pemilu sendiri juga menjadi suatu pengalaman yang berbeda dari yang lain, dimana masyarakat Indonesia beramai-ramai berbaris dan menunggu giliran untuk menyuarakan pilihan mereka sembari berbincang dengan sobat dan kawan-kawan lama. Bahkan setelah proses Pemilu 2019 selesai, masyrakat kini masih dengan antusias menanti hasil akhir dari penghitungan suara real count Pemilu 2019 yang rencananya akan diumumkan oleh KPU pada tanggal 22 Mei 2019. Oleh karena itu, sembari menunggu hasil akhir, silahkan Anda menikmati foto-foto keramaian suasana Pemilu 2019, melalui Galeri OZIP ini! Teks: Edward Tanoto Photo: Grace Art







Garam Kitchen

The Heavenly Padang

Founded by Mrs. Fani, Mr. Johan and two other silent founders, Garam Kitchen first opened its door to the public on 25th January 2019. Located at 4/51 Buckley St, Noble Park, Garam Kitchen satisfies the nostalgic and homely craving of local residents by wafting the fragrant scent of Padang cuisine in the air. As you pass by the transparent windows of the store, you will see steam forming on the metal tray inside the store. Coming inside, you can already smell the spiciness in the air. Once you do, you find that you simply cannot help yourself from craving a mouthful of the delicious selection of culinary delight laid bare before you. You learn that the culinary experience is so much more than mere taste – it is also about the ambiance of the store and the scent of the food itself. You may have acknowledged the former one as being critical, but now you find that the latter is just as – if not more – important.



The good news is that you will be able to point and choose different selections of food to complement your rice from the metal tray. As you take the first bite, you find that the explosion of flavour makes the whole culinary experience even more memorable. The saltiness of the curry, the crunchiness of the chicken and the juiciness of the vegetables all make for a mouthwatering combination that you never thought possible. Of course, if you are new to Padang food, you can always take it easy and go for a selection of recommended food for starters. You can always go easy with nasi goreng before slowly trying out the kari kikil, sate lontong and bakso sapi. In case you are wondering, they are also 100% certified Halal so you do not have to worry about dietary restriction when you visit and eat. Aside from the rich menu and affordable price, Garam Kitchen receives another plus point for being located close to the

park. Right in front of the restaurant is a slide for your children to play around with. Mrs. Fani said that the slide is especially popular for families coming over to eat during the weekend. They will usually bring their kids along and take their time in enjoying the food and the view of the place whilst their children play by the slide. Being the only restaurant serving Padang cuisine in the Noble Park area, it seems inevitable that their restaurant eventually come to attract many Padang food lovers residing around the Noble Park suburb. If you are new to the Indonesian Padang cuisine, you can also talk about your preferred palate to Mrs. Fani. Garam Kitchen aims to cater to each of its customers’ individual taste so you can always tell her more on how you would like your food be made. She will be more than

FOOD REVIEW happy to customize your order to ensure your satisfaction. Her friendliness and willingness to share with every customer makes the whole culinary experience even better as you get to learn more about Padang food from the very experts who make them. You are there as a learner and a student, not just a customer. When asked if there was ever any concern about her recipe being copied by other people upon sharing, she smiled and said that she believed in helping others find their passion first and foremost. While other restaurants might guide their recipe with intense fervour, she took joy in helping others learn what they love – even if what they love included cooking her own menu. Her humbleness is admirable indeed. Garam Kitchen is open 7 days a week from 11:30 A.M. in the morning to 9:00 P.M. in the evening. So if you ever feel like a craving for some evening homemade food and you do not know where to go, you should consider adding Garam Kitchen into your list. Text: Edward Tanoto Photo: Devina Krismarina



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GARUDA INDONESIA A Lev 1, 30 Collins St, Melb VIC 3000 T 1300 365 330 F 1300 365 364

SEA Accountant Registered Tax Agent & Public Accountant A 17/31 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 T 03 9689 8895 M 0434 378 718 E virdaersan@seaaccountants.com.au

IKAWIRIA INC (IKATAN WARGA INDONESIA DI VICTORIA) PO BOX 479, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150 T 9803 8388 F 9802 6996

KILLINEY KOPI TIAM 114 Lgon St., Carlton (03) 9650 9980

AR HOMELOANS 2 EDINBURGH ST, CLAYTON VIC 3168 T +613 8510 9847 M 0450 420 908 and 0401 255 655 F +613 9478 0195


EXTRAGREEN City Head Office / T 9623 9900 A 260 Swanston St, Melb VIC 3000 Glen Waverley / T 9561 0311 A Shop 3, 53 Kingsway, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 Box Hill / T 9899 2788 A 537 Station St Box Hill 3128 W www.extragreen.com E enquiries@extragreen.com.au EXTRA TRAVEL 4 Ashburn Grove Ashburton VIC 3147 T 9885 0008 E info@extratravel.com.au W www.extratravel.com.au

BEAUTY SALON CANTIQUE SKIN & BEAUTY CLINIC A172 Harcrest Blvd Wantirna South 3152 T 9755 6846 M 0413 770 929 CHURCHES/FELLOWSHIPS KOOYONG: Gereja Indonesia Anglican 466 Glenferrie Road Kooyong 3122 Church Service & Sunday School : hari Minggu jam 12 siang Reverend Kuncoro Rusman ph: 0408570967 e: kuncoro@rusman.com.au END-TIME CHURCH OF CHRIST A Cnr. Willesdan Rd & Warrigal Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166 M 0402 124 037 Emmanuel Baptist Church Kebaktian Minggu: 10.30 am - 12.30 pm 524-530 Elizabeth St., Melbourne Sony: 0425840823 Elvi: 0413557202 4:00pm - 5:30pm : 2 Lum Road, Wheelers Hill Pdt. Victor Liu: 0416621226 ENSAMPLE CHURCH - GEREJA KELUARGA KRISTEN INDONESIA Sunday Service & Sunday School 11am 224 Danks St Albert Park Vic 3206 Contact Ruth +61468392337 GEREJA BETHANY INTERNATIONAL A 29-37 Ballantyne Street, South Melbourne T 03 9699 9077 W www.bethanymelb.org.au GEREJA REFORMED INJILI INDONESIA 552 City Road, South Melbourne-VIC 3205 Sunday Service: 10am (Interpreter provided) English Service: 4pm (starts: March 5, 2017) Sunday School: 10am Persekutuan Doa: Rabu 7pm Persekutuan Pemuda: Sabtu 2pm Persekutuan Dewasa Muda: Week1&3 4.30PM Pdt. Budy Setiawan, M.Div 0433 944 584 www.griimelbourne.org INDONESIAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH (ICC) Kebaktian pagi Bahasa Indonesia: Minggu, 10.30.am Werner Brodback Hall 156 Collin St, VIC 3000 M 0402 310 402 W www.icc-melbourne.org INDONESIAN PRAISE CENTRE (IPC) A 514 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield North 3161 Melway Ref 59B10 Pendeta: Rev Agus Budiman M 0405 757 580 W www.ipc-online.net KELUARGA KATOLIK INDONESIA Gereja St. Joseph Setiap minggu kedua 11.00am A 95 Strokes St, Port Melb, VIC 3207 Gereja St. Pascal Setiap minggu keempat 11.00am A 98-100 Albion Rd, Box Hill 3128 M 0405 282 261 (Heru) Melbourne Praise Centre 1536 Malvern Road Glen Iris VIC 3146 www.melbournepraisecentre.org.au PLACE OF JOY (POJ) Sunday 11.00am Victoria University Conference Room Lv 12 A 300 Flinders St, Melb, VIC 3000 M 0431 155 886 (Pastor Yuwandi) W www.placeofjoymelbourne.org REPLIQUE INDONESIAN CHURCH Indonesian Campus Ministries Basement, 58 Franklin St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Kebaktian Minggu: 10.30 pagi Fellowship Jumat: 6.00 sore info@repliqueministry.org SIDANG BAPTIS INDONESIA (Indonesian Baptist Congregation) Sunday Service : 4.30pm A 517 Whitehorse Rd, Surrey Hills VIC 3127 W www.sbimelbourne.org.au E bpi@sbimelbourne.org.au

COMMUNITY NETWORK T 9679 9672 F 9679 9684 M 0405 282 261 E robert_prasetyo@yahoo.com.au YC FINANCES T 9830 8010 F 9830 8381 W www.ycfinance.com.au E info@ycfinance.com.au FREIGHT ALLTRANS INDO CARGO A 19 Cresswell Avenue, Williams Landing, VIC 3027 M 0401 586 721 / 0408 334 418 (Indria) P/F (03) 8360 9848 W www.alltransindocargo.com.au E info@alltransindocargo.com.au UNIAIR CARGO AUSTRALIA - MELBOURNE A Unit 6 / 25 Osarry St, Mascot, NSW 2020 M 0402 689 100 (Inge) W www.uniaircargo.com.au E melbourne@uniaircargo.com.au

INDONESIAN EMBASSY KEDUTAAN BESAR RI UTK AUSTRALIA A 8 Darwin Avenue, Yarralumia, ACT 2600 T 02 6250 8600 W www.kbri-canberra.org.au KONSULAT JENDERAL RI UNTUK VICTORIA & TASMANIA A 72 Queens Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004 T 03 9525 2755 W www.kjri-melbourne.org KONSULAT JENDERAL RI UNTUK NSW A 236-238 Maroubra Rd, Maroubra, NSW 2035 T 02 9344 9933 W www.kjri-sydney.org

PERWIRA INC. (Perhimpunan Warga Indonesia di Victoria Inc) PO BOX 71, Nunawading 3131 T 9701 5238 W www.perwira.com.au E info@perwira.com.au REAL ESTATES iPROPERTY Gus Koesasih A Suite 307/227 Colliins St., Melbourne VIC 3000 T 9639 9280 M 0430 888 838 LOCKSMITHS JULIUS LOCKSMITH AND HANDYMAN 24 hours service, MLAA member Free quote, Lock out T 9530 9326 M 0407 543 798 (Julius) TRANSLATORS DR. RON WITTON (Indonesia-Inggris) A: 22 Moore St, Austinmer, NSW 2515 M: 0409399 752 E: rwitton44@gmail.com Web: http://ronwitton.blogspot.com.au/ EXPRESS TRANSLATION - SEHARI JADI Ratri Kumudawati - NAATI accreditation Level 3 1 Ironbark Grove Bella Vista (Sydney) NSW 2153 M 0414 957 181 E: indooz@iinet.net.au THOMAS HARDING (NAATI Indonesia – Inggris) A 8 Market Street Kensington Victoria 3031 M 0401233053 E thomasindo@bigpond.com

Shalom Indo Restaurant 474 Little Lonsdale St. Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph 9600 0802 Thaiger Rabbit 391 Victoria St. Abbotsford, VIC 3067 (03) 9077 5891 Pondok Bamboe Kuning 354 Clayton Road, Clayton, VIC 3168 (03) 9544 2466 Nelayan Indonesian Restaurant 265 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 9663 5886 768 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn, VIC 3122 (03) 9819 3115 Chokolait Shop 342 - Level 3, Emporium 287 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 (03) 9662 4235 West Wok Shop 11, Campbellfield Plaza 1434 Sydney Road, Campbellfield 3061 (03) 9359 2619 DENTIST Dr. Salim Sjaifuddin 1122 Burke Rd, Balwyn North VIC 3104 T 9859 3533 W www.beautifulsmile.com.au E info@beautifulsmile.com.au The Dental Suites Dr Donny Mandrawa Balwyn, ph 98579966 Point Cook, ph: 9395 8388 Grey Street Dentist Casa Milano Building, 20 Grey Street, St Kilda, Melbourne T (03) 9534 4017 E greydentist@gmail.com Q1 DENTAL St. Kilda Rd Towers, Level 1, suite 137 1 Queens Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004 T 9078 1955

MIGRATION AGENTS YNJ MIGRATION CONSULTANT Suite 905, Level 9, 227 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 T 9650 0895 M 0430 588 899 E yapit@tpg.com.au JKN MIGRATION CONSULTANT Level 3, Suite 312/343 Little Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T 03 9008 9696 M 0404 284 500 E jimmy@jknmigration.com.au MOSQUE A 660 Sydney Rd, Brunswick 3056 Melway Ref:29H6 T 9386 8423 A 19 Michael St, Brunswick 3056 Melway Ref: 29G9 T 9387 8783 / 9387 1700 A 31 Nicholson St, Coburg 3058 Melway Ref: 29K4 T 9386 5324 M 0438 194 640 A 201 Sayers Rd, Truganina 3030 Melway Ref: 203C7 T 9369 6010 A 320-324 Huntingdale Rd, Huntingdale 3167 Melway Ref: 69J10-J11 T 9543 8037 M 0409 313 786 A Hudson Circuit, Meadow Heights 3048 Melway Ref: 179H12 A 66-68 Jeffcott St, West Melb 3003 Melway Ref: 2EK2 43E7 T 9328 2067 / 9328 2382 A 90 Cramer St, Preston 3072 Melway Re: 18D12 T 9470 5936 / 9470 2424 CAR MAINTENANCE Pro R 10/11 Swift Way Dandenong South Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1pm 0413 526 614


DATE OF BIRTH: 17 January 1974 HEIGHT: 175cm BUILD: Thin EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown COMPLEXION: Fair

Michael OSBORNE failed to appear at the Horsham Magistrates Court on Monday, 21 May 2018 for an alleged theft offence. One warrant has been issued for the arrest of the 45-year-old. MELVILLE is known to frequent the Horsham and Shepparton areas. (Reference number: WTD1609) If you know something, say something. Report information confidentially to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.

THEFT/ DECEPTION – BROADMEADOWS & ROXBURGH PARK – SEPTEMBER 2018 Police are seeking to identify a man after an alleged theft and multiple alleged deceptions in Broadmeadows and Roxburgh Park in October 2018. Allegedly, the credit card was stolen from an elderly resident of a nursing home in Safety Beach in September 2018. In October 2018, the man allegedly used the stolen credit card at various ATMs in the Broadmeadows and Roxburgh Park areas. Police have released CCTV images of a man whom they believe may be able to assist in their inquiries. The man is perceived to be Caucasian in appearance, aged in his late 30’s to early 40’s and with a solid build. He was wearing the same ‘Adidas’ black jacket with two white stripes down the side and either a black or bright pink cap each time. On one occasion he had a young girl with him. On another occasion he had been riding a distinctive black mountain bike with an oversized front wheel hub and a bag that hangs from the top bar.

EDUCATION AGENT NEXT LINK Level 3, Suite 312/343 Little Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T 03 9077 6622 ozip.com.au E info@nlstudy.com.au





Basa-Basi AIYA: Looking Back at the 2019 General Election Herb Feith Professor for the Study of Indonesia, Director of Monash Herb Feith Indonesian Engagement Centre and the author of Identity and Pleasure; the politics of Indonesian screen culture, Singapore: NUS Press (2014). He has been around since the reign of Indonesia’s first president, Ir. Soekarno, and has witnessed the growth and development of Indonesia since it was first founded in 1945. Ms. Helen Brown is the Digital Economy Fellow for the Australia-Indonesia Centre, the Managing Director of Bisnis Asia and the former senior journalist from ABC News. Her insight on the general election has been focused on the media coverage of the general election, both in Australia and Indonesia.

With the recent general election completed, we are all eager waiting for the result on who will be our president for 2019 – 2024. As we wait for the news, it is prudent to also look back at how the 2019 general election fares when compared to the previous 2009 election, especially on what has changed and how it has come to affect the mood and enthusiasm for the 2019 general election. Indeed, this very topic became the focus of Basa-Basi: The Analysis of Indonesia Election organised by AIYA (Australia Indonesian Youth Association). Held on the eighth floor of Building S Monash University Caulfield Campus at 900 Dandenong Road Caulfield East 3145, the seat was quickly filled as students started cramming into the discussion space. With the speakers ready and seated, the evening talk thus began. The speakers for the evening included Dr. Ariel Heryanto and Ms. Helen Brown. Dr. Ariel Heryanto has been involved in numerous works, including being the



The first question was regarding the 85% participation rate of the Indonesian citizen in the election – does this number indicate an improvement or does it actually indicate a decline in participation rate for the recent general election? Dr. Ariel commented that the participation rate had always been 85% even from the past so it had not been much of a surprise. The question then continued – how had the 2019 general election been when compared to the one in 2014? Dr. Ariel answered that compared to 2014 when President Joko Widodo was a new emerging face in the world of politics, the public has now had an inkling on what to expect for his next term should he succeed. Ms. Helen added that compared to 2014, there seemed to be increasing online activities surrounding the election when monitoring the social media in Indonesia. This could potentially cause rumors and inaccurate word-of-mouth to

spread more quickly than ever before. Both Dr. Ariel and Ms. Helen agreed that the polarization propagated by social media regarding the 2019 general election might actually be an overestimation on what it truly was in reality. With the rising use of online platform by the mass, selective filtering of false information became ever important for the public. When asked about the rising importance of Islam in Indonesian politics, both Dr. Ariel and Ms. Helen cited that it could be interesting to see how Islam could act as a constructive force in the Indonesian politics. Citing president Soekarno’s three pillars of guided democracy, NASAKOM, religion (agama) is one of the three pillars. They both affirmed that the presence of Islam could be a potential game changer for the political climate in Indonesia. As the evening drew late and the talk continued, the message of the evening was clear – we can only hope for the best for what is to come. As for the actual impact itself, that will take time to realise and address. Text & photo: Edward Tanoto


Unpacking the Future of International Students in Melbourne

The clock struck 1:00 P.M. in the afternoon and the MC started rolling the show for the afternoon. In the Ground Floor Function Room of Jasper Hotel located at 489 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, the seminar for PPIA Deakin’s “Talk of the Year” is in full session. The year’s theme “Let’s Get Started” was designed to encourage international students to pave their own way both abroad and back in Indonesia after their overseas studies. With an entrepreneurial spirit, youths stood a high chance in carving his/her own history both abroad and nationally – as long as he/she knew what to look out for. The talk also brought together many famous figures in the governmental and entrepreneurial world – Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa (Consul General for the Republic of Indonesia in Victoria and Tasmania), Mr. Shunsuke Saito (Deputy Consul General for Japan), Cr. Philip Le Liu (Chairman of the City of Melbourne’s International Engagement portfolio), Titan Tyra (influencer) and Last Day Production (content creator of the LDP channel). The first day of the session was held on 3rd May 2019 in the Function Room of Jasper Hotel. The session began with an opening speech by Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa. Donned in beautiful batik, she spoke about how the Indonesian

youths played a major role after finishing their studies overseas. Whether he/she chose to stay in Melbourne or return home, there would always be ways to contribute back to Indonesia – and they played an integral role in it. This statement was affirmed by Mr. Shunsuke Saito. He explained how Japan had been experiencing declining birth rate and how that had stalled the GDP of the nation. He emphasized the need for youths to step up so as to not experience the same problem as Japan. Finally, Cr. Philip Le Liu stated the importance of embracing new culture and be a part of the Melbournian society as an important factor. During his job hunting experience, he found that his support for the St. Kilda football team gave him an instant edge over other international students. He encouraged students to hang around with more than just their own cliques and to embrace the Australian culture. The second day of the event took place at the Burwood Campus of Deakin University. Inside a small classroom of Building LB, a photo and video editing session was ongoing. The photo editing class, led by the famous influencer Titan Tyra, was focused on teaching the entire class how to turn a beautiful photo into a stunning picture. The amount of effort put behind editing the pictures would

stun an amateur. There were many considerations to take note of when creating a stunning photos. The hue, contrast, split tone and selection tools are all used to their maximum potential when editing a photo. The second session of the workshop pertained to a video editing class led by the duo founder of Last Day Production – Leon (a.k.a. Guntur) and Listia Magdalena (a.k.a. Pao Pao). Guntur offered an insight into the world of Youtube where your own style and personality in video editing would play a significant role in determining the direction of your content. It could be hard uploading your first video but it’s also important to always keep in mind the importance of always uploading your videos. As the lesson continued into the specifics of video editing, it was surprising to see the sheer dedication and insight in video editing. Talk of the Year 2019 promised to bring you the best of both the practical and virtual world – and from the positive enthusiasm of the event itself, it was a definite resounding success. Text: Edward Tanoto Photo: Edward Tanoto & PPIA Deakin




Meeting the Indonesian Delegates of CAUSINDY 2019, DONI MARMER This year, CAUSINDY (Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth) 2019 returned to Australia, bringing along a selection of Indonesian and Australian youths all eager to learn more about their respective Asia Pacific neighbour. Held from 26 April 2019 to 29 April 2019, the four days’ conference aimed to educate Indonesian and Australian youths on the AustraliaIndonesia bilateral relationship, be it in the economic, cultural, environmental or the societal sphere. Among the Indonesian delegates, there was Doni Darmer, an alumni from the CAUSINDY 2016 batch held in his lovely Bali hometown. We asked more about his views and opinions on of the conference and the underlying reason on why he chose to get involved with CAUSINDY 2019 in the first place. Regarding his opinion on CAUSINDY 2019, Doni admitted that he had always enjoyed the conference ever since he first got involved – and this time was no different. It was refreshing to see both the Indonesian and Australian delegates mingling with each other and learning more about their shared history, similarity and difference. He himself made more friends along the way as well. The bonus point was especially evident as he learnt just how much the Australian delegates knew about Indonesia, sometimes much more than what the Indonesian delegates knew about Australia. This, he said, was quite understandable considering the fact that much of the bilateral relationship dynamic between Indonesia and Australia was still transactional and sectoral in nature. A deeper ties between the two would need to be nurtured in order to progress the bilateral ties into a stronger and more enduring future. When asked about his personal goal in joining CAUSINDY 2019, Doni admitted that he would like to assist in enabling



more P2P relationship building between Indonesia and Australia. He believed that by joining the conference, he would be more capable of understanding the available opportunities for him to nurture that relationship. He also added how the committee’s decision to host the conference in Darwin was reflective of a historical relationship between Indonesia and Australia. It was where the Makassan ancestors of Indonesia first established trade relationship with the Northern Territory Indigenous Nation. The historical significance of the destination itself made for a pleasant addition to an already fruitful conference. As CAUSINDY 2019 came to a close for the year, Doni also reflected back on the conference and added that for the coming conference, it will be even better should there be recent issues between Indonesia and Australia being brought up for discussion during the conference. CAUSINDY is an indispensable hub that brings the two nations together and both the committee and delegates should make the best use of the platform to channel constructive thoughts and arguments toward the betterment of the two neighbour nations. So kudos to CAUSINDY 2019 and all the best for CAUSINDY 2020. There is still much to look forward to in the coming future – and it is going to be a thrilling ride! Text: Edward Tanoto Photo: Doni Marmer


Meeting the Australian Delegates of CAUSINDY 2019, JANE LOUISE AHLSTRAND CAUSINDY 2019 has always been focused on facilitating a two-way cultural immersion experience between Indonesian and Australian youths. In the spirit of preserving this spirit, we feel it fitting to offer you both the perspectives of the Indonesian and Australian delegates. You have heard the statement by Doni Marmer – now, it is time to get to know Jane Louise Ahlstrand. She was one of the Australian delegates during CAUSINDY 2019 and she had agreed to further share about her opinions and personal goals in joining CAUSINDY 2019. When asked about her opinion of CAUSINDY 2019, Jane said that she truly enjoyed meeting so many talented young people during the conference. She felt really honoured to be a part of CAUSINDY 2019 and was quite tired by the end due to the lack of sleep and the adrenaline pumping throughout the entire conference. Nevertheless, she was impressed by the delegates’ stamina and their ability in keeping themselves together during the whole conference. We asked further on how she think the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Australia can be improved and she stated that there would be a need for both Indonesia and Australia to run more joint project instead of focusing on its own independent project. While there has been several joint projects run by grassroot organisations such as AIYA (Australia Indonesia Youth Association), she explained that a higher level

cooperation between the governments of Indonesia and Australia had to be better established as well. When asked about her personal goal in joining CAUSINDY 2019, Jane told us that it all began when she first decided to remain actively engaged in the Indonesian community. Coming from a small inland city in Armidale and being quite isolated from the rest of the world, she was excited upon first joining CAUSINDY. That excitement had always been a memorable experience and she thought it would be a fantastic opportunity for her to socialise, learn new skills, share ideas and travel to the beautiful and warm city of Darwin upon joining CAUSINDY 2019. Upon further reflection, Jane added that it would be more empowering for the youths should they be allowed to have a say during the conference. During future conferences, she suggested that the delegates be allowed a say during the forum as well, instead of having to sit down and listen to the opinions of senior panellists per se. Finally, she hoped to see that in the future, bilateral projects will also include small and moderate scale projects instead of focusing on only big scale and elite class projects. As the conference concluded, there is still much to learn and work on when it comes to Indo-Australia bilateral relationship. CAUSINDY 2019 has brought a selection of top delegates from Indonesia and Australia to gather around and exchange ideas. With the success of CAUSINDY 2019, one can only look forward to what CAUSINDY 2020 will bring. Text: Edward Tanoto Photo: Jane Louise Ahlstrand





Bringing together Chosen-Past-Delegates to Shape Strategy of ‘Youth Action’ for a Stronger Australia-Indonesia Bilateral Relationship

Darwin, Australia – April 2019 It’s a wrap from CAUSINDY 2019! CAUSINDY (Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth) is a platform for young leaders to create a stronger bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia, and this is the 7th conference since it started in 2013. Title: CAUSINDY 2019 “Youth Action” for Stronger Aus - Indo Relationship In partnership with Northern Territory Government, CAUSINDY 2019 was successfully held in Darwin, 26-29 of April 2019. This 7th year of the conference has brought together 23 delegates from Australia and Indonesia, as the representatives from each year CAUSINDY since it started in 2013. The first day was started with a speech from Michael Gunner, Chief Minister of Northern Territory, Tamasin Young, CAUSINDY 2019 CEO, and a warm welcome to country from a representative of Larrakian people. Then the delegates visited Charles Darwin University for a networking and cultural event, which was an amazing opportunity to hear the history of the international diplomacy and trading between Makassan and Larrakian people and to witness the artwork installation around the campus. After that, the delegates were invited to the History of Trade Exhibition and the launch of Arafura Business Engagement Program at the Darwin Convention Centre, and after the VIP networking event, all the delegates witnessed the opening ceremony of the Arafura Games 2019. Indonesia contributed to the lively attraction by performing a Balinese dance and bringing a strong representation of athletes.



The first panel on the second day was about Government, Business and Politics. The speakers were: Dr. Ross Tapsell, Mr. Erris Herryanto and Dr. Nicholas M c C l e a n , moderated by Ms. Farina Situmorang. As a result, the speakers hope that Indonesia will have young people type of movement for greater activism to find new credible performers. In addition, better defense stability is also important to improve Indonesia economy. The second panel examined the role of Youth Action in the context of social activism. Researchers Dr Dina Afrianty and Dr Pamela Nilan and journalist Dewi Layla Sari discussed the ups and downs of youth movements, from the Australian far-right to Indonesian citizen journalism, the rights of those with disabilities to election volunteerism. Our all-female panel promoted women’s rights, LGBTIQ+ issues and the importance of health education. In the evening, the Indonesian Consulate in Darwin hosted CAUSINDY Delegates for dinner. The event was joined by Indonesian athletes participating in the Arafura Games 2019 and Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, H.E. Mr. Kristiarto Legowo. The Ambassador stated, “There’s nothing more rewarding and satisfying when I see that the young generations from our both countries have become important parts to enhance the strong relationship further.” In light of Christchurch and Sri Lanka terrorist attacks, Interfaith discussion on the third day of CAUSINDY has talked about the importance of interfaith awareness. The forum was moderated by Fahad and Adel from Charles Darwin University Muslim Student Society and Darwin Muslim Community. Three panel members: Ian Gerard from Australian Embassy Jakarta, Nuraini & Toto Iksan from Indonesian community in Darwin have shared insights and future plans to increase awareness among multicultural society in Darwin and Australia in general.

In the afternoon, CAUSINDY delegates were enjoying several sports of the Arafura Games such as indoor volleyball, tennis and football. Being part of the Northern Territory’s sporting event has totally enhanced the conference experience. To mark the culmination of the CAUSINDY 2019 program, delegates gathered with conference speakers, mentors, team members and special guest speakers for a gala dinner, included an opening speech by Mrs Kate Worden, MLA, Assistant Minister for the Arafura Games, Multicultural Affairs and Small Business and the Member for Sanderson in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly and a keynote address from comedian Sakdiyah Ma’ruf. CAUSINDY 2019 CEO, Tamasin Young presented a special shout-out for the ‘behind-the-scene’ work of CAUSINDY volunteer team during the preparation of this special ‘Alumni Conference’. The highlight of 2019 conference was the strategy workshop. The aim of the workshops is twofold: to develop an alumni-led legacy project and, simultaneously, to strengthen alumni community engagement going forward. Divided into several groups, the delegates brainstormed ideas and created projects to maximise the extensive network of CAUSINDY alumni, to strengthen the relationship of both countries, and open more access through the Australian and Indonesian youth connection. The legacy project created by the 2019 delegates will be put into action collaboratively by alumni and the CAUSINDY committee. The workshop was supervised by our four mentors: Prof Pamela Nilan, Dr Dina Afrianty, Dr Ross Tapsell and Kate Dennis and led by member of boards Ele Williams, Jay Stevens and Tim Graham. CAUSINDY 2019 has ended, but the team is looking forward to welcoming and preparing for CAUSINDY 2020 which will be held in Indonesia! Text and photo: Fika Yunan Haris

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