Training men and women for Christian service.
Not to Be Served, but to Serve
At Ozark Christian College, our vision is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. We carry out this mission by training men and women for Christian service. Our dual focus on God and people is at the heart of everything we do, and as a student at OCC, you're committing to love God with all your heart, mind, and body, and to love the people in your community (Matt 22:37-39).
This handbook is your resource for guidelines and principles to help shape your conduct and experience at OCC. We emphasize your growth and maturity in your relationship with God and people. The information found here should be viewed in light of OCC’s educational mission and theological distinctives. All applications of this policy are governed by the bylaws, institutional goals, statement of faith, and standards of conduct as adopted and amended by the OCC Board of Trustees, who serve as the final interpretive authority on these matters. Any discrepancies should be resolved in favor of these controlling documents of the college, which reserves the right to make decisions to carry out its mission consistent with biblical principles. The OCC Grievance Procedures and Student Concern Forms are also available to all students.
Student Covenant
As a student at Ozark Christian College, you also agree to abide by the OCC Student Covenant. This covenant calls you to honor God and one another with integrity, purity, kindness, encouragement, self-control, and continual growth in scholarship, leadership, and service.
The guidelines in this handbook will help cultivate an environment for your growth and maturity. Becoming familiar with the handbook's principles will give you clarity as you seek to live and grow at OCC and beyond.
Worship in Spirit and Truth
Loving God with your heart is an invitation to a genuine and significant relationship with the God who created, sustains, and loves you. OCC is committed to providing our students with opportunities to cultivate lives of worship and spiritual growth. From individual efforts to develop spiritual practices for Christlike maturity to participating with other Christians in community worship, OCC will help you grow in your love for God and people.
Personal Worship
Every student is encouraged to develop a regular pattern of personal devotion. This practice, which hopefully will last a lifetime, will enhance your classroom and ministry experiences and help mature your faith.
Chapel & Life Groups
All full-time OCC students, as well as part-time students who reside on campus, are required to attend all weekly chapel services. These opportunities for community worship provide valuable encouragement and foster growth individually and corporately. Additionally, life and mentor groups provide more opportunities for worship, spiritual growth, and community.
Church Participation
OCC encourages students to participate in regular weekly worship services at a local congregation. Whether serving as part of the ministry team or participating as a member, gathering with other Christians is part of the New Testament example and it offers opportunity for growth and maturity.
Teaching the Word of Christ in the Spirit of Christ
Loving God with your mind is a call to honor him by pursuing excellence in the way you think and learn. As a Christian institution of higher learning, loving God with our minds is at the center of our academic pursuits. We encourage you to pursue academic study with excellence, giving it priority in your time and energy.
Academic Integrity
As you love God with your mind, integrity is essential. In addition to costing you knowledge and experience, academic dishonesty can also result in serious consequences, as outlined in the Academic Policies section of the OCC academic catalog. Faculty members work hard to provide enjoyable, informative classroom environments. Because classroom attendance and participation are so important, students are required to attend regularly.
Ministry Application
Practical application of the knowledge you gain at OCC is crucial to your learning process. All students are required to be regularly involved in Christian service. Most degree programs also require an internship or directed field experience. or directed field experience.
Academic Resources
At OCC, you don't have to make your academic journey alone. We have several resources to support you. The Academics Office is available to answer questions regarding a class, degree program, or professor. Additionally, each student is assigned to a faculty adviser to help make class selections each semester. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the Seth Wilson Library and the Academic Resource Commons, available to help you succeed academically.
An Atmosphere of Grace, Trust, and Freedom
In addition to loving God with their minds and hearts, OCC students also love God with their bodies. This includes private and public conduct, appearance, and interpersonal relationships. OCC students live with integrity and abide by the guidelines of our community. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action as outlined in OCC's Conduct Process.
Alcohol & Illegal or Harmful Substances
The purchase, possession, or use of alcohol, marijuana, CBD, cannabis-derived products, low-level hemp products, tobacco, e-cigarettes, JUUL, vaping devices, or illegal drugs is prohibited on and off campus. The inappropriate possession or use of overthe-counter drugs, prescription drugs, or propellants is prohibited on and off campus. OCC is a drug-free, alcohol-free, smoke-free, and vape-free campus. Students are to use discretion if attending restaurants, gatherings, or events where alcohol is served. Students are not permitted to attend bars, clubs, or other venues where primarily alcohol is served.
Drug Testing Policy
If reasonable cause exists, the college may require a student to participate in testing to determine the use or abuse of drugs. The entire Drug Testing Policy may be found in the OCC Community Guidelines.
Personal Conduct
At OCC, we balance individual freedom of expression with community life and biblical calls for modesty and humility, whether dealing with acceptable dress, appropriate relationship and dating conduct, use of internet, use of vehicles, or more. Specific guidelines for conduct may be found in the OCC Community Guidelines.
Safety, Security, & Health
OCC provides students with an environment that promotes academic success and growth. We have guidelines to promote campus safety and security and to encourage non-discriminatory behavior, including Clery Act, Title IX requirements, and various campus services. For the protection of our students, emergency procedures have been established for dangerous weather, fire, and other potential harm. OCC also offers resources for a student's health: the OCC Fitness Center, campus health services, and access to counselors.
Speaking the Truth in Love
Loving others is a call for all Christians, and God has given us a great gift in community. The relationships you form at OCC will be a source of encouragement and growth while you're a student and for years to come. OCC seeks to cultivate and encourage a community of respect, grace, integrity, and service.
Campus Activities
There are many ways to experience community at OCC. In addition to academics, OCC offers opportunities for athletics, arts and music, and campus organizations. OCC also hosts several events on campus throughout the school year.
Job Opportunities
On-campus employment opportunities are available through OCC's Human Resources Office. Off-campus jobs are often posted in the Idleman Ministry Center and Mabee Student Center.
Residence Halls
Approximately 80% of OCC students live in the dorms. Residence hall living will stretch you and help equip you for ministry, and the relationships you forge there will last a lifetime. Read specific Residence Hall Guidelines here.
Wider Communities
As an OCC student, you'll shine the light of Christ into every community you enter. Healthy, Christ-honoring conduct in the local community, internet communities, local churches, and nonprofit organizations is expected of all OCC students.