Vitalia Voice | February 2014

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out & about Lifestyles Romeos Friday, February 7th | 12:30pm Park Avenue BBQ Grille, Port St. Lucie

Join the gentlemen of Vitalia in a neighborly lunch at the Park Avenue BBQ Grille in St. Lucie West. RSVP to the Activities Office.

Bunco Sunday, February 9th | 7pm Clubhouse

Come join the Bunco Club for a fun and energetic dice game. Are you unsure of how to play bunco? No worries, the group will be more than happy to teach you how to play. RSVP to the Activities Office.

Trivia Saturday, February 15th | 7pm Clubhouse

Please join your friends and neighbors for a friendly game of trivia. Test your knowledge of a variety of categories. This is Vitalia’s most popular event. RSVP to the Activities Office starting SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST.

Juliets Tuesday, February 18th | 5pm Juno Beach Fish House

The Juliets will be going to dinner at the Juno Beach Fish House. This will be in place of the usual luncheon on the second Thursday of the month. The Juno Beach Fish House is known for its fabulous lobster special on Tuesday nights! Please call Carla Mansfield by Thursday, February 13th to RSVP at 772-345-1460. All ladies of Vitalia are welcome. NEW DAY THIS MONTH ONLY. NO JULIETS ON FEBRUARY 13TH.

Bingo Sunday, February 23rd | 7pm Clubhouse

Where can you go on a Sunday night for a couple of hours of fun with your neighbors? Don't know? Bingo. To RSVP email the Activities Office or leave a voice message for Donna or Debbie at the office.

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Fitness Classes Current class schedules are posted in the Clubhouse and on the calendar.

Aqua Aerobics/Hydro Pilates M – T – W – Th | 11am Clubhouse

An excellent cardio and strength workout for people of all fitness levels. This class utilizes water weights, aqua gloves, and noodles to achieve a very unique workout. Swimming is not required.

Yoga Mondays | 12pm Clubhouse

This class is for men and women of all levels. The class focuses on physical poses, breathing techniques, and stretching exercises. Actively improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Manage your aches and pains, achieve better health, and improved spirituality. Take time to relax. Leave feeling refreshed, energized, and stress free. Work at your own pace. Please bring a mat.

Zumba Thursdays | 9am Saturdays | 7:45am, 9am Clubhouse

Come be part of one of the most popular classes offered at Vitalia! “Exercise in Disguise.” Zumba is a dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance. It offers a blended balance of cardio and muscle toning benefits.

Aqua Zumba Fridays | 9am Clubhouse

Get your ‘groove on’ as you burn calories with a complete, no-impact workout in the pool. This class is for men and women who enjoy having a blast while getting in an AQUAFANTASTIC workout!

Stretch Fridays | 10am Clubhouse

This class is for men and women of all levels. Lengthen and strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and allow your body the time to relax and rebuild. Relieve back pain and muscle soreness. Stretching helps every health condition, increases endurance, adds strength for daily activities, and prolongs life. A necessary piece to any balanced fitness routine. Please bring a mat.

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