OCC Essential Terms and Definitions

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Essential Terms and Definitions


B Baptism the act of being immersed in water to enact one’s faith in Jesus

C Calvinism a theological framework associated with John Calvin that emphasizes humanity’s total depravity and God’s unconditional election of certain individuals for salvation

Catholic a word meaning “universal” that is often associated with the Roman Catholic Church

Chiasm a literary device in which words or concepts are stated and then similar words or concepts are stated in reverse order (e.g. ABCBA)

Christology the study of the person and work of Christ

Christus Victor the belief that Christ’s death on the cross defeated the powers of evil

Circumcision the practice of cutting off the male foreskin as a sign of the covenant between God and Israel

Complementarianism the view that men and women are equal in value and have distinct but complementary roles, with men serving as primary leaders in marriage, family, and the church

Cosmology the study of the origin, nature, and purpose of the universe

Covenant an agreement in which two parties become obligated toward one another in certain ways, often referring to God’s promises to his people

Creation ex nihilo the belief that God created the universe without any pre-existing materials (from a Latin phrase meaning “out of nothing”)

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